Psycho Metric Assessment- Character, Ability, Motivation- Rashmi

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  • 8/14/2019 Psycho Metric Assessment- Character, Ability, Motivation- Rashmi




  • 8/14/2019 Psycho Metric Assessment- Character, Ability, Motivation- Rashmi


    PSYCHOMETRIC TEST Devise that is used to find out about individual differences: personal characteristics,

    underlying actions, possible future behaviour, how good you are at something

    compared with other groups of people.

    Good - kind of information -provide to the person or about the person, skillfully

    interpretation of results, integration into the data worthy action decisions.

    Psychometric tests are designed to provide a consistent and effective measure of

    people's traits, abilities, skills, and interests.

    The ability to measure these characteristics enhances decision making during

    recruitment and selection, individual and team development, organizational change and

    career directions.

    Psychometric tests can be used to predict job performance, resolve conflict, improve

    communication, make career decisions and to identify training needs, so on and so forth.

  • 8/14/2019 Psycho Metric Assessment- Character, Ability, Motivation- Rashmi



    Psychometrics design and measurement of human characteristics.

    1884 Sir Francis Galton England human personality group able traits

    World War 1 John Otis & Robert Yerkes Cognitive tests Army Alpha & Beta


    Woodward test emotional stability screening army personnel.

    1930s & 1940s -Bernreuter Personality inventory, Minnesota Multiphasic

    Personality Inventory (MMPI), Thematic Apperception Test, Rorschach inkblot test

    , Cattell's 16 PF questionnaire, MBTI, Guilford Zimmerman Temparament


  • 8/14/2019 Psycho Metric Assessment- Character, Ability, Motivation- Rashmi




    Individual assessments for selection or development purposes

    Bespoke assessment centre design and implementation

    Managment and career development programmes

    Indivdual coaching and mentoring

    Psychometrics - produce in-depth psycholgical profiles of

    individuals covering both personality and intellectual ability

  • 8/14/2019 Psycho Metric Assessment- Character, Ability, Motivation- Rashmi



    Started out to different between the fast &

    slow learners in children Binets Intelligence

    Test. 3 kinds of tests

    1. Ability

    2. Aptitude

    3. Personality test

    Ability + Aptitude = Skill test

  • 8/14/2019 Psycho Metric Assessment- Character, Ability, Motivation- Rashmi


    ABILITY TEST Measures the ability of a person to grasp a new skill needed for a new job. It

    also lets the employers know the following:

    a) What a particular employee is capable to learn

    b) What he will be able to learn in the future.

    The broad skills that are checked by this test are:

    Verbal Test

    Numerical Reasoning Test

    Spatial ability scales

    combined together as a test battery.

    They can then be scored and interpreted individually as a specific ability or

    aptitude measure, or together as part of a general ability measure.

  • 8/14/2019 Psycho Metric Assessment- Character, Ability, Motivation- Rashmi


    APTIUDE TEST Ability test general ability test ; Aptitude Specific abilities test.

    Aptitude tests are mostly job specific and therefore the names of these tests

    are almost always similar to the job titles.

    These tests can either be general or specific. For example, a General Ability

    Test is a combintion of four tests:

    Numerical ability

    Verbal ability

    Spatial ability

    Non-verbal ability

    However, these tests are also used for finding specific abilities and also

    general abilities. If you are applying for a job interview, the aptitude test will

    be taken to see your mental reasoning ability.

  • 8/14/2019 Psycho Metric Assessment- Character, Ability, Motivation- Rashmi


    PERSONALITY TEST Personality : those relatively stable and enduring aspects of an individual which

    distinguishes them from other people, making them unique, but which at the same

    time permit a comparison between individuals.

    Personality tests -measure less quantifiable characteristics - reveal your

    motivation, attitude & work style.

    Employers may look for people with certain characteristics for particular jobs. For a

    retail sales role, for example, the company may want someone who is very sociable,

    organised and creative.

    A personality test enables employers to see whether you match their ideal profile.

  • 8/14/2019 Psycho Metric Assessment- Character, Ability, Motivation- Rashmi


    This is another important part of the psychometric assessment. A questionnaire with multiple choice answers is provided to the people. They need to

    choose possible right answers. Here you would not get any right or wrong answer.

    On the basis of these answers the personality of the individual is judged.

    Another tool used for personality test is Emotional Intelligence - an individual

    possesses good emotional competency. If you are asked to go for Emotional

    Intelligence Test then after that you would know the following:

    a) What emotions are most common in you and how can you manage themb) How can you use feelings to guide your actions as well as your thought process

    c) How can you use your emotions to motivate yourself as well as others

  • 8/14/2019 Psycho Metric Assessment- Character, Ability, Motivation- Rashmi



    RELIABILITY & ABILITY Psychological test objective & standardized measure of a sample of


    tests objective free of subjective judgement of examiner .

    Mandatorily accompanied by a test manual Scrutinized carefully by

    examiner before administering test on others.

    Manual gives confidence on reliability & validity of tests.

    Reliability accuracy / consistency of same results from the person

    when administered an equivalent test. Relatively high degree of

    accuracy in test necessary judgments about test takers.

  • 8/14/2019 Psycho Metric Assessment- Character, Ability, Motivation- Rashmi


    Validity -the measure of the purpose or truthfulness of

    the test. It provides a direct check on how well the test

    fulfills its function. The construction and use of test

    imply that the instrument has been evaluated against

    criteria regarded by experts as the best evidence of the

    traits to be measured by the test.

    Manual includes norms - an average, common,

    standard performance under experimental conditions.

    Form of age, grade, percentile rank,, stanine scores.

    The norms should be meaningful with regard to

    purposes for which the test is intended and to the group

    of persons with whom it is to be used.

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    1. Individual 5 factor Vs Group tests spatial ability.

    2. Paper-pencil Vs Performance tests car driving license.

    3. Language verbal reasoning Vs Non language tests abstract /

    spatial4. Speed numerical Vs Power Tests IQ test.

    5. Tests measuring different traits 5 factor, 16pf

  • 8/14/2019 Psycho Metric Assessment- Character, Ability, Motivation- Rashmi


  • 8/14/2019 Psycho Metric Assessment- Character, Ability, Motivation- Rashmi



    Understanding personality - key to unlocking elusive human qualities.

    1. leadership,

    2. charisma, and

    3. empathy,

    purpose is self-development, helping others, or any other field relating to

    people and how we behave.

    Understanding of personality typology, personality traits, thinking styles

    and learning styles theories is a very useful way to improve ones knowledge

    of motivation and behaviour of self and others, in the workplace and beyond.

    Personality theory and tests are useful also for management, recruitment,

    selection, training and teaching
  • 8/14/2019 Psycho Metric Assessment- Character, Ability, Motivation- Rashmi


    Different personality / motivational models provide diff perspectives necessary for

    a test administrator- better appreciation motivation & behaviour.

    Personality Models through the Ages:

    The Four Temperaments/Four Humours

    Carl Jung's Psychological Types

    Myers Briggs personality types theory (MBTI model)

    Keirsey's personality types theory (Temperament Sorter model)

    Hans Eysenck's personality types theory

    Katherine Benziger's Brain Type theory

    Belbin Team Roles and personality types theory

    The 'Big Five' Factors personality model

    FIRO-B Personality Assessment model

    The Birkman Method
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