Python Crash Course Python Crash Course Aplpy Aplpy 3 rd year Bachelors V1.0 dd 06-09-2013 Hour 3

Python Crash Course Aplpy 3 rd year Bachelors V1.0 dd 06-09-2013 Hour 3

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Page 1: Python Crash Course Aplpy 3 rd year Bachelors V1.0 dd 06-09-2013 Hour 3

Python Crash CoursePython Crash CourseAplpyAplpy

3rd year Bachelors


dd 06-09-2013

Hour 3

Page 2: Python Crash Course Aplpy 3 rd year Bachelors V1.0 dd 06-09-2013 Hour 3


APLpy (the Astronomical Plotting Library in Python) is a Python module aimed at producing publication-quality plots of astronomical imaging data in FITS format. The module uses Matplotlib and is capable of creating output files in several graphical formats, including EPS, PDF, PS, PNG, and SVG.

See http://aplpy.github.io for documentation

Page 3: Python Crash Course Aplpy 3 rd year Bachelors V1.0 dd 06-09-2013 Hour 3

Main featuresMain features

• Make plots interactively or using scripts• Show grayscale, colorscale, and 3-color RGB images of FITS files• Generate co-aligned FITS cubes to make 3-color RGB images• Make plots from FITS files with arbitrary WCS (e.g. position-velocity)• Slice multi-dimensional FITS cubes• Overlay any number of contour sets• Overlay markers with fully customizable symbols• Plot customizable shapes like circles, ellipses, and rectangles• Overlay ds9 region files• Overlay coordinate grids• Show colorbars, scalebars, and beams• Customize the appearance of labels and ticks• Hide, show, and remove different contour and marker layers• Pan, zoom, and save any view as a full publication-quality plot• Save plots as EPS, PDF, PS, PNG, and SVG

Page 4: Python Crash Course Aplpy 3 rd year Bachelors V1.0 dd 06-09-2013 Hour 3


• Intro>>> import aplpy

>>> fig = aplpy.FITSFigure('myimage.fits')

>>> fig.show_grayscale()

>>> fig.hide_grayscale()

>>> fig.show_colorscale()

>>> fig.hide_colorscale()

# Scaling and panning

>>> fig.recenter(33.23, 55.33, width=0.3, height=0.2) # degrees

# Overlaying

>>> fig.show_contour('co_data.fits')

# save for publication

>>> fig.save('myplot.eps')

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• Labels and shapes en DS9 Regions

>>> fig.add_label(34.455, 54.112, 'My favorite star')

>>> fig.add_label(0.1, 0.9, '(a)', relative=True)

>>> fig.show_markers(x_world, y_world) # 1D arrays in degrees

>>> fig.show_circles(x_world, y_world, radius)

>>> fig.show_ellipses(x_world, y_world, width, height)

>>> fig.show_rectangles(x_world, y_world, width, height)

>>> fig.show_arrows(x_world, y_world, dx, dy)

>>> fig.show_lines(line_list) # 2xN ndarray’s of vertices in degrees

>>> fig.show_polygons(polygon_list)

>>> fig.show_regions('myregions.reg')

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• Layers

• Coordinates

>>> fig.list_layers()

>>> fig.hide_layer('regions')

>>> fig.show_layer('regions')

>>> layer = fig.get_layer('circles')

>>> fig.remove_layer('rectangles')

>>> x_pix, y_pix = fig.world2pixel(45.3332, 22.1932)

>>> x_world, y_world = fig.pixel2world(np.array([1., 2., 3]), np.array([1., 3., 5.]))

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APLpy AnnotationAPLpy Annotation

• Colorbar, Coordinate Grid, Scalebar, Beam>>> fig.add_colorbar()

>>> fig.colorbar.set_width(0.1)

>>> fig.add_grid()

>>> fig.grid.set_xspacing(0.2) # degrees

>>> fig.grid.set_color('white')

>>> fig.add_scalebar()

>>> fig.scalebar.set_length(0.02) # degrees

>>> fig.scalebar.set_label('5 pc')

>>> fig.add_beam()

>>> fig.beam.set_major(0.03) # degrees

>>> fig.beam.set_minor(0.02) # degrees

>>> fig.beam.set_angle(45.) # degrees

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APLpy AnnotationAPLpy Annotation

• Axis labels, Tick, Ticks>>> fig.axis_labels.show()

>>> fig.axis_labels.show_x()

>>> fig.axis_labels.set_xtext('Right Ascension (J2000)')

>>> fig.axis_labels.set_xpad(...)

>>> fig.axis_labels.set_ypad(...) # set displacement

>>> fig.axis_labels.set_xposition('bottom')

>>> fig.tick_labels.show()

>>> fig.tick_labels.set_xformat('hh:mm:ss.ss')

>>> fig.tick_labels.set_xposition('top')

>>> fig.ticks.show()

>>> fig.ticks.set_xspacing(0.04) # degrees

>>> fig.ticks.set_color('black')

>>> fig.ticks.set_linewidth(2) # points

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APLpy – Practical exampleAPLpy – Practical example

• M33 plot (get data through skycat)>>>import aplpy

gc = aplpy.FITSFigure('/disks/strw2/deul/m33.fits')







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APLpy – Practical exampleAPLpy – Practical example

• Overplot GSC (get data from http://vizier.u-strasbg.fr/)

from astropy.io.votable import parse

import astropy.io.votable as vot

gsc_table = vot.parse("/home/deul/Documents/m33_gsc.vot")

table = gsc_table.get_first_table()



s = ones(len(r))*0.003





l = gc.get_layer('circle_set_1')


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APLpy – Practical exampleAPLpy – Practical example

• Overplot 2MASS (get data from http://vizier.u-strasbg.fr/)

from astropy.io.votable import parse

import astropy.io.votable as vot

gsc_table = vot.parse("/home/deul/Documents/m33_2mass.vot")

table = gsc_table.get_first_table()



s = ones(len(r))*0.003





l = gc.get_layer('circle_set_2')


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Page 13: Python Crash Course Aplpy 3 rd year Bachelors V1.0 dd 06-09-2013 Hour 3

Introduction to languageIntroduction to language
