Purim's Hand Over

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Until our families got too large and extended, thank G-d, we used to get together every year from the end of the fast of Ester

C:\My Documents\Bembi's Bussiness\essay\2005\March\Purim's Hand Over.rtf Page 1 of 4Purims Hand Over Until the different families got too large and extended, we used to get together every year for the Purim seuda. Julie had made her homemade borekas and mushroom sauce, Chana made the freshly baked rolls; Libby made good old American apple pie with strawberry ice cream. Since it was Batyas house we all joyfully used and abused, her main job was to prepare her kitchen for the onslaught. Together, we made a turkey stuffed (well not really stuffed, but Ill tell you about that later) with all sorts of goodies. Sweet potato apple boats and garlic green beans lightly covered with fried sesame seeds, and of course 3 cans of cranberry sauce.

Why 3? Well one for those who like berry style, the other for those who like jellied and the 3rd for my husband. He claims its the only way to carve a turkey is with a can of cranberry jelly and a good carving knife. And believe me his slices of white meat are paper-thin.

One year after the meal was well on its way, the wine and schnapps shared by all those who were invited and those who werent, Daniel Eisener spoke. Daniel has dedicated his life to finding Israels MIAs. Rabbi Eisener travels to unknown places and speaks to people who know only evil. He battles for these precious soldiers of Israel. That Purim had been ushered in by 5 terrorist attacks. Daniel told over a vort with tears in his eyes as he remembered the reporters description of a little Queen Esther without hands or legs. .

The first battle against Amalek, Moshe Rabbeinu had supported the troops from the top of the hill by lifting his hands. As long as his hands were raised the Jews prevailed. By this he demonstrated that the hands are the highest part of the body but not naturally so they have to be lifted. We know that Hashem rewards us for even a mere good thought, but the actions of the righteous is like a dance before ones beloved. And that can only come from a refastening of our heads to our hearts. And Daniel, then said slowly lifting his hands up high like his ancestor so many years ago, you may think that Hashem created our heads high to show which has dominance, but the deeds of our hands are more powerful than the most lofty thoughts, since we can lift them above our heads.

May Hashem grant Daniels hands and all those who seek our soldiers freedom the power to unleash their chains and hand them back over to their rightful places.

Purim Roasted Turkey(See photo)(Note for whole turkey eaters in Israel: Even though Israel may be the highest capital of Turkey eaters in the world, butchers dont sell whole turkeys unless asked in advanced. Better yet find someone else who also wants turkey, because they sell them in pairs) Israeli birds usually come at 6 7 kilos, much smaller than their American cousins. This is enough for about 25 - 30 portions.Preparation Time: 20 minutesCooking Time: about 3 hoursServing Portions: 25-30Preheat oven to 200*C or 450*F first. Wash and clean the turkey inside and out with cold water and drain well. With peeled garlic clove rub over the entire turkey and sprinkle sweet paprika.

If roasting in an Israeli oven put the whole turkey in an ovens tray covered with baking paper. Put the dark side (bottom) up first. Reduce the heat to160*C or 325*F and roast uncovered. After an hour turn the turkey around so the white side is up. You may at this point want to cover the tips of the turkey wings and the neck with tinfoil, so they dont dry out. Always according to American recipes, it recommends about 4 hours of cooking. I think this is usually exaggerated. It always seems to be done in 2 1/2 to 3 hours.

Elaines Onion StuffingI prefer actually not stuffing the turkey but lay the stuffing underneath the turkey to baste in its juices for 2 reasons 1. Stuffing causes slower cooking time. And the second reason is for health. Any stuffing left inside the bird can cause dangerous bacteria. Preparation Time: 25 minutesCooking Time: by itself 45 minutes if under the turkey same amount as the turkey Serving Portions: 15-202 Tablespoons vegetable oil3 sleeves of parve "Ritz" type crackers2 cups of chicken broth2 onions, diced small

Crush the crackers, not too fine, into a bowl. Heat the oil in a frying pan. Saut the onions in the heated oil until brown. Add the onions to the crackers and add the broth. Stir until mixture is a good consistency (moist and smooth) Bake, covered, at 350 *F (180*C) for 30 minutes by itself or place it underneath the turkey and let the juices bake in.Apple filled sweet potatoes boatsNeed a medium sweet potato per personPreparation Time: 20 minutesCooking Time: almost 1 hourServing Portions: 66 med sweet potatoes (or yams) cup of brown sugar1/3 cup of margarine tsp grated orange peel (optional) tsp of cinnamon1 cup of peeled, cored, chopped apple cup of chopped sweeten toasted pecans

Heat oven to 190*C (375*F). Prick sweet potatoes with fork to allow steam to escape. Bake for 35 minutes until tender. Cut the sweet potato in lengthwise. Scoop out the meat of the sweet potato and mix it with a blender with the brown sugar, margarine, orange peel and cinnamon. By hand mix in the nuts and apples. Place mixture back into the shells and place on a baking sheet for another 15 to 20 minutes or until heated through.

Garlic Green beans lightly covered with fried Sesame SeedsNot only is this dish loved by everyone, you can literally make it at the last minute.Preparation Time: 15 minutesCooking Time: 20 minutes best just to heat not cookServing Portions: 6- 8. 1 package of frozen French style cut green beans1 tsp salt1 clove garlic2 tsp of sesame seeds1 Tbls of oil or margarineSaut the garlic with oil in a frying pan. After they release their pungent smell add salt and sesame seeds. Just before the seeds turn brown (just a few minutes make sure to watch and stir the mixture), turn off the fire. Add it to the defrosted but still cold green beans. Stir. Set mixture on top of whatever you are planning to serve that meal covered. In 20 30 minutes not directly on the fire it will be perfect, hot but not overdone. If you want to cook it directly, heat it on a fire for 5 minutes stirring so seeds wont burn.

Double Chocolate Cream PiePreparation Time: hourCooking Time: 25 minutesServing Portions: 8-10Dough1 cup flour1 egg1 tsp vanilla cup sugar1/8 tsp salt1/3-cup oil or margarine1 tsp baking powder1 Tbls cocoa

Filling1 Tbls wine1 Tbls flour cup water1 package parve chocolate chips (400 grams)1 package vanilla pudding4 eggs separated Egg yolks beaten and the whites whipped

Topping1 container parve dessert whip1 tsp vanilla

Preheat oven 350* F (180* C).Mix the dough ingredients in a mixer. Line a 9 pie pan with baking paper. Roll out the dough to fit the bottom of the pie pan and prick holes in it. Bake for 25 minutes.

In a pot over a low fire, add 2/3s of the chocolate, the wine, egg yolks and the flour. Stir constantly until melted. Remove from the fire. Add the pudding and mix thoroughly. Fold in the egg whites. Place the filing in the warm shell.

Whip the parve whip and add the vanilla. Mix again. Smear the whip on top of the filing and decorate with the leftover chocolate chips. Serve either immediately or chilled.

Tip: The best way to tell if a turkey is done uses a standard meat thermometer. Insert the tip into the thigh muscle next to body, not touching bone. The turkey is done when it reads 185*F or 85*C. Or you can use a toothpick. Stick it into the meaty part of the turkey. If the juice runs out clear, your bird is done.

Tip: The apple sweet potato dish can be made into a casserole. Dont return the mixture into the skins, but put it together in a baking dish. Drop 2 Tbls of margarine in small bits on top and bake.

Tip: In the green bean dish; strips of red pepper can be cooked with the garlic, to give the dish a different flavor and more color.

Tip: Other variations of the pie; make the crust with out chocolate. Fro toppings melt 100 grams of chocolate with cup margarine together and pour it on top after the pie filling has cooled a bit. Then sprinkle the tops with nuts and coconut in diagonal lines across the pie.