PSPS Network - November 2007

PSPS Network - November 2007

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PSPS Network - November 2007. Agenda for government. Sustained economic growth 5 strategic themes smarter, wealthier and fairer, greener, healthier, safer and stronger National outcomes and indicators. More choices more chances. Ministerial priority Transformational change - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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PSPS Network - November 2007

Page 2: PSPS Network - November 2007

Agenda for government

●Sustained economic growth

●5 strategic themes

●smarter, wealthier and fairer, greener, healthier, safer and stronger

●National outcomes and indicators

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More choices more chances

●Ministerial priority

●Transformational change

●Build on ‘More Choices More Chances’

●Curriculum for Excellence, Skills Strategy

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Skills for Scotland

● Encouraging all young people to stay in learning post-16

● Encouraging providers – including schools – to see themselves as part of a continuum of provision

● Smoothing transitions between and through learning

● Judging that system by how well it serves those who need the most support

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MCMC local partnerships

●Build and maintain the momentum

●Insights into what’s going on

●Emphasis on self-evaluation and improvement

●Adding value

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● leader and ownership across key players● priority action for those already in the group

and school leavers● really understanding who these young

people are● building on what works (and core funding it!)● improving success rates for particularly

vulnerable young people● setting clear, challenging, targets

The initial steer

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● Management information, information sharing

● Pre-16 supply side

● Post-16 supply side

● The right support

● Partnership infrastructure

Critical Success Factors

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Moving in the right direction but more needed …

● early identification, tracking and monitoring of young people’s progress

● personalisation and choice pre- and post-16● supported pathways 14-19 for targeted

individuals● authority/school ownership of – focus on –

transitions● effective early intervention to support

retention in learning post-16


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● Ensuring close alignment between MCMC & PSPS

● Some examples

MCMC local strategy development profiling the client group, specific

research developing transitions policy, tools developing practice on early identifiers delivery of joint training e.g. PSPS/CS