THE NASSAU DAILY REVIEW—LONG BLAND'S GREATEST N E W S P A P E R - * - WEDNESDAY. APRIL 10, 1935. Pwm The Real Estate Is To Use These Ads 1ST Help. Male and Fetaale 34 ALDWWr s !¥P* AMY y- y»»»ort 4471 ox f IJ^lS-jg*, Building and Contracting 19 HAROLD DUMLOP, VMJ. " Cellar excavating, tend. Gravel ui Cinders. ^^ M Dohovaisa ave.. Roosevelt. Prat. TTW. O Dx 21 DrdBttoafcing and Aiteratlom* by fflami in Dressmaking. Low Rates. J*enne-Maria (WvoU Theatre Bldg.) Hempstead. «• Steamships Agents 23A I NEW Reduced Excursion Fare* to Europe, m i l information here. FREDERICK P. J. CLARK. Authorised Steamship Ticket Ayint, Ma Fulton ave., Htmpitwd 74 <3. C Moving, Iruck'g, Storage 25 ACME MOVING a STORAGE CO. Large da luxe vans LOWKST PEACES. Dally tripe to N. Y.. Bklyn, Westchester. GALLROCKVILLK OENTRE »«o. o ALBERT a MERB~T.EN~ Storage Moving Crating Piano Moveri Licensed Holsters 374 So. Main st, Preeport. TEL. PRXXPORT 3171. O Situations Wanted—Female 36 DTD TOO KHOW T»AT IRTJBR TBC •oa AS LOW CALL THB AD-T- LAUNDRY taken hoaw. cantd lor and de- liverad. M Raadall a*., n. V. 0. StlS-lf. O r T K S warfcata of the better class. pertanced ta "all Unas of business Tba Walton Bureau, 303 Pulton Hempstead. Tel. 8371. ax- . at YOUMO woman wishes housework, day or hoar. P. O. Box 4. Merrick. B Situations Wanted—Male' 37 aint'g. Paper'g, Oecorat'g 26 BETTER grade painting and decorating. paper hanging expert, large assortment. Imperial washable prices, estimates. N. papei Yagud, reasonable Prpt. 1232. O PRANK R. BDGSTTE Painting Remodeling a Decorating 331 Mo. Foreat ave., Rockvllle Centre. Tel. R. V. O. 13S8-J. O LOW winter prices yet. Take advantage and save. Imperial washable papers, 1 room, $4.75; 2 room $$. Labor and ma- terials. Kstimates. Hemp. 6890-R. C PATNTINO AMP PEOORATINO OP THE BBTTKR CLASS ROOMS PAPERED FOB $4.80 UP. R. H. JOHNSON AMD SON, FREBPORT $711. T Help Wanted, Female 32 A DOZEN calls for cooks and housework* srs. Plenty of work! Baa Miss Kern, Bver Ready Employment Bureau, $1 S. Orove St., Preeport 47$$. O DID TOD KMOW THAT TOO n ttww 39 Office cxi pment 5e Typewriters 54 A Jamaica. Local Fraepart 8136. 0 Fuel Feed. FertiHxers 56 OAADBM Fertiliser, snoop manure tt 100 lb.; lime 40e bag; laws seeds $180, 5 lb. Slate stepping stonss Mo ft. 1U I. Farmers Fertiliser Corp.. Old Country rtL. MlneoU (ball mile west ox County Court Bouse). TaL O. O. .$00. f PICATIOM FOB AS LOW AS $8 CENTS. CALL THB AD-TAKER. FIRST hand oa bread and rolls wishes position. Relnhard, 177 Naasau rd.. Roosevelt. V Money to Loan-Mortgages 40 We have money to loan on first mortgages. All good loans will be accepted at once. HAFT * FARRINOTON, Savings Bank Building, Jamaica, L. I. C FIRST MORTGAGE MONTY TO LOAM Straight or Amortising. Low Fees—Quick Action. Consult LBO H. K. ANDERSEN, 881 Msssau Road, Roosevelt. Tel. Preeport 4393 or 471$. 0 FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS Mortgage Funds Mow Available. GIBSON AND GIBSON, 292 Pulton ave., Hempstead. . Tel. Hempstead 1183. C Money to Loan on Mortgage EDWIN O. WRIGHT ALLAN B. WRIGHT Bank of Rockvllle Cen. Bldg., R. V. C. 880 T Musical, Danc'g, Dramatic 44 GENTLEMAN linger, student amateur, would like to hear from advanced piano student, lady or gentleman. Mutual practice evenings. Box 18, Nassau Daily Review. T AM OPPORTUNITY -- BARN WHILE LEARNING. Practical Beauty Culture— Halrdresslng. Latest methods POSI- TIONS SECURED. Leslis's Bssuty Inst., Inc., 158-11 Jamaica av.. Rm. 301, Jam. »»m. , c A. A. Maids, Cooks, Couples and all house- workers with references wanted at once. American Employment Agency, 184 Sun- rise hy.. Rockvllle Ontre 158. C A CALL always on band for goad house- workers. white and colored. Try us! Grove Employment Agency, 88 W. Mer- rick rd., preeport 8881. O ALL JtTNDS OF HELP WANTED trhlte and Colored Cooks, Houseworkers. R. V. C. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 1 Front st. (cor. Village ave.) Rockvllle Centre lit. Day and Evening. C CALLS (30) houseworkers, white, colored. Salaries to 840. COMB MOW. Moss Sehu- macker. Reliable Employment Agency, 32 Pine st., Preeport 359-M. c CAPABLE general houseworkers, cooks, chambermaid-waitresses, a couples art in demand at The Welton Bureau, sol Fulton av., Hempstead. Tel. 8371. REF- ERENCES REQUIRED. C DRESSMAKER—Oenersl finisher wanted. Must be quiet and intelligent. Apply Miss Bohm, 871 Franklin ave., Garden City. T EARN WHILE YOU LEARN AT EVAN'S BEAUTY SCHOOL. Special offer In hair dressing and beauty culture. Day and Evening Classes. Take this opportunity to enroll now. .jj&f J* 0 ** •*•• Hemwrtead 8388. 147-13 Jamaica ave.. Jamaica 8-8045. C FINGER waver, manicurist snd all arouart operator, experienced. Annatte Beauty Shop. 313 Front St., Mineola. Tel, Oar- den City 8438. T GARDEN CITY EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Cooks, General workers' positions wait- ing. 9th st. on Franklin ave. (McKay Bldg.), Garden City 3071. Evenings 8887. - - C uADIBB wanted—Old established New , York Fur house with complete facilities for storing Furs of every description de- ^ sires representative to secure orders for Fur storage, repairing and remodeling Fur garments. Liberal commission; state qualifications. Furriers, c/o Keens Adv. Agency/ as Nasssu gt„ New OPERATOR on Marrow Overlook a Shell machine, experienced on baby wear. 180 Scranton ave., Lynbrook, V PERMANENT position for woman of ex- ceptional ability and culture for highly specialised selling. Mo door to door canvassing. Anpllcsnt must have at least a high school education, college training preferable. Ambition and pleas- ing personality essential. Compensation dependant upon qualifications Good pay, commission and bonus, par inter PHONB US ABOUT OUR MEW DANCE CLUB FOR ADULTS. NATALIE TITUS STUDIO, 10 Main sweet. Hempstead 3380. O Kind*g'ten. At Pre-School 45A NORWOOD SCHOOL CAMPS Children, ages 1-8 accommodated by the hour, day or week. Luncheon served. HI Merrick rd., Lynbrook 1B44-R. O Horses, Cattle, Vehicles 48 HORSBS Just received a carload of Horses. Twenty Seasoned Horses. BENDER BROS. TRADING CORP.. 187 Front St. Mineola. Tel. Garden City 8374. 0 SOUTHERN STATE ARENA r Open dsy a night. ' Mill rd.. Hempstead 8314. O '•" ' I I I i . Articles For Sale 51 USED furnaces, steam, hot water. Tested, guaranteed, fib up. Bought, sold. TATE ENGINEERING CO.. 80 N. Forest ave., Rockvllle Centre 8878. C WELL ROTTED MANURE, 84 PER YARD LOCAL AMD 88 PER YARD OUT OP TOWN. SORANTON DAIRY. 480 BROADWAY. LYNBROOK 8701. T Top Soil 56A AUGUST POSXLLIOO Landscape contractor, first olaaa; top soil, blue atone, cinders, manure, eta. 337 Post ave., Westbury. Tei. Westbury 888. T A-i BEST TOP s o n , , $8 per load. Well rotted manure. Ashes, garden rook, sand, ~ tvel a fill. Trucking. Thompson, 11 >tt it., Oceanslde. R. V. C. 4188. T Motl BLACK TOP SOIL - FOR SALE.' HAROLD DUNLOP. INC., 99 Debevoise ave., Roosevelt. Prpt. 3773. C CALL R V. O. 33S0 A-l Top Sou, $8 to 37 load. Sand, gravel, stepping stones. Blue stone, building stone, gsrden rock BERT HOLLAND, 180 W. Lakeview av., R V. C. C First grade top soil, gravel, s«f blue stone. Stollen lawns a specialty. VINCENT BUBFFEL. 13 Abrams PI., Lynbrook 3339. C TOP SOIL BLACK LOAM » 31 PER CUBIC YARD Anywhere In Nassau Oounty MINIMUM LOAD 3 YARDS LYNVERNB EQUIPMENT CORP. TEL. LYNBROOK 4383. T Coal 56C ANYWHERE IN NASSAU. Call Prpt. 890. Pea 88.38 Egg a Nut $10.80 Stove $10.78. 4 T. or over 25c off per T. IT PAYS TO BUY PROM PARKER. 38-A R. R Ave., Prpt. Furnace Cleaning •*••••••••••• EGG AND NUT STOVE PEA GARRETT BUSCB a SON, 73 Columbia St., Hempstead 170 .... $10.50 .... 10.75 .... 9.35 INC.. :-1702. O SPARE TIME AND MONEY THE THRIFTY PEOPLE WHO SPARE TIME EACH DAY TO LOOK OVER THIS PAGE OF OPPORTUNITY NEWS FIND THAT THEY HAVE SPARE MONEY, TOO. Room* Without Board 68 Dm YOO (3 BLOCKS FllBBPORT—Mtoatr able l e r t Priv. PRSSPORT-aVloely trally located. 38 , j gm TKB) if, 11011 AS LOW AS 88 THB AD-TAXKR. BnBD BOOMS. WITH 8aa8BSi^» fw aMSWaaA' P i a a . [ avTATJOtr). O furnished rosea suit- home. S3 R Dean a* T furnished room. sen- East ave. T PRBEPOaT—Nicely furnished rooms, near station. Reasonable. S3 S. Ocean ave. T Flats 74 i:1*e2*5b? I 44i. 1 water. 18 Roosevelt always hot ave.. Prpt. 781-M T PREEPORT—Nicely furnished or 3, 83-34. Tef. Preeport 341$ for l T PREEPORT Neatly furnished room, |Sj garage, tennis courts. Prpt. 7888 J. T PREEPORT Largs room, housekeeping opt., good seoflcn. 187 S. Ocean ave, T Household Goods 59 BEDROOM suite. 171 Southard avenue. Rockvllle Centre 1763. V CLOSING OUT ESTATE WEHAVE PURCHASED CONTENTS OP TWO OP LONG ISLAND'S FINEST HOMES $495 ELIZABETHAN DINING ROOM $49 $385 LIVING ROOM $38 8480 HOLLYWOOD BEDROOM . . . $58 Also: Hardman-Peck Baby Grand; Stromberg-Carlson Radio; Odd Chairs, Rugs. Secretary, Mirrors, Lamps, etc. Duncan Phyfe Sofa MERRICK FURNITURE CO. Jamaica's Largest New a Used Salesrooms 92-11 168th ST., JAMAICA Open Evenings Next Door to Spear's U. S. ELECTRIC OAR GREASING OUT- FIT, $35. MERRICK GARAGE, 83 MER- RICK AVE., MERRICK. TEL. FREE- PORT 697, , 0 Electrical Motors TTB MILFORD ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE Motors rebuilt, repaired, used motors bought a sold. Cumberland ave,, ar, Babylon Tpke.. Roosevelt. Prpt. 8878, C Boats and Accessories 52 GOOD motors suitable for Boats. Hemp- stead Auto Wrecking Co., Nassau rd, (s. of oreenfield Cemetery). Hempstead Ml, Open Sundays. c SAILBOAT, C. C. 18 FT.; EXCELLENT CONDITION. REASONABLE. CALL PREEPORT 3010. AFTER 8 P. M. V view apply in person MISS Wlttameler T Whitman, Jamaica. ] Hdtst 8ALBECLBWJC—Neat and refl perlene* essential. Steady ,».. ary 318 waakly write giving ell par- tieulan. Box 43, Nassau Daily Review. iflasd. draw ex- position. Sal- American SAL8»LADY. refined. Ai expertanoe making high . ooafectlons. Opportunity for am SALESWOMEN—Nave your own business. Demonstrate and show famous line of fcSi5* r ^PJ2,? M »»*« ,M - .Training Course a 8 W>A«B> Vaab ^M*— St., New York City. SOUTH SHORE MARINE WOODCLEPT CANOE CLUB Now open with complete line of marine hardware. Old Town boats. Dodge boats and all outboard motors. Open evenings Wooddoft ave.. Preeport 8434 c Building Materials 53 LOWEST spring prices now In effect on our Grade "A" Anthracite. UNITED COAL M COKE CO., 86 Terrace ave., BImont. Floral Park 4348. 0 NUT OR BOO ,.'. 310.M Ton STOVB lor» Ton PEA .»., 9.28 Ton KOPPERB SEABOARD COKE 10.50 ROOSEVELT COAL CO., Nssssu rd., Roosevelt. Preeport 4871 or Hempstead 3810. . C Premier Coke. 610 — Stove $10.76 Bgg a Nut 810.50 — Pea Coal 88.00 Buckwheat No. 1, 68. Pill in—budget plan. C. a 8. COAL CO., Preeport 6813. C »«*••••••••••••,••.610.75 Stove Coal Nut or Bgg Coal Pea Ooaf , 9.28 Koppars Seaboard Coke 10.80 ' JAMBB T. CUNNINGHAM, 184 Nassau rd.. Roosevelt. Prpt. 7131. 0 Household Goods 59 -e> Advertising under this heading as private individual when In reality a dealer or dealer's representative is a 'mlsdemesnor and warrants immediate prosecution. If a dealer your adver- tisement mutt carry the word "Deal- er" in Its text. OH + Pieces, DID YOO KNOW THAT YOO CAN ADVERTISE UNDER THIS CLASSI- FICATION FOR AS LOW AS 86 CENTS. CALL THB AD-TAKER A-l prices pals' for all kinds of furniture. brlc-a-brac. rugs, cut glass antiques. books snd clothing. Louis. 3l6 No. Main "st.. Preeport 7383-j, 0 AtH * l ^Riv^\r^,tRO0 5M ' TTlla Brooklyn aye., Lakeview. W, Hempatssd. Tel. Hempstead 8788. C BAISRETT ROOFXNG .p^nur^G^rWL^o.. 10 Ooa.maro.el av., Oasdaa CJtty 186. 0 MINERAL STONE—A beautiful new btilld- ing stone which cornea in a contrast of bright colors for porch floors. ' and aU veneer work. % to thiok, It will pay you to VILLB CENTRE. Tel" 3088. •rs. ftrealaeoi A-l STOVES—Deed gas. coal and combin- ations. Maw Oil Rang* Burners, steam and hot water Dollars Repairing. A. f siomster 14 Little Mala it.. Hemp. 6408. O ACME SAVES YOU HALF Dining rm., 813-838; bedroom, 618, living room, $13; bedroom, $38; living rm.. 323. ACME FURNITURE EXCHANGE 170-08 Jam. ave., eor. no st. Open eves. 0 A GOOD priea paid for your furniture, rugs, brlc-e.-brac. antiques. A fine selec- tion of household articles for sale. Davey, 330 front st., Hempstead 6818-J AMD USED FURNITURE SALE om ,...7816|Dlnlng Room 833.00 8.00 3.80 . SALESROOMS. St., Jamaica.—Open Eves. C ATTTUCTTVB grey painted bedroom suite, in eta dee Iron bed. bureau with oval mirror, chair, stool, bookstand, shirt waist box. 610. Ill Morris ave., R. v. 0 . 3333, ___ O CLOSING OUT ALL OUR FLOOR SAMPLES BEDROOMS, DINING, LIVING ROOMS $19 — $39 — $89 — $49 New snd Reconditioned Twin Bedroom $15—Davenport $10 Secretary $8—Studio Bed $7 New Club Chairs $8.95 Bed, Spring and Mattress 93.98 each. New 139-5 pc. Breakfast Suites 317.50. Chests 83.98. Dsvenport. Table 88.98. Dressers 81.88. GOODS HELD TILL WANTED ^ FREE DELIVERY WE*Ja, AUCTION ROOM8, 81-11 166trrst. off Jam. Av., Jamaica. Next to John A. Schwars. Open Eve. C DININO Room set, 10 p c . 818. Upholstered occasional chairs. 813 up. Secretaries, 617. Maple Bedroom sets, 836 up. Flora. Park Storags Co., Tulip ave,. Floral Park 10. c DINIMO Rm., living Rm. a Bedroom sets. Dressers, beds and other odd pes. Rea- sonable prices. Doscher's Moving and Storage, 114 Main st.. Hemp. 3318. 0 JACK'S FURNITURE EXCHANGE 282 Jericho Turnpike. Mineola. Selling out, exceptional bargains in used furniture. V Refrigerators 59A WE8TTNGHOUSE. G-B„ Orunow, ElSCtro- lux refrigerators, new, re-bullt. 848.80 up. Guaranteed. 1 jr. to pay under Ns- tional Housing Act Plan. Chaa, Bellltte, Inc.. 148-13 Hillside ave., Jamaica. Jam. 8-8033. . ^ T USED refrigerators 618 up; new gas range $30 up. Opportunity for builders. Free- port Utilities, 13 N. Main St.. Preeport. Refrigerator Repairs 59B A. Burri Refrigeration Repairs EXPERT, TRUSTWORTHY SERVICE All makes. 10 Smith Ct., Bellmore. Tel. Wantagh 1296 or Long Beach 377. C HEMPSTEAD (Wast) Furnished room. single or double. Priv. home. Hemp. 738-4. T HEMPSTEAD—Unusually delightful double rm., refined surroundings (gentleman) Hemp. 4443-M. T HEMPSTEAD—Large furnished room. 1 or 3, ail Impts.. $4. Hemp. 3084. for T Furnished Apartmenta 74A APT., 3 PRIV. BATH, HEAT" ROT WATWJL OA- fec ™jrRALLY LOOATBi^CALL i..—_„ , p a w • i i gaj „ | , BA8JT ROOKAWAY Newly decorated, 3—3 room apts.. boat, gas. eleosfie. Fur- nished or unfurnished. $33 a tig; gar. opt. 4 Ftrstave.. Lyn. 3831. "T PREEPORT Nloely furnished sat.. 4 rooms and bath in 3 family house, select neighborhood. Also room and kitchen- ette. TeL Preeport 13T6. W " T HEMPSTEAD—3 room upper floor, prii able); gas. Ugh Piled; rent $38 Hemp. 838. furnished apt., ivese bath, (garage a vail- ht. heat, hot water sup- 8. Adults. 48 Yale at a Houses For Rent 77 room bouse, "trigs. ago. 830; 3 room . mar schawl and .bus, 837 wn»»Ha«a.B 3- Vifi - . at asm, gar- ^"otte •TOUXL LTKI • roams, tile kitchen aad bath, aamty deoatated. attractive leaideaeaT 88BvM rvr mo. tar Immediate rental. » - ***** * SOHLBY. U M. Park Ave. R. V. O. „ ROOKVTLLE CENTRE VICINITY * roam (3 bedrooms), brick borne, ail burner, colored tile bath, stall fireplace, sun porch, enclosed 3 oar • rage, beautiful location. $88. Keys at 181 Sunrise by., R. V. a 3347. ^ O HOTEL Apts.. 1 a 1 rooms, kitchenette. Weekly or Monthly: light, best and gas furnished, linens snd maid service op- tional. ,"*?** °**r». !»• vTaekly. Meals op- tional. Crystal Lake Hotel. Preeport 118. •_ ! LYNBROOK—1 or 3 rooms suitable 1 or 3, f entleman or business couple; con v. to rains, garage. 38 Winter st. TeL Lyn- brook 6863. V ROCKVILLE CENTRE Nicely furnished, airy, near bus. R. V. C. 3018-J. T WILLDSTON PARK—Large front room, suitable 1 or 3. 16 Remsea at. T Rooms for Housekeeping 69 DID YOO KNOW THAT YOU CAN ADVERTISE UNDER THIS CLASSI- FICATION FOR AS LOW AS 88 CENTS. CALL THE AD-TAKER. ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION SERVICE Expert repairs, Service installation. All types snd systems. J. I. Cunningham, 46 Windsor Pky., Oceanslde. R. V. C. 3027. O MILFORD ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR SERVICE Repairs and service on all types: com- pressors re-bullt. Tal. Preeport 3876. 0 Piano Tuning 61A PIANOS TUNED. VtT^ GUARANTEED— EXPERT REPAIRING. FOR PROMPT AND EFFICIENT SERVICE. . TEL. PREEPORT 7396. C TUNING 83. Factory, repslr shop, show room experience. Every style. Reed oi' f ans cleaned, repaired. Reference. Hyer, 63 8. Centre ave., R. V. O. 675-R. C BALDWIN—1 or 3 large rooms, kitchen, bath, furnished or unfurnished. 40 Park ave. (1 block south of Merrick road). V PREEPORT—Furnishsd for housekeeping, 3 rooms and Kitchenette, priv. bath, gas, light, heat, hot water, 330 mo. Also l room snd kitchen. Prpt. 5930. O PREEPORT—3 furnished rooms, light housekeeping, nr. station. 108 Brooklyn ave. T PREEPORT—3 ne bath, impts.. newly decori decorated rooms, Lillian ave. T ROCKVILLE CENTRR -- Furnished apt- upper or lower floor private house, new- ly decorated, electric ret., screened Houses For Rent 77 ABOVE THE AVERAGE SPANISH RCN- OALOW, convenient to Rockvllle Centre; studio living room, ultra modern bath a kitchen; garage; lease $43. HARRY O. HALL, 301 Oreenwioh St.. Hemp.. 4493. O AN attractive Colonial cottage, all modern impts.. cosy porch, breakfast nook, steam heat, vestibule, gsr.. nice residen- tial section, corner plot, 60x100, $40. Marquarlng (opp. station), Bellmore. O AT BALDWIN Complete lutings of houses, bungalows a apts. for rant. $30 a up. BJEROKAMF CO.. IS SUNRISE HY. C BOCKTVILLB CENTRE Beautiful Dutch Colonial corner house, 378 per mo.; 4 bedrooms, oil burner, gun parlor, tar- nished or unfurnished. 384 Merrick rd. T ROCKVILLE CENTRE—Northeast section, 6 room house, sun porch, steam heat. K T vTc. i*^ •*'•• 1M •-^ ROCKVILLE CENTRE—Attractive 6 room. center hall. Colonial, garage, situated Urge comer plot, fine location, 885. Hertel, 188 Sunrise by.. R. \. O. 5377. C ^ R/3CBnmjJg CENTRE NEWLY DECORATED HOME 6 rooms, tile bath, oil burner. $58. Roako-Batas, 343 Sunrise hy., R V C C ROCKVILLE CENTRE—The best in town, several 8 rms., garage, etc. from 880 per mo. up. See Valentine Wick, 148 Sun- rise highway at Centra ave. c ROOSEVELT—New 4 room bungalow, gar- age, fruit trees, near school. Impts.. t25 month. 388 Fredericks ave., corner Prospect st. T Houses For Rent or Sale 77A WURLTTZER expert, pianos, electric or- gans. Players tuned, polished, year guarantee. Action overhauled, 618. Tuning Free. Stubbe, Roos. Prpt. 1173-R. C Musical Merchandise 62 LARGE crib. Beauty Raat mattress, springs, •A metal bed. Simmons springs, mattress, child's suto sest. perfect condition. | cheep. Tel. Lynbrook 5579. V OAK dining room suite, walnut beds, ma- hogany dresser, chiffoniers, 3 rockers, library table. 137 Hempstead ave., Lyn- brook 1806-R. T ORIENTAL runner, I2x3'<4, 3 rugs. 4x6, large Oriental table lamp, electric re- ducing machine, occasional chairs, ma- hogany day bed. 80 Seventh St., Valley Stream 1707. T PIANO, Baby Orand, good condition. Pree- port 3516. T QUAKER ^Armstrong rugs, 4x6, $1—6x6. $1.50. Highland plaid fiber rugs, all siz*» a colors. Hassocks 88c up. Socolov, 119 8. Main it.. Preeport $80. C SACRIFICE Furniture, rugs, books, Odd puce*, etc. 88 Broad it.. Willlston Park. SELLING out, Living room, 618: bed- room, 838; dining room. 638; bed com- Sete, fa, Preeport Auction Rooms. 16 S. sin it.. Preeport 4565 (nr. R R.) C USED GAS RANGES in good condition at reasonable prices. HOUSEHOLD EFFICIENCY CO.. 50 W. Merrick rd., Preeport. Tel. $988. T WISSNER. HARDMAN. KRANICH * BACH Used Grand. 6188. Terms 83 Wk. YBR, 46 W. Merrick rd.. Preeport 4378. Open even, except Wed. 0 Radio 62A ACT NOW—836 reward for any radio we cannot repair. No lob too small or too large. Certified Radio Service Shop, 6-B B'klyn av.. Preeport 6870. (M. side R. R.) RADIO SERVICE ALL MAKES Expert service by factory trained men. Free Inspection. B'way Radio Service, 96 Broadway. Preeport 8188. 0 Wanted to Buy 66 DID YOU KNOW THAT TOO CAN ADVERTISE UNDER THIS CLASSI- FICATION FOR AS LOW AS 65 CENTS OAXX THB AD-TAKER BOOKS, glassware, clothes, shoes, odds snd ends. Please phone Hempstead 3514-j or call 633 Nassau rd.. Roosevelt. T SUN room furniture (used) wanted. Garden City 8884. Tel. T USED rugs bought and sold. Hempstead Carpet Cleaning CO., 31 Greenwich it.. Hempstead 3013. V WARDROBE, dresser, buffet, machine, bed, odd pliees. 34 Hempstead ave.. Lyn- brook. T 3 PCS. living rm. suite. 818; bed, spring, mattress (new), all sites, 38.80. « pee. bedroom suite, $48, Furniture Bt. Br. of Simons, H3 S, Mala St., Preeport 88$$. C Refrigerators 59A 11,1 .. ;j - ' ' ' " ; ALL KINDS Mew and Used Refrigerators, 129.80 and UP. Electrolux. Kelvlnator. Prigidalra. Rice. Weitlnghouse. Servel a WelUbaeh. Special low prices on BRAND NEW 1814 Models. Liberal terms arranged. Sunriaa-Merrlek Trading Corp.. ISO Sunrise hy., Rockvllle Centre 910 or 384 Fulton ave.. Hempstead 7171. C II n .ii ii.ni ALL types bought, sold, repaired. New, used parti, compressors, alee, motors. No charge for estimates. Allison. 800 Mew- bridge rd.. Bellmore. Tel. Wantagh 1846 o WANTED—A used floor safe, approximate weight 500 lbs. to 1,000 lbs. Write Box 1, Nassau Daily Review. V Rooms With Board 67 KNOW THAT TOO CAN " ONDBR THIS OLASSI- FOR AB LOW AS 68 CENTS. CALL THB AD-Tl" BALDWIN—For single person or couple with congenlsl family. Preeport 5043. T HEMPSTEAD—ROOM AND BOARD, GAP- AOE, 8 MTNUTB WALK TO STATION. MRS. WILD, 8 HARVARD ST. TEL. HEMP. 6588. O Rooms Without Board 68 BELLMORE—Rooms. near but. Jones Beach. 329 St. Marks ave. PREEPORT—Room, modern house, private family, 84.50; meals optional. 141 Brook- atde ave. (near Merrick road), Preeport 7338-J. T HEMPSTEAD—Furnished 1 or 3 rooms, housekeeping, gar., nr. village. Hemp. 848-M. T HEMPSTEAD—Large furnished, coupls or 3 gentlemen; housekeeping privilege*. Hemp. S84S-J. T HEMPSTEAD Room snd kitchenette, completely furnished. 383 Main st. T MERRICK—3 rooms, bath, furnished or unfurnished, impts. 08 Smith street. V home, KID] . all Room, kitchenette, priv. impts. Rockvllle Centra 1418-M Apartments and Flats 74 BALDWIN—4 room apt., newly decorated, tiled bath, heat and hot water supplied, 830. Inquire Lalbach. 8 Harts St., Bald- win. Tel. Preeport 4148. T FREBPORT—2-3-4 ROOM APTS. Renting Agent for South Shore Apartments Pins Court Apartments Grove Court Apartments Preeport Hall Apartments JOHN CROTCKSHANK. 126 8. Oroya St.. Preeport 3636. PREEPORT — 4 rooms and bath, upper floor, 3 family house, all modern Impts.. adults only. TeL Preeport 1876. T GARDEN CITY — (338 Stewart ave.). 8 rooms, 3 baths, fireplace, heated pri- vate garages, exclusively residential. garden apts., sunny exposures, low rentsU. Garden City 3584-W T HEMPSTEAD—4 room apt. and bath, also SO ft. barn In rear. 830 each per month. Pulton ave.. near Uniondali. Til. Hemp- stead 816-M. B HEMPSTEAD—VERY ATTRACTIVE APT. 4 ROOMS. BATH. HEAT. HOT WATER, OIL BURNER, ALL MODERN IMPTS. 38 UNION PLACE. T HEMPSTEAD—3 and 4 room apts., tile bath, steam heat, hot water, all modern Impts., reasonabls rent. 88 Vsn Cott avs, T HEMPSTEAD — $ and S room apts.. all impts. (upper and lower floors); rent $18 month; garage optional. 63 extra 211 Linden ave. Tel. Hemp. 101-w. c LYNBROOK—8 large rooms, tile bath, tile kitchen, breakfast nook, pantry electric refrigerator, garage, near station. 333 Vincent ave., Lyn, S808-R, V MALVBRNE— 3 room apt., private bath, heat, gas, electric, 1 block from station. 80 Utterby rd. V ROCKVILLE CENTRE—3 room apt., priv. house, all impts., $30 per month, garage Nichols, 40 Randall ave. Tel. R opt. VT O. 1888-R evenings. ROCKVILLE CENTRE — 4 room apt., oil ige, 818. Keys at! R. V. 0, " burner heat, 1 car garage, 838. 181 Sunrise by.. R. V. 0. 1947. ROOSEVELT—At Southern state Parkway —Modern steam heated apts., 8 rooms, tile kitchen snd bath, electric refrigera- tor, aU impu., 830-616 to well recom- mended tenants. Andersen, 831 Maasau rd. Tel. Preeport 43N or 4738. O A BRICK BUNGALOW, modern, 6 rooms, tile bath, stall shower, very refined neighborhood, 655 mo. Bxcluslvely with Grace Holmes, 49 High St., Hemp. 333. C \ . •••' BALDWIN—A select rental for a select small family, 8 room brick bungalow, oil burner, refrigerator, $60. Oscar Armbruster, 88 8. Grand ave. Tel. Free- port 1844. o BALDWIN—Attractive 7 room bungalow, tile bath and kitchen, fireplace, steam. garage, 840. Other rentals $35 up. Coll- yer a Bailey, Inc., 10 So. Orand ave. C BALDWIN—6 room house, garage, scrsened porch, hot wster hest, convenient to 7295** * n<1 ,t ' tlon ' * 88 ' T#1 - Toepo" BALDWIN High class modern 6 room residence, Ideally located, responsible people. M. Bsbcock, 131 Merrick rd. Tel, Preeport 593-J. c PREEPORT—88 Evans ave., attractive 8 room bungalow, garage, sun porch, rent 636. Tel. Rockvllle Centre 8846. T FREBPORT—DWELL HERE a PROSPER 5 room bungalow, 533 Archer 636 6 room house, 389 Roosevelt 40 8 room house. 236 MUler ., 40 6 room spt., 152 8. Ocean , 68 Da Silva. 31 W. Merrick rd.. Preeport 385. C LYNBROOK Bungalow, 5 rooms and bath, open fireplace, ateam heat, large plot, near station and school. Lyn. 6733-W or 4387. a . HI i . I , Furnis'd Houses For Rent 77B ROCKVILLE CENTRE Private bouae, 5 rooms or less, garage, electric refrigera- tor, screened porch. Karl, 311 N. Porest ave.. R. V. O. 1373-J. T Office and Desk Room 78 MAIL and telephone messages received (business or personali, 62.50 mo. Con- fidential. Nassau Business Service. Rlvoli Theatre Bldg., Hemp. 3880—3861. T Wanted to Rent 81 LYNBROOK OR EAST ROCKAWAY—4 OR 6 ROOM APT. WANTED. TEL. LYN- BROOK 3506 OR 6626. V ROCKVILLE CENTRE—North side. 7 room modern house, 2 baths. Rent about 8100. Cramer, 216 Sunrise hy., R. V. o. 4847. O WANTED—In Baldwin or Rockvllle Cen- tre. A 8 or 7 room furnished house, from Msy to Sept. Must be modern, In good neighborhood, preferably with screened porch. State full particulars. Box 35. Dally Review. c Houses For Sale 84 PREEPORT—5 room bungalow, bath..$3$ 7 rms., flreplsce, hot wster heat .... 80 I. LESTER WOOD (1 flight up) 18 B. Sunrise hy., Preeport 4888. .0 FREBPORT—Bungalows $30-335 7 roont house, garage, oil burner $80 3 room apt., garage $30 Wheeler, 16 R. R. ave., Preeport 438. 0 HEMPSTEAD—8 Rm. hse.. Redecorated in- side snd out. Steam heat, gar., nice location, 646. THOMAS J. HARTNBTT. 348 Clinton it., Htmp. 808. Open Sundays. O HEMPSTEAD—* room house, hot water heat, garage, walking distance to sta- tion and high school, 350. SU8CK a HILLIARD. 180 Main st., Hempstead 8876. C HEMPSTEAD—Bungalows. 8 rooms, steam heat, garage, 8*0. e WK. A. BALDWIN, Nr. Rlvoli Theatre. 138 Mala St., Hemp. 78 O HEMPSTEAD—Modern 8 room home, gar- age, near school and station, 848. MARTHA A. ELLISON. 341 Fulton ave.. Hemp. 8363. C HEMPSTEAD 6 Rm. Bungalow, steam Heat, garage, 640. THOMAS A. WAONBR. 36 Greenwich St., Hempstead. O HEMPSTEAD—Modern 8 room hous>„ gar- sge, good location, rant 840. CHARLES W. WALKEB, 70 Main St., Hempstead 3841. O HEMPSTEAD—Large house, all impts. ga- rage, large grounds, suitable dog kennel, on bus line, 640. Apts with garage, 338 up. E. Jones, Nassau rd . Kemp. 8377. C HOUSES and bungalows for summer and all year rentals. Reasonable. A. A. SAUNDERS. 43 Merrick av*.. Merrick. Tel. Prpt. 8888. O MERRICK — 14 Commonwealth ave., 7 room house, enclosed porch, nesr depot, schools. Reasonable. Mrs. F. W. Vsr- ney, 163 Charles at., Lynbrook. T*l. Lyn. .884,7 -. OCBANSIDB— 3 large rooms, gome impts 11 Alice ave.. 818 month. An' G, Carman, Orand ave. and Udell rd West Babylon, Apply Mrs. OCBANSIDE — 8 room house en Masa* Place, decorations to suit, 338. Cor with Bros.. 80-34 Sutphln Blvd., Jamstes. Tal Jam. 8-6116. T UTTLE ANNIE ROONEY "THERE'S SOMETHING ABOUT A SAILOR »» By BRANDON WALSH STENOGRAPHER. experienced, general £?!!• **2ii •SSJ , S*« •*•'• *"•'• OAU Pardon d t p MM far appointment. T FREBPORT 33TB. T ' ""TTr- 1 1" if•»•*•• -• III i i — i II . ji I,, eg. tt iBitrim'tt^,mS an^aay^^twa*a^ n 8>W ra3EW=m^=S9B*^sw±^ms==3mBs-sl Help Vvsnted, Mate 39 Wk mix) HIII esr alWranaa, » Box 38, Maa- U4WMBN ta ir I i ft, itmidi ave, •mm ar with piumUna eat state **ia*r «MJ** Naasau DaQF JtAVlavr. ., zwao - raoseuARy MA* BMM USTEkHKO TO CARfcy RgJAOIN' F&fe OVgA AKi MOOR/ " X OUES© SHE'S P0QA3OTT81W SHE PROMISED fO HURRy UP AMD p»MI*M MRS 'TELLING TOMMY" • r PAUL PIM Hi MB 5mfDEM rQQgfo A Crlls9 SXAMtft 4 MfTf fJT •* •"^gB^gpwi "MgPPNf M *J vWrlSr gJ8^8*^PBWwSg| gPlsJr^^gM w|gP« ;;.V sSj^sjif Twm^n rm WfWsV fWQ|p\ WO A i(i^m jW§vl*}M *m^pVfr MAM WHO mmm swot* *wmiK»m A»psASaKTp)K)pliiy$WEDtHm rSG aUJ•aaiammc'iiiiir '-'-- , HT. i i ^ - tSwwsyywsasTi MfMfBf i trr <Har«M Iff AVttV I6g> rami 68BBBt#w% larYIwKrtr IUOSPDII lk?ft S$P*»!awtJ»A»T*J*T0a*r- #*"*BBBFBBFW; •ssva*"B^BBS8F *wa> #BPBB**HjE*>W^ a^r BBBFaPw JsRBS^gsjBY^tjjtS ITXisL OggggleL samT-s^ssilaw, Si TT7 i rTirTT T*aS2l BALDWIN—6 room house, corner plot, breakfast nook, sewing room, sun room, open fireplsce, large entrance hall, tile bath and kitchen. Inlaid linoleum, extra lavatory and pantry, garage, open back porch, windows metal weatberstrlpped. screens, oil burner, refrigerator, awn- ings, shrubs, best location. Price 88.750. Standing first mortgage, 66,600. Gladys Shlnkle. Sunrise Bank Bldg.. Bsldwtn. 4 8. Grsnd ave. Tel. Preeport 370. C PREEPORT—10 Morton ave.. 8 room mod- ern stucco bungslow, steam heat, oil burner, tile bath, oak floors, fireplace, awnings, screened porch, G-E. refrigera- tor, 2 car garage. Price $5,300. Da Sllva. 31 W. Merrick rd., Prpt. 386. C FREBPORT—Bayview section, 7 rms., til* bath, extra lavatory, hot water heat, oil burner, 3 ear garage, plot 76x150. Pr. 88,800. Terms arranged. Fred C. Ware, 118 W. Sunrise hy., preeport 812. C COMMUTER'S opportunity—modem 8 rm. house, near Hemp. R. R. sta. Small cash or small bungalow as part paymsnt. Balance like rent. Owner. Hemp. 6377. O FREBPORT Beautiful bung., 8 rooms, bath, sun parlor, fireplace, breakfast nook. Bm• 11 cash payment. 86,000. H, G. Aviaan, HI w. Sunrise hy., prpt. 7311 O PREEPORT—633 Archer st., 6 room bun- f slow. centrsl heating, garage, plot SOX 80. Price 83,250. Easy terms. Da Silva, 31 W. Merrick rd., Prpt. SM. O PREEPORT—Waterfront 6 rm*„ bath, *un porch, full cellar, awnings, dock. To quick buyer, 63,600. Terms. Bulger, 34 Bklyn. ave. (opp, depot), Prpt. 3813. O FREBPORT—8 room bungalow, $3,860; gal —water—electricity concrete road. 81 East Bedell St. Apply-To JOHN J. RAN- DALL, owner. 200 Sunrise hy. O ROCKVILLE CENTRE'S BEST BAHOATN 86 Cleveland eve,. 50x137, 6 rooms, bath, open porch, new steam plant, garage, perfect condition, 14.850. Key with McPherson, 373 Merriek rd Local brokers protected. 0 ROCKVILLB CENTRE New Homes 89.000 up. Rentals from 678. GEO. H. SCHWARTZ, BUILDER. 367 Hempstead ave., Rockvllle Centre 1332. T ROXBCyiLLB CENTRE BAROAnT" . .M0-." Nnrthsidr, » rooms, til* bath, stesm heat. 31$ Bunrlsa hy. Tel. R V, O. 4847. C ROOSEVELT — 6 room house, all ImpU , til* bath, sun poreh, open fireplace, gar- age. 848- W. O. Bauer. 3*9 Nassau rd . Roosevelt. Tel. Preeport MS3. O UNFINISHED COTTAOB, WATBRjrRONT LOT, 31.8W). TERMS. J. J. BBDEsaL. 118 MERRICK RD.. BELLMORE. O Lots For Sal* BALDWIN—a building lots. 40x100 each, must be sold. Sacrifice. Owner, 3 Orsmm Flsc*. Baldwin, L. I. T BUTLDTMO PLOTS IH Various sections—groups— 1 to Mspa on request. JOHN J RANDALL, 300 W. Sunrise Highway. Freei ••port, O MERRICK—Plot 80x100. is nice bungslow section, any schools and station: all a**.. North Bellmore, 80x130, 6608. Merriek. lots 678 up. — Other Bargain*, r, Mineola, L. 1, T To Exchange Real Estate 66 I ll'lll-lli .••lllll.ll II I I I mi h n HAVE client, will exchange modem 3 fam- ily house. (3-yr-oldi, tgueen* County far clnl house. (3-yr -oldi. Queens Count; i- V O BUVB 4 view. M. J„ aaaity M.ftM, Want c ,_ Yiaitsa mmA aaeae# of Vruasrt (M S u ' •eavaasj swwa. aaw ee. For Sale or~l[xcKanf« 66A nge Modern Bungalow, 6 room*. BBBUOK Modern Bungalow, 8 raama, tile bath, garage, alt madam Ijapts. *t> •hanga far smaller bungalow E. aohwai- baeh, 16 Catulyou rd. <nr. Sunrise hy.) & & ) & . M*4 suftaHe wliSBf" B^k *%SB«Aga%3aa# i f AIJP^ ESafJ mmt 8EBJ^ftf**B»BJ BSW-aafqgSEfY 13 Banvtae hwy, Lyab mm wmm ^m^^^m^^^^mm^ i •••:aateta« Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

Pwm - WEDNESDAY. APRIL 10, 1935. The Real Estate Is To Use …fultonhistory.com/Newspapers 23/Freeport NY Daily Review... · 2014-08-27 · THE NASSAU DAILY REVIEW—LONG BLAND'S

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Page 1: Pwm - WEDNESDAY. APRIL 10, 1935. The Real Estate Is To Use …fultonhistory.com/Newspapers 23/Freeport NY Daily Review... · 2014-08-27 · THE NASSAU DAILY REVIEW—LONG BLAND'S


The Real Estate Is To Use These Ads 1ST Help. Male and Fetaale 34


s !¥P*


y- y»»»ort 4471 ox

f IJ^lS-jg*, Building and Contracting 19

HAROLD DUMLOP, VMJ. " Cellar excavating,

tend. Gravel u i Cinders. ^ ^ M Dohovaisa ave.. Roosevelt. Prat. TTW. O

Dx 21 DrdBttoafcing and Aiteratlom* by

fflami in Dressmaking. Low Rates. J*enne-Maria (WvoU Theatre Bldg.)


«• Steamships Agents 23A


NEW Reduced Excursion Fare* to Europe, m i l information here.

FREDERICK P. J. CLARK. Authorised Steamship Ticket Ayint, Ma Fulton ave., Htmpitwd 74 <3. C

Moving, Iruck'g, Storage 25 ACME MOVING a STORAGE CO.

Large da luxe vans — LOWKST PEACES. Dally tripe to N. Y.. Bklyn, Westchester.


ALBERT a MERB~T.EN~ Storage — Moving — Crating

Piano Moveri — Licensed Holsters 374 So. Main s t , Preeport.


Situations Wanted—Female 36



LAUNDRY taken hoaw. cantd lor and de-liverad. M Raadall a*., n. V. 0. StlS-lf.

OrTKS warfcata of the better class. pertanced ta "all Unas of business Tba Walton Bureau, 303 Pulton Hempstead. Tel. 8371.

ax-. at

YOUMO woman wishes housework, day or hoar. P. O. Box 4. Merrick. B

Situations Wanted—Male' 37

aint'g. Paper'g, Oecorat'g 26 BETTER grade painting and decorating.

paper hanging expert, large assortment. Imperial washable prices, estimates. N.

papei Yagud,

reasonable Prpt. 1232.


Painting — Remodeling a Decorating 331 Mo. Foreat ave.,

Rockvllle Centre. Tel. R. V. O. 13S8-J. O

LOW winter prices yet. Take advantage and save. Imperial washable papers, 1 room, $4.75; 2 room $$. Labor and ma­terials. Kstimates. Hemp. 6890-R. C


Help Wanted, Female 32 A DOZEN calls for cooks and housework*

srs. Plenty of work! Baa Miss Kern, Bver Ready Employment Bureau, $1 S. Orove St., Preeport 47$$. O



Office cxi pment 5e

Typewriters 54 A

Jamaica. Local Fraepart 8136. 0

Fuel Feed. FertiHxers 56 OAADBM Fertiliser, snoop manure tt 100

lb.; lime 40e bag; laws seeds $180, 5 lb. Slate stepping stonss Mo ft. 1U I. Farmers Fertiliser Corp.. Old Country rtL. MlneoU (ball mile west ox County Court Bouse). TaL O. O. .$00. f


FIRST hand oa bread and rolls wishes position. Relnhard, 177 Naasau rd.. Roosevelt. V

Money to Loan-Mortgages 40 We have money to loan

on first mortgages. All good loans will be accepted at once.

HAFT * FARRINOTON, Savings Bank Building, Jamaica, L. I. C

FIRST MORTGAGE MONTY TO LOAM Straight or Amortising.

Low Fees—Quick Action. Consult LBO H. K. ANDERSEN,

881 Msssau Road, Roosevelt. Tel. Preeport 4393 or 471$. 0

FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS Mortgage Funds Mow Available.

GIBSON AND GIBSON, 292 Pulton ave., Hempstead. . Tel. Hempstead 1183. C

Money to Loan on Mortgage EDWIN O. WRIGHT ALLAN B. WRIGHT

Bank of Rockvllle Cen. Bldg., R. V. C. 880 T

Musical, Danc'g, Dramatic 44 GENTLEMAN linger, student amateur,

would like to hear from advanced piano student, lady or gentleman. Mutual practice evenings. Box 18, Nassau Daily Review. • T

AM OPPORTUNITY - - BARN WHILE LEARNING. Practical Beauty Culture— Halrdresslng. Latest methods — POSI­TIONS SECURED. Leslis's Bssuty Inst., Inc., 158-11 Jamaica av.. Rm. 301, Jam. »»m. , c

A. A. Maids, Cooks, Couples and all house-workers with references wanted at once. American Employment Agency, 184 Sun­rise hy.. Rockvllle Ontre 158. C

A CALL always on band for goad house-workers. white and colored. Try us! Grove Employment Agency, 88 W. Mer­rick rd., preeport 8881. O

ALL JtTNDS OF HELP WANTED trhlte and Colored Cooks, Houseworkers.

R. V. C. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 1 Front st. (cor. Village ave.)

Rockvllle Centre l i t . Day and Evening. C

CALLS (30) houseworkers, white, colored. Salaries to 840. COMB MOW. Moss Sehu-macker. Reliable Employment Agency, 32 Pine st., Preeport 359-M. c

CAPABLE general houseworkers, cooks, chambermaid-waitresses, a couples art in demand at The Welton Bureau, sol Fulton av., Hempstead. Tel. 8371. REF­ERENCES REQUIRED. C

DRESSMAKER—Oenersl finisher wanted. Must be quiet and intelligent. Apply Miss Bohm, 871 Franklin ave., Garden City. T


Special offer In hair dressing and beauty culture. Day and Evening Classes. Take this opportunity to enroll now. . j j & f J*0** •*•• Hemwrtead 8388. 147-13 Jamaica ave.. Jamaica 8-8045. C

FINGER waver, manicurist snd all arouart operator, experienced. Annatte Beauty Shop. 313 Front St., Mineola. Tel, Oar-den City 8438. T

GARDEN CITY EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Cooks, General workers' positions wait­ing. 9th st. on Franklin ave. (McKay Bldg.), Garden City 3071. Evenings 8887.

- - C

uADIBB wanted—Old established New , York Fur house with complete facilities

for storing Furs of every description de-^ sires representative to secure orders for

Fur storage, repairing and remodeling Fur garments. Liberal commission; state qualifications. Furriers, c/o Keens Adv. Agency/ as Nasssu gt„ New

OPERATOR on Marrow Overlook a Shell machine, experienced on baby wear. 180 Scranton ave., Lynbrook, V

PERMANENT position for woman of ex­ceptional ability and culture for highly specialised selling. Mo door to door canvassing. Anpllcsnt must have at least a high school education, college training preferable. Ambition and pleas­ing personality essential. Compensation dependant upon qualifications Good pay, commission and bonus, par inter


NATALIE TITUS STUDIO, 10 Main sweet. Hempstead 3380. O

Kind*g'ten. At Pre-School 45A NORWOOD SCHOOL CAMPS

Children, ages 1-8 accommodated by the hour, day or week. Luncheon served.

HI Merrick rd., Lynbrook 1B44-R. O

Horses, Cattle, Vehicles 48 HORSBS

Just received a carload of Horses. Twenty Seasoned Horses.

BENDER BROS. TRADING CORP.. 187 Front St. Mineola.

Tel. Garden City 8374. 0

SOUTHERN STATE ARENA r Open dsy a night. ' Mill rd.. Hempstead 8314. O

' • " ' I I I • i .

Articles For Sale 51 USED furnaces, steam, hot water. Tested,

guaranteed, fib up. Bought, sold. TATE ENGINEERING CO..

80 N. Forest ave., Rockvllle Centre 8878. C



Landscape contractor, first olaaa; top soil, blue atone, cinders, manure, eta. 337 Post ave., Westbury. Tei. Westbury 888. T

A-i BEST TOP s o n , , $8 per load. Well rotted manure. Ashes, garden rook, sand, ~ tvel a fill. Trucking. Thompson, 11

>tt it., Oceanslde. R. V. C. 4188. T Motl


HAROLD DUNLOP. INC., 99 Debevoise ave., Roosevelt. Prpt. 3773.


CALL R V. O. 33S0 A-l Top Sou, $8 to 37 load. Sand, gravel, stepping stones. Blue stone, building stone, gsrden rock BERT HOLLAND, 180 W. Lakeview av., R V. C.


First grade top soil, gravel, s«f blue stone. Stollen lawns a specialty.

VINCENT BUBFFEL. 13 Abrams PI., Lynbrook 3339. C


» 31 PER CUBIC YARD Anywhere In Nassau Oounty MINIMUM LOAD 3 YARDS


Coal 56C ANYWHERE IN NASSAU. Call Prpt. 890.

Pea 88.38 Egg a Nut $10.80 Stove $10.78. 4 T. or over 25c off per T.

IT PAYS TO BUY PROM PARKER. 38-A R. R Ave., Prpt. Furnace Cleaning

• * • • • • • • • • • • • EGG AND NUT STOVE PEA

GARRETT BUSCB a SON, 73 Columbia St., Hempstead 170


. . . . 10.75

. . . . 9.35 INC.. :-1702. O



Room* Without Board 68



FllBBPORT—Mtoatr able l e r t Priv.

PRSSPORT-aVloely trally located. 38

, j

gm TKB) if, 11011 AS LOW AS 88


BnBD BOOMS. WITH 8aa8BSi » fw a M S W a a A ' P i a a .

[ avTATJOtr). O furnished rosea suit-home. S3 R Dean a*


furnished room. sen-East ave. T

PRBEPOaT—Nicely furnished rooms, near station. Reasonable. S3 S. Ocean ave. T

Flats 7 4

i:1*e2*5b?I44i. 1

water. 18 Roosevelt always hot

ave.. Prpt. 781-M • T

PREEPORT—Nicely furnished or 3, 83-34. Tef. Preeport 341$

for l T

PREEPORT — Neatly furnished room, |Sj garage, tennis courts. Prpt. 7888 J. T

PREEPORT — Largs room, housekeeping opt., good seoflcn. 187 S. Ocean ave, T

Household Goods 59 BEDROOM suite. 171 Southard avenue.

Rockvllle Centre 1763. V



ROOM $49 $385 LIVING ROOM $38

8480 HOLLYWOOD BEDROOM . . . $58 Also: Hardman-Peck Baby Grand;

Stromberg-Carlson Radio; Odd Chairs, Rugs. Secretary, Mirrors, Lamps, etc.


Jamaica's Largest New a Used Salesrooms 92-11 168th ST., JAMAICA

Open Evenings Next Door to Spear's



Motors rebuilt, repaired, used motors bought a sold. Cumberland ave,, ar, Babylon Tpke.. Roosevelt. Prpt. 8878, C

Boats and Accessories 52 GOOD motors suitable for Boats. Hemp­

stead Auto Wrecking Co., Nassau rd, (s. of oreenfield Cemetery). Hempstead Ml, Open Sundays. c


view apply in person MISS Wlttameler T Whitman, Jamaica. ] Hdtst

8ALBECLBWJC—Neat and refl perlene* essential. Steady , » . . ary 318 waakly write giving ell par-tieulan. Box 43, Nassau Daily Review.

iflasd. draw ex­position. Sal-

American SAL8»LADY. refined. Ai expertanoe making high . ooafectlons. Opportunity for am

SALESWOMEN— Nave your own business. Demonstrate and show famous line of fcSi5*r^PJ2,?M»»*«,M- .Training Course

a 8 W > A « B > V a a b ^ M * — • St., New York City.


Now open with complete line of marine hardware. Old Town boats. Dodge boats and all outboard motors. Open evenings

Wooddoft ave.. Preeport 8434 c

Building Materials 53

LOWEST spring prices now In effect on our Grade "A" Anthracite.

UNITED COAL M COKE CO., 86 Terrace ave., BImont. Floral Park 4348.


NUT OR BOO ,.'. 310.M Ton STOVB „ lor» Ton PEA . » . , 9.28 Ton KOPPERB SEABOARD COKE 10.50

ROOSEVELT COAL CO., Nssssu rd., Roosevelt.

Preeport 4871 or Hempstead 3810. . C

Premier Coke. 610 — Stove $10.76 Bgg a Nut 810.50 — Pea Coal 88.00

Buckwheat No. 1, 68. Pill in—budget plan. C. a 8. COAL CO., Preeport 6813. C

» « * • • • • • • • • • • • • , • • . 6 1 0 . 7 5 Stove Coal Nut or Bgg Coal Pea Ooaf , 9.28 Koppars Seaboard Coke 10.80

' JAMBB T. CUNNINGHAM, 184 Nassau rd.. Roosevelt. Prpt. 7131. 0

Household Goods 59 -e>

Advertising under this heading as private individual when In reality a dealer or dealer's representative is a

'mlsdemesnor and warrants immediate prosecution. If a dealer your adver­tisement mutt carry the word "Deal­er" in Its text. OH

+ Pieces, •



A-l prices pals' for all kinds of furniture. brlc-a-brac. rugs, cut glass antiques. books snd clothing. Louis. 3l6 No. Main

"st.. Preeport 7383-j, 0

A t H * l ^ R i v ^ \ r ^ , t R O 0 5 M ' T T l l a

Brooklyn aye., Lakeview. W, Hempatssd. Tel. Hempstead 8788. C BAISRETT ROOFXNG

. p ^ n u r ^ G ^ r W L ^ o . . 10 Ooa.maro.el av., Oasdaa CJtty 186. 0

MINERAL STONE—A beautiful new btilld-ing stone which cornea in a contrast of bright colors for porch floors. ' and aU veneer work. % to thiok, It will pay you to

VILLB CENTRE. Tel" 3088.

•rs. ftrealaeoi

A-l STOVES—Deed gas. coal and combin­ations. Maw Oil Rang* Burners, steam and hot water Dollars Repairing. A.

f siomster 14 Little Mala it.. Hemp. 6408. O

ACME SAVES YOU HALF Dining rm., 813-838; bedroom, 618, living room, $13; bedroom, $38; living rm.. 323.

ACME FURNITURE EXCHANGE 170-08 Jam. ave., eor. no st. Open eves.

0 A GOOD priea paid for your furniture,

rugs, brlc-e.-brac. antiques. A fine selec­tion of household articles for sale. Davey, 330 front st., Hempstead 6818-J

AMD USED FURNITURE SALE om ,...7816|Dlnlng Room 833.00

8.00 3.80

. SALESROOMS. St., Jamaica.—Open Eves. C

ATTTUCTTVB grey painted bedroom suite, in eta dee Iron bed. bureau with oval mirror, chair, stool, bookstand, shirt waist box. 610. I l l Morris ave., R. v. 0 . 3333, _ _ _ O


BEDROOMS, DINING, LIVING ROOMS $19 — $39 — $89 — $49 New snd Reconditioned

Twin Bedroom $15—Davenport $10 Secretary $8—Studio Bed $7

New Club Chairs $8.95 Bed, Spring and Mattress 93.98 each. New 139-5 pc. Breakfast Suites 317.50. Chests 83.98. Dsvenport. Table 88.98.



81-11 166trrst. off Jam. Av., Jamaica. Next to John A. Schwars. Open Eve. C

DININO Room set, 10 p c . 818. Upholstered occasional chairs. 813 up. Secretaries, 617. Maple Bedroom sets, 836 up. Flora. Park Storags Co., Tulip ave,. Floral Park 10. c

DINIMO Rm., living Rm. a Bedroom sets. Dressers, beds and other odd pes. Rea­sonable prices. Doscher's Moving and Storage, 114 Main st.. Hemp. 3318. 0

JACK'S FURNITURE EXCHANGE 282 Jericho Turnpike. Mineola.

Selling out, exceptional bargains in used furniture. V

Refrigerators 59A WE8TTNGHOUSE. G-B„ Orunow, ElSCtro-

lux refrigerators, new, re-bullt. 848.80 up. Guaranteed. 1 jr. to pay under Ns-tional Housing Act Plan. Chaa, Bellltte, Inc.. 148-13 Hillside ave., Jamaica. Jam. 8-8033. . ^ T

USED refrigerators 618 up; new gas range $30 up. Opportunity for builders. Free-port Utilities, 13 N. Main St.. Preeport.

Refrigerator Repairs 59B A. Burri — Refrigeration Repairs

EXPERT, TRUSTWORTHY SERVICE All makes. 10 Smith Ct., Bellmore.

Tel. Wantagh 1296 or Long Beach 377. C

HEMPSTEAD (Wast) — Furnished room. single or double. Priv. home. Hemp. 738-4. T

HEMPSTEAD—Unusually delightful double rm., refined surroundings (gentleman) Hemp. 4443-M. T

HEMPSTEAD—Large furnished room. 1 or 3, ail Impts.. $4. Hemp. 3084.

for T

Furnished Apartmenta 74A


i . .—_„ , p a w • ii i gaj „ | ,

BA8JT ROOKAWAY — Newly decorated, 3—3 room apts.. boat, gas. eleosfie. Fur­nished or unfurnished. $33 a tig; gar. opt. 4 Ftrstave.. Lyn. 3831. " T

PREEPORT — Nloely furnished sat.. 4 rooms and bath in 3 family house, select neighborhood. Also room and kitchen­ette. TeL Preeport 13T6. ™ W " T

HEMPSTEAD—3 room upper floor, prii able); gas. Ugh Piled; rent $38 Hemp. 838.

furnished apt., ivese bath, (garage a vail-ht. heat, hot water sup-8. Adults. 48 Yale at


Houses For Rent 77 room bouse, "trigs.

ago. 830; 3 room . mar schawl and .bus, 837 wn»»Ha«a.B 3-Vifi-

. at asm, gar-

^"otte •TOUXL LTKI

• roams, tile kitchen aad bath, aamty deoatated. attractive leaideaeaT 88BvM rvr mo. tar Immediate rental. „ » - ***** * SOHLBY. U M. Park Ave. R. V. O.

„ ROOKVTLLE CENTRE VICINITY * roam (3 bedrooms), brick borne, ail burner, colored tile bath, stall fireplace, sun porch, enclosed 3 oar • rage, beautiful location. $88. Keys at 181 Sunrise by., R. V. a 3347. ^ O

HOTEL Apts.. 1 a 1 rooms, kitchenette. Weekly or Monthly: light, best and gas furnished, linens snd maid service op­tional. ,"*?** °**r». ! » • vTaekly. Meals op­tional. Crystal Lake Hotel. Preeport 118.

• _ !

LYNBROOK—1 or 3 rooms suitable 1 or 3,

f entleman or business couple; con v. to rains, garage. 38 Winter st. TeL Lyn­

brook 6863. V

ROCKVILLE CENTRE — Nicely furnished, airy, near bus. R. V. C. 3018-J. T

WILLDSTON PARK—Large front room, suitable 1 or 3. 16 Remsea at. T

Rooms for Housekeeping 69



ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION SERVICE Expert repairs, Service installation. All types snd systems. J. I. Cunningham, 46 Windsor Pky., Oceanslde. R. V. C. 3027.


MILFORD ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR SERVICE Repairs and service on all types: com-pressors re-bullt. Tal. Preeport 3876. 0

Piano Tuning 61A PIANOS TUNED. VtT^



TUNING 83. Factory, repslr shop, show room experience. Every style. Reed oi'

f ans cleaned, repaired. Reference. Hyer, 63 8. Centre ave., R. V. O. 675-R. C

BALDWIN—1 or 3 large rooms, kitchen, bath, furnished or unfurnished. 40 Park ave. (1 block south of Merrick road). V

PREEPORT—Furnishsd for housekeeping, 3 rooms and Kitchenette, priv. bath, gas, light, heat, hot water, 330 mo. Also l room snd kitchen. Prpt. 5930. O

PREEPORT—3 furnished rooms, light housekeeping, nr. station. 108 Brooklyn ave. T

PREEPORT—3 ne bath, impts..

newly decori decorated rooms, Lillian ave.


ROCKVILLE CENTRR - - Furnished apt-upper or lower floor private house, new­ly decorated, electric ret., screened


OALOW, convenient to Rockvllle Centre; studio living room, ultra modern bath a kitchen; garage; lease $43. HARRY O. HALL, 301 Oreenwioh St.. Hemp.. 4493. O

AN attractive Colonial cottage, all modern impts.. cosy porch, breakfast nook, steam heat, vestibule, gsr.. nice residen­tial section, corner plot, 60x100, $40. Marquarlng (opp. station), Bellmore. O

AT BALDWIN — Complete lutings of houses, bungalows a apts. for rant. $30 a up.


BOCKTVILLB CENTRE — Beautiful Dutch Colonial corner house, 378 per mo.; 4 bedrooms, oil burner, gun parlor, tar­nished or unfurnished. 384 Merrick rd.

T ROCKVILLE CENTRE—Northeast section,

6 room house, sun porch, steam heat.

K T vTc. i*^ •*'•• 1M • - ^ ROCKVILLE CENTRE—Attractive 6 room.

center hall. Colonial, garage, situated Urge comer plot, fine location, 885. Hertel, 188 Sunrise by.. R. \ . O. 5377. C


6 rooms, tile bath, oil burner. $58. Roako-Batas, 343 Sunrise hy., R V C C

ROCKVILLE CENTRE—The best in town, several 8 rms., garage, etc. from 880 per mo. up. See Valentine Wick, 148 Sun­rise highway at Centra ave. c

ROOSEVELT—New 4 room bungalow, gar­age, fruit trees, near school. Impts.. t25 month. 388 Fredericks ave., corner Prospect st. T

Houses For Rent or Sale 77A

WURLTTZER expert, pianos, electric or­gans. Players tuned, polished, year guarantee. Action overhauled, 618. Tuning Free. Stubbe, Roos. Prpt. 1173-R.


Musical Merchandise 62

LARGE crib. Beauty Raat mattress, springs, •A metal bed. Simmons springs, mattress, child's suto sest. perfect condition. | cheep. Tel. Lynbrook 5579. V

OAK dining room suite, walnut beds, ma­hogany dresser, chiffoniers, 3 rockers, library table. 137 Hempstead ave., Lyn­brook 1806-R. T

ORIENTAL runner, I2x3'<4, 3 rugs. 4x6, large Oriental table lamp, electric re­ducing machine, occasional chairs, ma­hogany day bed. 80 Seventh St., Valley Stream 1707. T

PIANO, Baby Orand, good condition. Pree­port 3516. T

QUAKER ^Armstrong rugs, 4x6, $1—6x6. $1.50. Highland plaid fiber rugs, all siz*» a colors. Hassocks 88c up. Socolov, 119 8. Main it.. Preeport $80. C

SACRIFICE — Furniture, rugs, books, Odd puce*, etc. 88 Broad it.. Willlston Park.

SELLING out, Living room, 618: bed­room, 838; dining room. 638; bed com-Sete, fa, Preeport Auction Rooms. 16 S.

sin it.. Preeport 4565 (nr. R R.) C

USED GAS R A N G E S in good condition at reasonable prices.

HOUSEHOLD EFFICIENCY CO.. 50 W. Merrick rd., Preeport. Tel. $988. T

WISSNER. HARDMAN. KRANICH * BACH Used Grand. 6188. Terms 83 Wk.

YBR, 46 W. Merrick rd.. Preeport 4378. Open even, except Wed. 0

Radio 62A ACT NOW—836 reward for any radio we

cannot repair. No lob too small or too large. Certified Radio Service Shop, 6-B B'klyn av.. Preeport 6870. (M. side R. R.)

RADIO SERVICE ALL MAKES Expert service by factory trained men.

Free Inspection. B'way Radio Service, 96 Broadway. Preeport 8188. 0

Wanted to Buy 66



BOOKS, glassware, clothes, shoes, odds snd ends. Please phone Hempstead 3514-j or call 633 Nassau rd.. Roosevelt.


SUN room furniture (used) wanted. Garden City 8884.

Tel. T

USED rugs bought and sold. Hempstead Carpet Cleaning CO., 31 Greenwich it.. Hempstead 3013. V

WARDROBE, dresser, buffet, machine, bed, odd pliees. 34 Hempstead ave.. Lyn­brook. T

3 PCS. living rm. suite. 818; bed, spring, mattress (new), all sites, 38.80. « pee. bedroom suite, $48, Furniture Bt. Br. of Simons, H3 S, Mala St., Preeport 88$$.


Refrigerators 59A 11,1 .. ;j - ' ' ' " ;

ALL KINDS Mew and Used Refrigerators, 129.80 and UP. Electrolux. Kelvlnator. Prigidalra. Rice. Weitlnghouse. Servel a WelUbaeh. Special low prices on B R A N D N E W 1814 Models. Liberal terms arranged. Sunriaa-Merrlek Trading Corp.. ISO Sunrise hy., Rockvllle Centre 910 or 384 Fulton ave.. Hempstead 7171. C

— — — — II n . i i ii.ni

ALL types bought, sold, repaired. New, used parti, compressors, alee, motors. No charge for estimates. Allison. 800 Mew-bridge rd.. Bellmore. Tel. Wantagh 1846


WANTED—A used floor safe, approximate weight 500 lbs. to 1,000 lbs. Write Box 1, Nassau Daily Review. V

Rooms With Board 67



BALDWIN—For single person or couple with congenlsl family. Preeport 5043. T


Rooms Without Board 68 BELLMORE—Rooms. near but. Jones

Beach. 329 St. Marks ave.

PREEPORT—Room, modern house, private family, 84.50; meals optional. 141 Brook-atde ave. (near Merrick road), Preeport 7338-J. T

HEMPSTEAD—Furnished 1 or 3 rooms, housekeeping, gar., nr. village. Hemp. 848-M. T

HEMPSTEAD—Large furnished, coupls or 3 gentlemen; housekeeping privilege*. Hemp. S84S-J. T

HEMPSTEAD — Room snd kitchenette, completely furnished. 383 Main st. T

MERRICK—3 rooms, bath, furnished or unfurnished, impts. 08 Smith street. V

home, KID] . all

Room, kitchenette, priv. impts. Rockvllle Centra 1418-M

Apartments and Flats 74 BALDWIN—4 room apt., newly decorated,

tiled bath, heat and hot water supplied, 830. Inquire Lalbach. 8 Harts St., Bald­win. Tel. Preeport 4148. T

FREBPORT—2-3-4 ROOM APTS. Renting Agent for

South Shore Apartments Pins Court Apartments

Grove Court Apartments Preeport Hall Apartments

JOHN CROTCKSHANK. 126 8. Oroya St.. Preeport 3636.

PREEPORT — 4 rooms and bath, upper floor, 3 family house, all modern Impts.. adults only. TeL Preeport 1876. T

GARDEN CITY — (338 Stewart ave.). 8 rooms, 3 baths, fireplace, heated pri­vate garages, exclusively residential. garden apts., sunny exposures, low rentsU. Garden City 3584-W T

HEMPSTEAD—4 room apt. and bath, also SO ft. barn In rear. 830 each per month. Pulton ave.. near Uniondali. Til. Hemp­stead 816-M. B


HEMPSTEAD—3 and 4 room apts., tile bath, steam heat, hot water, all modern Impts., reasonabls rent. 88 Vsn Cott avs, T

HEMPSTEAD — $ and S room apts.. all impts. (upper and lower floors); rent $18 month; garage optional. 63 extra 211 Linden ave. Tel. Hemp. 101-w. c

LYNBROOK—8 large rooms, tile bath, tile kitchen, breakfast nook, pantry electric refrigerator, garage, near station. 333 Vincent ave., Lyn, S808-R, V

MALVBRNE— 3 room apt., private bath, heat, gas, electric, 1 block from station. 80 Utterby rd. V

ROCKVILLE CENTRE—3 room apt., priv. house, all impts., $30 per month, garage

Nichols, 40 Randall ave. Tel. R opt. VT O. 1888-R evenings.

ROCKVILLE CENTRE — 4 room apt., oil ige, 818. Keys at!

R. V. 0, " burner heat, 1 car garage, 838. 181 Sunrise by.. R. V. 0. 1947.

ROOSEVELT—At Southern state Parkway —Modern steam heated apts., 8 rooms, tile kitchen snd bath, electric refrigera­tor, aU impu., 830-616 to well recom­mended tenants. Andersen, 831 Maasau rd. Tel. Preeport 43N or 4738. O

A BRICK BUNGALOW, modern, 6 rooms, tile bath, stall shower, very refined neighborhood, 655 mo. Bxcluslvely with Grace Holmes, 49 High St., Hemp. 333. C

\ . • • • ' BALDWIN—A select rental for a select

small family, 8 room brick bungalow, oil burner, refrigerator, $60. Oscar Armbruster, 88 8. Grand ave. Tel. Free-port 1844. o

BALDWIN—Attractive 7 room bungalow, tile bath and kitchen, fireplace, steam. garage, 840. Other rentals $35 up. Coll-yer a Bailey, Inc., 10 So. Orand ave. C

BALDWIN—6 room house, garage, scrsened porch, hot wster hest, convenient to 7295** *n<1 , t ' t l o n ' *88' T#1- Toepo"

BALDWIN — High class modern 6 room residence, Ideally located, responsible people. M. Bsbcock, 131 Merrick rd. Tel, Preeport 593-J. c

PREEPORT—88 Evans ave., attractive 8 room bungalow, garage, sun porch, rent 636. Tel. Rockvllle Centre 8846. T

FREBPORT—DWELL HERE a PROSPER 5 room bungalow, 533 Archer 636 6 room house, 389 Roosevelt 40 8 room house. 236 MUler . , 40 6 room spt., 152 8. Ocean , 68 Da Silva. 31 W. Merrick rd.. Preeport 385.


LYNBROOK — Bungalow, 5 rooms and bath, open fireplace, ateam heat, large plot, near station and school. Lyn. 6733-W or 4387. a . H I i . I ,

Furnis'd Houses For Rent 77B ROCKVILLE CENTRE — Private bouae, 5

rooms or less, garage, electric refrigera­tor, screened porch. Karl, 311 N. Porest ave.. R. V. O. 1373-J. T

Office and Desk Room 78 MAIL and telephone messages received

(business or personali, 62.50 mo. Con­fidential. Nassau Business Service. Rlvoli Theatre Bldg., Hemp. 3880—3861.


Wanted to Rent 81


ROCKVILLE CENTRE—North side. 7 room modern house, 2 baths. Rent about 8100. Cramer, 216 Sunrise hy., R. V. o. 4847.

O WANTED—In Baldwin or Rockvllle Cen­

tre. A 8 or 7 room furnished house, from Msy to Sept. Must be modern, In good neighborhood, preferably with screened porch. State full particulars. Box 35. Dally Review. c

Houses For Sale 84

PREEPORT—5 room bungalow, bath..$3$ 7 rms., flreplsce, hot wster heat . . . . 80

I. LESTER WOOD (1 flight up) 18 B. Sunrise hy., Preeport 4888. . 0

FREBPORT—Bungalows $30-335 7 roont house, garage, oil burner $80 3 room apt., garage $30 Wheeler, 16 R. R. ave., Preeport 438. 0

HEMPSTEAD—8 Rm. hse.. Redecorated in­side snd out. Steam heat, gar., nice location, 646.

THOMAS J. HARTNBTT. 348 Clinton it., Htmp. 808. Open Sundays.


HEMPSTEAD—* room house, hot water heat, garage, walking distance to sta­tion and high school, 350.

SU8CK a HILLIARD. 180 Main st., Hempstead 8876. C

HEMPSTEAD—Bungalows. 8 rooms, steam heat, garage, 8*0.

e WK. A. BALDWIN, Nr. Rlvoli Theatre. 138 Mala St., Hemp. 78

O HEMPSTEAD—Modern 8 room home, gar­

age, near school and station, 848. MARTHA A. ELLISON.

341 Fulton ave.. Hemp. 8363. C

HEMPSTEAD — 6 Rm. Bungalow, steam Heat, garage, 640.

THOMAS A. WAONBR. 36 Greenwich St., Hempstead. O

HEMPSTEAD—Modern 8 room hous>„ gar-sge, good location, rant 840.

CHARLES W. WALKEB, 70 Main St., Hempstead 3841. O

HEMPSTEAD—Large house, all impts. ga­rage, large grounds, suitable dog kennel, on bus line, 640. Apts with garage, 338 up. E. Jones, Nassau rd . Kemp. 8377. C

H O U S E S and bungalows for summer and all year rentals. Reasonable.

A. A. SAUNDERS. 43 Merrick av*.. Merrick. Tel. Prpt. 8888.


MERRICK — 14 Commonwealth ave., 7 room house, enclosed porch, nesr depot, schools. Reasonable. Mrs. F. W. Vsr-ney, 163 Charles at., Lynbrook. T*l. Lyn. .884,7 -. —

OCBANSIDB— 3 large rooms, gome impts 11 Alice ave.. 818 month. A n ' G, Carman, Orand ave. and Udell rd West Babylon,

Apply Mrs.

OCBANSIDE — 8 room house en Masa* Place, decorations to suit, 338. Cor with Bros.. 80-34 Sutphln Blvd., Jamstes. Tal Jam. 8-6116. T


STENOGRAPHER. experienced, general £?!!• **2ii •SSJ,S*« •*•'• *"•'• OAU Pardon d t p MM far appointment. T


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BALDWIN—6 room house, corner plot, breakfast nook, sewing room, sun room, open fireplsce, large entrance hall, tile bath and kitchen. Inlaid linoleum, extra lavatory and pantry, garage, open back porch, windows metal weatberstrlpped. screens, oil burner, refrigerator, awn­ings, shrubs, best location. Price 88.750. Standing first mortgage, 66,600. Gladys Shlnkle. Sunrise Bank Bldg.. Bsldwtn. 4 8. Grsnd ave. Tel. Preeport 370. C

PREEPORT—10 Morton ave.. 8 room mod­ern stucco bungslow, steam heat, oil burner, tile bath, oak floors, fireplace, awnings, screened porch, G-E. refrigera­tor, 2 car garage. Price $5,300.

Da Sllva. 31 W. Merrick rd., Prpt. 386. C

FREBPORT—Bayview section, 7 rms., til* bath, extra lavatory, hot water heat, oil burner, 3 ear garage, plot 76x150. Pr. 88,800. Terms arranged. Fred C. Ware, 118 W. Sunrise hy., preeport 812. C

COMMUTER'S opportunity—modem 8 rm. house, near Hemp. R. R. sta. Small cash or small bungalow as part paymsnt. Balance like rent. Owner. Hemp. 6377. O

FREBPORT — Beautiful bung., 8 rooms, bath, sun parlor, fireplace, breakfast nook. Bm• 11 cash payment. 86,000. H, G. Aviaan, HI w. Sunrise hy., prpt. 7311


PREEPORT—633 Archer st., 6 room bun-

fslow. centrsl heating, garage, plot SOX 80. Price 83,250. Easy terms.

Da Silva, 31 W. Merrick rd., Prpt. SM. O

PREEPORT—Waterfront 6 rm*„ bath, *un porch, full cellar, awnings, dock. To quick buyer, 63,600. Terms. Bulger, 34 Bklyn. ave. (opp, depot), Prpt. 3813. O

FREBPORT—8 room bungalow, $3,860; gal —water—electricity — concrete road. 81 East Bedell St. Apply-To JOHN J. RAN­DALL, owner. 200 Sunrise hy. O

ROCKVILLE CENTRE'S BEST BAHOATN 86 Cleveland eve,. 50x137, 6 rooms, bath, open porch, new steam plant, garage, perfect condition, 14.850. Key with McPherson, 373 Merriek rd

Local brokers protected. 0

ROCKVILLB CENTRE New Homes 89.000 up. Rentals from 678.

GEO. H. SCHWARTZ, BUILDER. 367 Hempstead ave., Rockvllle Centre 1332.


ROXBCyiLLB CENTRE BAROAnT" . .M0-." Nnrthsidr, » rooms, til* bath, stesm heat. 31$ Bunrlsa hy. Tel. R V, O. 4847. C

ROOSEVELT — 6 room house, all ImpU , til* bath, sun poreh, open fireplace, gar-age. 848- W. O. Bauer. 3*9 Nassau rd . Roosevelt. Tel. Preeport MS3. O


Lots For Sal*

BALDWIN—a building lots. 40x100 each, must be sold. Sacrifice. Owner, 3 Orsmm Flsc*. Baldwin, L. I. T

BUTLDTMO PLOTS IH Various sections—groups— 1 to

Mspa on request. JOHN J RANDALL,

300 W. Sunrise Highway. Freei ••port, O

MERRICK—Plot 80x100. i s nice bungslow section, a n y schools and station: all


North Bellmore, 80x130, 6608. Merriek. lots 678 up.

— Other Bargain*, r, Mineola, L. 1, T

To Exchange Real Estate 66 I l l ' l l l - l l i . •• l l l l l . l l II I I I mi h n

HAVE client, will exchange modem 3 fam­ily house. (3-yr-oldi, tgueen* County far clnl

house. (3-yr -oldi. Queens Count; i -V O



M. J„ aaaity M.ftM, Want

c ,_ Yiaitsa mmA aaeae# of Vruasrt (M S u '

•eavaasj swwa. aaw ee.

For Sale or~l[xcKanf« 66A nge Modern Bungalow, 6 room*. BBBUOK — Modern Bungalow, 8 raama,

tile bath, garage, alt madam Ijapts. *t> •hanga far smaller bungalow E. aohwai-baeh, 16 Catulyou rd. <nr. Sunrise hy.)

& & ) & .

M*4 suftaHe wliSBf" B^k *%SB«Aga%3aa# i f A I J P ^ ESafJ mmt 8EBJ ftf**B»BJ BSW-aafqgSEfY

13 Banvtae hwy, Lyab

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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
