Enquiries to: Sharon Major, Committee Services Officer Tel.: 020 8770 4990, Email: [email protected] Copies of reports are available in large print on request Carshalton and Clockhouse Local Committee 17 October 2017 7.30 pm at the Carshalton Beeches Baptist Church, Banstead Road, Carshalton Beeches, SM5 3NL To all members of the Carshalton and Clockhouse Local Committee:- Chair: Councillor Hamish Pollock Vice-Chair Councillor Chris Williams Councillors: Moira Butt, Tim Crowley, Amy Haldane and Jill Whitehead Community Representatives (non-voting): Janice Funnell, Alma and Shorts Road Residents' Group Ray Liffen, Carshalton on the Hill Residents' Association Arthur Spirling, Carshalton Fields Residents Association Andrew Candy, Carshalton Village Trade Association Terry Haswell, Clockhouse Residents' Association Jean Knight, Friends of Carshalton Water Tower and Historic Garden Trust John Freeman, The Friends of the Grove Susan Kelsall, Friends of Honeywood Museum Pam Lyne, Friends of the Library in Carshalton Carl Brown, Friends of Oaks Park Angela Baughan, Friends of Sutton Ecology Centre Peter Talboys, Neighbourhood Watch Bernard Jacobs, Queen Mary's Park Residents Association Brian Brockwell, Westmead Allotment and Garden Association John Faulkner, Woodstock Road Residents Association This meeting will be recorded and made available on the Council’s website. Members of the public also have a statutory entitlement to record meetings to which they are admitted, subject to it not disrupting the meeting. They should record only the meeting and not the audience. Anyone proposing to make a recording must inform the Committee Services contact below before the meeting. Mobile devices can interfere with the wireless microphones and induction loop, and if that is the case the Chair may require that such devices are turned off. Niall Bolger Chief Executive 6 October 2017

(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Carshalton and ... - Sutton

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Enquiries to: Sharon Major, Committee Services Officer Tel.: 020 8770 4990, Email: [email protected]

Copies of reports are available in large print on request

Carshalton and Clockhouse Local Committee 17 October 2017 7.30 pm at the Carshalton Beeches Baptist Church, Banstead Road, Carshalton Beeches, SM5 3NL To all members of the Carshalton and Clockhouse Local Committee:- Chair: Councillor Hamish Pollock Vice-Chair Councillor Chris Williams Councillors:

Moira Butt, Tim Crowley, Amy Haldane and Jill Whitehead

Community Representatives (non-voting):

Janice Funnell, Alma and Shorts Road Residents' Group Ray Liffen, Carshalton on the Hill Residents' Association Arthur Spirling, Carshalton Fields Residents Association Andrew Candy, Carshalton Village Trade Association Terry Haswell, Clockhouse Residents' Association Jean Knight, Friends of Carshalton Water Tower and Historic Garden Trust John Freeman, The Friends of the Grove Susan Kelsall, Friends of Honeywood Museum Pam Lyne, Friends of the Library in Carshalton Carl Brown, Friends of Oaks Park Angela Baughan, Friends of Sutton Ecology Centre Peter Talboys, Neighbourhood Watch Bernard Jacobs, Queen Mary's Park Residents Association Brian Brockwell, Westmead Allotment and Garden Association John Faulkner, Woodstock Road Residents Association

This meeting will be recorded and made available on the Council’s website. Members of the public also have a statutory entitlement to record meetings to which they are admitted, subject to it not disrupting the meeting. They should record only the meeting and not the audience. Anyone proposing to make a recording must inform the Committee Services contact below before the meeting. Mobile devices can interfere with the wireless microphones and induction loop, and if that is the case the Chair may require that such devices are turned off. Niall Bolger Chief Executive 6 October 2017

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A G E N D A 1. Welcome and Introductions

2. Apologies for Absence

3. Declarations of Interest

4. Minutes of last meeting To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on 20 June 2017.

3 - 8

5. Update from the Safer Neighbourhood Team Sergeant Pete Nicholson, will provide an update on the three ward priorities in the area, and community safety issues.

Indicative timing: 10 minutes

6. Public Realm Projects and Neighbourhood Grants This report contains information on Public Realm spending since June 2017, details any new requests for Public Realm Funding and confirms the available budgets for 2017/18.

Indicative timing: 15 minutes

9 - 20

7. Appointment of Community Representative An application for the appointment of a Community Representative has been received. It is recommended that the Carshalton and Clockhouse Local committee appoint Mr Robert Houlihan to represent Queen Mary's Park Friends Group.

8. Neighbourhood Services Update Mark Dalzell, Head of Neighbourhood Services and Scott Edgell, Veolia General Manager, will provide the committee with a verbal update on the parks, Streets and Waste Services within the local committee area.

Indicative timing: 40 minutes

21 - 28

9. Highways Updates - Parking Strategy Programme Principle Highways Engineer, Mehmet Mahzar, will give a presentation on the programme for the Parking Strategy within the Carshalton and Clockhouse Local committee area.

Indicative timing: 40 minutes

29 - 36

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10. Public Question Time

This item is an opportunity for members of the public to raise points or questions about local issues that are not already on the agenda. If you wish to submit a question prior to the meeting, please send it to [email protected] at least 5 days in advance and we will endeavour to obtain a written response for the meeting. Please be aware your question and name will be published in the minutes of the meeting.

Indicative timing: 10 minutes

11. Any urgent items brought forward at the discretion of the Chair The Chair must approve the reason for the urgency.

12. Date of next meeting The next meeting of the Carshalton & Clockhouse Local Committee will take place on 16 January 2018 at 7.30 pm at Carshalton Beeches Baptist Church, Banstead Road, Carshalton Beeches, SM5 3NL.

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Reminder – Declaration of Interests

Members should consider the following interests and whether they have any they should declare. Disclosable Pecuniary Interests Where you have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in any business of the Authority at this meeting and you have either declared it beforehand in the Register of Members’ Interests or to the Monitoring Officer for entry in the Register you must state at this meeting that you have such an interest and then withdraw from the room or chamber where the meeting is being held whilst that business is considered. Where you have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in any business of the Authority at this meeting and have not previously declared it you must declare the nature of that interest at this meeting and then withdraw from the room or chamber where the meeting is being held whilst that business is considered.

Other Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests Where you have any other pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in any business at this meeting you must declare that interest, but may continue to speak and vote on the matter. However, if the interest is one which a member of the public, with knowledge of the relevant facts, would reasonably regard as so significant that it is likely to prejudice your judgement of the public interest then you should declare the interest and withdraw from the room or chamber where the meeting is being held whilst that business is considered. Further information on these matters can be found in the Council's Code of Conduct and Constitution. If you are in any doubt as to whether you have an interest you should seek advice before the committee meeting from Alexa Coates. If, during the course of the committee meeting, you consider you may have an interest you should always declare it.

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Carshalton and Clockhouse Local Committee

20 June 2017



20 June 2017 at 7.30 pm

MEMBERS: Councillor Hamish Pollock (Chair), Councillor Chris Williams

(Vice-Chair) and Councillors Moira Butt, Amy Haldane and

Jill Whitehead

ABSENT Councillor Tim Crowley


The Chair, Councillor Hamish Pollock, welcomed all those present. Upon request, a

moment’s silence was held to honour recent victims of the terrorist attacks and the

Grenfell Tower fire.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Tim Crowley (Carshalton

South and Clockhouse).


No declarations of interest were made.


RESOLVED: that the minutes of the previous meeting of 25 April 2017 be approved

as an accurate record and signed by the Chair.


Sergeant Paul Connolly provided a brief update as to safer neighbourhood team

activities in the local wards, introducing himself to the local committee.

The update covered:

The Metropolitan Police’s future plans under a borough-command model.

A commitment to two dedicated Ward officers and one PCSO.

Changes to policing Sutton Town Centre with wider coverage.

Dedicated Ward Officers at local parade sites.

Speeding issues near St Philomena’s School and associated enforcement.

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Carshalton and Clockhouse Local Committee

20 June 2017


Engagement with youths and parents, visiting local schools.

John Faulkner, Woodstock Road Residents’ Association enquired as to Crosspoint

House. The Sergeant confirmed there were no plans to shut the site down.

Carl Brown, Friends of Oaks Park, raised a question with regards to cuts to the

Metropolitan Police and the impact on local resources. The Sergeant confirmed that

cuts do have to be made but that commitments had been made to increase policing

in Safer Neighbourhoods.

Councillor Moira Butt welcomed the new Sergeant but regretted the multiple

changes in succession to the Safer Neighbourhood Team representation at local


The Councillor further enquired as to whether services would be shared with St

Helier. The Sergeant further elaborated on the potential borough-command model

but reiterated that plans were not yet finalised.

Ray Liffen, Carshalton on the Hill Residents’ Association, asked where the Sergeant

was based (Sutton Police Station) so that he could share the association newsletter

on a regular basis.

Councillor Amy Haldane expressed her hesitation with regards to the proposed

Basic Command Unit (BCU) and encouraged residents to get in touch with their local

Neighbourhood Forums. A local Clockhouse resident also spoke of his displeasure

at the potential borough-command model.

Ian Price, Team Leader Strategy & Commissioning - Highways & Transport, was

interested to hear of the speeding enforcement action and offered to collaborate in

this respect.


Mark Dalzell, Head of Parks, Biodiversity and Street Cleansing, and Veolia General

Manager Scott Edgell invited questions on the new waste and recycling service.

Janice Funnell, Alma and Shorts Road Residents’ Group, lamented the

implementation of the service and stated that this was unacceptable on Veolia’s part.

The Veolia General Manager apologised to residents and Councillors, elaborating on

the transition arrangements, particularly with regard to staffing and lost local

knowledge. The Community Representative regretted the lack of public apology from


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Carshalton and Clockhouse Local Committee

20 June 2017


The Chair, Councillor Hamish Pollock, spoke of the bad service in certain types of

roads, such as cul-de-sacs. The Veolia manager spoke of the narrow-access streets

and admitted that there were issues outstanding to resolve.

Carl Brown, Friends of Oaks Park, stated that many of the problems encountered

could have been foreseen, particularly as the service is provided in neighbouring

boroughs. The Community Representative asked if the Council would be penalising

Veolia for the poor performance of the contract. The Head of Parks, Biodiversity and

Street Cleansing, explained that deductions were not in place for the first three

months of implementation, and were only contractually possible from the 1 July

2017. It was added that nonetheless significant additional investment had been

undertaken by Veolia.

Arthur Spirling, Carshalton Fields Residents’ Association, asked for further detail on

the improved recycling rates mentioned. The Veolia representative cited that

recycling had already increased by approximately 10% to the ‘high forties’ and a

reduction in general waste had been seen. In response to a request for firm figures,

the Chair explained that this would likely be reported to the Autumn Environment &

Neighbourhood Committee and could be brought to the October local committee.

Councillor Moira Butt expressed her thanks to the complaints team at Veolia but

complained at the lack of feedback following investigation, with the same problems

being reported for the same households on multiple occasions. Councillors asked

that bins be returned appropriately after being emptied. The Veolia representative

acknowledged repeat issues were occurring and spoke of the resources being

applied to resolve them.

A representative of Queen Mary’s Park Residents Association gave positive

feedback in regards to recent service but raised concerns in relation to the Kimpton

Park reuse and recycling centre.

Councillor Chris Williams lamented that the effect of poor service on residents had

been neglected by Veolia. The Councillor suggested a letter of apology or goodwill

gesture might be appropriate with regards to extreme cases. The Veolia

representative responded that he was open to such suggestions.


Claire Smith, Locality Lead Officer, presented the public realm projects and

neighbourhood grants update, inviting residents to apply for outstanding funds.

The Chair, Councillor Hamish Pollock, invited residents to an upcoming ‘Carshalton-

on-Sea’ event, due to take place on 8-9 July 2017, which had received a

neighbourhood grant.

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Carshalton and Clockhouse Local Committee

20 June 2017



1. £1,070 be approved for the supply and installation of a litter bin and addition

of “The Grove Cafe’’ onto existing signage in Grove Park from Public Realm


2. £4,820 be approved for play equipment in Corrigan Recreation ground from

Public Realm capital.

3. £760 be approved for the supply and installation of directional signs for house

locations on Kenny Drive from Local Transport Funds.

4. £500 be approved for the installation of ‘Keep Clear’ markings on West Street

at the junction with Sycamore Close from Local Transport funds.

5. The progress of the Public Realm schemes listed in Appendix A be noted.


Alison Boote, Investment & Development Manager, answered questions on the

briefing note provided on Carshalton Council-owned buildings.

Councillor Jill Whitehead suggested that the NHS could make use of the Grove

House facilities. The Senior Valuer spoke of a continued search for such buildings

and that such proposals would always be borne in mind.

Susan Kelsall, Carshalton Old Rectory Association, expressed the Association’s will

to be involved in any plans for this particular building and the protection of its

heritage. The Senior Valuer appreciated the Association’s interest and involvement.

Janice Funnell, Alma and Shorts Road Residents’ Group, requested similar contact

from the Senior Valuer should plans fall through for The Old Rectory.

Arthur Spirling, Carshalton Fields Residents’ Association, enquired as to the future

of the Charles Cryer Theatre. The Investment & Development Manager explained

that she was not directly involved but that proposals were currently under

consideration for presentation to Members.

John Freeman, Friends of the Grove, thanked the Senior Valuer for her ongoing

communications with regards to the future of The Grove House. The Community

Representative expressed concerns about security of residential buildings within the

park and the Senior Valuer responded that strict measures would be put in place.

Councillor Amy Haldane asked as to responsibility for insurance and building

improvements with regards to Hillcrest Halls. The Investment & Development

Manager elaborated on the arrangements in place with regards to rent and

committed to follow this up after the meeting.

Brian Brockwell, Westmead Allotment and Garden Association, enquired as to

Ecolocal’s use of The Lodge. The Senior Valuer commented on arrangements in

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Carshalton and Clockhouse Local Committee

20 June 2017


place with security guardians to avoid any vacant premises in the interim and

Ecolocal’s liaison with local residents who use the building facilities.



Ian Price, Team Leader Strategy & Commissioning - Highways & Transport,

presented a report on highway schemes and issues in the local committee area.

Residents asked for further information on and contributed local knowledge to:

Enforcement in Crichton Road near Warnham Court Road;

Beeches Avenue, Stanley Park Road and the associated driving culture;

Robins Way, schemes under public realm and the construction vehicles

travelling to Carshalton Athletic Football Club;

Robins Way, the junction with Colston Avenue and commuter parking;

Speeding along Westmead Road to Carshalton High School for Girls;

Schemes around St Philomena’s School;

Carshalton Central ward and the impact of the borough-wide parking


Resurfacing works in Diamond Jubilee Way; and

The poor condition of the timber fence gateways along Woodmansterne


Councillor Jill Whitehead informed the Committee that the updated Sustainable

Transport Strategy would be presented to the Environment and Neighbourhood

Committee on 22 June 2017.

Arthur Spirling, Carshalton Fields Residents Association, requested a greater level

of consultation by the Council, via local associations, with regards to highways

schemes. This was echoed by other Community Representatives present.

RESOLVED: that the progress made towards implementing the 2016/17 and

2017/18 LIP traffic schemes be noted.


Ian Price, Team Leader Strategy & Commissioning - Highways & Transport, outlined

the proposed schemes to be considered for inclusion in the 2018/2019 Local

Implementation Plan (LIP) bid. Following a brief presentation, the Chair requested

that the guidance criteria for LIP schemes be circulated among Committee


Residents asked for further information on and contributed local knowledge to:

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Carshalton and Clockhouse Local Committee

20 June 2017


The vulnerability of proposed schemes and funding to a change in political

will at the London Mayoral level;

The Healthy Streets for London initiative;

The walking path upgrade and reinstatement in Grove Park.

The Highways and Transport Officer confirmed that schemes supported by the local

committee would be included in the bid.

RESOLVED: that the proposed schemes within the report be considered for

inclusion in the submission to TFL in October 2017 for the 2018/2019 programme.


Public questions received and answered prior to the local committee are attached at

the appendix to the minutes. No further questions were raised.



No urgent business was raised.


The next meeting of the Carshalton and Clockhouse Local Committee will take place

on 17 October 2017 at a location to be confirmed.

Appendix: Public Questions

The meeting ended at 21.43



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Report to: Carshalton and Clockhouse Local Committee

Date: 17 October 2017

Report title: Public Realm Projects and Neighbourhood Grants Area Improvements Progress Report

Report from: Matt Clubb - Assistant Director, Environment, Housing and Regeneration Directorate (Environmental Commissioning)

Ward/Areas affected: Carshalton Central, Carshalton South and Clockhouse

Chair of Committee/Lead Member:

Councillor Hamish Pollock

Author(s)/Contact Number(s):

Chantelle Swaby, Locality Lead Officer, 0208 770 5010

Corporate Plan Priorities: ● An Open Council ● A Green Council ● A Fair Council

Open/Exempt: Open



Date: 3 October 2017

1. Summary

1.1. This report contains information on Public Realm spending since June 2017, details any

new requests for Public Realm Funding and confirms the available budgets for 2017/18.

2. Recommendations

The Carshalton and Clockhouse Local Committee is recommended to:

2.1. Approve £180 additional costs for the supply and installation of a welcome sign for ‘Grove Park Cafe’ from Public Realm capital.

2.2. Approve £1,075 for provision and installation of a bench in Queen Mary’s Woodland from

Public Realm capital.

2.3. Approve £2,000 to purchase 20 Silent Soldiers silhouettes as part of the commemoration of Armistice Day in 2018, from Public Realm Revenue.

2.4. Note the progress of the Public Realm schemes listed in Appendix A.

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3. Background

3.1. This Committee has been allocated Public Realm funding to invest in area


3.2. The work of the Local Committees, including their management of the Public Realm budget play a pivotal role in the development of Sutton Council’s localism agenda and makes a significant contribution to resident engagement in locality decision making.

3.3. The approved schemes have a positive effect on the local area by promoting community

activity and improving shared spaces everyone can enjoy.

4. Issues

Schemes for Consideration of Funding

4.1. Appendix A, Section 1 shows Public Realm schemes for consideration by the committee, at this meeting.

Current Public Realm Scheme Programme

4.2. Appendix A, Section 2 shows all other current Public Realm schemes, within the Programme, previously agreed by the Committee and updates on progress.

Completed Public Realm Schemes

4.3. Appendix A, Section 3 sets out Public Realm schemes completed since the last meeting of the Committee, including:

● CC/ 1718.2 Hanging Baskets ● CC/ 1617.23 Woodmansterne Road- speed reduction measures ● CC/ 1516.10 Robins Way – safety Improvements ● CC/ 1718.5 Installation of house location signage on Kenny Drive

Unfunded Public Realm Schemes

4.4. Appendix A, Section 4 sets out previously approved but not yet agreed, Public Realm schemes

5. Options Considered

5.1. Public Realm schemes can be proposed by ward councillors or community

representatives. Proposals are taken through consultation to determine which schemes should be considered and voted on at each meeting of the Local Committee.

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6. Impacts and Implications


6.1. The 2017/18 total budget allocation for the Carshalton and Clockhouse Local Committee is £49,263 made up of £28,371 Public Realm capital ; £10,892 transport related schemes, £10,000 direct revenue funding.

6.2. The total cost of the proposed schemes in Appendix A, Section 1 is £3,255 made up of

£1,255 Public Realm capital and £2,000 Public Realm revenue.

6.3. The total amount to be recycled is £577 of Public Realm capital. This is detailed in appendix A, Section 5.

6.4. Local Committee has previously allocated £26,357 from the 2017/18 Public Realm capital,

£1,260 TFL funding, and £2,250 revenue funding.

6.5. The current available budget for the Carshalton and Clockhouse Local Committee for 2017/18, subject to previously agreed schemes, recycled funds, annual revenue maintenance and agreement of the proposed schemes, is a total of £16,718 made up of £1,336 Public Realm capital, £9,632 transport related schemes, and £5,750 direct revenue funding. This is detailed in Appendix A, Section 6.


6.6. There are no specific legal implications arising from this report. Other impacts and implications (Equalities)

6.7. When Public Realm improvements are made as a result of decisions taken by the Local Committee, particular account is taken of the requirements under the Equality Act 2010.

6.8. Consideration is also given to the contribution public realm investment and improvements

make to the social and developmental assets of the borough, in line with the Council’s approach to outcomes based commissioning.

6.9. The schemes described in this report have been subject to consultation with local

residents, councillors, community representatives and partner organisations. Meetings are held in accessible venues and everyone is encouraged to take part and put forward their ideas.

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7. Appendices and Background Documents

Appendix letter Title

A Area Improvements and Public Realm Programme

Background documents


Audit Trail

Version Final 3 October 2017

Consultation with other officers


Yes Tony Cooke

Legal No N/A

Other Officers:

Yes Consultation has been sought with the relevant Officers

regarding sections in Appendix A, Sections 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Equality Impact Assessment required?

No N/A

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Area Improvements and Public Realm Programme Appendix A

Section 1 - New Schemes for Consideration

Project ID

Key scheme/ area of


Ward Proposer / Sponsor

Details Estimated costs


Officer Fund

CC 1718.3a

Additional cost for Grove Park signage

Carshalton Central

Councillor Pollock

Installation costs are required for the ‘Grove Park cafe’ signage. This will be placed onto the existing Welcome sign.

180 Adam Brind C

CC 1718.7

Provision and installation of a bench in Queen Mary’s Woodland

Carshalton South and Clockhouse

Friends of Oaks Park

Provision and installation of a wooden bench of rustic design in Queen Mary’s woodland to add to the amenity of the area.

1,075 Dominic Aslangul


CC 1718.8

Silent Soldiers Initiative

All Councillor Pollock

Surrey Royal British Legion has announced the launch of its Silent Soldier campaign- the near life-size silhouette of a First World War ‘Tommy’. 20 Silent Soldiers have been recommended to be divided amongst the two Wards.

2,000 Victoria Jeffrey


FUNDING Capital Revenue

£1,255 £2,000


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Area Improvements and Public Realm Programme Appendix A

Section 2 - Progress on Schemes Being Delivered

CC/ 1718.1

Festive Lights All Wards January 2017

20,467 Supply and installation of festive lights across the two wards,at the following locations: Carshalton High Street 10 x 3m framed column with design motif Carshalton Ponds 2 x LED branch on columns around Carshalton Ponds Carshalton High Street tree lights Stanley Park Road 4 x lamp column with design motif Banstead Road 4 x timers, trip switches and sockets Banstead Road 4 x lamp column with design motif Banstead Road x 1 light on column outside CoOp x1 on column outside car shop Banstead Road x 1 tree lights Clockhouse x 6 lamp column outside the shops Westmead Road x 6 columns outside the shops The Committee has recently selected the design motifs for the above locations.

December 2017

Mary Innes C to R

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Area Improvements and Public Realm Programme Appendix A

CC/ 1718.3

Grove Park Litter Bin and Signage

Carshalton Central

20 June 2017

1,070 Installation of a litter bin adjacent to park bench,and add ‘The Grove Cafe’ sign to existing entrance signage in Grove Park. Litter bin has been installed and contractors are in process of installing all cafe signage onto the entrance signs

November 2017

Adam Brind C

CC/ 1718.4

Play equipment in Corrigan Recreation ground

Clockhouse 20 June 2017

4,820 To provide additional play equipment for children - a Play Tower with Roof and Slide. The tendering process has completed, order has been raised and officers are awaiting delivery.

November 2017

Ian Wolstencroft



CC/ 1718.6

Installation of ‘Keep Clear’ markings on West St junction with Sycamore Close

Carshalton Central

20 June 2017

500 To install keep clear markings at this junction to ease southbound traffic which has a tendency to block entrance to Sycamore Close. Works are on order with the contractor.

December 2017

Ian Price LTF



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Area Improvements and Public Realm Programme Appendix A

Totals by Funding £

Public Realm Capital 5,890

Local Transport Fund 500

Public Realm Revenue 0

Convert Capital to Revenue 20,467

TOTAL £26,857

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Area Improvements and Public Realm Programme Appendix A

Section 3 – Completed Schemes since the last meeting

Scheme Ward Budget (£) Notes

CC/ 1718.2 Hanging Baskets All £2,250 Floral displays have been continued at the following locations: 4 -Westmead Road (All Year Round) 4 - High Street Carshalton (All Year Round) 4 -Carshalton Road (All Year Round) 4- Banstead Road (All Year Round) 3-Stanley Park Road (All Year Round) 2 -Clockhouse Estate (All Year Round) 2-Beeches Avenue (All Year Round) 2 -Gordon Road (All Year Round)

CC/ 1617.23 Woodmansterne Road speed sign change

Clockhouse £1,500 Upon investigation officers determined additional signage was not required in this area. There appeared to be an anomaly whereby the existing large ‘30’ mph signs suggested to drivers a change in speed limits existed, which in practice was not the case. The signage has now been removed.

CC/ 1516.10 Robins Way – Safety Improvements

Carshalton Central

£13,752 Safety improvements and waiting restrictions have now been implemented in this location.

CC/ 1718. 5 Installation of house location signage on Kenny Drive

Carshalton South and Clockhouse

£760 Installed 4 directional signs which now indicate house number locations for Kenny Drive residents.

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Area Improvements and Public Realm Programme Appendix A

Section 4 - Unfunded Public Realm Schemes for future consideration

Scheme Ward Project Sponsor/ Proposer

Date Proposed

Estimated cost

Comments Officer Fund

Replacement Conservation Area Road Nameplates for Park Hill

Carshalton Central

Cllr Hamish Pollock

18 May 2017

£2,720 Nameplates to provide recognition that the Park Hill Conservation Area is of significant architectural and historic interest. Signs to be similar to other areas e.g Landseer Conservation Area in Sutton West. £250/nameplate and £90 per installation (x8)

Highways officer tbd


Replacement Conservation Area Road Nameplates for Carshalton Village

Carshalton Central

Cllr Hamish Pollock

18 May 2017

£2,720 Nameplates to provide recognition that the Carshalton Village Conservation Area is of significant architectural and historic interest. Signs to be similar to other areas e.g Landseer Conservation Area in Sutton West. £250/nameplate and £90 per installation (x8)

Highways officer tbd


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Area Improvements and Public Realm Programme Appendix A

Trees and benches for Warren Park

Carshalton Central

Cllr Hamish Pollock

18 May 2017

£3,000 To provide and install 5 trees along the King’s Lane perimeter of the park and approx 2 new benches in suitable locations. (£820/bench & £260/tree)

Ben Morris/ Dominic Aslangul


Trees and benches for The Wrythe Recreation Ground

Carshalton Central

Cllr Hamish Pollock

18 May 2017

£3,000 To provide and install 5 trees along West St/Wrythe Lane/Brookfield Ave perimeter of the park and 2 new benches.

Ben Morris/ Dominic Aslangul


Section 5 – Carshalton and Clockhouse Funds to be Recycled

Scheme Description Funds to be Recycled (£)

CC/1516.8 Installation of an interpretation board depicting the story of Oaks Park (M461)

A proposal by Friends of Oaks Park to install an interpretation board depicting the story of Oaks Park. This scheme will be abandoned as the Friends of Oaks Park have indicated that it is not feasible to complete. Funds are to be recycled.


Total £577

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Area Improvements and Public Realm Programme Appendix A

Section 6 – Carshalton and Clockhouse Local Committee Financial Update

Budget Position Public Realm Capital Funding

Transport for London Funding

Direct Revenue Funding


£ £ £ £

Balance from 2016/17 1,141 0 0 1,141

Allocation for 2017/18 27,230 10,892 10,000 48,122

Budget for the year 2017/18 28,371 10,892 10,000 49,263

Previously allocated to projects in 2017/18 -26,357 -1,260 -2,250 -29,867

Schemes to be recycled 2017/18 (scheme M461) 577 0 0 577

Schemes proposed - Appendix A Section 1 -1,255 -0 -2,000 -3,255

Balance to be allocated in 2017/18 1,336 9,632 5,750 16,718

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Neighbourhood Services Update October 2017

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Insert picture here

• Introduction• Working with Local Committees• Waste and streets update• Parks update - sites maintained by idverde in the

locality• Parks projects and activities• Questions

Coming UpP

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• Veolia has been responsible for providing waste collection, street cleansing, gully cleaning and winter maintenance services since April 1st 2017.

• Idverde has been providing grounds maintenance of parks, highway verge and bed maintenance, as well as administration of cemeteries, allotments and sports bookings, since 1st February 2017.

• Neighbourhood Services’ client team, consisting of 3 neighbourhood managers and 3 neighbourhood officers, and a technical team is responsible for overseeing parks, street cleansing and waste collection services.

• Dominic Aslangul, Neighbourhood Manager, and Sashi Reddy, Neighbourhood Officer oversee idverde and Veolia contracts in Carshalton & Clockhouse Local Committee area

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Working with Local Committees

The Neighbourhood Services team offers to:

•Provide the Committee with information on local services•Work to resolve local issues raised by the Committee and residents•Report to Committee on all services at least twice a year (subject to Chair’s approval)•Proactively address areas of local concern, liaising with friends and residents groups

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Waste and Streets Update

The Neighbourhood Services team will continue to resolve issues withcollections including:

• Working with residents and managing agents to ensure collections meet residents’ needs and contractual obligations• Help residents understand how to use the new services

The team will also:

• Investigate and arrange enforcement where flytipping issues arise• Develop littering projects to tackle persistent litter problem areas• Inspect streets to ensure cleanliness targets are achieved• Arrange gully cleansing• Provide winter maintenance services including road and pavement

gritting, and grit bin filling.

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Sites maintained by idverde in Carshalton and Clockhouse Local Committee

•All Saints Churchyard, Carshalton•Carshalton Park, Ruskin Road, Carshalton•Carshalton Place, Carshalton•Carshalton War Memorial, Honeywood Walk, Carshalton•Festival Walk, Honeywood Walk, Carshalton•Margaret’s Pool, Pound Street, Carshalton•The Grove Park, Carshalton•Wrythe Recreation Ground, Wrythe Lane, Carshalton•Corrigan Avenue Recreation Ground, Clockhouse•Courtney Crescent Open Space, Carshalton•Longlands Avenue Open Space, Clockhouse•Oaks Park, Croydon Lane, Carshalton•Queen Mary’s Park, Fountain Drive, Carshalton•Stanley Park, Woodfield Avenue, Carshalton•Stanley Square, Carshalton•Warren Park, Sutton

Plus:•Highway verges, hedges and shrub beds•Hanging baskets, barrier baskets and floor planters•Several allotment sites

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Projects and activities in Carshalton and Clockhouse Local Committee area

•Grounds maintenance activities - hedge cutting on parks and highways, sports pitch markings, grass cutting, shrub bed maintenance, litter bin emptying and litter picking.•Changeover of hanging baskets, barrier baskets and floor planters Oct 2017•Enhancement of flower beds in Oaks Park and The Grove Park•London in Bloom judging for Oaks Park and The Grove Park – both achieved Silver Gilt awards in 2017.•Bulb planting by local friends groups and residents’ associations•Review of parks’ action plans•Oaks Park Garage – proposed security enhancements to be undertaken by idverde

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Parking StrategyCarshalton and Clockhouse Local Committee

17 October 2017

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❖ Background: (Pre-April 2017)

❖ Parking Management Delivery Programme(Post-April 2017 – Funding Bid Approved)

❖ Scheme Delivery Process

❖ Sutton South Cheam and Belmont LC – Next Steps

Parking Strategy

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Identifying the Issues• Sutton Residents Survey 2015 – only 46% satisfied with parking

– Parking 4th highest important factor in making somewhere a good place to live (after level of crime, affordable decent housing and health services).

• Parking Engagement at Local Committees, Late 2015/early 2016. (Attractors/generators of demand, local parking pressures identified)

•Customer Contact - Correspondence, Telephone Calls, Complaints, Compliments, Freedom of Information Requests etc.•Desktop Data Analysis - Personal Injury Accident Data Analysis

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Strategic Approach

BackgroundTraditional Approach

•High numbers of requests for minor parking schemes

•Parking requests dealt with on an unstructured ad hoc basis

•Inadequate resources – No identified funding, or dedicated team

•No coordinated or ‘joined-up’ working between Local Committees

•Parking Strategy & Policy 2016 – 2021 approved by the Environment & Neighbourhood Committee on 15/09/2016

•Key Features of Policy:- CO2 emissions-based Residents Permits linked to new charges- Carer, Parent and Business Permits included- Free 50 hours Visitor Permits with option to buy additional hours- Enforcement approach agreed- 5 Year Delivery Plan for parking management schemes

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Parking Management Delivery Programme

5 Year Delivery Plan: • Phase 1 – Completion of existing commitments ensuring “fit for

purpose”• Phase 2 – Sutton LC and St Helier the Wrythe & Wandle Valley LC

areas • Phase 3 – Sutton South, Cheam & Belmont LC and Carshalton &

Clockhouse LC • Phase 4 – Cheam North & Worcester Park LC and Beddington &

Wallington LC • Phase 5 – Overarching Review

(Note: Phases 1 to 4 to be delivered over 3 years)

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Parking Management Scheme Delivery Process

❑ 1 – Informal local consultation at Local Committee❑ 2 – Initial parking layout design proposals, plus options for hours and days of control ❑ 3 – Stage 1 -- Informal area consultation (with local residents and businesses) – ❑ 4 – Report outcome of informal consultation to Local Committee❑ 5 – Detailed design❑ 6 – Stage 2-- Formal consultation for Traffic Management Order (with everyone, including statutory consultees, residents and local businesses etc.) – 21 days❑ 7 – Implementation ❑ 8 – 6 month operational review

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Carshalton & ClockhouseLocal Committee Next Steps

❖ Initial design options being developed

❖ Stage 1 Informal consultation to commence late October/November 2017

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•Thank You

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