Proverbs 22:6, Amplified Bible (AMP)R…  · Web viewcommunity presbyterian church. plainview, minnesota. annual meeting. sunday, january . 2. 8, 201. 8

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Agenda for the Annual MeetingCommunity Presbyterian Church

Sunday, January 28th, 2018I. Call to Order – Pastor John Curtiss

a. Opening Prayerb. Declaration of a Quorum

II. Celebrate Transitions, 2017a. Ruling Elders, class of 2017: Tina Fenton and Tim Priesb. Deacons, class of 2017: Sharon Firzlaff and Janet Roulliardc. Necrology: Margaret Evans, Lyle “Boots” Liskow, Wally Richardson

III. Clerk’s Report – Lee Ann Knudson, clerk of sessiona. Approval of the Minutes of the Congregational Meetings for 2017:

i. Minutes of Jan 22, 2017 Annual Congregational Meetingii. Minutes of the Feb 12, 2017 Special Congregational Meeting

b. Highlighting changes to the Membership Rolls and Friends ListIV. Report of the Nominating Committee

a. Members: Donna Christison (session member), Janet Roulliard (deacon member), Holly Reeve, John Zabel, Dennis Bosma (members at large)

b. Nominated for service on the session, Class of 2020:i. Diana Pries and Marty Hedstrom

c. Nominated for service on the board of deacons, Class of 2020:i. Dennis Bosma and Jennifer Torres, Class of 2020

d. Motion to dismiss Nominating Committee, with gratitudeV. Annual Business

a. Presentation of the Following (agreed to continue to serve):i. Treasurer – Julie Flanaganii. Financial Secretary – Eileen Wood

b. Noteworthy: On January 23, the Session elected Lee Ann Knudson to serve as Clerk of Session

c. Election of the 2018 Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee is made up of five individuals – one representative for the Session and one from the Board of Deacons, and three members from the congregation (members at large). Today we elect three members at large. Their task will be to nominate from the congregation ruling elders and deacons to serve on the session and board of deacons respectively (class of 2021).

VI. Treasurer’s Report – Julie Flanagana. A look at our financial situation.b. Presentation of the 2018 Budget, as adopted by the session.c. Report on Memorial fund and various other accounts.

VII. Report from the Personnel Committee – Donna Christisona. Approval of Pastor John’s Terms of callb. The Work of the Personnel Task Force

VIII. Staff and Ministry Team Reportsa. Complete printed reports are included in the Annual Report

IX. Pastor’s Report – “Seeds and Sparks”X. Closing Prayer and Benediction


Table of Contents

Cover Page 1

Agenda 2

Table of Contents 3

Minutes of January 22, 2017 Annual Congregational Meeting 4 - 5

Minutes of Special Congregational Meeting February 12, 2017 6

Pastor’s Report 7 - 9

Christian Education 10

Logos Ministries - Logos Financial Report 11

Worship Ministry Team Report 12

Worship Attendance 13 - 14

Outreach Ministry Team Report 15

Mission Report 16

Mission Giving Report 17 - 18

Clothesline Report 19

Deacon’s Report 20

Personnel Report 21

Terms of Call 22

Prayer Ministry Report 23

Treasurer/ Stewardship Report 24

Income and Expense Summary Report 25

Accounts Summary Report 26

Memorial Fund Report 27

Financial Reports (2018 Budget) 28 – 30

Membership Report 31

Statistics Report 32


Minutes of Annual Congregational Meeting of Community Presbyterian Church of Plainview, Minnesota

Sunday, January 22, 2017Part 1 of this meeting was opened with prayer by Pastor John Curtiss at 10:09 a.m. A quorum was declared.

Pastor John Curtiss thanked the Nominating Committee for its work in presenting the slate of Ruling Elders and Deacons. MSC to accept the Class of 2019 Ruling Elders Erica Haug-Gonzalez and Diane Ellringer. The third Ruling Elder position nominee is still contemplating, in prayer, and will be announced in God's time. Deacons, Class of 2019, includes Walt Christison and Jay Holst. The Ruling Elders and Deacons were ordained and installed.

The floor was closed at 10:19 a.m.

Part 2 of this meeting was opened with prayer by Pastor John Curtiss at 11:04 a.m. A quorum was declared.

1. Opening Remarks: A celebration of transitions was shared by Pastor John Curtiss. Outgoing Ruling Elders Ryan Flanagan and Holly Reeve were praised for their 2 terms, in total 6 years of service on the Session. Deacons Jerome Walch and Cheryl Alden were praised for their service as Deacons, Cheryl Alden for having fulfilled the remainder of the late Kel Mulholland's position as Deacon, Class of 2016.

2. Pastor Curtiss acknowledged with adoration and love the passing of two saints, Don Ellringer and Ardie Jurgenson.

3. Lee Ann Knudson, Clerk of Session, presented the Annual Meeting Minutes of 2016 for congregational perusal. MSC for the acceptance of the 2016 Annual Meeting Minutes as written.

4. Election of Officers occurred as a part of the annual business, MSC as presented:a. Treasurer: Julie Flanaganb. Clerk of Session: Lee Ann Knudsonc. Financial Secretary: Eileen Wood

5. The 2016 Nominating Committee of John Zabel, Wendie Rollie, Janet Roulliard (at large members), Session Representative Holly Reeve, and Deacon Representative Cheryl Alden were thanked for their prayerful service. MSC to dismiss this committee. The floor was opened for nominations for the 2017 Nominating Committee. MSC welcomed Dennis Bosma, Holly Reeve, and John Zabel to serve for 2017.

6. Julie Flanagan shared the treasurer's report, through Pastor John Curtiss. God was praised for a surplus at the end of 2016, along with prayerful giving, and wise use by God's stewards and church staff. The 2017 Budget will be approved as presented by Session during the January 29, 2017 Session Retreat.

7. Donna Christison shared on behalf of the Personnel Committee, comprised of Marty Hedstrom, Diane Ellringer, and Donna Christison. Thank yous were expressed to John Zabel, Custodian, Kellie Becker, Logos Director, Eileen Wood, Administrative Assistant, and Diana Pries, Power point Specialist. Raises were approved for the Custodian and Logos Director. Donna Christison further shared that a search is on for a new Music Director, the position vacated by Peggy Veith in the latter part of 2016 due to family situations. Mark Jurgenson served for three months as interim Music Director, with Janice Jurgenson accompanying.

Donna Christison presented the Terms of Call to the congregation. MSC was unanimously given to

approve this 3% increase for Pastor John Curtiss.

8. Task Forces, Committees, and additional reports were given as written in the Annual Report, to include:

a. Christian Educationb. Logos Ministriesc. Worship Ministry Teamd. Worship Attendance Recordse. Outreach Ministry Teamf. Mission Giving Teamg. Clothesline Report, as a component of the Mission Giving Teamh. Deacons' ReportI. Green Space Task Forcej. Prayer Team Ministryk. Memorial Funds Reportl. Financial Reports, to include the proposed 2017 Budgetm. Statistics Report

9. Pastor's Report

Pastor John Curtiss shared 5 positive points of reflection for 2016 and looking forward to 2017. 1. Our name, Community Presbyterian Church, with emphasis on the word, “Community.” He

highlighted how our church was open to many community activities, to include the Plainview Community Theater, Logos, Release Time, Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts/Daisies, High School Music Department, and upcoming 2017 events added to the list of a Blue Grass ensemble in April, and the Jazz Band Contest in the spring of 2017.

2. Pastor Curtiss will, with the Sessions' assistance, launch a Small Group Ministry in early 2017. Step one will include 6-8 individuals who will meet initially with Pastor Curtiss, with the goal of expanding to more small groups.

3. Pastor Curtiss shared his desire to further our community involvement with additional developments within the Christian Education Committee, as well as Outreach and Mission Committees.

4. Pastor Curtiss highlighted the further involvement of the Deacons in hospitality and care to include more community focus.

5. Pastor Curtiss shared his focus on further growing the church, both globally, and locally within our own church to include larger programs for youth and children, the involvement of teens within the Logos ministry, and the exciting growth in the Confirmation class. Pastor Curtiss shared his hope that there would be more baptisms than funerals in our congregation for 2017.

10. With no further business being brought before this meeting, the floor was adjourned and the meeting closed in prayer, MSC, at 11:33 a.m.

Respectfully submitted, Moderator,Clerk of Session

Lee Ann Knudson Pastor John Curtiss


Minutes of Special Congregational Meeting of Community Presbyterian Church of Plainview, Minnesota

Sunday, February 12, 2017The special meeting was called to order by moderator, Pastor John Curtiss, at 10:10 a.m. A quorum was declared. Pastor Curtiss opened in prayer.

The floor was opened for nominations for Ruling Elder, Class of 2019. The Nominating Committee presented Lucas Marshman. There were no other nominations. The floor was closed. It was moved and seconded to elect Lucas Marshman. The motion carried. Lucas was ordained and installed during the worship service.

A motion was made, seconded, and carried that the meeting be closed at 10:17 a.m. Pastor John Curtiss closed in prayer.

Respectfully submitted, Moderator,Clerk of Session

Lee Ann Knudson Pastor John Curtiss


“Seeds and Sparks”Annual Report, 2017Pastor John Curtiss

“With what can we compare the kingdom of God, or what parable will we use for it? It is like a mustard seed, which when sown upon the ground, is the smallest of all the seeds of the earth; yet when it is sown it grows up and becomes the greatest of all shrubs, and puts forth large branches, so that the birds of the air can make nests in its shade.”

--- Mark 4:30-32

“It only takes a spark to get a fire going. And soon all those around can warm up in its glowing. That’s how it is with God’s love: once you’ve experienced it, you spread his love to everyone. You want to pass it on.”

--- Pass It On, verse 1

--- Lyrics by Kurt Kaiser

Seeds and Sparks.

When I look back at 2017 and the mission and ministry of Community Presbyterian Church, I think about the seeds that were sown and planted and sparks of God’s faithful presence.

Seeds were quite literally planted this spring in the new prayer garden. In the space formerly occupied by the House of Hope, a prayer garden (Seeds of Hope?) was created. Steve Jack built five raised bed garden planters to join the two benches and a blazing maple tree was planted – all part of the vision of the Green Space Task Force. Four of the gardens were planted with vegetables – and honestly, my most favorite night of Logos this fall was the night that the Logos children helped harvest the garden. They picked tomatoes and butternut squash; they dug up radishes and carrots. It was delightful and many of the vegetables were used in the soups served at our stewardship celebration meal in November.

Seeds were also planted in the lives of the children connected to Community Presbyterian Church. In April, we presented every child in the Logos program, Teen Program, and Confirmation Class with a new bible. (We also presented the Adult Sunday School class with new bibles for their class). My hope and prayer continues to be that those bibles will be readily accessible when needed.

Seeds were sown through the creation of small group ministries. In the fall, we formed four small groups (with nearly 30 participants) who spend six weeks studying “Christian Hope” and growing together in faith and fellowship.

Seeds were planted when the confirmation class traveled to Camp Courageous of Iowa for a week-long mission trip. Seeds were planted when 14 children and youth attended camp at Clearwater Forest for a week of camp in God’s woods and waters.

And there were sparks!

I remember it clearly: One Thursday morning this past July, I was praying with the Prayer Group (we meet every Thursday morning to pray from 9 – 10 am) and were praying for the mission and witness of Community Presbyterian Church. We were asking God to bless us with a new passion. We prayed that this passion would light a “spark” within us and would be the beginning of transformation.

Later that same day, a visitor came to my office with an envelope. This individual said that a deceased relative’s estate has been settled…and they believed that this gift was intended for the church. I was encouraged to open the envelope. Inside were 30 $100 bills – a total of $3,000. “Pastor, I don’t care how this money is used, as long as it is a blessing to others.”

Coincidence? We prayed for sparks…and we received…sparks?

When I shared this with the session, there was stunned silence. And then spontaneous applause. I asked, “What do we do when the gift of sparks comes in a $3,000 donation?” The session responded, “If God so quickly answers are prayers for sparks, God will quickly answer our prayers for how to use this gift as a blessing.”

Honestly, moments like this are happening in the life of Community Presbyterian Church. I was able to work with an amazing session (thank you Tina Fenton, Tim Pries, Donna Christison, Anthony McClellan, Kent Harrington, Lee Ann Knudson, Lucas Marshman, Erica Haug-Gonzalez, and Diane Ellringer for your hard work this year!) and a talented Board of Deacons (Thank you Sharon Firzlaff, Janet Roulliard, Eileen Wood, Zac Zabel, Jay Holst, and Walt Christison for your creative energy!)

One final note, I’m sure you’ve heard me say it before – Community Presbyterian Church is blessed with an amazing staff. I am grateful to be able to serve alongside such wonderful and faithful people. Our staff experienced a couple of transitions in 2017. After several years, Diana Pries decided it was time to step away from her duties as “Power Point Specialist.” Thank you Diana for your faithfulness and consistency in serving well for so many years. Lee Ann Knudson was hired as Power Point Specialist in May and has seamlessly transitioned. Thank you Lee Ann for your creativity and passion.

In August, we welcomed Mark Rich as music director at Community Presbyterian Church. As you know, Mark has brought a new energy to our choir. And not only does he direct our choir, but he is a talented organist as well! If you missed his prelude at the Ecumenical Thanksgiving Worship service, you missed out on something special.

John Zabel continues to serve as our custodian – and we couldn’t be more blessed by John’s hard work, positive attitude, and willingness to do whatever needs to be done.

Kellie Becker has been the Logos Coordinator for over a decade at CPC. Kellie’s big heart, incredible organization, and love of children is an inspiration to me. Her heart is one of the biggest reasons Logos continues to thrive and be successful.

Eileen Wood is, to many of us, the face of the church. Her ready smile and genuine care make anyone who come into the office feel nurtured and welcomed. I am so grateful for her service as financial secretary and administrative assistant. And I learned this year, that Eileen is truly impossible to replace. When she needed six weeks to recover from hip surgery at the end of 2017, the personnel committee thought hiring three people (a financial secretary, a paper secretary, and a team of volunteer receptionist) would be able to cover her many duties. I learned that despite such wonderful helpers, the work that Eileen does to support me personally cannot be replaced. I’m grateful that Eileen is recovered (enough) to come back to the office (and help me out!)

Seeds and Sparks. God is planting seeds among and around us. I can’t wait to see what will bloom in 2018 and beyond.


Pastor John H.G. Curtiss


Christian Education Committee 2017 ReportCommittee Members: Tina Fenton and Lee Ann Knudson (session representatives), Jessica McNallan, Molli Funk and Anika (Anker) Kosiuk

Proverbs 22:6, Amplified Bible (AMP) 6  Train up a child in the way he should go [teaching him to seek God’s wisdom and will for his abilities and talents], even when he is old he will not depart from it.

The Christian Education Committee chose Proverbs 22:6 as their guiding scripture for 2017. Each educational opportunity used this scripture! Children of all ages were encouraged to grow in their faith throughout the year.

Children’s Sunday School met at different times throughout the year with a focus on the liturgical season. During Lent, the children planted Resurrection Gardens and shared them with the congregation on Easter morning as the centerpieces at our church breakfast. The children also made cards for the shut-ins, and prayer booklets for those for whom they prayed. A new time to meet (during the fellowship time following the worship service) was met with much success! The Confirmation Class lent their hand as well during projects that required a bit more work. A focused set of classes during Advent helped to teach the children the Christmas Story through crafts and lessons. We learned about the angel who visited both Mary and Joseph, and made angels to decorate one of the sanctuary trees. The manger story became another decoration for the Children’s Christmas tree.

Adult Sunday School met regularly throughout the year. Increased attendance following the Small Groups was exciting! We continue to grow in wisdom and in Truth, looking at the historical context of that worship week’s scriptures, following with discussion on personal application in our own faith journeys. We especially enjoyed the new bibles, purchased with money from Ardie Jurgenson’s memorial and the Community Clothesline.

Additionally, Bibles were purchased for the children of Logos, members of the Teen Youth Group and the Confirmation Class. Bibles were purchased with funds from the Memorial Account and from the Community Clothesline.

Vacation Bible School was a rousing success! There were over 30 children involved, and many adult volunteers who made the three-evenings fly by far too quickly! The theme, “Operation Arctic”, was a welcome respite from the hot summertime temperatures.

Camp Clearwater Forest was amazing! We sent a record 14 campers to a week of church camp. Because of the generosity of our congregation, camp scholarships were a huge blessing! In addition to spending a week at camp as a volunteer, Alan Dewey also organized a Fall Retreat for members of the Teen and Confirmation groups. Kellie Becker and Molli Funk served as adult sponsors on this weekend trip to Clearwater.

As September came, the invitation to bless backpacks was given to all our children and adult students. We blessed 17 backpacks on Backpack Sunday! Such a joy to know our children are surrounded by the love of Jesus, and the presence of the Holy Spirit as they continue their public education.

We continue to support Pastor John and Ryan and Tina Fenton as they lead a group of 9 confirmation students. Their highlight of 2017 was a weeklong mission trip to Camp Courageous of Iowa.


LOGOS Annual Report for 2017Submitted by—Kellie BeckerLOGOS had another very successful year.  We had 26 elementary children attend each week.  Teen LOGOS had 16 youth each week.  I believe this program is a valuable program and the experience that the children and youth have while they are here at Community Presbyterian is a warm and loving atmosphere.  I am always amazed by all of the activities that the children can be a part of, but humbled that LOGOS is a priority for these children.  LOGOS remains one of the few activities that remind the children that they are loved by God.  I cannot express my gratitude to the volunteers that have made LOGOS possible.  Your prayers, food donations, money donations, and leadership have nourished the children of our congregation and our community.  Thank you! -Kellie

2017 LOGOS Treasurer’s Report

Beginning Balance (Jan. 1, 2017) $1,994.69

INC0ME:Registrations $1,020.00Donations – from our Congregation $ 575.00Donations – from outside Congregation $ 0 Total Income= $1,595.00

EXPENSES:Food $1,572.22Logos Materials $ 0End of Year Meal - Thank You $ 180.24Total Expenses= $1,752.46

Ending Balance (Dec. 31, 2017) $1,837.23

Submitted by - Bea Harrington, Logos Treasurer

Note from Pastor John: I cannot think of our Logos Program without thinking of Kellie Becker – who began directing the Logos Ministry over a decade ago. To be loved by Kellie is to be truly blessed – and what a blessing Kellie’s love has been to so many – children, youth, and adult volunteers alike. One of Kellie’s many talents is to make leading Logos appear to look effortless. But I know that isn’t the case. Kellie puts a huge amount of herself – time and resources – into the Logos program. This year has made me aware of how important it is to surround Kellie with an adequate number of volunteers. Because Kellie does so much (and makes it look easy), we might forget that it takes all of us to make all of Logos successful. I know that there are many faithful volunteers – and I join Kellie in expressing my gratitude to God for your faithful service – however, I also know that we need more. Please consider stepping up and into a leadership role in the Logos program. We’d love to help you help us.


Worship Committee Report for 2017Committee Members: Joan Lee, Janice Jurgenson, Bonnie Bosma, Kent Harrington (session representative), Erica Haug-Gonzalez (session representative), and Mark Rich (choir director and music coordinator).

The Worship Committee gathers on a monthly basis to select hymns to be sung by the congregation on Sunday morning worship. I appreciate everyone’s thoughtfulness as we try to balance singing comfortable and familiar hymns with learning new songs. We are known to be the only committee to spend most of our meeting time singing together. The Praise Band also led worship nearly once a month and also included songs new and familiar.In 2017, we welcomed Mark Rich to the staff of Community Presbyterian Church. Mark brings an incredible amount of skill and passion to our music program – both in directing our choir and playing the organ. Welcome to Community Pres, Mark!

In 2017, we also welcomed the Blue Grass band “Monroe Crossing” into our sanctuary for a wonderful evening of live music.

In 2017, the Plainview Community Theater used our sanctuary for two major events. In August, the PCT led a two week children’s theater workshop the included two performances. In October, the PCT presented “Fiddler on the Roof” to a week-long full house crowd. Although the stage was up for about a month longer than previous years, the worship committee celebrates our relationship with the PCT and hope to continue to provide the venue for their performances for years to come!

In 2017, the sanctuary was outfitted with four individual hearing assistance devices. These are handheld and wireless – using the existing sound system. All reports indicate that they work well for those who need them.

Special Services in 2017 included:Ash Wednesday – March 1 Logos Celebration – April 2nd Maundy Thursday – April 13 Graduate Recognition – May 21Minnesota Teen and Adult Choir – June 4Vacation Bible School and Camp Clearwater Sunday – July 16Mission Trip Sunday – August 13 Outdoor Worship – August 19Backpack Blessing – Sept 10 Ecumenical Thanksgiving Worship – Nov 19Logos Sunday (featuring the Dewey Decibals!) – Dec 17 Christmas Eve – Dec 24

Music is such an important part of worship. Thank you to everyone who shared their musical gifts with the congregation in the past year. Your talent is greatly appreciated. Thank you to everyone who participated in choir, praise band, offered special music, accompanied, or sang joyfully throughout the year!

Pastor John


Worship Attendance Report for 2017Month Day Total Adults / Youth Comments January 1 28 28 0 Lee Ann Knudson preached

8 52 42 1015 Not counted22 56 45 11 Annual Meeting29 72 58 14

February 5 76 61 1512 57 44 13 Jeff Japinga preached19 53 44 9 Katie Whipple preached

26 67 53 14March 1 34 30 4 Ash Wednesday

5 81 67 1412 53 44 9 Lee Ann Knudson preached19 76 61 15 New Members26 58 47 11

April 2 91 69 22 Logos/Bible Sunday 9 62 50 12 Palm Sunday13 28 28 0 Maundy Thursday16 109 87 21 Easter Sunday23 53 45 830 65 58 7

May 7 60 51 914 53 45 8 Mother’s Day

21 79 66 13 Graduate Sunday28 52 42 10 Memorial Weekend

June 4 113 88 25 MN Teen Challenge 11 48 42 618 46 40 6 Father’s Day25 67 51 16 Camp Send-off

July 2 50 43 7 9 58 51 7 16 53 43 10 VBS & Camp Sunday23 46 43 3 Lee Ann Knudson preached30 33 29 4 Robert Hamilton preached

August 6 51 45 6 13 64 53 1119 32 27 5 Outdoor Evening Service 27 72 66 6

September 3 54 49 5 Labor Day Weekend10 60 45 15 17 55 50 524 61 49 12

October 1 63 53 10 8 Not counted15 64 51 1322 61 51 729 57 45 12

November 5 66 56 1012 Not counted19 64 53 1123 45 Thanksgiving26 55 46 9 Tammy Rider preached

December 3 75 65 1010 61 54 717 87 59 28 Logos Sunday24 a.m. 58 48 1024 p.m. 108 94 14 Christmas Eve31 35 35 0 New Year’s Eve Day

Worship Averages2017 average 612016 average 582015 average 612014 average 662013 average 682012 average 692011 average 632010 average 57


Outreach Committee Report – 2017

In 2017 the Outreach Committee developed a follow-up plan for worship guests (visitors). Pastor John continues to send a letter to our first time worship guests, and after their second visit the Outreach Committee delivers a jar of popcorn labeled “Thanks for popping in to worship.” and a copy of our latest newsletter. This program continued throughout the year.

On February 26 we partnered with the Pastor to host an Inquirer’s Class for people interested in becoming members of Community Presbyterian Church. Molli Funk, Doris Jones and Bridget Eversman joined our congregation.

July 9th brought about our annual fellowship event at the Rochester Honkers baseball game. Twenty-four people attended as our numbers continue to grow each year. Because many of us were wearing our church tee-shirts, the question was asked if we could place another order for tee-shirts this year. Thirteen additional tee-shirts were ordered.

Corn on the Cob Days meant we were again giving away popcorn on our church lawn during the parade. The Outreach Committee, along with Pastor John, gave away approximately two hundred bags of popcorn with an invitation to “Come and see what’s poppin’ at Community Presbyterian Church”.

In December Olde Fashioned Christmas was celebrated in the community and our church participated by opening our doors to a display of over two hundred nativity scenes from members of our congregation and the Plainview area. More than four hundred people came into our building to be reminded that “Christmas Begins with Christ”. They were given handouts “Love Came Down” encouraging them to worship in the church of their choice during the holiday season. Church members acting as greeters for this event were: Donna Christison, Glen and Barb Borgen, Jennifer Torres, Jessica McNallan (Molly Jo and Billy), Ryan Flanagan, Bonnie Bosma and Ron Manzow.

The Outreach Committee continues to work to make Community Presbyterian Church a visible presence in our community. There is something special happening here…God is at work here….Invite your friends!

Donna Christison, Co-Chair

Tim Pries, Co-Chair

Ryan Flanagan

Stephanie Kreofsky

Jennifer Torres


Mission Committee Report 2017Committee Members: Darlene Paulson and Anthony McClellan, co-chairs. Diane Ellringer, secretary. Barb Borgen, Julie Flanagan, and Janet Roulliard

God’s Work ~ Our Hands! This pretty much says it all.

Wow!!! This has been an awesome year. I want to express gratitude to everyone in this congregation. Whether you prayed for the mission work, provided hands to help, provided transportation, or provided food, we couldn’t do it without you.

This past year we set a goal to have 75% of the adult membership participate in some type of mission related project. Although we haven’t quite me this goal, we are well on our way as currently 45% have helped on at least one of our hands-on mission projects. Many individuals participated in more than one project. Below is a list of projects that we have done this year. I am especially proud of the youth who have also participated in many of the hands-on mission projects and any of the friends of our congregation who have also given of your time.

Saturday Noon Meals Youth Mission Trip

Feed My Starving Children Community Clothesline

Family Promise Ronald McDonald House

Bingo Yard Work

Backpack Program Bell Ringing

In addition to the hands-on mission projects, our congregation supported a “Mission of the Month” each month. The giving report is listed on the next page.

As we continue our mission work for 2018, don’t be afraid to roll up your sleeves and get a little dirty. Doing God’s work is always more fun when there is a group of people working together.

Respectfully submitted: Diane Ellringer

When the master comes and finds the servant doing his work, the servant will be blessed. Matthew 24:46


Mission Giving Report for 2017

January Totals Presbyterian Mission Catalog 404.00 Matching 150.00

Total paid to Presbyterian Mission Catalog 554.00

February Totals Plainview Elgin Area Food Shelf 683.11 Matching 150.00

Total paid to Plainview Elgin Area Food Shelf 833.11

March Totals Youth Fund/Camp Scholarships 2,816.40 Matching 150.00

Total paid to Youth Fund/Camp Scholarships 2,966.40

April Totals One Great Hour of Sharing 524.18 Matching 150.00

Total paid to One Great Hour of Sharing 674.18 Total paid to Saturday Noon Meals 200.00

May Totals Family Promise 222.00 Matching 150.00

Total paid to Family Promise 372.00

June Totals MN Adult & Teen Challenge 1,143.50 Matching 150.00

Total paid to MN Adult & Teen Challenge 1,293.50

July Totals Feed My Starving Children 296.00 Matching 150.00

Total paid to Feed My Starving Children 446.00 Total paid to Vacation Bible School 107.00

August Totals Habitat for Humanity 336.00 Matching 150.00

Total paid to Habitat for Humanity 486.00

September Totals PDA – Hurricanes Harvey/Irma 501.25 Matching 150.00

Total paid to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance 651.25

October Totals Heifer International 270.00 Matching 150.00

Total paid to Heifer International 420.00 Total paid to PEM Backpack Program 72.00

November Totals Eagle’s Healing Nest 327.00 Matching 150.00

Total paid to Eagle’s Healing Nest 477.00

December Totals Salvation Army 267.00 Matching 150.00

Salvation Army (Paid in Jan.) 417.00

Total Mission Giving 2017 $8,169.44

Total Mission Giving 2016 $6,188.14

Total Mission Giving 2015 $6,060.56

Total Mission Giving 2014 $4,022.31

Total Mission Giving 2013 $4,567.29

Mission Giving from Budget: $1,800.00Matching Mission (matches the first $150.00 of each Mission of the Month)

18Community Clothesline Report 2017

BEGINNING BALANCE (January 1, 2016) Checking $ 2,181.47Cash 55.00

$ 2,236.47INCOME

Sales 2,525.52Total Income $2,525.52


Visa 783.79 Bibles for Logos Children

Plainview Swimming Pool 50.00Swimming Passes for Family Promise

Plainview News 65.00Crazy Days Ad

Anthony McClellan 51.54Totes for Clothesline

Family Promise Rochester 300.00Donation

John Curtiss 125.00Festival of Trees

Bennett’s 300.00Gift Cards for Backpacks

Total Disbursements $1,675.33Bank Balance (Dec. 31, 2017) 3,031.66Ending Cash on Hand (box) 55.00

TOTAL REVENUES ON HAND (December 31, 2017) $3,086.66


Deacons Annual Report – 2017

The Board of Deacons in 2017 looked like this:

Class of 2017 – Sharon Firzlaff and Janet Roulliard

Class of 2018 – Eileen Wood and Zac Zabel

Class of 2019 – Walt Christison and Jay Holst

I am truly grateful for the six individuals listed above who answered the call to serve as a Deacon for Community Presbyterian Church. The Deacon’s work hard to provide a hospitable atmosphere for all and to care for those in need among us.

At each monthly meeting in 2017, we opened the meeting with praying for the entire church membership (by name!). Each month, Deacons write birthday and anniversary cards to all members as well as other notes of care and concern to those who are struggling. The Deacons also work with me to deliver communion to those who are unable to attend worship. We take the bread and the juice that was blessed in worship to people in their homes the week after communion.

Some highlights from 2017 included:

Delivering poinsettias at Christmas and tulips at Easter to our shut-in members. Ensuring hospitality by recruiting individuals to serve Coffee Fellowship and

to be Greeters. Continued the tradition of “Deacon Sunday” by providing an extended time of

fellowship (and a meal) on the first Sunday of (most) months. Provided a time of fellowship for the community following the Ecumenical

Thanksgiving service, hosted at Community Presbyterian Church. Fed our guests from the Minnesota Teen and Adult Challenge program after

they led us in worship in June. Provided cakes for Logos Sunday, baptisms, and graduating seniors.

A special thanks to Sharon and Janet for their three years of service. Also, thank you to Eileen for serving faithfully these past two years.

Respectfully submitted,

Pastor John


Personnel Committee Report – 2017

During 2017 Community Presbyterian Church has once again been blessed by an excellent and caring staff. Thank you for your service to God’s church: Eileen Wood (Administrative Assistant/Financial Secretary), John Zabel (Custodian), Kellie Becker (LOGOS Coordinator), Mark Rich (Choir Director), Lee Ann Knudson (Power Point Specialist), and, of course, Pastor John Curtiss. We send a special welcome to Mark Rich and Lee Ann Knudson as they are both new to our staff this year. We also send a heartfelt thank you to Diana Pries who served as our Power Point Specialist for several years and resigned in May.

The Personnel Committee met in October to discuss the upcoming medical leave for our Administrative Assistant/Financial Secretary. Eileen would be taking six weeks off following surgery beginning December 11. It was decided to hire one person to do the “secretarial” piece of her job (Lee Ann Knudson), to hire one person to do the “financial” piece of her job (Jean Meyers) and to recruit volunteers to serve as receptionists during office hours on Monday through Thursday. Thank you to those volunteers: Wendy Rollie, Zac Zabel, Janice Jurgenson, Donna Christison, John Zabel, Linda Chattin and Robin Holst.

The Personnel Committee met on November 7 with Pastor John and on November 9 with the remaining staff to evaluate their year and have a conversation about how things are going. Following those discussions, the Committee recommended to the Session that the Administrative Assistant/Financial Secretary’s salary be increased from $12.50 to $13.50 (per hour) beginning January 1, 2018. We also recommend to the congregation that the Pastor receive a 3% salary increase for 2018. All other salaries will remain the same.

With appreciation to all of the staff who serve God through Community Presbyterian Church and to the members of the congregation whose financial support pays their salaries……..

The Personnel Committee

Donna Christison, Chair

Diane Ellringer

Marty Hedstrom

21Terms of Call

Pastor John Curtiss

2017 2018

Effective Salary 49,273 50,751.19

Designated: Designated:Cash: $31,273 Cash:

$32,751.19Housing: $15,000 Housing: $15,000403b: $3,000 403b: $3,000

Medical/Pension 17,985 18,777.94(2014 rate is 35% of effective salary)(2015 rate is 36.5% of effective salary)(2016 rate is 36.5% of effective salary)(2017 rate is 36.5% of effective salary)(2018 rate is 37% of effective salary)

Dental Benefits 1,168.44 1,168.44

Professional Expenses 2,700 2,700

Vacation4 weeks/year (including 4 Sundays)

Continuing Education2 weeks/year (including 2 Sundays)Cumulative up to 6 weeks

Total Package (2017): $71,126 (2018): $73,397.57


Prayer Ministry Report 2017

Prayer Group:

Prayer Group has been a very life-giving experience for those involved. We meet every Thursday morning from 9:00 – 10:00 in the conference room. We pray for any prayer concerns that come up during the week as well as for the leadership of our church, our community, our country and our world. It is our hope that through regular prayer we can enhance the life of the church and bring us closer to the will of God.

Prayer Chain:

The prayer chain has been an active part of the prayer life of this church. Requests for prayer come in to the church office by calls, e-mails, or are started with anyone on the prayer chain. The prayer requests are then passed on through the prayer chain by phone or e-mail. Our current list of prayer warriors include:

Phone List E-mail List Glen and Barb Borgen Janet Rouillard Dianne LutziDennis and Bonnie Bosma Walt & Donna Christison Holly ReeveJanice Jurgenson Diane Ellringer Betsy DeweyEileen Wood (Church Office) Kent and Bea Harrington

Thank you to everyone who participated in the prayer chain in 2017. Hopefully it was a positive experience as you lifted up your brothers and sisters in Christ at their time of need.

Respectfully submitted,Eileen Wood


Treasure’s Report – 2017

One of the ways to measure the financial health of the church is to look at pledges. Pledging makes up the majority of the congregation’s operating income.

Here is a quick look comparing the 2017 pledges with the 2018 pledges.

In 2017, there were 51 pledging units (families or individuals) = $118, 973

This was an increase of over 5% from 2016.

In 2018, there were 52 pledging units (families of individuals) = $121,628

This is an increase of 2.2% from 2017.

Additionally, within the 2018 pledges:

26 pledges (50%) were increased from the year before.

4 pledges are new pledges.

Praise God! Thank you everyone for your giving.

Julie Flanagan


24Income and Expense Summary Report 2017

Anticipated Revenues 2017 Budget 2017 YTD Remaining Budget

Pledges $118,973.00 $115,600.71 $3,372.29Accountable Offerings (non-pledged gifts) $8,500.00 $16,500.00 -$8,000.00Per Capita $2,400.00 $2,937.62 -$537.62Coffee Fellowship $750.00 $883.10 -$133.10Loose Offering $1,000.00 $1,181.06 -$181.06Initial Offering $150.00 $160.00 -$10.00Building Usage $2,500.00 $2,770.00 -$270.00Fundraisers $4,000.00 $2,681.00 $1,319.00Easter Breakfast $200.00 $254.00 -$54.00Pre-paid Pledge for 2018 $0.00 $9,520.00 -$9,520.00Transfers from Memorials $0.00 $17,053.80 -$17,053.80Transfers from Memorials for Music Director $3,900.00 $0 $3,900.00Miscellaneous Operating Income $2,300.00 $5,158.00 -$2,858.00Prepaid for 2017 (Gift of Stock – 14,993.46) not included in total


Sale of 45 shares of Stock – included in Pledges $7,510.05Sale of 48 shares of Stock – included in Pledges $8,036.16Prepaid for 2018 (Gift of Stock – 15,000.04) not include in total $15,000.04

Total Budget Income $144,673.00 $174,699.29 -$30,026.29

Expenses 2017 Budget 2017 YTD Remaining Budget

Program ExpensesSubtotal $12,344.00 $12,763.40 -$419.40

AdministrationSubtotal $4,000.00 $4,016.68 -$16.68

Building and GroundsSubtotal $23,538.00 $26,372.71 -$2,834.71

StaffSubtotal $31,326.00 $23,357.98 $7,968.02

PastorSubtotal $71,126.00 $71,378.47 -$252.47

LoanLoan Repayment $9,900.00 $9,897.00 $3.00

MiscellaneousPaid out of Memorials $17,053.80

Total Budget Expenses $152,234.00 $164,840.04 -$12,606.04

25Church Accounts Summary Report

Church Assets*12-31-16 12-31-17

Operating Checking Account 11,077.68 12,335.19

Helping Hands Checking 1,144.04 759.04

Logos Checking 1,994.69 1,837.23

Community Clothesline Checking 2,181.47 3,031.66

Youth Checking 965.57 1,601.97

Memorial Savings 13,999.82 14,218.16

Cash Flow Savings 63.12 63.22

12 Month CD 10,217.35 10,294.20

Church Liabilities**1-1-17 12-31-17

Real Estate Loan 170,988.57 164,471.85

*These assets are either checking/ savings accounts or a short-term CD and are designated for a specific purpose.

**The liability is the loan from the most recent remodel and addition of the church. In 2015, the Session refinanced the loan with a favorable (and fixed) interest



December 31, 2017

Balance on hand December 31, 2016 $13,999.82

Receipts:Dorothy Zirbel - Undesignated $ 3,918.00

Lyle Liskow – Church Women 200.00 Lyle Liskow – Undesignated 1,100.00 Margaret Evans – Undesignated 1,530.00 Margaret Evans – Church Women 150.00

Return of Kitchen Equipment 73.65Lila Feldman - Undesignated 10.00Clark, Baker, Churchhill – Undesignated 10,000.00Wally Richardson – Church Women 150.00Wally Richardson – Undesignated 600.00Anonymous 3,000.00

Savings interest 40.49$20,772.14$34,771.96

Disbursements: Planter Boxes $ 1,387.08 Tree 199.95 Sprinkler Inspection 10,850.00

Hearing Devices 1,361.54Youth Fund – Camp 500.00Confirmation Bibles 255.23Additional Loan Payment 3,000.00To General Fund for cash flow 3,000.00

$20,553.80Balance on hand December 31, 2017 $14,218.16

Allocation of Funds: Undesignated memorials $ 7,446.69 LOGOS program 862.06 Youth programs 114.20 Church Women 1,344.81 Men’s choir 125.39

Endowed – youth camp fund 4,325.01$14,218.16

Funds held in savings account at Foresight Bank – Plainview, MNSubmitted by: Steve Jack


Proposed 2018 Budget

2017 Budget 2018 Proposed NotesProgram Expenses

Christian Education 1400 1400Logos 0Mission

Matching 1800 1800Presbytery – Unified Giving 0

Per Capita 4894 4968 (144 x 34.50)Mission Team 100 100Evangelism 500 500 Music / Choir 350 350Worship 1200 1200Pulpit Supply 400 400Fellowship and Food 700 700Stewardship 100 100Session 100 100Deacons 800 500Personnel 0 0

Subtotal 12,344 12,118


4000 4200Bank Fees CMS – SoftwareCopier MaintenanceMisc. AdministrationOffice SuppliesPostageAdvertisingNew computer / Office Equipment 0 0

Subtotal 4,000 4,200

282017 Budget 2018 Proposed Notes

Building and GroundsNatural Gas 5000 5000Electricity 4000 5200Telephone 1440 1440Insurance 5298 5450New ProjectsWater and Sewer 2300 2300Building and Grounds 5500 5500

Repairs and Maintenance Garbage Removal Snow Removal Alarm System

Maintenance Supplies Elevator Contract

Subtotal 23,538 24,890

StaffLogos Coordinator 4800 4800Music Coordinator 3900 3900Administrative Assistant / Financial Secretary 12500 13500Custodians 5850 5875Power Point Specialist 1144 1144Payroll Taxes 2158 2235.25Workman’s Comp 974 937

Subtotal 31,326 32,391.25

PastorSalary (including 403b deferral) 49273 50751.19Pension and Medical 17985 18777.94Continuing Education / Professional Expense 2700 2700Dental Insurance – Member and Children 1168 1168

Subtotal 71,126 73,397.13


Loan Repayment 9900 9900

Total Budget Expenses 152,234 156,896.38 (1.52% increase)

2017 Budget 2018 Proposed Notes

Anticipated Revenues

Pledges 118,973 121,628 (2.18% increase)

Accountable Offerings 8500 10700

Loose Offerings 1000 1000

Per Capita Offset 2400 2700

Coffee Fellowship 750 750

Easter Breakfast 200 250

Initial Offering 150 160

Fundraisers 4000 3600

Building Usage / Rent 2500 2500

Miscellaneous Gifts

Transfer from Memorial Fund

Transfer from Memorial Fund (Music) 3900 3900

Miscellaneous Income 2300 2300

Total Income 144,673 149,488 (3.2% increase)

Budget Deficit 9,832.13 7,408.38 ($2433.75 less) (24.65% lower deficit)

30Membership and Friends Report


* On 12/31/2016 CPC listed – 144 Active Members and 29 “Friends”

*In 2017, 3 new members joined, 3 members deceased, 2 members transferred

(142 Active Members)

*In Nov and Dec, 2017, Session took the following Action:

To Remove: Alisha Finley, Travis Ihrke, and Julie Rassett from the Membership Rolls

To Move from “Active Members” to “Friends” the following 28 individuals:

Andrew Piva, Debbie Piva, Brittney Schmit, Missy Schmidt, Curtis Schneider, Alexandria Strain, Mitchell Strain, Cindy Tri, Anjelika Anker, Tom DeMartini, James Elit, Jacob Elit, AJ Ellringer, Brett Ellringer, Isaiah Haug-Gonzalez, Brandon Hollister, Chandler Newell, Cole Polson, Emmaline Polson, Amanda Bartz, Ciara Ryan, Mikayla Walkes, Ryan Elit, Amy Elit, Aaron Lee, Nicole Ryan, Byran Todd, and Karen Todd.

On 12/31/2017 CPC listed – 111 Active Members and 57 “Friends”

What is an “Active Member”? An individual who is committed to Community Presbyterian Church by participating in the following four: 1. Worship regularly. 2. Give generously. 3. Serves in the Mission of Christ’s Church. 4. Grows in the life of Faith.

What is a “Friend of CPC”? Individuals who are connected to the church. They receive regular mailings, special invitations, e-newsletters, and other communications. The session is working on ways to intentionally connect with our “friends” to let them know that they are still a beloved part of our journey together. “Friends” are regularly prayed for by the Session, the Board of Deacons, and the prayer group.

How and Why did the Session do this now? The Session has the responsibility to maintain the church rolls (list of active members). In early 2017, Pastor John met with a couple of members from the session to identify folks we’d like to follow up with. In Oct, Nov, and Dec, Session members made phone calls to individuals. In many cases, we learned of folks who had moved or who had plugged into other area churches.

Is this a permanent/forever kind of decision? No. If you have questions or concerns about this decision, please contact Pastor John or any member of the session. We needed a starting place to determine who was “Active” and who was “Friend.” Because we believe that the church exists to make disciples, we will always welcome any individuals into active membership who are desiring to become disciples of Jesus Christ by supporting the mission of CPC.

31Statistics Report

Membership as of December 31, 2016 144

Gains to Active Roll 3

Losses 36

Total Membership as of December 31, 2016 111

Gains to Active Rolls 3Re-affirmation of Faith: Molli Funk, Bridget Eversman, Doris Jones

Losses from Active Rolls 33Transfer of Membership: Larry and Peggy VeithRemoved for Membership: Alisha Ryan, Travis Ihrke, Julie RassettMoved to Friends of CPC List: Anjelika Anker, Amanda Bartz, Tom DeMartini,

James Elit, Jacob Elit, A.J. (Adam) Ellringer, Brett Ellringer, Isaiah Haug-Gonzalez, Brandon Hollister, Chandler Newell, Cole Polson, Emmaline Polson, Ciara Ryan, Mikayla Walkes, Alexandra Strain, Mitchell Strain, Curtis Schneider, Andy Piva,Brittany Schmit, Melissa Schmit, Cindy Tri, Deb Piva, Ryan Elit, Amy Elit, Aaron Lee, Nicole Ryan, Bryan Todd, Karen Todd

Baptisms 0

Marriages of Members 1Bridget Eversman and Mike Rathbun

Deaths 3Lyle Liskow, Margaret Evans, Wally Richardson