Psalm 33 KJV Her High Calling | herhighcalling.com 85 Re joice in the LO RD, O ye righ teous: for praise is come ly - - - - 4 for the up right. Praise the LORD with harp: sing un to him with the psalt ery - - - 7 and an in stru ment of te n strings. Sing un to him a ne w song; - - - - - 11 play skil full y with a loud noise. For the word of the LORD is right; and - -

Psalm 33 - herhighcalling.com · Psalm 33 KJV Her High Calling | herhighcalling.com 85 Re - joice in the LO - RD, O ye righ-teous: for praise is come-ly 4 for the up-right. Praise

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Page 1: Psalm 33 - herhighcalling.com · Psalm 33 KJV Her High Calling | herhighcalling.com 85 Re - joice in the LO - RD, O ye righ-teous: for praise is come-ly 4 for the up-right. Praise

Psalm 33KJV

Her High Calling | herhighcalling.com


Re joice in the LO RD, O ye righ teous: for praise is come ly- - - -


for the up right. Praise the LORD with harp: sing un to him with the psalt ery- - -


and an in stru ment of te n strings. Sing un to him a ne w song;- - - - -


play skil full y with a loud noise. For the word of the LORD is right; and- -

Page 2: Psalm 33 - herhighcalling.com · Psalm 33 KJV Her High Calling | herhighcalling.com 85 Re - joice in the LO - RD, O ye righ-teous: for praise is come-ly 4 for the up-right. Praise


all his works are done in truth. He lo veth right eous ness and judg- - - -


ment: the earth is full of the good ness of the LORD. By the word of the LORD were the-


hea vens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth. He-


gath er eth the wat ers of the sea to geth er as an heap: he lay eth up the depth- - - - - -

Page 3: Psalm 33 - herhighcalling.com · Psalm 33 KJV Her High Calling | herhighcalling.com 85 Re - joice in the LO - RD, O ye righ-teous: for praise is come-ly 4 for the up-right. Praise


in store house es. Let all the ea rth fear the LORD: let- - -


all the in hab i tants of the world stand in awe of him.- - -


For he spake, and it was done; he comm an ded, and it stood fast. The- -


LORD bring eth the coun sel of the hea then to- - -


nought: he mak eth the de vic es of the peo ple of none ef fect. The coun sel of the LORD- - - - - -

Page 4: Psalm 33 - herhighcalling.com · Psalm 33 KJV Her High Calling | herhighcalling.com 85 Re - joice in the LO - RD, O ye righ-teous: for praise is come-ly 4 for the up-right. Praise


stan deth for ev er, th e thoughts of his heart to all gen er a tions.- - - - - -


Bless ed is the na tion whose God is the LORD; and the- -


peo ple whom he hath chos en for his own in her i tance. The LORD look eth from hea ven;- - - - - - -


he be hol deth all the sons of men. From th e place of his ha bi ta tion- - - - - -


h e look eth up on all the in hab i tants of the earth. He fash ion eth their hearts a like;- - - - - - - - -

Page 5: Psalm 33 - herhighcalling.com · Psalm 33 KJV Her High Calling | herhighcalling.com 85 Re - joice in the LO - RD, O ye righ-teous: for praise is come-ly 4 for the up-right. Praise


he con sid er eth all their works. There is no king saved by the mul ti tude of an- - - - -


host: a migh ty man is not de li vered by much strength. An horse is a vain- - -


thing for safe ty: nei ther shall he de li ver an y by his great strength. Be hold, the- - - - - -


eye of the LORD is u pon them that fear him, up on them tha t hope in his mer cy;- - - -

Page 6: Psalm 33 - herhighcalling.com · Psalm 33 KJV Her High Calling | herhighcalling.com 85 Re - joice in the LO - RD, O ye righ-teous: for praise is come-ly 4 for the up-right. Praise


To de liv er their soul from death, and to keep them a live in fam ine.- - - -


Our soul wai teth for the LORD: he is our help and our sheild.-


For our heart shall re joice in him, be cause we have trust ed in his ho ly name.- - - -


Let thy mer cy, O LORD, be u pon us, acc ord ing as we hope in thee.- - - -