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Page 2: Public Disclosure Authorized - World Bankdocuments.worldbank.org/curated/en/785951468132580917/... · 2016-07-10 · Decree 81/2009/ND-CP dated 12. th. October 2009 on revision and

Subproject: Transmission line and Gia Lam 2 110kV substation construction - HNPC

Enviromental management plan 2


1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 5

2. LEGAL FRAMEWORKS ................................................................................................... 5

2.1. Vietnamese Legislations .................................................................................. 5

2.2. World Bank Safeguard Policies ........................................................................ 6

3. SUBPROJECT DESCRIPTION AND SCOPE OF WORK ............................................... 6

3.1. Subproject Objectives ..................................................................................... 6

3.2. Subproject location: ........................................................................................ 6

3.3. Organizations operating subproject: .................................................................. 6

3.4. Subproject Description .................................................................................... 7

4. MAIN ACTIVITIES BEFORE AND DURING CONTRUCTION ................................... 9

4.1 Main activities before and during construction: ................................................... 9

4.2 Methods of transporting machines, materials, equipment to site ........................... 10

5. TIME SCHEDULE AND TOTAL INVESTMENT ......................................................... 10

5.1. Time schedule: ............................................................................................. 10

5.2. Total investment: .......................................................................................... 10


IN THE SUBPROJECT AREA. ........................................................................................ 11

6.1 Geography: .................................................................................................. 11

6.2 Climate, topography and pedology: ................................................................. 11

6.3 Natural resources: ......................................................................................... 11

6.4 Population, culture and society: ...................................................................... 12

6.5 Traffic: ....................................................................................................... 12

7. SUBPROJECT POTENTIAL IMPACTS ......................................................................... 12

8. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PLAN ................................................................. 21

8.1. Measures to mitigate the environmental impacts................................................ 21

8.2. Enviromenal monitoring plan ......................................................................... 31


9.1. Responsibilities on EMP implementation ......................................................... 33

9.2. Capacity building on EMP implementation....................................................... 35

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Subproject: Transmission line and Gia Lam 2 110kV substation construction - HNPC

Enviromental management plan 3

9.3. Reporting .................................................................................................... 36

9.4. Summary of cost estimates for EMP implementation. ........................................ 36

10. CONSULTATION AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURE ............................................ 37

10.1.The procedures, order and content of public consultation and information disclosure.37

10.2. ....................................................................... Results of public consultation:38

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Subproject: Transmission line and Gia Lam 2 110kV substation construction - HNPC

Enviromental management plan 4


Annex 1: TOR for the construction supervision consultancy (CSC).

Annex 2: Report template for monitoring of EMP implementation.

(Applied for reports of CSC to PMU)

Annex 3: Report template for monitoring of EMP implementation.

(Used for reports by contractor)

Annex 4: List of EMP prepares.

Annex 5: Record of public consultation meeting.

Annex 6: The local map of subproject.

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Subproject: Transmission line and Gia Lam 2 110kV substation construction - HNPC

Enviromental management plan 5


Gia Lam is a district located in North-east Hanoi, North-east and East provinces

of Bac Ninh, South and South-east of Hung Yen, West of Long Bien and Hoang Mai

district, North and North-west of Dong Anh District. Gia Lam is the focus of major

works and transport infrastructure of national and the Hanoi city. Besides, this is also the

development of industrial facilities, service, commercial. Power supply and enhance

safety for the socio-economic development district, the construction of Gia Lam 2 110kV

substation is very essential.

Recognizing the need to implement the construction of this subproject, Hanoi has

offered the World Bank (WB) for subproject financing. "Transmission line and Gia Lam

2 110kV substation construction" is one of the subprojects will be implemented in the

first stage of the subproject efficient allocation of the Electricity of Vietnam was funded

by the WB. Subproject will be implemented in the Gia Lam district, Hanoi city.

The subproject activities include: i) Construction one 110/22KV substation ii)

Construction of the control distribution, guard house, pump station, and iii) Construction

0.16 km transmision line of 110kV double circuit. These activities can cause negative

impacts on the environment and local communities in the earlier period of construction,

construction stage and operation stage.

To ensure the potential negative impacts and mitigation identified in the

subproject implementation and compliance with policies on environmental assessment of

the World Bank - (OP / BP 4:01), Environmental Management Plan (EMP) of subproject

has been prepared in accordance with the guidance of the Environmental Management

Framework (EMF) of the DEP subproject. EMP includes the following contents:

subproject description, the main framework of policies, rules and technical regulations

applicable environment, the potential negative impacts, the mitigation measures proposed

will be conducted in the previous period building, construction and commissioning,

implementation arrangements. EMP also includes the rules of environmental practice will

be incorporated into tender documents and contracts, along with environmental


According to the EIA regulations of the Government, the subproject is subject to

the preparation of an Environmental Protection Commitment. The commitment

document was certified by the People’s Committee of Gia Lam district, Hanoi city.


2.1. Vietnamese Legislations

The following Vietnamese legislations are applicable to the Subproject:

Environment Protection Law 52/2005/QH11 passed by the National Assembly dated on

29/11/2005 regulating responsibilities of individuals and organizations regarding

environmental protection.

Law on Cultural Heritage No. 28/2001/QH10.

Government Decree N0 80/2006/ND-CP dated August 9

th, 2006 by Vietnamese Government

on detail regulations and guidance on the implementation of some Articles of the

Environment Law.

Decree no. 29/2011/NÐ-CP dated 18 April 2011 regarding regulations on strategic

environmental assessment, environmental impacts assessment and environmental protection


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Subproject: Transmission line and Gia Lam 2 110kV substation construction - HNPC

Enviromental management plan 6

Circular no. 26/2011/TT-BTNMT dated 18 July 2011 detailing some articles of Decree no.

29/2011/ND-CP dated 18 April 2011 regarding regulations on strategic environmental

assessment, environmental impacts assessment and environmental protection commitments.

Decree 106/2005/ND-CP dated 17th

August 2005 on detailed regulations and guidance on

implementation of some Articles of the Law on Electricity related to safe protection of high

voltage networks.

Decree 81/2009/ND-CP dated 12th

October 2009 on revision and addition of some Articles

of Decree 106/2005/ND-CP dated 17th

August 2005 on detailed regulations and guidance on

implementation of some Articles of the Law on Electricity related to safe protection of high

voltage networks.

Circular no. 12/2011/TT-BTNMT dated 14 April 2011 regarding the management of

hazardous wastes.

National Technical Regulations: QCVN01:2009/BYT - National technical regulations on

quality of drinking water; QCVN02:2009/BYT - National technical regulations on quality of

domestic water; QCVN08:2008/BTNMT - National technical regulations on quality of

surface water; QCVN09:2008/BTNMT - National technical regulations on quality of

groundwater; QCVN05:2009/BTNMT - Air quality – Standards for ambient air quality;

QCVN06:2009/BTNMT - Air quality – Maximum allowable concentration of hazardous

substances in the ambient air.

EVN Guidance no. 2623/CV-EVN – KHCN&MT, dated 28 May 2007 regarding the

management and pollution prevention and exposure to PCBs.

2.2. World Bank Safeguard Policies

Environmental Screening in accordance with the criteria provided in the EMF of

the DEP has been performed and the results showed that this subproject has to apply

Environmental Impact Policy (OP 4.01), Involuntary Resettlement Policy (OP 4.12) and

Information Disclosure Policy of the WB. The safeguard document related to OP 4.12

will be presented in a separate report. The subproject will also meet the WB’s

requirements on public consultation and information disclosure.


3.1. Subproject Objectives

Subproject "Transmission line and Gia Lam 2 110kV substation construction " will

be installed to achieve the following objectives: i) Ensure the ability to supply electrical

power to Gia Lam district and the industrial zones in the district; ii) Increase intensity of

supply electrical power by reducing the incident rate; iii) Reduce power loss.

3.2. Subproject location:

- Substations is located on Phu Thi and Dang Xa commune, Gia Lam district,

Hanoi city.

- Transmission line routepass Phu Thi and Dang Xa commune, Gia Lam district,

Hanoi city.

3.3. Organizations operating subproject:

- Subproject owner: Hanoi Power Corporation

- Design consultant: Power engineering consulting joint-stock campany no.1 - EVN

- The subproject management: Power network subproject management board – Hanoi

Power Corporation.

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Subproject: Transmission line and Gia Lam 2 110kV substation construction - HNPC

Enviromental management plan 7

3.4. Subproject Description

Subproject "Transmission line and Gia Lam 2 110kV substation construction "

consists of two parts:

1) 110kV transmission line: 0.16 km.

2) Gia Lam 2 110/22kV substation.

110kV transmission line and Gia Lam 2 substation is built on relatively flat

terrain, mainly rice land and far from residential areas should not affect the environment.

3.4.1. 110KV transmission line

110kV transmission line shall be constructed from tower No 178-181 bay of

110kV transmission line (two circuit) of 110kV Sai Dong substation - Pho Noi 220kV

substation to Gia Lam 2 110kV substation.

The transmission line passing through the terrain is relatively flat, mostly passing

rice land.

3.4.2. Gia Lam 2 110/22kV substation:

Substation location: Gia Lam 2 110/22kV substation with capacity 2x63MVA

(the first stage installed a transformer 1x63MVA) was built in Phu Thi commune, Gia

Lam district, Hanoi city and 4 sides are adjacent to the following:

The north-east is the direction of 110kV transmission line.

The south-east is the direction of the substation gate.

The north-west substation is located line boundary plan.

The south-west is rice land.

3.4.3. Subproject scope

a/ Gia Lam 2 110kV substation:

- The voltage level: 110/22kV.

- Total capacity: 2x63MVA, the first stage install a transformer 63MVA.

- Reinforced concrete including: Transformer foundation, the support equipment,

cable trench, control building, gate, fence...

- Gounrding system: Use rod and wire galvanized steel.

- The control and protection system: Use the computer control system.

- Communication system: Use the optical communication systems.

- Total permanent acquired area of substation: 3174.9m2 including areas outdoor

switchgear, control building, gate and fence.

b/ 110kV transmission line:

- Length of 110 kV transmission line: 0.16 km.

- Starting point: Tower No.178, Outgoing bay 181 110kV transmission line of

Sai Dong 110kV substation (E15) to Pho Loi 220kV substation.

- End point: Gia Lam 2 110kV substation.

- Voltage level: 110 kV.

- Number of circuit: double.

- Conductor: ACSR-400/52

- Lightning wire: TK - 70.

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Subproject: Transmission line and Gia Lam 2 110kV substation construction - HNPC

Enviromental management plan 8

- Grounding: Use wire and rod type.

- Foundation: The concrete foundation reinforced poured (2 places)

- Tower: galvanized steel, assembled with bolts.

3.4.4. Subproject Main Work Volume

No. Scope of works Unit Qty Method

I Substation

01 Substation leveling m3

5,606.47 Manually and


02 Road 4m wide m2

662 Manually and


03 Gate, fence m 225 Manually and


04 Control and distribution house (229m2) House 01

Manually and


05 Macadam sand concrete yard m3

160.3 Manually and


06 Power transformer Set 01 Manually and


07 Auxilary transformer Set 02 Manually and


08 110kV Disconnector Set 08 Manually and


09 110kV Circuit breaker Set 05 Manually and


10 110kV capacity voltage transformer, 1

phase Set 08

Manually and


11 110kV current transformer, 1 phase Set 15 Manually and


12 110kV surge arrestor Set 03 Manually and


13 72kV surge arrestor Set 01 Manually and


14 22kV switchgear Cubicle 30 Manually and


15 Control and protection cubicle, Cubicle 10 Manually and

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Subproject: Transmission line and Gia Lam 2 110kV substation construction - HNPC

Enviromental management plan 9

No. Scope of works Unit Qty Method

measurement cubicle mechanically

16 Battery and charger Cubicle 02 Manually and


17 Battery system 220V-120Ah Set 01 Manually and


18 Grounding system System 01 Manually and


19 SCADA and telecommunication

system System 01

Manually and


II Transmision line

01 Excavating soil at tower foundation

and fence m

3 405.118

Manually and


02 Filling the foundation and leveling m3 770.67

Manually and


03 Concrete m3

47.5 Manually and


04 Foundation steel, earthing, bolts Ton 1.087 Manually and


05 Assembly of steel tower Tower 02 Manually and


06 Stretching conductor m 979 Manually and


07 Stretching lightingwire, optical cable m 8,000 Manually and


08 Insulator Set 39 Manually and



4.1 Main activities before and during construction:

- Compensation and site clearance;

- Take over the construction site, set up temporary worker camps

- Transport materials, equipment and mobilize human resources to the site

- Level the surface, build access road.

- Build the substation and control house, dig foundation pits, set up towers, install the

transformer and transmission line.

- Build the substation gate and fence walls, etc.

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Subproject: Transmission line and Gia Lam 2 110kV substation construction - HNPC

Enviromental management plan


4.2 Methods of transporting machines, materials, equipment to site

- Materials and equipment will be transported from storehouses of investors to temporary

storehouses of the subproject by specific trucks suitable with packaging format. After

that, they will be transported to subproject’s site by trucks with load capacity of 5 – 7.5

tons. Roads that will be used to transport materials to the substation site and some tower

locations are Highway No1, provincial road and other inter hamlet, inter-village roads.

The load capacity of the trucks has to be suitable with traffic load in the area. After

temporarily loaded near the roads, materials and equipment will be manually carried to

construction site. The substation construction site is near the roads, the distance for

manual transportation is insignificant.

- Building materials such as: sand, gravel, iron and cement will be supplied by local

suppliers within a radius of 10 – 30 km.


5.1. Time schedule:

- Preparing subproject investment document: Quarter IV/2010.

- Preparing the technical design document: Quarter II/2012.

- Bidding and selection of construction contractors and suppliers of materials and

equipment: Quarter III-IV/2012

- Starting the construction: Quarter I/2013.

- Completion: Quarter I/2014.

5.2. Total investment:

The total investment for the subproject in the table below:

No Capital structure Investment capital (VND)

01 Cost for construction 19,497,138,605

02 Cost for equipment 53,018,185,655

03 Cost for compensation and site clearance 5,089,162,500

04 Cost for the subproject management 1,369,340,600


Cost for consultant of investment and

construction 3,471,378,866

06 Others 5,315,758,849

07 Contingency 12,179,094,743

Total 99,940,059,817

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Subproject: Transmission line and Gia Lam 2 110kV substation construction - HNPC

Enviromental management plan




6.1 Geography:

Gia Lam district located in northeast Hanoi; the East and North-east provinces of

Bac Ninh, southern and southeastern of Hung Yen, west Long Bien and Hoang Mai

district; the north and northwest of Dong Anh district.

The district has an area of 114.79 km² (representing 3.81% of the area of Ha Noi

capital), including 2 towns and 20 communes. The average population density of 1,983

people/km². Traffic away from this relatively convenient places, including air, road,

waterway and railway. Air traffic is Noi Bai International Airport about 40km to the

district, road traffic is the main traffic routes follows: 5 railway lines, the National

Highway 1A, Highway 2, Highway 3, Highway 5A, Highway 18, Highway 6 and

Highway 32 ...

Gia Lam 2 110kV substation located in the Phu Thi and Dang Xa commune, Gia

Lam district, Hanoi city. The area covered is the power supply Gia Lam, Duc Giang, Cau

Duong, Yen Vien, Sai Dong A&B and Phu Thi industrial parks, Viet Hung new urban, ...

Located near the National Highway 1A, the center of Hanoi 10km, the international

border gate Lang Son 150km and Hai Phong port less than 100km.

6.2 Climate, topography and pedology:

a/ Climate:

Regional climate installed transmission line and substations are relatively fresh, noise

and small vibrations located in the urban of the capital. The climate is characterized by

tropical climate, summer, winter and little rain falls. Hot season from May to September,

heavy rainfall, average temperature of 28.1°C. From November to March is the winter

climate with average temperature of 18.6°C with four seasons: spring, summer, autumn

and winter. However, substation location has been designed with high background 0.3m

above the road surface in connection with the station, the tower 110kV transmission line

is built with high tower foundation (elevation equivalent ground substation) to avoid the

effects of storm. So, can see the construction of the subproject area is not affected by

floods every year.

b/ Topography:

Topography mainly on rice land, local area as plain accumulation, relatively flat

terrain. Route planning to avoid construction areas, residential areas and 01 urban roads

cut through the (future planning). Public roads of 2.5 meters to 4 meters wide is relatively

convenient for the transporting of materials and equipment.

c/ Pedology

The soil in the subproject area is mainly contains clay, semi-clay and mixture of

sand-mixed sand.

6.3 Natural resources:

* Land resources: The district has an area of 114.79 km², including: residential

land, land for industrial, agricultural and other land.

* Rivers: Gia Lam District located near two major rivers of the Red River and

Duong River, in addition to the lakes favorable for tourism development, fisheries and


* Resources for tourism development: The Gia Lam district has 250 historical

and cultural monuments, which has 98 cultural relics of national and city level, 8 relics

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Subproject: Transmission line and Gia Lam 2 110kV substation construction - HNPC

Enviromental management plan


revolutionary revolutionary war plates temple of Phu Dong, the temple she Plates, Keo

Pagoda, Kien So temple, Cong Dinh temple, Xuan Duc training home, Cao Ba Quat

celebrity, Le Ngoc Han celebrity ...

* Development of Natural Agriculture: Gia Lam District located at the entrance

of the Capital, situated in the delta region have relatively flat terrain should be very

favorable for construction, industrial development, agriculture and the the various types

of tourism.

* Resources animals and plants: Districts located in plain areas so animals and

plants here are mostly where animals and plants, also have the natural plant and animal

species such as species fungi, insects, reptiles-amphibians, fish, birds, ...

6.4 Population, culture and society:

- Population: 2009 population of approximately 227,600 people with an average

population density 1,983 people/km2. Most local persons are the Kinh.

- The district's economy is mainly agricultural and tends to increase the share of

industrial production and services.

- Culture and society:

In the area of the subproject: issues of culture, society has always been interested

in local government, most people have jobs and steady income, all people have clean

water, electric light to. The subproject will contribute directly and indirectly improve the

living of local people by providing stable power for production, local economic

development, ...

The subproject is located far (about 1 kilometer) area is the historic, cultural

facilities as well as social security and defense.

6.5 Traffic:

Gia Lam is very convenient location, situated on more important traffic of the

country and the region: two railroads, the National Highway 1A, Highway 2, Highway 3

and Highway 5A, .. . Noi Bai International Airport from the center of the capital about

40km, international border gate Lang Son (Vietnam - China) about 150 km and about

110km from Hai Phong port.

The subproject area is traffic conditions relatively favorable location close to the

ground station 6 meters wide into Cam village so very convenient for the transportation

of materials and equipment in the works (road to 4m wide stations designed to connect

Cam village).


No Impact Yes No Description of impact

Construction preparation stage

1 Acquisition of

land temporarily

and permanently

Yes - Temporary short-term land acquisition for

ROW and construction stage.

- Permanent long term land acquisition for

tower foundations and substation.

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Subproject: Transmission line and Gia Lam 2 110kV substation construction - HNPC

Enviromental management plan


No Impact Yes No Description of impact

- Permanent land acquisition is 3,644.7m2

while temporary land acquisition is 4,129 m2

2 Impact of



Yes - 23 households will be affected by temporary

and permanent land acquisition and the tree


- PMU will satisfactorily compensate for

these impacts according to the RPF of the

DEP subproject and the RP of the subproject.

3 Any household

needs to be



4 Affected to the

flora due to

clearance for


Yes The building line will inevitably excavation,

clearing and other interventions in the

corridor area. All damage to crop plants are

adequately compensated under the provisions

of the state.

However, it should take measures to

minimize the impact to the lowest level


5 Impact on



No Transmission line and transformer do not pass

through areas of natural forests, protection

forests or protected areas so the luminescence

does not affect the flora and fauna in this area.

6 Risk to people’s

health caused by

explosive or



No The subproject would not use chemical

substances and explosives.

7 Devalue of No - The transmission line and the substation are

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Enviromental management plan


No Impact Yes No Description of impact

cultural and

historical works

located in or near any physical cultural


- If any objects of cultural, historical or

religious values are discovered during

construction, the guidance in item 8.1 will be


Construction stage

8 Does soil

erosion cause

pollution to the

surface water?

Yes - When opening tower and substation

foundations (foundation of transformer, shift

dorm, control house), the surface soil will be

excavated. When it rains, this surface soil will

be eroded and swept away. Materials for

construction will be scattered if they are not

protected. This will lead to the pollution of

the surface water. However, the period of

implementation at each normal tower

foundation does not last long (about 1 week in

maximum). In addition, construction activities

are not expected to be carried out in rainy and

stormy seasons with each item being

implemented completely. Therefore, soil

erosion as well as pollution of surface water is


9 Noise and


Yes - Noise and vibration are caused by material

transportation means and some activities of

the subproject such as: tower erection,

conductor stretching and generator. However,

these means and machinery are managed by

the expiration date, the construction time is

also managed (in daytime), and horns should

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Enviromental management plan


No Impact Yes No Description of impact

be limited when crossing residential areas.

- If the work is near other infrastructure ones,

it must be embanked and covered in order to

limit the effect on nearby infrastructure works

caused by vibration that may lead to

landslide. For this subproject, its position is

far from other infrastructure works so there is

no impact on them.

10 Air pollution Yes - Air pollution can be occurred due to the

exhaust and dust of material trucks during

transportation, loading materials; or dust

during subproject implementation.

- However, with the average number of 1

truck per week - 2 trips per day for every

tower foundation and 2 trucks per month – 2

trips per day for substation (implementation

in 3 months). Therefore, the level of dust and

exhaust by transportation affected on the

environment is minor.

11 Rural traffic


Yes - Materials and equipment are transported in

long distance from the yard and storehouse of

PMU by specific trucks with suitable packing

to the temporary subproject areas. After that,

they are transported to the construction sites

by 5 tons to 7.5 tons trucks. Building

materials such as: sand, stones, cement will

be supplied by the local suppliers and

transported directly to the construction sites.

- With the average frequency of transporting

as above (item 9) and constructing activities

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Enviromental management plan


No Impact Yes No Description of impact

such as: soil excavating and conductor

stretching, local traffic obstruction will

happen. However, because the local traffic is

low and the time for loading materials and

equipment is short (about 1 hour), building

materials (sand, stones, soil, etc.) is loaded by

trucks so the level of traffic jam is not high.

12 Damage or

degrading to

rural traffic-


No All materials and equipment are in load

sharing, suitable for the load of roads. Traffic-

ways here are known as highway (1A

National highway, township roads and some

other inter-village, inter-commune roads).

13 Damage to



No In the subproject construction site, there are

not many wild animals and plants, mainly

birds, bats and squirrels. The permanent

acquisition land is about 121m2

/ 1 tower

foundation (02 positions) and the substation

acquired about 3,402.7m2. These positions

are located at rice land. Therefore, as the level

of flora surface clearance as well as land

acquisition for animals is not considerable,

there is no loss to the biological diversity in

the area.

14 Solid waste

causes by soil

excavation, tree

cutting in ROW

and constructing


Yes Solid waste due to soil excavation (remains of

soil and stones), tree cutting (body) or

construction activities (junk iron, stones,

sand, plastic bottles, cement wraps) will be

generated during implementation. The

impacts of solid waste will be minimized .

15 Impact on Yes It is expected to build 01 camp in the

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Enviromental management plan


No Impact Yes No Description of impact


caused by the


construction site of the substation for

workers. Local people’s houses will be rented

for warehouses and storehouses of material

and equipment. Therefore, water and sewages

of workers will affect the surrounding

environment if no method to protect the

environment is applied. However, the

organization of construction site is always

concerned by the investors. Bidding

documents will include requirements on

environmental mitigation measures during

construction: installing septic tanks, create

drainage channels, installing garbage pits, etc.

in compliance with the regulations of the

local area. Hence, the impact on environment

by workers is not considerable.

16 Conflict



workers and

local people

Yes - There are differences between the workers

and local people in income, lifestyle and

custom. However, there is not deep conflict

between them because they all use

Vietnamese as a means of communication.

The workers have to follow regulations of

contractors as well as the local area. To

minimize the risks of conflicts, the subproject

uses some local labour in manual work.

- The subproject will bring benefits to the

local community so it gains lots of agreement

from the local people as well as the close

coordination local Authorities.

17 Health and

safety for

Yes Accidents can occur during implementation if

safety regulations is not strictly followed,

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Enviromental management plan


No Impact Yes No Description of impact

workers and

local people

such as: checking tools before use, setting up

warning signs (at sites of incomplete pole

foundation, at sites of generators and

conductor stretching, sites near roads, sites

where loading materials and equipment is

being carried out, sites where there are people

working high above). These accidents can

happen not only to the workers but also to

local people. These risks can be mitigated to

the minimum.

18 Landmine or

bomb left after


No This area has been mined and used across

multiple crop cultivation should be able to

mine left over after the war is very low.

However, the PMU will coordinate with

military units to demining plans before


Operation stage

19 Development

and poverty


Yes - Mainly taking part in the attraction of

investment and local economic development

because industrial production cannot be done

without power.

- Assisting agricultural production and other

services including healthcare and education.

20 Causing

partition of



that lead to the

easy invasion

into wild land

No - The subproject would not build any access


- After the construction of tower foundation

and the tower, the temporary acquired layout

will be returned as it was in the past. The

entire flora less than 4m in ROW will be

remained so the impact to natural

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Enviromental management plan


No Impact Yes No Description of impact

environment is not significant. The subproject

is not located in wild land so there is no



Health and

safety for

operators and

local people

Yes Electrical shocks and other accidents can

occur. However, all measures and safe tools

are always checked routinely under the

regulations for every tool and frequently

before use. Danger indicators always have to

be remained so accidents are unlikely to


22 Electric

magnetic field

No The transmission line and the substation are

designed and constructed according to the

current regulations and standards of the

Power Sector, in which, the calculation of

electrical magnetic field negative effects and

the standards of electrical safety and safety in

operation is applied in order to avoid harm to

people. before putting the subproject into

operation, all safe indicators have to be

specified through tests, experiments and

acceptance to ensure that they meet the

standards and regulations set by the investors,

Operational Management Unit, contractors so

the operators and the local people will not be

harmed by the magnetic field.

23 Impact on

planes, birds and


Yes In the subproject area, there are few flying

animals like bats or squirrels but a few kinds

of birds and domestic animals, so there is no

impact on flying animals.

The tower/pole height is about 29.7m. The

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Enviromental management plan


No Impact Yes No Description of impact

towers will be equipped with optical sensing

alarms in order to ensure common safety for

the flying, especially safety for helicopter or

landing and off-landing activities at the outer


24 Pollution by oil-


No The subproject would not remove the old

transformer and would not use the equipment

that contains PCB and other dangerous

chemical substances. Transformer oil may be

leaked in case of failure. However, this is

rarely occurred and there is already the tank

for containing this oil. Leakage oil will be

collection without spilling on the surrounding

areas and without pollution caused by oil


25 Risks of fire and


Yes Transformers and other equipment can be

exploded and transformer oil can be leaked

when faults occur. Therefore, fire-fighting

equipment and fault oil tank must be


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Enviromental management plan 21


8.1. Measures to mitigate the environmental impacts

No Impact Application of mitigating measures Responsible party

Pre-construction stage

1 Permanent and temporary land

acquisition has impacts on

Subproject affected households

and agricultural production.

Carry out careful investigation on subproject area and consult local people to

choose the optimal line route that will lower the demand for land and

resettlement to the minimum.

Choose the optimal design about the distance between the two poles/towers

and towers’ height, etc. to minimize the impact on affected households.

Carry out implementation right after the harvest and shorten the process of


Compensate satisfactorily for damages to crops, temporary used land as well

as permanent used land according to existing regulations.


2 Impact on flora due to ROW


Meet with PAHs to urge them to harvest rice, crops before clearance and

land used.

Manual clearance of site, if possible, mitigate the use of machines. Do not

allow herbicide and defoliant for tree clearance in ROW.

Do not allow to burn trees or tree roots after being cut down.

Do not allow to cut down trees beyond the area.

Dismiss cut-down trees at specified places. Re-use as fuel (wood) or


HNPMU+ contractor

3 Bombs, mines and other

explosive substances remained

Contracting with military force to detecting Bombs and mines and other

explosive substances remained after war


Department of Natural

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Enviromental management plan 22

No Impact Application of mitigating measures Responsible party

after war Return the site after completion of work. Resources and


Monitoring Hanoi

Construction state

1 Dust generation The contractor is responsible for observing rules of Vietnam on air


The contractor shall ensure the dust will be reduced to the minimum and it

will not cause any disturbance to local people and the contractor will

perform dust control plan to maintain safety environment at work (such as

using water spraying truck, covering during transporting materials)

Construction materials must be covered during transportation to avoid being

fallen down to earth causing dust to the air.

Area storing materials needed to be covered to avoid dust due to wind and

when choosing location for store or dismissing construction materials, it

needs to consider main direction of wind and such sensitive places school,

residential areas.

Workers have to use mask at over-dusted area.

Contractor +


Supervision Consultant

2 Air pollution All means of transport need to observe rules of Viet Nam on limit of the

permitted emission of gas.

All means of transport in Viet Nam must be routinely checked with

emission of gas and got the certificate on “quality, technical safety and

environmental protection” in accordance with Decision No.35/2005/QD-


Do not burn waste or construction materials (ex: bitumen, etc.) inside the


Contractor +


Supervision Consultant

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Enviromental management plan 23

No Impact Application of mitigating measures Responsible party

Concrete maker needs to be placed far from residential house.

3 Impacts from noise and


The contractor is responsible for observing rules of Viet Nam relating to

noise and vibration.

All means of transport must have the certificate on “quality, technical safety

and environmental protection” in accordance with Decision No.35/2005/QD-

BGTV; to avoid over-louded noise from machines that lacks of maintenance.

When needed, noise mitigation measures needed to be done which may

include the noise-reduction set or noisy machines will be put in noise

protection area.

Avoid or minimize the transportation through residential area as well as to

avoid making materials in the residential areas (such as mixing mortar).

Contractor +


Supervision Consultant

4 Water pollution The contractor is responsible for observing rules of Viet Nam on waste water

exposed to environment.

Providing mobile WC or building clean WC for workers at site. Waste from

WC and kitchen, bathroom, disks sinks needs to be processed before exposed

to the environment.

Upon completion of construction, the WC in the site needs to be processed

safely or efficiently closed down.

Contractor +


Supervision Consultant

5 Drainage and sedimentation


Contractor needs to follow detailed design of the water drainage system in

construction plan in order to prevent rain causing local flood or erosion of

soil and easy-to-be-erosive areas.

Ensuring the clear water drainage.

Maintain status of the area not being impacted by construction activities.

The excavation, filling, leveling soil need to be in accordance with technical

standards in construction, including methods such as placing drainage, using

Contractor +


Supervision Consultant

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Enviromental management plan 24

No Impact Application of mitigating measures Responsible party

grass to cover etc….

In order to avoid dust flow which may cause adverse impact to water quality

in the surrounding area, install mug control devices at needed places.

When drying the site is needed (foundation pit, etc…), pumped water with

mug needs to be processed by means of dust and mug control before pouring

into rivers.

Use water guide flow techniques during construction to limit the disturbance

to the sediment of the water flow.

6 Management of stock-pikes,

quarries and borrow pits

Stock-pikes need to be identified in advance in the approved technical


Use materials from local suppliers who have business license on selling and

exploiting construction materials.

Recover materials store/area so as to be the same as natural.

Contractor +


Supervision Consultant

7 Toxic waste and substance Before construction, the contractor needs to prepare waste control procedure

(store, recycle bin, waste collection plan, barrel dismantle plan, etc…) and

follows exactly the procedure during construction.

Before construction, it needs to have all kinds of necessary permission

relating to manage the subproject waste.

The measures will be taken to limit the litter and carelessness in processing

waste. The contractor will provide recycle bin, containers and other means of

waste collection as necessary.

Waste can be temporarily stored at the designated place approved by the

CSC and local authorities before collecting and processing through local

environment agency. If at the subproject site, there is no such environment

agency, it is possible to bury unharmed living solid waste.

Contractor +


Supervision Consultant

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Enviromental management plan 25

No Impact Application of mitigating measures Responsible party

Bins or containers storing waste will be tightly covered to avoid leakage or

be impacted by weather and to prevent eating animals. Waste shall not be


Materials that can be re-used such as wooden plates for trenches, steel,

frames, packages, etc…will be collected and separated at site from other

waste source to re-use for filling or selling.

If waste cannot be rejected at site, solid waste and construction waste will be

processed at a designated place approved by the CSC and be put into the

waste control plan. In any case, the contractor shall have to process all

construction materials within the construction site.

Used oils will be transported out of the site to the accredited recycled oil


Used oil, lubricants, cleaning materials etc… from maintenance of means,

machines will be collected into tight barrel and contracted with toxic waste

processing and collecting agency.

8 Disruption of vegetative covers The contractor will prepare layout clearance plan, recovery of vegetative

covers in accordance with current regulations in order CSC to approve. The

contractor shall strictly observe this plan.

Do not allow to use chemical for vegetative cover clearance.

Do not allow to cut off any tree except for clearly being approved in flora

clearance plan.

If needed, erect temporary fence to protect efficiently the trees in need before

start of any activity in the area.

Contractor +


Supervision Consultant

9 Traffic management Before construction, perform consultation to local authorities and

communities and traffic police.

Contractor +


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Enviromental management plan 26

No Impact Application of mitigating measures Responsible party

Impacts to traffic flow needs to be put into construction plan before

approval. Traffic routes, especially the routes of heavy trucks need to

consider sensitive places such as schools, hospitals and markets.

Install lighting system for lighting at night if necessary to ensure safe

transportation and traffic.

Place signs around construction site to facilitate the transportation and

traffic, providing instructions to different components of the site and provide

safety instructions and warnings.

Use measures of transportation safety control, including signs for

road/river/channel and flags to warn dangers

Avoid transporting construction materials at rush hours.

Corridor for walkers and mechanical means inside and outside construction

sites needs to be isolated from the site and can be easily and safely accessed.

Install appropriate signs at necessary places.

Supervision Consultant

10 Interruption of utility services Interruption with plan or without plan of services including water, gas,

electricity, internet supply; the contractor has to conduct consultation first

and has plan for unexpected situations to deal with local authorities about

consequences of a particular failed or interrupted service.

Cooperate with relating service providers (water supply, telecoms supply

etc…) to establish proper construction schedule.

During construction and stretching of lines coming across the

telecommunication line, there must be framework, avoid impacting to

existing line.

Provide information to affected households on working schedule as well as

the planned interruption (at least 5 days before action)

Contractor +


Supervision Consultant

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Enviromental management plan 27

No Impact Application of mitigating measures Responsible party

Interruption of water supply to agricultural area needs to be avoided also.

The contractor needs to ensure substitute source of water supply for affected

inhabitants in case the interruption lasts for more than one day.

Any damages to the cables of the existing service system will be reported to

local authorities and be repaired as soon as possible.

11 Restoration of affected areas The clearance areas such as temporary soil mine with short time of use, the

waste processing area, workers camps, store, framework, any temporary

places during construction of subproject items will be recovered, drainaged

and filled with flora layer.

Start to fill with flora layer as soon as possible. Plants suitable with local

plants will be chosen to use and recover as natural.

Do not allow to use exotic plants or plants banned by functional agencies

The hill edge is being dug and the edge of the construction waste yard needs

to be filled with grass to avoid erosion and soil blowing off;

The view of all affected areas will be created and all necessary remedy

actions will be done without delay including creating green view, road and

other affected areas.

Soil being polluted with chemicals or toxic waste must be removed and

buried at appropriate waste processing area.

Restore all roads and bridges being damaged due to subproject activities.

Contractor +


Supervision Consultant

12 Worker and public safety The contractor needs to observe Vietnamese rules on labour safety.

Prepare and perform action plan to deal with risks and emergency cases.

Prepare emergency first-aids service at site.

Train workers on safety rules.

Contractor +


Supervision Consultant

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Enviromental management plan 28

No Impact Application of mitigating measures Responsible party

Ensure supply of anti-noise labour protection equipment for workers who

have to operate noisy machines such as piling, explosive, mixing etc…

During dismantling existing infrastructure system, workers and community

need to be protected from falling items by placing trench, managing traffic

and using limited access areas

Install fences, barriers, danger signs/restricted area sign to warm local people

about possible dangers.

The contractor will provide safety measures such as installing fences,

barriers, danger signs/restricted area sign at danger places including under-

construction foundation to avoid traffic accidents and other dangers to


Only allow trained workers to install, maintain or repair electrical


Switch off and earthing correctly live distribution line before any activities

Observe labour safety procedures while working in high positions with

electrical instruments.

13 Communication with local


Maintain communication with local authorities and relating community; the

contractor will coordinate with local authorities (leaders of wards/commune/

hamlets) to get agreement on construction plan at the areas close to sensitive

places or at sensitive point of time (festivals, religious fairs etc.).

Conduct community consultation and then the concerning parties can get

information about activities in the area, the subproject status and results;

Follow up the interest of the communities and required information such as

subproject schedule;

Properly response in time to questions on phone and in writing ;

Contractor +


Supervision Consultant

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Enviromental management plan 29

No Impact Application of mitigating measures Responsible party

Advise to local people about construction plan, working schedule,

interruption of services, roundabout route and temporary bus route,

destruction, explosion, when appropriate;

Provide technical documents and drawings to PC community especially the

draft of construction site and EMP of construction site;

Erect announcement table at all sites to provide information about site

manager, environmental staff, health care and safely staff, telephone number

and other information in order that the affected persons have channel to raise

their care and proposals.

14 Procedure for dealing with

discovery of historical and

cultural and religious remains

During construction, if found archaeological, historical and religious relics

including cemetery or separate tombs, the contractor will:

Stop construction activities in the discovered area;

Isolate the area and protect the area from any damages of losses of

removable objects. In case removable antiques or sensitive remains, it needs

to arrange one guard until local authorities or Cultural and Information

Department comes to take over;

Advise CSC, CSC is responsible for informing local or national authorities

who are in charge of cultural assets of Viet Nam (within 24h);

Local or national authorities will be in charge of protect and isolate the area

before proceeding with next step of procedure.

Decision on the discoveries is the responsibility of the government, which

may include arrangement change (when found an important cultural or

archaeological remains which cannot be moved), protection, isolation and


If the cultural area and/or high valued remains and the protection of the area

is recommended by experts and requested by cultural remains management

Contractor +


Supervision Consultant


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Enviromental management plan 30

No Impact Application of mitigating measures Responsible party

agency, the subproject owner will change design if necessary to meet the

requirement and to protect the areas;

Decisions relating to the discoveries will be made in writing by relating


Construction works can be continued only after receiving permission from


C. Operational stage

1 Operator and community safety

and health

Design to meet international standard on human health protection (less than

3kV/m to electric field and 05 microtesla to magnetic field) at the edge of



2 Impacts to birds Install equipment to drive birds away from line or transmission tower CPC

3 Dangers due to fire and


Routinely check fire protection tools

Conduct trainings on fire protection and extinguishing for operators.

Build failure oil tank at the substation.


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Enviromental management plan 31

8.2. Enviromenal monitoring plan

Impacts Parameters

to be


Where to monitor How is the

parameter to be


When is the


to be





Construction phase

I. Flora

clearance or

tree cutting

Technique of







Along ROW

At disposal site


Flora clearance or

tree cutting

Observation Daily

From the

start to the end

of clearance






II. Effects on

rural Traffic

Road surface

condition and

traffic density


loads and

intensity of



ruction plants



transportation route


interview locals

Weekly when

materials &

equipment are

mobilized to

the site


then monthly


Supervisor of



III. Surface




and erosion




during the


No thorough




the substation

boundary, along


Surface water

source nearby the

construction site


During and

after heavy






IV. Dust,

air pollution

The level

of dust in plac

es where the

piles of


materials such

as earth,


The status of





At the place where

gathering gravely

soil after

digging up

and where





While having

strong wind





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Enviromental management plan 32


V. Noise Noise level

The reaction

of people to






The area that

the line passes

close to densely

populated areas

Listen to and

interview local




activities is


high noise

level; When

there are

complaints of

the people





VI. Cultural

and historic


The effects

of noise.

At the construction

site near

the cultural

and historical



interview local




activities is


high noise








at the





water at the



At the camp,

around the


Observation Weekly When

checking and







VIII. Safety

of workers

and local


The accidents


At construction site,


Interview, check

site log book of






Operational stage

I. Electric and



The electric

and magnetic

field intensity

At house nearest to


Electric meter/



There are


complaints of

the people


II. The

collision of bi



or dead birds

Within or

nearby ROW

Observation Quarterly

in the

first year, the y

ear after on

the observed



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Enviromental management plan 33


9.1. Responsibilities on EMP implementation

a) During detailed design and preparation of bidding contract documents

During the detailed design of technical specifications and preparation of bidding contract

documents for each contract, PMU will incorporate into the contract the parts of the EMP

specific to that contract (such as mitigation measures, responsibilities of the contractor as

appendices to the bidding documents and contract with contractors). Detailed design engineers

will refer to the findings in the EMP to ensure that all environmental issues are taken into

consideration in the final design.

In preparing the bidding and contract documents, make an effort to ensure that the contractors

are well-informed and aware of the safeguard obligations and commit to comply.

b) During Construction stage

PMU will assign the Construction Supervising Consultant (CSC) and/or field engineer to be

responsible for supervision of safeguard performance of contractor on a daily basis. A generic

Terms of Reference (TOR) is provided in Annex 1, and/or field engineers will carry out, but

not limited to, the following tasks:

Before the launch of the construction, confirm that all compensation for land and facilities are

provided and mine detection and settlement tasks have been completed.

During construction, closely supervise the implementation of safeguard measures throughout

the construction period.

Confirm the compliance with the agreed environmental plan and inspect any damages incurred

by the contractor. If necessary, prepare an order to compensate/restore the construction sites as

specified in the contracts. Contractor safeguard performance will be included in the

subsubproject progress report.

Institutional arrangements for EMP implementation are described as below table:

Role Responsibilities Organization

Subproject Owner - Ultimately responsible for overall subproject

management, including environmental management.





- Specific responsibility and point of contact for

environmental issues.




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Enviromental management plan 34



and management


- Responsible for coordination and management of

overall subproject implementation, including guiding and

supervising implementation of the EMP.

- Planning and implementation of environmental

management activities during construction

- Coordinating with other parties in relation to

environmental management activities.

- Carrying out internal monitoring and supervising

- Supervising and providing budget for monitoring


- Reporting on environmental information to concerned





- Responsible for operation of the subproject including

operation stage environmental management and monitoring


Ha Noi Grid


Consultant - Responsible for EMP documentation




- Responsible for assisting PMU for daily supervision of

civil works contractors during construction, including

implementation of environmental management activities

under the EMP, reporting and maintaining contact with local


CSC chosen by


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Enviromental management plan 35



Responsible for construction works and following contractor

specifications outlined in the EMP. This includes:

- Take actions to mitigate all potential negative impacts in

line with the objective described in the EMP.

- Actively communicate with local residents and take actions

to prevent disturbance during construction.

- Ensure that at least a staff is assigned to monitor EMP

compliance during the preconstruction and construction


- Ensure all the construction activities having sufficient

documents from the related organizations.

- Ensure that all staff and workers understand the procedure

and their tasks in the environmental management program.

- Report to CSC and PMU on any difficulties and their


- Report to local authority and PMU if environmental

accidents occur and coordinate with agencies and keys

stakeholders to resolve these issues.


chosen by


9.2. Capacity building on EMP implementation

- Planning: i) Training on environmental management including implementation of the EMP

and other kinds of training needed for staff HNPC ii) Environmental training and EMP for

construction workers of the contractor (Done by the contractors themselves or by CSC or

by the PMU).

- EMP Capacity building program

It Contents Objective of the



provided by


period Cost estimate

1 Annual training

provided by

EVN to all units

of EVN

Staff of HNPC,



EVN 2 days

Operation cost of

EVN: 3 persons x 2

days x 5,000,000


30,000,000 VND

2 Workshop on


experience in


preparation and


Staff of HNPC,



EVN, WB 2 days

Operation cost of

EVN: 2 persons x 2

days x 5,000,000


20,000,000 VND

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Enviromental management plan 36

It Contents Objective of the



provided by


period Cost estimate

3 Implementation

of EMP training

Staff of Gia

Lam power

company: 2


EVN, WB 2 days

Operation cost of

EVN: 2 persons x 2

days x 5,000,000


20,000,000 VND

4 Workshop on



Staff of local EVN, HNPC 1 day

Including 02 staff of

district, 02 commune

officers: 04 persons x

1 days x 500,000

VND/person/day =

2,000,000 VND

5 Contractor's

training for

commanders of


Staff of local HNPC,


1 day

Including 02

commune officers: 02

persons x 1 days x


VND/person/day =

1,000,000 VND

TOTAL 73,000,000 VND

9.3. Reporting

Reporting responsibilities and frequencies on EMP implementation are shown below:

Report Prepared by Submitted to Frequency of Reporting

1 Contractor to the Employer PMU Once before construction

commences and monthly


2 Construction Supervision consultant

(environmental supervision also)

PMU Monthly

4 Community Monitoring (if available) PMU If any complains

5 HNPC EVN Every six months

6 EVN WB Every six months

9.4. Summary of cost estimates for EMP implementation.

Summary of cost estimates for EMP implementation and capacity building includes cost for

(i) implementation of big mitigation measures and (ii) training activities.

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Enviromental management plan 37

Activity Construction Phase Operation Phase

1 Implement Mitigation Measures* The costs are covered in

Contract with

Construction Contractors

The cost is covered in

production cost of the

provincial power service

2 Environmental monitoring during

construction phase (included in the

cost for Construction Supervisor)

The costs are covered in

the cost of construction


3 Training on environmental

management of employer to local

officers, contractors, supervisors

73,000,000 VND The cost is covered in

production cost of the

provincial power service

* Costs of mitigation measures in construction phase and environmental monitoring by

construction supervisors are included in relevant construction/supervision contracts.


10.1. The procedures, order and content of public consultation and information


During preparation of the subproject (2011), the HNPMU has active as follows:

- Activity 1: Provide information and discussion with local authorities about the line routes;

- Activity 2: Survey and do statistics on impacts, affected households;

- Activity 3: Contact with affected households

- Activity 4: Meeting at communes with the government and affected households

Upon survey completion, PMU cooperated with local officers at subproject hamlets,

communes and districts to conduct meeting with households whose assets are affected by the

subproject and subproject households. At the meetings, PMU officer presented following

contents: Summary of the subproject, draft of RP and draft EMP, site map, data, tables and

supporting documents.

PMU officer presented information in order that present people understand the subproject

objectives, presented in details impacts to land and crops, introduced principles and

compensation policies, asked people not to build new house, structures in the ROW, stipulated

mitigation measures in order that people know and supervise during subsubproject

implementation. The affected households are advised about compensation policies and value.

All questions are properly answered; Concerns/proposals by affected households are noted


- Activity 5: Continue receiving feedback from affected households

- Activity 6: Information disclosure in the commune before the subproject started in 6


The subsubproject will have investment, design and total cost estimate, executive

drawings designs being approved only after incorporating all relevant adjustments in terms

of location, designs, capacity and/or technology of the subproject in order to meet the

environmental and protection and resettlement requirements and adjustments suitable with

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Enviromental management plan 38

feedbacks from people, community during consultation. In order to meet the requirement

of OP4.01 in term of information disclosure, PMU will:

- Provide Vietnamese version of RP, EMP, summary of FS to People’s Committee at

district level and commune level in the subproject areas.

- Publish information for some times in popular newspapers in the locality for two

months. The published information clearly stated that EMP, RP and subsubproject

summary will be posted for public for 2 months at working hours at locations: (1) District

People’s Committee, and (2) Commune People’s Committee.

- EMP in English and Vietnamese will be sent to Vietnam Information Development

Centre at 63 Ly Thai to - Ha Noi for access by non-governmental organizations and

people. EMP in English will be sent to WB for publishing in InfoShop of the WB.

10.2. Results of public consultation:

Through public consultation, HNPMU obtained results summarized as follows:

* Opinion of the Phu Thi, Dang Xa commune People's Committees in area of construction

subproject are recognized summarized as follows:

- Commune government agreed with located construction, subproject size, the line routes in


- Consistent with the expected bad impacts and measures to minimize bad environmental

impacts as outlined and handling adversely affect the environment.

- Investor consider the work in progress after the crop harvested trees to prevent damage to

crops of the people.

- There shielding measures during construction

* Opinion of the subproject owner for the Phu Thi CPC petitions

- The investor is committed to environmental protection under the law as Phu Thi CPC


- During subproject implementation, if complaints occur, the investor is committed to solve as

prescribed by law.

- Participants in the public consultation and the content community consultations in the

attached report records the environmental management plan.

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Enviromental management plan 39


ANNEX 1: TOR for Construction Supervision Consultant (CSC)


The Construction Supervision Consultant is to provide professional technical services (“the

Services”) to help ensure effective implementation of the subsubproject EMPs.

Scope of Services:

The general services to be provided by the CSC are to inspect, monitor the construction

activities to ensure that mitigation measures adopted in the EMP are properly implemented,

and that the negative environmental impacts of the subsubproject are minimized.

On behalf of the PMU, the CSC will conduct the following tasks:

- Conduct regular site inspections;

- Review the status of implementation of environmental protection measures against the EMP

and contract documents;

- Review the effectiveness of environmental mitigation measures and subsubproject

environmental performance;

- As needed, review the environmental acceptability of the construction methodology (Both

temporary and permanent works), relevant design plans and submissions. Where necessary,

the CSC shall seek and recommend the least environmental impact alternative in consultation

with the designer, the Contractor(s), and PMU;

- Verify the investigation results of any non-compliance of the environmental quality

performance and the effectiveness of corrective measures; and

- Provide regular feedback audit results to the contractor’s Chief Engineer according to the

procedures of non-compliance in the EMP;

- Instruct the Contractor(s) to take remedial actions within a specified timeframe, and carry out

additional monitoring, if required, according to the contractual requirements and procedures in

the event of non-compliances or complaints;

- Instruct the Contractor(s) to take actions to reduce impacts and follow the required EMP

procedures in case of non-compliance / discrepancies identified;

- Instruct the Contractor(s) to stop activities which generate adverse impacts, and/or when the

Contractor(s) fails to implement the EMP requirements / remedial actions.

- For contracts that Site Environmental Management Plan (SEMP) are required, the CSC

shall provide the final review and recommend clearance of all Site Environmental plans which

may affect the environment. These include, but are not limited to: dredging areas, borrow pits

and disposal sites, worker’s camp plans. The CSC will review and approve the SEMP

presented by the Contractors. Where these plans are found not to comply with the EMP, EIA

or RAP, the CSC shall work with the PMU and Contractor to establish a suitable solution.

- Addressing Complaints: Complaints will be received by the Contractor’s Site Office from

local residents with regard to environmental infractions such as noise, dust, traffic safety, etc.

The Contractor’s Chief Engineer or his deputy, and the CSC shall be responsible for

processing, addressing or reaching solutions for complaints brought to them. The CSC shall

be provided with a copy of these complaints and shall confirm that they are properly

addressed by the Contractors in the same manner as incidents identified during site


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Enviromental management plan 40

- Certification for Monthly Payments: The CSC shall confirm the monthly payments for

environmentally related activities implemented by the Contractor.

- Reporting: the CSC shall prepare the following written reports:

o Bi-weekly report of non-compliance issues

o Summary monthly report covering key issues and findings from reviewing and

supervision activities

o At the end of the subsubproject the CSC shall prepare a final report summarizing

the key findings from their work, the number of infringements, resolutions, etc. as

well as advice and guidance for how such assignments should be conducted in the


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Enviromental management plan 41

ANNEX 2: Sample report on monitoring of EMP implementation

(Applied for reports of CSC to PMU)

Name of the subsubproject:

Location of the subsubproject: Province:


Commune/Town let:

Name of CSC:……………………………….

Report date: …………………………………

No Parameter

Assessments of

supervisors’ and




During implementation phase

1 Surface water resource

pollution and land erosion

2 Noise level in subproject area

and neighboring residential


3 Dust

4 Control and management of

cutting down trees and using

temporary access roads

5 Solid waste and remove of all

materials after subproject


6 Manage safety and sanitation

conditions for workers

7 Traffic chaos

8 Road damages

9 Application of safety measures

10 Management of building


11 Management of excessive soil

and stone

12 Impact on wildlife and natural

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No Parameter

Assessments of

supervisors’ and





13 Proofs of damages to biological

diversity (if any)

14 Proofs of damages to historical

and cultural heritage

15 Other environmental issues (if


Operation phase

16 ROW maintenance

17 Impact on wildlife and natural


ANNEX 3: Report template for monitoring of EMP implementation

(Used for reports by contractor)

Project name:

Project location:

Contractor name:

Initial or monthly report:

Date of report:

No. Impact





Construction phase

1 Surface water pollution

2 Noise and vibration level

3 Soil erosion

4 Air pollution

5 Impacts on agriculture land due to

temporary land acquisition

6 Local traffic interruptions

7 Existing road damage

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No. Impact





8 Solid waste from excavation

9 Remained soil management

10 Environmental impacts by workers

11 Conflict between workers and local


12 Disease spreading between workers and

local residents

13 Health and safety

14 …..

Reported by :

Title :

Address :

Telephone :

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1 Le Minh Chinh Subproject manager

2 Ho Ta Tan Duong Staff design

3 Trinh Thanh Tung Staff design

4 Nguyen Trung Nam Staff design

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