Q3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?


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Q3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Page 2: DocumentQ3

As a group we made a questionnaire to get detailed audience feedback on our documentary, radio trailer and TV listings. The

questions, for the documentary, asked for opinions on a variety of conventions that should be included in a successful piece. We asked

students that were aged 17-18; this was because they are part of the age group we wanted to attract and therefore this would tell us if

people this age would actually be interested in watching this documentary if a full episode was made.

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1. Could you get a feel for what the topic was in the

opening sequence?



From this pie chart we can clearly see that the topic was understood straight away. 13/13 people from this topic understood that binge drinking was what we was going to be

covering straight away; just from the first few seconds of the opening sequence. One person said that felt that this was the case as the start was people drinking in bar, and

another said it was due to the relevant footage and images used. The feedback was what I expected as nobody was unclear with the topic; this is what we wanted to achieve!

For this question I was expecting a positive feedback off people; as I felt the topic of the documentary was quite clear

from the start. For me the way we did this was show lots of different clips of what we would relate binge drinking

with: bars, drinks isle and shots!

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2. How well do you feel the topic was introduced?

As this was an open question people were able to write the exact words they would of used to describe how well it was introduced. All of the feedback was positive as they feel it was introduced ‘alright’, ‘well’, ‘good’, and ‘very good/well’. One person said that it was ‘alright’ even though this is positive it still doesn’t feel good enough due to the tone. This

is then balanced by 6 people saying they feel as though the topic was introduced ‘very good/well’ this is very positive as it shows we have achieved what we wanted to!

As this question is similar to question 1 I expected the feedback to be similar, and

again positive. I feel the topic was introduced well; this was due to the

facts and statistics given and also by the bold title after the opening sequence!







Very good/well

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3. Was there enough information/facts given?

Looking at the graph I can see that the people watching the documentary feel the same way as I do; not one person said there wasn’t enough facts or information given. To me

this shows that the research before hand showed off and the audience could also see that. Two people commented on the wine glass facts; this was really good idea of

matching a fact about how people react after each glass of wine with the pouring of wine into a glass. On the other hand one person said that if there was any more facts it would

have been too much; this is still excellent as it shows we had a good balance and there wasn’t too much.

Before the documentary was made a lot of research went into the topic and a lot of facts and statistics were found; some of there weren’t used in the final piece

as we only chose ones that were relevant. I wanted the feedback to show that we had added a lot of facts to try

and give people as much information as we could.



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4. How relevant was the information given?

From the feedback we received our target audience also felt as though the information they was given facts that were useful and relevant to the topic and to them. 10 people

said that it was relevant; this is good as it is majority of people, even though three people didn’t note down the word relevant, they did still say that the were good, useful and

informative facts give, which is good enough positive feedback for me!

To ensure that we didn’t include anything not relevant there was a story board and script planned out for use to fit the information into. I feel that if I

was watching this documentary I would enjoy the information and facts given as they would give you more of an idea to

how serious this topic is.





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5. Did the music fit in with the themes throughout?

Looking at the graph you can see that majority of people think that the music did fit in with the themes of documentary. As expected some people also said that the music was

sometimes too loud. This was the feedback I expected!

In the making of the documentary the sound and music was one thing we

constantly kept having difficulties with, when we added the music the sound

levels of all the interviews had to then also be changed to. The final

documentary music I think was fine but after playing it on a big screen I did also

feel that the music could have been turned down in certain places.



Too loud (at times)yes

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6. Do you think the documentary ran smoothly? If yes did

the fades/effects help?

From the feedback we received, the graph shows that everyone did think the documentary ran smoothly. Also, a few people left comments to help us to understand more why they thought this; one person said that the fades we had used helped a lot. I

am glad someone commented on that as I feel I added the fades to make an effect. Another also said that they felt that it all ‘flowed nicely from one thing to another’.

After putting together all the clips in the documentary we thought we’d add some

fades in to make it run smoother. By doing this the straight cuts should make more of an effect on the audience. We

asked this question to see if when watching it they felt as though the

documentary all ran smoothly.



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7. Do you feel the vox-pops added a comedy effect to the documentary?

Our feedback proves that the audience also saw the comedy effect we tried to incorporate with the serious side. As you can see from the graph 13 out of 13 people said yes to this question; people also said that the vox-pops were very entertaining and made

it more enjoyable to watch. One person also said they liked that it was the public telling us about their experiences as it made it more enjoyable.

For documentary’s Vox-pops are a very important factor to show the audience the publics opinion on the topic binge drinking. When interviewing a lot of

people were happy to tell us about their funny experiences of when they have

been drunk; we felt this added a comedy effect and so we also wanted to see if

our target audience felt the same.



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8. Do you feel the formal interviews were factual and informative?

This was another set of positive answers from our target audience; everyone thought that the formal interviews were informative and factual. What was also good about the

feedback we got was that a lot of comments were made on the interview with the police officer, PC Patel, one response said that they enjoyed it because he was an expert and

therefore they trusted the facts he gave. Another said that it was good as the some of the stories he gave were shocking and therefore it showed the reality of binge drinking.

Another side to documentary’s, apart from the vox-pops, is the serious formal interviews with professional people. We tried our hardest to get interviews with

people we thought would make the most impact on the audience; police officer and a student development

officer. I feel the facts given in these interviews gave a better feel of realism

to the documentary.



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9. Do you think that the newspaper article was eye catching? If yes did it persuade you to watch the documentary?

The feedback shows that the article was very eye catching for everyone who looked at it. Some people also commented on the fact they would watch the documentary after

reading this article because the article itself was interesting and fun and therefore that would reflect what the documentary would be like.

After the documentary was made a news paper article also had to be made

that would advertise it to our target audience. I feel that the article was

made very well and was related to our documentary by the pictures and quotes

we used. 13


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10. Did listening to the radio trailer make you want to watch our documentary? Why?

The graph shows that everyone who listened to the radio trailer would watch the documentary; there was a lot of different reasons for this and people left comments to

give us an insight into why. One person said they liked it as the music was catching, they also said they liked the use of different voices. Two people said that it was intriguing as it

didn’t give too much away. Another said they liked the clips from the documentary as it gave you an insight as to what to expect in the documentary.

Whilst producing a news paper article after the documentary was made we

also had to produce a radio trailer that would persuade people to watch the documentary. The radio trailer had

snippets of the documentary in to show the audience what to expect. I feel the

radio trailer would pull people in as it is exciting!

