Newsleer No. 40 November 20, 2017 On 25-27 October Tallinn hosted the EaP Civil Society Conference and 9th EaP CSF Annual Assembly. The event attracted over 300 attendees, speakers and guests who attended more than 50 sessions of different formats focusing on the issues most topical for the civil society. For the first time this year, the Annual Assembly and the Civil Society Conference – conducted as a side event to the Eastern Partnership Summit on a biennial basis – were merged into one event with a common agenda. It was organised jointly by the EaP CSF and the Estonian Center of Eastern Partnership under the auspices of the Estonian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Co-Chair of the EaP CSF Steering Committee Hennadiy Maksak and Jaan Reinhold, Estonia's Ambassador-at-Large for the Eastern Partnership, opened the key EaP civil society event of the year held under the title Tangible Results for People: Envisioning the Eastern Partnership in 2020 and Beyond. "Constructive engagement of civil society with governments at a grassroots, local, and national level is a vital part of democratic governance building. A vibrant civil society sector is furthermore crucial for private sector development, sustainable economic growth, successful environmental policies, and social innovation. High-quality sector reform dialogue can only be achieved through increased technical expertise and the stronger leadership of civil society organisations," stressed Jaan Reinhold. Eastern Partnership summit Brussels (Europa building) 24.11.2017 www.consilium.europa.eu/en/ meetings/international- summit/2017/11/24/ European Council Council of the European Union Public Private Dialogue Newsletter Civil Society Leaders Assembled in Tallinn PUBLIC PRIVATE DIALOGUE Newsleer Compiled by: Alexey Muzichenko E-mail: [email protected]

Public Private Dialogue Newsletterppd-network.org/en/storage/newsletter/PPD-Newsletter_040_novemb… · Public Private Dialogue Newsletter Civil Society Leaders Assembled in Tallinn

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Page 1: Public Private Dialogue Newsletterppd-network.org/en/storage/newsletter/PPD-Newsletter_040_novemb… · Public Private Dialogue Newsletter Civil Society Leaders Assembled in Tallinn

Newsletter No. 40 November 20, 2017

On 25-27 October Tallinn hosted the EaP Civil Society Conference and 9th EaP CSF Annual Assembly. The event attracted over 300 attendees, speakers and guests who attended more than 50 sessions of different formats focusing on the issues most topical for the civil society.

For the first time this year, the Annual Assembly and the Civil Society Conference – conducted as a side event to the Eastern Partnership Summit on a biennial basis – were merged into one event with a common agenda. It was organised jointly by the EaP CSF and the Estonian Center of Eastern Partnership under the auspices of the Estonian Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

Co-Chair of the EaP CSF Steering Committee Hennadiy

Maksak and Jaan Reinhold, Estonia's Ambassador-at-Large for

the Eastern Partnership, opened the key EaP civil society event of

the year held under the title Tangible Results for People:

Envisioning the Eastern Partnership in 2020 and Beyond.

"Constructive engagement of civil society with governments at a grassroots, local, and national level is a vital part of democratic governance building. A vibrant civil society sector is furthermore crucial for private sector development, sustainable economic growth, successful environmental policies, and social innovation. High-quality sector reform dialogue can only be achieved through increased technical expertise and the stronger leadership of civil society organisations," stressed Jaan Reinhold.

Eastern Partnership summit Brussels (Europa building) 24.11.2017 www.consilium.europa.eu/en/meetings/international-summit/2017/11/24/

European Council

Council of the European Union

Public Private Dialogue


Civil Society Leaders Assembled in Tallinn


Compiled by: Alexey Muzichenko

E-mail: [email protected]

Page 2: Public Private Dialogue Newsletterppd-network.org/en/storage/newsletter/PPD-Newsletter_040_novemb… · Public Private Dialogue Newsletter Civil Society Leaders Assembled in Tallinn

Newsletter No. 40 November 20, 2017

Civil Society Leaders Assembled in Tallinn to Debate on Tangible Results of the Eastern Partnership ahead of the Brussels Summit

Kersti Kaljulaid, President of the Republic of Estonia, outlined the progress Estonia has achieved in working with the civil society so far: "Estonia has chosen a partnership approach as its model for civil society and government relations. [...] The approach finds both the government and the civil society imperfect, both having unique strengths and shortcomings. [...] It is worthwhile to look at Estonian experience. How did we start our journey, which has lead us not only to an open civic space, but also to the most sustainable NGO community amongst more than 20 Eastern European [...] countries?"

Hennadiy Maksak commented on the challenges the civil society encounters along the way: "Civil society's engagement is an integral part of bringing democratic values and good

governance to each of the six partner countries. However, our mission is not that simple. We face many twists and turns on our path of fighting corruption, human rights abuses, injustice and poverty."

Ales Bialiatski, Chairman of the Viasna Human Rights Centre, described the role of the civil society in the Eastern Partnership: "For the civil society to be truly considered a partner in the Eastern Partnership countries, there is a need for a strong signal from the EU, especially for those countries where human rights violations exist. The path to democracy can be very long, but we have a responsibility to preserve the democratic perspective in these countries with a step-by-step approach."

In his keynote speech Commissioner Hahn, underlined that the support to civil society is the very first deliverable in the new EC and EEAS joint working document since empowering the civil society is crucial to deliver on all of other plans and priorities. He added: “We count on civil society to convey messages to citizens. I urge you to engage with your communities around the world, in the EU and not least in your countries. Societies will not progress without reforms taking root. Your continued engagement on either side of the EU's eastern border is crucial and we will continue to need strong civil society leaders."

The Civil Society Declaration was adopted as a

collaborative effort identifying major obstacles to further

democratic development within the EaP countries and to

the smooth implementation of the 2020 Deliverables while

offering specific recommendations on how governments

and civil society organisations can work together to

overcome them. It was presented to the Commissioner

Hahn as the consolidated civil society position for the

Brussels Summit.

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Newsletter No. 40 November 20, 2017

A special ceremony featured the presentation of the EaP

CSF Pavel Sheremet Award 2017 to the Azerbaijani

journalist Afgan Mukhtarli, in recognition for his courage

and outstanding reporting on injustice and human rights

abuses in Azerbaijan. It was presented by the EaP CSF

Steering Committee member Alexandra Kalatozishvili,

and received by his spouse Leyla Mustafayeva who is

an independent journalist herself.

The civil society expectations for the Brussels EaP

Summit and beyond were featured prominently during

the high-level panel focusing on the Eastern Partnership

perspectives and challenges. DG NEAR Deputy

Director-General Katarina Mathernova emphasised that “civil society has an active role to play in the

strategic communication by the EU in the EaP partner countries. The European Commission is changing

modalities of supporting CSOs from financing to investing into capacity building.”

Throughout the parallel panels the attendees debated on

topics related to the civil society priorities such as regional

and economic integration, media and disinformation, digital

tools for democratic governance, and government-civil society


The event included a special ceremony dedicated to awarding the three best EaP CSF re-granting projects. The winners have been implementing projects on gender mainstreaming, smart waste management and monitoring energy regulators over the period of 7 months. A variety of projects and publications by the EaP CSF members were presented during

the event, including 15 re-granting projects funded this year.

During the stakeholders' meetings with a multi-country or country-specific focus civil society delivered their messages on selected topics of their interest to the policy makers. Working Groups’ initiated debates focused on rule of law and resilience, favourable environment for SMEs, implementation of the Action Plan for the Environment, youth employment and entrepreneurship. National Platforms’ initiated debates explored civil society’s role in the implementation of the EU-Armenia partnership agreement (CEPA), negotiations on the new EU-Azerbaijan agreement, EU-Belarus partnership priorities, constitutional reform in Georgia, implementation of the reforms in Moldova, and Ukrainian perspective on the 20 Deliverables for 2020.

During the Working Groups (WGs) meetings the

results of their work in 2017 were presented and the

Annual Work Plans for 2018 were developed. The

recommendations produced during the event will be

used in civil society advocacy based on the priorities of

the Forum in the coming year.

During the 3-day event the delegates elected the new

EaP CSF Steering Committee 2017-2018 with a

mandate from civil society of the EaP countries and

EU member states to serve as the governing board of

the Forum during a one-year term.

The EaP CSF would like to thank the European Union,

National Endowment for Democracy (NED), Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Visegrad Fund for

their generous support of the event and the Forum.

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Newsletter No. 40 November 20, 2017

Trade Panel on the Reform of Systems of Technical Regulations and of the

Related Infrastructure Minsk, Belarus

Hotel Renaissance, 16-17 November 2017

At the Trade Panel of the Platform 2:

”Economic Integration and Convergence with

EU Policies” the main topics discussed were in

relation Market Surveillance as well as reform

of systems of technical regulations and setting

up related quality infrastructure with special

focus on standardization.

Participants from EU and EaP countries

provided their input on each session. First,

representatives from the European Commission, DG GROW, Lithuania, Sweden, Germany

explained the market surveillance in their country and technical cooperation with the countries

of the Eastern Partnership. Secondly, the participants from Armenia, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia

and Moldova focused on the national reforms of systems of technical regulations.

Each country provided an update on latest

developments in their country with specific

focus on market surveillance activities.

Countries which have started to implement the

Association Agreement (including a Deep and

Comprehensive Free Trade Area), there are

Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, elaborated on

the action plans for approximation.

Finally, the participants agreed that it would

be advisable to invite representatives of

customs authorities in the next 18 Trading

Panel to ensure a fruitful and interactive

meeting. Special thanks to Katja Modric

Skrabalo, Policy Officer, EC, the Panel

Coordinator, for invited of the participants

from civil society. Civil Society Forum was

represented by two members: Mr. Vladimir

Karyagin (from Belarus) and Mr. Ilgar

Huseynli (from Azerbaijan).

[email protected]

Page 5: Public Private Dialogue Newsletterppd-network.org/en/storage/newsletter/PPD-Newsletter_040_novemb… · Public Private Dialogue Newsletter Civil Society Leaders Assembled in Tallinn

Newsletter No. 40 November 20, 2017

Georgian Startups Association

Newly established enterprises are facing diverse challenges in Georgia: fundraising, technical and entrepreneurial skills, customs, technologies, and more than these; they lack contacts and information. And additionally, there is no and ideal business environment and startup ecosystem, where any kind of startup could benefit.

Georgian Startups Association was founded on June 5, 2017 to address these challenges and make business environment friendlier for new enterprises.

Georgian Startups Association’s mission is to develop entrepreneurship in Georgia by: Raising the culture of entrepreneurship, and especially, innovative entrepreneurship, among Georgian citizens with an accent to youth; uniting startup businesses to be stronger for overcoming challenges together; Improving business environment by working closely with the main actors of the economic policy.

On November 18, together with the partner company – Start—Business Solutions, Georgian Startups Association is organizing

the largest Start-up expo in Georgia, where startup service and products providers will be presented.

FB: https://www.facebook.com/Georgianstartups/

Contact Person: Nana Tsertsvadze.

E-mail: [email protected]

International Consortium Workshop

On November 17, 2017, in Republican Confederation of Entrepreneurship (Belarus), Minsk, with

the participation of Vladimir Karyagin, Chairman, and Ilgar Huseynli, President of the Social

Strategic Researches and Analytical Investigations Public Union (Azerbaijan), International

Consortium Workshop was held.

The Skype format has traditionally been used to

involve consortium members and experts from other


During the meeting, the participants discussed a wide

range of issues on the agenda, including the

development of cooperation BMOs and PPD-network,

preparations of Database of ideas for future projects

on the base of RPP and others.

Finally, the participants recommended registering in PADOR to ensure a possibility to take part

in calls of EU projects.

[email protected]

Stay tuned! Visit ppd-network.org