Nanoscience and Nanostructures for Photovoltaics and Solar Fuels Arthur J. Nozik National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, Colorado 80401, and University of Colorado, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Boulder, Colorado 80309 ABSTRACT Quantum confinement of electronic particles (negative electrons and positive holes) in nanocrystals produces unique optical and electronic properties that have the potential to enhance the power conversion efficiency of solar cells for photovoltaic and solar fuels production at lower cost. These approaches and applications are labeled third generation solar photon conversion. Prominent among these unique properties is the efficient formation of more than one electron-hole pair (called excitons in nanocrystals) from a single absorbed photon. In isolated nanocrystals that have three-dimensional confinement of charge carriers (quantum dots) or two-dimensional confinement (quantum wires and rods) this process is termed multiple exciton generation. This Perspective presents a summary of our present understanding of the science of optoelectronic properties of nanocrystals and a prognosis for and review of the technological status of nanocrystals and nanostructures for third generation photovoltaic cells and solar fuels production. KEYWORDS Quantum dot solar cells, multiple exciton generation, MEG, third generation photovoltaics, nanostructures for photovoltaics N anostructures of semiconductor materials exhibit quantization effects when the electronic particles of these materials are confined by potential barri- ers to very small regions of space. The confinement can be in one dimension (producing quantum films, also termed quantum wells in the early 1980s as the first ex- amples of quantization in nanoscale materials), in two dimensions (producing quantum wires or rods), or in three dimensions (producing quantum dots (QDs)). Some authors refer to these three regimes as 2D, 1D, or 0D, respectively, although these terms are not as precise. Nanostructures of other classes of materials, such as met- als and organic materials, are also possible, but this Per- spective will be focused on semiconductor nanostructures and their potential applications for solar energy conver- sion to solar electricity (photovoltaics) and solar fuels. Semiconductor materials in bulk form currently domi- nate the field of commercial photovoltaic (PV) power; so- lar fuels (direct conversion of CO 2 and/or H 2 O to fuels, such as H 2 , alcohols, hydrocararbons, or carbohydrates) are now receiving a high degree of interest and support, but unlike PV, no solar fuels industry exists yet. Biofuels are, of course, derived from solar irradiance driving bio- logical photosynthesis and is a present day industry, but they are not included here in our definition of solar fuels since it is a two-step process, first involving photosynthe- sis followed by harvesting and conversion of biomass via dark processes such as fermentation or thermal refining. The nanoscience we discuss here will have relevance mainly for PV but may also be important for approaches that are being investigated for direct solar fuels production. Nanostructures of crystalline materials are also re- ferred to as nanocrystals, and this term includes a variety of nanoscale shapes with the three types of spatial con- finement, including spheres, cubes, rods, wires, tubes, tetrapods, ribbons, cups, disks, and platelets. 1 The first six shapes are being intensively studied for renewable energy applications, but the focus here will be on the use of semi- conductor QDs plus some discussion of single-walled car- bon nanotubes. Status of PV Based on Bulk Semiconductors. PV solar cells operate by absorbing photons from incident solar radiation that have energies above the semiconductor band gap and thus create negative electrons and positive holes. Bulk inorganic semiconductors have relatively high dielectric constants, and at room temperature these pho- togenerated electronic particles are uncorrelated and move freely in the conduction and valence bands of the semiconductor; they are thus called free (charge) carriers. In organic semiconductors the dielectric constant is low and the photogenerated carriers are correlated and form bound electron-hole pairs that are called excitons. In the former case an internal electric field is required to effi- ciently separate the free electrons and holes so that they can be collected at oppositely charged electrodes and uti- lized in a PV cell. This electric field is most commonly produced by a p-n junction in the device; however Schottky junctions between a semiconductor and metal or liquid contacts with appropriate work function differences relative to the semiconductor material can also be used. Published on Web: 00/00/0000 PERSPECTIVE pubs.acs.org/NanoLett © XXXX American Chemical Society A DOI: 10.1021/nl102122x | Nano Lett. XXXX, xxx, 000–000

pubs.acs.org/NanoLett Nanoscience and …zhiwu/research/papers/F05_nanopv.pdf · Nanoscience and Nanostructures for Photovoltaics and Solar Fuels Arthur J. Nozik National Renewable

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Nanoscience and Nanostructures forPhotovoltaics and Solar FuelsArthur J. Nozik

National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, Colorado 80401, and University of Colorado, Department ofChemistry and Biochemistry, Boulder, Colorado 80309

ABSTRACT Quantum confinement of electronic particles (negative electrons and positive holes) in nanocrystals produces uniqueoptical and electronic properties that have the potential to enhance the power conversion efficiency of solar cells for photovoltaic andsolar fuels production at lower cost. These approaches and applications are labeled third generation solar photon conversion. Prominentamong these unique properties is the efficient formation of more than one electron-hole pair (called excitons in nanocrystals) froma single absorbed photon. In isolated nanocrystals that have three-dimensional confinement of charge carriers (quantum dots) ortwo-dimensional confinement (quantum wires and rods) this process is termed multiple exciton generation. This Perspective presentsa summary of our present understanding of the science of optoelectronic properties of nanocrystals and a prognosis for and reviewof the technological status of nanocrystals and nanostructures for third generation photovoltaic cells and solar fuels production.

KEYWORDS Quantum dot solar cells, multiple exciton generation, MEG, third generation photovoltaics, nanostructures forphotovoltaics

Nanostructures of semiconductor materials exhibitquantization effects when the electronic particlesof these materials are confined by potential barri-

ers to very small regions of space. The confinement canbe in one dimension (producing quantum films, alsotermed quantum wells in the early 1980s as the first ex-amples of quantization in nanoscale materials), in twodimensions (producing quantum wires or rods), or inthree dimensions (producing quantum dots (QDs)). Someauthors refer to these three regimes as 2D, 1D, or 0D,respectively, although these terms are not as precise.Nanostructures of other classes of materials, such as met-als and organic materials, are also possible, but this Per-spective will be focused on semiconductor nanostructuresand their potential applications for solar energy conver-sion to solar electricity (photovoltaics) and solar fuels.

Semiconductor materials in bulk form currently domi-nate the field of commercial photovoltaic (PV) power; so-lar fuels (direct conversion of CO2 and/or H2O to fuels,such as H2, alcohols, hydrocararbons, or carbohydrates)are now receiving a high degree of interest and support,but unlike PV, no solar fuels industry exists yet. Biofuelsare, of course, derived from solar irradiance driving bio-logical photosynthesis and is a present day industry, butthey are not included here in our definition of solar fuelssince it is a two-step process, first involving photosynthe-sis followed by harvesting and conversion of biomass viadark processes such as fermentation or thermal refining.The nanoscience we discuss here will have relevance

mainly for PV but may also be important for approachesthat are being investigated for direct solar fuelsproduction.

Nanostructures of crystalline materials are also re-ferred to as nanocrystals, and this term includes a varietyof nanoscale shapes with the three types of spatial con-finement, including spheres, cubes, rods, wires, tubes,tetrapods, ribbons, cups, disks, and platelets.1 The first sixshapes are being intensively studied for renewable energyapplications, but the focus here will be on the use of semi-conductor QDs plus some discussion of single-walled car-bon nanotubes.

Status of PV Based on Bulk Semiconductors. PV solarcells operate by absorbing photons from incident solarradiation that have energies above the semiconductorband gap and thus create negative electrons and positiveholes. Bulk inorganic semiconductors have relatively highdielectric constants, and at room temperature these pho-togenerated electronic particles are uncorrelated andmove freely in the conduction and valence bands of thesemiconductor; they are thus called free (charge) carriers.In organic semiconductors the dielectric constant is lowand the photogenerated carriers are correlated and formbound electron-hole pairs that are called excitons. In theformer case an internal electric field is required to effi-ciently separate the free electrons and holes so that theycan be collected at oppositely charged electrodes and uti-lized in a PV cell. This electric field is most commonlyproduced by a p-n junction in the device; howeverSchottky junctions between a semiconductor and metal orliquid contacts with appropriate work function differencesrelative to the semiconductor material can also be used.Published on Web: 00/00/0000


© XXXX American Chemical Society A DOI: 10.1021/nl102122x | Nano Lett. XXXX, xxx, 000–000

In organic semiconductors the excitons must be dissoci-ated so that free carriers are formed, separated, and col-lected at the oppositely charged electrodes. This is usuallyachieved through a heterojunction having a sufficientband-offset that can drive electrons and holes apart.

One ubiquitous feature of all present solar cells is thatphotons having energies greater than the semiconductorband gap create free carriers or excitons that have ener-gies in excess of the band gap; these carriers or excitonsare called “hot carriers” or “hot excitons”. This excesselectron energy is kinetic free energy and is lost quickly(picosecond to subpicosecond time scales) throughelectron-phonon scattering, converting the excess kineticenergy into heat. The free carriers or excitons then oc-cupy the lowest energy levels (the bottom and top of theconduction and valence bands, respectively) where theycan be removed to do electrical or chemical work or lostthrough radiative or nonradiative recombination. In 1961Shockley and Queisser2 (S-Q) calculated the maximumpossible thermodynamic efficiency of converting solarirradiance into electrical free energy in a PV cell assuming(1) complete carrier cooling and (2) that the only otherfree energy loss mechanism was radiative recombination.This detailed balance calculation in the radiative limityields a maximum thermodynamic efficiency of 31-33%with optimum band gaps between about 1.1 and 1.4 eV(the band gaps of Si and GaAs are close to these optimumvalues).

One way used presently to reduce the energy loss dueto carrier cooling is to stack a series of semiconductorswith different band gaps in tandem with the largest bandgap irradiated first followed by decreasing band gaps. Inthe limit of a large number of different multiple band gapsmatched to the solar spectrum the conversion efficiencycan reach 67% at 1-sun intensity. However, in practiceonly two to three band gaps are used because for thesemultijunction PV cells most of the gain in efficiency is ob-tained with three band gaps; after that there are diminish-ing returns. Detailed balance calculations show that withtwo band gaps the maximum efficiency is 43%, withthree it is 48%, with four it is 52%, and with five it is55%. The present record efficiency in the laboratory of a

multijunction solar cell based on three junctions (GaInP2/GaAs/Ge (or GaInAs)) is 41% (under solar concentrationsof 140-240 suns).3 The highest present 1-sun efficiencyof single junction Si PV cells in the laboratory is 25%;3 theefficiency of commercial PV modules is about 75% of themaximum values measured in the laboratory

Solar Cells Utilizing Hot Carriers for EnhancedConversion Efficiency. In 1982 thermodynamic calcula-tions4 first showed that the same high conversion effi-ciency of a tandem stack of different band gaps can beobtained by utilizing the excess energy of hot photogener-ated carriers before they cooled to the lattice temperaturethrough electron-phonon scattering; in the limit of a car-rier temperature of 3000 K the conversion efficiencyreaches 67%. One way to do this is to transport the hotcarriers to carrier-collecting contacts with appropriatework functions (into either an electrolyte redox system ina photoelectrochemical fuel producing cell5 or a solidstate Ohmic contact in a PV cell),6 before the carrierscool. These cells are called hot carrier solar cells.4-8 Asecond approach is to use the excess kinetic energy of thehot carriers to produce additional electron-hole pairs. Inbulk semiconductors this process is called impact ioniza-tion9 and is an inverse Auger type of process. However,impact ionization (I.I.) cannot contribute to improvedpower conversion efficiency in present solar cells basedon bulk Si, CdTe, CuInxGa1-xSe2, or III-V semiconductorsbecause the maximum QY for I.I. does not produce extracarriers until photon energies reach the ultraviolet regionof the solar spectrum. In bulk semiconductors, the thresh-old photon energy for I.I. exceeds that required for energyconservation alone because crystal momentum (k) mustalso be conserved.9 Additionally, the rate of I.I. must com-pete with the rate of energy relaxation by phonon emis-sion through electron-phonon scattering. It has beenshown that the rate of I.I. becomes competitive withphonon scattering rates only when the kinetic energy ofthe electron is many multiples of the band gap energy(Eg).10-12 In bulk semiconductors, the observed transitionbetween inefficient and efficient I.I. occurs slowly; for ex-ample, in Si the I.I. efficiency was found to be only 5%(i.e., total quantum yield ) 105%) at h! ! 4 eV (3.6Eg),and 25% at h! ! 4.8 eV (4.4Eg).9,13

Quantum Dots, Multiple Exciton Generation, andThird Generation Solar Cells. Because of spatial confine-ment of electrons and holes in quantum dots: (1) thee--h+ pairs are correlated and thus exist as excitonsrather than free carriers, (2) the rate of hot electron andhole (i.e., exciton) cooling can be slowed because of theformation of discrete electronic states,1 (3) momentum isnot a good quantum number and thus the need to con-serve crystal momentum is relaxed,1 and (4) Auger pro-cesses are greatly enhanced because of increased e--h+

Coulomb interaction. Because of these factors it has beenpredicted14-17 that the production of multiple e--h+

The highest present 1-sun

efficiency of single junction Si

photovoltaic cells in the laboratory

is 25%.


© XXXX American Chemical Society B DOI: 10.1021/nl102122x | Nano Lett. XXXX, xxx, 000-–000

pairs will be enhanced in QDs compared to bulk semicon-ductors; both the threshold energy (h"th) for electron holepair multiplication (EHPM) and its efficiency, #EHPM (de-fined as the number of electron-hole pairs produced peradditional band gap of energy above the EHPM thresholdenergy), are expected to be greatly enhanced. In QDs welabel the formation of multiple excitons Multiple ExcitonGeneration (MEG);17 free carriers can only form upon dis-sociation of the excitons, for example, in various PV de-vice structures. The possibility of enhanced MEG in QDswas first proposed in 200114,15 and the original concept isshown in Figure 1. Figure 2 presents S-Q detailed balancecalculations in the radiative limit for conventional solarcells compared to QD solar cells exhibiting various MEGcharacteristics regarding the threshold photon energy h"th

and #EHPM.18 It has been shown18 very recently that thethreshold photon energy (h"th) for MEG to occur and itsefficiency (#EHPM) are related by the expression

This recent paper18 also presents a rigorous derivationof why the appropriate parameter to use when comparingthe efficiency of MEG in QDs vs impact ionization in bulkmaterials is h"/Eg and not just the absolute photon energyh". When h"/Eg is used, the slope of plots of MEG QY vsh"/Eg is the MEG efficiency, #EHPM.18 The use of just h"was proposed in a prior publication19 and led to the in-valid conclusion that there is no efficiency difference be-tween MEG in QDs and I.I. in bulk semiconductors. ForPbSe QDs, the MEG efficiency, #EHPM, was reported to beat least twice that of bulk PbSe.18

As seen in Figure 2, the maximum benefit of MEG,which is to increase the maximum achievable power con-version efficiency at one sun intensity from 32 to 44%,occurs when the photon energy for the MEG threshold istwice the QD band gap, and the subsequent increase inQY follows a step-wise staircase function such that the QYbecomes N when the photon energy is N times Eg. For thecase where the MEG threshold is 2Eg but the QY then in-creases linearly with photon energy after the threshold(L2 in Figure 2), the maximum conversion efficiency is37%. From eq 1, the MEG (or I.I.) threshold energy, h"th,becomes larger with decreasing values of the MEG (or I.I.)efficiency, #EHPM. Figure 2 also shows that for bulk semi-conductors with low band gaps (<0.5 eV), the maximumconversion efficiency of QD-based solar cells is "3 timesthat of bulk semiconductors of the same material evenwithout MEG, if the quantized band gap increases to0.9-1.3 eV; with the optimum MEG characterisitics, themaximum efficiency can be "4-5 times that of the bulkmaterial. Bulk semiconductors typically have photon en-ergy thresholds for carrier multiplication through I.I. thatare 3-5 times the bulk Eg and thus, as indicated in Figure2, do not have the potential to greatly increase conversionefficiency through carrier multiplication. The challenge forresearch on QD-based solar cells is to understand anddevelop QD systems that show the L2 or staircase MEGcharacteristics shown in Figure 2.

In addition to the utilization of hot electron9hole pairsto enhance solar conversion efficiency, as describedabove, nanocrystals and QDs can be utilized in otherthird-generation Solar cell configurations for thispurpose.7,8 These include: (i) the use of QD arrays in in-termediate band solar cells to form a new electronic bandwithin the primary semiconductor band gap in order toabsorb lower energy, sub-gap photons, and (ii) the use ofnanostructures to modify the incident solar spectrumthrough up- and down-conversion processes. In both ap-proaches, the total cell photocurrent is increased.7,8 Thesealternative third generation approaches are also beingpursued in various laboratories but will not be discussedin this Perspective.

FIGURE 1. Multiple exciton generation in quantum dots.

FIGURE 2. S-Q calculations for PV power conversion efficiency forvarious MEG characteristics in QD solar cells compared to PV cellsbased on bulk semiconductors. L(n) represents the MEG photonenergy threshold in units of the number of band gaps of energy, andthe slope value is the MEG efficiency (extra excitons/band gap ofphoton energy) beyond the MEG threshold.

h"th/Eg ) 1 + 1/#EHPM (1)


© XXXX American Chemical Society C DOI: 10.1021/nl102122x | Nano Lett. XXXX, xxx, 000-–000

Multiexcitons have been detected using several spec-troscopic measurements which are consistent with eachother. The first method used was to monitor the signatureof multiple exciton generation using transient(pump-probe) absorption (TA) spectroscopy.20 The mul-tiple exciton analysis relies on time-resolved TA datataken as a function of the photon excitation (pump) en-ergy. In one type of TA experiment, the probe pulsemonitors the interband bleach dynamics with excitationacross the QD band gap;17,20 whereas in a second type ofexperiment the probe pulse is in the mid-IR and monitorsthe intraband transitions (e.g., 1Se-1Pe) of the newly cre-ated excitons21-23 both experiments yield the same MEGQYs. In the former case, the peak magnitude of the initialearly time (3 ps) photoinduced absorption change createdby the pump pulse together with the faster Auger decaydynamics of the generated multiexcitons and the result-ant TA signal after the extra excitons have decayed (>300ps) are related to the number of excitons created. In thelatter case, the TA dynamics of the photoinduced mid-IRintraband absorption after the pump pulse is monitoredand analyzed.

The first experimental report of exciton multiplicationthat was presented by Schaller and Klimov20 for PbSe NCsreported an excitation energy threshold for the efficientformation of two excitons per photon at 3Eg. But subse-quent work has reported that the threshold energy forMEG in PbSe QDs is 2Eg

17 and it was shown that efficientMEG occurs also in PbS17 and in PbTe QDs.24 Additionalexperiments observing MEG have now been reported forPbSe,25,26 CdSe,27,28 InAs,29 Si,30 InP,31 CdTe,32 andCdSe/CdTe core-shell QDs.33 For InP QDs the MEGthreshold was 2.1Eg and photocharging (see next para-graph for significance of QD charging for MEG) wasshown not to be present in the QD samples.31 For thecore-shell CdSe/CdTe QDs time-resolved photolumines-cence (TRPL) was used to monitor the effects of multiexci-tons on the PL decay dynamics to determine the MEG QY.The time scale for MEG has been reported to be <100fs.17 This ultrafast MEG rate is much faster than the hotexciton cooling rate produced by electron-phonon inter-actions, and MEG can therefore beat exciton cooling andbecome efficient.

However, a few published reports34-36 could not re-produce some of the reported early positive MEG resultsor if MEG was indeed observed the efficiency was claimedto be much lower,19,37 and in one report MEG efficiencywas claimed to be only equivalent to impact ionization inbulk materials.19 Thus, some controversy has arisen aboutthe efficiency of MEG in QDs. The reason for this inconsis-tency has been attributed to the influence of QD surfacetreatments and surface chemistry on MEG dynamics com-pared to cooling dynamics1,21-23,38 and in some cases tothe effects of surface charge produced during transientpump-probe spectroscopic experiments to determine

MEG quantum yields.39 In the latter case, long-livedcharge could produce trions in the QDs after the absorp-tion of an additional photon in the QDs in a pump-probeexperiment, which then could confound the fast earlytime decay of transient absorption or bleaching signalsthat is the signature of MEG and lead to overestimation ofthe MEG QY.39 However, recent work25,31,40 shows thatcharging effects may not always be significant, and theyare dependent upon the specific QD surface chemistry,photon fluence, photon energy, and QD size.40 In anycase, the possibility of photocharging effects can be elimi-nated in MEG experiments based on time-resolved TAspectroscopy by flowing or stirring the colloidal QD sus-pension to refresh the sample volume of QDs beingprobed.39,40 To be absolutely certain about MEG QY val-ues determined by pump-probe spectroscopy, the possi-bility of charging needs to be examined for all experi-ments done on static solutions or solid state films, andexperiments need to be done to ensure trion or trappedcharge-influenced decay is not affecting the determinedMEG QYs .

It is noted that in addition to many reported MEG ef-fects in semiconductor QDs, MEG has also been recentlyreported in single-wall carbon nanotubes.41,42 Theoreticalconsiderations43 suggest that MEG should be enhanced innanotubes compared to QDs. This has been attributed inpart to stronger e--e - interactions and the absence ofsurface states, in nanotubes. Further research is under-way on this new and interesting direction for exciton mul-tiplication in various nanostructures other than sphericalsemiconductor QDS, and in general advances in theoryand additional experiments to better understand MEG invarious nanostructures are expected.

Configurations of QD Solar Cells and Singlet Fission.The two fundamental pathways for enhancing the conver-sion efficiency (increased photovoltage4,44 or increasedphotocurrent45,46) can be accessed, in principle, in threedifferent QD solar cell configurations; these configurationsare shown in Figure 3 and they are described below.However, it is emphasized that these potential high effi-ciency configurations are theoretical and to date there isonly very limited experimental evidence that hot electroneffects can increase the photovoltage of a PV cell.47 Noactual enhanced power conversion efficiencies overpresent PV solar cells have yet been reported. Notwith-standing, the potential payoff of success in highly efficientMEG in QD-based solar cells justifies continued researchin this area.

In addition to enhanced efficiency in PV cells, QDs,NCS, and exciton and/or carrier multiplication in semicon-ductor photoelectrodes could also enhance the efficiencyof solar cells for solar fuels production. In this application,MEG effects in semiconductors can be implemented inphotoelectrodes for more efficient direct water splittingcells,48 and QDs or NCs of different sizes and shapes can


© XXXX American Chemical Society D DOI: 10.1021/nl102122x | Nano Lett. XXXX, xxx, 000-–000

be used in two-junction tandem cells for highly efficientH2O splitting to produce H2 and CO2 reduction by H2O tomake liquid and gaseous fuels like alcohols andhydrocarbons.48,49

A molecular analogue of MEG in molecules is singletfission (SF), whereby an excited singlet state of a molecu-lar chromophore that has its lowest triplet state energylevel about half way between the ground state singlet andfirst excited singlet, produces two triplets from the excitedsinglet state. Such chromophores can be used in variousnovel solar cell devices that could exhibit enhanced effi-ciency in cells for both PV and solar fuels production48-54

1. Photoelectrodes Composed of Quantum DotArrays. In this configuration (Figure 3 bottom right), theQDs are formed into an ordered 3-D array with inter-QDspacing sufficiently small such that strong electroniccoupling occurs to allow facile electron transport. If theQDs have the same size and are aligned, then this systemis a 3-D analogue to a 1-D superlattice and the minibandstructures formed therein.55 The moderately delocalizedbut still quantized 3-D states could be expected toproduce MEG. Also, the slower carrier cooling anddelocalized electrons could permit the transport andcollection of hot carriers to produce a higherphotopotential in a PV or photoelectrochemical cell.

Significant progress has been made in forming 3-Darrays of both colloidal and epitaxial IV-VI, II-VI, andIII-V QDs.56,57 The two systems have been formed viaevaporation, crystallization, or self-assembly of colloidalQD solutions containing a reasonably uniform QD sizedistribution or via self-assembly during epitaxial growthfrom the vapor phase. Although the former process can

lead to close-packed QD films, they exhibit a significantdegree of disorder. Regarding the latter process, usedmainly for III-V semiconductors, arrays of epitaxial QDshave been formed by successive epitaxial deposition ofepitaxial QD layers; after the first layer of epitaxial QDs isformed, successive layers tend to form with the QDs ineach layer aligned on top of each other.57,58 Major issuesare the nature of the electronic states as a function ofinterdot distance, array order vs disorder, QD orientationand shape, surface states, surface structure/passivation,and surface chemistry. Transport properties of QD arraysare also of critical importance.

2. Quantum Dot-Sensitized Nanocrystalline TiO2Solar Cells. This configuration (Figure 3 top right) is avariation of a recent promising new type of photovoltaiccell that is based on dye-sensitization of nanocrystallineTiO2 layers.59-61 In this latter PV cell, dye molecules arechemisorbed onto the surface of 10-30 nm size TiO2

particles that have been sintered into a highly porousnanocrystalline 10-20 µm TiO2 film. Uponphotoexcitation of the dye molecules, electrons are veryefficiently injected from the excited state of the dye intothe conduction band of the TiO2, affecting chargeseparation and producing a photovoltaic effect.

For the QD-sensitized cell, QDs are substituted for thedye molecules; they can be adsorbed from a colloidal QDsolution62 or produced in situ.63-66 Successful PV effectsin such cells have been reported for severalsemiconductor QDs including InP, InAs, CdSe, CdS, andPbS.62-66 Possible advantages of QDs over dye moleculesare the tunability of optical properties with size, efficientexciton multiplication from single absorbed photons, and

FIGURE 3. Generic quantum dot PV solar cell configurations.


© XXXX American Chemical Society E DOI: 10.1021/nl102122x | Nano Lett. XXXX, xxx, 000-–000

better heterojunction formation with solid holeconductors. Also, as discussed here, a unique potentialcapability of the QD-sensitized solar cell is the productionof quantum yields greater than 1 by MEG.

3. Quantum Dots Dispersed in OrganicSemiconductor Polymer Matrices. Recently, photovoltaiceffects have been reported in structures consisting of QDsforming intimate junctions with organic semiconductorpolymers. In one configuration, a disordered array of CdSe QDsis formed in a hole-conducting polymersMEH-PPV {poly[2-methoxy-5-(2!-ethyl)-hexyloxy-p-phenylenevinylene]}.67 Uponphotoexcitation of the QDs, the photogenerated holes areinjected into the MEH-PPV polymer phase and are collectedvia an electrical contact to the polymer phase. The electronsremain in the CdSe QDs and are collected through diffusionand percolation in the nanocrystalline phase to an electricalcontact to the QD network. Initial results show relatively lowconversion efficiencies,67,68 but improvements have beenreported with rodlike CdSe QD shapes69 embedded inpoly(3-hexylthiophene) (the rodlike shape enhances electrontransport through the nanocrystalline QD phase) andrecently70 with newer polymers (PCDTBT, Konarka) thatallow for better electrical properties (3.13%, NREL-certified).In another configuration,71 a polycrystalline TiO2 layer isused as the electron conducting phase, and MEH-PPV is usedto conduct the holes; the electron and holes are injected intotheir respective transport mediums upon photoexcitation ofthe QDs.

A variation of these configurations is to disperse theQDs into a blend of electron and hole-conductingpolymers (Figure 3 bottom left). This scheme is theinverse of light emitting diode structures based onQDs.72-76 In the PV cell, each type of carrier-transportingpolymer would have a selective electrical contact toremove the respective charge carriers. A critical factor for

success is to prevent electron-hole recombination at theinterfaces of the two polymer blends; prevention ofelectron-hole recombination is also critical for the otherQD configurations mentioned above.

All of these possible configurations for QD solar cellsare being investigated in various laboratories. Althoughreasonably high and reliable MEG efficiencies have nowbeen reported, including photocurrent QYs of 200%from QDs bound to single crystal TiO2 surfaces atphoton energies of 3.2Eg at 77 K,77 no QD-based PVdevice has yet shown an enhanced conversionefficiency due to MEG effects. One issue that may becontributing to the low QYs observed thus far iswhether there is efficient collection of the additionalphotogenerated electron and holes before they undergomultiexcitonic decay by Auger processes; the Augerrecombination process of multiexcitons occurs withinabout 20-100 ps. Further research is necessary toestablish these charge separation dynamics in thevarious QD solar cell configurations.

Acknowledgment. During the preparation of thismanuscript the author has been supported by the Centerfor Advanced Solar Photophysics, an Energy Frontier Re-search Center funded by the U.S. Department of Energy,Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences. Theresearch by the author and his colleagues discussed herewas supported by the Division of Chemical Sciences, Geo-sciences, and Biosciences in the Office of Basic EnergySciences of the Department of Energy; the author thanksthe many colleagues who made critical contributions tothe reviewed work: Matt Beard, Joey Luther, Mark Hanna,Justin Johnson, Olga Micic (deceased), Matt Law, RandyEllingson, Jim Murphy, Sasha Efros, Aaron Midgett, TaviSemonin, Hugh Hillhouse, Pingrong Yu, Kelly Knutsen,Barbara Hughes, Rob Ross, and Ferd Williams (deceased).DOE funding was provided to NREL through Contract DE-AC36-086038308.

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Photovoltaic Technologies; McConnell, R. D., Ed.; AIP ConferenceProceedings No. 404; American Institue of Physics: Woodbury,NY, 1997; p 309.

(7) Green, M. A. Third Generation Photovoltaics; Bridge Printery:Sydney, 2001.

(8) Next Generation Photovoltaics: High Efficiency through Full Spec-trum Utilization; Martı, A., Luque, A., Eds.; Institute of Physics:Bristol, 2003.

(9) Wolf, M.; Brendel, R.; Werner, J. H.; Queisser, H. J. J. Appl. Phys.1998, 83, 4213.

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Possible advantages of quantum

dots over dye molecules are the

tunability of optical properties with

size, efficient exciton

multiplication from single absorbed

photons, and better heterojunction

formation with solid hole



© XXXX American Chemical Society F DOI: 10.1021/nl102122x | Nano Lett. XXXX, xxx, 000-–000

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