Prudencio Cariaga Keystone Presentation

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How can language be used to decolonize young minds through education?Here are the visuals I used for my final keystone presentation, explaining the newest educational reform in Bolivia and the role of language in the process.

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Bolivia sets out to decolonize young minds starting in schools.

Law No. 070 Avelino Siani-Elizardo Perez (ASEP) was passed in December of 2010.The Decolonization of Education.

Plurinational State of Bolivia

Bolivia: independentin 1825Decolonization of the mind?





CHOL@S!Ciudad de El AltoNayras School

You cannot move forward if you forget who you are. -Nayra

Many indigenous people simply arent very interested in learning their own languages. Limachi

Our community is very distinct. There are immigrants from several different ethnic backgrounds: some are Quechua, other Guarani, some families even speak Aymara. - Mr. Cesar