Psychology: Deterministic views Mrs. Rugh 2011

Psychology: Deterministic views

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Psychology: Deterministic views. Mrs. Rugh 2011. Review: Behaviorism. Stresses that psychology should be concerned with the objective study of stimulus and response. Includes Pavlov, Watson, Skinner, Thorndike - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Psychology:  Deterministic views

Psychology: Deterministic views

Mrs. Rugh2011

Page 2: Psychology:  Deterministic views

Review: Behaviorism

• Stresses that psychology should be concerned with the objective study of stimulus and response.

• Includes Pavlov, Watson, Skinner, Thorndike• It specifically examines the role that

reinforcement & punishment play in determining behavior.

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New:Psychoanalytic Psychology

• Founded by Sigmund Freud.• Asserts that unconscious desires and motives

influence human behavior.

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Freud’s analysis on Personality

• The ID - is not restrained by reality and consists of our urges that seek our immediate gratification.

• Can you think of an example?

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Freud’s analysis on Personality

• The Ego – Is responsibly for balancing the demands of the Id and the superego in order to help us deal with reality.– Relies on defense mechanisms that help us deal

with conflicting demands.

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Freud’s analysis on Personality

• The Superego – our conscience, acting as our moral guide and balancing the demands of the Id and the Ego

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What are the defense mechanisms?

• Denial – refusing to accept reality

Can you think of an example?

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What are the defense mechanisms?

• Projection – attributing one’s unacceptable thoughts to others.

Can you think of an example?

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What are the defense mechanisms?

• Reaction formation – acting in a manner opposite from one’s unconscious impulses

• Can you think of an example?

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What are the defense mechanisms?

• Rationalization – justifying behavior with logical arguments

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What are the defense mechanisms?

• Repression – Placing painful thoughts into the unconscious

• Can you think of an example?

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What are the defense mechanisms?

• Regression – retreating to an earlier stage of development.

• Can you think of an example?

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What are the defense mechanisms?

• Fantasy – fulfilling desire through imagination

• Can you think of an example?

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What are the defense mechanisms?

• Compensation – emphasizing stronger traits in order to downplay weaknesses.

• Can you think of an example?

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What are the defense mechanisms?

• Suppression – consciously ignoring painful memories.

• Can you think of an example?

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What are the defense mechanisms?

• Sublimation – rechanneling impulses in a socially approved way.

• Can you think of an example?

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What are the defense mechanisms?

• Displacement – shifting impulses to a more acceptable or less threatening target.

• Can you think of an example?

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Together:Behaviorism & Psychoanalytic


• Both of these approaches to psychology are deterministic: human behavior is determined by prior occurrences and we therefore DO NOT have free will.

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Review: The Cognitive Approach

• This focuses on the study of memory, perception, language, problem solving skills, and other mental processes essential to understanding behavior.

• Jean Piaget & Noam Chomsky are most famous for this approach.

• Piaget proposed a 4 stage theory of cognitive development.

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The Cognitive approach includes:

• The way in which our brain processes and represents emotions, intelligence, motivations.

• The ways in which we organize, remember and understand experiences during our lifetime.

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More to come:

• The Humanistic Approach: Abraham Maslow & Carl Rogers

• The Neurobiological approach: Roger Speery