Pure Religion and undefiled before GOD [ James 1:27 ]

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  • 7/30/2019 Pure Religion and undefiled before GOD [ James 1:27 ]



    PURE RELIGION BEFORE GOD [ James 1:27 ].

    YAHWEH GOD is The One True GOD. He is The Creator of Heaven and Earth and all original

    life on earth.

    He is The GOD of Abraham , Isaac and Jacob [ Israel ].

    YAHWEH GOD dwells in Eternity.

    YAHWEH GOD is not subject to time. There is time in Eternity.

    Eternity is a faster dimension than time.

    When GOD created mankind on earth we stepped out of ETERNITY, from the Eternal

    thoughts of YAHWEH GOD into a body of time, a house of clay, a temporary dwelling place,

    to be tried and tested on this planet we call earth.

    The Holy Bible is The Only Holy Book that tells mankind who he is , where he comes from

    and where he is going to.

    The Holy Bible is The Only Holy Book that correctly declares both The Deity and The

    humanity of Yeshua Ha-Mashiach The Lord Jesus Christ The Only Begotten Son of YAHWEH


    The Holy Bible says in John 3:16 :

    For GOD so loved the world, that He gave His Only Begotten Son , that whosoever

    believeth in Him should not perish , but have everlasting Life.

    Many people know not what they worship. Some worship the sun. Others worship the stars.

    Others worship the moon. Others worship rain. Others worship fire. Others worship snakes .

    Others worship crocodile. Some worship cows. Others worship trees.

    It has been said that when you see a counterfeit dollar it only points to a real dollar


    When you see a counterfeit painting of a Master piece like Mona Lisa it only points to the

    genuine pointing of the Mona Lisa .

    All these fake or counterfeit religions only point to the genuine bona fide religion .

    James 1:27 declares that Pure religion and undefiled before GOD and the Father is this,

    To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction , and to keep himself unspotted from

    the world...

    That is why we are encouraged to worship YAHWEH GOD in Spirit and in Truth.

  • 7/30/2019 Pure Religion and undefiled before GOD [ James 1:27 ]



    In John 4:24 we read :

    ".. GOD is a Spirit : and they that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth..".


    We have to worship GOD in His Provided Way.

    Yeshua Ha-Mashiach The Lord Jesus Christ said in John 14:6 :

    I am The Way, The Truth, and The Life: no man cometh unto The Father , but by Me.

    The word religion refers to a covering.

    Adam and Eve covered themselves with FIG LEAVES.

    Adam and Eve tried the FIG LEAF RELIGION. GOD rejected their man made religion.

    All man made religions are rejected by GOD.

    GOD rejects man made creeds. GOD rejects all man made traditions. GOD rejects all man

    made doctrines. GOD rejects all man made dogmas etc.

    In Mark 7:13 we read that man made traditions and creeds Making the Word of GOD of

    none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered : and many such like things do

    ye ...

    GOD doesnot change His mind about His Word.

    GOD rejected man made traditions and creeds and doctrines back then and He still rejects

    them now.

    Where do we stand in the Word of GOD ?

    We are saved by The Grace of GOD, not by works or our human efforts or ability nor by our

    own righteousness.

    Ephesians 2:8 says :

    .. For by Grace are ye saved through faith : and that not of yourselves : it is the Gift of

    GOD... Amen.