Purdown Heavy Anti-Aircraft Battery Stoke Park Estate Bristol Archaeological Watching Brief for Ecovigour Ltd on behalf of Bristol City Council CA Project: 6649 OASIS ref.: cotswold2-320277 CA Report: 18725 June 2019

Purdown Heavy Anti-Aircraft Battery Stoke Park Estate Bristol

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Purdown Heavy Anti-Aircraft Battery Stoke Park Estate


Archaeological Watching Brief

for Ecovigour Ltd

on behalf of

Bristol City Council

CA Project: 6649 OASIS ref.: cotswold2-320277

CA Report: 18725

June 2019

Purdown Heavy Anti-Aircraft Battery Stoke Park Estate


Archaeological Watching Brief

CA Project: 6649 CA Report: 18725

This report is confidential to the client. Cotswold Archaeology accepts no responsibility or liability to any third

party to whom this report, or any part of it, is made known. Any such party relies upon this report entirely at their own risk. No part of this report may be reproduced by any means without permission.

© Cotswold Archaeology

Document Control Grid Revision Date Author Checked by Status Reasons for

revision Approved

by A 7 June

2019 Monica

Fombellida/ Sara-Jayne Boughton

Ian Barnes Draft Richard Young

© Cotswold Archaeology


Purdown HAA Battery, Stoke Park State, Bristol: Archaeological Watching Brief

CONTENTS SUMMARY ..................................................................................................................... 2

1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................ 3

2. ARCHAEOLOGICAL BACKGROUND ................................................................ 4

3. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES ................................................................................... 5

4. METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................... 5

5. RESULTS (FIGS 2-3) ......................................................................................... 5

6. DISCUSSION ..................................................................................................... 6

9. CA PROJECT TEAM .......................................................................................... 6

10. REFERENCES ................................................................................................... 6

APPENDIX A: CONTEXT DESCRIPTIONS .................................................................... 8

APPENDIX B: OASIS REPORT FORM........................................................................... 16

LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Fig. 1 Site location plan (1:25,000)

Fig. 2 Location of observed groundworks, showing area of Scheduled Monument (1:750)

Fig. 3 Photographs

© Cotswold Archaeology


Purdown HAA Battery, Stoke Park State, Bristol: Archaeological Watching Brief


Project Name: Purdown Heavy Anti-Aircraft Battery

Location: Stoke Park Estate, Bristol

NGR: 361134 176470

Type: Watching Brief

Date: November and December 2018

SMC: S00175848

Location of Archive: To be deposited with Bristol’s Museums, Galleries & Archives

OASIS ref.: cotswold2-320277 Site Code: PUR18

An archaeological watching brief was undertaken by Cotswold Archaeology during

groundworks associated with the excavation of 146 postholes for the installation of a fence

around the perimeter of Purdown Heavy Anti-Aircraft (HAA) Battery, Stoke Park State,


No features or deposits of archaeological interest were observed during groundworks and no

artefactual material was recovered.

© Cotswold Archaeology


Purdown HAA Battery, Stoke Park State, Bristol: Archaeological Watching Brief


1.1 In November and December 2018 Cotswold Archaeology (CA) carried out an

archaeological watching brief at the request of Ecovigour Ltd, on behalf of Bristol

City Council, at Purdown Heavy Anti-Aircraft (HAA) Battery, Stoke Park Estate,

Bristol (centred at NGR: 361134 176470, Fig.1).

1.2 In line with the recommendations of a Conservation Management Plan (CMP) for the

site (CA 2015), works were planned to clear the site of scrub, trim the trees, remove

the old fence and install a new fence around the perimeter of the scheduled

monument. As the works have the potential to impact upon archaeological remains

which form a Scheduled Monument (ref. SM BS 184, HA 1004531), consultations

were conducted with Hugh Beamish, Inspector of Ancient Monuments, Historic

England (HE). The required Scheduled Monument Consent (SMC) has been issued

under reference: S00175848.

1.3 The watching brief was carried out in accordance with a detailed Written Scheme of

Investigation (WSI) produced by CA (2018) and approved by Hugh Beamish. The

fieldwork also followed Standard and guidance: Archaeological watching brief (CIfA

2014). It was monitored by Hugh Beamish.

The site

1.4 The Scheduled Monument is approximately 1.1ha in extent and is located at c. 83m

AOD within the boundaries of Stoke Park Estate. It comprises four octagonal gun

positions, two square gun pits, two magazines and a command post. The monument

as a whole is currently largely obscured by scrub, trees and dense undergrowth. The

monument has suffered vandalism, with the old fence partially removed and graffiti

covering the four octagonal gun positions.

1.5 The underlying bedrock geology of the area is mapped as Wilmcote Limestone

Member - Limestone and mudstone, interbedded of the Triassic and Jurassic

periods (BGS 2018). Natural geological substrate consisting of yellow clay and

limestone brash was observed during the watching brief, at an average depth of

0.2m below present ground level (bpgl).

© Cotswold Archaeology


Purdown HAA Battery, Stoke Park State, Bristol: Archaeological Watching Brief


2.1 The CMP for the site (CA 2016) fully documents the historic background of the site,

as well as the historic context of national anti-aircraft defence during the Second

World War. The following is a brief background of the Purdown Battery itself.

2.2 The Scheduled Purdown Heavy Anti-Aircraft (HAA) Battery is located within the

Stoke Park Estate, which is a Grade II Registered Park and Garden. The park was

part of a group of large estates owned by the Berkeley family, a prominent noble

family in Bristol. In the 20th century Stoke Park House was bought and expanded to

become an orphanage and mental health hospital. The House and Parkland were

taken over by Stoke Park Group Hospital Management Committee in 1948, and then

transferred to NHS trusts. Purdown HAA Battery became operational as a mobile

anti-aircraft site in November 1939, before being converted to a permanent

reinforced concrete and brick built battery in June 1940. Within the HAA battery was

a command post and other associated buildings such as a canteen and

accommodation. It originally had four octagonal gun emplacements, with two square

gun positions with magazines added later in the war, along with small mobile gun

positions in the wider landscape around the original battery, the latter two groups

distinguished by concrete block construction. The site also had a camp located

adjacent to it. The site of the battery dominates a topographic point along a plateau

edge which has far reaching views of Bristol and was a perfect vantage point for

spotting enemy aircraft. The HAA Battery gained notoriety as ‘Purdown Percy’, with

the noise of the simultaneous firing of the guns echoing around the surrounding

area. Bristol Aeroplane Company at Filton, the Avonmouth Docks and the docks at

Bristol Harbour within the city were the main target for enemy bombs, and so the

HAA Battery on Purdown would have been protecting these targets. The HAA

Battery was decommissioned in mid-1946 (CA 2016, 10).

2.3 Archaeological evaluation was undertaken at Purdown Radio Station, c.50m south-

west of the Scheduled Monument (BaRAS 2001). This evaluation revealed no

archaeological features of significant antiquity within the area of the radio station.

Brick flooring was found in the trenches which is most likely to be associated with

the camp associated with the gun battery (CA 2016, 3).

2.4 A condition survey of the Scheduled Monument (BaRAS 2015) found that many

extant structures within it, were suffering from vandalism, graffiti and damage

© Cotswold Archaeology


Purdown HAA Battery, Stoke Park State, Bristol: Archaeological Watching Brief

caused by extensive vegetation growth. Some structures had collapsed and a few

were showing signs of localised cracking, although generally the structures were in

good structural condition (CA 2016, 2).


3.1 The objectives of the archaeological works were:

• to monitor groundworks, and to identify, investigate and record all significant buried

archaeological deposits revealed on the site during the course of the development


• at the conclusion of the project, to produce an integrated archive for the project work

and a report setting out the results of the project and the archaeological conclusions

that can be drawn from the recorded data.


4.1 The fieldwork followed the methodology set out within the WSI (CA 2018). An

archaeologist was present during intrusive groundworks comprising the excavation

of 146 postholes, measuring approximately 0.3m in diameter, for the installation of a

new fence around the perimeter of the monument (see Fig. 2).

4.2 Where archaeological deposits were encountered written, graphic and photographic

records were compiled in accordance with CA Technical Manual 1: Fieldwork

Recording Manual.

4.3 The archive from the watching brief is currently held by CA at their offices in Kemble

and will be deposited in Bristol’s Museums, Galleries & Archives. A summary of

information from this project set out within Appendix B will be entered onto the

OASIS online database of archaeological projects in Britain.


5.1 No features or deposits of archaeological interest were observed during

groundworks and, despite visual scanning of spoil, no artefactual was recovered.

© Cotswold Archaeology


Purdown HAA Battery, Stoke Park State, Bristol: Archaeological Watching Brief

The following is a brief summary of the contexts observed. For a more detail

description, and measurements, see Appendix A.

5.2 The natural geological substrate consisting of light yellow clay and limestone brash

was encountered in all excavated postholes between approximately 0.2m to 0.4m

bpgl. Within postholes 4, 5, 14-67, 70-73, 76, 77, 8 and 85, the natural substrate

was overlain by dark grey-brown silt subsoil measuring up to c.0.3m in thickness.

This was in turn covered by topsoil. Within postholes 6-13, 68, 69, 74, 75, 78-83 and

86-146, subsoil was not present and the natural substrate was covered directly by


5.3 Exceptions to the above are postholes 1, 2 and 3, where subsoil was overlain by a

modern gravel makeup deposit, which was in turn covered by tarmac.


6.1 Despite the archaeological potential of the application area (see archaeological

background above), the watching brief identified no archaeological remains within

the area of observed groundworks. The limited scale of the completed groundworks

precludes any statement on the presence or condition of any of the aforementioned

remains in this location.


Fieldwork was undertaken by Monica Fombellida, Mathew Coman and Adam

Howard. The report was written by Sara-Jayne Boughton. The illustrations were

prepared by Rosanna Price. The archive has been compiled and prepared for

deposition by Hazel O’Neill. The project was managed for CA by Richard Young.


BaRAS (Bristol and Region Archaeological Services) 2001 Archaeological evaluation at

Purdown Radio Station, Eastville, Bristol, BaRAS Report no. 933/2001

BaRAS (Bristol and Region Archaeological Services) 2015 Condition Survey at Purdown

HAA Battery, Eastville, Bristol, BaRAS Report

© Cotswold Archaeology


Purdown HAA Battery, Stoke Park State, Bristol: Archaeological Watching Brief

BGS (British Geological Survey) 2018 Geology of Britain Viewer

http://mapapps.bgs.ac.uk/geologyofbritain/home.html Accessed 10 April 2019

CA (Cotswold Archaeology) 2018 Purdown Heavy Anti-Aircraft (HAA) Battery, Stoke Park

Estate, Bristol: Written Scheme of Investigation

CA (Cotswold Archaeology) 2016 Purdown Heavy Anti-Aircraft (HAA) Battery, Stoke Park

Estate, Bristol: Conservation Management Plan, CA Report No. 150762

© Cotswold Archaeology


Purdown HAA Battery, Stoke Park State, Bristol: Archaeological Watching Brief


Trench No.

Context No.

Type Context interpretation

Description Diameter (m)

Depth/ thickness (m)

1 100 Layer Tarmac Grey tarmac 0.6 0.1 1 101 Layer Make-up Dark grey soil with gravel 0.6 0.2 1 102 Layer Subsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.6 0.25 1 103 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.6 0.25 2 200 Layer Tarmac Grey tarmac 0.6 0.1 2 201 Layer Make-up Dark grey soil with gravel 0.6 0.2 2 202 Layer Subsoil Mid brown yellow silt clay 0.6 0.25 2 203 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.6 0.25 3 300 Layer Tarmac Grey tarmac 0.3 0.1 3 301 Layer Make-up Dark grey soil with gravel 0.3 0.25 3 302 Layer Subsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.2 3 303 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 0.15 4 400 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.2 4 401 Layer Subsoil Mid brown yellow silt clay 0.3 0.3 4 402 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.2 5 500 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.25 5 501 Layer Subsoil Mid brown yellow silt clay 0.3 0.3 5 502 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.15 6 600 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.2 6 601 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.4 7 700 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.2 7 701 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.5 8 800 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.2 8 801 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.5 9 900 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.2 9 901 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.5 10 1000 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.15 10 1001 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.45 11 1100 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.2 11 1101 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.4 12 1200 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.15 12 1201 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.45 13 1300 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.2 13 1301 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.3 14 1400 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.15 14 1401 Layer Subsoil Mid brown yellow silt clay 0.3 0.3 14 1402 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.05 15 1500 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.15 15 1501 Layer Subsoil Mid brown yellow silt clay 0.3 0.3 15 1502 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.05 16 1600 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.15 16 1601 Layer Subsoil Mid brown yellow silt clay 0.3 0.3 16 1602 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.05 17 1700 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.15 17 1701 Layer Subsoil Mid brown yellow silt clay 0.3 0.3

© Cotswold Archaeology


Purdown HAA Battery, Stoke Park State, Bristol: Archaeological Watching Brief

17 1702 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.05 18 1800 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.15 18 1801 Layer Subsoil Mid brown yellow silt clay 0.3 0.3 18 1802 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.05 19 1900 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.15 19 1901 Layer Subsoil Mid brown yellow silt clay 0.3 0.3 19 1902 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.05 20 2000 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.15 20 2001 Layer Subsoil Mid brown yellow silt clay 0.3 0.3 20 2002 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.05 21 2100 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.15 21 2101 Layer Subsoil Mid brown yellow silt clay 0.3 0.3 21 2102 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.05 22 1800 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.15 22 1801 Layer Subsoil Mid brown yellow silt clay 0.3 0.3 22 1802 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.05 23 1900 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.15 23 1901 Layer Subsoil Mid brown yellow silt clay 0.3 0.3 23 1902 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.05 24 2000 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.15 24 2001 Layer Subsoil Mid brown yellow silt clay 0.3 0.3 24 2002 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.05 25 2100 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.15 25 2101 Layer Subsoil Mid brown yellow silt clay 0.3 0.3 25 2102 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.05 26 2600 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.15 26 2601 Layer Subsoil Mid brown yellow silt clay 0.3 0.3 26 2602 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.05 27 2700 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.15 27 2701 Layer Subsoil Mid brown yellow silt clay 0.3 0.3 27 2702 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.05 28 2800 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.15 28 2801 Layer Subsoil Mid brown yellow silt clay 0.3 0.3 28 2802 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.05 29 2900 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.15 29 2901 Layer Subsoil Mid brown yellow silt clay 0.3 0.3 29 2902 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.05 30 3000 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.15 30 3001 Layer Subsoil Mid brown yellow silt clay 0.3 0.0.25 30 3002 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.1 31 3100 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.14 31 3101 Layer Subsoil Mid brown yellow silt clay 0.3 0.26 31 3102 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.2 32 3200 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.15 32 3201 Layer Subsoil Mid brown yellow silt clay 0.3 0.25 32 3202 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.1 33 3300 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.16 33 3301 Layer Subsoil Mid brown yellow silt clay 0.3 0.25 33 3302 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.09 34 3400 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.16 34 3401 Layer Subsoil Mid brown yellow silt clay 0.3 0.2

© Cotswold Archaeology


Purdown HAA Battery, Stoke Park State, Bristol: Archaeological Watching Brief

34 3402 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.14 35 3500 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.1 35 3501 Layer Subsoil Mid brown yellow silt clay 0.3 0.26 35 3502 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.2 36 3000 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.2 36 3001 Layer Subsoil Mid brown yellow silt clay 0.3 0.22 36 3002 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.23 37 3700 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.2 37 3701 Layer Subsoil Mid brown yellow silt clay 0.3 0.22 37 3702 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.23 38 3800 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.19 38 3801 Layer Subsoil Mid brown yellow silt clay 0.3 0.22 38 3802 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.2 39 3900 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.2 39 3901 Layer Subsoil Mid brown yellow silt clay 0.3 0.3 39 3902 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.3 40 4000 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.2 40 4001 Layer Subsoil Mid brown yellow silt clay 0.3 0.3 40 4002 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.3 41 4100 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.2 41 4101 Layer Subsoil Mid brown yellow silt clay 0.3 0.3 41 4102 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.3 42 4200 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.2 42 4201 Layer Subsoil Mid brown yellow silt clay 0.3 0.3 42 4202 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.3 43 4300 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.2 43 4301 Layer Subsoil Mid brown yellow silt clay 0.3 0.3 43 4302 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.3 44 4400 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.2 44 4401 Layer Subsoil Mid brown yellow silt clay 0.3 0.3 44 4402 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.3 45 4500 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.2 45 4501 Layer Subsoil Mid brown yellow silt clay 0.3 0.3 45 4502 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.3 46 4600 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.2 46 4601 Layer Subsoil Mid brown yellow silt clay 0.3 0.3 46 4602 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.3 47 4700 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.2 47 4701 Layer Subsoil Mid brown yellow silt clay 0.3 0.3 47 4702 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.3 48 4800 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.2 48 4801 Layer Subsoil Mid brown yellow silt clay 0.3 0.3 48 4802 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.3 49 4900 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.2 49 4901 Layer Subsoil Mid brown yellow silt clay 0.3 0.3 49 4902 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.3 50 5000 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.2 50 5001 Layer Subsoil Mid brown yellow silt clay 0.3 0.3 50 5002 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.3 51 5100 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.2 51 5101 Layer Subsoil Mid brown yellow silt clay 0.3 0.3

© Cotswold Archaeology


Purdown HAA Battery, Stoke Park State, Bristol: Archaeological Watching Brief

51 5102 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.3 52 5200 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.2 52 5201 Layer Subsoil Mid brown yellow silt clay 0.3 0.3 52 5202 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.3 53 5300 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.19 53 5301 Layer Subsoil Mid brown yellow silt clay 0.3 0.24 53 5302 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.1 54 5400 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.19 54 5401 Layer Subsoil Mid brown yellow silt clay 0.3 0.24 54 5402 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.1 55 5500 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.19 55 5501 Layer Subsoil Mid brown yellow silt clay 0.3 0.24 55 5502 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.1 56 5600 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.19 56 5601 Layer Subsoil Mid brown yellow silt clay 0.3 0.24 56 5602 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.1 57 5700 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.19 57 5701 Layer Subsoil Mid brown yellow silt clay 0.3 0.24 57 5702 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.1 58 5800 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.19 58 5801 Layer Subsoil Mid brown yellow silt clay 0.3 0.24 58 5802 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.1 59 5900 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.19 59 5901 Layer Subsoil Mid brown yellow silt clay 0.3 0.24 59 5902 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.1 60 6000 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.19 60 6001 Layer Subsoil Mid brown yellow silt clay 0.3 0.24 60 6002 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.1 61 6100 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.19 61 6101 Layer Subsoil Mid brown yellow silt clay 0.3 0.24 61 6102 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.1 62 6200 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.19 62 6201 Layer Subsoil Mid brown yellow silt clay 0.3 0.24 62 6202 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.1 63 6300 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.19 63 6301 Layer Subsoil Mid brown yellow silt clay 0.3 0.24 63 6302 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.1 64 6400 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.19 64 6401 Layer Subsoil Mid brown yellow silt clay 0.3 0.24 64 6402 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.1 65 6500 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.19 65 6501 Layer Subsoil Mid brown yellow silt clay 0.3 0.24 65 6502 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.1 66 6600 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.19 66 6601 Layer Subsoil Mid brown yellow silt clay 0.3 0.24 66 6602 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.1 67 6700 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.19 67 6701 Layer Subsoil Mid brown yellow silt clay 0.3 0.24 67 6702 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow silt clay 0.3 >0.1 68 6800 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.2 68 6801 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.6

© Cotswold Archaeology


Purdown HAA Battery, Stoke Park State, Bristol: Archaeological Watching Brief

69 6900 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.25 69 6901 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.3

70 7000 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.3 70 7001 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.32

71 7100 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.21 71 7101 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.32

72 7200 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.25 72 7201 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.3

73 7300 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.14 73 7301 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.38

74 7400 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.24 74 7401 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.3

75 7500 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.23 75 7501 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.3

76 7600 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.23 76 7601 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.3

77 7700 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.2 77 7701 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.4

78 7800 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.26 78 7801 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.2

79 7900 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.26 79 7901 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.3

80 8000 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.24 80 8001 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.33

81 8100 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.2 81 8101 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.3

82 8200 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.2 82 8201 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.3

83 8300 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.2 83 8301 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.32

84 8400 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.24 84 8401 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.2

85 8500 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.23 85 8501 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.2

86 8600 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.25 86 8601 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.3

87 8700 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.25 87 8701 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.3

88 8800 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.15 88 8801 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.29

89 8900 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.16 89 8901 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.39

© Cotswold Archaeology


Purdown HAA Battery, Stoke Park State, Bristol: Archaeological Watching Brief

90 9000 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.18 90 9001 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.39

91 9100 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.19 91 9101 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.39

92 9200 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.29 92 9201 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.3

93 9200 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.23 93 9201 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.32

94 9200 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.21 94 9201 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.34

95 9200 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.2 95 9201 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.34

96 9200 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.24 96 9201 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.26

97 9200 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.25 97 9201 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.25

98 9200 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.28 98 9201 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.2

99 9200 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.2 99 9201 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.25

100 10000 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.2 100 10001 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.3

101 10100 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.2 101 10101 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.3

102 10200 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.2 102 10201 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.3

103 10300 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.2 103 10301 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.3

104 10400 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.2 104 10401 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.3

105 10500 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.2 105 10501 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.3

106 10600 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.2 106 10601 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.3

107 10700 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.2 107 10701 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.3

108 10800 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.2 108 10801 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.3

109 10900 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.2 109 10901 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.3

110 11000 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.22 110 11001 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.3

© Cotswold Archaeology


Purdown HAA Battery, Stoke Park State, Bristol: Archaeological Watching Brief

111 11100 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.22 111 11101 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.3

112 11200 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.29 112 11201 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.3

113 11300 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.29 113 11301 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.32

114 11400 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.3 114 11401 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.24

115 11500 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.3 115 11501 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.24

116 11600 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.3 116 11601 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.3

117 11700 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.3 117 11701 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.32

118 11800 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.25 118 11801 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.3

119 11900 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.2 119 11901 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.4

120 12000 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.2 120 12001 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.42

121 12100 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.19 121 12101 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.3

122 12200 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.2 122 12201 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.35

123 12300 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.2 123 12301 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.4

124 12400 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.2 124 12401 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.4

125 12500 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.23 125 12501 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.4

126 12600 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.23 126 12601 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.4

127 12700 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.2 127 12701 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.4

128 12800 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.3 128 12801 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.3

129 12900 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.28 129 12901 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.3

130 13000 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.29 130 13001 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.3

131 13100 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.3 131 13101 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.3

© Cotswold Archaeology


Purdown HAA Battery, Stoke Park State, Bristol: Archaeological Watching Brief

132 13200 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.3 132 13201 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.3

133 13300 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.3 133 13301 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.3

134 13400 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.3 134 13401 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.3

135 13500 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.3 135 13501 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.3

136 13600 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.3 136 13601 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.3

137 13700 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.3 137 13701 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.3

138 13800 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.3 138 13801 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.3

139 13900 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.3 139 13901 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.3

140 14000 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.3 140 14001 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.3

141 14100 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.3 141 14101 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.3

142 14200 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.3 142 14201 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.3

143 14300 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.3 143 14301 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.3

144 14400 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.3 144 14401 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.3

145 14500 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.3 145 14501 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.3

146 14600 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay 0.3 0.3 146 14601 Layer Natural Light yellow clay silt and limestone

brash 0.3 >0.3

© Cotswold Archaeology


Purdown HAA Battery, Stoke Park State, Bristol: Archaeological Watching Brief


PROJECT DETAILS Project Name Purdown Heavy Anti-Aircraft Battery, Stoke Park, Bristol

Short description

An archaeological watching brief was undertaken by Cotswold Archaeology during groundworks associated with the excavation of 146 postholes for the installation of a fence around the external perimeter of Purdown Heavy Anti-Aircraft (HAA) Battery, Stoke Park State, Bristol. No features or deposits of archaeological interest were observed during groundworks and no artefactual material was recovered.

Project dates November and December 2018 Project type Watching Brief Previous work

Archaeological Evaluation (BaRAS 2001) Condition Survey (BaRAS 2015) Conservation Management Plan (CA 2016)

Future work Unknown

PROJECT LOCATION Site Location Stoke Park State, Purdown, Bristol Study area (M2/ha) 1.1ha Site co-ordinates 361134 176470

PROJECT CREATORS Name of organisation Cotswold Archaeology Project Brief originator None Project Design (WSI) originator Cotswold Archaeology Project Manager Richard Young Project Supervisor Monica Fombellida, Matt Coman, Adam Howard MONUMENT TYPE Anti-Aircraft Battery SIGNIFICANT FINDS none PROJECT ARCHIVES Intended final location of archive: Content: Paper Museum Bristol Museum, Galleries &

Archives Trench sheets, photograph registers

Digital Museum Bristol Museum, Galleries & Archives

Digital photos

BIBLIOGRAPHY CA (Cotswold Archaeology) 2019 Purdown Heavy Anti-Aircraft Battery, Stoke Park State, Bristol: Archaeological Watching Brief. CA typescript report 18725





































0 1km


Purdown Heavy Anti-Aircraft (HAA) Battery, Stoke Park Estate, Bristol

Site location plan





Andover 01264 347630

Cirencester 01285 771022

Exeter 01392 573970

Milton Keynes 01908 564660

w www.cotswoldarchaeology.co.uk

e [email protected]

© Crown copyright and database rights 2018Ordnance Survey 0100031673








Scheduled Monument




















ublish_17516\6649 P


n B

attery, B

ristol W


ig 02.dw
















Purdown Heavy Anti-Aircraft (HAA) Battery,

Stoke Park Estate, Bristol


Location of observed groundworks,

showing area of Scheduled Monument






Milton Keynes


[email protected]



01264 347630

01285 771022

01392 826185

01908 564660

Posthole (PH)

Area of Scheduled Monument

© Crown copyright and database rights 2018 Ordnance Survey 0100031673






3 & 4

Purdown Heavy Anti-Aircraft (HAA) Battery, Stoke Park Estate, Bristol








Andover 01264 347630

Cirencester 01285 771022

Exeter 01392 573970

Milton Keynes 01908 564660

w www.cotswoldarchaeology.co.uk

e [email protected]

Photo of south-east external fencing, looking west

Representative posthole: posthole 72, looking south-east (0.5m scales)