Abstractions for DNA circuit design Matthew R. Lakin 1 , Simon Youssef 1,2 , Luca Cardelli 1 and Andrew Phillips 1, * 1 Microsoft Research, 7 JJ Thomson Avenue, Cambridge CB3 0FB, UK 2 Department fu ¨r Physik, Lehrstuhl Ra ¨dler, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universita ¨t, Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1, 80539 Mu ¨nchen, Germany DNA strand displacement techniques have been used to implement a broad range of infor- mation processing devices, from logic gates, to chemical reaction networks, to architectures for universal computation. Strand displacement techniques enable computational devices to be implemented in DNA without the need for additional components, allowing compu- tation to be programmed solely in terms of nucleotide sequences. A major challenge in the design of strand displacement devices has been to enable rapid analysis of high-level designs while also supporting detailed simulations that include known forms of interference. Another challenge has been to design devices capable of sustaining precise reaction kinetics over long periods, without relying on complex experimental equipment to continually replenish depleted species over time. In this paper, we present a programming language for designing DNA strand displacement devices, which supports progressively increasing levels of molecular detail. The language allows device designs to be programmed using a common syntax and then analysed at varying levels of detail, with or without interference, without needing to modify the program. This allows a trade-off to be made between the level of molecular detail and the computational cost of analysis. We use the language to design a buffered archi- tecture for DNA devices, capable of maintaining precise reaction kinetics for a potentially unbounded period. We test the effectiveness of buffered gates to support long-running com- putation by designing a DNA strand displacement system capable of sustained oscillations. Keywords: DNA strand displacement; abstraction; modularity; formal methods; DNA oscillator 1. INTRODUCTION Biomolecular computers have great potential for use in intelligent nanomedicine. They allow computation to be performed at the molecular scale, while also interfa- cing directly with the molecular components of living systems. Nucleic acids are particularly suited for imple- menting biomolecular computers. They form stable structures that can be inserted into cells, and interactions between species can be precisely controlled in vitro by modifying their nucleotide sequences. The feasibility of using nucleic acids to solve computational problems was demonstrated by Adleman [1], who used DNA to solve an instance of the directed Hamiltonian path pro- blem. Recent work has also highlighted novel therapeutic applications for nucleic acid computers, such as selectively triggering cell death in cancer cells [2]. As the cost of DNA synthesis continues to decrease [3], significantly more complex DNA computing devices are being constructed [4,5]. As a result, such devices are also becoming increasingly difficult to design by hand, to the point where design automation tools will soon be indispensable. Such tools should allow for modular designs that encapsulate particular motifs, which can be parametrized and easily replicated [6,7]. They should also allow some of the underlying complexity of the molecular interactions to be abstracted away when focusing on high-level design questions, since com- plex models are more difficult to work with and more computationally expensive to analyse. Once a high- level design has been completed, such tools should allow further complexity to be subsequently reintro- duced, in order to obtain a more realistic model of the system’s behaviour prior to its physical construction. In this paper, we present a programming language for designing DNA circuits, which meets these criteria. Various approaches have been used to implement DNA circuits, some of which rely on ingredients such as restriction enzymes [8,9] or additional transcription machinery [10] to operate on the DNA strands. DNA strand displacement [11] is an alternative approach that relies solely on hybridization between complemen- tary nucleotide sequences to perform computational steps. Strand displacement has been used with a wide variety of DNA structures, from simple linear complexes [12] and hairpins [13,14] to more sophisticated systems such as molecular walkers [15]. Strand displacement sys- tems are driven by increases in entropy (from releasing strands) [12] and enthalpy (from forming additional base pairs), with irreversible reactions providing the thermodynamic bias towards producing output. *Author for correspondence ([email protected]). Electronic supplementary material is available at http://dx.doi.org/ 10.1098/rsif.2011.0343 or via http://rsif.royalsocietypublishing.org. J. R. Soc. Interface (2012) 9, 470–486 doi:10.1098/rsif.2011.0343 Published online 20 July 2011 Received 2 June 2011 Accepted 28 June 2011 470 This journal is q 2011 The Royal Society on April 9, 2016 http://rsif.royalsocietypublishing.org/ Downloaded from

Published online 20 July 2011 Abstractions for DNA circuit ... · Abstractions for DNA circuit design Matthew R. Lakin1, Simon Youssef1,2, Luca Cardelli1 and Andrew Phillips1,* 1Microsoft

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Page 1: Published online 20 July 2011 Abstractions for DNA circuit ... · Abstractions for DNA circuit design Matthew R. Lakin1, Simon Youssef1,2, Luca Cardelli1 and Andrew Phillips1,* 1Microsoft

J. R. Soc. Interface (2012) 9, 470–486

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*Author for c

Electronic sup10.1098/rsif.2

doi:10.1098/rsif.2011.0343Published online 20 July 2011

Received 2 JuAccepted 28 J

Abstractions for DNA circuit designMatthew R. Lakin1, Simon Youssef 1,2, Luca Cardelli1

and Andrew Phillips1,*1Microsoft Research, 7 JJ Thomson Avenue, Cambridge CB3 0FB, UK

2Department fur Physik, Lehrstuhl Radler, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat,Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1, 80539 Munchen, Germany

DNA strand displacement techniques have been used to implement a broad range of infor-mation processing devices, from logic gates, to chemical reaction networks, to architecturesfor universal computation. Strand displacement techniques enable computational devicesto be implemented in DNA without the need for additional components, allowing compu-tation to be programmed solely in terms of nucleotide sequences. A major challenge in thedesign of strand displacement devices has been to enable rapid analysis of high-level designswhile also supporting detailed simulations that include known forms of interference. Anotherchallenge has been to design devices capable of sustaining precise reaction kinetics over longperiods, without relying on complex experimental equipment to continually replenishdepleted species over time. In this paper, we present a programming language for designingDNA strand displacement devices, which supports progressively increasing levels of moleculardetail. The language allows device designs to be programmed using a common syntax andthen analysed at varying levels of detail, with or without interference, without needing tomodify the program. This allows a trade-off to be made between the level of moleculardetail and the computational cost of analysis. We use the language to design a buffered archi-tecture for DNA devices, capable of maintaining precise reaction kinetics for a potentiallyunbounded period. We test the effectiveness of buffered gates to support long-running com-putation by designing a DNA strand displacement system capable of sustained oscillations.

Keywords: DNA strand displacement; abstraction; modularity; formal methods;DNA oscillator


Biomolecular computers have great potential for use inintelligent nanomedicine. They allow computation tobe performed at the molecular scale, while also interfa-cing directly with the molecular components of livingsystems. Nucleic acids are particularly suited for imple-menting biomolecular computers. They form stablestructures that can be inserted into cells, and interactionsbetween species can be precisely controlled in vitro bymodifying their nucleotide sequences. The feasibility ofusing nucleic acids to solve computational problemswas demonstrated by Adleman [1], who used DNA tosolve an instance of the directed Hamiltonian path pro-blem. Recent work has also highlighted noveltherapeutic applications for nucleic acid computers,such as selectively triggering cell death in cancer cells [2].

As the cost of DNA synthesis continues to decrease[3], significantly more complex DNA computing devicesare being constructed [4,5]. As a result, such devices arealso becoming increasingly difficult to design by hand,to the point where design automation tools will soonbe indispensable. Such tools should allow for modulardesigns that encapsulate particular motifs, which can

orrespondence ([email protected]).

plementary material is available at http://dx.doi.org/011.0343 or via http://rsif.royalsocietypublishing.org.

ne 2011une 2011 470

be parametrized and easily replicated [6,7]. Theyshould also allow some of the underlying complexityof the molecular interactions to be abstracted awaywhen focusing on high-level design questions, since com-plex models are more difficult to work with and morecomputationally expensive to analyse. Once a high-level design has been completed, such tools shouldallow further complexity to be subsequently reintro-duced, in order to obtain a more realistic model of thesystem’s behaviour prior to its physical construction.In this paper, we present a programming language fordesigning DNA circuits, which meets these criteria.

Various approaches have been used to implementDNA circuits, some of which rely on ingredients suchas restriction enzymes [8,9] or additional transcriptionmachinery [10] to operate on the DNA strands. DNAstrand displacement [11] is an alternative approachthat relies solely on hybridization between complemen-tary nucleotide sequences to perform computationalsteps. Strand displacement has been used with a widevariety of DNA structures, from simple linear complexes[12] and hairpins [13,14] to more sophisticated systemssuch as molecular walkers [15]. Strand displacement sys-tems are driven by increases in entropy (from releasingstrands) [12] and enthalpy (from forming additionalbase pairs), with irreversible reactions providing thethermodynamic bias towards producing output.

This journal is q 2011 The Royal Society

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t x yA B



x y u

x* y* u*





y y

t y u

x* y* u*




t y u

x* y* u* t*

xt y u


x* y* u*


xt y


x* y* u*

Figure 1. An example of toehold-mediated strand displacement. Edges with just a hollow arrowhead indicate irreversible reac-tions, whereas those which also have a solid arrowhead on the other end denote reversible reactions.

1A user manual for the tool is available online at http://research.microsoft.com/dna/manual.pdf.

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The reaction graph in figure 1 illustrates the stranddisplacement paradigm in action. The letters representdomains, which are finite, non-empty sequences ofnucleotides. The domain x* represents the complemen-tary domain, which will bind with x, constructed usingWatson–Crick (C–G, T–A) complementarity. The greydomains are assumed to be sufficiently long that theybind irreversibly, while the coloured domains are assumedto be sufficiently short that they bind reversibly. We referto these short domains as toeholds. We also assume thatdistinct letters represent distinct nucleotide sequencesthat do not interfere with each other.

Since toeholds bind reversibly, they are ideal for con-trolling interactions between species. Working from leftto right in figure 1, in the first reaction (A), the toeholdt in the single-stranded molecule binds reversibly to theexposed toehold t* in the double-stranded complex. Thisproduces a double-stranded complex with an overhan-ging single strand. Since the x domain in theoverhanging strand matches the x domain of an alreadybound strand, the junction performs a random walkalong the x domain, called a branch migration. Even-tually, the overhanging strand completely displaces thebound strand (B). Since x is not a toehold, we assumethat the newly bound strand will not spontaneouslyunbind, which effectively renders this step irreversible.Following this, there is a reversible branch migrationinvolving the y domain (C). Once the branch migrationreaches the far right, the bound strand is only attachedby the short toehold domain u and can thereforeunbind (D). This basic computational mechanismallows us to construct computational devices, whichtranslate input signals into output signals. Since theinputs and outputs are both just single strands ofDNA, these devices can be combined to produce cascadesthat implement more complicated functionality [12].

In this paper, we expand on previous work [16] andpresent a language for designing modular DNA circuitsusing strand displacement. We provide a number ofdifferent abstractions for the language, which rangefrom the simplified to the highly detailed. Movingbetween these different abstractions allows the user tomodel their system at a number of different levels ofdetail, which correspond to different levels of complex-ity. The various semantic abstractions that wedescribe encode different qualitative and quantitativeassumptions about the behaviour of the system underexperimental conditions. As an example, we use thelanguage to design a novel architecture of bufferedgates and compare simplified and detailed models ofthe system. Buffered implementations of reaction

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gates support long-running, potentially unboundedcomputations at fixed rates, which allows for robustencodings of chemical kinetics into DNA. As such,they offer an alternative to using a complex laboratoryequipment such as continuous-flow reactors to deliveradditional reactants [17]. We use these gates to designa three-phase oscillator in DNA, which displayssustained oscillations with precise kinetics.

Our implementation of the DNA Strand Displace-ment language (DSD) is available as a webserverat http://lepton.research.microsoft.com/webdna. Thesoftware allows a description of a DNA strand displace-ment system to be compiled into a reaction network forsubsequent analysis and simulation. The user first pro-grams a collection of DNA species, and the DSDcompiler then automatically generates the reaction net-work corresponding to the different ways in which thesespecies can interact with each other over time, includingnew species that can be produced as a result of theinteractions. For example, for the simple system infigure 1, the user first programs the two DNA speciesoutlined in bold, and the compiler then generates thecomplete reaction network derived from these species.The generated reaction network can then be simulatedeither stochastically or deterministically within theDSD tool itself, or exported in SBML format for simu-lation using a third-party tool such as COPASI [18].The DSD tool was used to design and analyse the buf-fered gates and oscillator systems presented in thispaper.1


We define the set of possible configurations of DNAspecies by means of a formal syntax, and the set of pos-sible interactions between species by means of a formalsemantics. The definitions are given in the style of pro-cess calculi such as the pi-calculus [19,20], and are usedboth for implementing the DSD language and forreasoning about its properties.

2.1. Syntax

Species in the DSD language can be single-strandedmolecules or double-stranded complexes. A singlestrand has an orientation from its 50 end to its 30 end,indicated by an arrow at the 30 end. A double strandis formed of two single strands with opposing orien-tations and complementary nucleotide sequences,

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Table 1. Syntax of the DSD language, in terms of strands A,gates G and systems D. Where present, the graphicalrepresentation below is equivalent to the program code above.

syntax description

A <S>


upper strand with domainconcatenation S



lower strand with domainconcatenation S

G {L’}<L>[S]<R>{R’}






double-stranded complex[S] with overhangingsingle strands ,L.,,R. and fL’g, fR’g

G1:G2 gates joined along a lowerstrand

G1::G2 gates joined along an upperstrand

D A strand AG gate GD1 j D2 parallel systems D1, D2new N D system D with private

domain NX(n) module X with parameters n

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assuming Watson–Crick complementarity (C–G, T–A).For consistency, one of the strands is drawn on top and isoriented to the right, while its complementary strand isdrawn underneath and is oriented to the left.

The syntax of the DSD language is defined in terms ofdomains M and domain concatenations S, L, R. A domainM represents a nucleotide sequence with explicit infor-mation about its orientation. For example, the domain50-CACACA-30 denotes the sequence CACACA orientedto the right. This can also be written as 30-ACACAC-50,which denotes the same sequence oriented to the left. Adomain can be a long domain N or a short domain N^.Short domains are assumed to be between 4 and 10nucleotides in length and are also known as toeholds,while long domains are assumed to be at least 20 nucleo-tides in length. The intention is that toeholds aresufficiently short to bind reversibly whereas long domainsare sufficiently long to bind irreversibly. We abbreviate atoehold N^ to N and use a different colour for each distincttoehold. In general, we assume that distinct domains aremapped to distinct, non-interfering nucleotide sequencesusing established coding techniques [12,21]. Thus,domains allow us to abstract away from the underlyingnucleotide sequences that occur in a physical implemen-tation. A domain concatenation S consists of finitelymany domains with the same orientation, where domainconcatenations L and R can potentially be empty, written(_). The complement M* of a domain M is the domain thathybridizes with M. This is computed by reversing theorientation of the domain and taking the Watson–Crickcomplement of each individual nucleotide in thedomain. For example, the complement of 50-CACACA-30 is 30-GTGTGT-50, which can also be written as 50-TGTGTG-30. Similarly, the complement S* of adomain concatenation S is computed by reversing thentaking the complement of each domain in S.

The syntax of the DSD language is defined in table 1 interms of systems D, which consist of species in solution. Asingle species can be a strand A or a gate G. A strand canbe written either as an upper strand ,S., which denotesa concatenation of domains S oriented to the right, or as alower strand fSg, which denotes a concatenation ofdomains S oriented to the left. Since nucleic acids maytake different physical orientations in three-dimensionalspace, the distinction between upper and lower strands ispurely syntactic, serving only as a convenient way of pre-senting strands on the page. We, therefore, assume thatspecies are equal up to rotation symmetry, where rotate(I)denotes the result of rotating the strand or gate I through1808. Formally, we identify individual species I up to astructural equivalence relation (;) which is such that I ;rotate(I) (see electronic supplementary material for defi-nitions). For example, the textual and graphicalrepresentations of two strands that are equivalent up torotation symmetry are shown below, along with a possibleassignment of nucleotide sequences to their domains.

<a b c> = = 5’CCTACG TCTCCA CCCT-3’

{c b a} = = 3’TCCC ACCTCT GCATCC-5’

a b c

c b a

A double strand [S] denotes an upper strand ,S.

bound to its complementary lower strand fS*g. Onlythe domain concatenation S of the upper strand is written

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explicitly, enabling a more compact notation. A gateG canbe a double-stranded complex fL’g,L.[S],R.fR’g,which consists of a double stranded region [S]with over-hanging strands ,L.,,R. and fL’g,fR’g. Thisrepresents an upper strand ,L S R. bound to a lowerstrand fL’ S* R’g along the double-stranded region[S]. We omit empty overhanging strands ,_. andf_g for convenience. A gate can also be a concatenationG1:G2 of two gates that share a common lower strand,or a concatenation G1::G2 of two gates that share acommon upper strand. We represent the joining of twogates explicitly in the graphical syntax. For example, thegate fag,b.[c],d.feg:fvg,w.[x],y.fzg isrepresented as follows, by joining the left and right gatesalong their lower strands between the e and v domains.

cd yb w

c*a z

e v x*


In general, there may be several equivalent ways torepresent the joining of two gates in the DSD syntax.This arises from the fact that an overhanging strandjoining two gates can belong either to the left orthe right gate. For example, [a]fbg:[c] and[a]:fbg[c] represent the same gate, as do[a],b.::[c] and [a]::,b.[c]. We formalizethis by including rules for gates with shared overhangsin the structural equivalence relation mentioned above(see electronic supplementary material).

Multiple systems D1,D2 can be present in parallel,written D1jD2. We abbreviate K parallel copies Dj..jDof a system D to K*D. A domain N can also be restricted

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to the system D, written new N D. This represents theassumption that the domains N and N* do not appearoutside of D, which is a useful programming abstraction.We also allow module definitions of the form X(m)=D,where m is a list of module parameters and X(n) is aninstance of the system D with the parameters m replacedby values n. We assume a fixed environment E of moduledefinitions, which are declared at the start of the pro-gram. The definitions are assumed to be non-recursive,meaning that a module cannot invoke itself, eitherdirectly or indirectly via another module. We alsoassume that systems D are well-mixed, and formalizethis by extending the structural equivalence relation(see electronic supplementary material).

Finally, we define a notion of well-formed systems,where a system is well-formed if no long domain and itscomplement are exposed simultaneously. This ensuresthat two species can only interact via complementary toe-holds, as discussed in Zhang et al. [12]. In the remainder ofthis paper, we assume that all systems are well-formed.

2.2. Semantics

We formalize the different ways in which species caninteract with each other by defining a set of elementaryreduction rules (figure 2). The rules are of the form

D!R;r D0, which states that D can reduce to D’ by per-forming an interaction with finite rate r according torule R. Rules (RB) and (RU) define strand bindingand unbinding on a toehold, where each toehold N^ isassociated with corresponding binding and unbindingrates given by Nþ and N2, respectively. This relies onour assumption that toeholds are sufficiently short thatthey hybridize reversibly. There is no rule for bindingon a long domain, since the well-formedness constraintsprevent a long domain and its complement from beingexposed simultaneously. There is also no rule for unbind-ing on a long domain, since the hybridization of two longdomains is assumed to be sufficiently strong that it isessentially irreversible. Rule (RC) defines a toeholdcovering reaction, where an exposed toehold in a lowerstrand is covered by a complementary exposed toeholdin an upper strand. We assume that covering reactionsare also irreversible, since they result in the formationof a long double-stranded complex, which is thermodyna-mically stable. Rule (RM) defines a branch migrationreaction, where one strand partially replaces another ona gate. Each domain concatenation S is associated witha corresponding branch migration rate S�, which dependson the number of domains. The branch migration rate fora domain of length L is given by r/L2, where r is thesingle nucleotide migration rate, taken to be 8000 s21

[22]. The rule models a maximal sequence of elementarybranch migration steps as a single reduction. Rule (RD)defines a strand displacement reaction that results froma branch migration, where one strand completelydisplaces another from a gate.

The elementary reduction rules of figure 2 can alsooccur inside a range of contexts. We formalize the setof possible contexts by defining additional contextualreduction rules (see electronic supplementary material).For example, if we join additional double-strandedgates to either side of a reacting complex, we still

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obtain a valid reaction. This is illustrated by the follow-ing reaction, which is derived from the elementaryreduction rule (RD) using the contextual rules.
















S2 S2 R2L2




We also use contextual rules to express thatreductions can take place on either the top or bottomstrand, or towards the left or right side of the gate.For example, rule (RD) can also be used to displace astrand by migrating towards the left-hand side of agate, by application of a contextual symmetry rule.The combination of elementary and contextualreduction rules allows interactions involving at mosttwo individuals. An important point to note is thatthe set of reduction rules can be readily extended asneeded, to incorporate additional assumptions aboutthe nature of interactions between species.

As described previously, a key assumption of thelanguage is that two species can only interact witheach other via complementary toeholds. This isenforced syntactically by our notion of well-formed sys-tems. In order to ensure that species can only everinteract on toeholds, it is sufficient to show that thiswell-formedness property is preserved by reduction.The proof is by case analysis on the various reductionrules (see electronic supplementary material). The keyfact is that none of the rules result in the exposure ofa long domain, which was not previously exposed.

2.3. A hierarchy of semantics

The main contribution of this paper is to equip the DSDlanguage with multiple semantic interpretations thatabstract away some of the complexity of the DNA inter-actions. We achieve this by parametrizing the semanticsof the DSD language, so that model accuracy can bebalanced with the computational cost of model analysis.The resulting modifications give rise to a hierarchy ofsemantics for the language. This allows a system to beformalized once and then analysed under many differ-ent behavioural assumptions. Below, we describe thespecific behaviours we might like to abstract away orintroduce, namely unproductive, leak and fast reactions.

2.3.1. Unproductive reactions. Some of the reactionsinvolving a given collection of species are unproductivein the sense that they do not contribute meaningfullyto the progress of a simulation. An example of an unpro-ductive reaction is the case where a strand binds to a gatealong a short domain, but cannot initiate any subsequentmigration or displacement reactions, as illustrated below.


t y t xy

t* x*x*


In our formalism, a binding reaction is considered tobe unproductive, if none of the domains immediatelyadjacent to the binding toehold on the stand is com-plementary to those on the gate. Productive reactionsare defined by rule (RP) in figure 3.

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{L’ N^* R’} | <L N^ R> {L’}<L>[N^]<R>{R’}


{L’}<L>[S]<N^ R>{N^* R’} {L’}<L>[S N^]<R>{R’}

{L’ N^* R’} | <L N^ R>

{L’}<L>[S1]<S R2>:

<L1>[S S2]<R>{R’}

{L’}<L>[S1]<S R>:


<L2 S R2> |

{L’}<L>[S1 S]<R>{R’}

{L’}<L>[S1 S]<R2>:

<L1 S> [S2]<R>{R’}






rule after











































L L1









L L2













N* R’

L’ N* R’

L2 S R2

Figure 2. Elementary reduction rules of the DSD language. For each rule, the graphical representation below is equivalent to theprogram code above. We let S� denote the migration rate of a domain concatenation S, and we let Nþ and N2 denote the bindingand unbinding rates, respectively, of a toehold N^. We let fst(S) and lst(S) denote the first and last domains in a concatenation S,respectively, and we assume that fst(R2) = fst(S2) for rule (RM). This ensures that branch migration is maximal along a givendomain concatenation and that rules (RM) and (RD) are mutually exclusive.

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2.3.2. Leak reactions. Our key assumption is thatshort domains are short enough to bind reversibly,while long domains are long enough to bind irreversibly.However, in practice, a long domain does not need tounbind completely in order to initiate a reaction: adouble-stranded region of DNA may start to frayslightly at one end, creating a short exposed region of

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single-stranded DNA, which can then function as atemporary toehold. A free strand with the samedomains as one of the bound strands can then bind tothis exposed toehold and displace the bound strand.Such reactions are referred to as leaks. Leak reactionsin DSD are defined by rules (LS) and (LT) in figure 3.Since leaks occur with very low probability, we assume

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<L1 N^ S R1> |

{L’ N^*}<L>[S R2]<R>{R’}

<L1 S R1> |


{L’}<L>[S1]<S R2>:

<L1>[S S2]<R>{R’}

{L’}<L>[S1 S]<R2>:

<L1 S>[S2]<R>{R’}

<L1 S R1> |

{L’}<L>[S N^]<R>{R’}

<L S N^ R> |

{L’}<L1>[S]<R1>{N^* R’}


<L S R> |

{L’}<L1>[N^]<S R1>:

<L>[S R2]<R>{R’}





rule after

L1 N S R1


L1 S R1

L1 S R1
































L L1









R2 R








N* N*












R’L1 L










Figure 3. Additional reduction rules for the DSD language. Rule (RP) ensures that toehold binding can only take place if a sub-sequent migration reaction is possible, while rules (LS) and (LT) model interferences between species, assuming that S= N^ inrule (LS) and R1= N^ R1’ in rule (LT). Finally, rule (EM) ensures that gates are equivalent up to branch migration.

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that the leak rate l is much smaller than the rates of othertypes of reactions [23]. If there is a mismatched toehold atone end of the double-stranded segment, then the otherend must unbind in order to initiate the leak reaction,as in rule (LT). We do not include a rule for leak reactions

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with mismatched toeholds at both ends, since we assumethat the rate of such a reaction is negligible.

Leak reactions represent a form of unwanted inter-ference between species, which can sometimes have asignificant impact on the behaviour of the system.

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Table 2. Semantic abstractions for the DSD language. For agiven semantic abstraction s, the table presents theprimitive reduction rules from figures 2 and 3, whichcorrespond to slow reductions slowrules(s), and fastreductions fastrules(s). These vary depending on the level ofabstraction level(s). The values of unproductive(s) andleaks(s) influence which rules appear in slowrules(s). Wedefine leakrules(s)=(if leaks(s) then fLS, LTg else fg) and

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However, allowing leaks can drastically increase thenumber of possible reactions in the system, leading toa sizeable increase in the computational cost of analysis.Nevertheless, it is important that tools for designingDNA circuits allow unwanted interference to be mod-elled and studied formally, so that its effects on theoverall behaviour of the system can be quantified.

bindrules(s)=(if unproductive(s) then fRBg else fRPg).Glossary of rules: (RM) branch migration, (RD) stranddisplacement, (RU) toehold unbinding, (RC) toeholdcovering, (RB) toehold binding, (RP) productive toeholdbinding, (LS) and (LT) leaks.

level (s) slowrules (s) fastrules (s)

Detailed bindrules(s) < leakrules(s) <fRM, RD, RU, RC, RFg


Finite bindrules(s) < leakrules(s) fRD, RC, RUgDefault bindrules(s) < leakrules(s) <

fRUgfRD, RCg

Infinite fRPg < leakrules(s) fRD, RC, RUg

2.3.3. Fast reactions. Some of the reactions in ourmodels occur on a much faster timescale than others.In order to simplify the model and improve the efficiencyof simulation, it is often useful to abstract away fromthese fast reactions. In some cases, we may decide totreat fast reactions as if they happen instantaneously;in others, we may merge them into a single step with afixed rate. In what follows we distinguish between fastreactions and other reactions, which we refer to as slowreactions. The exact definitions of which reactions arefast and which are slow, and the value of the fast reactionrate, will depend on our chosen semantic abstraction.

Note that in the general case, a given system D canpotentially reduce to multiple possible systems D’through mutually exclusive, competing fast reactions.However, if we ensure that the initial system does nothave any competing fast reactions, then we can showthat no subsequent species produced by the systemwill have competing fast reactions (see electronicsupplementary material).

2.4. Semantic abstractions

We now present a formal definition of the hierarchy ofsemantic abstractions available in the DSD language.

Definition 2.1. A semantic abstraction s is atriple (s,l,u) where s e fInfinite, Default, Finite, Detailedgdenotes the level of abstraction, l e ftrue,falsegdenotes whether or not to include leaks, and u eftrue,falseg denotes whether or not to include unpro-ductive reactions. If s ¼ (s,l,u), we say that level(s) ¼ s,that leaks(s) ¼ l and that unproductive(s) ¼ u.

Each of the four levels of abstraction is defined in termsof a set of slow reduction rules slowrules(s) and a disjointset of fast reduction rules fastrules(s) (table 2), chosenfrom the set of primitive reduction rules of figures 2and 3. These sets also depend on whether the semanticabstraction s includes leaks or unproductive reactions. Ifleaks(s)¼true, then we add the leak rules (LS) and(LT) to the set of slow reduction rules. In the Detailed,Finite and Default semantics, we use the value of unpro-ductive(s) to decide whether to include unproductivereactions: if unproductive(s)¼false, then we add theproductive binding rule (RP) to the set of slow reductions;otherwise, we use the more general (RB) rule which mayinclude unproductive binding reactions. The exception tothis is the Infinite level of abstraction, where we use (RP)irrespective of the value of unproductiveðsÞ. The levels ofabstraction also vary in the way in which fast reductionrules are merged together, and the way in which branchmigration is handled (table 3).

We formalize the notions of fast and slow reductions

as follows. We write D!R;r D0 to mean that the system D

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can be reduced to D0 in a single step at rate r, usingone of the elementary reduction rules R from figures 2and 3, and the additional contextual rules from theelectronic supplementary material. We then derive a

fast reduction relation !Fasts, parametrized by the seman-

tic abstraction s (table 3). This rule picks out anyreduction that uses an elementary rule R from the setfastrules(s) and casts it into the fast reduction relation.

We write D !Fast �s D0 if D reduces to D’ by a sequence of

zero or more fast reductions, D !Fast þs D0 if that sequence

is non-empty, and D0 !=Fast

s if D’ cannot perform anyfast reductions at all. Similarly, we derive a parametrized

slow reduction relation !Slow;rs corresponding to a

reduction using an elementary slow reduction rule fromslowrules(s) (table 3). The reduction is labelled withthe corresponding reaction rate r.

In order to abstract away from fast reactions, weneed some way of merging fast reactions with eachother and with the slow reactions. Table 3 presentsinference rules for deriving a merged reduction relation

(!r s) from the fast (!Fasts) and slow ( !Slow;r

s) reductionrelations. The details depend on the level of abstractionchosen (level(s)), as summarized below.

2.4.1. Detailed abstraction. There are no fast reductions,

and every slow reduction D !Slow;rs D0 corresponds to a

single reduction D!r s D0. As a result, toehold binding,

unbinding, strand displacement and branch migrationall appear as distinct reactions. This is the most detailedof the four levels of abstraction and is valid in the limitof high concentration, when toehold binding rates aresufficiently high that the duration of intermediatesteps (such as branch migration) can no longer bediscounted. For example, in the case of toeholdexchange reactions [22], our Detailed abstraction corre-sponds to the ‘three-step model’ from that paper.

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Table 3. Reaction merging rules for the DSD language. Depending on the semantic abstraction s, fast reactions may bemerged with slow reactions or treated as separate reactions in their own right. The top two rules define fast and slowreductions for a given semantic abstraction s according to table 2. The next rule formalizes the inclusion of branch migrationin the structural equivalence relation ;s when level(s) = Detailed. The remaining rules define the merged reduction relation(!r s) in terms of the fast and slow reduction relations.

conditions before rule after

R e slowrules(s) and D!R;r D0 D !Slow;rs D0

R e fastrules(s) and D!R;r D0 D !Fasts D0

level(s) = Detailed and D ;EM

D0 D ;s D0

level(s) ¼ Detailed and D !Slow;rs D0 D !r s D0

level(s) ¼ Finite and D !Fast þs D0 !=

Fasts D !t s D0

level(s) ¼ Finite and D !Slow;rs D0 D !r s D0

level(s) ¼ Default and D !Slow;rs D00 !Fast �

s D0 !=

Fasts D !r s D0

level(s) ¼ Infinite and D !Slow;rs D00 !Fast �

s D0 !=

Fasts D !r s D0

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2.4.2. Finite abstraction. We assume that strand displa-cement (RD), toehold covering (RC) and toeholdunbinding (RU) are all fast reductions. As in theDetailed case, we assume that every slow reduction

D !Slow;rs D0 corresponds to a single reduction D!r s D

0.In addition, a maximal sequence of one or more fast

reductions D !Fast þs D0 !=

Fasts is combined into a single

merged reduction with finite rate t. This models fastreductions as taking a finite amount of time, whileabstracting away from individual fast reductions.

2.4.3. Default abstraction. We assume that strand dis-placement (RD) and toehold covering (RC) are fastreductions that are effectively instantaneous. As a

result, if a slow reduction D !Slow;rs D00 is followed by a

maximal sequence of zero or more fast reductions

D00 !Fast �s D0 !=

Fasts then these are merged into a single

reduction D!r s D0. Note that the sequence of fast

reductions may be empty, resulting in the reduction

D!r s D00. This corresponds to the semantics originally

presented in Phillips & Cardelli [16].

2.4.4. Infinite abstraction. We assume the same set of fastreductions as in the Finite case and the same rule for mer-ging fast reductions, but fast reductions are instantaneousin the Infinite abstraction. Since unbinding reductions areinstantaneous, any strand that binds but cannot initiatea cover or displacement reactionwill immediately disassoci-ate—hence we ignore unproductive binding reactions. Thismodel is valid in the limit of low concentration, when therates for toehold binding reactions are sufficiently lowthat unary reactions are instantaneous in comparison. Inthe case of toehold exchange reactions, our Infinite abstrac-tion corresponds to the ‘bimolecular reaction model’ fromZhang & Winfree [22].

For efficiency reasons, we also discard any merged

reactions of the form D!r s D, which we call circular.This is reasonable because we assume that all reactionrates are exponentially distributed, so ignoring circularreactions has no effect on the dynamics of the system.

For each of the levels of abstraction involving mergedfast reactions (Finite, Default and Infinite), we treat

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gates that differ only by branch migrations as beingequal. Since branch migration steps are reversible, treatingspecies as equal up to branch migration greatly simplifiesthe task of merging fast reactions by removing the pos-sibility of loops in fast reaction sequences. We achievethis by building branch migration into the definition ofstructural equivalence for the Finite, Default and Infinitesemantic abstractions. Thus, the structural equivalencerelation ;s is parametrized by the semantic abstractions. Formally, if level(s) = Detailed, then the branchmigration equivalence rule (EM; ) from figure 3 is includedin the definition of the structural equivalence relation ;s.

Figure 4 illustrates our approach with a concreteexample that shows how different reaction graphs can beproduced from the same program by using different levelsof abstraction. In the Detailed case, the initial strand andgate can bind reversibly (A) and the ,x. strand canthen be displaced (B). The ,y u^. strand can thenmigrate backwards and forwards along the y domain(C), and subsequently unbind and bind reversibly on theu^ toehold (D). In the Finite case, following the bindingof the initial strand and gate (E), the displacement of the,x. strand and the migration and subsequent unbindingof the ,y u^. strand all take place in a single step (F).The ,y u^. strand can subsequently bind and unbindreversibly on the u^ toehold (G). For Default, sincestrand displacement is instantaneous, the initial bindingand displacement reactions take place in a single step(H ). Furthermore, species are considered equal up tobranch migration under this abstraction, so the branchon the top strand is migrated far as possible to the rightby default. This strand can subsequently unbind andbind reversibly on the u^ toehold (I). At the Infinitelevel of abstraction, the binding, displacement, migrationand unbinding reactions are all merged into a single reac-tion (J ), where the binding reaction has a finite rate andthe other reactions are instantaneous. Since both branchmigration and unbinding reactions are instantaneous, there-binding reaction of the ,y u^. strand is not included,as this is a circular reaction.

2.5. Language compilation

In order to simulate a DSD program, we first compilethe program to a set of chemical reactions, and then

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(d )








y ux* y* u*

x y x yux* y*t*















t* t*t









x y x y

x y x y

ux* y*

x* y*


x y u


x* y* u*



x xy u

x* y* u*

x y x



y u

x* y* u*x y ux* y*

x xy yx* y*u*

x xy ux* y* u*

x y ux* y* u*

x y y ux* y* u*

x y

x* y* u*


x y y ux* y* u*

Figure 4. Example of the language hierarchy. The four images show the reaction graphs produced for the program (,t x y. jft *g[x]:[y u ]) for the four possible values of level(s), where unproductive(s)=leaks(s)=false. Edges with just a hollowarrowhead indicate irreversible reactions, whereas those which also have a solid arrowhead on the other end denote reversiblereactions. The complexity of the reaction graphs decreases from left to right as we move from more detailed to more abstractsemantic models of the DNA interactions.

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apply either a deterministic or stochastic simulationmethod (see electronic supplementary material).There are two modes of compilation, a saturating(SAT) mode and a just-in-time (JIT) mode.

In SAT mode, the compiler starts with an initial setof species and computes the set of possible reactionsbetween those species, using the merged reductionrelation !r s, which depends on the choice of semanticabstraction s. We use the !r s reduction relation todetermine the reactions, since this allows us to presentgeneric definitions of compilation and simulation foran arbitrary semantic abstraction s. These reactionscan potentially generate new species, which in turncan potentially generate new reactions. The SAT compi-ler continues generating reactions and species in thisway until no new species can be generated. The resultis the set of all possible reactions that can potentiallytake place given the initial set of species.

In contrast, the JIT compiler only computes the set ofreactions that directly involve the initial species, andthen uses these reactions together with the initial speciespopulations to make a choice as to which reaction toselect, according to standard stochastic simulationmethods (see electronic supplementary material).The chosen reaction is then applied to the current setof species, resulting in some species being consumedand some new species being produced. The set of reac-tions involving the updated set of species is computed,and the next reaction is chosen as above. Thus, in JITmode, the compilation of reactions is interleaved withthe simulation of the system. This allows systems withpotentially unbounded numbers of species and reactionsto be simulated exactly. The JIT compiler is an exten-sion of the generic compilation algorithm presented inPauleve et al. [24]. Our contribution is to instantiatethis generic algorithm to the DSD language and todefine a novel use of the JIT compiler to explore all

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possible trajectories of the system, in order to generatea continuous time Markov chain (CTMC) representation(see electronic supplementary material).


In this section, we demonstrate the practical use of theDSD language to design DNA computational elements.We show how different levels of detail can be achievedusing different semantic abstractions, and how analysisof DSD programs can be used as a starting point forformal verification of DNA circuit designs.

Figure 5 presents the chemical reaction network (CRN)for a simple unbuffered implementation of a join gate,which accepts two input signals A and B and producestwo output signals C and D. A signal X is represented asa three-domain strand of the form ,hX t^ X., wherethe choice of history domain hX is irrelevant. The initialreaction gate accepts the input strands ,hA t^ A. (A)and ,hB t^ B. (B). The ‘intermediate 2’ gate thenaccepts a ,t^ Ch t^ Dh t^. fuel strand, which triggersthe release of the output strands ,Ch t^ C. and,Dh t^ D. (C). Note that this simple design does notinclude additional structures for garbage collection ofwaste species.

Unfortunately, using an unbuffered gate design suchas this does not provide stable kinetics: gates are con-tinuously being consumed during the operation of aDNA circuit, since the energy driving the circuit ispartly provided by gates being turned into waste struc-tures. Hence, the gate populations are not fixed, whichmeans that the kinetics of the system changes over time.This can be particularly problematic for long-runningcomputations. One solution is to use a very large andhence almost-constant population of gates with respectto the population of signals, but this means that the

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Ah Bh

Ah Bh























Dh*t* t*

t t










Ch Ch C










t t Dh Dt

DhChKB tttt

IA t BBh t

AAh t





Figure 5. Chemical reaction network for two input, two output unbuffered join gate when s¼(Infinite,false,false). Edgeswith just a hollow arrowhead indicate irreversible reactions, whereas those that also have a solid arrowhead on the other enddenote reversible reactions. Nodes with a thick black line denote species that are present initially.

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design of the system becomes linked to the length oftime for which the system is intended to run. Analternative solution is to continually replenish thegates during the course of the computation in order tomaintain the desired kinetics. However, unless thegates are replenished very frequently, for example, bymeans of a sophisticated experimental set-up, the kin-etics will drift between replenishments, which mayadversely affect the behaviour of the system. The opti-mal situation would, therefore, be to maintain aconstant population of gates awaiting input.

An abstract buffering technique was proposed in Car-delli [25] to achieve constant concentrations of gatesawaiting input. Here, we refine this technique and proposeconcrete structures that can be simulated using the DSDlanguage.The idea is tomaintain a quasi-constant but rela-tively low concentration of initialized gates by means of ahigher concentration of buffered gates, which are initializedon demand. Only initialized gates implement the desiredchemical reaction. Since changes in the population of buf-fered gates do not significantly affect the kinetics of thereactions, the buffered gates only need to be replenishedperiodically. Thus the effective rates of the reactions canbe held constant for arbitrarily long periods of time, pro-vided that the buffered gates are not completelyexhausted. This approach is equivalent to using a continu-ous-flow reactor to provide auxiliary gates at lowconcentration, which was suggested in Soloveichik et al.[17] (see electronic supporting material) as a means ofcounteracting the effects of gate depletion and leaks. How-ever, buffered gates achieve this effect based solely on thedesign of the nucleic acid sequences, without the need foradditional laboratory equipment.

We will use a three-phase oscillator to illustrate thebenefits of buffered reaction gates. Producing oscillatorybehaviour in an experimental setting is non-trivial since

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it relies on precise kinetics being maintained over anextended period. This makes an oscillator system an idealcandidate for implementation using buffered gates.Figure 9 in §3.2 demonstrates the benefit of using bufferedreaction gates to implement an oscillator.Adirect compari-son of the kinetics of individual buffered and unbufferedjoin gates is less illuminating, since the benefits of bufferedgates are most apparent in systems with long-running com-putations (see electronic supplementary material).

More generally, the buffered gate scheme presented inthis section can be used to construct a broad range oflong-running dynamical systems in DNA. Each bufferedgate BJ2x2(Buffer,Fuel,Init,A,B,C,D) effec-tively corresponds to a chemical reaction of the formAþ B!r C þ D, where the rate r is determined by settingthe Init parameter. Thus, multiple instances of the gatecan be used to construct an arbitrary chemical system con-sisting of reactions with two reactants and two products.Furthermore, simple modifications to the gate structurecan be made to simulate reactions with different arities,using a similar approach to Soloveichik et al. [17].

3.1. Buffered gate implementation

We have designed a buffered join gate that accepts twoinputs A and B and produces two outputs C and D,with an initial input that initializes a buffered gate,and an additional output that initializes another buf-fered gate to replace the gate that has been consumed.The DSD code for the buffered join gate, together withinput strands representing A and B, is presented infigure 6. The Signal module represents a single-stranded signal and the BJ2x2 module representsthe buffered join gate itself. The Buffer variable con-trols the initial population of buffered gates, Initcontrols the number of those gates that should be

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def bind = 0.0003def unbind = 0.1126new t@bind, unbind

def Buffer = 1000def Fuel = 1000new hA new A new hB new B

def Signal (M, h, A) = M * <h t^ A>def BJ2x2(Buffer, Fuel, Init, A, B, C, D)=

( BJ2x2(Buffer, Fuel, 1, A, B, C, D)

new I new J new K new Ch new Dh( Buffer * {t^*}[K t^]:[A t^]<I>:[B t^]<K>:

[Ch t^]<C>:[Dh t^]<D>:[J t^]:[I]| Fuel * <t^ Ch t^ Dh t^ J>| Fuel * [J]{t^*}

| Fuel * [K]{t^*}| (Init*10) * <A t^ I>

| Init * <B t^ K>)

| Signal(1, hA, A) | Signal(1, hB, B) )

Figure 6. DSD code for buffered join gate.

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initialized at any one time and Fuel controls thenumber of fuels for displacing outputs and performinggarbage collection, which should be present in excess.Note that by default, the DSD language assumes discretepopulations of species and produces stochastic simu-lations. Thus, the units of the rate constants bind andunbind in figure 6 are s21. See electronic supplementarymaterial for details on converting discrete populations tocontinuous concentrations for deterministic simulations.

The CRN for this program, generated using theInfinite semantic abstraction and the SAT compiler(ignoring leaks and unproductive reactions), is shownin figure 7. This design extends the simplified unbuf-fered gate design from figure 5 by adding additionalreactions for buffering (A) and garbage-collection(E,F,G). Initially, the trigger strand ,B t^ K. turnsa buffered gate into an initialized gate (A), which canthen accept the input strands ,hA t^ A. (B) and,hB t^ B. (C). The ‘intermediate 2’ gate thenaccepts a ,t^ Ch t^ Dh t^ J. fuel strand which trig-gers the release of the output strands ,Ch t^ C. and,Dh t^ D. (D). The by-products of the reactions aregarbage-collected, turning them into unreactive waste(E,F,G). The design of the gate ensures that the firstinput strand ,hA t^ A. is not consumed irreversiblyuntil there is also a corresponding ,hB t^ B. input.This is vital for the correctness of the gate designbecause there might be another gate in the systemwhich could make use of the ,hA t^ A. strand. Cru-cially, consumption of the ,hB t^ B. strand (C)causes the release of another trigger strand,B t^ K., which initializes another buffered gate toreplace the gate that was consumed. The long domainsI, J, K, Ch and Dh are restricted to only appear in thescope of a particular instance of the module BJ2x2,which prevents unwanted crosstalk between gates.The intermediate product ,A t^ I. is also includedas an initial species, in order to prevent too manyinputs binding to a particular reaction gate, whichcould disrupt the kinetics of the system. Empirical test-ing showed that using 10 copies of this strand for everyinitialized gate seems to produce reasonable results.

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Running a stochastic simulation for 100 copies of thejoin gate produces the plot shown in figure 8a. We seethat, over time, the populations of the input strands tendto zero whereas the populations of the output strandstend to 100, as we would expect. The red line displays ajagged effect because ,hA t^ A. strands which bind tothe gates are often pushed back off by the ,A t^ I.

strands from theBJ2x2module definition. As the bufferedjoin gate is a relatively small system, it is feasible to con-struct the corresponding CTMC by computing allpossible interleavings of the reactions from the CRN infigure 7, given a single copy of the input strands,hA t^ A. and ,hB t^ B.. We find that the CTMCcontains 30 states and 72 transitions. Furthermore, thereis a single terminal state (that is, a state from which nofurther reactions are possible). This fact provides the firstpiece of evidence that our gate design functions asexpected. See the electronic supplementary material formore information on the CTMC.

The CRN presented in figure 7 is a simplified approxi-mation to the true behaviour of the system, because weused the Infinite semantics (and ignored unproductivereactions). In order to obtain a more realistic model ofthe system, we move to the other end of our spectrumof levels of abstraction, from Infinite to Detailed. Thisresults in a larger CRN and a larger CTMC because theDetailed semantics includes separate reactions forbranch migration, strand displacement and toeholdunbinding, which were assumed to be instantaneous inthe Infinite semantics. Table 4 shows how the sizes ofthe CRN and the CTMC increase as we move from theInfinite to the Detailed levels of abstraction (excludingleaks and unproductive reactions). Even in the Detailedsemantics, there is still only one terminal state and itcontains precisely the same species as the terminal statefor the Infinite system. Thus, moving to the morefine-grained Detailed semantics has not affected the quali-tative behaviour of the system (table 4).

3.2. A three-phase oscillator

We can compose three join gates into a circuit to obtain athree-phase oscillator. Given three signals A, B and C, thegates implement the reactions ðAþ B ! B þ BÞ,ðB þ C ! C þ CÞ and ðC þ A! Aþ AÞ [26,27]. Thisis an intrinsically unstable oscillator but a very simpleone. We simply reuse the previous definitions of signals(Signal) and the buffered join gate (BJ2x2) fromfigure 6, along with an initial population of signals tostart the oscillation.

def Buffer = 1000

def Fuel = 1000

def Init = 10new Ah new A new Bh new B Ch new C

| Signal(2, Ch, C) )| Signal(4, Bh, B)| Signal(2, Ah, A)| BJ2x2(Buffer, Fuel, Init, C, A, A, A)| BJ2x2(Buffer, Fuel, Init, B, C, C, C)( BJ2x2(Buffer, Fuel, Init, A, B, B, B)

The CRN for the buffered oscillator program (usingthe Infinite semantics) contains 168 species and264 reactions. The CTMC for this system is too large

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for analysis using currently available tools. However, wecan run stochastic simulations to obtain plots of thethree signals oscillating over time. Figure 9 pre-sents such plots for oscillators implemented usingboth buffered (figure 9a) and unbuffered (figure 9b)join gates. In both cases, the amplitude of the oscil-lations varies stochastically. In the buffered case, theperiod of oscillations remains constant until around700 000 time units, at which point the population ofbuffered gates is exhausted and the oscillation breaksdown. In the unbuffered case, however, the period ofoscillation gradually increases as the gate populationis depleted. This effect is certainly noticeable byaround 700 000 time units, at which point around 70per cent of the gates have been consumed. Gates areused up faster in the buffered case as there depletionis linear whereas in the unbuffered case it is exponential(see electronic supplementary material for the associ-ated plots of gate populations). Thus, the kinetics ofthe buffered oscillator are constant right up until theoscillation fails, which implies that we could replacethe lost buffered gates without affecting the kineticsof the oscillator, allowing the system to run for evenlonger time periods. This justifies the additional com-plexity of the buffered gate design from figure 7compared with the simpler unbuffered design fromfigure 5.

We have also run simulations of the join gate and thethree-phase oscillator using all four levels of abstractionand have examined the effect of leak reactions on theoscillator. In addition, we have carried out further com-parisons of the buffered oscillator with an oscillatorconstructed using unbuffered reaction gates with gar-bage collection, which demonstrates that the differentbehaviour seen in figure 9 is not caused by the lack ofgarbage collection in the unbuffered gate design. Wehave also run longer simulations of the buffered oscil-lator to demonstrate that robust kinetics can bemaintained over longer time periods than shown infigure 9. The reader is referred to the electronicsupplementary material for further details.

3.3. Enabling leaks in the buffered join gate

Finally, we will demonstrate the analysis of unwantedinterference in the buffered join gate design. When leakreactions are enabled under the Infinite semantics, thefull CRN of the buffered join gate has 90 species and 468reactions (of which 248 are leaks), compared with 22species and 10 reactions without leaks. However, if werun a simulation with leaks enabled using the JIT compi-ler, we produce a CRN with far fewer species and reactions.The exact numbers vary because the JIT compiler onlybuilds the CRN for the reactions which occur in a given sto-chastic simulation run, but averaging 10 JIT simulationsonly produced about 75 species and 125 reactions. Thissuggests that the majority of the leak reactions that aretheoretically possible may never actually happen, owingto their low probability. Figure 8b shows an example plotfrom a buffered join gate simulation using the JIT compi-ler with leaks enabled. This is indistinguishable from thecorresponding plot produced when all possible leak reac-tions are pre-computed. In general, we can use the

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simulator with the JIT compiler to save computationtime and still obtain the exact dynamic behaviour of thefull system (see electronic supplementary material).

However, comparing the two plots from figure 8shows a qualitative difference between the behaviourof the system with leaks versus the system withoutleaks—when leaks are allowed, the population ofoutput strands tends to keep growing over time,beyond the original population of 100 of each inputstrand. Looking through the set of possible reactionswhen leaks are included, we find a whole family of reac-tions similar to the following:
















Dh Dh


Ch CDDh*






t t t t Jt*





t t t tt* t*t*

which consume buffered gates and erroneously producethe output strands ,Ch t^ C. and ,Dh t^ D.. Theseadditional mechanisms for production of output strandsexplain how the populations of the output strands inthe leak simulation turn out to be so much higherthan the initial populations of the input strands. Sincebuffered gates can take part in these leak reactions,and there are many copies of the buffered gates, thereare a large number of possible leak reactions thatcould occur and an even larger number of interleavingsof these with the non-leak reactions. The situation isworse if there is a larger population of buffered gates,as this increases the probability of leak reactions occur-ring (we reduced the value of the Buffer variable from1000 to 100 in the code from figure 6 to produce the plotin figure 8b). Furthermore, the CTMC becomes verylarge with leaks enabled, even for a relatively simplesystem such as a join gate. Analysing strand displace-ment systems with leak reactions is likely to be amajor technical challenge: the problem is that leak reac-tions are not mediated by toehold domains, whichgreatly increases the complexity of the analysis.


We have presented a hierarchy of semantic abstractionsfor modelling the behaviour of computational devicesimplemented using DNA strand displacement. Thedifferent semantic abstractions are suitable for differentpurposes, from high-level, simplified views for assem-bling large systems to low-level, detailed views fordesigning and verifying individual components of theDNA circuits. More complex models require more com-putational resources to simulate or analyse, so designerscan move from simpler models to more complex modelsas their confidence in a new design increases. Thismeans that we do not have to commit large amountsof computational resources to detailed analysis of adesign until we have some degree of confidence that itwill function as expected. Furthermore, our abstractionapproach is general in the sense that it can be readilyextended to define new abstractions that take intoaccount new assumptions about the way in whichspecies interact. Such rule-based modelling is becoming

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Dh*hA A






t* t*


A It












hB Bt

B t


















t* t*t*






Ch t

Ch Ct

Dh Jt

Dh Dt




















t* t*




t* t*







J Jt*
















t* t*



t t










B hA hB A

B hA hB

B hA

















t* t*



t t
























Figure 7. Chemical reaction network for two input, two output buffered join gate when s¼(Infinite,false,false). Edges withjust a hollow arrowhead indicate irreversible reactions, whereas those that also have a solid arrowhead on the other end denotereversible reactions. Nodes with a thick black line denote species that are present initially.






















0 400000 800000 1200000 1600000 2000000 0 100000 200000 300000











(a) (b)

Figure 8. Stochastic simulation plots of 100 copies of the buffered join gate, both with (b) leak reactions and (a) without. The redand green lines are the populations of the ,hA t^ A. and ,hB t^ B. input strands, respectively. The blue and yellow lines arethe population of the ,Ch t^ C. and ,Dh t^ D. output strands (the populations of these are always identical). The darkerorange line is the population of the trigger strands ,B t^ K., which initialize buffered gates on demand. The plot with leaksenabled is qualitatively different from the plot without leaks, suggesting that the unwanted inference is adversely affecting thebehaviour of the system (see §3.3 for further discussion on how leak reactions affect the buffered join gate).

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increasingly prevalent in the study of biochemical sys-tems, for example [28,29].

The syntax presented in this paper extends thelanguage described in Phillips & Cardelli [16] in a

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number of ways—we permit double-stranded complexesto be joined along either strand (not just the one whichis oriented towards the bottom of the page) and alsoallow overhanging single strands along either strand.

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0 400 000200 000 600 000 800 000 1200 000 1400 000 0























400 000200 000 600 000 800 000 1200 0001000 0001000 000 1400 000

















(a) (b)

Figure 9. Stochastic simulation plots for the three-phase oscillator, comparing buffered and unbuffered implementations. (a) Bufferedoscillator using the buffered join gate defined in figure 6. The initial populations of buffered gates, initialized gates and fuels were 10 000,1000 and 100 000, respectively. We observe constant periods of oscillation right up until the buffered gates are completely depleted ataround 700 000 time units. (b) Unbuffered oscillator using an unbuffered join gate without garbage collection, the CRN of whichwas presented in figure 5. The initial populations of gates and fuels were 10 000 and 100 000, respectively. The higher initial populationof unbuffered gates compared with initialized gates in the buffered case is offset to an extent by the fact that more ‘backwards strands’,A t^ I. are present in this case. We observe a gradual drift in the period of oscillation as the gate population is graduallydepleted. (a,b) red line, sumð, Ah t^A .; , Ch:10 t^A .; , Dh:11 t^A .Þ; green line, sumð, Bh t^B .; , Ch:1 t^B .;, Dh t^B .Þ; blue line, sumð, Ch t^C .; , Ch:5 t^C .; , Dh:6 t^C .Þ:

Table 4. Metrics of system complexity for a single bufferedjoin gate using different semantic abstractions. We fixunproductive(s)=leaks(s)=false and vary level(s). Wetabulate the numbers of species and reactions in the fullCRN and the numbers of states and state transition arcs inthe full CTMC of the system.

level(s) species reactions states arcs

Infinite 22 10 30 72Default 26 18 52 145Finite 30 26 158 640Detailed 35 35 231 954

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Along with these generalizations, we introduce thenotion of rotation symmetry which overcomes some ofthe difficulties of conveniently representing nucleicacid structures on the page. In terms of the semantics,we have defined a new method for moving betweendifferent levels of abstraction, and have defined fourdistinct abstraction levels, coupled with new rules forhandling leaks and unproductive reactions. We havealso defined a method for JIT compilation of stranddisplacement systems, together with a method for gen-erating a CTMC for further analysis. We have releaseda new version of the DSD language that incorporatesthese extensions. The close integration of modelling,simulation and analysis methods within a programminglanguage environment is an important step towards thedesign automation of DNA strand displacementsystems.

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Our experience using these techniques to design thebuffered join gate and three-phase oscillator shows howthe DSD language can be integrated in the scientificworkflow. We initially used the simplified Infinite levelof abstraction to analyse the behaviour of a single buf-fered join gate, constructing the CTMC to explore allpossible reduction paths and check for unwanted behav-iour. We then moved to the more involved Detailed levelof abstraction and performed a similar analysis, whichrequired more computation time. We then switchedback to the Infinite level of abstraction, so we could pro-duce a tractable model of a three-phased oscillator, usingseveral join gates as components. Owing to the largerpopulations involved in the three-phase oscillator, wehad to switch to stochastic simulation as our primarymeans of analysing the behaviour of the system. Webelieve that this approach to modelling DNA inter-actions is a good fit for the natural workflow of thescientific design automation process.

To our knowledge, this paper is the first to presenta formal, generic method for automatically derivingmultiple levels of abstraction for a given DNA stranddisplacement system. As mentioned above, Zhang &Winfree [22] described abstracted models for the caseof toehold exchange reactions—our contribution is toformalize and extend this approach to cover a widerrange of systems. The gate designs presented in thispaper employ a three-domain scheme for representingsignals as single strands, which was introduced in Car-delli [25]. Soloveichik et al. [17] employed a morecomplex representation with additional toeholds inthe signal strands. They also described a means of

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using DNA as a substrate to emulate arbitrary chemicalkinetics. Their work can be viewed as complementary tothe buffered gate scheme described in this paper, whichis concerned with maintaining those kinetics for anextended period. Another scheme for representing sig-nals is Cardelli’s two-domain scheme [26], which onlyinvolves species with no overhanging strands. Thisenables new construction methods: one can constructtwo-domain gates by using enzymes to introducebreaks in a double-stranded complex, instead of anneal-ing multiple single strands in solution. In principle, onecould also construct buffered versions of these two-domain gates.

Switching between different semantic abstractions canqualitatively change the behaviour of systems. We demon-strated above that adding leak reactions significantlyalters the behaviour of our join gate design, and manychemical oscillators are easily perturbed by the presenceof leaks. Furthermore, certain programming idioms maynot be possible under certain semantic abstractions. Wementioned above that unproductive reactions neverappear when the Infinite level of abstraction is selected.In particular, the possibility of branch migration is notsufficient for a reaction to count as productive in thiscase (since species are considered equal if they differonly by branch migration steps). This means that co-operative displacement [30] cannot be modelled at theInfinite level of abstraction, because even though thefirst incoming strand may be able to perform branchmigration steps, it does not stay bound long enough fora second strand to arrive and complete the co-operativedisplacement process. Thus, one must take care to selectthe correct semantic abstraction for a given program.

Our buffered reaction gate design addresses the issueof running strand displacement computations withquasi-constant kinetics over extended periods of time.By maintaining a large population of ‘buffered’ gatesfrom which a smaller population of ‘initialized’ gatesare drawn on demand, we separated the on-going reac-tion rates from the total population of gate structures inthe system (provided that the buffer is periodicallyreplenished before all the buffered gates are consumed).This separation is desirable for designing strand displa-cement systems with robust kinetics, however, theremay be other ways of achieving this effect. One possi-bility is the use of remote toeholds [31], which insert anon-matching spacer between the toehold and thelong recognition domain in both strands and gates.When a strand binds to the remote toehold, there isan internal diffusion step that produces a bulge, afterwhich branch migration and strand displacement canproceed on the recognition domain. Genot et al. [31]demonstrated that modifying the design of the spacersallows precise control of the reaction rate. In particular,the internal diffusion step can be made rate-limiting,with the result that the reaction rate remains constantover a wider range of concentrations. However, thiscomes at the cost of considerably slowing down allbinding reactions in the system.

Although the rules of the DSD language ensure thatno secondary structures can be created, when physicalDNA strands are mixed together, it may still be possiblefor them to form unwanted structures. This is because

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the DSD syntax introduced in §2.1. implicitly worksat the level of interactions between complementarydomains as opposed to interactions between individualnucleotides. While the domain abstraction is reasonablefor the high-level design of strand displacement systems,when it comes to laboratory implementations of thesedesigns, one must inevitably move to a lower level ofabstraction. The DSD compiler currently checks for anumber of interactions that could potentially createunwanted structures such as hairpins and rings, forexample, when a gate folds back on itself, and signalsan error to the user. However, more work is needed toensure that species that behave as desired in DSD willalso exhibit the same behaviour in the physicalsystem, particularly with regards to branching struc-tures. One way to achieve this is to generate thecomplete set of nucleotide sequences and to use toolssuch as NUPACK [32] and Multistrand2 to perform rig-orous structural analysis at the nucleotide level. Ideally,in future, we would like to detect as many unwantedinterferences as possible at the domain-level, directlywithin the DSD compiler. Thus, our work is comp-lementary to existing work on low-level design ofbiomolecular computers, and indeed, we view DSD asbut one component in a wider tool chain providingautomation support for designers of strand displace-ment systems.

The DSD language presented above places no restric-tions on the order in which domains may appear withina DNA strand. This means that it is permissible to havetwo or more neighbouring toeholds on the same strand.In this case, the binding reactions are computed as onemight expect: a separate binding reaction for each toe-hold followed by a cover reaction that clamps downthe remaining adjacent toeholds. Binding along con-secutive toeholds is useful for modelling fast,irreversible binding between strands, for example, tomodel threshold binding as described in Qian & Winfree[33]. Since the binding strength increases exponentiallywith the number of bound bases, two consecutive toe-holds will generally behave like an exposed longdomain hybridizing with its complement, which circum-vents our assumption that all interactions are mediatedby reversible binding on a single toehold domain.Hence, we view programs that use multiple adjacenttoeholds as a potentially unsafe subset of the DSDlanguage, which we advise users to exploit with care.In future versions of DSD, we expect to provide ameans of specifying the length of domains within thesyntax of the language, which would allow such systemsto be modelled in a more rigorous way.

Once a system has been rigorously specified, we havethe possibility of verifying that it satisfies certain correct-ness properties. Probabilistic model checking offers greatpotential for verifying the correctness of DNA computingdevices specified using the DSD language. Tools such asthe PRISM model checker [34] can compute quantitativeproperties from a CTMC, such as the expected time toreach the terminal state. Model checkers can also verifythat systems satisfy properties expressed in a temporalspecification logic such as continuous stochastic logic

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(CSL) [35], for example, checking that the system mustalways pass through a particular intermediate state.However, model checking is currently only feasible forvery small systems because the size of the CTMCgrows exponentially as species populations increase.Our semantic hierarchy mitigates this to a limitedextent because we can choose to model check at a simplerlevel of abstraction (e.g. Infinite), which produces fewerdifferent species and reactions. Even so, model checkingis limited in that it cannot prove anything about the be-haviour of a component in context, which is key for thedesign of scalable systems. For this, we would needformal machine-assisted proofs of correctness.

Finally, the accuracy of our simulations is affected byour ability to correctly assign rates to the various reac-tions. In particular, we do not currently recompute rateconstants between the four levels of abstraction. Thismeans that the kinetics of a system may vary slightlydepending on which semantic abstraction is chosen.This situation could be improved by integration withtools such as NUPACK and Multistrand, which wouldallow us to compute more realistic rate constantsgiven the specific nucleotide sequences assigned to thedomains in question, and by looking into ways to esti-mate more accurate rate constants for reactions at thedifferent levels of abstraction. We could then use thesevalues to produce more accurate models.


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