Behavioral Neuroscience Chapter 2 Copyright © Prentice Hall 2007 2-1

Psych behavioral neuroscience

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  • 1. Behavioral Neuroscience Chapter 2 Copyright Prentice Hall 2007 2-1

2. Behavioral Neuroscience Why study this in psychology? How can it help us understand the goals of psychology? Goals Describe Understand Predict Control or modify Behaviors & thoughts 3. Biology and Behavior Behavioral neuroscience Studies Relation between biological & psychological functions Can help us understand Nature of personality Causes of abnormal behavior Reaction to stress Effectiveness of therapy Copyright Prentice Hall 2007 2-3 4. Historical View of the Brain 1000 BC Egyptian Pharaohs mummification Brain Removed & discarded Vital to afterlife Heart Left in body Seen as containing perception, cognition & soul Intestines, liver, lungs & stomach Removed, wrapped & placed in canopic jars. 5. Historical View of the Brain Many cultures similar views of heart Brain interpreted in various ways Aristotle cooling emotions of heart Change began in 1500s Leonardo da Vinci 1452-1519 Head seen as holding cognition Ventricle system Holes in the brain. 6. Ventricular System Cavities or holes in brain holding cerebrospinal fluid 7. Mrs. Garrisons Theory of Evolution 8. Evolutionary Psychology Focuses on Adapted benefits of selected behaviors Women Talk Multi-task Women larger area for communication Men Quiet Singularly focused Larger area of brain for sex 9. Why doesnt an organism ever achieve perfect adaption? Evolutionary Psychology 10. Why doesnt an organism ever achieve perfect adaption? Each adaption has: Costs? Benefits? Increased head size? Evolutionary Psychology 11. Evolution Does : Works to improve reproduction success Evolution Doesnt: Work to improve a species Have a conscious plan or purpose Work to produce happiness or contentment Evolution 12. Evolutionary Psychology Natural Selection & Adaptive Behavior Natural selection Evolutionary process by which those individuals of a species that are best adapted are the ones that survive & reproduce Survivors better adapted to world than non- survivors 13. Evolutionary Psychology Emphasizes importance of Adaptation Reproduction Survival of the fittest In shaping behavior Spatial skills in finding way home Fit Ability to Bare offspring that survive long enough to bare offspring Pass your genes to next generation 14. Biology and Behavior Scientists who study this: Represent several disciplines Psychology (especially physiological psychologists) Biology Medicine Others Copyright Prentice Hall 2007 2-14 15. Neuron 16. Neurons Neurons Cells that transmit information Neurons are composed of: Dendrites Soma Cell Body Axon 17. Neuron Structure 18. Myelin Sheath Myelin Sheath Composed of glial cells (Greek word for glue) Coats axon of some neurons White matter of brain Functions: Speeds neurotransmission Insulates neurons from each other Makes neurotransmission more efficient Removes waste Occupies vacant space when neurons die Other purposes Copyright Prentice Hall 2007 2-18 19. Copyright Prentice Hall 2007 2-19 Myelin Looks like string of sausages Doesnt cover entire length of axon Nodes of Ranvier Space between sausages Nerve impulse jumps from 1 node of Ranvier to next Transmission up to 100 xs faster Unmeylinated axons 20. Terminal Button 1. Synthesis of neurotransmitter (NT) 2. Storage & transport of NT within vesicles 3. NT Release 4. Activation of postsynaptic receptors 5. Termination of transmitter effect (e.g. reuptake) 21. Neurotransmitters Dopamine Controls arousal levels Significant role in motor movement Reward & punishment Serotonin Role in Weight regulation Sleep Depression Suicide obsessivecompulsive disorder Aggression Wide range of other disorders & behavior problems. Copyright Prentice Hall 2007 2-21 22. Acetylcholine Attention Learning Memory Norepinephrine Also a hormone Physical & mental arousal Heightens mood Copyright Prentice Hall 2007 2-22 Neurotransmitters 23. Synapse Synapse Space between axon terminal & adjacent dendrite or cell body Neurotransmitter (NT) Molecules released from terminal button into synapse. 24. Neurons: Basic Cells of the Nervous System Synapses Cleared rapidly So additional signals can be transmitted Cleared in 1 of 2 ways, depending on neurotransmitter 1. breakdown Broken down & removed 2. Reuptake Recycled back into vesicles Copyright Prentice Hall 2007 2-26 25. SSRI Reuptake Inhibitor 26. SSRIs block reuptake of serotonin Called selective Primarily affect serotonin Changes balance of serotonin SSRI Reuptake Inhibitor 27. SSRI Reuptake Inhibitor Generic names followed by brand names Citalopram (Celexa) Escitalopram (Lexapro) Fluoxetine (Prozac, Prozac Weekly, Sarafem) Paroxetine (Paxil, Paxil CR, Pexeva) Sertraline (Zoloft) Fluoxetine combined with the atypical antipsychotic olanzapine (Symbyax) 28. Psychoactive Drugs Drugs work in synapse Agonists enhance neurotransmitter function Antagonists block neurotransmitter function 29. Psychoactive Drugs Psychoactive drugs Affect nervous system Alter mood Emotion Thought Act by: Increasing or decreasing release of neurotransmitters Stimulating or blocking receptor sites 30. Opiates 31. Opiates binding to opiate receptors Increased dopamine release 32. Neurons: Basic Cells of the Nervous System Presynaptic membrane Side that sends message Postsynaptic membrane Receiving side of synapse Copyright Prentice Hall 2007 2-37 33. Neurons: Basic Cells of the Nervous System When electrical signal reaches terminal buttons Causes vesicles to release a chemical signal Neurotransmitter into synapse Contacts postsynaptic membrane (usually dendrite) of next neuron Copyright Prentice Hall 2007 2-38 34. Neurons: Basic Cells of the Nervous System Excitation More likely to transmit the message to subsequent neurons Inhibition Less likely to transmit the message to subsequent neurons Copyright Prentice Hall 2007 2-39 35. Neurons Action Potential Electrical impulse Causes cells to fire All or none firing Like guns fire or dont fire 36. Scanning electron microscope picture of a nerve ending broken open to reveal vesicles (orange & blue) containing neurotransmitters. 37. Neurons: Basic Cells of the Nervous System Most drugs influence operation of neurotransmitter 1. Agonists Increase effectiveness Or 2. Antagonists Reduce effectiveness Copyright Prentice Hall 2007 2-42 38. Copyright Prentice Hall 2007 2-43 39. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L T3VKAr4roo&feature=related