53.21% 58 46.79% 51 Q1 Are you a FT or PT instructor? Answered: 109 Skipped: 2 Total 109 Full-time Part-time 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Answer Choices Responses Full-time Part-time 1 / 14 DVC Podium Use & Satisfaction Survey

Q1 Are you a FT or PT instructor?€¦ · if you could move the monitor out of the way completely, if you could still connect your personal computer to the internet, if you could

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Page 1: Q1 Are you a FT or PT instructor?€¦ · if you could move the monitor out of the way completely, if you could still connect your personal computer to the internet, if you could

53.21% 58

46.79% 51

Q1 Are you a FT or PT instructor?Answered: 109 Skipped: 2

Total 109



0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices Responses



1 / 14

DVC Podium Use & Satisfaction Survey

Page 2: Q1 Are you a FT or PT instructor?€¦ · if you could move the monitor out of the way completely, if you could still connect your personal computer to the internet, if you could

Q2 In which subject or discipline do youprimarily teach?

Answered: 110 Skipped: 1


Administrationof Justice












Culinary Arts


DentalAssisting &...




2 / 14

DVC Podium Use & Satisfaction Survey

Page 3: Q1 Are you a FT or PT instructor?€¦ · if you could move the monitor out of the way completely, if you could still connect your personal computer to the internet, if you could




English as aSecond Langu...





Health Science






Library,Library Scie...







3 / 14

DVC Podium Use & Satisfaction Survey

Page 4: Q1 Are you a FT or PT instructor?€¦ · if you could move the monitor out of the way completely, if you could still connect your personal computer to the internet, if you could

0.91% 1

0.91% 1

0.91% 1

1.82% 2

8.18% 9

0.00% 0

9.09% 10

1.82% 2

0.91% 1

0.00% 0

0.91% 1

0.00% 0

2.73% 3

0.91% 1

0.91% 1

3.64% 4

1.82% 2

1.82% 2





Sign Language

Social Science


Other (pleasespecify)

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices Responses

Addiction Studies

Administration of Justice



Biological Science

Broadcast Communication Arts



Communication Studies

Computer Information Systems

Computer Science



Culinary Arts


Dental Assisting & Hygiene


Early Childhood Education

4 / 14

DVC Podium Use & Satisfaction Survey

Page 5: Q1 Are you a FT or PT instructor?€¦ · if you could move the monitor out of the way completely, if you could still connect your personal computer to the internet, if you could

0.00% 0

0.00% 0

18.18% 20

0.00% 0

1.82% 2

5.45% 6

0.00% 0

0.00% 0

0.91% 1

2.73% 3

0.00% 0

0.91% 1

0.00% 0

0.00% 0

1.82% 2

18.18% 20

0.00% 0

0.00% 0

0.00% 0

1.82% 2

0.00% 0

0.00% 0

0.00% 0

1.82% 2

8.18% 9

0.00% 0

0.91% 1

0.00% 0

0.00% 0

Total 110




English as a Second Language (ESL)


Foreign Language



Health Science






Library, Library Science & Library Technology






Physical Science



Political Science


Sign Language

Social Science


Other (please specify)

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DVC Podium Use & Satisfaction Survey

Page 6: Q1 Are you a FT or PT instructor?€¦ · if you could move the monitor out of the way completely, if you could still connect your personal computer to the internet, if you could

Q3 In which buildings do you teach? (checkall that apply)

Answered: 108 Skipped: 3


ATC - AdvancedTech Center

BFL - Businessand Foreign...

H - Humanities

HSFC -Hospitality...

L - Library

LA - LiberalArts

LHS - Life andHealth Sciences

MA - Math

M - Music


PAC -Performing A...

PS - PhysicalSciences

PE - PhysicalEducation


SSC - StudentServices Center

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices Responses

6 / 14

DVC Podium Use & Satisfaction Survey

Page 7: Q1 Are you a FT or PT instructor?€¦ · if you could move the monitor out of the way completely, if you could still connect your personal computer to the internet, if you could

1.85% 2

6.48% 7

21.30% 23

27.78% 30

7.41% 8

26.85% 29

37.96% 41

13.89% 15

23.15% 25

0.00% 0

3.70% 4

2.78% 3

1.85% 2

0.93% 1

1.85% 2

0.00% 0

Total Respondents: 108


ATC - Advanced Tech Center

BFL - Business and Foreign Languages

H - Humanities

HSFC - Hospitality Services and Food Court

L - Library

LA - Liberal Arts

LHS - Life and Health Sciences

MA - Math

M - Music

Online/Distance Education

PAC - Performing Arts Center

PS - Physical Sciences

PE - Physical Education


SSC - Student Services Center

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DVC Podium Use & Satisfaction Survey

Page 8: Q1 Are you a FT or PT instructor?€¦ · if you could move the monitor out of the way completely, if you could still connect your personal computer to the internet, if you could

52.73% 58

14.55% 16

10.91% 12

9.09% 10

10.00% 11

2.73% 3

Q4 How often do you use the new podiums?Answered: 110 Skipped: 1

Total 110

Almost always- over 90% o...

Very often -over 75% of ...

Often - over50% of the time

Occasionally -less than 50...

Rarely - lessthan 25% of ...


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices Responses

Almost always - over 90% of the time

Very often - over 75% of the time

Often - over 50% of the time

Occasionally - less than 50% of the time

Rarely - less than 25% of the time


8 / 14

DVC Podium Use & Satisfaction Survey

Page 9: Q1 Are you a FT or PT instructor?€¦ · if you could move the monitor out of the way completely, if you could still connect your personal computer to the internet, if you could

40.00% 44

24.55% 27

28.18% 31

7.27% 8

Q5 Do you log into the podium's computeror connect your own computer?

Answered: 110 Skipped: 1

Total 110

Use thepodium's...

Use mypersonal...

Both. I willsometimes us...

I don't use acomputer whe...

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices Responses

Use the podium's computer

Use my personal computer

Both. I will sometimes use my computer and sometime the podium's computer

I don't use a computer when I teach

9 / 14

DVC Podium Use & Satisfaction Survey

Page 10: Q1 Are you a FT or PT instructor?€¦ · if you could move the monitor out of the way completely, if you could still connect your personal computer to the internet, if you could

Q6 Rate the importance of each type ofequipment provided with the podiums

Answered: 111 Skipped: 0











































The podium asa stand/lectern




DVD player

DigitalDocument Camera

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Not at allimportant

A littleimportant


Important Veryimportant

Total WeightedAverage

The podium as astand/lectern



Sound system/Speakers

DVD player

Digital Document Camera

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DVC Podium Use & Satisfaction Survey

Page 11: Q1 Are you a FT or PT instructor?€¦ · if you could move the monitor out of the way completely, if you could still connect your personal computer to the internet, if you could

Q7 Based on these characteristics, rateyour satisfaction with the podiums?

Answered: 110 Skipped: 1

























































Overall size


Ability tomove podium

Placement inclassroom

User-friendly(i.e., easy ...

Ability toconnect...


Placement ofequipment on...

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



Moderately satisfied Satisified Highly satisfied Total WeightedAverage

Overall size


Ability to move podium

Placement in classroom

User-friendly (i.e., easy to learn)

Ability to connect personalcomputer


Placement of equipment onpodium

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DVC Podium Use & Satisfaction Survey

Page 12: Q1 Are you a FT or PT instructor?€¦ · if you could move the monitor out of the way completely, if you could still connect your personal computer to the internet, if you could

Q8 What would help make teaching with thepodiums easier or more conducive to your

teaching practice?Answered: 83 Skipped: 28

12 / 14

DVC Podium Use & Satisfaction Survey

Page 13: Q1 Are you a FT or PT instructor?€¦ · if you could move the monitor out of the way completely, if you could still connect your personal computer to the internet, if you could

62.73% 69

10.91% 12

7.27% 8

19.09% 21

Q9 Should the College continue to purchasepodiums for the classrooms?

Answered: 110 Skipped: 1

Total 110



Yes, but onlyfor larger...

Not sure

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices Responses



Yes, but only for larger classrooms

Not sure

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DVC Podium Use & Satisfaction Survey

Page 14: Q1 Are you a FT or PT instructor?€¦ · if you could move the monitor out of the way completely, if you could still connect your personal computer to the internet, if you could

Q10 Do you have any final comments on thepodiums?

Answered: 59 Skipped: 52

14 / 14

DVC Podium Use & Satisfaction Survey

Page 15: Q1 Are you a FT or PT instructor?€¦ · if you could move the monitor out of the way completely, if you could still connect your personal computer to the internet, if you could

Podium Use & Satisfaction Survey Open-ended Questions What would help make teaching with the podiums easier or more conducive to your teaching practice? Add VHS tape playing capability The timeclocks being correct on the podium. - The ability to get IT help desk support when something doesn't work, instead of having to wait for days. Ease of physically navigating around. Everyone in the room needs to be able to walk freely. They are a bit cumbersome. When I am directly behind them, I can't see all students. I am making it work by projecting material and then writing on the white board. My main difficulty is actually that some teachers do not leave things the way they found them and are rough with the computer screen. (This issue will not be fixed by new podiums.) if you could move the monitor out of the way completely, if you could still connect your personal computer to the internet, if you could move the podiums (at least a little bit), if you could move the document camera so that it can be on top of the podium, if the clock worked all the time. Nothing, it's perfect So far I haven't had a problem so it is good so far Perhaps longer wires could help to move the camera easier. A reliable computer. More consistent navigation in terms of the screen not going up and down, response from the remote to the projector. Remotes with batteries. More instruction in how to use it. I am not "tech savvy". Make sure that there is a portable lectern in the class as well, as these podia are inappropriate for that purpose. More horizontal level space on the podium = enough to use podium computer, my binder and a textbook all at the same time. Podiums be reassembled in a totally different way -- instructor must be able to work in a seated position. Ergonomic is important but these podiums have none. All in all the "podiums" right now below any standards for anything. Smaller podiums with more flexibility for the document camera placement. Consideration for chalkboard/whiteboard space when placing podiums (e.g. H 118); better screens to project onto (e.g. LA 116)

Page 16: Q1 Are you a FT or PT instructor?€¦ · if you could move the monitor out of the way completely, if you could still connect your personal computer to the internet, if you could

To put in a DVD it hurts my back to lean over so far and for so long. availability of a 'clicker' to be able to move around the room and manage the power point, if possible. Wish I could still use tape format materials. Slowly, older technologies get retired before their users are ready. It would be great to have wifi enabled for tablet usage around the classroom. having one See question 7. Better wi-fi connection or an ethernet connection would make internet access more reliable. Being able to move them more easily. larger IT staff that can respond when teachers have problems in the classroom and cannot do planned lessons without podium functionality The placement of the podiums is generally awful. I need to see students, even from the podium, and they need to see me. There must be a way to place the podiums that doesn't block the sight line of instructor and student. A podium with a smaller profile. If possible, one that is more portable and one that can be lowered and raised for use. Make sure they don't block the blackboard/white board. Easier access to the internet using my latop. Having them available in more LA classrooms. I have spent much time hunting to find places that will work the best for my students and my teaching. (1) if it has a computer w/overhead, an easier personal computer connection device that does not force the professor to crawl on their hands and knees to connect a computer brought by the professor to the device. Also, an easier way to switch between the computer that comes with the podium and the computer brought by the professor would be nice. Right now switching between the computer that comes with the podium and the computer brought by the professor doesn't always work and is not clear about which button to push (this is more true in the Library building than in the ATC building -- there connecting a computer brought by a professor and switching to it is pretty straightforward). (2) make it possible to move the larger podiums more easily.. perhaps with handles attached to the sides of the larger podiums so they can more easily be pushed or pulled in the room they are in I love having it. A great improvement over the table and portable podium stand of old. I was never told by anyone that these podiums would be installed and there was never any instruction given regarding how to use them so starting out the semester was extremely stressful as a result. Once I got the hang of it, I loved it

Page 17: Q1 Are you a FT or PT instructor?€¦ · if you could move the monitor out of the way completely, if you could still connect your personal computer to the internet, if you could

If it didn't exist! What would be ideal is if it were replaced with a panel on the wall fire WIRELESS projection, and if the document camera sat in a table that didn't block anyone's view. The computer seems unnecessary since most of us can use laptops. The monitor also blocks some people's view and is difficult to move out of the way. Teachers should be consulted about the design of these gargantuan podiums. I'm pretty adaptive, so I feel confident in using them. They do block the view of the classroom a little, but I'm not sure how to address this. If they worked they would be great. One size does not fit all. You need to consult with each discipline to discover what they need in terms of equipment, mobility, and size, then implement it differently in each building. Voice command smaller, lightweight, moveable Nothing. I am very happy with them. I'm short, it's tall. It's too bulky & awkward. It has peripherals that people can detach and thus break. It's messy and instructors abuse it. Reliable Internet/wi-fi. Podiums need to have plug in ethernet cables as well as I'm not on desktop computers and reliable Wi-Fi. I would love to have a remote for slide advances, and to have the "sleep" function set for longer--sometimes I have one image up for a while and have to run back to the podium to unlock the computer. It would be nice to have a narrower podium stand that is a little more modern. However, I do like the keypad and it is a great improvement over what we had. Without clear written instructions on most common features/menu interface, it would be really hard to use the smart podium. I learned because the first room I used in LHS had a small printout of what features/buttons to use. I can't answer this question because I would need to see options. What we have now is serviceable but not satisfactory, IMHO. A slightly less bulky stand would be helpful. They should be less fragile. There have been problems with the glass breaking. 1. Larger space for document camera 2. Controls that accurately show the time - seems like they are never correct 3. Control pad that is not easily broken - twice LHS had broken control pads from pressing too hard

Page 18: Q1 Are you a FT or PT instructor?€¦ · if you could move the monitor out of the way completely, if you could still connect your personal computer to the internet, if you could

A real genuine hands out workshop for about 2-3 hours during FLEX to show us and give us practice in how to best utilize the podiums and document camera. Better speakers. Hard drive tower higher up off the floor. Better lighting behind the podium. Better labeling of buttons. If everything were wireless Smaller, and mobile If the podiums are placed in such a way that I can see my students and seat on a chair at the same time in the middle of the class, that would have been great. The placement of the podium should be in the center of the room so that teachers can face the students and write and lecture sitting on a chair. A quick reminder about using all of the features -- maybe at the beginning of each semester. The podium as a lectern is too small. For example, I keep class binders and have all my materials in them, but they don't easily fit on it and when I do plug in my computer the space is even more limited. My main concern revolves around how confusing volume control is when playing a DVD through the podium computer, vs. From my own computer....there seems to be 3 different ways to affect volume and it is confusing. It is still necessary to have the overhead transparency units in some classrooms, the document cameras are cumbersome and a lot of switching forms of projection on the podium Instructions for working overhead should be posted on the podium. The podium should be moveable. The most practical way to incorporate the technology into our second floor physical science rooms (chemistry) would be to nest the components in the cabinets that sit below the lecture counter. This both protects the equipment from chemical demonstrations and keeps the components out of the sight lines of the lecture room's various screens. See my comments above. There also needs to be more space for placement of papers, and so on. A lot of the podium space is simply lost. There is a significant lag time for turning everything on. At each step (whether it's logging in or getting the projector going), there is a wait while I wonder if it's going to fail me today. The document camera is not always hooked up. If there was training on how to hook everything, then I can use it even if it's not hooked up. No changes in their set up week to week -- class to class I have found it difficult to use as it's always differently connected/wires everywhere - sound/then no sound for DVD use Better interface with DVD player Instructions

Page 19: Q1 Are you a FT or PT instructor?€¦ · if you could move the monitor out of the way completely, if you could still connect your personal computer to the internet, if you could

HDMI connectability at the podium. Not having them, but with better IT purchasing decisions, which have meaningful faculty inclusion of particularly heavy IT users. eg. improved wifi connectivity vs. podiums! They could be smaller. I've seen smaller ones. I don't know if any have adjustable keyboard trays, but with a fixed tray there is no height where every faculty member can type comfortably. Having a much longer cable for the document camera would be great, since for some classes I need a document camera placed so that multiple students can work around it. Move the document camera to a more convenient location so I can use it without sitting or crouching behind the podium Being able to move the computer or the damn thing. It's a pain, really, in its cumbersome-ness. However, when it works, it works. flexibility to move it up and down to adjust for height and location in the room Something a bit more nimble and user friendly would be better, especially for classrooms that are smaller. I realize there are issues around making sure everything is secure and lockable; perhaps it's time to consider a way lock all classrooms and give instructors the ability to unlock and lock the classrooms. This seems to work at other campuses and might help us retain the lcds that are being stolen regularly. better cameras, many times the lighting is not right or there is a glare so that images viewed with the camera are not good quality as shown on the projector Less clutter. The computer monitor should be capable of being pushed completely out of the way for those who do not use it (it is on a swivel, but can't be pushed down even though it looks like you should be able to do that). It is distracting and creates a blind spot and is unnecessary for those who use their laptops. For something so enormous, we should be able to fit space for older (but still used) technologies like a VHS player. Many of us have educational materials that are not available on dvd or streaming and we no longer have the equipment to use these materials. We should have the option of gaining online access through a cable hook up (something that ideally would be set up through the podium). Sometimes guest speakers want to access something but they can't because they don't have the software on their machines to get online! See above comments. Move the thing to the center where it can be next to a table and an outlet. The one under the old media cabinet in the corner doesn't work in H108. Also there is a horrid noise coming from the ventilation system and the only way to stop it is to prop open the door. This noise is there most of the time. Students find it annoying and so do I. Thanks for listening. Smaller. Takes up a lot of space in front of the classroom. more of them in more of the LA classrooms

Page 20: Q1 Are you a FT or PT instructor?€¦ · if you could move the monitor out of the way completely, if you could still connect your personal computer to the internet, if you could

Not having the podium in front of the projector so the light is in your eyes and blocking the white board. Would be better off to the side so you have use of more of the whiteboard when the screen is down in the library classrooms. While I am always supportive of improvements and upgrades, I think the new system could use some improvements (since you're asking :-). The stand-alone podiums (like in LHS210) are too small. I find that once you have a laptop situated on the podium, there is little room for anything else. As instructors almost always have other materials with them (which they use while they teach), this is an unfortunate limitation. The larger, longer desk (like in LHS217) is a MUCH BETTER solution. The document camera placement is far from ideal and makes using this equipment cumbersome and difficult. In LHS210, for example, the document camera is at a much lower level and this makes writing on a worksheet (for example) to demonstrate for students, extremely difficult. The document camera on the larger desktop in LHS217 is on the same level as where one would place a laptop. This is much easier to use. Much. The smaller podiums also do not have a convenient place to plug in a laptop. In LHS210 I have to get down on my knees to find the (one single) available outlet on the power strip. It is dark and difficult to see. I find the fact that there is only one available spot to plug something in somewhat limiting. The digital clocks on the touchpads are all incorrect in the classrooms in which I teach. This is a shame (and somewhat confusing) because throughout the class period, instructors must always remain aware of the time and I have to remind myself NOT to look at that little box and remember that the time there is incorrect. It would be really nice if we had the same equipment in each of the rooms in a particular building. For example, in the LHS building we have document cameras in some rooms, but not in others. If an instructor teaches in multiple rooms (as I do) then you need to bring different supplies with you into different rooms (I need overhead transparencies in some rooms, but paper copies in others.) There is no computer at all in LHS208 and no document camera. But there is a computer and a document camera in both LHS217 and LHS210. This is cumbersome and sometimes leads to a lack of fluid movement from space to space for the instructor. This is absolutely NOT ideal. Many of us in Biology move back and forth between different rooms during the day and having the same equipment in every room would make our job a lot easier. Finally, I would like to add a comment regarding the "roll out" of this new equipment. My first experience was in LHS210. One day the old system was in place (the one we were all familiar with) and the next day we walked into the classroom to find completely different equipment. I had no idea this was coming (nor did my colleagues.) There was no warning and no accompanying instructions on how to use the new system. Valuable class time was lost trying to hook up my laptop to the system, (am I VGA? HDMI?) searching for the remote control (that was no longer there), trying to figure out how to even turn the projector on etc....The way in which it was handled led to a slew of problems that would have been so easily prevented had you just told us (in advance) how to operate the new system. We were left to figure this out on our own (which, of course, we did) but by utilizing valuable class time at the students' expense. I am not sure why the end user is oftentimes the last to be considered. Things could have been handled better.

Do you have any final comments on the podiums? I think my comments above should suffice. But I would encourage the college to at least consult with several "end users" (i.e. those people that are actually going to be using the product) to see if it's a good fit for the classroom, before you purchase and install new equipment. Since we are the ones doing the teaching in the classrooms, this would seem a logical step in the process, no? Thank you for your time and concern. Kimberly Taugher Biology Professor Dept. of Biological and Health Sciences Nice addition but still need to project my old videos

Page 21: Q1 Are you a FT or PT instructor?€¦ · if you could move the monitor out of the way completely, if you could still connect your personal computer to the internet, if you could

It is irritating to come behind an instructor who clearly doesn't know what they are doing because all the cords and things are all over the place. This is not an IT issue, this is an issue of our colleagues being neat and tidy and making it user friendly for the next class. I have missed several days of videos, having to resort to writing on the board "old school" because sound was disconnected by a previous instructor and IT help desk did not answer the phone. The ones in the math building receive a lot of abuse. This is likely due to frequent use by different teachers with different methods. Any budget for such equipment should take into consideration that it will need frequent repair or replacement. Thank you for trying to accommodate teachers with a wide range of needs and preferences on a budget! Easy to use and work well. It was very frustrating that the podiums were put in while instructors were away and there wasn’t much notice given about they're arrival. It was VERY difficult It works! They have been great in the times I've used them Where are they? The podium already improved my classroom activities. Thanks! There needs to be a way to prevent so much monkeying around. I think sometimes it is students who come in early. I have caught a few and clubs (I have spoken to some student leaders who use the instructor monitors and set ups). Maybe only faculty should be able to log in and the wiring should be key based. It would also help if the school hired more IT staff to assist so faculty does not lose half a class trying to fix it and then waiting for IT. in each and every room, please. Need more horizontal level space on the podium = enough to use podium computer, my binder and a textbook all at the same time. Just throw these medieval torture instruments on the trash and purchase something more human friendly. Something in there is always humming and making noise. It seems like a big waste of energy. And it's an unpleasant sound while taking exams. I'd like everything to turn off when it's not in use. The use of podiums has greatly improved the use of smart technology in what were formally very hard to use rooms. We love them!!!! Must avoid blocking student view; must be useable by a range of instructor heights; must be accessible for disabled instructor podium clock seems to be off a few minutes

Page 22: Q1 Are you a FT or PT instructor?€¦ · if you could move the monitor out of the way completely, if you could still connect your personal computer to the internet, if you could

where are they anyway They do seem to be generally more reliable than other LCD projectors. I think I would like to know what alternative classroom arrangements look like. How are other colleges arranging technology in the classroom? What are new designs/layouts? The podiums are fine but only in the sense that I am not totally sure what other alternatives are out there. Before we continue to invest in these expensive pieces of furniture, have we considered overall classroom layout and design? There are cabinets in the classrooms that used to house the old AV equipment. These take up a lot of usable space that could be used to park the podiums. The document cameras are a bit awkward to set up and use. I find that they are usually disconnected and stowed in a lower compartment. Labeling the cables was such an improvement. Thank you! Love 'em. Thank you! p.s. I'm not tech-savvy, so I really appreciate how easy they are to use. Overall, I support the efforts of the college to upgrade this equipment. Did I mention that LA is way behind in providing up-to-date equipment for instructors? Integrating the podiums with the computer & overheads is not always the best arrangement. In larger classrooms its easier to use the podiums separate from the computers and overheads; for example in the Library Computer Labs like L-149. There are consultants for this kind of thing. I think spending a little bit more up front to have a professional come in and assess the situation and give us options is more efficient than this method of installing a bunch of equipment and then LATER discovering why it isn't a great solution. I went to a podium training in the library, and the trainer was completely unfamiliar with the podium beast. I really like them. Thanks. MAKE IT WORK ... all the time The IT staff have always responded quickly to replace equipment and answer questions from me - a non-tech person, I appreciate that a lot. I like them much more than I thought I would They are great ! The document camera is all I really want. One biology adjunct faculty found for him podium very difficult to use. Document camera virtually on usable on side flap down table. System was too low for her to use comfortably. Great addition to the classroom. I think it is very important to have smart classrooms. I can show students how to use Canvas, easily display documents, and use multimedia to teach. Next semester I am teaching in a room without at podium and I will miss it.

Page 23: Q1 Are you a FT or PT instructor?€¦ · if you could move the monitor out of the way completely, if you could still connect your personal computer to the internet, if you could

I like them--but they are NOT movable and block the whiteboards/chalkboards in a few of the rooms. Also, the WiFi on campus is so erratic and ineffective on campus having ONLY smart classrooms is pointless. In addition, I still think we need a couple of TV DVD-VHS monitors and overhead projectors available for use to serve as backups when the podiums and document cameras don't work or WiFi fails. Get rid of them!!!! I didn't know we were allowed to move the podiums, so I never tried to. Overall, I like them and enjoy using them. Sometime the wifi connection when using my computer is hit and miss. It's rather frustrating, so I'm learning not to depend on it which is rather sad. I really appreciate the document cameras, they are wonderful! Big problems using my laptop with the podium, I gave up and put everything on a flash drive to use with the stationary computer. Also issues getting the projector to link up to content from the computer if someone has used the projector remote previously. They are an improvement over what we used to have. We are not sure if our lab rooms (which are also lecture rooms and have a consistent need for demonstrations of technique using a document camera) will be getting the technology, but we would like to have a *small* document camera that can be stored in a small drawer when not in use in each of our six lab/lecture rooms. These rooms are too congested and our working desks too small to have the large document camera that comes with the podium. We have researched and found the IPEVO VZ-1 HD VGA/USB Dual Mode Document Camera to be highly suitable for our needs. The projector in BFL 112 has a large blank spot... (it appears as a grey rectangle on the screen) It doesn't seem to be a problem with the document camera, just the computer. When the podium fails because of hardware glitches or meddling hands in the wiring there is no fall back position or reliable tech support. Without the DVD player, I cannot teach and lose hours each semester to podium issues. Instructions - and we need HDMI connections for projectors/sound. The budget would have been better spent on projectors with built in speakers rather than high priced podiums. The old document cameras in the math building worked just fine and allowed us to connect a laptop also. I appreciate the hard work that went into these selections. Wonder why it took so long to get These - should have been there when the building opened and finally why do we still need all of the cords around the original wall boxes? The podiums at CSU are much better. The computer is built into a desk in the center of the room--below the desk with keyboard that pulls out. it doesn't not interfere with seeing the students. Perhaps someone should go take a look at how they did it--much, much better arrangement.

Page 24: Q1 Are you a FT or PT instructor?€¦ · if you could move the monitor out of the way completely, if you could still connect your personal computer to the internet, if you could

Thank you for doing this project. It makes it a lot easier for me as a part-time professor to be able to come into a classroom and know all classrooms are set up consistently so I can get down to the business of teaching. The only thing is the document camera set up - could use some training (to help us move beyond the overheads and transparencies), especially with long time part-time faculty members Thanks! They're better than not having them!