ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ECONOMY (EMG 3303) PUBLIC TOILET AWARENESS AMONG UPM STUDENT GROUP MEMBER Lim Liting (148616) Wong Chiok Ling (148679) Nur Munirah binti Shafie (148208) Nur Hazirah „Aqilah binti Ramli (148744) Norermma Farhana binti Anuar (148833) LECTURER Prof. Mad Nasir Shamsuddin

Public Toilet Awareness and Attitude

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Public toilet not belongs to anyone but belongs to everyone!

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Page 1: Public Toilet Awareness and Attitude


(EMG 3303)




Lim Liting (148616)

Wong Chiok Ling (148679)

Nur Munirah binti Shafie (148208)

Nur Hazirah „Aqilah binti Ramli (148744)

Norermma Farhana binti Anuar (148833)


Prof. Mad Nasir Shamsuddin

Page 2: Public Toilet Awareness and Attitude


A public toilet (also called a bathroom, restroom, toilet room and so on) is a public toilet

facility and at a minimum, a public toilet can be a single unit featuring a toilet and hand basin for

hand washing. Public toilets can also be larger facilities, which may include bathing facilities or

showers, changing rooms and baby facilities. Public toilets may be stand alone buildings or

installation, or be contained within buildings such as railways station, schools, bars, restaurants,

nightclubs or filling stations. Public toilets can also be found on some public transport vehicles,

for use by passenger. Public toilets are usually fixed facilities, but can also refer to smaller public

portable toilets, or larger public portable toilets constructed as portable buildings.

Public toilets are commonly separated by gender into male and female facilities.

Although some toilet can be unisex, particularly the smaller or single occupancy types. Both

male and female toilets may incorporate toilet cubicles, while many male toilets also features

urinal. Increasingly, public toilets incorporate accessible toilets and features to cater for people

with disabilities. Public toilets also divide in two types; which is squat toilets and flush toilets.

Public toilets has generally contain with toilets (located within stalls with locking doors),

urinals (man room‟s only), hand wash faucets, soap dispensers, hand dryer, paper towel tissues,

garbage dustbin and mirror. In Malaysia, Public toilet also similar with title of dirty, unhygienic,

clean less and stinky. Many of public toilet are not unattended and users also take for granted

with the cleanliness of toilet. Many people prefer to going for paid public toilet because it more

attended and clean but now, there are many authorities person and residential of Malaysia, aware

of the public toilets because the behavior of Malaysia are evident in the toilet – if the toilet dirty,

the Malaysian people also dirty. This awareness is important to make that others country believe

that not most of the citizen are ignored the public toilets.

Page 3: Public Toilet Awareness and Attitude

Problem Statement:

Public toilet is one of the important, easily been seen and necessary public goods. Toilet not

only for relieve and tidy up oneself, but it also is a place that we can relax ourselves, despite its

unpleasant odors. “Public toilet not belongs to anyone but belongs to everyone”. Thus, everyone

has and should take care of them. Other than local authorities and cleaners for toilets, public own

self has the biggest obligation to look after the toilet‟s hygiene. This is common sense and we all

been told since we were young. Therefore, we all have the awareness, but the awareness of

everyone is in different extent.

We have encountered many unpleasant experiences with public toilets in Malaysia. Some

have been vandalized, poorly maintained and dirty. Maybe some of us have experienced using

well maintained and clean toilet. But, most of the Malaysia public toilet in our impression is link

to dirty and filthy. Why this will happen although we know public toilet is an important public

good who we and others always need to use. Everyone knows that we all have the responsibility

to take care to the public toilet but there is lack of people who willing practices it. People might

feel lazy to take care and always think that there is somebody else to do such things. Public

easily shifts off their responsibility to cleaner and local authority to keep up the toilet‟s hygiene.

Some people might think they have the right to mess the toilet since they already pay the fee.

Public toilet is important part in our life, since we not always at home and we will use it. It is

important, we use it all the time and it belongs to everyone. But, maybe because it belongs to

everyone (not belong to ourselves) or in another meaning, public asset; people feel others will

take care for them and ignore their duty to use the public toilet properly and make it clean for



1. To investigate UPM students‟ awareness, perception and attitude toward public toilet.

2. To survey the amount of money and the willingness to pay by the UPM students for the

improvement of public toilet

3. To increase UPM students‟ awareness toward public toilet.

Page 4: Public Toilet Awareness and Attitude


On this, we using the data collection to analysis our survey about public toilet awareness

among student in Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) .We distributed 50 questionnaires and divide

to 25 males and 25 females. We divide in the same population because to investigated which

gender are more concern awareness for the public toilet.

Data collection is documenting that gathering information to address those critical

evaluation questions that you have identified earlier in the evaluation process. There are two

general types of information which is descriptive and judgmental. For the descriptive there are

have 5 categorized in it. There are characteristic of the project, amount of the participation by

target audience, rate of user of public toilets, type of participants and demographic data. For the

judgmental, there are consumer preferences and target audience belief and value.

We use survey as our main material to make this research and distribute the

questionnaires form to the student as the evidence to our research. The survey is basically an

assessment of how a person or group feel about a particular issues and it is not too hard to find

the respondents. The questionnaires are a group of questions that people respond to verbally or in

writing. Basically, the entire respondent will be giving the survey form and they need to answer

all of the questions inside that. In our questionnaires regarding to the „Public Toilet Awareness

among UPM Student‟, it been divided to three (3) section which is section 1 are asking the

awareness perception and attitude, section 2 asking for willingness to pay and section 3 are more

to socioeconomic profile.

Besides that, we are using contingent value method (CVM) for estimate the economic

values and estimate both use and non use values. It is most controversial of the non-market

valuation methods. CVM is a stated preference valuation method that uses questionnaires to ask

directly individuals to state their preferences for the environmental commodities. People use the

CVM for the research because of the importance non-use values and their potentially significant


Page 5: Public Toilet Awareness and Attitude

Analysis and Discussion:

1.1 Do you have or know about the awareness of public toilet?















Yes No



From the data, we could see that there is 76% among the male respondents whose have the

awareness of the public toilet and 24% of them do not have the awareness of it. While among the

female respondents, there is 88% of them have awareness of the public toilet but 12% of them do

not have the awareness. The respondents who have awareness of public toilet are due to that they

have been inculcated with the knowledge of cleanliness of toilet since they are young. Thus, the

value of emphasizing on cleanliness is very important for them every time and the awareness

among themselves would be high, too. The respondents who have no awareness of public toilet

might because they do not approach to the cleanliness since young and they do not bother about

it at all. Both male and female have the awareness among themselves and there is no much


1.2 Which type of toilet you prefer?



Flush toilet

Squat toilet

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From the data, there is 72% of respondents prefer using flush toilet because they might think

it is more convenient and they could sit on the bowl for a long time. While there is 28% of the

respondents like to choose squat toilet as it is cleaner than flush toilet. Their backside would not

touch the toilet bowl directly because it might full of germs because many people are using it at

the same time.

1.3 Public toilet is one of the public goods. It does not belongs to anyone, but it does belongs

to everyone.

1.3.1 Do you think public toilet is an important public good?









Yes No

After the analysis, we could see that 100% of the respondents think that public toilet is an

important public good because it is convenient if we want to look for toilet in the public area. It

is impossible for us to bear and wait until we reach our houses. Thus, public toilet is an important

public good and facility which is provided for public use. None of the 50 respondents think that

public toilet is not an important public good as they need to use it recently especially to tidy up

themselves or go toilet.

1.3.2 Do you think that you are responsible to take care of the public toilet?









Yes No

Page 7: Public Toilet Awareness and Attitude

From the graph, 90% of the respondents either male or female think that they are

responsible to take care of the public toilet because it is one of the facilities provided for the

public and we have the responsibility to take care of it. Besides that, only 10% of them think that

they do not have the responsibility to take care of it because the local authorities or the cleaning

agencies should have the responsibility to take care of the toilets‟ cleanliness and they are just

the users.

1.3.3 Do you take care the public toilet right now?





From the pie chart above, we could know that 86% of the respondents are taking care of

the toilet right now because the level of awareness among students are quite high and their value

of cleanliness is also very high due to their high education level. They have to take care of all the

facilities which had provided for the public. At the same time, there are only 14% of the

respondents do not take care of the public toilet right now because they might not using the toilet


1.3.4 If not, are you willing to do so?




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From the 14% respondents from previous question, 75% of them are willing to take care

of the public toilet while 25% of them are not willing to take care of it. Those who are willing to

do so because they still have the awareness of taking care of it but need depend on the situation.

If they are forced to do so, then they might follow the rules to take care the cleanliness.

Meanwhile, if they do not have the need to take care of it, they are no bother about it or just

ignore the cleanliness. They are selfish and not consider about other users‟ right and they less of

civism conscious among themselves.

1.4 Do you think fee-based public toilet will be cleaner compared to the public toilet which

is free of charged?














Yes No



From the data, 56% of the male respondents and 68% of the female respondents think that

fee-based public toilet will be cleaner compared to the public toilet which is free of charged

because they have paid for it and they have the right to use a clean toilet. They are willing to pay

for the fee in order to have a hygiene condition. In the contrary, 44% of the males respondent and

32% of female respondents do not think that fee-based public toilet will be cleaner compared to

the public toilet which is free of charged because either fee-based or free of charge, the public

toilet still have to look after the hygiene for public use as it is one of the facility to the public.

The cleaning agencies have to play their roles to make sure the toilets are in clean condition for

the public use even though it is free of charged.

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1.5 Do you think that you have the right to use the public toilet without care because you

had paid for it?















Yes No



From the bar chart, 16% of the male respondents and 72% of female respondents think

that they have the right to use the public toilet without care because they had paid for it. They

deserved what they have paid and they have the right to use a clean toilet. Although some of

their actions will make dirty of the toilet, but they think that the cleaning agencies should have

the responsibilities to clean it. The percentage of male respondents is lesser than the female

respondents because males normally would not bother or care about it compared with female. At

the same time, female would more care about what they deserve after they had paid for it. While

for the male and female respondents who do not think so is about 84% and 28% each. This is

because although they think that they had paid for it, they still have the right to take care of the

cleanliness as their awareness of toilet‟s cleanliness is very high. If both public and the cleaning

agencies do not take care of the toilet, then the toilet would be very dirty and the public are not

going and or could not even use it. It is the public facility and either we paid or do not pay, we

still have to think of other users and the public toilet is share by all of us.

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1.6 Do you refuse to use the public toilet due to the dirtiness of it?













Most of the time Sometimes Depends Never

The highest data is 38% which the respondents sometimes refuse to use the public toilet

due to the dirtiness of it. The reason is that they could not able to bear with the odor in the toilet

or the rubbish inside the toilet. They feel uncomfortable to use it and they rather find another

public toilet which is cleaner. There are 24% students choose to use the public toilet most of the

time and 20% of them choose to depend to use it due to the dirtiness of it. Most of the time, they

already could not bear anymore. This is because they might have the habit of not using smelly or

dirty toilet except in their houses. They would uncomfortable if they forced themselves to enter

the toilet which is disgusting. As for the respondents that depends on the situation, they could

choose either go back home just use or just use it although it is dirty. They might want to bear it

because they have the habits of using clean and odorless toilets. Moreover, there are 18% of

students never refuse to use the public toilet due to the dirtiness because they would not stay in

the toilet for a long time. Thus, they are able to stand the odour or rubbish as they just need some

minute to use the toilet. The difference between male and female are almost the same.

Page 11: Public Toilet Awareness and Attitude

1.7 Do you think the hygiene of public toilet represent the image of Malysians’ attitude

towards cleanliness and civism?









Yes No

The difference between all the respondents are high because those who think that the

hygiene of the public toilet represent the image of Malaysians‟ attitude toward cleanliness and

civism is 92% while only 8% disagree with that. Those who agree on that is because if there are

foreigners who visit our country and would like to use our public toilet, they will be shocked

when saw our toilets are very dirty. Besides that, it will also spoil the image of the public toilets

and our culture in Malaysia. They might change their attitude toward the citizens in Malaysia as

the toilet is so important for the public. The rest 8% think that it is nothing to do so with them as

this is about personal perception. Not all the Malaysian lack of attitude towards cleanliness and

civism. They think it is just a minor part of the Malaysian who does not have the attitude towards

cleanliness and civism.

1.8 In your opinion, do you think Malaysians have civism awareness?





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From the pie chart, there is 24% of students which have the civism awareness as they like

cleanliness and could not stand on the odor of it. Thus, they are more willing to have the civism

awareness which the hygiene habits had inculcated in their mind since they are young. While for

the left 76% who think that Malaysian does not has the civism awareness because it is none of

their business to take care of the hygiene of the toilet.

1.9 If not, what are the measures that should be taken to improve Malaysian’s civism






Law and Regulation



(TV, Radio, Newspaper)

There are some ways to improve Malaysian‟s civism awareness. 35.10% of the

respondents think that campaign is very important to inculcate awareness of cleanliness among

the respondents. By having this campaign, the respondents can also being educated about the

correct ways to use public toilet . The government should collaborate with the Non Government

Organization (NGO) to organize some activities or campaigns. Law and regulation and media

have the same percentage which are 19.10% . By having law and regulation enforcement, it

could also help because it compels people to follow the rules. By the way, this measure only

works for those who really care for the law and understand the impacts of disobeying the law.

Most of the children and teenagers are not aware of the law as they are not so familiar and

understand the law and regulation. The media measure could connect people everywhere and

public could approach to the media easily due to the advancement of technology currently. While

for the education measure, there are 26.50% of the respondents think that education is important

Page 13: Public Toilet Awareness and Attitude

because the value of cleanliness will be inculcate in their minds forever if they had been

educated with it through education.

1.10 Do you think it is easy to find public toilet in Malaysia?













Yes No

From the bar chart, there are 80% of the respondents think that it is easy to find public

toilet in Malaysia. Currently, there are many mobile toilets in some urban area which are for the

convenience of public. It is easier to find the public toilet if they really need it urgently. While

20% of the respondents think that it is difficult to find public toilet because they think that the

public toilet is quite far away whenever they need it urgently. They think it is very troublesome

to walk so far just for finding a toilet.

1.11 In your opinion, what is the hygiene level of Malaysia’s public toilet?















Very bad Bad Moderate Clean Very clean

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For the hygiene level, from the total of either male or female respondents, there are 44%

of the them think that the public toilet in Malaysia is in moderate level because some of the

public toilets are clean and some are dirty, thus, they think it is moderate in average. There are

26% and 28% of respondents feel that the hygiene level of public toilet are in very bad and bad

conditions. However, it is all depend on the difference of perception and level of hygiene among

the respondents. At the same time, there are only 2% of the respondents think that the public

toilets are clean and none of them think it is very clean.

1.12 In your opinion, who is the prominent party that should take the responsibility

for the public toilet’s hygiene?












Public Local Authority Cleaning Agency

About 66% of the respondents think that the public is the prominent party that should

take responsibility for the public toilet‟s hygiene. It is likely the same concept of „Polluter Pay

Principle‟ which the public are the main users and they have to take care of it as they are the one

who „pollute‟ the cleanliness of the toilet. However, there are 22% of the respondents feel that

the cleaning agency has to take responsibility for the public toilet‟s hygiene because it is their

responsibility and job. The respondents who choose the local authority is about 12% because

they think that local authority has the power of make sure the cleanliness of public toilets.

Page 15: Public Toilet Awareness and Attitude

1.13 In your opinion, which is the most prior criteria for public toilet?



10% 4%0%








Aesthetic Hygiene Convenience Fee

From the bar chart, there are 64% of the respondents think that the hygiene of the public toilet is

the most prior criteria. They would choose the comfortable and clean toilet because there are

many germs after the usage of public. They would feel uncomfortable if the public toilet is

disgusting. There are 22% and 10% of the respondents think that aesthetic and convenience are

the prior criteria for public toilet. Users prefer the good that is beautiful and they would prefer

more on the toilet which is nice in design and the public would also have a happy mood after

using it. The convenience of toilet is important as they think whenever they want to use it, they

would find it easily or everywhere. However, there are only 4% of them choose that the fee is the

prior criteria because they are not willing to pay for it as it is a facility for public and the local

authority should take the responsibility to make sure the hygiene of public toilet. They do not

care about the hygiene but they would still use it as long as it is free of charge.

1.14 Most of the toilets have some notice about how to take care of the toilet.

1.14.1 Do you think it is necessary to put those notices?





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There are 86% of the respondents think that it is necessary to put those notices in the

toilet as a reminder for the respondents to behave when using the public toilet. The public might

blame the local authority for not putting on the notices when they had been scolded for not

taking care of the hygiene. The public would find excuse to avoid the punishment, thus, they

think it is necessary to put on to avoid those incidents from happening. While there are only 14%

of respondents think that it is not necessary to put on because they already have the awareness of

taking care the toilet and it is the personal awareness of whether they want or do not want to take

care of the hygiene of public toilet.

1.14.2 Do you think these notice work?



0% 0%



Based on this question, even though the management have put notice in the toilet, about

40% respondent admit that this notice work while the other 60% said that this notice give no

effect to them at all. This is due to they have no time to read the notice or sometimes they do not

notice it. Plus, these notices will only work to those who really care about the law and who really

understand and know what will happen if they disobey the law. Sometimes, some people do not

understand the meaning of the notice especially for kids. For an example, if the notice is in

Malay language, Chinese and Indian kids will do not know what the meaning since them still

young and not good in Malay language at all, in other words, they still learning the Malay

language. Plus, the kids and teenager also do not know what is the impact of disobey the notices

and law and we cannot totally blame them if they disobey the notices. Hence, these problems can

result the notice not work at all.

Page 17: Public Toilet Awareness and Attitude

1.14.3 Will you follow the instructions of the notices or just ignore it?














Male Female


From the graph, we can see that about 43% male respondent will follow the notices while

the other 57% male respondent will just ignore the notice. For the female, about 74% respondent

will follow the notice while the other 26% will just ignore it. This is happen due to irresponsible

person who refuse to help the management of the toilet to take care of it. Plus, when others

ignore the notice, it will influence the other people. We also can conclude that female more

behave when using the toilet compare to the male. This is because male normally take it as

simple thing. Plus, normally male love to do something in a short time and they also hate wasting

the time. So, these make the male normally enter the toilet and just do whatever they want to do

and immediately leave the toilet. In this situation, we can see and conclude that the male do not

have time to read the notices in the toilet and in fact, make the notices not work at all.

1.14.5 If you see a tissue paper in a sink, what is the action you will be taken?





Take and throw it away

Tell the cleaner to fix it

Page 18: Public Toilet Awareness and Attitude

According to the graph, about 58% said that they will ignore, 20% will take and throw it

away and 22% will tell the cleaner to fix it. For those who will just ignore the tissue paper, they

think that it is not their responsibility to throw and fix it, it is cleaner responsibility. Besides,

some people will feel disgusted to take the tissue paper since the tissue paper may be dirty and

have a lot of germs. Plus, they do not know the tissue being used for what. As a result, they will

just ignore the tissue paper or if they still have a little responsibility, they will tell the cleaner to

fix it since they do not want to do ii on their own. By the way, there are some respondents admits

that they will take the tissue and throw it away. For those who willing to do so, it is due to they

realize that they have the responsibility to take care of the toilet, not only cleaner. They also

think that toilet is not belongs to anyone, but it is belong to everybody. So it means, they realize

that the toilet is belongs to them and they should take the responsibility to take care of the toilet

so that the toilet can remains hygiene and cozy to be used.

2.1 Currently, the fee for the public toilet entrance is RM0.30.

2.1.1 Do you think that the fee is reasonable?














Male Female



Based on the graph, we can see that about 32% male and 46% female respondents said

that the fee that they paid for the toilet entrance is reasonable while the other 68% male and 54%

female respondents said that the fee is not reasonable at all. This is due to level of hygiene for the

toilet they use. Different place has different toilet condition. Some place with or without fee

entrance, the level of hygiene for the toilet is good, for instance, shopping complex‟s toilet.

Normally, the toilet have no fee entrance but the management of the shopping complex already

Page 19: Public Toilet Awareness and Attitude

cover the cleaning toilet cost since it is one of the facility for their customer. By the way, there

are some places where their toilet is still dirty even though every user needs to pay the fee

entrance. This is due to number of toilet user. For an example, if the toilet is in Puduraya (bus

station) where there are many people there, the result is there will many toilet users too. When

there are so many toilet users, the management of the toilet (cleaner) cannot clean the toilet very

well, plus the money that they get from the toilet fee entrance cannot fully cover the cleaning

cost. This will directly makes respondents feel that the fee entrance is not reasonable at all. By

the way, if the fee is not reasonable, we cannot totally blame the management of the toilet, we

also need to consider the location and condition of the toilet.

2.1.2 Do you think the fee you paid is worth with the service (hygiene, workers’















Male Female



From the graph above, we can see that about 67% male respondents admit that the fee

they paid is worth with the services while the other 33% male respondents feel that the fee is not

worth all. For those who think that the fee is worth, this is maybe they think that toilet is not too

important until the management of the toilet need to give the best service. They also think that it

is enough as long as the toilet has all basic necessity that people need such as water, hand wash,

tissue paper and hand dryer. By the way, those male respondents who said it is not worth, maybe

it is due to the location and condition of the toilet. Some places, their toilet is in good condition

but some are not. This will result some male respondent will think that the fee is not worth at all.

While for the female, about 43% respondents said that the fee is worth, the other 57% admit that

the fee is not worth at all. Those who said the fee are worth, this is maybe due to the condition of

Page 20: Public Toilet Awareness and Attitude

the toilet or the respondents‟ attitude themselves. Some female are just like male, think that toilet

is not too important, as long as they can use the toilet, it is ok enough. By the way, most female

are so fussy where they want something perfect and good, if the things is not perfect enough,

they will directly assume that the thing is bad. Same goes to the public toilet issue. When they

pay the fee entrance, they will put a big hope that the toilet must be in good and perfect

condition. By the way, if they see the toilet is not good and perfect, they will assume that they

fee they have paid is not worth at all.

2.2 If the fee of the toilet entrance increases from RM0.20 to RM0.50, due to

improvement of the toilet facilities, hygiene and convenience:

2.2.1 Are you willing to pay for it?













Male Female



After a survey had been done, about 31% male respondents said that they willing to pay

the fee while 69% are not willing to pay it. For the female, about 64% willing to pay the fee,

while the other 36% not willing to pay for it. For those who willing to pay for it, they think that

if they pay for, they can get the best level of hygiene of the toilet. It is more to satisfaction.

While for those who not willing to pay for the fee, they think it is a waste and they prefer to use

the other which is cheaper or free. Or maybe they willing to bear their relieve and just use their

toilet at home. From this graph, we also can conclude those females are more concern towards

the hygiene of the toilet while the male are not too concern on this value.

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2.2.2 If no, how much are you willing to pay for the improvement of the public







About 27% respondents said that they want the fee to be free, 46% want to pay 10cent

while the other 27% want to pay only 20 cent. For those who want the fee to be free is because of

two reasons, first is if the toilet is in a shopping centre for example the management of the

shopping centre should have covered the cost to keep the toilet clean by using the rent money

they collect from all the shop in the shopping centre. Second if the toilet is at public such as at

Port Dickson, the fees to keep the toilet clean should be covered by the government since we

already paid our tax.

2.2.3 If yes, what is the highest price that you are willing to pay for it?







Page 22: Public Toilet Awareness and Attitude

Based on the graph, about 50% respondents agree to pay 30 cent while the other 50%

agree to pay 40 and 50 cent (25% respectively). The main reason why they willing to pay more

than the usual fee is they just wish that if they pay more, the level of hygiene increase and the

service become better. Other than that, they also think that it is their responsibility to help the

management of the toilet to take care of the toilet since they cannot take a brush and brush the

public toilet themselves after they use it. It is like they pay the cleaner to clean the toilet that they

have used.

3.0 Details of the respondents

3.1 Gender





3.2 Year






2 2










Male Female

First Year

Second Year

Third Year

Forth Year

Page 23: Public Toilet Awareness and Attitude

3.3 Race









First Year Second Year Third Year Forth Year





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As a conclusion, public toilet is the one of important things to the community. It is being

necessary to us because every day we will use it. We need to have the responsibilities to care the

hygiene and cleanliness of public toilet because it is belong to everyone and everyone have the

responsibility to aware the public toilet. Besides that, the awareness of public toilet needs to be

increased and education on the public toilet awareness must be implement and done in order

people can behave when using the public toilet. The education not only for students, but also for

all public users. The things that we can educate to people are why we need to pay for the toilet

fee entrance, what will happen if we disobey the rule and what our responsibilities towards the

public toilet are. Moreover, the prices to enter the public toilet will influence the cleanliness and

the hygienic standard. By the way, even though we need to pay for the toilet fee entrance, the

level of hygiene still bad, this is due to the location and condition of the toilet. Sometimes, the

user for the toilet is too much until the management of the toilet can give the best service and

fully fix it due to the cost to manage the toilet is not enough. Last but not least, the research

shows that the females are more concern and cautious with the hygiene and cleanliness of public
