EXAM 2 REVIEW Psych 101B: Professor Osterhout

Psych 101B: Professor Osterhout

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Psych 101B: Professor Osterhout. Exam 2 Review. Associative Learning. Ask yourself… what types of Associative Learning?. Classical Conditioning. UCS : Channing Tatum UCR : Eye Dilation (natural reflex) CS : Picture of cars (neutral stimulus) CR : Eye Dilation (obtained reflex). - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Psych 101B: Professor Osterhout

Exam 2 ReviewPsych 101B: Professor OsterhoutAssociative Learning

Ask yourself what types of Associative Learning?2Classical ConditioningUCS : Channing Tatum UCR : Eye Dilation (natural reflex)CS : Picture of cars (neutral stimulus) CR : Eye Dilation (obtained reflex)

Operant ConditioningMake sure you can identify these:Reinforcement, PunishmentPositive, NegativeReinforcement or Punishment??Ask yourself1) What is the behavior being reinforced or punished?2) Is the behavior being increased or decreased?Increased = ReinforcementDecreased = Punishment3) What is the reinforcement or punishment?4) Are we adding it or taking it away? Adding = PositiveTaking away = Negative

Giving a child a sticker for brushing his or her teeth

1) What is the behavior being reinforced or punished?

Brushing teeth!

Giving a child a sticker for brushing his or her teeth

2) Is the behavior being increased or decreased?Increased = ReinforcementDecreased = Punishment

Increased! (Reinforcement)

Giving a child a sticker for brushing his or her teeth

3) What is the reinforcement or punishment?


Giving a child a sticker for brushing his or her teeth

3) Are we adding it or taking away? Adding = PositiveTaking away = Negative

Adding! (Positive) Positive ReinforcementOne person in a relationship stops talking to the other in response to a critical comment1) What is the behavior being reinforced or punished?

Making critical comments

One person in a relationship stops talking to the other in response to a critical comment

2) Is the behavior being increased or decreased?Increased = ReinforcementDecreased = Punishment

Decreased! (Punishment)

One person in a relationship stops talking to the other in response to a critical comment3) What is the reinforcement or punishment?

Talking with partner

One person in a relationship stops talking to the other in response to a critical comment3) Are we adding it or taking away? Adding = PositiveTaking away = Negative

Taking it away! (Negative) Negative Punishment

Subjects CoveredSensation & Perception



Thinking/Language Sensation & PerceptionSensation: the passive process by which stimuli are received by the sensory systemsPerception: the active process by which the brain interprets the sensory information

Properties: 8 different sensesvision, hearing, taste, smell, touch, temperature, pain, balanceSensation ReceptorsTypes of receptor cells for transductionPhotoreceptor sensitive to photonsVisionChemoreceptor sensitive to moleculesSmellTasteMechanoreceptor sensitive to pressureTouch Hearing BalanceThermoreceptors sensitive to heatTemperatureNociceptors sensitive to painful stimuliPain (fast & slow)

Transduction- converting energy from the external environment into nerve impulses16Sensation & PerceptionIt is important to remember that our sensation of the external environment is selective, for example we only perceive a tiny sliver of the entire spectrum (290-750 nm) which we perceive as light.

Additionally, these systems are highly apaptive to changes in the environment, as seen with visual adaptation and habituation17Vision: The ability to perceive a very limited spectrum of one form of electromagnetic energyFovea: Center of visual fieldPupil: hole in middle of irisNeurons in Retina: ConesDay visionSensitive to wavelength, colorRodsNight visionSensitive to amplitude, brightnessDetecting motion

PerceptionRequires experience in the worldDepth PerceptionBinocular cuesRetinal disparity eyes are set apartConvergence inward turn when viewing a near objectPerceptual organization: Gestalt psychologistsFigure-ground discriminationGroupingClose objects/similar objects together/fill in missing piecesContext: Prior expectations strongly influence perceptions

Monocular cues: relative clarity, texture gradient, linear perspective

Grouping: Proximity, similarity, closure

19Sleep: You Need it to Live!Sleep deprivation in rats: died after ~4 weeksIn humans: Sleep reduction studySubjects slept 2 or 5 hours per nightNoticeable cognitive impairments within 1st weekResults: Sleep Deprivation is bad!After 2 weeks, compared to being legally drunkCircadian Rhythms~24 hours(ish) independent of day/night cuesArtificial light, shift work & jet lag disrupts rhythmsSuprachiasmatic nucleus as biological timekeeperRechstaffen (1983)- the sleep depriver to rats-After 2 weeks, developed ulcers in their paws-3 weeks, lost ability to regulate body temp.

Suprachiasmatic nucleus sets biological clock using input from photoreceptors in small % of ganglion cells in retina: Remember the guy who lived in a cave video when thinking about circadian rhythms

What does this tell us about the upcoming exam? Pulling an all-nighter isnt the best idea! Get plenty of sleep before you come in on Monday.20Sleep: How is it Measured?EEG: Measures brains electrical activity (Frequency & Amplitude)4 stages of sleep(+REM), with a transition of sleep steps

REM SleepREMEEG resembles awake, increase in heart rate, respirationRapid eye movementsVivid dreamsDuration: 10-40 minutesParalysis of voluntary musclesVERY difficult to wake upAlso known as Paradoxical sleepEEG, physiological indicators, eye movements indicate an AWAKE state. State of arousal, paralyzed condition indicate a VERY DEEP SLEEP state.E22Sleep DisordersSleep Disorders to ReviewInsomniaChronic inability to get sufficient sleepNarcolepsyIrresistible sleep attacks during the daySleep apneaCessation of breathing while sleepingSIDSInfant ceases breathing and dies in night- cause unknownSleep walking/talking etcStages 3 and 4Night terrorsStage 4 sleepREM-Behavior DisorderNo paralysis

Insomnia treatment: Barbituates, short term: maybe; long term: definitely not

Due to deficiency of hypocretin/orexin, produced by hypothalamus-in dogs: inherited genetic mutation leads to reduction of hypocretin production-in humans: an autoimmune disorder leads to the destruction of hypocretin-producing neurons23Simpsons & Night Terrors

DreamsFreuds Theory of dreamsRemember theory of personality: Id, Ego and SuperegoHobsons Theory of dreamsBrain activates itself via the:Reticular Activating System

LearningClassical Conditioning: a neutral stimulus, through association, takes on some of the psychological properties of a second stimulusUCS, UCR, CS, CRFood (UCS)Slobber (UCR)Bell or light (CS) & food (UCS) Slobber (UCR)Eventually bell (CS) Slobber (CR)AcquisitionExtinctionGeneralizationDiscrimination

LearningOperant Conditioning: learning occurs as a result of the consequences of behaviorReinforcement: any consequence that makes prior behavior more likely to occurPositive and negativeSchedulesContinuousPartial (pg. 278-79)Interval, ratioPunishment: any consequence that makes prior behavior less likely to occur

LearningLong Term Potentiation: a long lasting enhancement in signal transmission between two neuronsImproves the postsynaptic cells sensitivity to signals received from the presynaptic cell

LanguageHuman Language: 1. Compositional A. Phonemes- units of sound (English- 45)Ex. K ae t = catB. words- units of meaningC. sentences- units of structure2. Three-level systemSounds (phonemes, words) sentences meaningSyntax: rules that govern how words can be combined to form sentences3. infinite # of possible sentencesResults from RECURSIVE nature of syntactic rulesLanguageLanguage Acquisition and stages of developmentBabbling (5-12 mths)Non-syllabic babbling (5-7 mths)- baby begins to play with sounds clicks, hums, smacksSyllabic babbling (7-8 mths)- baby begins to produce real syllables deedeedee babababaGibberish babbling (8-12 mths)- baby mixes syllables, really cute speech results da-deeOne-word utterance stage (12-18 mths)Initially, the child learns about 50 important wordsFood: juice, cookieBody parts: eye noseToys: doll, blockPeople: mama, dada, babyAction words: up, down, eat, goModifiers: hot, allgone, more, dirtySocial interaction: hi, bye-bye, yes, no

LanguageLanguage Acquisition and stages of development, continuedTwo-word state (18-24 mths)Learning 10-20 words/dayWords in mostly correct orderGrammatical competence (24+ mths)Explosion of linguistic competenceRule overgeneralization LanguageWashoe signing chimpKanzi bonobo understanding EnglishHow is their language learning different from ours?They are limited in their ability to produce creative sentencesLanguageAphasia acquired problem in producing and/or comprehending speechBrocas aphasia:Non-fluent speech halted, very difficult to produceComprehension (of both listening and producing) okayCan curse, repeat memorized rhymes cant use language creativelyWernickes aphasia:Fluent speech, but does not make senseProblems comprehending language both what others are saying and in their own responsesNot always aware of their problems