Public Trust at Risk KPMG’s Executive Conference 2016

Public Trust at Risk - KPMG · Anders Borg, former Swedish Minister of Finance 14:40 - 14:55 Public Trust at Risk Monica Mæland, Minister of Trade and Industry 14:55 - 15:25 Panel

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Public Trust at Risk

KPMG’s Executive Conference 2016

Success in business depends on public trust. It takes years to build, but seconds to tear down. The trust of stake- holders - such as employees, shareholders, government officials, NGOs and executives - can only be obtained through strong performance.

In recent years, we have seen many examples of how lack of public trust can diminish strong companies, with consequences such as loss of thousands of jobs and dramatically drop in share prices.

We are proud to present our eminent key speakers with outstanding business knowledge, both in their respective home countries and from international arenas:

Rana Foroohar is the assistant managing editor of Time Magazine. She was formerly the economic and foreign editor of Newsweek. Her latest book “Makers and Takers: The Rise of Finance and the Fall of American Business” was published in June 2016. Foroohar is also a Global Economic Analyst for CNN.

Anders Borg is a Swedish economist and politician, and was Sweden’s Minister of Finance from 2006 to 2014. He is the current Chair of the World Eco- nomic Forum’s Global Financial System Initiative. He is also Deputy Chairman of Kinnevik, advisor to Citigroup and member of the Board of Directors of Stena International.

Monica Mæland is the Norwegian Minister of Trade and Industry, representing the Conservative Party. Before being appointed minister in 2013, Mæland was Head of City Government and Municipal Councillor in Bergen. She also has experience from being on the board of directors of several large Norwegian government and privately owned enterprises.

Public trust is imperative for business

11:45 - 12:30 Registration, light lunch and refreshments

12:30 - 12:40 Welcome and introductory remarksArne Frogner, CEO KPMG Norway

12:40 - 13:25 Makers and TakersRana Foroohar, Assistant Editor Time Magazine

13:25 - 14:00 Break and refreshments

14:00 - 14:40 Public Trust and Corporate responsibilityAnders Borg, former Swedish Minister of Finance

14:40 - 14:55 Public Trust at RiskMonica Mæland, Minister of Trade and Industry

14:55 - 15:25 Panel debate all speakers

15:25 - 15:30 Closing remarks

Friday 4 November | Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel | Sonia Henies plass 3 | Oslo


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Registration is binding. All cancellations must be submitted by email to [email protected]. Please note that cancellations less than 7 days prior

to the event will incur the full registration fee. If you are unable to attend, you are invited to send an alternate in your place at no extra cost.

Terje Svabø 1 200 NOK www.topplederkonferansen.no



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