Psalm 23 Devotional - alittlebitdifferent.files.wordpress.com · Psalm 23:1 Reflect: Psalm 23 opens with “the Lord is my shepherd” and immediately following that phrase we see

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Page 1: Psalm 23 Devotional - alittlebitdifferent.files.wordpress.com · Psalm 23:1 Reflect: Psalm 23 opens with “the Lord is my shepherd” and immediately following that phrase we see
Page 2: Psalm 23 Devotional - alittlebitdifferent.files.wordpress.com · Psalm 23:1 Reflect: Psalm 23 opens with “the Lord is my shepherd” and immediately following that phrase we see

Congratulations! Congratulations on your baptism, we are so excited for you and can’t wait to see how God speaks to you during this next chapter of your life. In order to help you continue on this newfound path, we wanted to invite you to spend the next 21 days getting to know (on a more intimate level) the God you have publicly declared to be at work in your life by reflecting on and memorizing Psalm 23.

Sound good?

Here’s how it’ll work: each day over the next 3 weeks, you will be given a portion of Psalm 23 to read, reflect on, and memorize and so we encourage you to carve out some time each day to pause and reflect on the different verses and see how God will meet you in this time.

We are trusting God to speak to you in mighty ways and can’t wait to hear about all that He shares with you.

Praying for you,

Your Powerhouse Family

Page 3: Psalm 23 Devotional - alittlebitdifferent.files.wordpress.com · Psalm 23:1 Reflect: Psalm 23 opens with “the Lord is my shepherd” and immediately following that phrase we see

Day 1 The Lord Is My Shepherd, I Lack Nothing.

Read: Psalm 23

Reflect: Ask God to give you the discipline and perseverance to continue down this new path He is bringing you on. 

Prayer / Journal ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Memorize: No memory verse today - just read the Psalm, reflect on it’s words and ask God to give you PERSEVERANCE.

Page 4: Psalm 23 Devotional - alittlebitdifferent.files.wordpress.com · Psalm 23:1 Reflect: Psalm 23 opens with “the Lord is my shepherd” and immediately following that phrase we see

Day 2 The Lord Is My Shepherd,

Read: Psalm 23:1

Reflect: Psalm 23 opens with “the Lord is my shepherd” and immediately following that phrase we see “I lack nothing.” Oftentimes we take that verse to mean that God (as our Shepherd) will give us everything that we want materially. But if you study this you will see that, YES, God gives us exactly what we need but the emphasis is not on material things - the emphasis is always on our Shepherd, Jesus. You see, when you have Jesus you already have all that you need.

Today as we reflect on this verse the question I have for you is simply this: Is Jesus enough for you? Can you look at your life right now and honestly say that because the Lord is my Shepherd, I lack absolutely nothing?

Lets pray today that as we look at our lives we will put Jesus in His proper place and recognize that His very presence in our story is enough and all that we need.

Memorize: “The Lord is my Shepherd.” - Psalm 23:1a

Journal / Prayer

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Page 5: Psalm 23 Devotional - alittlebitdifferent.files.wordpress.com · Psalm 23:1 Reflect: Psalm 23 opens with “the Lord is my shepherd” and immediately following that phrase we see

Day 3 I Lack Nothing.

Read: Psalm 23:1

Reflect: Why do we lack nothing? Because we have a Shepherd.

We all know that a shepherd leads his sheep, but we sometimes miss the significance of this in our lives because we often refuse to allow God to lead us. Think about it: we come up with these plans and dreams of what we want to do today, tomorrow, or in the future, but they are our plans … not His. Oftentimes we don’t embrace Jesus as our Shepherd because we don’t want to give up control of our plans.

That said, are you living your life totally dependent on your Shepherd? Or are you living your life dependent on yourself?  Take some time today and really chew on those questions and ask God to show you areas of your life where you aren’t fully depending on Him.

Memorize: “I lack nothing.” - Psalm 23:1b

Journal / Prayer

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Page 6: Psalm 23 Devotional - alittlebitdifferent.files.wordpress.com · Psalm 23:1 Reflect: Psalm 23 opens with “the Lord is my shepherd” and immediately following that phrase we see

Day 4 He makes me lie down in green pastures;

Read: Psalm 23:1-2

Reflect: A shepherd takes the sheep to green pastures for both food and rest, two things that the sheep need for life.

Don’t you love this?

The shepherd knows what the sheep need and so he brings them to the only place where it can be provided for them. Take some time today and ask God to show you the different things He has provided for you in the places where you needed them. 

Prayer / Journal

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Memorize: “He makes me lie down in green pastures;” - Psalm 23:2a

Page 7: Psalm 23 Devotional - alittlebitdifferent.files.wordpress.com · Psalm 23:1 Reflect: Psalm 23 opens with “the Lord is my shepherd” and immediately following that phrase we see

Day 5 He leads me beside quiet waters,

Read: Psalm 23:1-2

Reflect: A sheep can’t drink from a raging river because when it bends down to take a drink, it’ll be sucked into the river and lost. 

Life can feel a lot like a raging river sometimes, right?

We can get sucked into things and before we know it we are fighting to keep our heads above water. Maybe, for you, it feels like your life is out of control. Or maybe you thought things were going one way, but before you knew it everything changed directions. 

Does your life feel like it’s a raging river or quiet waters? If it feels like quiet waters, spend some time with God today and thank Him for where He has brought you. And if it feels like a raging river, spend some time with God and ask Him to help you find the quiet waters in your life.

Memorize: “He leads me beside quiet waters.” - Psalm 23:2b

Journal / Prayer

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Page 8: Psalm 23 Devotional - alittlebitdifferent.files.wordpress.com · Psalm 23:1 Reflect: Psalm 23 opens with “the Lord is my shepherd” and immediately following that phrase we see

Day 6 He refreshes my soul.

Read: Psalm 23:1-3

Reflect: Have you ever gone to a play? Usually during a play they have this time near the middle called an intermission during which they usually have an assortment of refreshments. Most of the time it’s candy and drinks and it’s really an excuse to get up and stretch your legs before coming back to finish the play.

We all go through times in our lives that are really busy where there are lots of things going on that kind of wear us out, right? And what we really need after times like these is an intermission - a time of refreshment, times that will help us feel refreshed before we continue on with whatever we are doing.

I know what you’re thinking - “life doesn’t come with an intermission.” Although this is true, to find refreshment you have to spend time with God in prayer, reading His Word, church, etc. So today as you sit with God ask Him to help you find refreshment in Him; ask Him to fill you up as you go to continue on with wherever life currently has you.

Memorize: “He refreshes my soul.” - Psalm 23:3a

Journal / Prayer

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Page 9: Psalm 23 Devotional - alittlebitdifferent.files.wordpress.com · Psalm 23:1 Reflect: Psalm 23 opens with “the Lord is my shepherd” and immediately following that phrase we see

Day 7 He guides me along the right paths,

Read: Psalm 23:1-3

Reflect: We need to remember that we are not the shepherd, God is. And He is the one who guides us along the right paths, we do not.

This is important for us to remember because so often in life we try to guide and direct our own steps and go down the path that we think we should be on instead of trusting the path that God has us on. Today as we reflect on this verse lets ask ourselves this question: what paths in my life am I leading myself down and not trusting God to lead me on?

Memorize: “He guides me along the right paths” - Psalm

Prayer / Journal

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Page 10: Psalm 23 Devotional - alittlebitdifferent.files.wordpress.com · Psalm 23:1 Reflect: Psalm 23 opens with “the Lord is my shepherd” and immediately following that phrase we see

Day 8 Pause

Read: Psalm 23

Reflect: Today we want to encourage you to pause. Stop and reflect on all that God has been showing you this past week. What is the most significant verse you have studied so far? Take some time today and ask God to reinforce the truths that He is revealing to you through this devotional.

Memorize: Review -

“The Lord is my Shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters, He refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths.” - Psalm 23:1 - 3b

Prayer / Journal

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Page 11: Psalm 23 Devotional - alittlebitdifferent.files.wordpress.com · Psalm 23:1 Reflect: Psalm 23 opens with “the Lord is my shepherd” and immediately following that phrase we see

Day 9 For His name’s sake.

Read: Psalm 23:1-3

Reflect: One of the hardest things for us to wrap our minds around is the fact that we are not here to make a name for ourselves. If you look at society today, it seems as if everyone is fighting for fame and no matter who you are or where life has you, we all want to be a big deal. 

Today, though, we are focusing on the fact that God (our Shepherd) is doing all these things in our lives not to make our name great but to draw our attention back to Him.

So today as we go through our day let’s wrestle with this thought:

Am I living for His name’s sake or my name’s sake?

Memorize: “For His name’s sake.” - Psalm 23:3c

Journal / Prayer

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Page 12: Psalm 23 Devotional - alittlebitdifferent.files.wordpress.com · Psalm 23:1 Reflect: Psalm 23 opens with “the Lord is my shepherd” and immediately following that phrase we see

Day 10 Even though I walk through the darkest valley,

Read: Psalm 23:1-4

Reflect: It is in the valley that we are often faced with our biggest battles and struggles as we wonder, “will this work out, will things get better?” In fact, (for many of us) the tendency in our lives is to try and avoid the valley at all costs because we feel like it is the end of the road. 

Today we are focusing on how God promises us that we WILL walk through dark valleys and that it’s impossible to live this life apart from them. In fact, in John 16:33 Jesus promised, “In this life YOU WILL have trouble.”

Here’s the deal: the valley is not the end of the road in our lives, it is simply a piece of the long, long journey. God says that we will have moments in our lives that feel like dark valleys and we should embrace them and continue to walk through them. 

What valleys are you facing right now in your life? Lets pray together and ask God to give us the strength to continue to walk through them and not be defined by them.

Memorize: “Even though I walk through the darkest valley,” - Psalm 23:4a

Journal / Prayer

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Page 13: Psalm 23 Devotional - alittlebitdifferent.files.wordpress.com · Psalm 23:1 Reflect: Psalm 23 opens with “the Lord is my shepherd” and immediately following that phrase we see

Day 11 I will fear no evil,

Read: Psalm 23:1-4

Reflect: Yesterday we looked at the fact that in our lives we will be faced with dark valleys, but God promises us that we will walk through them and not be defined by them.

You could say that when it comes to valleys and dark times, it’s not a matter of IF they happen, but when they WILL happen.

With that in mind, as we walk through those valleys the reality is that often times we are faced with fear because fear happens when we believe that our valley is bigger than our God. 

Today as we reflect on this verse, let’s think about the valleys in our lives - are you putting them in their proper perspective; do you fear them or do you trust the greatness of your God?

Memorize: “I will fear no evil,” - Psalm 23:4b

Journal / Prayer

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Page 14: Psalm 23 Devotional - alittlebitdifferent.files.wordpress.com · Psalm 23:1 Reflect: Psalm 23 opens with “the Lord is my shepherd” and immediately following that phrase we see

Day 12 For you are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.

Read: Psalm 23:1-4

Reflect: God is with us - what an amazing promise! Oftentimes in life when we are faced with dark valleys, we feel incredibly alone and left to figure them out on our own.


Praise God that we do not have to figure out the valleys on our own because we have our Shepherd with us, guiding and protecting us, giving us exactly what we need when we need it.

Today ask God to help you recognize His presence in your life and then be on the lookout for Him throughout the course of your day.

Memorize: “For you are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.” - Psalm 23:4c

Journal / Prayer

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Page 15: Psalm 23 Devotional - alittlebitdifferent.files.wordpress.com · Psalm 23:1 Reflect: Psalm 23 opens with “the Lord is my shepherd” and immediately following that phrase we see

Day 13 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.

Read: Psalm 23:1-5

Reflect: Did you know that even in the midst of the fight, God is still able to care for you and provide for you? He’s big enough for both and there is never a moment when the Shepherd is not caring for you and protecting you. 

Even as the Enemy of your soul comes against you again and again and again, you can still find peace because you have the Shepherd.

Today, as we walk through our day, we will be faced with battles and we will be faced with dark valleys, but let us take the time to recognize that even in the midst of the darkest valleys, God is still big enough to protect us and provide for us peace, love and joy.

Yes - He is big enough for both!

Memorize: “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.” - Psalm 23:5a

Journal / Prayer

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Page 16: Psalm 23 Devotional - alittlebitdifferent.files.wordpress.com · Psalm 23:1 Reflect: Psalm 23 opens with “the Lord is my shepherd” and immediately following that phrase we see

Day 14 You anoint my head with oil;

Read: Psalm 23:1-5

Reflect: In Bible times, when a guest came into your house you anointed their head with oil - it was a way of welcoming them and showing them both great honor and value. 

This is a great picture of how you and I are welcomed before God:

We are a treasured guest, both honored and valued.

Take some time today to pray and thank God for the fact that no matter what you’ve done or will do, He loves you and you are an honored guest with Him.

Memorize: “You anoint my head with oil;” - Psalm 23:5b

Journal / Prayer

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Page 17: Psalm 23 Devotional - alittlebitdifferent.files.wordpress.com · Psalm 23:1 Reflect: Psalm 23 opens with “the Lord is my shepherd” and immediately following that phrase we see

Day 15 My cup overflows.

Read: Psalm 23:1-5

Reflect: We often look at our lives from the standpoint of what we don’t have. 

You might remember that earlier in this devotional we focused on the fact that we lack nothing because of our Shepherd and now (a few verses later) we see that not only don’t we lack anything, but our cup overflows. 

There is a very big difference between not lacking something and overflowing with it. To not lack is to have enough of something, but to overflow with something is to be so full that the contents go over or extend well over the sides. 

A lot of times our prayers look something like, “God I ask you to be with me as I go through______ today”, but did you ever wonder what our lives would look like if we prayed, “God I ask that your presence overflow in me and around me throughout my day” … ?

Journal / Prayer

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Memorize: “My cup overflows.” - Psalm 23:5c

Page 18: Psalm 23 Devotional - alittlebitdifferent.files.wordpress.com · Psalm 23:1 Reflect: Psalm 23 opens with “the Lord is my shepherd” and immediately following that phrase we see

Day 16 Pause.

Read: Psalm 23

Reflect: Today we want to encourage you to pause, to stop and reflect on all that God has been showing you over the course of this past week.

What is the most significant verse you have studied so far? Take some time today and ask God to reinforce the truths that He is revealing to you through this devotional.

Memorize: Review -

“The Lord is my Shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters, He refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths, for His name’s sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil, my cup overflows.” - Psalm 23:1 - 5

Journal / Prayer

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Page 19: Psalm 23 Devotional - alittlebitdifferent.files.wordpress.com · Psalm 23:1 Reflect: Psalm 23 opens with “the Lord is my shepherd” and immediately following that phrase we see

Day 17 Surely your goodness and love will follow me

Read: Psalm 23:1-6

Reflect: You may be looking at this verse and thinking, “David got this wrong … God’s goodness and love isn’t for me because if it was, my life would look a whole lot different than it looks right now.” Earlier in this devotional we looked at verse 6, which says that “Even though I walk through the darkest valley I will fear no evil for you are with me.” That verse promises us two things: first, we all are going to go through dark valleys and second, that God is going to go with us through them. The promises we find in verse 6 is the very same promises that we find here - God’s goodness and love will follow us. 

Maybe you find yourself in a valley today and it feels like you’re in it alone. If so, know that God is going through it with you and His goodness and His love are with you in that valley, and will continue to be with you when you get out of it. 

With that in mind, take some time today and ask God to show you how His goodness and love are with you in that valleys of your life; or if you’re not in a valley, ask God to show you how His goodness and love are with you in your life.

Memorize: “Surely your goodness and love will follow me” - Psalm 23:6a

Journal / Prayer

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Page 20: Psalm 23 Devotional - alittlebitdifferent.files.wordpress.com · Psalm 23:1 Reflect: Psalm 23 opens with “the Lord is my shepherd” and immediately following that phrase we see

Day 18 All the days of my life,

Read: Psalm 23:1-6

Reflect: Yesterday we talked about the verse, “surely your goodness and love will follow me” and today we add, “all the days of my life.” Think about the word all. According to Webster, it refers to “the whole quantity or extent of a particular group or thing.” 

So basically when the Bible says “all of the days of my life” it means “the whole quantity or extent of my life” - every single day of my life. 

Here’s the interesting thing that it doesn’t say - “all the days of my life starting from when I became a Christian or accepted Jesus as my Savior” … It just says, “all the days of my life.” So before you even accepted who God was, God had goodness and love for you. 

All the days of your life - spend some time today and ask God to help you see where His goodness and love has been throughout your life.

Memorize: “All the days of my life;” - Psalm 23:6b

Journal / Prayer

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Page 21: Psalm 23 Devotional - alittlebitdifferent.files.wordpress.com · Psalm 23:1 Reflect: Psalm 23 opens with “the Lord is my shepherd” and immediately following that phrase we see

Day 19 And I will dwell,

Read: Psalm 23:1-6

Reflect: To dwell somewhere is to live in or at a specified location. With that in mind, there is a pretty big promise made in the four words of this verse. “I will dwell” means that you have a place to stay - a place of safety, a place of hope and promise. 

Yes! In God there is safety, hope, promise, fulfillment - you name it, it can be found in God. 

Spend some time with God today and ask Him to show you what it means to dwell in His presence and what you personally can find in His presence.

Memorize: “And I will dwell” - Psalm 23:6c

Journal / Prayer

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Page 22: Psalm 23 Devotional - alittlebitdifferent.files.wordpress.com · Psalm 23:1 Reflect: Psalm 23 opens with “the Lord is my shepherd” and immediately following that phrase we see

Day 20 in the house of the LORD forever.

Read: Psalm 23:1-6

Reflect: Because you have a relationship with God, you will dwell in His house forever … meaning that there is the promise of eternity spent in the presence of God.

Spend some time today thanking God that no matter what we are going through here on earth, there is a promise of eternity with Him - free from whatever we are going through here and now.

Memorize: “In the house of the Lord forever.” - Psalm 23:6c

Journal / Prayer

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Page 23: Psalm 23 Devotional - alittlebitdifferent.files.wordpress.com · Psalm 23:1 Reflect: Psalm 23 opens with “the Lord is my shepherd” and immediately following that phrase we see

Day 21 Congratulations!

Read: Psalm 23

Reflect: You made it! We have learned a lot over these past few weeks. Be sure to take some time today to look back over all that God has shown you as you have been studying His word. Then take some to thank Him for being your shepherd, your protector, and your provider. Thank Him for being present in the midst of your life at all times and thank Him for the promise of spending eternity in His presence.

Memorize: Review -

“The Lord is my Shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters, He refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths, for His name’s sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil, my cup overflows. Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life. And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. ” - Psalm 23

Journal / Prayer

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Whats Next? While this devotional is complete, we are all still a work in progress, so don’t let this be the end of your devotional time! We encourage you to keep going and keep growing. There are numerous reading plans and devotionals out there to help you continue to walk down the path God has for you. Be sure to visit www.bible.com and find another plan to begin today. And please don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any questions or thoughts you may have. We would be honored to talk with you.

Sincerely, Your Powerhouse family