Prowlers & Paragons Quickstart Hero 6 (6500081)

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  • 8/10/2019 Prowlers & Paragons Quickstart Hero 6 (6500081)


    e roan (order #6500081)

  • 8/10/2019 Prowlers & Paragons Quickstart Hero 6 (6500081)



    HERO GROUP: None

    MOTIVATION : Acceptance

    T RAITS : Athletics 4d, Might 8d, Perception 4d, Stealth 4d,Swimming 6d, Toughness 8d, Technology 6d, Vehicles 3d(Limited: no ground vehicles;Spacecraft), Willpower 4d

    PERKS: Blending, Morph

    (Doppelganger), Super Senses(Night Vision, Sonar)

    GEAR: Sunglasses

    FLAWS: Light Sensitive, Outsider(alien whos still figuring out howthings work on Earth), Quirk (hecan be rather clueless about thefact that hes still figuring out howthings work on Earth)

    QUOTE: (while undercover using

    Morph)Did you see last nightssporting competition? The localteam was very impressive; their

    pod-mates should be proud! So,what are we smuggling today ?

    Magic Natural Psionic Super Tech Training

    HEALTH 12 EDGE 12

    ORIGIN : The aquatic inhabitants of the planet Nereidia are a race of interstellar adventurers and explorers.Having visited Earth many centuries ago and not at all since, the Nereidian Envoy Corps determined that itwas time to send a new Envoy to see how things were developing on the primitive planet. Being of fairly lowconsequence, this assignment was given to EhThul, a newly -minted and still green-around-the-gills Envoy.EhThuls mission almost ended in catastrophe, however, as his ship was attacked the moment it entered thesolar system. Neither he nor his ships sensors could identify the attackers, but it was clear that they didntwant him to reach Earth. Although the attack severely damaged his craft, EhThul did make it to the planetalive and intact. Now hes biding his time, trying to make friends and find a way to repair his ship in order toget back home. Hopefully, once he reports this incident to the Corps, someone will recognize his attackers.EhThul will eventually discover who it was that attacked him, but by then it will be too late.

    e roan (order #6500081)

  • 8/10/2019 Prowlers & Paragons Quickstart Hero 6 (6500081)


    Academics: Your knowledge of all scholarly subjects.

    Athletics: Agility and acrobatics; used for attacking with ranged weapons and for defense.

    Blending: You can change colors to match his surroundings, giving you a +4d bonus on all Stealth rolls whentrying to avoid being seen.

    Charm: Your attractiveness, empathy, social skills, and force of personality.

    Command: This is your ability to get others to do what you want.

    Medical: This trait covers everything from basic first aid to neurosurgery.

    Might: Your physical strength; its used when attacking with melee weapons or your bare hands and whenthrowing heavy objects (use Athletics when throwing light objects); its also used when grappling . You can

    lift up to 10 tons.Morph: The normal version of this ability lets you change your shape to look like whatever you wish, but thechange is purely cosmetic and has no effect on your abilities. (Doppelganger: Your version of this ability ismore limited you can only turn into other bipedal, humanoid forms).

    Perception: Your physical senses, empathy, intuition, and general level of awareness.

    Professional: Reflects what you know as a result of your career or profession.

    Riding: Combines riding, caring for animals, and mounted combat.

    Science: Your knowledge of all scientific topics.

    Stealth: Your ability to do things like hide, move quietly, and follow people surreptitiously.

    Streetwise: Your knowledge of the criminal underworld and your ability to interact with it.

    Super Senses: You have superhuman senses. Night Vision lets you see in the dark. Sonar gives you a 360-degree spatial picture of everything around you while youre underwater.

    Survival: Wilderness survival in all environments.

    Swimming: You can swim very quickly. At 6d, you can travel up to 60 miles per hour. Additionally, you canbreathe water, your senses work normally underwater, and youre immune to reasonable levels ofenvironmental cold and pressure while underwater.

    Technology: The use, repair, and even creation of mechanical and technological items.

    Thievery: This trait concerns intrusion and theft.Toughness: Your physical resilience; used as your passive defense against physical attacks and to resistagents like diseases, drugs, and poisons.

    Vehicles: Your ability to operate land vehicles. At 3d, you can operate military vehicles. (Limited: unlike thenormal version of this trait, you aren t skilled at piloting ground vehicles; Spacecraft: your Vehicles traitdoes, however, apply to piloting spacecraft).

    Willpower: Your spirit; used as your passive defense against mental attacks and powers.

    e roan (order #6500081)

  • 8/10/2019 Prowlers & Paragons Quickstart Hero 6 (6500081)


    2013 LakeSide Games, Inc. Prowlers & Paragons, LakeSide Games, and all relatedmarks and logos are trademarks of LakeSide Games, Inc. All rights reserved.

    e roan (order #6500081)