Appendix G – Status updates on the European Parliament’s and January 1 THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT’S PRESENCE ON FACEBOOK CG86653 55 Nr. crt Date Text/Subject Comm Lik es Sha res Vide o/ Pict ure European Parliament comments/ answers 1. Marc h 31, 2012 Hundreds of millions of people will switch their lights off during "Earth Hour" today at 20.30. Parliament also supports this action launched by WWF to raise awareness of climate change. Will you be switching the lights off tonight? Share to spread the message! More @ http://epfacebook.eu/qm 66 509 509 pict ure thanks for the pic to cayusa http://epfacebook.e u/qn 2. Marc h 30, 2012 Ready for law-making? As of this Sunday, the European citizens' initiative gives you the opportunity to directly influence EU legislation. Ask your questions to Vice President Georgios Papastamkos: he'll answer them in an interview on Wednesday! http://epfacebook.eu/qh 75 200 64 pict ure Thanks to MyTudut for the pic on Flickr! http://epfacebook.e u/qj 3. Marc h 30, 2012 Members of the Parliament welcomed the significant progress made by Serbia, Kosovo and Montenegro towards joining the EU. However, for Turkey there still is a long road ahead as it faces many major reforms. Have you visited any of these countries? Read more 128 173 47 pict ure Thanks to Hambo for the picture: http://epfacebook.e u/qe

pure.au.dkpure.au.dk/portal/files/45333784/403120_document_2.docx  · Web viewNr. crt. Date. Appendix G – Status updates on the European Parliament’s Facebook page, between April

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Appendix G – Status updates on the European Parliament’s Facebook page, between April 1st and January 1st


CG86653 55


Date Text/Subject Comm




European Parliament comments/answers

1. March 31, 2012

Hundreds of millions of people will switch their lights off during "Earth Hour" today at 20.30. Parliament also supports this action launched by WWF to raise awareness of climate change. Will you be switching the lights off tonight? Share to spread the message! More @ http://epfacebook.eu/qm

66 509 509 picture thanks for the pic to cayusa http://epfacebook.eu/qn

2. March 30, 2012

Ready for law-making? As of this Sunday, the European citizens' initiative gives you the opportunity to directly influence EU legislation. Ask your questions to Vice President Georgios Papastamkos: he'll answer them in an interview on Wednesday! http://epfacebook.eu/qh

75 200 64 picture Thanks to MyTudut for the pic on Flickr! http://epfacebook.eu/qj

3. March 30, 2012

Members of the Parliament welcomed the significant progress made by Serbia, Kosovo and Montenegro towards joining the EU. However, for Turkey there still is a long road ahead as it faces many major reforms. Have you visited any of these countries? Read more @ http://epfacebook.eu/pZ  andhttp://epfacebook.eu/qd

128 173 47 picture Thanks to Hambo for the picture: http://epfacebook.eu/qe

4. March 29, 2012

Members of the Parliament welcomed the significant progress made by Serbia, Kosovo and Montenegro towards joining the EU. However, for Turkey there still is a long road ahead as it faces many major reforms. Have you visited any of these countries? Read more @ http://epfacebook.eu/pZ  andhttp://epfacebook.eu/qd

129 174 47 picture Thanks to Hambo for the picture: http://epfacebook.eu/qe

5. March 29, 2012

If you would associate any colour with agriculture, it would be green, no? The European Commission proposes to give more financial support to farmers involved in organic farming or crop diversification. Parliament will hear from experts before taking position. Are you keen on organic food? More @http://epfacebook.eu/pD

49 244 51 picture Thanks to Atle G for the pic on Flickr: http://epfacebook.eu/pE

@ Carmen Docampo Costas: we also have a page

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in Spanish, if you prefer: http://epfacebook.eu/pJ ;)

6. March 28, 2012

This historical flag is illegal in Belarus today. Syarhey Kavalenka was sentenced for two years in prison just for displaying it in Vitsebsk. He's one of many political prisoners in Belarus. Parliament is demanding their release and will vote tomorrow on new economic sanctions against Minsk. Share to show your support! @ http://epfacebook.eu/p2

65 184 94 Picture Thanks for the photo to Logofag: http://epfacebook.eu/p3

7. March 28,2012

Unusual guest at Parliament today. Do you know why? 64 196 45 picture Thanks for all your answers! As some of you guessed robots were a part of European Research Leadership in Robotics event. It was organized by STOA (Parliament's Science and Technology Options Assessment). This workshop brought together leading European scientists, industry representatives, and EC funding unit leaders. The project concerning the robot on the photo is co-funded by the EU. You can learn more about STOA here: http://epfacebook.eu/pr . And about the project here: http://epfacebook.eu/ps

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Timothée Nngdc Steinmetz we do whenever something ACTA related is discussed in the EP. Check our post from yesterday: http://epfacebook.eu/pt and the event that we update regularly: http://epfacebook.eu/kV

Despina Manousos, our apologies and thanks to Mr Tsoukalas MEP, who indeed organised this event with the support of STOA.

8. March 28, 2012

The EU takes in only 4,500 out of the 200,000 refugees that need resettling in the world each year. Is this enough? Parliament members think it's not and support money incentives for member states. More @http://epfacebook.eu/pk

74 177 54 Picture Picture: a Syrian refugee child at the refugee camp in Yayladagi. ©BELGA/AFP/A.Altan

European Parliament Please note that the Parliament's position will become official after the vote in plenary on Thursday

@ Barry Sherwell: Refugees are not the same as immigrants. Refugees is a status granted by the UN for

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people that can not return to their home countries because of threats, wars...

Don Johnson, the vote in topic-related committees is a necessary step before the vote in plenary. The vote is fully democratic in committees as well, but the final decision is always taken by all the members, together in the hemicycle. In most of the cases, the results of the vote in plenary is similar to the one in committee - but not always.

9. March 27, 2012

Parliament's International Trade Committee today decided against referring ACTA to the European Court of Justice for a ruling on its legality. "The decision on ACTA is a political one and Parliament should keep control over its agenda," argued some Members. Do you agree? More @http://epfacebook.eu/pg

47 149 47 picture

10. March 26, 2012

Five years ago, the European Parliament denounced the CIA's illegal transfer and detention of prisoners in the EU. What has happened since then? Find out at the hearing today from 9am CET @ http://epfacebook.eu/pa  and read more @http://epfacebook.eu/nZ

38 183 54 picture Thanks to Dunechaser for the nice Lego pics! http://epfacebook.eu/pb

11. March 26, 2012

Washington vs Brussels: the US wants info on all Europeans flying to the States, but Parliament doubts the data will be well protected. Sophie in 't Veld, the Dutch Member responsible for

118 1159 61 picture thanks for the photo to Brianwallace: http://epfacebook.eu/nY

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this dossier, recommends rejecting the US-EU agreement. How would you vote: yes or no? More @http://epfacebook.eu/nX

Adrians Sterns,Harry Loukas - we had to delete your comments, please no f* words on our page

12. March 26, 2012

He is the President of the European Parliament, but on Sunday in Rabat, Morocco, Martin Schulz also took over the presidency of another important body. Do you know which one?

50 161 35 Picture @ ChongGil Lhee: answer to come very soon here, in the comments...

Congratulations @ Martin Holterman & Predrag Pepe Stamenov! Martin Schulz is now presiding the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean for one year. http://epfacebook.eu/nU

Dear Ivan Burrows, the European Parliament did not take any position on this issue in its last plenary session. However, there has been some personal reactions by Members (please check their personal communication channels). The Parliament can take position towards any action taken by governments (as it was the case for the Dutch

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website) but does not interfere in national election campaigns.

13. March 23, 2012

Did you know that... one out of every 1,000 internet users in Europe like this Facebook page? Help us do even better - and spread the word! Check the figures by yourself @http://epfacebook.eu/nP

84 158 38 picture Thanks to miuenski for the pic on Flickr! http://epfacebook.eu/nS

14. March 22, 2012

Criticising a country's human rights record, while at the same time nurturing trade relations with that country? No more, says Richard Howitt, author of a report adopted by the Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee. The EU has to be consistent and set an example. Do you agree? More @ http://epfacebook.eu/nK

57 248 71 picture Thanks to laffy4k for the pic: http://www.flickr.com/photos/laffy4k/279583606/#/photos/laffy4k/279583606/lightbox

15. March 22, 2012

Two-thirds of Europeans want a financial transaction tax, but opponents fear it could lead to the financial sector taking its business elsewhere. Check out our infographics on how much revenue this tax could generate and tell us, are you "pro" or "against"? More @ http://epfacebook.eu/nN

172 124 46 infographic

16. March 21, 2012

It's not sci-fi! The latest science could be transformed into more new products and services thanks to the EU programme "Horizon 2020” currently being looked over by Members: http://epfacebook.eu/nJ . Let your imagination fly and tell us what product you couldn’t live without in the future?

42 314 87 Video

17. March 21, 2012

Not enough exercise, bad diet ... There's an epidemic of obesity spreading throughout Europe. To fight this, Parliament wants better and more informative food labelling available to consumers. Tell us, how do you stay fit? Watch @http://epfacebook.eu/nG

97 239 54 picture Original photo can be found here: http://epfacebook.eu/nH

18. March 20, 2012

Did you know that in less than 40 years, there will be 9 billion of us sharing this Earth? Members know. That's why they are already preparing for the mid-June Rio+20 summit for sustainable

54 225 79 picture

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development. Share your ideas with us and "Share" to show your support! More @http://epfacebook.eu/nF

19. March 20, 2012

QuestionParliament meets High Rep Ashton today. What should now be the focus of EU foreign policy in your opinion?

- Syria, Belarus, Iran, Having a cohesive EU foreign policy- Palestine- Russia

664 answers

20. March 19, 2012

What is it that affects 32 million Europeans, is the leading cause of heart attack and even kills 325 000 EU citizens every year - but can be detected and treated in time with a mere drop of blood? Here is a hint...

43 453 167 video As several of you have already guessed, the answer is diabetes. More info on EU-wide strategy against diabetes @ http://epfacebook.eu/nB .

21. March 19, 2012

The EU condemns the execution of two men in Belarus, convicted of the bomb attack on a subway in Minsk that left 15 people dead. "The death penalty is irrevocable, inhumane and degrading", president Martin Schulz said, in keeping with Parliament policy to oppose capital punishament in any and all cases. More @ http://epfacebook.eu/nC

42 211 38 picture Thanks to сagliostro for photo. @Flickr http://epfacebook.eu/nD

22. March 16, 2012

March Plenary session (3 photos)

Filled of emotion, debates and voting, this week's plenary session was everything it promised to be. Check out the session in pictures @ http://epfacebook.eu/n6  — at European Parliament Strasbourg.

54 238 44 album @ Adrians Sterns: please no f-words on this page, otherwise we are obliged to delete your comments.

@ Ivan Burrows: the Parliament's official position regarding the Dutch discriminatory website can be found @

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http://epfacebook.eu/n723. Marc

h 15, 2012

There's no room for xenophobia in the EU, Parliament declared today in a resolution urging Dutch government to condemn a website inviting people to post complaints about Central and Eastern Europeans. Have you ever been the victim of discrimination? Share to spread the message! http://epfacebook.eu/n4

161 524 194 picture thanks for the pic to Rochc http://epfacebook.eu/n5

24. March 15, 2012

This signature will save you money. Do you know how? — with Martin Schulz.

134 198 36 Picture and person

Dave Malcolm we're happy to hear your comments, but please don't offend other users

Thank you for all your answers! As some of you guessed: yesterday the Danish presidency and President Martin Schulz signed EU regulation imposing restrictions on short-selling and Credit Default Swaps (CDS) and forbidding naked CDS. As President Schulz said: "These financial products were rewarding speculation by allowing the purchasing of an insurance on the default of a country, without the related bonds. This law will prevent excesses of the

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financial markets that contributed to the crisis, from now on life will be more difficult for gambling speculators. It is a very important battle that the Parliament has brought forward and won."

European Parliament More about the regulation here: http://epfacebook.eu/ny

Li Morales, Marius Matei On Wednesday the Danish presidency and President Martin Schulz signed EU regulation imposing restrictions on short-selling and Credit Default Swaps (CDS) and forbidding naked CDS. As President Schulz said: "These financial products were rewarding speculation by allowing the purchasing of an insurance on the default of a country, without the related bonds. This law will prevent excesses of the financial

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markets that contributed to the crisis, from now on life will be more difficult for gambling speculators. It is a very important battle that the Parliament has brought forward and won."

25. March 15, 2012

Thumbs up for Iceland and Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, but Bosnia and Herzegovina need step up their game: http://epfacebook.eu/n2 . When do you think these countries will be ready to cross the finishing line - and join the EU?

70 120 16 picture Thanks to dview.us for the photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/differentview/3732017901/sizes/z/in/photostream/

Daniel Caine we welcome here comments from all sides of the debate, but please don't use f* words on our page

26. March 14, 2012

Finally after 20 years, Americans can enjoy Roquefort cheese again and EU citizens American beef, as Parliament puts to an end the EU-US trade war. The agreement is summarized by Members as "win-win". Do you know what the conflict was about?

75 293 80 Picture Thank you Dave Wild for the pic: http://www.flickr.com/photos/publicenergy/1846375599/

Phew, this was a tough nut to crack, it seems: it's the age-old conflict happy cows vs. hormone cows. More @ http://epfacebook.eu/nv

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Philip Schneider we had to remove your comment, please no f* words on our page

Ivan Burrows here's some background information on the subject: http://ec.europa.eu/justice/citizen/index_en.htm

27. March 14, 2012

The victims of the tragic bus crash in Switzerland that left 28 people - most of them children - dead, were honoured in Parliament today as the Members shared a moment of silence. "We are surely all deeply shocked", said President Martin Schulz, sending his condolences to the grieving families of the victims. http://epfacebook.eu/nw

59 378 80 picture

28. March 14, 2012

Watching a good mafia film is fun. But are you still smiling when you realise how far organized crime touches our everyday lives? Today, Members vote on setting up a special committee to investigate misuse of public funds by criminal organisations. "Good move" or "not enough"? Read more @http://epfacebook.eu/nr

51 268 68 picture

29. March 13, 2012

Kids love chocolate. In fact: Everyone loves chocolate! But there's also a bitter side to the cacao-kids relationship that needs sweetening, Members feel. Do you know what are they fighting against? More @ http://epfacebook.eu/np

62 232 52 picture Thanks for the photo to: Bob Fornal @ http://epfacebook.eu/nk

Mimi Columbo - we had to delete your comment, we don't accept this kind of language on our page,

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please respect other users!

John Superduke Pav please stop being offensive towards other users, we welcome arguments from all sides of the debate, but we can't allow hate speech here

Amadou Seck we don't allow f* words on this page, please show respect to other users and keep the discussion civilized!

Thank you for all your answers. As some of you guessed it's about the vote in Parliament on the 2010 International Cocoa Agreement which aims to improve market transparency and strengthen co-operation between exporting and importing countries. Members will also vote on a separate resolution to condemn the use of child labour for cocoa production. More @

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http://epfacebook.eu/np30. Marc

h 13, 2012

Is the new fiscal treaty a life vest for Europe? Proper enforcement, debt mutualisation, battling tax evasion "US-style" – these were some extra demands of Members debating the last EU summit today, while others called the treaty irrelevant or unfeasible. Will this life vest keep Europe afloat? Make it buoyant? What do you think? More @http://epfacebook.eu/nq

55 117 35 picture

31. March 12, 2012

Parliament is now in session - and on foursquare! More info about the plenary @ http://epfacebook.eu/mS .

32 223 44 Link foursquare

Bill Rollinson we're sorry to hear that, we know that sometimes it doesn't work well in certain browsers, but it should be ok in internet explorer

Bill Rollinson if you're using chrome, this link will work fine: http://epfacebook.eu/nh

32. March 12, 2012

Water is life. But only 60% of the world population has access to drinking water. Even in Europe, droughts affect an increasing number of people. Parliament believes the EU water policy needs to be updated and reinforced. What do you do to economize water? Read more @http://epfacebook.eu/nc

57 359 123 picture thanks for the photo to atomicshark: http://epfacebook.eu/nb

33. March 11, 2012

Madrid, London, Utøya... More than 300 people have died in terrorist attacks in Europe in recent years. Today is the Day of Remembrance of Victims of Terrorism and as Member and terror attack survivor Sajjad Karim says: we must let them know "that they are not alone". More @http://epfacebook.eu/mU

74 701 215 picture Photo by R!E: http://epfacebook.eu/mV

Muhammad Awais we had to delete your comments, please no f* word on our page, respect other users!

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34. March 9, 2012

Do you know what this, kids and Strasbourg have in common? 107 207 32 picture Thanks to Flavia Junqueira for the pic on Flickr: http://epfacebook.eu/mR

Thanks for all your answers!! The resolution against child labour in cocoa industry will be presented next week in Plenary in Strasbourg. More: http://epfacebook.eu/mS

35. March 9, 2012

An agreement on restructuration of Greek debt was reached yesterday. Good news welcomed by Parliament's PresidentMartin Schulz. This means another €130 billion in European aid to Greece. Enough to get the country out of its rut?http://epfacebook.eu/mP

140 224 46 picture Thanks to Kunwar Vikram Notay for the pic on Flickr: http://epfacebook.eu/mQ

36. March 8, 2012

The chat with Mikael Gustafsson starts now! Don't miss this opportunity - join the discussion!


12 93 16 Link/ chat

37. March 8, 2012

Happy international women's day, all you independent women out there! To celebrate, we've arranged a chat with the chair of the Committee on Women's Rights. How is the situation for women in the EU today? Share if you sympathize and join the chat @ http://epfacebook.eu/ap

62 955 256 video

38. March 8, 2012

One year has passed since the nuclear disaster in Fukushima. The EU has ordered all EU nuclear plants to be stress tested - but is it enough? Some Members want to phase out nuclear energy, other think it's still the best and safest option. Watch

90 38 164 picture Thanks for the photo to: Gonzalo Daniz http://epfacebook.eu/mN

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@ http://epfacebook.eu/mM39. Marc

h 7, 2012

Can a man truly understand women and their world? Join us as the first male chair of the Parliament's committee for gender equality, "full-blood feminist" Mikael Gustafsson, gives his perspective on the situation for women in the Union today.

75 291 52 Link/ chat

40. March7, 2012

Some say it's dangerous for the environment, others feel it could reduce Europe's energy dependence. And you, where do you stand on the issue of extracting shale gas? For or against? More @ http://epfacebook.eu/mE

80 142 36 picture Thanks to splorp for the picture on Flickr: http://epfacebook.eu/mF

David McGookin Snr we had to delete one of your comments, please no f* words on our page, it's against our moderation policy

41. March 6, 2012

The key to serious debate and objective decision-making is to be well-informed: the anti-counterfeiting agreement ACTA is no exception. Here are infographics about the procedure. Would you like us to provide you with this type of material more often? More about ACTA @ http://epfacebook.eu/mC

35 149 58 Album /infographics

@ all - and here you will find all the links, webstreamings, documents relating to ACTA. As well as our fans comments: http://epfacebook.eu/kV

42. March 6, 2012

Yes, 2pac, indeed there are changes coming. Following hot on the heels of the six-pack, another two-pack aims to deepen economic governance and protect EU member states from bankruptcy. The way to go - or wishful thinking? Keep ya head up and check it out @ http://epfacebook.eu/mA

87 655 173 video Nikos Ioannis Doulas we had to delete your comment, please no F* words on our page, respect other users

43. March 5, 2012

Third time's a charm? Sunday, Vladimir Putin was once again elected president in Russia. But was it a fair and democratic election? Some reports state otherwise. "I am concerned that the electoral process lacked fairness, notably with regards to a limited

150 323 93 picture Thank you World Economic Forum for the picture: http://www.flickr.com/photos/worldeconomicforum/34

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choice of candidates and irregularities in the procedure", said Parliament President Martin Schulz. More @ http://epfacebook.eu/m9


Edik Di please no f* words on our page, it's against our moderation policy

Anastasia Sarantseva we didn't remove any of your comments!

44. March 5, 2012

Presiding chair of Parliament's Women Rights Committee, a "full-blooded feminist" and... a man. Come International Women's Day this Thursday, Mikael Gustafsson will answer your questions. Don't miss this opportunity to share your thoughts and views with him!

46 317 72 Chat/ link

@ all - we had to delete some comments, we can't accept hate speech here, please keep the discussion civilized

45. March 2, 2012

"Happy New Year Ladies ! Can you guess why today?" Mark Levinsky - we had to delete your comment, please no f* wors on our page!

As some of you guessed we wish Happy New Year to women today, as women has to work two months more to gain the same salary as men. Here are the details @ http://epfacebook.eu/m6

@ all - thanks for your answers!!!Alex Donald there's a

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reason for that... :) more @ http://epfacebook.eu/m6

46. March 1, 2012

ACTA, blessing or curse? The pros and cons of this controversial anti-counterfeiting trade agreement will be debated by Members, experts and citizens in a special workshop today from 3pm. You can watch it live @ http://epfacebook.eu/m4 and find all necessary documents @ http://epfacebook.eu/m3

108 188 88 picture You can also follow the meeting on Twitter: http://twitter.com/EuroParlPress

Photoreportage from the ACTA meeting in Parliament: http://epfacebook.eu/dw

The room was full during the ACTA workshop in the Parliament. See photos from the event: flic.kr/p/bmJbZd

If you missed the ACTA workshop organized in the EP last Thursday, you can watch it here: http://epfacebook.eu/m8

47. March 1, 2012

Photo of the day: Parliament's delegation visited Burma, where Members for the first time had a chance to meet the opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi. How do you see Burma in 5 years? Read more @ http://epfacebook.eu/m5

35 247 50 picture

48. Feb 29, 2012

Buying an apartment is often the biggest investment in our life. That's why Members of Parliament ask for more regulated mortgage practices, increased traceability and better protection for

54 152 30 picture Roberto Russo the link leads to an article in 22 languages, you just need to

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EU citizens. What else would you throw in the package? Find out more @ http://epfacebook.eu/ms

choose the language version you want http://epfacebook.eu/mz

49. Feb 29, 2012

Quote of the day: "Greece must remain in the euro", said Parliament President Martin Schulz in the Greek Parliament yesterday, adding that everything possible should be done "to prevent the collapse of the common currency". More @http://epfacebook.eu/mv

88 212 49 picture

50. Feb. 28, 2012

Is taking your phone on vacation still swallowing a large chunk of your holiday budget? Parliament's Industry Committee just voted in favour of further price cuts, this time also capping data roaming. How does 20 cents per megabyte, 15 for outgoing calls, 5 for incoming, and 5 for texts sound to you? More @ http://epfacebook.eu/mu

67 452 93 picture Thank you, J D Hancock, for the pic: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jdhancock/3420540107/

David Sinclair: In case you didn't know, we don't accept f* and other curse words on this page. Please respect this policy.

First changes this June. Here you have the full schedule (at the end of the text): http://epfacebook.eu/mu

51. Feb 28, 2012

Photo of the day: 2.4 mln signatures against ACTA in the EP. Parliament will take them into consideration during the ratification procedure of this anti-counterfeiting agreement. If you were a Member, how would you react to this

78 313 105 picture @ all - you will find more information about ACTA in Parliament, latest news and links here:

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petition?http://epfacebook.eu/mr http://epfacebook.eu/kV52. Feb.

28, 2012

Kowal on Ukraine: Sanctions are always the ultimate mean 2 8 5 Notes

53. Feb. 27, 2012

French movie "The Artist" took home five Oscars, British "The Iron Lady" another two: European cinema is doing well at the moment! "The Academy Awards showed once again that European movie makers tell stories that engage people", said Doris Pack, chair of the Parliament's culture committee. Did you know that both these films were supported by EU MEDIA programme? More @ http://epfacebook.eu/mq

107 1083 240 video Did you also know that the European Parliament is supporting European films? Discover how @ http://www.luxprize.eu/

54. Feb. 27, 2012

Turkey, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Parliament's Foreign Affairs committee is set this week to vote on the progress these countries have made towards the EU. How different are they from us? More @http://epfacebook.eu/mn

198 788 302 video

55. Feb. 24, 2012

How do you get compensated for lost luggage? What do you do if the phone you bought online arrives already broken? Good news for both your wallet and suitcase: just ask your closest European Consumer Centre for free advice while travelling or shopping abroad! Now the EU plans to go a step further and make it easy to complain online:http://epfacebook.eu/mm  Have you ever been cheated online?

72 342 111 picture EU-wide network of European Consumer Centres (ECC-Net): http://epfacebook.eu/mk

Thanks for the pic to GenBug: http://www.flickr.com/photos/genbug/3529776320/#/

56. Feb 23, 2012

Picture with Yulia Tymoshenko 102 77 23 Picturehttp://www.facebook.com/photo.

Thanks for the photo to: balazsgardi http://epfacebook.eu/mf

@ all - we run our page in English for practical

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reasons, but comments in all languages are welcome

Antonio Santangelo you can follow the news from EP in Italian here: http://www.facebook.com/parlamento.europeo.italia

57. Feb 23, 2012

Clearly, you have already discovered Parliament on Facebook. But this is merely the tip of our social media iceberg. Can you name the other platforms where you'll find the European Parliament?

219 329 64 picture @ François Faggianelli: yes, indeed, it's a page managed by us... :)

François Faggianelli: But mainly, for the discussions we post, we use this group profile on LinkedIn: http://linkedin.epsocial.eu/ - why don't you join us there?

Kai Bojens: Keep a look-out for us there, Kai ...

European Parliament @

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all - we run our page in English for practical reasons, but comments in all languages are welcome

Most of you have already guessed, but you'll find the correct answers plus a short guide to each of them @ http://epfacebook.eu/mh

Paulo Couto: There are links in the article, if you just click the link.

Joanna Magdalena please no racists comments here, we don't welcome this type of discussion. Adina Elena Dumitrescu please don't offend other users

Andy Mills we had to delete your comment, please no f* words on this page, respect other users and keep the discussion civilized

Andy Mills we welcome arguments from all sides of

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the debate, we can't accept swears. Here's our moderation policy: http://epfacebook.eu/hK

Kevin Coffey we really appreciate comments from our fans. But please don't use f* words on our page, it's against our moderation policy

Inge De Prins: We don't want to give too much away. Then there will be no surprises

58. Feb 22, 2012

Saving money for a rainy day might be a good idea. But what if your bank goes belly-up? The European Commission and the Parliament want to obligate banks to set up safety guarantee funds. Can you trust banks with your money? Learn more @http://epfacebook.eu/kY

90 245 73 picture Thanks to Rootytootoot for the picture on Flickr: http://epfacebook.eu/kZ

Rob McGrail as we told you many times - we don't accept this kind of language on our page, no f* words here. Please respect our moderation policy and other users, or we will have to ban you

Rob McGrail we had to

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block you as you continue to use offensive language and don't respect other users

European Parliament Rob - we had to block you as you continue to use offensive language and don't respect other users

59. Feb 22, 2012

Yesterday's presidential election in Yemen ended 33 years of rule under Ali Abdullah Saleh. Good news, but "an election with only one candidate must necessarily serve only as a prelude to a pluralist system", said Parliament President Martin Schulz. Has Yemen turned over a new leaf? Or could poverty, ethnic rivalries, separatism and terrorism nip this transition in the bud? Read more @ http://epfacebook.eu/ma

119 200 34 picture Thanks to NASA Goddard for the pic on Flickr: http://epfacebook.eu/md

@ Maris Marin @ Ivan Burrows @ Daniel Pintilie @ Emilie Melvin: each and every language is indeed welcome on this page, even though we recommend to use English if you want to be understood by the most people. The European Parliament has also pages in different languages: http://epfacebook.eu/me

60. Feb 21, 2012

ACTA can't enter into force without Parliament's consent. Members will soon start work on this anti-counterfeiting agreement. All the documents will be made public, and meetings

113 358 159 Picture/infogr

Rob McGrail, Stephen Barry, Žiga Senekovič - we understand that this very

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will be webstreamed. Latest news and links here @http://epfacebook.eu/kV

aphic sensitive topic, but please don't use f* words on our page, we had to delete your comments.

@ Ewelina Konopka @ Juho P.E. Salo @ Robert Matasovsky: there is a difference between signing and agreement and ratifying it. The infography displays which countries have signed it - but it can not enter into force if it has not been ratified. Poland signed but did not ratify, same for Finland.

@ Martin Graupner: as stated in the link: "What happens if the European Parliament votes in favour? Cyprus, Estonia, Slovakia, Germany and the Netherlands would still have to sign the agreement and all member states would still have to ratify it before it can enter into force in the EU"

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61. Feb. 21, 2012

Today is International Mother Language Day! Did you know that the debates in Parliament are simultaneously interpreted in 23 languages? And that all official documents are available in all the official EU languages? Tell us how to say "Like" in your language! Read more @ http://epfacebook.eu/kW

386 701 190 picture Thanks to robynejay for the nice photo layout on Flickr! http://epfacebook.eu/kU

62. Feb. 20, 2012

Feeling kind of blue? So do Members of Parliament one week out of every month. Do you know why?

55 607 152 video Very impressive, Alessandro: blue is indeed the calendar colour of political group week in Parliament. Learn more about the different colours of the calendar @ http://epfacebook.eu/kR

Alessandro Bovino: Hope you make it back here!

63. Feb 20, 2012

He'll be... back? Vladimir Putin is in the lead to once again take office, say opinion polls anticipating the presidential elections in Russia. Parliament is concerned elections might not be fair and free, and calls on Moscow to reform electoral law and meet international standards. More @http://epfacebook.eu/kS

135 227 56 picture Piter Oliver Mirel we had to delete your comment, we don't allow f* words on our page, please respect our rules and other users

Piter Oliver Mirel we had to delete another comment. As you can see in the comments we welcome arguments from all sides of the political debate. But we ask our fans to keep the discussion civilized, using

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offensive language will not make your point more heard. Please respect other users!

Davey Brown - on numerous occasions, this recent press release from President Schulz could be interesting for you: http://epfacebook.eu/kT

Davey Brown check the 4th paragraph: "Martin Schulz: I also stated my disappointment to Vice Minister Zhang at the stance China has held together with Russia at the UN Security Council on the 4 February vote on the resolution on Syria. With their vetoes, China and Russia have impeded the United Nations to pave the way for a resolution of the crisis in Syria. Assad's regime is indiscriminately killing the Syrian people and it must be stopped."

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64. Feb 16, 2012

In response to the situation in Syria, Parliament wants EU countries to withdraw their ambassadors and implores Russia to stop dealing arms. Do you think the EU is active enough in defending human rights around the world? More @http://epfacebook.eu/kJ

133 213 59 picture @ Nathanael Reyes: Aggressive language and f-words are not welcome on this page. Any opinion is welcome but please keep a proper tone. Many thanks.

65. Feb. 16, 2012

TV sets will be switched to digital by the end of 2012 in the EU: it will free some radio frequencies that should be used to develop superfast mobile internet, Parliament members think. How important is mobile internet for you? More @http://epfacebook.eu/kH

41 236 37 video @ Harry Tsopanos: Herman Van Rompuy is the President of the European Council. The President of the Parliament is Martin Schulz. Decisions in the EU are made in most cases together between Council and Parliament - the Commission tabling the proposals.

66. Feb 15, 2012

VIP visit in the Parliament today: Italian PM Mario Monti. A former EU commissioner, economist and academic, Mr. Monti will be stopping by Parliament to address the economic crisis, the future of the EU and the euro. What are your expectations for this debate? Follow it live @15:00 herehttp://epfacebook.eu/kF

138 278 57 picture Photo credits: Wikimedia Commons: http://epfacebook.eu/kG

67. Feb. 15, 2012

Good news about the euro are scarce nowadays, but here are some that are sure to please the piggy banks of Europe! Parliament wants international payments within the Eurozone (and later the EU) to be charged like domestic payments. Will this have an immediate impact on you? More @ http://epfacebook.eu/kB

76 333 89 picture Thanks to kenteegardin for the picture on Flickr! You can find even more of these @ http://epfacebook.eu/kD

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@ Hugh Annand: indeed, we're talking about SEPA. You can read more in our press release: http://epfacebook.eu/kE

@ Jukka Liukkonen: The new measures won' t introduce any additional fees. Finland has already implemented "SEPA-like" standards, and this legislation won't change the conditions for the Finnish consumers. So don't worry!

Dear Rob McGrail, we don't force anybody to come and listen to what we say...

@ C.c. Chang: the proposal is supposed to help the EU economy (citizens, companies...) to save up to 123 billion euros in six years.

68. Feb. 14, 2012

The Youth Guarantee - the right of every young EU-citizen to be offered a job, an apprenticeship or training after four months unemployment - is one solution proposed by Parliament Members

90 391 90 picture Thanks for the photo to Éole: http://www.flickr.com/phot

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to improve the situation of young people hit hard by the crisis. Are you among the affected? Read more @ http://epfacebook.eu/youth  and vent your frustration!


@ Tomasz Juhasz: Any opinion and any language is welcome on this page but your comments are incomprehensible - and this for some time now. Could we please ask you not to post random lists of words coming from several languages? It looks more like spam than debate... Many thanks.

69. Feb. 14, 2012

While lovebirds everywhere get ready to celebrate Valentine's Day, Parliament members are worrying about some of the problems unique to international couples. In the coming months they will look at untangling some of legal issues such as cross-border successions and property. Have you ever been in love with someone from another part of the EU? Read more @ http://epfacebook.eu/k7

89 403 109 picture Thanks to Lin Pernille for the nice and creative picture on Flickr! http://epfacebook.eu/k9

@ Rob McGrail Glad to hear that you both love and want to kill the European Parliament. Should we call it passion? ;)

@ Gianluca Colombo @ all: please stick to our moderation policy: no aggressive language on this page. All opinions are

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welcome as long as they are expressed in a civilized manner. http://epfacebook.eu/k8

@ Gianluca Colombo: Thanks for the feedback. We have a moderation policy and try to apply it in an as objective manner as possible - but it's not an exact science. Aggressive speech should not be tolerated on the page - without hampering freedom of opinion and speech. Best regards, the EP Facebook team

70. Feb. 13, 2012

Anti-austerity riots ravaged Athens this week-end. What happened to Greece should not happen again: looking for solutions and preventive action, Members of Parliament intend to quiz the European Commission on the so called "stability-bonds" this week in plenary. Find the complete agenda @http://epfacebook.eu/k2

315 325 112 Picture Thanks to Piazza del Popolo for the picture on Flickr: http://epfacebook.eu/k3

@ Nontas Ioannou @ Atanas Spasov No f-words on this page please. Any comments and opinions are welcome as long as they do not use aggressive language.

@ Atanas Spasov No

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problem. We're happy people can debate here :)

@ Constantinos Papaconstantinou: please no aggressive comments on this wall, otherwise we'll be obliged to delete them. You can read our moderation policy @ http://epfacebook.eu/k8

71. Feb 13, 2012

With a red card, the football referee signals you are out of the game. With a green card, you are allowed to live and work in the US. But do you know what it means when a Member of Parliament pulls out a blue card in plenary?

74 291 54 picture Thank you ©BELGA/DPA/W.Kumm for the pic!

As many of you already answered correctly, a blue card is a way for an MEP to signal that he would like to ask the current speaker a question. Read all about how the Parliament plenary sessions work @ http://epfacebook.eu/k5 .

How the plenary workswww.europarl.europa.euAll the latest news from the Press Service of the European Parliament: votes,

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re...See More72. Feb

11, 2012

Got into an emergency during a trip to Europe or see someone hurt? Call 112: the free @European emergency number and save lives! Spread the word! More @http://epfacebook.eu/kq

170 447 185 video

73. Feb 10, 2012

They have already stopped the world in its tracks once - and they didn't need an army to do it. Lucky for them, as they don't have one. Who are we talking about, and why?

102 489 92 picture As many of you guessed, it is of course Iceland we're talking about. And the reason? The progress made towards joining the EU. Here are five curious facts you may not know about this latest possible addition to our European family @ http://epfacebook.eu/kp

74. Feb 9, 2012

After the pyramids: democracy, the next wonder of the world in the Nile delta? "There has recently been the best election in modern times in Egypt but the process needs patience", said the head of the EU delegation to Parliament members. Will the Egyptian people live up to their reputation as great builders? More @ http://epfacebook.eu/km

113 545 132 picture Thanks to modenadude for the wonderful pic on Flickr: http://epfacebook.eu/kn

75. Feb 9, 2012

Is gluten-free food the secret recipe behind Novak Djokovic's winning streak? Does food with added vitamins, antioxidants or bacteria make us healthier and happier, as the producers often tell us? We shouldn’t pay for benefits that are not scientifically proven, say Members of Parliament, asking for tougher rules on such claims:http://epfacebook.eu/food  What kind of "special foods" do you need every day?

91 312 62 picture Thanks to mirsasha for the photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/mirsasha/4943515021/

76. Feb 9, 2012

Travelling, innovation, youth, solidarity, crisis, culture... What does Europe mean to you? Express it in a movie and win European Economic and Social Committee video challenge. Register till

89 430 126 Picture/ contest

Thanks to NASA for the pic of Europe during a night: http://epfacebook.eu/kj

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February 15 @ http://epfacebook.eu/khMichel Vansilliette we had to delete your comment, please no f*words on our page, respect our rules and respect other users!

77. Feb 8, 2012

Clouds over Budapest? Following Viktor Orbán's appearance in plenary last month, the situation in Hungary is still being discussed. Tomorrow, members of Parliament will meet representatives of the Hungarian government and civil society. Interested? Follow live @ http://epfacebook.eu/kg

114 630 137 picture Photo: Dark storm clouds in the sky above the Parliament building in Budapest, Hungary. ©BELGA/MTI/Balazs Mohai

78. Feb 8, 2012

Chat live with Nigel Farage! Due to technical problems, the chat will take place here, on this wall. Ask your questions below and he'll answer them. The floor is yours!

414 292 47 Picture/ chat

Dear users, you can see some pictures taken live during this chat @ http://bit.ly/aZkSNQ

European Parliament http://bit.ly/xvW6GA

Dear users, Mr Farage has to leave now. Many thanks to all of you for your questions! Don't hesitate to follow Mr Farage on his Facebook page http://on.fb.me/wlT6Vv , via Twitter http://bit.ly/yAzFuY or on our website

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http://bit.ly/x1zScO .

You can also watch the pictures of the chat on our Flickr: http://bit.ly/Az2EYz

Many thanks to all of you for your patience: we encountered a technical problem (server down). We apologize for it and hope you will be back next time to see the chat application - working this time!

Do you want to see the atmosphere in Mr Farage's office? Here it is, taken live during the chat... http://bit.ly/A0LIbi

79. Feb 8, 2012

Is EU membership incompatible with the national democracy? That's what Nigel Farage MEP thinks. And you, what do you think? Share your views with him during a live chat today @ 16.00!

208 225 33 Picture/chat

80. Feb 7, 2012

Food... for thought. 18 million people rely on the EU programme "food for the needy" for their daily meal. But as the agricultural surpluses are diminishing, the programme is in danger. One euro per citizen per year, 500M€ total, could salvage it, Parliament believes. Do you agree to give up one euro? More @ http://epfacebook.eu/ka

208 571 164 picture Thanks to curtflenor for the pic on Flickr: http://epfacebook.eu/kb

Sergejus Beloblockis Hann-jo Vasilopoulos please no f*

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words on our page, we had to delete your comments, it against our moderation policy, please respect other users!

Rob McGrail we had to delete your comment, we can't accept this kind of language on our page. Please keep the discussion civilized and respect other users!

81. Feb 7, 2012

Is being anti-EU the same as being anti-Europe? Not at all, says Nigel Farage MEP. Don't miss the opportunity to discuss the future of the EU with him. Join our chat tomorrow!

196 258 62 Link/ chat

András Csipek please, no f* words here, even in Hungarian, we don't accept this kind of language on our page, please respect other users!

Ivan Burrows please be respectful towards other users, not everyone has to know English

No, but there's no need to call somebody "a muppet", please respect other users!

82. Feb 7,

Do you feel secure surfing the net? Well beware, here be monsters! Today we celebrate European Safe Internet Day and

104 353 111 picture Dobromir Stoyanov we had to delete your comment,

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2012 members of Parliament advise you to tread with a "sense of responsibility and critical discernment". Have you ever been trapped or hacked?

because we don't allow f* words on our page. Please respect our rules and other users and refrain from using obscenities

Dobromir Stoyanov we don't censor anybody, as you see on our page - we're open for all comments and we really appreciate opinions of our fans. We just ask users to keep the discussion civilized and to refrain from using obscenities. Here's our moderation policy: http://epfacebook.eu/hK

83. Feb 6, 2012

Guimarães and Maribor are not names of famous football players. Those two become European ________ of _______ for 2012. Can you guess what we are talking about? The answer will appear on our website today...http://epfacebook.eu/jV

66 65 306 picture Yes, indeed. They are the European capitals of culture 2012: http://tinyurl.com/72lzbf2

84. Feb 6, 2012

They don't share our democratic values, but they like to shop and stash their cash in the EU. Dictators abuse their people and steal from them, and that's why Parliament wants to stop their investments in Europe. So money smells after all? Read more @ http://epfacebook.eu/jW

189 399 120 picture Thanks to elycefeliz for the photo. Flickr: http://epfacebook.eu/jX

85. Feb 3, 2012

Do you know in which area Malta, Lithuania and Latvia are EU champions? And which country paid the most for lagging behind? Watch the video and find out!

67 193 86 video

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86. Feb 3, 2012

Is the EU coming to an end? Nigel Farage MEP, leader of the Europe of Freedom and Democracy group, thinks 2012 will be the year of reckoning for the European Project. Do you agree? Or do you still believe in the EU? Tell him yourself next Wednesday!

317 206 63 Link/ chat

87. Feb 2, 2012

No more turning the other cheek. One in four women and children in Europe is estimated to have been a victim of physical violence. Parliament is looking to tackle this by supporting the European Daphne programme. What would you do if you saw someone hitting their partner and children? Read more @ http://epfacebook.eu/jT

78 351 156 picture Thanks to vk-red for the photo: http://epfacebook.eu/jUAaron Vincent the report focus on most vulnerable groups (women, kids, teens) but here you can find a lot of interesting data and information about different Daphne projects across the EU: http://ec.europa.eu/justice_home/daphnetoolkit/html/welcome/dpt_welcome_en.html

88. Feb 2, 2012

The EU has decided on sanctions against Iran to deter it from developing nuclear weapons. However, "there are very few examples in the world where sanctions have changed policy", said member Tarja Cronberg, anticipating the vote in Parliament. What would be a good alternative, in your opinion? Read more @ http://epfacebook.eu/jQ

117 191 53 picture Thanks to Truthout.org for the picture on Flickr: http://epfacebook.eu/jR

89. Feb 1, 2012

Should major sport events be readily accessible to everybody via TV? Should betting operators be obliged to fund mass-participation sports? Should we institute a common data base for hooligans? Read more about what the Parliament members ask for

41 277 120 video Dan Calestru please no swearing on our page, we had to delete your comment, respect our moderation rules

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@ http://epfacebook.eu/jN  and join the debate! and other users!

90. Feb 1, 2012

"Downloading for private use was not and is not forbidden", says Vital Moreira, chair of the Parliament's International Trade Committee currently dealing with ACTA. "What is forbidden is infringement of copyright for commercial purposes." The Parliament can, however, still say no to ACTA. Read the complete interview @ http://epfacebook.eu/jH  and share your concerns!

78 295 177 picture Thanks to John Trainor for the pic: http://www.flickr.com/photos/trainor/1229138273/

91. Jan 31, 2012

Are you a role model for young Europeans? Then you should apply for the Charlemagne Youth Prize, the deadline for submissions now extended to the 13th of February. The best project will be awarded 5,000 euro. Tell us who your role model is - and read more @ http://epfacebook.eu/jG

44 208 83 Picture/ contest

Tomasz Juhasz please stop spamming our page. This is against our rules, if you continue we will have to ban you

92. Jan 30, 2012

"We cannot allow the EU to break up. Alone we are weak, together we are strong", stated Parliament President Martin Schulz in his address at the EU summit in Brussels. How can we make Europe stronger? Read his full speech @http://epfacebook.eu/jE  — with Martin Schulz.

303 431 101 picture Davey Brown we had to delete some of your comments, they were crossing the line (racist). This is something we can't accept on our page. If you continue to use this kind of language we will have to ban you. Please respect other users!

93. Jan 30,

Happy birthday, Erasmus! For 25 years now, this programme has made it possible for young Europe to grow closer by allowing

80 918 223 picture Thank you CIA et CHI for the Pic:

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2012 students to study abroad. What is your most amazing Erasmus experience? Share with us and read more about the silver anniversary @ http://epfacebook.eu/jD


94. Jan 28, 2012

Today is the European Day of Data Protection. Have you thought about how much information about yourself you share online? Sometimes one photo from a party can ruin our chances for a job. Parliament supports the right to be forgotten. Learn more @ http://epfacebook.eu/jC

80 376 204 video Komy Love please no f* words on our page. Respect our moderation rules, and respect other users!

95. Jan 27, 2012

The signing of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) in Tokyo yesterday is not the end of the story. It cannot enter in force without the approval of the European Parliament, which will hear all sides of argument first. Read more @http://epfacebook.eu/jB

101 185 49 picture

96. Jan 27, 2012

On 27th January we remember the victims of Holocaust. "The German people of today are not guilty but responsible. Responsible to keep the memory and to never forget" - said the Parliament's President Martin Schulz, adding that the Holocaust creates "a permanent duty for all of us to protect human dignity". More @ http://epfacebook.eu/j9

88 590 173 picture The picture represents the Yad Vashem Memorial in Jerusalem. Thanks to Stellas mom for it. http://epfacebook.eu/jA

97. Jan 26, 2012

For some they fill a mere cosmetic function. But for cancer survivors, they may be a necessity. In either case, though, breast implants should be safe. Members of Parliament believe the EU should have stricter rules. Do you agree? More @http://epfacebook.eu/j4

83 360 82 picture The painting comes from Louvre in Paris. More @ http://epfacebook.eu/j5

98. Jan 26, 2012

Could one million "likes" make a law? From April 1st, with the launch of the Citizens' Initiative, one million citizen signatures could be enough to change European law. To help prepare for this, European Commission just launched a special website: http://epfacebook.eu/j2 . Which initiative would get your signature?

95 445 201 picture Thanks to thejaymo for the picture on Flickr! http://epfacebook.eu/j3

@Caroline Giraud @Raymond Malingre: the

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citizen's initiative allows one million citizen to ask the European Commission to propose a new legislation. Signatures should be gathered but "likes" on Facebook will not be accepted. The proposal would then have to be approved by the European Parliament (representation of the citizens) and the Council of the EU (representation of the Member states).

@ Rob McGrail: it's the Commission that proposes EU laws, which are then approved (or not) by the European Parliament (representing the citizens) and the Council of the EU (representing the Member States). The citizens initiative will allow one million citizens to ask the Commission to propose a new law - it seems to be similar (to a certain extent)

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to what you have in the UK then.

99. Jan 25, 2012

A huge luxury boat, a captain accused of negligence and, in the end, a dramatic shipwreck. The story of the Costa Concordia brings to mind the Titanic. Is there something to be learned from this tragedy, that could improve passenger safety? Watch yesterday's debate @ http://epfacebook.eu/jx

99 283 88 picture European Parliament Thanks to Il Fatto Quotidiano for the pic on Flickr. http://epfacebook.eu/jy

@Fabien, you are right, this was loose use of language, we of course refer to a captain accused of negligence and placed under arrest, but not convicted at present of any crime.

100. Jan 25, 2012

The "Big Three" credit rating agencies control 95% of the world market. How do we break this monopoly and limit the impact of their decisions? Would a "rotation" system solve the problem? Several members of the Parliament doubt this:http://epfacebook.eu/jw  What do the experts among you think?

148 188 61 Picture Thanks to CrazySphinx for the photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/crazysphinx/4586701973/

101. Jan 24, 2012

Bill Gates will come to the Parliament's Development Committee today to discuss effective ways of helping developing countries. Have you already taken part in a project aiming to help struggling countries? Would you like to? Follow the event live @ 14.10: http://epfacebook.eu/jt

100 381 100 picture Thanks for the photo to Susie Katz http://epfacebook.eu/ju

Neffets Kirneh Ræjkrøn we had to delete your comment, please no f*words on this

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page, respect our moderation policy and other users

102. Jan 23, 2012

"Waste not, want not." An old saying that EU citizens have difficulty taking to heart , as studies show we throw away 179 kg of healthy, edible food per person and year. Is no more pie throwing the answer? Read more @http://epfacebook.eu/jk

143 273 65 picture Thanks to Cradel for the picture: http://bit.ly/A6abKN

103. Jan 23, 2012

...and Croatia said "Za" to the EU in a referendum yesterday! In exactly 524 days, it will become the 28th member of the European family... "It's a reward for big progress in reforms", said Parliament President Martin Schulz. Welcome!

281 1124 318 picture

104. Jan 20, 2012

How can you fit cucumbers, pigs and presidents into just 90 seconds of your time? Well, we know - 'cos we've done it! Have a look at some of the EP highlights of 2011!

177 238 72 video

105. Jan 20, 2012

President Martin Schulz was not the only one who changed office during this week's plenary. Can you name the 14 vice Presidents who were also elected? Or the five quaestors? Worry not, here's a handy Who's Who of the Parliament!http://bit.ly/AmG7nf

86 195 43 picture

106. Jan 19, 2012

Quote of the day: "We will help to bridge whatever we need to bridge between the Euro Member States and non Euro Member States", PM Helle Thorning-Schmidt on the top priority of the Danish presidency: the Euro Zone. Read the complete interview @ http://epfacebook.eu/jj

132 381 66 picture

107. Jan 19, 2012

Bzzzz…bzzzz… The fly is orbiting your head for the 10th time. What do you do - grab a spray can, fetch a fly swatter or just try to stay zen? The Parliament is working on laws for safer biocidal products: http://epfacebook.eu/jh  What are your "bio" tips and

72 276 99 video

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tricks to keep flies, mosquitoes, mice or bacteria at bay?108. Jan

18, 2012

Huge interest in Hungary debate today. Almost 1000 articles online so far. Hundreds of tweets and Facebook comments. Dozens of journalists following the event in Strasbourg. Peak in traffic to website. It was one of the most watched debates in Parliament recently. Did you follow the discussion? More about the debate @ http://epfacebook.eu/jg  — withOrbán Viktor at European Parliament.

415 84 375 picture Marcin Szoda please no swears here, we had to delete your comment, please respect other users

109. Jan 17, 2012

Martin Schulz has just been elected the new President of the European Parliament. Until now the leader of the S&D Group, Mr. Schulz is known as a man of great conviction who is not afraid to speak his mind. What should be his priorities for the next 2,5 years?

317 685 248 picture Charlie Melia we had to delete your comment, we can't accept this kind of language on our page, please keep the discussion civilized

Ward Burema please respect other users and don't use offensive language. We had to delete your comment

Patrick Trautner, Alessandro Kartell Kartell we had to delete your comments, please do not use swear words here, it's disrespectful towards other users

Lendvay-Simon Zsolt please no f*words on this

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page, if you continue to use this kind of language we will have to ban you

110. Jan 17, 2012

Goodbye Mr. Buzek, welcome Mr/Ms ... Well, that is to be decided in today's vote, isn't it? But what do you really know about the process of electing the President of the European Parliament? Brush up on your EU knowledge @http://epfacebook.eu/ja

96 285 80 picture Thanks for the photo to fontplaydotcom http://epfacebook.eu/jb

European Parliament Rob McGrail Members are elceted in democratic elections (every 5 years), the president is chosen by them - like in other European parliaments

Dave Malcolm we had to delete your comment, we can't accept this kind of language on our page, please keep the discussion civilized

111. Jan 16, 2012

We just reached a quarter of a million fans! Thanks for following us and for your comments, shares and likes. We know how many you are, but tell us where you are from? We're looking for the most remote fan!

239 414 60 picture Thanks for the photo to European Space Agency

112. Jan 16, 2012

Plenary: adjective related to the noun plenum, carrying a general connotation of fullness. In fact, the agenda for this week's plenary session is quite full indeed, with the election of a new President of

45 168 33 Picture Thanks to comedy_nose for the pic @ http://bit.ly/woKHtc

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the Parliament and a debate on the recent political events in Hungary. More @http://bit.ly/zGzta9 @ Todd Edelman: because

the pic was a nice illustration of fullness , nothing more... Would you have preferred a bottle of wine? ;)

113. Jan 16, 2012

25 frames per second vs. 45 words per post. Which is better? Never mind, you can have both! Live streaming of the plenary sessions and committee meetings, news, debates and educational videos - all can be found on EuroparlTV, web broadcasting in over 20 languages:http://www.europarltv.europa.eu/

11 142 43

114. Jan 14, 2012

What does Europe mean to you? Give your answer in the form of a video and you may be the winner of a competition organized by the European Economic and Social Committee. The Prize? 5,000€... A good start for budding film directors? More @ http://on.fb.me/wPwTJe

224 171 81 contest

115. Jan 13, 2012

Question:Parliament is about to elect its new President. What should be the new person's top priority (choose one or add your own):

- Leading the fight to beat the economic crisis- In/out referendums on EU membership for ALL Eu

members states- Making the case for “more Europe”- Create a united feeling- Dissolution- Realizing the vision of a powerful European Federation


Answers - 601

116. Jan 12, 2012

An EU seal of approval on breast implants? After the latest scandal, some Members of Parliament want implants, pacemakers and crutches to undergo the same approval procedure as

66 163 37 Link

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medicines. But is it enough to restore patients' confidence?117. Jan

12, 2012

Are your grandma and grandpa on Facebook? Are YOU a grandma or grandpa on Facebook? Getting older doesn't mean being inactive or out of touch. 2012 is the European Year for Active Ageing. What does it mean to turn 70 these days? Read more: @ http://epfacebook.eu/hN

74 413 85 Picture thanks to J.C. Rojas for the photo @Flickr http://epfacebook.eu/hP

118. Jan 12, 2012

As our community grows, it's perhaps a good time for a quick reminder of our moderation policy. We welcome expression of all political views, we love lively debate (it's what parliaments do), but let's keep it civilised please and treat each other with respect. Thanks to all those who have joined us recently! More @ http://epfacebook.eu/hK

110 216 23 picture Robert van der Velden - the profile picture is ok. We meant posting links or comments about somebody's company or blog.

Queen Margrethe - as offensive we mean racism, xenophobia, call to violence, discrimination based on religion, ethnic origin, gender, age, language... But we don't delete negative comments about the EU or EP

119. Jan 11, 2012

"Unacceptable". This is the reaction of Parliament's leaders to the latest draft of the new treaty on a reinforced economic union. They say the governments' proposal doesn't respect EU rules, nor does it guarantee democratic accountability. Where are we heading with this new treaty? http://epfacebook.eu/hJ

117 204 62 picture

120. Jan 11,

The chat with president Jerzy Buzek will start in 5 minutes! Don't miss this opportunity and join the discussion!

52 185 31 Link/ chat

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2012121. Jan

11, 2012

He's expecting a tough round of questions from you tomorrow! President Jerzy Buzek will be chatting with you at 2.30 pm, with just a week left of his mandate. Eurocrisis, economic governance and the Arab Spring - it has been a challenging and intense term for him. Sign up for the chat, ask your questions and share your views @http://chat.epfacebook.eu/ !

81 256 38 picture Rob McGrail - we had to delete your comment. As you see we never delete negative comments about the EP, but we do not tolerate hate speech here, and you went too far with your comment.

Please - no need to offed other users. To remind everyone - here's our moderation policy: http://epfacebook.eu/hk

Mariusz Wolski - please no swears, it's against our moderation policy (http://epfacebook.eu/hk ), we had to delete your comment

122. Jan 10, 2012

The proposal of a European financial transaction tax is rapidly gaining popularity in the Parliament. Members started working on it yesterday, and some say it's necessary because "the financial sector has not learnt its lesson from the crisis". "About time" or "too much regulation"? More @ http://epfacebook.eu/hA

188 257 85 picture Thanks for the photo to Images_of_Money http://epfacebook.eu/hB

To remind everyone - here's our moderation policy:

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http://epfacebook.eu/hk123. Jan 9,

2012Millions of Europeans use mobile phones daily, yet due to high roaming prices most of them press the "off" button when abroad. The EU has already made suppliers cut prices and the European Parliament will look at new "roaming" legislation this year. Have you ever been stung by huge phone bills after a trip abroad? Read more @ http://epfacebook.eu/hu

71 430 110 picture Thanks to Ninja M. for the photo. http://epfacebook.eu/hv

124. Jan 9, 2012

He has been the President of the European Parliament for 2.5 years, and liked very much the Facebook chats he had with you. A new President will be elected on 17 January soJerzy Buzek wants to have a goodbye-chat with you on Wednesday. Don't miss the opportunity to discuss about his work in the Parliament, the future of the European Union and his own plans for the upcoming months!


114 295 79 Link/ chat

Dominik Frankowicz: no f*** words on this page please. Thank you!

125. Jan 6, 2012

"Crisis" was probably one of the most frequently used words in 2011. Do you think we will be able to turn the page in 2012? Read more @ http://epfacebook.eu/ht

882 255 149 Video

126. Jan 5, 2012

Thank you for sharing your New Year's resolutions and wishes! Many of you have wished for the eurocrisis to finally be over. Members of Parliament agree with you, as tackling the crisis is on the top of their wish list for 2012. Read more @http://epfacebook.eu/hs

50 203 50 video

127. Jan 3, 2012

Enough pierogis and Chopin already - it's time for some Rødgrød med fløde and Hans Christian Andersen! Poland just passed on the Presidency in the Council of the EU to Denmark. What is the biggest challenge Danes will face in the next six months? More @ http://epfacebook.eu/hp

43 263 59 picture Thanks for the photo to Stefrobb: http://epfacebook.eu/hq

Danish presidency is among the topics of the first EP

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plenary in 2012, more: http://epfacebook.eu/hr

128. Jan 3, 2012

Question:We want your opinion! What would like to see from us this year?

- More opportunities of jobs and stages- To stop ACTA- More news- More information about consumer rights- More options for direct democracy- Less corruption

Answers: 737