Integrating MDM Item-Details-iView into a WebDynpro Application Providing a “F4 search help” for large check tables within the SAP MDM Data Manager Applies to: SAP Netweaver 2004s SAP MDM 5.5 SP5 > P2 Summary: This article will show you how your SAP MDM Data Manager can use the displaying advantages of the Item Details iView within the SAP Data Manager. This will bring your Data Manager users a huge improvement while they have to select one lookup value out of thousands. The users can search and select the values of the check table in the same way like they know it from the ABAP world: the F4-help search. This article will show you the concrete steps how you can integrate the Item Details into your Data Manager. Author: Steffen Ulmer Company: SAP (Swiss) AG Created on: 1 November 2008 Author Bio: Mr. Steffen Ulmer is a SAP Netweaver Technology Consultant who works at SAP (Swiss) AG. He has very good experience in Java development, SAP Netweaver Master Data Management and SAP Netweaver Portal. Actually he is a member of the SAP SDS (Strategic Data Services) team. Within this team he works especially in the Data Modeling area as well as the portal integration of MDM. Acknowledgments I would like to thank Kevin Isaacson and Walter Kahn for supporting me to write this article. These colleagues gave me the basic knowledge to write this article! Thanks a lot for your tons of great emails.

Providing a “F4 search help” for large check tables within the SAP … · 2019. 11. 12. · Process flow The table below lists individual descriptions for each of the steps involved

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Page 1: Providing a “F4 search help” for large check tables within the SAP … · 2019. 11. 12. · Process flow The table below lists individual descriptions for each of the steps involved

Integrating MDM Item-Details-iView into a WebDynpro Application

Providing a “F4 search help” for large check tables within the SAP MDM Data Manager

Applies to: SAP Netweaver 2004s SAP MDM 5.5 SP5 > P2

Summary: This article will show you how your SAP MDM Data Manager can use the displaying advantages of the Item Details iView within the SAP Data Manager. This will bring your Data Manager users a huge improvement while they have to select one lookup value out of thousands. The users can search and select the values of the check table in the same way like they know it from the ABAP world: the F4-help search. This article will show you the concrete steps how you can integrate the Item Details into your Data Manager. Author: Steffen Ulmer Company: SAP (Swiss) AG Created on: 1 November 2008

Author Bio: Mr. Steffen Ulmer is a SAP Netweaver Technology Consultant who works at SAP (Swiss) AG. He has very good experience in Java development, SAP Netweaver Master Data Management and SAP Netweaver Portal. Actually he is a member of the SAP SDS (Strategic Data Services) team. Within this team he works especially in the Data Modeling area as well as the portal integration of MDM.


I would like to thank Kevin Isaacson and Walter Kahn for supporting me to write this article. These colleagues gave me the basic knowledge to write this article! Thanks a lot for your tons of great emails.

Page 2: Providing a “F4 search help” for large check tables within the SAP … · 2019. 11. 12. · Process flow The table below lists individual descriptions for each of the steps involved

Integrating MDM Item-Details-iView into a WebDynpro Application


© 2006 SAP AG 2

Table of Contents Applies to: ...................................................................................................................................................... 1 Summary: ...................................................................................................................................................... 1 Author Bio: ..................................................................................................................................................... 1 Acknowledgments ......................................................................................................................................... 1 Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................................... 2 Introduction.................................................................................................................................................... 3 Prerequisites.................................................................................................................................................. 5 Preparation .................................................................................................................................................... 5 Implementation Steps.................................................................................................................................... 6

Process flow..................................................................................................................................................... 6 Step 1: Creating the Item Details iView............................................................................................................ 6 Step 2: Developing & Deploying the WebDynpro application........................................................................... 9 A. Create the WebDynpro Project ............................................................................................................ 9 B. Create the WD-Context........................................................................................................................ 9 C. Designing the View ............................................................................................................................ 10 D. Implementation .................................................................................................................................. 10 E. Create Archive & Deploy.................................................................................................................... 13 Step 3: Defining the URL to the application within the MDM Console............................................................ 14 Step 4: Starting & Testing within Data Manager............................................................................................. 15

Attachments................................................................................................................................................. 19 Copyright ..................................................................................................................................................... 20

Page 3: Providing a “F4 search help” for large check tables within the SAP … · 2019. 11. 12. · Process flow The table below lists individual descriptions for each of the steps involved

Integrating MDM Item-Details-iView into a WebDynpro Application

Introduction Within a repository it’s strongly recommended not have a lookup with more than 5000 records, because in general you will have two major disadvantages:

1. Performance during loading will decrease 2. No UI-support in the Data Manager to select one record out of thousands

SAP’s Data Modeling experts recommend the following:

1. you can have millions of records in the main table 2. you can have millions relationship record between main table records and qualified record object 3. you should not have only thousand of lookup record (BTW: includes also predefined none-qualifier

records) Sometimes your business requirements give you no other change than modeling such an ugly lookup table. This means you will model within your MDM Console a large lookup and this lookup is referenced by the main table. If you do so you should keep in mind that the performance will decrease and your users will have problems if they should select one record out of this check table during the runtime. Normally you have no possibility to provide a search functionality for this large lookup if the users have to select one value. The following graphic shows you the circumstance:

!Very difficult to select one record out of thousands, because you cannot search within this drop downlist

Figure 1: Selecting on value out of thousands As you can see the users have to scroll within the UI and then they have to pick the one and correct desired value. With this SDN-Blog I want to show you how you can provide your users a much better search help. I call it:

THE F4-HELP WITHIN THE DATA MANAGER If you have modeled such an unaesthetic check table with thousands of values your users will use the Data Managers WebPane to enter the data for this main table field. That means that the users will first enter the “normal” data as they know it within the Data Manager but they will enter the value for the large lookup within the WebPane. In this web pane you will display the Item details iView form the SAP MDM Business Package. The following screenshot series shows you the result of this SDN Blog:


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Integrating MDM Item-Details-iView into a WebDynpro Application

Figure 2: Add a new record with the Data Manager

Figure 3: Maintain the "normal" fields within the Data Manager


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Figure 4: Use the Web Pane for entering large lookups

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Integrating MDM Item-Details-iView into a WebDynpro Application

Figure 5: Search within the lookup values As you can see the solution displays a Item Details Iview within the Data Managers Web Pane.

Prerequisites The following software has to be installed in order to follow the instructions in this article.

• MDM 5.5 Server, MDM Console and MDM Data Manager; Version 5.5 SP5 > P2 • Netweaver Portal 7.0 • MDM 5.5 SP5 Business Package • SAP Developer Studio 7

Please consult the installation guides at http://service.sap.com/instguides for instructions on how to download and install the required packages. Additional logon is required. The MDM Business Package consists of four files that have to be deployed using the Software Deployment Manager (SDM). Make sure that the Business Package has the same patch level as the MDM 5.5 Server. You will also need a portal user (referred to as administrator throughout this guide) that has the following roles assigned:

• super_admin

Preparation Please ensure that your J2EE engine has been started and you have administrator rights for the SAP Enterprise Portal, because you will create a new iView and some other Portal stuff. You will also deploy a SAP WebDynpro application to the J2EE engine and because of that you must also have the rights to deploy an ear file to the engine. Additionally you should have administrator rights to the SAP MDM 5.5 Server via the MDM-Console. This article is based on the MDM-standard Business Partners repository. Of course you can apply the steps also to other self-customized repositories.


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Integrating MDM Item-Details-iView into a WebDynpro Application

This article presupposes that: - SAP EP 7.0 is installed, - MDM Portal Content is deployed to the portal, - MDM 5.5 Server, Console and Data Manager is installed, - The connection between Portal and MDM-repository is working (MDM-Server system including

System aliases) - MDM-BP-repository is unarchived and running on the MDM Server

Implementation Steps

Process flow The table below lists individual descriptions for each of the steps involved in setting up the scenario to enlarge the SAP MDM 5.5 Portal iViews with Web Dynpro. Step Process Step Name Description 1 Creating the ItemDetails


Use the Portal Content Administration to create a MDM Item Details iView. You can configure the iView in the way you want. Normally you will add exactly that field which has a lot of values.

2 Developing & Deploying the WebDynpro application

Use the SAP Developer Studio to develop a WebDynpro which includes an IFrame UI element. This iFrame element is displaying the iView from the first step.

3 Defining the URL to the application within the MDM Console

Use the MDM Console to create a new URL which is used within the Data Manager

4 Starting & Testing within Data Manager

Start & Configure the Data Manager for the new functionality

Step 1: Creating the Item Details iView Login to your SAP Enterprise Portal with an administrator user. First ensure that the Portal-MDM connection is working. You can check that with the System Connection Test with in the Portal System Configuration:

Figure 6: Portal-MDM connection test To create a new IView, navigate to “Content Administration” “Portal Content”. Below this folder create a new folder called “MDM-DM-IVIEW”. Within this folder create a new template-iView. Choose the template “MDM – Item Details”.


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Integrating MDM Item-Details-iView into a WebDynpro Application

Figure 7: Create the ItemDetails iView Please follow the Steps in the Creation-Wizard. Some Tips: Tip 1: Use the Name and the ID: SDN_DM_IVIEW Tip 2: Use in the Step 3 the system alias for the corresponding repository (example: Business Partner) Tip 3: In step 5: Enable Editing Tip 4: Enable only the lookups for updating:

Figure 8: Confiuration of Item Details iView The following screenshots shows you the most important settings:


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Integrating MDM Item-Details-iView into a WebDynpro Application

Figure 9: Item Details Configuration

Figure 10: PCD location in Quick Info


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Information: 1. Please do not forget to:

- insert the “*” character to the Item-Details settings - remember the PCD location of the IView

2. Maybe you have to adjust the Security Zones- Permission to the iView within the System Administration -> Security Zones 3. Maybe you have to adjust the Permissions to the iView directly within the Content Administration.

Page 9: Providing a “F4 search help” for large check tables within the SAP … · 2019. 11. 12. · Process flow The table below lists individual descriptions for each of the steps involved

Integrating MDM Item-Details-iView into a WebDynpro Application

Step 2: Developing & Deploying the WebDynpro application In this step we will create a very small Web Dynpro for Java application which wraps the created Item Details. This has the advantage that you can add text and other information to your web page which will be displayed in the Data Manager. You can also download the complete project from the SDN. Please feel free to change the code as you like and deploy the new version to your server.

A. Create the WebDynpro Project - Create a new WD-project with the name “MDM_WebPane_DisplayItemDetail” - Create within this project a new WD-Component called “MDM_WebPane_ItemDetailComp” - Create / rename the view to “MDM_WebPane_ItemDetailView” You will have the following structure:

Figure 11: WD project in SAP Developer Studio

B. Create the WD-Context Now open the Component Controller and add one Context attribute “url”:


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Integrating MDM Item-Details-iView into a WebDynpro Application

C. Designing the View The view is very simple and has just one iFrame component! The WD View has the following setup:

Figure 12: Setup of the WD View – Outline View Just copy the url-context attribute from the component controller to the view and set the url-attribute as the source for the iFrame-element:

Figure 13: iFrame element and source mapping

D. Implementation There are only some code line in the Component controller: Implement this piece of code within the wdDoInit() method of the component controller:

//@@begin javadoc:wdDoInit() /** Hook method called to initialize controller. */ d//@@en public void wdDoInit() { //@@begin wdDoInit() msgMgr = wdComponentAPI.getMessageManager(); String idParam = WDWebContextAdapter.getWebContextAdapter().getRequestParameter("ID"); if(idParam!=null) { // something like : "2:1;" or "2:1;2;" or "3:1;2;3;" or "2:2;3;" String tmpString1[]=idParam.split(":"); String tmpString2[] = tmpString1[1].split(";"); String id= tmpString2[0]; // is always the first one String tmpUrl = this.getConfigItem("Url"); String user = this.getConfigItem("User"); String password = this.getConfigItem("Password"); String uRLSuffix = this.getConfigItem("UrlSuffix"); String tmpUrl2 = tmpUrl+id+"&j_user="+user+"&j_password="+password+uRLSuffix; wdContext.currentContextElement().setUrl(tmpUrl2); } //@@end }


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Integrating MDM Item-Details-iView into a WebDynpro Application

As well you have to copy this piece of code to your component controller:

/* * The following code section can be used for any Java code that is * not to be visible to other controllers/views or that contains constructs * currently not supported directly by Web Dynpro (such as inner classes or * member variables etc.). </p> * * Note: The content of this section is in no way managed/controlled * by the Web Dynpro Designtime or the Web Dynpro Runtime. */ //@@begin others private IWDMessageManager msgMgr; private java.lang.String getConfigItem( String key ) { String returnValue = ""; try { returnValue = WDConfiguration.getConfiguration("local/MDM_WebPane_DisplayItemDetail").getStringEntry(key); if(returnValue == null || returnValue.length() < 1) { msgMgr.reportWarning("While getting ConfigItem: " + key + " is empty "); logger.errorT("MDM Web Dynpro UI - While getting ConfigItem: " + key + " is empty "); } } catch (WDInvalidConfigParameterException e) { msgMgr.reportWarning(e.getMessage()); logger.errorT("MDM Web Dynpro UI - " + e.getMessage()); } catch (WDConfigurationNotFoundException e) { msgMgr.reportWarning(e.getMessage()); logger.errorT("MDM Web Dynpro UI - " + e.getMessage()); } return returnValue; }


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Integrating MDM Item-Details-iView into a WebDynpro Application

As you can see the code is using to important things:

- WDWebContextAdapter: For retrieving the parameter from the URL. You will configure this parameter later within the console

- WDConfiguration: For reading some configuration parameters out of a properties file. You can access and modify this file later via the SAP Visual Admin.

As one of the last steps you must add the properties file to your project: Switch to the Navigator view within your project and add a default.properties file:

Figure 14: Add a configuration file to the WD project Open the file within the SAP Developer Studio and add the follwoing texts:

############################################################## ## ## Properties file ## ############################################################## #This is the first part of your URL Url=http://localhost:53000/irj/servlet/prt/portal/prteventname/Navigate/prtroot/pcd!3aportal_content!2fevery_user!2fgeneral!2fdefaultDesktop!2fframeworkPages!2fframeworkpage!2fcom.sap.portal.innerpage!2fcom.sap.portal.contentarea?NavigationTarget=ROLES%3A%2F%2Fportal_content%2FMDM-DM-IVIEW%2FSDN_DM_IVIEW&externalRequestEvent=com.sap.pct.mdm.appl.masteriviews.events.externals.SetSelectedIdHandler&id= # This is a Portal user/ maybe a technical user User=sysPortal # This is the password of your portal user Password=XXXXXXX UrlSuffix=&login_submit=true

As the last implementation step you must create a new application. This application includes the window as default start plug. The window includes the View as default view.


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Integrating MDM Item-Details-iView into a WebDynpro Application

Figure 15: WD Application settings

E. Create Archive & Deploy As the last step you must deploy the WD component. Therefore use the following function:

Figure 16: Run the application After the application starts you should see this result:


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Integrating MDM Item-Details-iView into a WebDynpro Application

Now you can already modify the URL and add “ID=1:1” as the last part. Reload the application and you will already see what will be displayed later within the Web Pane of the Data manager:

Step 3: Defining the URL to the application within the MDM Console Open the console, stop the repository and a new URL Link:


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Integrating MDM Item-Details-iView into a WebDynpro Application

Add this URL: http://localhost:53000/webdynpro/dispatcher/local/MDM_WebPane_DisplayItemDetail/MDMWebPaneDisplayItemDetailApp?ID=<r>

The last parameter is a placeholder <r>. This means that the Data Manager will replace this Tag with: <amount of selected record>:<record ID of first record>;<record ID of second record>;

Step 4: Starting & Testing within Data Manager Start the repository again and start as well the Data Manager. Now go to “Configuration” and select “ItemDetail” for Record Webpane URL:


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Integrating MDM Item-Details-iView into a WebDynpro Application

Now you can switch the normal Data Manager view and select a record:

Now you can click on the web pane tab and your Item detail iview will appear:


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Integrating MDM Item-Details-iView into a WebDynpro Application

You can edit the details and the F4 search help will be displayed:


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Integrating MDM Item-Details-iView into a WebDynpro Application

You can search for the countries as you know it from the ABAP world.


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Attachments Files required for this How-To guide The whole stuff for this guide can be downloaded here. Filename Description File Size MDM_WebPane_DisplayItemDetail.zip WebDynpro source Code 160 KB MDM_WebPane_DisplayItemDetail.wrf Webex file shows the

functionality 334 KB



Code Sample:


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