Pseudo-Symmetry in Multiple Twinned Crystals Having M3M Point Group Symmetry SANTIAGO HARRIAGUE AND HARRYA. LEIBOVICH The pseudo-symmetry elements of the composite lattice of a twinned crystal having m3m oint group symmetry are determined on the basis of group theory. Twinning across the 11} planes is considered. The results for different composite lattices are given. IN the last years, several authors have observed multiple twinning in diffraction patterns of thin films of fcc metals.1-6 These metals twin across the {111} planes. We thought that it would be useful a mathe- matical analysis, in order to determine the possible pseudo-symmetries of twins. The idea of pseudo-symmetry arises from the fact that, if the coincidence of points coming from dif- ferent orientations of the twin is neglected, the com- posite lattice will mimic a point-group symmetry. However, the composite lattice will not conform to space groups appropriate to thesepoint groups. The importance of pseudo-symmetry in diffraction pattern analysis has been shown.%B We have considered the primary and secondary twinning of a crystal having m3m point group sym- metry, and we have determined the pseudo-symmetry of composite structures formed by several twin orien- tations. MATHEMATICAL PROCEDURE Primary Twinning We consider twinning across the {III] planes. We have considered the composite structure formed by the original orientation of the crystal and one, two, three, or the four twin orientations. The proceduretodeterminethe pseudo-symmetry of the composite lattice is similar to the one followed by Mokievskii et al.;9 the basic relations appear in the classicgrouptheorybibliography, i.e. Schankman,I° and Kurosh.n The point group m3m of the crystal is isomorphic to the direct product: {I} × {432} [1] In a crystal with m3m point group symmetry, be- cause of its center of symmetry, the twin reflections are equivalent to 180 deg rotations. Let these rota- tions be Mi, where i = 1,2, 3, 4 corresponds to the twin axes [111], [111],[111], and [111] respectively. Let {Mi} be the group of order 2 formed by Mi and the identity; and: pi : {Mi} × {r~3rn} : {i} × Mi × {432} [2] pi is not a group because Mi does not commute with all the elements of {m3m}. SANTIAGO HARRIAGUE and HARRY A. LEIBOVICH are with the Grupo de Fisica del S61ido, Instituto de Investigaciones Cientfficas y T6cnicas de las Fuerzas Armadas, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Manuscript submitted April 3, 1971. METALLURGICAL TRANSACTIONS If we consider the lattice formed by the original and one twin orientation, the pseudo-symmetry operations are defined as those in the corresponding set P* that form the group G of highest order such that, for every one of its elements gin, we have: i [3] gm P; = Pj' for any j with Pi -- {e/} Relation [3] shows that, as i commutes with any considered symmetry operation, it is only necessary to take into account the elements of {m3m} which are also elements of {432}. If we now consider the presence of more than one twin orientation, the pseudo-symmetry elements of the composite lattice are a group of the union U of the sets pi corresponding to the orientations present. Let Ak be any element of {432}. It can be shown that if Mi and Mj are conjugate under Ak, i.e.: AkMiAk1 = Mj [4] then all the elements of pi and PJ fulfill [3]. Therefore, there are two different kinds of elements of the group U: a) Elements Ak belonging to the group 432; pseudo- symmetry elements of this kind must fulfill [4] for all the orientations present. b) Products MiAk: pseudo-symmetry elements of this kind must define a relation analogous to [3] be- tween all the elements of U. Secondary Twinning If primary twinned crystals twin again about their <111> axes, three new secondary twin orientations ap- pear for each of the primary ones. The fourth one will be coincident with the original orientation. We can use the procedure described previously for primary twinning if we now consider a primary twin orientation as original. Its four twin orientations will be the three secondary ones, and the original orienta- tion. RESULTS Primary Twinning Table I showsthe equivalence defined by the ele- ments of {432} between the twin operations M i. Table IIshowsthe pseudo-symmetry ofthe following com- posite structures: VOLUME2,DECEMBER 1971-3485

Pseudo-symmetry in multiple twinned crystals having M3M point group symmetry

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Page 1: Pseudo-symmetry in multiple twinned crystals having M3M point group symmetry

Pseudo-Symmetry in Multiple Twinned CrystalsHaving M3M Point Group Symmetry

S A N T I A G O H A R R I A G U E A N D H A R R Y A. L E I B O V I C H

The pseudo-symmetry elements of the composite lattice of a twinned crystal having m3moint group symmetry are determined on the b a s i s of group theory. Twinning a c r o s s the11} planes is considered. The results for different composite lattices are g iven .

I N the last y e a r s , several authors have observedmultiple twinning in diffraction patterns of thin f i lmsof fcc m e t a l s .1-6 T h e s e m e t a l s twin a c r o s s the {111}planes. We thought that it would be useful a m a t h e -matical analysis, in o r d e r to determine the possiblepseudo-symmetries of twins.

The idea of pseudo-symmetry a r i s e s from the factthat , if the coincidence of points coming from dif-ferent orientations of the twin is neglected, the com-posi te lattice will mimic a point-group symmetry.However, the composite lattice will not conform tospace groups appropriate to t h e s e point groups.

The importance of pseudo-symmetry in diffractionpattern analysis has been shown.%B

We have considered the primary and secondarytwinning of a crystal having m3m point group sym-metry, and we have determined the pseudo-symmetryof composite structures formed by several twin o r i e n -tations.


P r i m a r y T w i n n i n g

W e consider twinning a c r o s s the {III] planes. W ehave considered the c o m p o s i t e structure f o r m e d bythe original orientation of the crystal and one, two,three, or the four twin orientations.

T h e p r o c e d u r e to d e t e r m i n e the p s e u d o - s y m m e t r yof the c o m p o s i t e lattice is similar to the one followedby Mokievskii et al.;9 the b a s i c relations a p p e a r in theclassic g r o u p t h e o r y bibliography, i.e. S c h a n k m a n ,I°and K u r o s h . n

T h e point g r o u p m 3 m of the crystal is i s o m o r p h i c tothe direct product:

{I} × {432} [1]

In a crystal with m3m point group symmetry, be-cause of its center of symmetry, the twin reflectionsare equivalent t o 180 deg rotations. Let these r o t a -tions be Mi, w h e r e i = 1,2, 3, 4 corresponds t o thetwin axes [111], [111], [111], and [111] respectively.

Let {Mi} be the group of o r d e r 2 f o r m e d by Mi andthe identity; and:

p i : {Mi} × {r~3rn} : {i} × Mi × {432} [2]

p i is not a group because M i does not commute withall the elements of {m3m}.

SANTIAGO HARRIAGUE and HARRY A. LEIBOVICH are withthe Grupo de Fisica del S61ido, Institutode Investigaciones Cientfficasy T6cnicas de las Fuerzas Armadas, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Manuscript submitted April 3, 1971.


If we consider the lattice f o r m e d by the original andone twin orientation, the pseudo-symmetry operationsare defined as those in the corresponding set P* thatform the group G of highest o r d e r such that , for everyone of its elements gin, we have:

• i [ 3 ]gm P; = Pj'

for any j withP i -- { e / }

Relation [3] shows that , as i commutes with anyconsidered symmetry operation, it is only necessaryt o take into account the elements of {m3m} which a r ealso elements of {432}.

If we now consider the p r e s e n c e of more than onetwin orientation, the pseudo-symmetry elements ofthe composite lattice are a group of the union U of thesets p i corresponding t o the orientations present.

Let Ak be any element of {432}. It can be shown thatif Mi and Mj are conjugate u n d e r Ak, i.e.:

AkMiAk 1 = Mj [4]

then all the elements of p i and PJ fulfill [3].Therefore, t h e r e are two different kinds of elements

of the group U:a) Elements Ak belonging t o the group 432; pseudo-

symmetry elements of this kind must fulfill [4] for allthe orientations present.

b) Products MiAk: pseudo-symmetry elements ofthis kind must define a relation analogous t o [3] be-tween all the elements of U.

Secondary Twinning

If p r i m a r y twinned crystals twin aga in about t h e i r<111> axes , t h r e e new secondary twin orientations ap-pear for each of the p r i m a r y ones. The fourth onewill be coincident with the original orientation.

We can use the procedure described previously forprimary twinning if we now consider a p r i m a r y twinorientation as original. I ts four twin orientations willbe the t h r e e secondary ones, and the o r ig ina l orienta-tion.


P r i m a r y T w i n n i n g

T a b l e I s h o w s the equivalence defined b y the ele-m e n t s of {432} b e t w e e n the twin operations M i. T a b l eII s h o w s the p s e u d o - s y m m e t r y of the following c o m -posite structures:

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Page 2: Pseudo-symmetry in multiple twinned crystals having M3M point group symmetry

Table I. Equivalence Between theTwin Operations M i as Defined bythe Elements of (432}

Elements Conjugate Conjugate Conjugate Conjugateof {432} to Ma toM2 to M3 toM~

1[100] ~ Ms M4 MI M:[01O]~ M4 M3 M2 i l[001] ~ M~ ML 344 Ms

1[011 ]~ Ms M2 MI M4[011 ] ~ M~ M4 Ms M2[101]~ M4 M2 M3 MI[ 10] ]~ MI M3 M2 /144

Ii!0j ! M,[110] ~ M1 M2 3'/4 M3[ll l]~ MI M3 3/4 M2[]]1]~ M4 M2 M~ Ms[1i l l ~ M2 M4 M3 M,[] 1]] ~ Ms MI M2 M4[!111~ M, M4 M2 M3[ll l]~ M4 3/2 M1 Ms[1]~]~ M4 Mt Ma M2[] 11]a5 M2 M3 Mt M 4

t100] ~ /144 M1 M2 M3[010] ~ M2 M4 Mt Ma[001 ] ~ M3 M 4 M2 M I

[100]~ M2 M3 M4 M1[010] ~ M3 M~ M4 M2[001] ~ M4 M3 M1 M2

1) O r i g i n a l and one twin o r i e n t a t i o n : The p s e u d o -s y m m e t r y m i m i c s p o i n t g r o u p 6 / r n m m ; the 6 - f o l daxis c o i n c i d e s wi th the twin a x i s . T h i s r e s u l t a g r e e swi th one f o u n d p r e v i o u s l y .%~

2) O r i g i n a l a n d two twin o r i e n t a t i o n s : T h e p s e u d o -s y m m e t r y m i m i c s p o i n t g r o u p m m m ; two p e r p e n d i c u -l a r b i n a r y a x e s b e l o n g to the p l a n e d e t e r m i n e d b y thetwo twin a x e s , a n d t h e t h i r d b i n a r y axis i s n o r m a l tot h e m .

3) O r i g i n a l a n d t h r e e twin o r i e n t a t i o n s : T h e p s e u d o -s y m m e t r y m i m i c s p o i n t g r o u p 3 ( 2 / m ) ; the 3 - f o l d a x i sc o i n c i d e s wi th the a b s e n t twin a x i s .

4) O r i g i n a l a n d the f o u r twin o r i e n t a t i o n s : a s T a b l e Is h o w s , the o r i g i n a l c u b i c s y m m e t r y i s r e s t o r e d .

S e c o n d a r y T w i n n i n g

T a b l e II s h o w s the p s e u d o - s y m m e t r y of the follow-ing structures:

5) Original, one p r i m a r y , and one of its s e c o n d a r ytwin o r i e n t a t i o n s .

Table II. Pseudo-Symmetry Elements and Pseudo-Symmetry Point Groups ofSeveral Composite Lattices. Cases are Numbered as They are in Section

RESULTS. (Indexes Refer to Cubic Axes in the Original Orientation).



6-Fold 4-Fold PointAxis Axis 3-FoldAxis 2-Fold Axis Group

1 <111> - - <:110> and <112> 6 / m m m2 - - <100> and < I 10> mmm3 - - <111> <110> 3 2/m4 - <100> <111> <110> m3m5 - - - <122> and <114> mmm6 - - <511> <114>and<110> "3 2/m7 <122> <511> and <111> <114> and <1 t0> m3m8 . . . . <100> and<110> mmm9 - - <111> <110> 5 2/m

10 - <100> <111> <110> m3m

6) Original, one p r i m a r y and two of its s e c o n d a r ytwin orientations.

7) Original, one p r i m a r y , and its t h r e e s e c o n d a r ytwin orientations.

8) Original, two p r i m a r y , and their six s e c o n d a r ytwin orientations: it can be s h o w n that the p s e u d o -s y m m e t r y point g r o u p is m m m , with two b i n a r y axesin the p l a n e d e t e r m i n e d by the two twin axes.

9) Original, three p r i m a r y , and their nine s e c o n d a r ytwin orientations: the p s e u d o - s y m m e t r y point g r o u pis 3 ( 2 / m ) ; the 3-fold axis coincides with the absenttwin axis.

10) Original, four p r i m a r y , and their t w e l v e s e c o n d a r ytwin orientations: cubic s y m m e t r y appears.


T h e a u t h o r s wish to t h a n k Dr. O s c a r Wittke, of theUniversity of Chile, for helpful discussions.


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