BritishHomveopathic Journal January 1994,Vol. 83, pp. 38--39 International press abstracts and reviews Proving of Latrodectus mactans H. LESIGANG Two Austrian provings in 1989 yielded 11 records suitable for evaluation. Another 16 records come from a proving done by 16 phys- icians using the Becket method in 1992. General symptoms were of no particular interest. Headache and dryness took various forms. The most remarkable symptoms related to the whole of the musculature, skele- tal muscle, smooth muscle and myocardium. Spasms and colics were dominant and also feelings of constriction. With reference to the heart, provers described feelings of tension, feeling as if the heart was leaping out through the throat, with variable degrees of fear. The proving yielded no symptoms relating to bronchial musculature (known from the tox- icology). Effects on the digestive tract were powerful, with colic predominating. Stools were sometimes soft, even explosive, but more characteristically small, hard nodules difficult to pass. The symptom 'painful stool, as if lower part of intestine were contracting' describes the constrictive, spastic effect in this area extremely well and is a valuable 'as if' symptom. 2 provers reported aversion to, or intolerance of nicotine, and alcohol. Spasm and colic were also reported in the genital region. Muscle stiffness was a feature relating to skeletal muscle, and the symptom was also reported in the tongue. No distinct laterality emerged, though the right side was more frequently affected. Modalities were 'better in the evening and at night' and 'pain better from pressure'. Documenta Hornoeopathica 1992; 12: 271-82. (Austrian annual, in German) Modification of Korsakoff's method of producing high potencies by hand H. BRUNNER The author uses the multi-vial method of the homceopathic pharmacopoeia up to the 200c. He then puts i drop of the dilution into a 5 ml vial, adding 99 drops of 43% ethanol. Succus- sion is by Hahnemann's method, using 20 suc- cussion strokes, but instead of striking the vial against an elastic base he makes a lemniscate (figure of 8) motion in the air. The vial is emp- tied with a vigorous downward shake, which leaves 1 drop inside. 99 drops of ethanol are added and the process is repeated 800 times to obtain the 1M. A careful record is kept of every potentizing stage. The 300c, 400c, 500c, etc. are kept for later use to produce the higher potencies. They are succussed 50 times to improve stability. Advantages of the method are reduced risk of introducing impurities and a reduction in time and materials required. Homoeopathic physicians have reported that medicines pro- duced by this method show particularly good efficacy. The author has clearly given much thought to potentization methods and careful consideration to the literature. 1992; 12: 283-90. Documenta Homoeopathica 1992; 12: 271-82. (Austrian annual, in German) Treating iron deficiency anaemia R. SCHORE About 18 months after starting treatment with Sulphur and then Sepia for a range of prob- lems including chronic menstrual difficulties and depression, a 33-year-old patient devel- oped an iron deficiency anaemia. She was given Medorrhinum and this is reported to have not only cured the anaemia, but also to have caused a marked improvement in her general health. In a discussion on the case, the author suggests that the Sulphur~Sepia pre- scriptions may have been suppressive, leading to the development of anaemia; in contrast a colleague considers that the condition was a result of the heavy menstrual flow for which 38

Proving of Latrodectus mactans

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British Homveopathic Journal January 1994, Vol. 83, pp. 38--39

International press abstracts and reviews

Proving of Latrodectus mactans H. LESIGANG Two Austrian provings in 1989 yielded 11 records suitable for evaluation. Another 16 records come from a proving done by 16 phys- icians using the Becket method in 1992.

General symptoms were of no particular interest. Headache and dryness took various forms. The most remarkable symptoms related to the whole of the musculature, skele- tal muscle, smooth muscle and myocardium. Spasms and colics were dominant and also feelings of constriction. With reference to the heart, provers described feelings of tension, feeling as if the heart was leaping out through the throat, with variable degrees of fear. The proving yielded no symptoms relating to bronchial musculature (known from the tox- icology). Effects on the digestive tract were powerful, with colic predominating. Stools were sometimes soft, even explosive, but more characteristically small, hard nodules difficult to pass. The symptom 'painful stool, as if lower part of intestine were contracting' describes the constrictive, spastic effect in this area extremely well and is a valuable 'as if' symptom. 2 provers reported aversion to, or intolerance of nicotine, and alcohol.

Spasm and colic were also reported in the genital region. Muscle stiffness was a feature relating to skeletal muscle, and the symptom was also reported in the tongue. No distinct laterality emerged, though the right side was more frequently affected. Modalities were 'better in the evening and at night' and 'pain better from pressure'. Documenta Hornoeopathica 1992; 12: 271-82.

(Austrian annual, in German)

Modification of Korsakoff's method of producing high potencies by hand H. BRUNNER The author uses the multi-vial method of the

homceopathic pharmacopoeia up to the 200c. He then puts i drop of the dilution into a 5 ml vial, adding 99 drops of 43% ethanol. Succus- sion is by Hahnemann's method, using 20 suc- cussion strokes, but instead of striking the vial against an elastic base he makes a lemniscate (figure of 8) motion in the air. The vial is emp- tied with a vigorous downward shake, which leaves 1 drop inside. 99 drops of ethanol are added and the process is repeated 800 times to obtain the 1M. A careful record is kept of every potentizing stage.

The 300c, 400c, 500c, etc. are kept for later use to produce the higher potencies. They are succussed 50 times to improve stability.

Advantages of the method are reduced risk of introducing impurities and a reduction in time and materials required. Homoeopathic physicians have reported that medicines pro- duced by this method show particularly good efficacy. The author has clearly given much thought to potentization methods and careful consideration to the literature. 1992; 12: 283-90. Documenta Homoeopathica 1992; 12: 271-82.

(Austrian annual, in German)

Treating iron deficiency anaemia R. SCHORE About 18 months after starting treatment with Sulphur and then Sepia for a range of prob- lems including chronic menstrual difficulties and depression, a 33-year-old patient devel- oped an iron deficiency anaemia. She was given Medorrhinum and this is reported to have not only cured the anaemia, but also to have caused a marked improvement in her general health. In a discussion on the case, the author suggests that the Sulphur~Sepia pre- scriptions may have been suppressive, leading to the development of anaemia; in contrast a colleague considers that the condition was a result of the heavy menstrual flow for which