Purchasing Notes Chap 8

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  • 8/11/2019 Purchasing Notes Chap 8


    Purchasing (BMK3748) Diploma in Business Management

    1 | P a g e

    Chapter 8: Sourcing for Consumables, Capital Goods, Good for Resale

    Key Supplier Performance Indicators

    Direct measures quantify supplier performance at the time work is completed.

    Examples: on time delivery, number of rejects, and cycle time to develop a specific product/service/ technology in a development stage.

    Automation of real time metrics such as quality, quantity, price, and on-time delivery

    measures and careful selection of more time consuming data collection activities help to

    reduce the time spent measuring results.

    Supplier score card

    Summary statement of the suppliers cost, quality, and timeliness performance and a

    compilation of satisfaction surveys, real time metrics, variance of invoice amounts to

    estimates or contract negotiated rates and other contract related terms.

    Categories of Supplier


    New supplier

    Is one about no track record is yet available.

    A supplier new to the buying organization and in the process of attempting to meet its

    obligations under its first contract.

    Can be considered probationary and will normally be watched closely to ascertain

    whatever pre selection expectations warranted awarding the business.


    Current/long-term supplier Already proven in the past that their performance meets minimum expectations.

    The evaluation of their performance may be more routine.

    1. Sole Source

    A situation whereby only one source is capable of meeting the buyers need - then, you have

    a sole source situation.

    The exact opposite of open competition.

    A result of a government-created monopoly, such as local utility, and there is little the buyer

    can do to gain concession. In this kind of situation, there is formal oversight by some governing body to ensure

    customer get fair treatment.

    2. Single Source

    Similar to the sole source but is a condition created by the buying organization, either trough

    product customization where only one supplier is capable of producing the product or

    through some predefined collaborative relationship that by its nature excludes competition.

    The supplier may be the exclusive owner or certain essential patents or processes and,

    therefore, be the only possible source.

  • 8/11/2019 Purchasing Notes Chap 8
