THE MAGAZINE FOR INDEPENDENT RETAILERS @NFRN_online facebook.com/nfrnonline www.nfrnonline.com News Letters Public affairs NFRN Awards and much more… ISSUE 151 DECEMBER 2018 PROUDLY CELEBRATING 100 YEARS OF SERVICE TO THE INDEPENDENT RETAILER

PROUDLY CELEBRATING 100 YEARS OF SERVICE · 2018. 12. 14. · Still a big deal 50-51 NEWSPRO Ambitious plans ahead 52-53 STORE2DOOR HND profit builder 54 NEWSPAPER MARGINS At a glance

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Page 1: PROUDLY CELEBRATING 100 YEARS OF SERVICE · 2018. 12. 14. · Still a big deal 50-51 NEWSPRO Ambitious plans ahead 52-53 STORE2DOOR HND profit builder 54 NEWSPAPER MARGINS At a glance


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Page 2: PROUDLY CELEBRATING 100 YEARS OF SERVICE · 2018. 12. 14. · Still a big deal 50-51 NEWSPRO Ambitious plans ahead 52-53 STORE2DOOR HND profit builder 54 NEWSPAPER MARGINS At a glance
Page 3: PROUDLY CELEBRATING 100 YEARS OF SERVICE · 2018. 12. 14. · Still a big deal 50-51 NEWSPRO Ambitious plans ahead 52-53 STORE2DOOR HND profit builder 54 NEWSPAPER MARGINS At a glance

NFRN NEWSNational news 4-6Local news 7

LETTERSHaving your say 10-13

POLITICAL ISSUESTackling retail crime 14-15

SPOTLIGHTPress Distribution Review Panel 16-17

NATIONAL COUNCILNovember meeting debate 18-21

2018 CONFERENCE ROUND-UPRaising members’ concerns 22-24

MARKETPLACELatest from NFRN direct 25-29


NFRN AWARDSRewarding excellence 31-35

MAIL AWARDSMore members deliver 36-37

ASK THE EXPERTSLegal support for your business 38-39

NFRN CENTENARY100 years of service 40-42

RETAIL MUTUALHandy hints and tips 43

HERE TO HELPNFRN Connect 44-45

TRADE SHOWSOut and about this autumn 46-49

NEWSPAPER SALESStill a big deal 50-51

NEWSPROAmbitious plans ahead 52-53

STORE2DOORHND profit builder 54

NEWSPAPER MARGINSAt a glance guide 55

DIARYKey dates 56

Disclaimer: While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information contained in this publication, no guarantee is given that the information provided is correct, complete, and/or up-to-date. The materials containedin this publication are provided for general information purposes only and do not constitute legal or other professional advice on any subject matter. The NFRN and the publisher do not accept any responsibility for any losswhich may arise from reliance on information contained in this publication. Produced by MYPEC and printed in England.

öWhereùer one man canhelp another, thank God forsuch a birthright, brotherõ


National PresidentMike Mitchelson

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As another year draws to a close, it’s a timeto look back on past NFRN activity and Ihope you agree that in many areas goodprogress is being achieved.

On the political front we continue totake large strides in getting the issue ofretail crime higher up the government’sagenda. In recent weeks, besides beingname checked in debates from the floor of the House of Commons, we heard theleader of the House, Andrea Leadsom,promise to arrange for a debate on bothretail crime and poor police response times.

Independent retailers everywheredeserve to feel safe in our stores so it washeartening to hear Mrs Leadsom agree thathigh streets need as much support aspossible, including protection from crime.

She also called for retailers to report allcrime incidents to enable the police togather the necessary intelligence. I couldn’tagree more and repeat my previous calls to never suffer in silence but to alwaysreport such instances, so the true and, sadly, shocking extent of retail crime can berecognised.

At a recent reception that I attended atNew Scotland Yard the Metropolitanpolice’s deputy police commissioner SirCraig Mackey even admitted that shopworkers and owners faced more abuse thanhis officers. Slowly but surely, our messageis getting through.

More good news came from the autumnbudget, with the chancellor announcingsome much-needed reductions in  business

rates and renewed support for high streets.We have been calling for both actions forsome time, so, again, it appears that thegovernment is listening to the concerns ofour members.

Another positive was the Court ofAppeal ruling that retailers will no longerhave to pay separate business rates for cashmachines located either inside or outsidetheir shops. With refunds and lowerbusiness rates to follow, for hard pressedindependent retailers this announcementwas definitely a breath of fresh air.

Meanwhile, meetings with publishers andnews wholesalers have been held whereyour news supply chain concerns are laidbare. At one of these meetings with SmithsNews, the news wholesaler shared statisticsshowing that in the news and magazinecategories and between July to Septemberthis year NFRN members were trading 7 percent above the rest of the independentsector, as well as enjoying better availabilityand earlier delivery times. You can readmore on page 5.

From all of the above, I hope you agree that it has been a busy but positivetime for the NFRN. For the remaining sixmonths of my presidential year my focuswill remain on you, the member, andhelping you to trade even moresuccessfully and profitably.

For now, may I wish you all a successfulperiod of trading, together with a MerryChristmas and a happy and prosperousNew Year.

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FREE FALLING FOR CHARITYWales vice president Donna Dudden and past National PresidentRalph Patel jumped for joy – and charity – when they took part ina sponsored sky dive in aid of industry charity NewstrAid.

On October 19, the pair joined news trade colleagues at Sibsonairport near Peterborough to fly to around 13,000 feet –approximately two miles high – before jumping out and falling at

about 120 miles per hour and descending to 5,000 feet in around40 seconds.

It is the second time that NewstrAid has organised a sponsoredsky dive – the first jump raised more than £10,000 in 2016.

As The Fed went to press, Mrs Dudden had raised £432 towardsher £1,500 target and Mr Patel has collected £750 in donations.

A controversial trial that saw Lego StarWars magazine distributed to multipleretailers first has been dramatically haltedthanks to NFRN protests.

When news of the trial first broke inSeptember, National President MikeMitchelson said he would leave no stoneunturned and as part of his lobbying hewrote to the chairman of Lego, Jorgen Vig Knudstorp, warning that thedistribution rights granted to publisherEgmont were being violated.

In a response Mr Mitchelson receivedfrom Lego headquarters on November 30,the manufacturer thanked the NFRN forbringing the trial to its attention and saidthat in subsequent discussions with itslicensing partners, retailers supplied byMenzies Distribution in Wakefield andSmiths News in Newcastle would nowreceive their supplies of Lego Star Wars at the same time as the multiples.

Andrea Ryder, Lego’s senior director oflicensing and publishing, wrote: “Thank

you for sharing your concerns in relationto the praxis of how the Lego Star Warsmagazines are distributed by our co-publishers Egmont UK in the UK”,advising that an explanation had beensought from Lego’s licensing partner BlueOcean Enterprise GmbH and Egmont.

The letter continued: “As an outcome ofthe discussion I am pleased to inform youthat we have been assured that the praxisin handling the distribution of Lego StarWars magazine will be changed to allow allretailers to have the ability to order andalso to receive the Lego Star Warsmagazine without a differentiation indelivery timing.”

National President Mike Mitchelsondescribed the news as a “huge victory”. He added: “It was totally unacceptable for independent retailers to be treated assecond class so we are extremely pleased– and relieved – that our efforts to getthis unfair decision reversed has beensuccessful and that independent retailers

will now receive their copies of Lego StarWars at the same time as the multiples.There were so many things about this trial that were wrong – not least, thediscrimination against independentretailers. My hope now is that our supplychain partners will not act foolishly likethis again.”

Stuart Reddish, vice president, said: “The NFRN is 100 years old this year, but we will never grow tired of supporting our members and addressing injustice in the news industry nor in any other supply chain.”

Head of news Brian Murphy added: “We cannot rest on our laurels as this trial involved two titles and we need toensure that the publisher of Toxicmagazine also sees the light.”

Several members wrote letters ofcomplaint to senior news wholesalerepresentatives. These can be read onpages 10 and 11, but to date only oneretailer has received a reply.

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News in brief

FREE WALLPLANNERFree inside this issue of The Fed you will find a 2019 wall planner toremind you of the benefits of being an NFRN member as well as containingdetails of all the NFRN’s national anddistrict meetings.

PUZZLE WINNERSFed readers Mark Craze of CP&S Newsin St Agnes, Cornwall and Sharon Dunnof Encliffe Lane, Stranraer are both £50better off after winning the Puzzle LifePrize Puzzle in the October edition. To enter this month’s competition seepage 56.

SOFT DRINKS TAX Soft drinks manufacturers and tradershave paid an extra £153.8million in taxsince April, statistics published by HMRevenue and Customs (HMRC) haverevealed. Commenting, exchequersecretary to the Treasury, RobertJenrick, said the figures showed “thepositive impact the soft drinks levy ishaving by raising millions of pounds forsports facilities and healthier eating inschools, as well as encouragingmanufacturers to cut sugar in over halfthe drinks found in UK stores. Helpingour next generation to have a healthyand active childhood is a priority for us,and I’m pleased to see the industry isplaying its part.”

DELIVERY CHARGE RISENews UK has come under fire afteradvising that its daily delivery chargewill rise by 2.95 per cent from MondayDecember 31. This equates to a 6pincrease, making the charge £2.26.National vice president Stuart Reddish,who is also chairman of the newsoperations committee, said it wasunfair that retailers within the M25 had to face two suppliers, two sets of administration and an extra andunwanted charge. This is not good for the industry,” he added.

HOLIDAY BANKINGNorth of the border members arereminded that while January 2 is a BankHoliday in Scotland, the banking systemwill be in operation and direct debitsand standing orders will be taken frombank accounts even though localbranches may be closed.


Sweet shop owner Natalie McKay and her national lottery customers have really madea difference to people and projects across the UK – since 1994 they have raised morethan £2 million for Good Causes.

This impressive achievement has now been recognised with National Lottery chiefexecutive Nigel Railton presenting Ms McKay of McKay in Queens Arcade, Belfast with a plaque.

As well as being an old-fashioned sweet shop, McKay is one of the few specialisttobacconists in Belfast City Centre and boasts the only walk-in humidor (climate-controlled cigar room). The National Lottery is promoted heavily in the shop withhand-painted imagery on the windows and bespoke POS for rollovers and event draws.

NFRN membership helps independentretailers deliver in the highly demandingnewspaper and magazine market, newindustry data reveals.

According to statistics from newswholesaler Smiths News, for the threemonths from July to September 2018,NFRN members were trading 7 per centabove the rest of the independent sectorfor newspapers and magazines, as well asbenefitting from better availability andearlier delivery times.

At 75 per cent, availability in NFRNmember stores was up 1 per cent whencompared to the previous quarter and was 1 per cent better when compared to the rest of the news wholesaler’sindependent estate.

The Smiths News statistics also showedthat while sales were down overall, NFRNmembers outperformed otherindependent retailers in the daily andSunday newspaper markets. NFRN RSV on dailies was -1.75 per cent comparedwith -8.8 per cent for their independent retailer peers.

The good news continued in the TVlistings sector where members performed8 per cent better than the rest of theindependent sector as a whole.

Sales in NFRN members’ stores werealso much stronger in the weekly,

fortnightly and monthly magazine markets.However, other independents stole amarch when it came to RSV for partworksand collectables.

In a further breakdown, the figuresshowed that NFRN sales were ahead in allmarket segments with the exception offoreign, men’s interests and news andcurrent affairs.

While late deliveries continue to be aproblem for the industry as a whole, onaverage NFRN members receive theirnewspapers from Smith News earlier thanother independents.

NFRN members make fewer earlyreturns and late returns account for 0.2per cent of sales, compared to 0.3 percent elsewhere.

Commenting on the statistics, nationalvice president Stuart Reddish said: “It’sofficial that belonging to the NFRN bringssome major benefits to members in termsof their performance in the challengingnewspaper and magazine markets. In manyareas members outperform the rest of theindependent sector and this can beattributed to the NFRN’s expertise in thenews industry coupled with the valuablehelp and support available from the newsoperations team, NFRN Connect, our field force and through our revampedNewspro initiative.”


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COURT OF APPEAL LISTENSAn Appeal Court ruling that retailers will no longer have to

pay businesses rates for cash machines outside their shops andthat they will be refunded for the previous paymentsbackdating  to  April 2010 has been welcomed by the NFRN asthe Federation has been campaigning for this for some time.

The Court also ruled that shop owners should not paybusiness rates on ATM machines inside their stores.

Hailing the November 9 decision, which will bring anestimated £300 million back to businesses struggling withburdensome business rates and an increasingly challengingeconomic environment, as ‘a much-needed breath of fresh air’,National President Mike Mitchelson said it would benefit“retailers, consumers and local communities.”

He continued: “The NFRN has been calling for action onbusiness rates for cash machines for some time so this news isvery welcome. Convenience stores play a pivotal role in thesurvival of many local communities, where more and more vitalservices close down. In recent years, many bank branches in theUK have shut down, making access to cash increasingly difficultfor consumers. As a result, consumers increasingly rely on ATMoperators and retailers to access financial services. Without local

convenience stores, the sustainability of these rural areas wouldclearly be under threat.

“Independent shopkeepers need more than ever to besupported to keep local communities thriving. This ruling is a stepin the right direction and a much-needed breath of fresh air.”

The NFRN’s task now is to ensure that its members receivethe refund that they have been granted. Keep an eye onNFRNOnline.com for updates.



Relief was expressed after an influential House of Lordsparliamentary committee urged the government to delay itsplans for mandatory Making Tax Digital for VAT.

The Economic Affairs Committee has recommended thatthe introduction is delayed by ‘at least one year’.

NFRN National President Mike Mitchelson said: “TheNFRN is relieved that such an influential committee is takingour members’ concerns seriously, and we back its calls forthe government to postpone the project.

“There is still time for HMRC to delay the plan and thusavoid putting small businesses in a dire situation. The NFRN would welcome a consultation with small businesses’representatives to redefine together a realisticimplementation schedule.”

According to HMRC’s plan, any business with an annualturnover over the VAT registration threshold of £85,000 asof 2018/2019 will be required to keep digital records andsubmit their VAT returns digitally from April 1 2019.

However, the Economic Affairs Committee has found thatmany businesses will not be ready for the introduction ofMaking Tax Digital for VAT in April 2019; the costs tobusinesses will be far more than HMRC’s impact assessment;and the smallest businesses will struggle unless HMRCprovides a basic free software option.

In its report ‘Making Tax Digital for VAT: Treating SmallBusinesses Fairly’, the Committee concluded that HMRC hasinadequately considered the needs of smaller businesses. More information about Making Tax Digital for VAT,including a handy checklist and key dates, can be found onthe NFRN website at nfrnonline.com/news/making-tax-digital-for-VAT.


National President Mike Mitchelson thanked chancellor PhilipHammond for acting on the NFRN’s calls for action on businessrates and for renewed support to the high street by providingsome ‘much needed relief for independent retailers’ in hisOctober budget.

“Such measures clearly indicate that the government is takingseriously the concerns of our members,” Mr Mitchelson said.

From April 2020, businesses with rateable values of less than£51,000 will receive a one-third discount off their business rates bill for two years. “That’s a much-needed relief forindependent retailers, as they are struggling with cripplingtaxes,” Mr Mitchelson commented, adding that the NFRNwould continue to press the government to increase the£12,000 threshold for business rate relief.

The £675 million of co-funding from the High Street Fund tosupport plans to make town centres in England ‘fit for thefuture’ was also welcomed by Mr Mitchelson. He said in comingmonths, the NFRN would actively seek ways to engage withlocal authorities to ensure this new funding would really benefitindependent stores.

“The NFRN wants to be a constructive partner to make surethat our members get a fair share of the High Street Fund,” he explained.


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Great Yarmouth Festival of Bowls is thebiggest outdoor open bowling event inthe country and, once again, the NFRN’sEastern Counties North East branch tookthe opportunity to urge players andspectators to shop locally and in a storerun by an independent retailer.

As part of the package for sponsoringthe mixed pairs event at the festival,which this year ran from Sunday August26 to Friday September 21, the NorthEast branch had banners throughout the ground promoting the benefits ofshopping locally.

More than 1,100 bowls players

compete in the men’s, ladies and mixedteams for single, pairs, triples and fourstitles over the four weeks of play at theBritannia Bowling Greens on GreatYarmouth seafront, watched by crowdsof spectators.

At the end of the tournament NorthEast branch secretary Ralph Childs andformer official David Wilkinsonpresented the mixed pairs trophy to JakeLeslie and Katherine Rednall.

Katherine, 22 and from Suffolk,  is thecurrent Ladies World  Indoor BowlsChampion, a title she won at the nearbyPotters Resort in Hopton in January.

Warm tributes have been paid to lifemember and North Staffordshire andCrewe president Doug Morris who diedlast month after a short illness.

National President Mike Mitchelsonsaid: “Doug’s commitment and dedicationto the NFRN and its members was widelyrecognised. He was held in high regard andesteem by all who knew him and he wasan inspiration to many.”

ROI national councillor Peter Steemerssaid: “Doug was one of those greater thanlife people who welcomed me into thecompany of national council and, beforethat, to the district vice presidents’seminar. I’ll always be grateful to him forhis kindness and friendship.”

Manchester, Wythenshaw andAltrincham branch president ShumailaMalik added: “He will greatly be missed.He did such a lot for his members.”

Since joining the NFRN in 1996, MrMorris was a very active member and heldmany committee positions in the NorthWest district and, more recently, withinthe West Midlands.

He served as a national councillor for

the North West district as well as sittingon the district council and executive. Healso acted as district and branch treasurer.

Mr Morris was an articulate speaker and at this year’s Annual Conference, as aWest Midlands delegate, he successfullyproposed a motion which instructed the NEC to address the practice ofmanipulating independent retailers in adeliberate exploitative manner. “It’s notjust the news industry that engages in unfair practices that account for the trials and tribulations that weexperience on a daily basis,” he toldconference.

Business crime was another issue thatwas close to his heart and from 2010 hewas actively involved in the NewcastleUnder Lyne Partnership Against BusinessCrime project to make the town a saferplace to work. For many years he was amember of the local Chamber of Tradeand Enterprise and a director of Newtrade,publisher of RN.

Mr Morris, who had run Shire News,died in hospital, surrounded by his family.He was 79.

Menzies Distribution has announcedthat its Chelmsford spoke depot willclose on Sunday January 20.

All newspaper packing, distributionand returns for its Essex customerswill be handled by its Grays depot,while magazine returns and voucherswill be processed at its Maidstonedepot. Magazine supplies willcontinue to be packed in Maidstone.

East Anglian customers will receivetheir news supplies from Ipswich.

In a letter to retailers, MenziesDistribution said: “We are makingdetailed plans to minimise anydisruption to your business – and we are committed to maintainingservice standards throughout thechange process.”

There would be furthercommunication ahead of the depotclosure and information would be ableon www.i-menzies.com.

NFRN newspaper operationsmanager Jerry Hayes said theFederation would be seeking ameeting with Menzies to discuss the plans and to ensure as smooth as possible a transition for affectedmembers.




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Page 9: PROUDLY CELEBRATING 100 YEARS OF SERVICE · 2018. 12. 14. · Still a big deal 50-51 NEWSPRO Ambitious plans ahead 52-53 STORE2DOOR HND profit builder 54 NEWSPAPER MARGINS At a glance


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Page 10: PROUDLY CELEBRATING 100 YEARS OF SERVICE · 2018. 12. 14. · Still a big deal 50-51 NEWSPRO Ambitious plans ahead 52-53 STORE2DOOR HND profit builder 54 NEWSPAPER MARGINS At a glance

COPY OF A LETTER TOJOZEF OPDEWEEGH,CHIEFEXECUTIVE, CONNECTGROUP I would first like to congratulate you ontaking on your new position as CEO of theConnect Group and wish you good luck.

The reason for writing is to share myworries and concerns about the recentlyintroduced trial Smiths News, which forms part of the Connect Group, hasintroduced.

I read with interest on your website thefollowing: “Our role and purpose forcustomers is central to the integration –we focus all our efforts on going furtherto make their deliveries easier and earlier.”

Can you please advise me how this isthe case when one of the companies isnot delivering two magazine titles toindependent retailers until six weeks aftermultiple retailers have received them? Notonly that, but when they do deliver thetwo magazines these will be used copieswhich have been returned as unsolds bythe multiples. This clearly is discriminatingagainst one set of retailers, would you not agree?

As an independent retailer who will beaffected by this – because I currently sellthese magazines on the ‘on sale date’, andwill now be receiving them (if at all) sixweeks later – what do I tell my customerswho currently buy them? What reallyworries me is that this will set a dangerousprecedent if it goes national.

As the CEO of Connect Group, I urgeyou to take steps to stop this ill-thoughtout idea, before the news industry tradepress launch an enquiry into what may beseen by some as an illegal practice –something which I am sure Connect Groupwould not wish to be involved in givenyour current share price.

I look forward to your response andadvice on what action you will be takingto help support your customers.

Jason Birks, Moscis Ltd, Horden, Peterlee.As The Fed went to press Mr Birks hadnot received a reply.

COPY OF A LETTER TOSIMON GAGE, PUBLISHER & RETAILER SERVICESDIRECTOR, SMITHS NEWSI am writing to you to record my disgustand anger that my news wholesaler istreating me with such disdain and lack ofrespect whilst treating the multipleretailers with such respect and offeringthem preferential treatment.

Whilst you may argue that this is notthe case, I must highlight the decision todeliver two Egmont titles first to themultiples and then four to six weeks laterto independent retailers. This will create atwo-tier distribution system which canonly lead to one party losing out, namelythe independents.

I refuse to accept the two titles, andshould this ‘trial’ continue, I will nothesitate to cancel these titles as well as any other Egmont titles you supply me with.

This is the final straw to break thecamel’s back as, time after time, the poorindependent retailer suffers. Whether it iscarriage charge increases, margin cuts orgeneral poor service, we are the ones whoare hit the most and this example just re-iterates how the industry publishers,distributors and wholesalers treat us.

We have no choice but to abide by yourT&Cs but for a change, how about youalso abide by them, ensuring everyone can work in a transparent and ethical way together?

Barry Seymour, Everyday News,Sherburn, Durham.

As The Fed went to press Mr Seymourhad not received a reply.

COPY OF A LETTER TOMARK MCCONNELL, HEAD OF CUSTOMEREXPERIENCE, SMITHS NEWSIn your position, surely your first priority isto ensure that all your customers aretreated as equals and receive the samelevel of service regardless of their size?

However, this does not appear to be

the case when it comes to the recentannouncement that Smiths News will bedelivering Egmont magazines to themultiples and supermarkets, meaning theyare getting preferential treatment, whilstme and the other independents willreceive them some four to six weeks afterthe on-sale date and after they have beenreturned to you.

To say I am appalled and disgusted bythis decision is an understatement, and Ifind it hard to believe that you haveallowed this, which is a clear example ofyou looking after the big boys whilst thesmall boys (independent newsagents) aretreated so disrespectfully.

This must stop, as it will only lead to theconsumer being confused and potentiallybuying the same edition twice and willalso lead to the relationship between theindependent retailer who, in many cases,has spent years and years gaining the trustof the community, and the consumerbeing affected by this poor practice.

Graeme Pentland, Ashburton News,Newcastle upon Tyne.

As The Fed went to press Mr Pentlandhad not received a reply.

COPY OF A LETTER TOMIKE MAKINSON, RETAILCHANNEL CONTROLLER,SMITHS NEWSI would like to record my shock at thedecision to allow two titles to bedelivered to multiple retailers six weeksbefore they are delivered to independentretailers. This thoughtless idea to limitavailability cannot help the industry whichis struggling against digital as it is.

This scheme can only help the multiplesand, by driving additional footfall intotheir stores – whilst driving them awayfrom the independents – will mean thelocal independent who offers so much tothe local community dies off.

I am intrigued to know who came upwith this hare-brained scheme and whatobjections have been aired against it inthe defence of the independent retailer?

Have your say email [email protected]




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The level of opposition against thisfrom independent retailers all appear tohave fallen on deaf ears, which havingbeen in the industry for some time, isnothing new.

I think this is disgraceful having to takesecond hand stock, especially as they havebeen on sale within a rival’s store six weeksbefore I have the opportunity to sellthem. I am removing them from saleimmediately as this appears to me to be acontrived effort to kill independentretailers and leave only multiple retailers inthe market.

Darren Corner, Dunstan News, Dunston, Gateshead.

As The Fed went to press Mr Corner hadnot received a reply.

COPY OF A LETTER TOENDLESS, THE NEWOWNERS OF MENZIESDISTRIBUTIONI read with interest your recent purchaseof Menzies Distribution and welcomedthe news that you intend to give muchneeded investment. However, I felt theneed to write to you to complain andprotest about your decision to permit atwo-tier retail offer that is now takingplace, whereby, I will be subject toreceiving titles many weeks after theyhave already been on sale elsewhere.

This change will mean that my businessno longer has the ability to sell magazinesequally alongside my competitors, and Isimply want to know why priority hasbeen given to the big retailers (which Ipoint out do not necessarily deliver thebest sale) and ask if my carriage charge willnow be reduced, and whether analternative charging system is beingconsidered if I am to continue to get thisinferior service from yourselves?

I know that I am not alone in objectingto this and I urge you to stop this newpolicy in its tracks immediately and avoid a situation whereby I feel thatdiscrimination is taking place.

Dinesh Joshi, Joshi Newsagents,Lockwood, Huddersfield.

As The Fed went to press Mr Joshi hadnot received a reply.

COPIES OF TWO LETTERSTO GREG MICHAEL,MANAGING DIRECTOR,MENZIES DISTRIBUTION Your special deal for Egmont is a verydangerous path to start going down.Whilst I currently do not stock either ofthe affected titles, I am very concernedthat if the ‘trial’ is deemed a success,Egmont may decide to roll it out with

other titles, or even worse, otherpublishers may follow suit.

I feel that this trial has legal implicationsand, that by potentially creating a two-class system within the magazine category,it is a blatant restraint of trade and directdiscrimination against one party and ask ifyou have even considered this at what isan important time for your business.

Already, I am expected to jump severalhurdles to make a success of magazines,but this is more than supermarkets gettingcertain titles at an exclusive price orhaving titles with exclusive gifts etc.

I am astonished that you would agree tobe involved in such a trial, particularly at atime when you have had just been takenover by Endless, and by taking a standagainst the publishers on this issue couldhave generated your new ownershippositive publicity and goodwill fromindependents rather than letters of complaint.

Yet again, I am now of the view thatyour words stated at the time of your saleto Endless are nothing but just falsepromises, and this is just a further examplethat Menzies does not care aboutindependents and is only interested inlarge chains and supermarkets.

Finally, how can I be expected toparticipate in campaigns such as PressPause and play my part to try and slowthe decline when things like this happen?

Ali Seedat, Fountain Street News,Morley, Leeds.

I am writing to officially record my viewthat your supporting of the Egmont trialcan only turn me into a second-classmagazine seller and I would like you tounderstand that it is scandalous andtotally unacceptable on every level – bothprofessionally and commercially – for thisto take place.

This isn’t about saving the planet, and Ibelieve that this marks the beginning of atwo-tier service from you, the wholesaler.Have you not, together with Egmont,hatched a plan to simply to kill offindependent newsagents? If this is thecase then this is a great way to go about itbut, rest assured, as a retailer, I will notsimply see my offer being destroyed byyour foolishness.

When I first read about this very strangeproposal I thought it was a joke but,having time to reflect on the severity, Isoon became astonished and disgustedthat my business is considered not goodenough by you.

If Egmont is still intent on pressingahead with the trial, then I would like toknow what my reduced carriage charge

will be for your second-class service, andwho in your business will be managingconsumer complaints? Rest assured,complaints will happen, and it is verywrong to hide the facts about this fromthe readers.

I look forward to hearing from you.Paul Smethurst, Newsagents,Arrowe Park Hospital, Wirrall.

As The Fed went to press neither Mr Seedat nor Mr Smethurst had received replies.

COPY OF A LETTER SENTTO GRANT JORDAN,MENZIES GENERALMANAGER – COMMERCIALI am writing to complain and protestabout your decision to make changes tomy terms and conditions of supplywithout my knowledge or consent.

Firstly, it is a well known fact and asimple rule that all retailers receivemagazines on their on sale date, so I askthat you please explain why I will begetting two titles some six weeks laterthan multiple retail groups, and how onearth you expect to manage consumerupset and complaint from this?

Independent retailing is hard enough,but to be treated like this is bothdemeaning and against any fair tradingpractice, and you then just add to myupset by locking orders on both titles intoyour Superleague system, and somehowclass it as a promotion. It’s not like you canguarantee a supply, is it?

I urge you to stop this ludicrous farce in its tracks immediately, and get out of this mess before you ruin my magazines business.

James Wilkinson, Pybus Newsagents,Boroughbridge, York.

As The Fed went to press Mr Wilkinsonhad not received a reply.

COPY OF A LETTER TOLINDA GARDNER,CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENTDIRECTOR, MENZIESDISTRIBUTIONI am writing to you in absolute disgust andpersonally think you are out of ordersupporting a trial that will make me asecond-class magazine seller. Have you notquestioned if this publisher is activelytrying to get rid of independent retailers?

This scheme is only being done to helpmultiples and I cannot believe thatpublishers are being so two faced; oneminute reaching out to independents for help, whilst on the other handstabbing them in the back with underhand dirty schemes.

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Have your say email [email protected]

I refuse to take any second-hand stockand these titles will be returnedimmediately should I receive them.

Please cancel my orders and adviseEgmont that the same will take place ifany other titles follow.

Ian Smith, Caroline Street, Hull.Reply from Fiona Campbell, head ofcustomer services at MenziesDistribution: “I refer to your letter addressed to LindaGardner in relation to the Egmont trial and

our telephone conversation on October 2.“I can confirm, as requested, that I have

cancelled the two titles involved in thetrial (Toxic and Lego Star Wars) and I havealso forwarded your letter to our senior

management team.“I would like to thank you for taking

the time to provide this feedback and I can assure you it will be shared with the publisher.”

The National Business Crime Centre hasjust reached its first year milestone and Iwanted to take this opportunity to thankyou for your support and to update youbriefly on our top 10 highlights so far.

I am also providing information inrelation to future staffing changes and tooffer reassurance that we will continue to provide help, working together tofight all crimes against our businesscommunity.

NBCC Highlights1. nbcc.police.uk/ launched. Free open

source ‘Go to Place’ for business/policeoffering crime prevention guidance,news on crime trends and an interactiveknowledge hub. Please encourage yourteams to use this great resource.(32,000+ hits so far).

2. NBCC maintains a database of a PoliceBusiness ‘Single Point of Contact’(SPOC) for each of the 43 forces andBritish Transport Police. We have runnumerous police/business trainingevents to share good practice andencourage cross-border working.

3. NBCC leads the Home Office ViolenceReduction working group. NBCC heldthe first ‘Tackling Violent Crime’conference, as well as many regionaltraining events and continues to makeviolence reduction a priority.

4. Operation Retail remains a keyobjective to promote all police forcesto embrace a ‘threat, harm, risk, thrive’model response to crime. For

sentencing to be a deterrent, NBCCwork continues with the CriminalJustice System to create toolkits,including a Business Impact statementtemplate for all businesses, from retailto rural crime.

5. NBCC has created an accreditationscheme to promote the most effectiveBusiness Crime Reduction Partnershipsto work alongside local police andbusinesses. BCRPs are crucial to giving avoice to local communities and helppolicing by providing additional crimereduction resources.

6. NBCC has supported National BusinessCrime Solutions and many othermembership organisations out thereworking hard for their businesses toensure improved intelligence sharing.NBCC has paid special attention tosupporting our rural communities.

7. Collaborating with other forces and lawenforcement agencies, the NBCC isfocusing on fighting high levelorganised business crime via aproposed project which will bringbusiness intelligence to join the GAINnetwork of government sources. Watch this space!

8. In the cyber-crime field, NBCC has engaged with the National Cyber Crime Security Centre to share training and alerts, running anumber of regional cyber securityworkshops.

9. Working alongside the NationalCounter Terrorism teams with the ACT

and ‘step-change’ projects, NBCC hasdeveloped its Police and Securityinitiative nationally. PaS aims toimprove collaboration between privatesecurity and policing, identifyingopportunities for innovative workingand building trust.

10. The NBCC has ‘twinned’ with theScottish Business Resilience Centre toexchange good practice and learnfrom their established experience.

At the end of this year, deputycommissioner Sir Craig Mackey will beretiring and his role as national policechiefs’ council lead for Business Crime & Private Security liaison will pass tocommissioner Ian Dyson, City of London Police.

I, too, will have completed my 30 yearsservice and will leave at the end ofNovember. Chief inspector PatrickHoldaway from Hampshire Police willtake on the operational lead for theNBCC. Patrick has worked in Hampshirefor many years in support of his businesscommunity; many of you may alreadyknow him as he has led the national OpRetail project. He is equally passionateabout tackling business crime and I amexcited that he will be taking the NBCCon to future successes.

Thanks so much for all your patienceand support in helping the NBCC help you.

Georgie Barnard DCI,National Business Crime Centre.


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PAST PRESIDENT’S PASSINGI would like to convey my great appreciationto all who came to Bill Metcalfe’s funeral.

I would especially like to thank those who sent photographs for the montage as the family were not in possession of any depicting Bill with his Scottish chain of office.

Donations at the crematorium amountedto £700, to which another £500 was addedfrom my son’s business. The money will besent to the centre which cared for Bill toassist in their research.

I am deeply grateful for the support fromNFRN members.

Sheila Metcalfe, By email

DOUBLE DIGIT GROWTHI'm really pleased with the reaction to ourfirst ever i'm on Your Side promotion. NFRNmembers got behind the scheme, backed upby Newspro, with many having double digitgrowth of their i sales. What's really pleasingis many sales have held beyond thepromotion which is testament to retailersknowing their customers. We also gained anumber of subscriptions plus some ordersfor DeliverMyNewspaper.

We are looking forward to presenting theten £100 prizes with the winners beingrewarded in time for Christmas. I'd like tothank all those who put in the effort to

offer the promotion to their customers andam looking forward to more retailers joiningi'm On Your Side in the new year.

Paul Bacon,Key account manager, i

DIRECT DOES IT AGAINI just wanted to extend my gratitude onceagain for all the help that NFRN directteam leader Dawn Golding-Harvey hasgiven us with the problems we werefacing. From the time our coffee machinewas giving us continued trouble to themoment we finally managed to have thefull machine replaced, Dawn has beennothing short of brilliant.

Her ability to listen to her customers,showing her empathy with the situationand to provide a solution quickly and

effectively, shows that Dawn is a valuedstaff member of NFRN, whom I, as a smallbusiness owner can turn to for fullsupport. Dawn is an asset to the company!

Hiten and I are very thankful forintroducing us to the NFRN direct, wherewe can shop with a number of differentsuppliers with ease.

Thank you again Dawn for everything!I’m sure we shall grow stronger knowingthat we have you on our side should weever have an issue again.

Wishing you all the very best. Keepsmiling (as this comes through when youare on the phone) and making sureindependent business owners areprotected.

Hiten & Kinnari Patel,Honeys of the High, Oxford.


Thank you NFRN Connect

Smith News phoned me and will credit around £9 today. Thanks for your help.I must say, they don’t like the NFRN getting involved and as soon as your office

does, Smiths News is quick to respond! Keep up the good work!Kamal Thacker, Stop Shop News, Edgware, London.

Many thanks for assisting to recover a double charge for a claim on the JewishChronicle. I have received the credit on today’s invoice. The query can be closed.

Mr. Patel, Ronak Newsagent, Edgware, London.


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At this year’s Annual Conference in June,NFRN National President Mike Mitchelsonthrew down a challenge to delegates tomeet every MP over the following 12months and tell them, in no uncertainterms, that rising instances of crime andpoor police response times would not be tolerated.

It was only right, then, that our NationalPresident should lead by example, and fivemonths on – and after several hectic weeksof meetings – the tally of MPs that he hasmet already exceeds 20.

As well as inviting his local MP – and

justice minister – Rory Stewart to his shopto hear at first hand NFRN members’concerns about retail crime, Mr Mitchelsonhas helped to raise awareness of thisgrowing problem at the autumn partyconferences (see pages 22-24); at crossparty group meetings and at a series ofparliamentary dinners where it has becomeabundantly clear that MPs do notunderstand the full scale of the problem.

Here are some of the latest ways that theNFRN has highlighted the need for moreaction to tackle shop theft and violenceand abuse against retailers and their staff.


John Parkinson (right), Adrian Roper and Janet Finch-Saundersat the meeting of the Cross Party Group for Small Shops

West Midlands district president SamSamra spoke passionately about theimpact that retail crime has on bothshop owners and their staff at a retailcrime breakfast meeting that was heldon the first full day of the Conservative’sautumn party conference.

Mr Samra joined the NFRN’s NationalPresident and head of politicalengagement at the meeting which washosted by APPG Retail Crime chairmanStephen Hammond and attended byMPs, MEP Robert Aiken, local councillorsand representatives of the insuranceindustry.

The decision of some police forcesnot to investigate shoplifters who stealgoods worth less than £200 wasdiscussed at some length and all agreedthat this could spark a shoplifting boom.

While Mr Samra highlighted thedifficulties retailers faced in stopping adetermined thief, there was a generalconsensus that some retailers could still do more to stamp out crime through careful store layout and product placement.

As soon as the breakfast meeting wasover, Mr Samra headed off to a WestMidlands Police Business Crime Strategyworkshop as part of the NFRN’s strategyto engage with local police forces andpolice and crime commissioners (PCCs).


Sam Samra

ALL PARTY PARLIAMENTARY GROUP MEETINGSThe recently formed All PartyParliamentary Group (APPG) on RetailCrime, initially chaired by Wimbledon MPStephen Hammond, plays an importantrole in enlightening government on this issue.Its inaugural meeting was held in May

this year and at its October meetingcommittee members agreed the groupshould take a twin-track approach ofraising awareness of the physical andverbal abuse that retailers can be subjectto when selling age restricted productsand campaigning against the alarmingpolicy adopted by an increasing numberof police forces that means they will no

longer investigate shop thefts when thegoods are worth less than £200.Both these issues also had an airing at

the October meeting of the Cross PartyGroup for Small Shops, which was chairedby Assembly Member Janet Finch-Saunders at the National Assembly forWales.Attending on behalf of the NFRN were

NEC member John Parkinson and head ofpolitical engagement Adrian Roper whoboth set out members’ concerns to theAssembly Members present. Mr Parkinson,meanwhile, took the opportunity to sharedetails of crime incidents that hadoccurred in his North Wales shop.

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Of course, the National President’s challenge formembers to meet with their MPs and police andcrime commissioners still stands, and the NFRN’spolitical engagement team is happy to assist byarranging meetings and preparing information packs.Email [email protected].


Tackling rising crime was top of the agenda when immediatepast president Linda Sood led an NFRN delegation at a one-to-one meeting with Bambos Charalambous, theparliamentary private secretary to shadow business secretaryRebecca Long-Bailey.

The NFRN deemed this meeting to be so successful in termsof getting members’ concerns across that it will pursue moreaudiences with sympathetic parliamentarians.

Martin Vickers with National President at the time, Linda Sood

Another of the NFRN’s dinner companions – Delyn MP DavidHanson – has proposed an amendment to the OffensiveWeapons Bill that makes obstructing or threatening a retailworker an aggravated crime.

Although the amendment was rejected when discussed in theHouse of Commons on November 28, the concerns of the NFRNwere aired and the home office minister Victoria Atkins promisedto invite ‘organisations involved in the retail arena’ to the HomeOffice for a round table.

The Bill has now completed its passage through the House of Commons and will be sent to the House of Lords in the New Year.

One long standing friend of the NFRN and, indeed, the hostfor two of our Westminster receptions, is Cleethorpes MPMartin Vickers who recently called for a parliamentary debateon retail crime.

Referencing his conversations with the NFRN, Mr Vickersexpressed the fear that retail crime would be forgotten aspolice focused on areas such as hate crime.

Replying, House of Commons leader Andrea Leadsom toldMPs that high streets needed protection from a range ofonslaughts that included retail crime. She added that it wasimportant for retailers to report all crimes to the police inorder to allow them to gather intelligence.



Two dinners were held in Westminster with invitations beingsent to parliamentarians who are open to raising the NFRN’sconcerns in parliament, and already this new initiative is paying dividends.

Eleven Conservative and Labour MPs – including formertransport and employment secretary Sir Patrick McLoughlin,Cleethorpes MP Martin Vickers, and former police ministerDavid Hanson – attended these events, along with BaronessEaton from the House of Lords.

At both dinners there was lively discussion as NFRN officialslaid bare the work it faces making the government aware ofthe scale of the problem that retailers suffer on a daily basis.

Afterwards, Mr Mitchelson said: “Through these two dinnersthe NFRN enjoyed more than eight hours of discussion withsympathetic MPs and peers and we know our message thatthe government needs to get to grips with tackling retailcrime is now at the front of the minds of those who can helpmake a difference. The NFRN political engagement team isnow following up on the various offers of parliamentary helpmade at these events.”

Just two days after the first dinner took place, a number ofquestions relating to retail crime were raised in the House ofCommons, including a request for a formal debate on the issue.



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Delyn MP David Hanson

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Q. You have been involved with thenews industry for a long time. Tellus about your background and howyou came about to chair the PressDistribution Review Panel?A. My career has largely been spentworking within the UK newstrade in supply chain, marketing and businessdevelopment roles.

Most recently, I was supply chaindirector at the magazine distributorCOMAG and have been involved innumerous cross-industry projects,including the original creation of the PressDistribution Forum (PDF) and the PressDistribution Review Panel (PDRP) so,therefore, I appreciate the important role

these play in setting the minimum servicestandard that a retailer should expect.

Given my background, I was also clearlyaware of some of the challenges andopportunities that exist and when theposition of chairman was advertised Ithought my experience would enable meto not only pick up the role relativelyquickly, but also to make a difference.

Q. Can you start by explaining forthose NFRN members who areunaware what the Press DistributionForum actually is?A. Basically, the Press Distribution Forum(PDF) provides a self-regulated forum forall organisations that are involved in thesupply and distribution of newspapers andmagazines. Its core aim is to ensure thecontinuation of a diverse and plural press,with widespread availability to retailersand consumers.

In support of this, the PDF hasdeveloped the Press Distribution Charter(PDC) which sets out the minimum servicestandards retailers can expect frompublishers and news wholesalers.

Q. Tell us about the working of theReview Panel – what does it do?A. The review panel (PDRP) is the group Ihave chaired since January. It is a self-regulatory group which is made up ofnewspaper, magazine, wholesale andretail representatives and it isresponsible for overseeing the handlingof retailer complaints, effectively forensuring compliance to the Charter.

Q. The panel’s quarterly reportfor April to June this year made

grim reading, with increases in thenumber of both Stage 2 and Stage 3complaints. Why is this?A. You are right, it was grim reading, but Ithink this was a short-term issue with alarge number of complaints being relatedto disrupted deliveries due to bad weather.However, a complaint is a complaint andwe need to respond and learn from it.

The later statistics show a reduction inline with the usual numbers of complaints.

Q. Doesn’t this set up mean thatnews wholesalers are, in effect,marking their own homework? Andcan you explain the role of thearbitrator in this complaints processand why he doesn’t get involvedmuch sooner?A. I hear this quite regularly and I don’tbelieve they are. The whole purpose is tomonitor their compliance, which is why we have a broad range of retailerrepresentatives on the panel. To someextent it is frustrated by lack of availableinformation so we are working closely withwholesalers to improve the overall levels oftransparency and, I have to say, they havebeen very receptive to the challenge.

The arbitrator is now genuinelyindependent of the compliance process.Previously, the chair of the PDRP andarbitrator were the same individual;however, we have now, quite rightly,separated the roles.

The role of the arbitrator is really to actas a case of last resort. We want the retailerand the wholesaler or publisher to resolvethe issue and the arbitrator effectivelybecomes involved when they are not ableto do so.


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The arbitrator will make his assessmentbased on the facts that are presented tohim which is why it is so important tofollow the complaints process and ensurethat the complaint is properly documented.

Q. Surely an objective must be toget the number of retailercomplaints down  and to ensure thatthe culprits are better brought totask and provide the servicestandards that retailers expect and,also, pay vast carriage charges for?Do you agree and are the regularoffenders given increasing fines bythe arbitrator for repeat failings?A. I’ll answer this in two parts as they aredistinct issues.

Yes, it is important to minimise thenumber of complaints; however, I’mconcerned that we do not yet have fullvisibility of the less serious complaints toenable a fuller understanding of the scaleof the issues. This is where we needgreater transparency.

To explain, at present there is a threestage process:Stage 1 – An informal discussion betweenthe wholesaler and retailer which aims toresolve the issue. If this isn’t possible, theretailer can make the complaint formaland enter Stage 2.Stage 2 – A formal process where theretailer can make a more robust case. Ifthis doesn’t resolve the complaint, then itcan be referred to Stage 3.Stage 3 – Independent arbitration.

My point about lack of transparencyreally relates to Stage 1, where most of theday-to-day complaints occur. The currentreporting only picks up Stages 2 and 3, so we need visibility of what is happeningat Stage 1 to better understand the root causes.

I am pleased to say that the wholesalersare currently working to provideinformation that will give us much greatertransparency on Stage 1. This can then bemeasured and reported upon which willgive much greater visibility as to the truelevels of retailer complaints within thesupply chain. I believe this will be a majorstep forward and I hope to share moredetail with you early next year.

Regular offenders are not givenincreased fines; however, once we have afuller picture then we will have betterinformation to identify the regularoffenders and assess what other actioncould be taken.

Q. But isn’t there is confusion aboutthe difference between Stage 1 andStage 2 complaints? Can you

please explain the process and why it is called fast track when it’sanything but?A. Hopefully I’ve explained the differencebetween Stage 1 and 2 in the previousquestion.

The aim is for a Stage 2 complaint to becompleted within 28 days and ideallywithin 14. Last year, the average time tocomplete a Stage 2 was 14 days, so withinthe guidelines. However, I would like tosee this time reduced and think we shouldaim for a speedier turnaround, but thatwill often depend on the complexity ofthe complaint.

Q. You mention publisherrestitution but isn’t this just a redherring and a barrier to fair play?Retailers have an agreement withtheir wholesaler. If I purchased a carI would not have to seek out thetyre maker if one burst. Why shouldclaiming restitution for a servicerelated issue be different fornewspapers and magazines?A. The point about restitution is that thecurrent process seeks to ensure that it ispaid by the offending party. The amountpayable is consistent between newspapersand magazines and set out in the charterguidelines.

I think to answer the analogy about thecar, should the wholesaler take on all theresponsibility? It would be a pragmaticstep to do so; however, the wholesalermust be confident that they could recoupany costs in situations where the publisheris at fault.

Q. When train passengersexperience delays they receiveautomatic compensation from theoperator. Can you see a day whenthis will be case for news retailers?A. In today’s supply chain with moresophisticated IT systems I think it would be sensible to look at options for speedier restitution where factors are clear and unequivocal. This needscareful consideration, but in the rightcircumstances it could be beneficial for all parties. However, it must work for all concerned.

Q. Despite numerous service failingseach day, awareness and usage ofthe scheme is low – why is this?A. I think previous attempts to increaseawareness, such as using leaflets, haven’treally worked. We have discussed thisissue as a PDRP group and believe that wewould be better utilising existingcommunication channels to promote the

existence of the Charter and complaintsprocess. This would include the wholesalesystems, I-menzies and SNapp, plus retailercommunication via the NFRN.

We are also planning some majorchanges to the website to make it moreinformative, functional and easier tonavigate. Once done, we can directretailers to it and be more confident thatit can better support the complaintsprocess.

Q. So what are your key prioritiesfor the coming 12 months?A. I really want to open the process upand make it more transparent. That startswith better information, so we can reporton what is truly happening at all stages ofthe process.

I would also like to improve awarenessof and accessibility to the complaintsprocess through a better website, greateruse of wholesaler and NFRNcommunication channels and drive moreconsistency across the wholesalers. Theimproved information will help here.

The process could be faster and lesscumbersome for retailers and I want tofurther simplify it.

The process is far from broken, but itcould be so much slicker for retailers.

Q. You report into the PDF board.Can you explain this and who sits onthe board and how they value therole of the PDRP?A. The board is made up of magazine andnewspaper publishers, the ProfessionalPublisher Association (representingmagazine publishers), News MediaAssociation (representing national andregional newspapers), and wholesalers.There is an open invitation to all retailerassociations, including the NFRN, whowould be most welcome to join the group.

The PDRP is highly valued by the PDFand we work very closely to ensurestandards of service are achieved.

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Within government and the police, the voice of the independentretailer continues to be heard and the NFRN has achievedsignificant wins on several key issues, National President MikeMitchelson said in his opening remarks.

In the October budget, chancellor Philip Hammond addressedthe Federation’s concerns about the future for high streets byannouncing some much needed reductions in business ratestogether with renewed support.

For retailers struggling to cope with crippling taxes, the one-thirddiscount off business rates for businesses with rateable values ofless than £51,000 from April 2020 would also provide some much-needed relief, Mr Mitchelson said.

The creation of the High Street Fund providing £675 million tomake town centres for England ‘fit for the future’ was equallywelcome, he added.

“Both business rates and the hard times that high street retailersare facing are issues that the NFRN has campaigned on for sometime so it is pleasing that the government is taking on board theconcern of our members,” he added.

Further good news came in the form of the Court of Appealruling that retailers would no longer have to pay business rates forcash machines that are either inside or outside their stores.

“With bank branches continuing to close at an astonishing rateand consumers more reliant than ever about getting their cash fromATMs in convenience stores, this news was definitely a breath offresh air,” Mr Mitchelson said.

Efforts to raise the profile of retail crime and the serious impactit has on shop owners and their staff were also paying off, andfollowing attendance at the Conservative, Labour and ScottishNationalist party conferences, and two dinners the NFRN held withMPs, the fears of independent retailers were being raised in theHouse of Commons.

Cleethorpes MP Martin Vickers had name-checked the NFRN in aparliamentary debate when he advised that Federation membersechoed the concerns of shop owners in his constituency who had

reported that retail crime was being dismissed by some policeforces, and that with growing demands on their time, it was an issuethat could slip further down the list of priorities.

Responding to Mr Vickers, the leader of the House of Commons,Andrea Leadsom, agreed that high streets needed as much supportas possible, including greater protection, and promised to arrangefor a debate on both retail crime and police response times.

Mr Mitchelson urged members to always report all incidents tothe police as well as to NFRN Connect so the true and sadlyshocking extent of retail crime could be recognised.

Police chiefs were also becoming more aware of retailer concernsabout growing crime, the National President added.

At a presentation he attended at New Scotland Yard, the deputy police commissioner for the Metropolitan Police had statedthat shop workers and owners suffered more abuse than the police.

Meanwhile, service failings by publishers and news wholesalerscontinued to present challenges, with reports of late or short deliveries.

Reassuring national councillors that he would leave no stoneunturned in his efforts to get improvements, Mr Mitchelson saidthat in all high-level meetings he attended he made it abundantlyclear that poor service would not be tolerated.

Publishers and wholesalers were also being pressed tointroduce automatic compensation for serious service failings.

“If parcel companies can compensate customers for late ormisplaced parcels, then in this technological era our newsdistributors should do something similar,” Mr Mitchelsonexplained. He added that discussions were currently underway with Smiths News to see how such a move could be implemented.

Reminding national councillors of the forthcoming centenarydinner and Awards night at the Royal Lancaster Hotel in Londonon Tuesday February 12, Mr Mitchelson urged all districts to play apart in the celebrations by booking tables for what promised tobe a very special occasion.


öIn the October budget, chancellor Philip Hammond addressed the Federationùsconcerns about the future for high streets by announcing some much neededreductions in business rates together with renewed support.õ


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Protest against carriage chargesNational councillors were asked tofeedback suggestions on robust actionsthat the NFRN could take in protestagainst ever increasing carriage charges.

The request came after a document wastabled which put forward five possiblesteps, the costs and risks of each, andtheir possible effectiveness.

Stuart McClymont from the EastMidlands said the NFRN was right toprotest against carriage charges.

“Carriage charge income goes directly tothe news wholesaler’s bottom line andthat’s unfair.”

He called for the cost of delivery to beincluded in the cost to the publisher.

Advising of a recent meeting with seniorexecutives from the Daily Telegraph, Mr Mitchelson said he had asked if theywould intervene in the carriage chargedispute and was told they would act if any future increases proved to be ‘outrageous’.

National councillors were asked toprovide feedback on possible actions tohead of news Brian Murphy by December31 to enable the NFRN to campaign fromearly January.

Both Mr Mitchelson and vice president Stuart Reddish explained thatfull, frank and meaningful discussions had been taking place with nationalnewspaper publishers.

“We want to talk and publishers arelistening. All have said they now wantquarterly meetings with the NFRN,” Mr Mitchelson added.

Speedy loansCredit Union was given the go ahead topurchase new software which it saidwould help cut down on the time takenup with administration and speed up theprocess for granting loans.

In a presentation to national council,directors John Parkinson and Steve Archerhad requested £15,000 worth of funding topurchase a new software system.

Extolling the benefits of the NFRNCredit Union, Mr Parkinson explained thatit could assist members who requiredfinancial assistance but were unable to gethelp from traditional lenders.

Mr Archer added that the currentoperating system was “old, expensive tooperate and out of date. The length oftime it took in administration could be cutfrom three days to just a matter of hours”,he added.

Supporting the request, vice presidentStuart Reddish said: “We know that there are members who cannot get loansin the traditional way who may end up

going to loan sharks.”National councillors agreed that the

NFRN would purchase the new software,subjective to an administrative charge andwith the Credit Union to pay the moneyback as and when it could. A systemwould only be purchased after any duediligence of the manufacturer.

The future of the NFRNIf greater focus is to be placed on therecruitment and retention of membersthen a dedicated department must becreated, national vice president StuartReddish explained.

He also unveiled a new plan to getexisting members more involved inrecruiting independent retailers.

A proposal from Mr Reddish for a newrecruitment and retention department in Durham was accepted by nationalcouncillors.

“To secure the future of the NFRN wehave to invest,” Mr Reddish said.

The head of the department wouldwork with the field team, NFRN Connectand members to promote the benefits ofNFRN membership.

He also unveiled a new initiative which would see existing members paid£75 for each new member they recruitedwho was in membership for more thanthree months.

West Midlands national councillorNarinder Randhawa called for the NFRN’soffering to be reviewed and for morenational and regional deals to benegotiated. These could include deals onbanking or car finance, he explained.

“If we can save retailers money they willjoin tomorrow,” he added.

Stuart McClymont from East Midlandsagreed and stressed the need for morelocal initiatives. “A deal that is good inLondon is not good in Newcastle. Weneed to look at regional deals – ones forretailers in resorts, in towns and in cities.It’s our smaller members that we need toreally help, not the ones affiliated tosymbol groups.”

New look onlineAll the benefits of NFRN membership willbe promoted more prominently as part ofa new look for NFRNOnline.com, theFederation’s website, promised chairmanof IT and facilities Jason Birks.

As well as making the site more userfriendly, there will be a secure area from which members can access NFRNlegal documents.

Peter Robinson from Wales also calledfor the development of an NFRN app,explaining that this would ‘hugely increase Jason Birks

Stuart Reddish

John Parkinson

Steve Archer

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Immediate past president Linda Sood is pictured handing over a cheque for £425.78 to help NFRN retailers who arevictims of crime. The money was collected in a yellow Victims of Crime tin that Mrs Sood had on her counter in

her Portsmouth shop. Meanwhile, Hussan Lal from Scotland presented Mike Mitchelson with a cheque for £150 which his customers had donated to help NFRN crime victims.


member engagement’.Stuart McClymont asked if the app

could enable members to report earlymorning or late night issues directly withNFRN Connect.

“If we have an issue at 5am in themorning we can report it directly to NFRN Connect via the app and request a call back.”

Mr Birks agreed that as well asrelaunching the website, the NFRN wouldlook to develop an app.

A place at the tableSupply chain issues can only resolved ifthe NFRN takes a place at the PressDistribution Forum (PDF), NationalPresident Mike Mitchelson said.

Opening a debate on the merits ofjoining the group, Mr Mitchelson warnedthat currently there was no retailrepresentation.

“We should take our place and press forchanges and improvements,” he explained.“We can highlight the service issues whichour members suffer from and lobby to getsome industry wide improvements to thenews distribution system.”

Head of news Brian Murphy said eventhe PDF believed it would function betterif retailers had a voice.

Mr Mitchelson added: “The NFRNcannot sit outside while other parties –publishers and news wholesalers – arediscussing industry issues. There needs to be a retail voice in these industrydiscussions.”

Ray Monelle from the South Westdistrict expressed concern that retailerissues would be ignored. “Things that wehave wanted on the agenda in the pasthave been dismissed. We must be able todiscuss the items we want.”

James Wilkinson from Yorkshire saidjoining the PDF would show “we arefighting for members at the top table”,while Abdul Qadar added that it was the right time “to recreate the threelegged stool”.

New suppliers and servicesAccording to head of businessdevelopment Graeme Collins, NFRN directcontinues to make good progress.

Turnover is growing, and it achieved itshighest ever monthly sales in October.

Hussan Lal presenting Mike Mitchelson with a cheque

Ray Monelle

New relevant suppliers, offering acomprehensive range of services andproducts, were being added to enhancethe offering to members.

The department was also working hardto rebuild relationships with majorsuppliers, which in recent years had beensadly neglected.

A recent addition to NFRN direct wasPeters Food which was proving to be agood replacement for the now defunctKerry Fresh. “It offers a verycomprehensive range and with everythingon SOR the potential for major savings isenormous,” Mr Collins said.

Linda Sood presenting Mike Mitchelson with a cheque


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Members’ magazine The Fed is increasing its frequency from 2019, reported headof communications Anne Bingham. Six editions will appear, with the magazinepublished in February, April, June, August, October and December next year.

National Council in brief

Providing an update on DHL’s takeover of the Pass My Parcel service, head ofnews Brian Murphy opinioned: “I can’t see why every member wouldn’t want tooffer a parcel delivery and collection service.” He added that DHL was keen tobuild new business relationships.

Labour MP Steve McCabe has agreed to chair the All Party Parliamentary Groupon Retail Crime after former chairman Steven Hammond was promoted tohealth minister, national councillors were told.

Trade days had proved successful with most areas holding at least one eventby the end of the year, where hundreds of members had been introduced tonews sales and profit opportunities, revealed membership services chairmanMuntazir Dipoti.

After annual conference in June the number of national councillors will dropfrom 42 to 33 as part of the NFRN restructuring agreed in 2015, advised head ofmembership services Theresa Neale.

Robust challenges had been made to publishers and wholesalers regarding theEgmont trial which saw two titles – Toxic and Lego Star Wars – supplied tomultiples first, said National President Mike Mitchelson. “We want to know whatthe trial measurements will be, and we will continue lobbying until this issue issatisfactorily resolved,” he added.

Ratcliffe loans are only provided for short term relief for unseen emergencies,benefits chairman Peter Wagg reminded national councillors. He said there hadbeen a recent application from a member who was £85,000 in debt. “We had torefer them to NFRN Assist,” Mr Wagg added.

All publishers are pressed to improve the handling fee they pay for insertingsupplements and are told that these should be given for all copies and not justthose sold, said National President Mike Mitchelson.

RePoss is offering interest free loans on its EPoS systems to NFRN members,head of business development Graeme Collins advised.

Welsh members were able to share theirviews on minimum unit pricing after twogovernment officials and a representativefrom Alcohol Wales attended theNovember district council meeting, advisedhead of political engagement Adrian Roper.

“This allowed our members to air theirviews ahead of the guidance being puttogether,” he added. “We were also able to discuss how best to develop ourrelationship across the Welsh government.”

Providing an update on the latest politicalengagement activity, Mr Roper said that theScottish government had also madeapproaches to engage on policyimplementation and a meeting at Cabinetsecretary level in Scotland had taken place.

As an alternative to hosting largerparliamentary receptions, the NFRN hadheld smaller dinners for select MPs inWestminster where discussions centredaround retail crime.

“These allowed us to explain our positionand for the MPs attending to ask detailedquestions. Both dinners have beensuccessful in raising the profile and status of the NFRN,” he explained.

“Our political engagement programme is growing and building momentum,” Mr Roper added. “Significant strides havebeen taken in raising our profile and buildingmomentum behind our campaigns. Wechampion the cause of independentretailers, informing politicians of theproblems faced on a daily basis.

“The challenge will be maintaining thismomentum. That’s why we are building a 12 to 18 month action plan to maximiseopportunities while remaining flexible toany other developments.”

Peter Wagg

To stay safe Retail Mutual chairman PeterWagg urged national councillors to varytheir routines when visiting the bank orcash and carry.

“Don’t follow a routine by alwaysgoing on the same day of the week and

at the same time,” Mr Wagg said. “Varythe time and route if you can. The Retail Mutual receives no end of claims from people who have beenrobbed after retuning from the cash and carry.”



öDonùt follow a routine by always going on thesame day of the week and at the same time.õ

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Attending his first ever party conference,national deputy vice president MuntazirDipoti was the NFRN’s representative atthe Labour party conference in Liverpoolbetween September 23 and 26.

Over the three days, Mr Dipoti seizedthe chance to detail the many challengesfacing independent retailers to shadowchancellor John McDonnell and shadowhome secretary Diane Abbott, as well asdiscussing NFRN members’ concerns withGreater Manchester mayor Andy Burnhamand Liverpool mayor Steve Rotherham.

Between September 30 to October 3,National President Mike Mitchelson was at the Conservative conference inBirmingham where he was reacquaintedwith Prime Minister Theresa May andreminded her that government action wasneeded to tackle the burning issues ofretail crime and business rates.

Police response times and theperformance of police and crimecommissioners came under scrutiny in adiscussion between Mr Mitchelson andhome secretary Sajid Javid.

Besides explaining how retailers feel

unprotected by the lack of policeresponse to shop crimes, Mr Mitchelsonraised concerns about increasing incidentsof physical and verbal abuse on retailersand their staff.

Mr Javid acknowledged the issues,noting that pressure was needed toimprove the performance of police andcrime commissioners (PPCs) in respondingto retail crime. He agreed to meet anNFRN delegation at the Home Office as soon as possible in order to discussthese concerns in greater detail.

Meanwhile, business rates and the need for a tax on online businesses were the main topic of discussion when Mr Mitchelson met chancellor Philip Hammond.

Waving the flag for the NFRN at theSNP conference in Glasgow betweenOctober 7 and 9 were Scottish presidentRory O’Brien, national finance committeemember Mo Razzaq and Edinburghpresident Aleem Farooqi. Mr Razzaq tookpart in a conference fringe event paneldiscussion on plastic recycling and DRShosted by Holyrood Magazine and Coca-Cola European Partners (see page 24).

Commenting on the NFRN’s attendanceat these party conferences, Mr Mitchelsonsaid: “Engaging with senior politiciansacross the main parties is critical sodecision makers are fully aware of theimportance of independent retailers intheir communities and the issues thatblight us. The NFRN officials in attendancetook every opportunity to put theindependent retailer’s case on a range ofissues from retail crime to business rates.

“It is imperative that we get across ourconcerns about all the pressures thatNFRN members are under to the verypeople who can make a difference. Bymaking them aware we are making surethey can help.”

öIt is imperative that we getacross our concerns aboutall the pressures thatNFRN members are underto the very people whocan make a differenceõ


Theresa May and Mike Mitchelson

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Mike Mitchelson with chancellor Philip Hammond

Diane Abbott and Muntazir Dipoti

Aleem Farooqi

Mike Mitchelson withhome secretary Sajid Javid

Muntazir Dipoti andJohn McDonnell

öCommenting on theNFRNùs attendance atthese party conferences,Mr Mitchelson said:öEngaging with seniorpoliticians across themain parties is critical sodecision makers are fullyaware of the importanceof independent retailersin their communities andthe issues that blight us.õ

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DEPOSIT RETURN SCHEMES MUST ALIGNFinancially pressed retailers could beforced to close if the proposed andforthcoming deposit return scheme (DRS)is not implemented correctly, ScottishNFRN official Mr Razzaq warned during afringe meeting at the SNP conference.

Speaking during a debate entitled The Future of Packaging on October 8,Mr Razzaq, who is a member of theNFRN’s national finance committee, said there were still too manyuncertainties surrounding DRS forretailers, such as whether they had to optout or opt in. Storing returned bottlesand cans and hygiene issues associatedwith this was also of concern, he added.

Coca Cola’s head of public affairs JimFox expressed concern that separateapproaches toward recycling could beadopted in Scotland and in England and Wales.

Environmental action and advocacyneeded to work in everyone’s bestinterest and these approaches needed tobe compatible to prevent organisedcrime gangs exploiting this, he stressed.

“If you have different schemes youincrease the likelihood of fraud,” hewarned. “If you have different productsnorth and south of the border you might understand how people couldmake a lot of money shipping productsbackwards and forwards – all of thismoney goes to organised crime, not tothe environment.”

Agreeing, Mr Razzaq warned therewould be border issues without a UKwide scheme.

“In Germany, the deposit was set quitehigh and they started making emptybottles in Poland and brought them over.There are similar risks here if policy isn't

aligned across borders,” Razzaq added.“It’s got to be quite strict.”

Minister for rural affairs and naturalenvironment Mairi Gougeon said theScottish government was aware of the problem.

During a question and answer session,the panellists were asked how a DRScould work.

Explaining, Mr Fox said: “If we make abottle of Coca-Cola we send it to theretailer and at the same time we give adeposit to a central company who runthe deposit scheme. The retailer sells theconsumer the Coke, the consumer paysan extra 10p and when they return thebottle, they get the money back. Theretailer then sends the operatingcompany the bottle, and they return the 10p to the retailer. It’s a win/win for everybody”.

öFinancially pressed retailers could be forced to close if the proposed andforthcoming deposit return (DRS) scheme is not implemented correctly.õ

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marketplaceDecember 2018Bringing you the latest new products from NFRN direct

nfrndirect.co.uk 0800 028 7283

Tate Business Group is a leading UKsupplier of retail consumables.

Established for 30 years, our reputation isbuilt upon delivering essential businessconsumables from till rolls, bags andcleaning products through to labels andmarketing POS on time to keep yourbusiness running.

We stock all the consumables products youwill need to ensure the smooth running ofyour store.

We pride ourselves on our excellentcustomer service and forward thinking,innovative products.

• Free delivery on orders over £60• 2-3 day delivery service• Dedicated account manager

You can start ordering from Tate BusinessGroup today through NFRN direct. If youhave any queries at all, just speak to Dawnon 0800 028 7283 or email her [email protected].

Delivering essential business consumables

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Our key product ranges include:

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Dawn is team leader at our NFRN directdedicated helpline. She will be delighted tohelp you if you give her a call and will alsosometimes make calls to members to raiseawareness of new deals and opportunities.Here, she highlights some recurrent themesand interesting possibilities.

“The Peters Foods deal looks great but Ihave been waiting for ages for them tocontact me”Peters offer full sale or return on everythingwhich has generated huge interest andenquiries but the company has beensomewhat slow in following these leads up.The NFRN’s head office has now taken thisup with Peters who have implemented anew system which it says should overcomethe problem. We will keep a close eye onthings to make sure this happens.

“Can I set up a regular call to take mySnowShock replenishment order?”Yes, I am always happy to call at a pre-arranged time. Just phone 0800 028 7283 inthe first instance and we can get it set up.

“Is there a supplier of long life cakes I canbuy from through NFRN direct?”There are lots of cake suppliers listed, suchas Devon Cakes, Dangerfields and ClaytonPark, but if it’s long life cakes you want thenHargolds, with its range of individuallywrapped cake slices, is well worth a look.

“If I want to join NFRN direct, how longdoes it take?”It’s very easy and straightforward and itdoesn’t take long at all. In fact, you can beup and running in a maximum of three days,providing there are no problems. If you needany help applying just give me a call.

“Is it true that I get an extra 15 per cent if Iorder UK Greetings through NFRN direct?”It certainly is. It’s another great deal and it’snot surprising so many members buy theirUK Greetings stock through NFRN direct.

You can contact Dawn on 0800 028 7283or email [email protected].



365 Greetings is the fastest growing giftpublisher in the UK and the industry’s bestkept secret. The 365 brand has over 10 yearsin the bespoke trade to its name, and themanagement team behind it has collectivelyover 50 years of experience – experience thatwe use very successfully to maximise thebenefits to our clients.

As a company, 365 works behind the scenesto create a range of highly desirable retailproducts for its customers – acting as abespoke manufacturer for many of the UK’s high street retailers for over 20 years and achieving millions of pounds inretail revenues.

From greetings cards to calendars andposters, to bookazines and magazines, wesupply a wealth of printed product within thegift, greetings and stationery industries andalso offer a completely bespoke service to ourcustomers – but with a unique twist.

Longstanding experts at identifying gaps inthe UK market, we know how to fill thosegaps with niche products capable ofgenerating new, original revenue streams andexceptional profit margins for our clients.

We produce product concepts and sales andmarketing strategies for our retail clients thatare unique and relevant to their businesses.From here, we move on to design andmanufacture the products for them toshowcase and sell via their own retail outlets.This can take the form of either ‘own brand’bespoke merchandise, or be a unique version

of a range of merchandise we offer forgeneral retail.

To put it simply: we design, cost, manufactureand then sell the product.

365 has always taken extreme pride in itsinnovative Point of Sale retail solutions. Everyyear we strive to create an optimum aestheticretail experience that maximises the salespotential of the available space –guaranteeing the best possible return oninvestment for our clients.

This has led to the development of some ofthe industry’s most attractive and practicaldisplays and has provided a benchmark thatour competitors can only aspire to.

Most importantly, we offer first class valuefor money across all of our product ranges –creating far superior products to those of ourcompetitors when compared like for like. 365can achieve a more competitive SRP than anyother company on the market – our retailpartners benefit daily from the excellentprofit margins they gain by working with us.

365 now supplies over 250 calendar titles,more than 2,500 greeting card designs and 150+ poster designs across its rangeevery year.

You can start ordering from 365 todaythrough NFRN direct. If you have any queriesat all, just speak to Dawn on 0800 028 7283or email her at [email protected].

Where creative innovationleads to retail inspiration

We recognised the early growth and potentialof the convenience store and increasinglydirected our attention to this market tobecome a ‘one stop’ solution to their non-food core and promotional products. Theseranges vary between toys, stationery,cleaning, homeware and more. All productscome on an SOR basis which makes findingthe right solution for your shop even more desirable.

We established an import division in 1985which used our purchasing volumes in the

One stop solutio All products

come on an SORbasis whichmakes findingthe rightsolution foryour shop even more desirable.

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on for your shop

retail trade to reduce basic cost price and develop own branding and themes for product promotion.

You can start ordering from Perkins todaythrough NFRN direct. If you have any queries at all, just speak to Dawn on 0800 028 7283 or email her at [email protected].

Diamond Mist is established as the elitebrand of electronic cigarettes andaccessories, providing the retail andwholesale markets with a great platform to work from.

Diamond Mist products do not containtobacco, tar or harmful substances. As the recognised leaders within the marketthey constantly have their finger on the pulse of industry developments in order to lead the way with product innovation,offering next working day delivery on all their pioneering products.

The advanced products go through rigoroustesting and market research assessmentsbefore being marketed; therefore, if aproduct has been branded as Diamond Mist,you can be assured of excellence in quality.

You can start orderingfrom Diamond Mist todaythrough NFRN direct. Ifyou have any queries atall, just speak to Dawn on0800 028 7283 or emailher at [email protected].

Throughout the 25 yearsB&J Toys have beenestablished, we have been

supplying wholesale toys to retailers largeand small across the UK and Ireland.

Our unique scheme has made B&J Toys oneof the UK’s biggest importers and distributorsof pocket money toys.

We supply ready-made and stocked display units of pocket money toys to over10,000 outlets across the UK and Ireland on a full SOR basis, fromlarge multiple retailgroups of conveniencestores to independentretailers, newsagents and service stations.

You can start orderingfrom B&J Toys todaythrough NFRN direct. Ifyou have any queries atall, just speak to Dawn on0800 028 7283 or emailher at [email protected].

Mintons Good Food is a distributor of a widerange of fine foods to Wales, the west ofEngland and the West Midlands. Selectedwhole foods, health foods and luxury foods, aswell as everyday groceries are stocked in ourwarehouse and supplied to food retailers viaour catalogue or online via our website.

Mintons Good Food is a family owned and runbusiness and all staff take great pride incustomer service. By working with ourcustomers over many years we have gainedknowledge about the types of products theylike to stock, whether they run a farm shop, adelicatessen, a garden centre, café, restaurantor a shop in the high street. We have a largeand very loyal customer base who appreciatethe choice we can offer.

Our customers also like the fact that wedeliver free of charge when orders reach a minimum level. Our pricing is alwayscompetitive and we provide a qualityguarantee on all products.

Browse the website and make your selectionfrom an exciting mix of established, wellknown brands and new products, many of which are made by specialist regional producers.

• Organic• Genetically modified free• Gluten free• Own label• Fair trade• Catering packs• Bulk products• Leading brands• Foods and other products from

small, regional producers including Welsh products

You can start ordering from Mintons Good Food today through NFRN direct. If you have any queries at all, just speak to Dawn on 0800 028 7283 or email her at [email protected].

Family owned – taking greatpride in customer service

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28 NFRNDIRECT.CO.UK DECEMBER 2018 marketplace

OTL are long standing suppliers of discountrange solutions to the major retailers,wholesalers and independent stores, both in the UK and overseas.

Providing a unique range of both food andnon-food products across 52 categories, weare a dynamic, fast growing company whopride ourselves on our ability to deliveroutstanding value products, suitable for anybusiness wanting to compete in the evergrowing discount arena.

OTL currently have 26 owned brandsincluding Bloome and Keep It Handy, whichyou will find in several well known retailers.Just because a product offers great valuedoesn’t mean that it can’t look fantastic.That’s why our dedicated creativeteam design all our own packaging andlabelling which makes our products stand out from the competition on shelf.

You can start ordering from OTL today throughNFRN direct. If you have any queries at all, justspeak to Dawn on 0800 028 7283 or email herat [email protected].

Standing outfrom thecompetition

For the retail sector, 2018 has been aturbulent year. High street chains continue toclose as they fail to respond to changingconsumer habits. The food retailing sector hasbeen reshaped by mergers – with more on thehorizon – and the entry of a new supermarket,Jack’s, to challenge Aldi and Lidl. In addition,innovations in the retail space, such asAmazon Go and same day delivery, continueto force large retailers to adapt their offering.

We at The Retail Data Partnership (TRDP),believe the solution to these technologicalinnovations does not just lie in technology.When we visit our most successful customers,we see the same key factors time and timeagain; great customer knowledge and service,an appropriate range for regular customers,and a suite of additional services that makethe lives of customers easier. We haveadapted our approach to make deliveringgreat service simpler than ever.

This year, as well as 57 new softwareupgrades to ShopMate, we’ve also launchedShopMate fuel, allowing forecourts toseamlessly manage their pumps through theirEPoS system. What’s more, our MediaMasterservice uses targeted, data-driven advertisingto create significant sales uplift – up to 23 percent in some cases – and the launch of ourfree Top-Seller report (www.retaildata.co.uk/top-seller-report) gives everyone theinformation they need to make smarter range decisions.

In the new year, we’ll continue to roll outthese services, as well as launching our brand-new ShopMate mobile app, allowing retailersto view reports and alerts from their till ontheir mobile phone. Our focus has been, andwill continue to be, developing services thathelp retailers concentrate on the importantthings that make independent retailers unique– the right range and great service.

Our focusMaking EPoS easy for retailers Our systems are easy to set up and use, we’lleven pre-load your prices if you wish.

Providing a consistent, reliable service Our expert, UK based customer support teamare ready to help.

Using only the most reliable hardware We source hardware from trusted brands andcarry out rigorous testing.

Working in partnership with third parties We’re always looking for partners to work withto make ShopMate even more powerful for ourcustomers.

Using data to make smarter decisions Each year, our customers carry out over£1billion in transactions. We use this data tohelp them make smarter decisions.

Keeping costs low for retailersWe keep ShopMate affordable because webelieve an EPoS system should help retailersmake money, not cost them money.

Our EPoS systems support retailersthroughout the UKWhether you’re large or small, independent orpart of a symbol group, ShopMate can helpyour business.

We also work with brands to help them betterunderstand the convenience retail sector.

Expertise in every areaWith a team of over 50, we have the expertiseto support your retail business and help boostyour profits.

• Customer support• Software development• Hardware and installations• Data analysis and insights

Don’t get lost in innovation:focus on what matters

The Retail Data Partnership (TRDP) is a business associate of the NFRN. For any queries, however,please contact Dawn on 0800 028 7283 or email her at [email protected].

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Homeware Essentials was founded in 1996 byMike Brown, an independent retailer fromEston, Middlesbrough. He, like many retailers,felt let down by non-food suppliers who wouldarrive late and offer badly picked, low qualityproducts, and wholesalers who couldn’tguarantee if, or when they’d be receivingproducts he relied on to provide for hiscustomers and, ultimately, his own livelihood.The ambition was to offer sensible prices,respectable products and service that could berelied on – a convenience supplier forconvenience stores.

Homeware Essentials take pride in our coreprinciples, which we will always adhere to:

Right ProductIt’s our ambition to offer products you willwant to reorder because your customers wantto return and buy more. Repeat custom is theheartbeat of our business and the retail sector.

We also know easy merchandising is critical forcontrolling independent stores, so we offer lowcase sizes, planogrammed stands and attractivecolour-coded styling for our ranges in order tohelp you and your customer use your store.

Right PriceA key for us is that you run your own store andenjoy the full profits you earn. We don’t insiston a ‘man in a van’ service, we won’t chargeyou for petrol and time spent or insist youorder huge amounts or force products youdon’t want into your store.

We don’t confuse you or your customers withmandatory price codes and quietly raise ourcharges – our main aim is to let you decide howto target your own market.

Right TimeYou can receive your stock if and when youneed it. We offer one of the lowest rates forfree delivery in our sector – a minimum orderof only £150 plus VAT, and all customers arewelcome, small or large.

We have an unparalleled level of stock

availability, with a consistent 99 per cent onover 1,000 lines.

You get what you askfor, on time.

Now Is the TimeTaking advantage of thebenefits HomewareEssentials has to offerwith no stringsattached. Head towww.homewareessentials.co.uk andclick on our How WeWork page and start toboost your store today!

You can start orderingfrom HomewareEssentials today throughNFRN direct. If you haveany queries at all, justspeak to Dawn on 0800028 7283 or email herat [email protected].


Shop Name: .....................................................................................

Your Name: ......................................................................................

Address: ...........................................................................................


.........................................................Post Code: ..............................

Tel: ...................................................................................................


Email: ...............................................................................................

Please return to NFRN direct, by either scanning and emailing to [email protected] or post to NFRN direct, 108-109 Gilesgate, Durham, DH1 1JA.

NFRN direct is our own members’ buying group and can really help you to find new opportunities to boost your sales and profits. In every issue of The Fed we will bring news of suppliers that areavailable through the scheme and what they have to offer.

Remember, NFRN direct is FREE and very easy to join and you will getthe benefit of one monthly invoice to settle for all your purchasesthrough the group, saving you time and money and you can get up toseven weeks’ credit.

Connecting you to ideas,value and service

For more information about NFRN direct, please send us the following details

Ask your RDM about NFRN direct, register online at NFRNdirect.co.uk or call Dawn on 0800 028 7283.

Your details are personal and private. This information will be stored by NFRN direct and only authorised administrative users from the NFRN and its serviceprovider IDC will be able to access the information to help you with any queries you may have from time to time. We also undertake a quick credit check.


A convenience supplierfor convenience stores

Sensible prices, respectableproducts and service that can

be relied on.“ ”

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From the entries rolling in for this NFRNand Reach award scheme it is clear thatcommunity spirit and great customerservice are very much alive and well acrossthe length and breadth of the UK.

Since we launched our joint quest tofind monthly Community Championsacross five regions – Scotland and Ireland;the north; Wales; the Midlands; and thesouth – we have been bowled over by thepositive ways that NFRN members interactwithin their localities and the extra milethey go to satisfy their customers’ needs.

Take Raj Chandi of the Popping Cork inEarlsdon in Coventry for instance. Accordingto the customers nominating him, MrChandi (pictured above) has been a pillar ofthe community for almost 40 years.

Not only does he run a successfulnewsagents, but Mr Chandi – one of ourJuly winners – belongs to the localresidents association and works with hislocal council on regular Keep Britain Tidy campaigns.

His nomination form read: “He (and hiswife, Bal) always have a smile and a kindword and they will go out of their way tohelp you.

“We have a lot of students living around

his shop and most are from overseas andRaj is always on hand to help not just withitems in his shop but generally with tipsand information about the local area and facilities.”

“Raj is like the local oracle, he alwaysknows when there is a spate of burglaries,car theft or local anti-social issues and hepasses this information onto his customersso they can keep safe. He providesrefreshments for the various communityprojects that take place, includingresidents group and clean-up campaigns.”

Also successful in July were KnoxNewsagents in Dunbar, East Lothian(Scotland and Ireland); Michael Brown ofBrown’s Newsagents in Teesside (thenorth); Dirhen Sethi of The Pagoda inEaling, London (south); and Joff andWendy Jones of Blackpill Post Office inMayals, Swansea (Wales).

Our August Community Championswere Shahid Razzaq of the Family Shopperin Blantyre (Scotland and Ireland); RonaldButterfield of R Butterfield Newsagent inLiverpool (the north); Graham Lewis ofLewis in Woodmancote, Cheltenham (thesouth); John Roberts of Enas Newsagentsin Beaumaris (Wales); and Trudy Davies of

Woosnam & Davies in Llanidloes(Midlands).

We were unable to find a suitablewinner for Scotland or Ireland inSeptember but our other monthly winnerswere Benjamin Waller from WallerConvenience Store, Darlington (the north);Mark Ansell from Liskeard News inLiskeard (the south); Gwenna and PaulLewis of the Village Stores in Rossett(Wales); and Reshpal Kaur of Alma Storesin Telford (Midlands).




If you think that you aredeserving of a CommunityChampion award then let usknow! Please complete theapplication form atwww.NFRNOnline.com.


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Our annual NFRN Awards presentation evening is always a night toremember, but with next year’s event running alongside a majorand special dinner to mark the NFRN’s centenary, it promises tobe even bigger and better than ever!

For the second year running we are returning to the prestigiousRoyal Lancaster Hotel in London to recognise and rewardexcellence in independent retailing and to celebrate the NFRN’smajor milestone.

Joining our well deserving finalists and their NFRN colleagueson the evening of Tuesday February 12 will be distinguished guestsof honour, our generous Award sponsors, suppliers and our newsindustry partners.

Besides handing out eight retail awards (see right for thecategories) we will be presenting a number of Centenary Awardson the night for outstanding contribution and achievement in our industry.

This glittering black tie event will begin with a drinks receptionfollowed by a three course dinner, speeches and the presentationof trophies and certificates to our worthy winners.

National President Mike Mitchelson said: “To make our 2019NFRN Awards night the most successful yet we would encourage as many districts and members as possible to attend to support this wonderful event and to help the NFRN celebrateits centenary.

“We were delighted with the response we had from NFRNmembers in terms of the quality and quantity of nominations, so Iwould like to say a big thank you to everyone who took the timeand trouble to enter or nominate a colleague or employee.

“Despite the challenging trading conditions that independentretailers currently operate in, our award entrants have shown thatthere is plenty of resilience and innovation out there which weare delighted to showcase through these prestigious awards.

“Our regional judges and the representatives from our sponsors,who also helped to pick the winners, have had a tough time inmaking their final decisions.

“Independent retailers are renowned for being the focal pointof their local communities and for an exceptional level of servicethey provide day in day out that often goes above and beyondthe call of duty and cannot be replicated by any multiple retaileranywhere. This shone through in all of our entries.”




THE 2019 RETAIL AWARDS•Responsible Selling Retailer of the Year•Independent Convenience Retailer of the Year•Symbol Convenience Retailer of the Year•Collectable Product Retailer of the Year•HND Retailer of the Year•News Deliverer of the Year•Newsagent of the Year•Community Champion

Our 2019 Awards and Centenary Dinner will be theevent of the year in the NFRN’s 2019 calendar.Come along to celebrate all that’s great in theindependent sector, network with the great and thegood from our industry, share your retailingexperiences and learn from a hot bed of new ideas.Member tickets are on sale at a discounted price of£50 per person or £500 for a table of 10. Book earlyto avoid disappointment by calling 0191 386 4365 oremail [email protected].



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Once again, Reading’s Crown Plaza Hotel was the venue for the2018 Southern Region Awards where retailers and suppliersgathered to celebrate all that’s best about the independent retail sector.Altogether, 15 awards were presented during the evening,

including the top accolade – Member of the Year – which wentto husband and wife John and Anne Lowman in recognition oftheir unstinting commitment to the NFRN and to members inthe London district over the past 30 years.After receiving the award, Mr Lowman admitted to being

‘choked’, adding: “All I ever wanted to do was my best and tofollow in the footsteps of my father.”A new award for this year was for Special Services to the

region and this was presented to Alex Van Straubenzee, theoutgoing chief executive of industry charity NewstrAid.Mr Van Straubenzee said he was extremely proud of the work

that NewstrAid did for its beneficiaries, and of the close workingrelationship it enjoyed with the NFRN.So high was the standard of entries for the Store2Door

Deliverer of the Year category that the judges took the unusual step of recognising two winners and presenting two merit awards.Thanks to fundraising throughout the evening, a highly

impressive £1,100 was raised for NFRN Charitable Funds and for NewstrAid.Mike Mitchelson, NFRN National President, attended the

event and presented the Member of the Year trophy. Hecommented: “Through these awards, retailers, deliverers andcompanies who contribute to the success, innovation, bestpractice and positive environmental and community impact in the NFRN’s Southern region receive the recognition they truly deserve.

“It is fantastic to see such business excellence among NFRNmembers and their staff in the southern region and we aregrateful to the support of our trade partners and sponsors formaking this whole event happen.”

Photography © Diane Frazer photography


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Convenience Retailer –Independent Sponsored by NestleWinner: Kunal Patel, Global Food &Wine, Wanstead, London. Jason Stokerfrom Nestle presented the award.Finalists: Ray Monelle, Orchard News,Weston-Super-Mare, Somerset. Jayendra Kshatri, The Connoisseur,Wallington, Surrey.At Global Food and Wine, owner KunalPatel puts great emphasis on serving thelocal community, sourcing local productsand offering special deals. Tremendouslyhigh standards are apparent throughoutthe shop, which is well laid out, clean,bright and well stocked.

Convenience Retailer – SymbolSponsored by BookerWinner: Metan Lakhani, St Mary’sSupermarket, Southampton. Rob Collinsfrom Booker presented the award.Finalists: Sudesh Patel, Londis, Coulsdon, Surrey.Ketanji Odedra, Cherilyn Ltd,Pulborough, West Sussex.This category attracted entries from manyexceptional retailers, but what made Mr Lakhani stand out was his commitmentto high in-store standards, with a clean,bright and well merchandised shop andexcellent stock rotation. But Mr Lakhanihas also gone one step further byexpanding the range he offers to includefood to go products and take out coffee.

Collectable Product Retailer of the YearSponsored by ToppsWinner: Harshal Kshatri, TheConnoisseur, Wallington, Surrey. Steve Conner from Topps presented the award.Finalists: Pradriya Bari, Divine BrothersLtd, Hackney, London.Dhiren Sheth, The Pagoda, Ealing,London.Keeping the customer satisfied is Mr Kshatri’s mantra so he will do hisutmost to fulfil requests and is alwayswilling to trial new collectables, which aredisplayed prominently and promoted withgood use of point of sale material. Whereand when possible, Mr Kshatri will attendtrade events so he can keep up to datewith latest trends.

Store2Door Agent of the YearSponsored by Menzies DistributionWinner: Chetan Patel, Nick & Vic News,Hornchurch, Essex. Ron Rushbrook fromthe NFRN presented the award.Finalists: Ray Culverwell, J G RileyNewsagents, Milton, Southsea, Hants.Kerry McGorrin-Fuller, WinghamNewsagents, Canterbury, Kent.Besides offering a top-notch home newsdelivery service, Mr Patel runs regularcanvassing promotions to attract newcustomers and is always on the look-outfor innovative new opportunities toexpand this side of his business.

Off Licence AwardSponsored by NFRN Business DevelopmentWinner: Kamlesh Patel, Londis, ManorPark, London. Graeme Collins from theNFRN presented the award.Finalists: Volauthapillai Thevarajah,Nyetimber Convenience Stores, West Sussex.Kunal Patel, Global Food & Wine,Wanstead, London.Londis Manor Park is a large store with animpressive range of alcohol, including afive metre chiller. Given that the storestocks over 50 varieties of wine, 20 ciderbrands, 40 different types of beer and awide selection of spirits, it is very rare fora customer to complain that they can’tfind their favourite tipple! Good lightingmakes the shop inviting and staff complywith all the regulations surrounding thesale of alcohol.

Technology Retailer of the YearSponsored by 3RWinner: Ghanshyam Patel, Royal BassettNews, Wootton Bassett, Wiltshire.Ramesh Patel from 3R presented the award.In 3R’s eyes, Mr Patel was a worthy winner for fully embracing newtechnology. Analysing data to identify best sellers and slow sellers means Mr Patel can concentrate on selling, while benefiting from better profitmargins and less wastage.

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Local NewsagentSponsored by the NFRNWinner: Shailesh Patel, W H Smith Local& Post Office, Purley, Surrey. ChristineSouthern from the NFRN presented the award.The customer is king in this WH SmithLocal store and Mr Patel and his staff willalways go that extra mile to get themagazines his clientele require. Not onlydoes this WH Smith Local offer anextensive range of magazines, they arealways displayed to a very high standardand stocked in the quantities required tomeet their customers’ needs.

Store2Door Deliverer of the Yearsponsored by Menzies Distribution Winners: Ilias Fisk and Daniel Talbot from the Paper Shop, Gravesend, Kent.Merit Winners: Leo Bilton from Graham News, Hayward’s Heath, Sussex and Jade Lewis from the Pagoda, Ealing, London.Linda Sood, the immediate past president from the NFRN, presented the awards.

Responsible Selling Retailer of the Year Sponsored by Imperial TobaccoWinner: Raj Patel, Newsbox, LoughtonEssex. Kate Freeman from ImperialTobacco presented the award.Finalists: Rizwana Rafique, RafiquesSupermarket, Southampton.Vishnu Patel, Nike Newsagents,Dunstable.When it comes to undertaking hisretailing duties, Mr Patel is both diligentand responsible. All staff are trainedregularly and advised of new legislation.Employees are urged to be especiallyvigilant during transactions of agerestricted goods such as alcohol,scratch cards, lottery tickets andalcohol and – when relevant – areencouraged to use the refusals register. Mr Patel’s shop is fully compliant whenit comes to displaying statutory notices.

So dedicated are Ilias and Daniel that even the Beast from theEast and the atrocious weather it brought forth could notprevent them from completing their rounds. Both areconscientious people who have been delivering for several years and are always prepared to cover rounds in the absence of other deliverers. No surprises, then, that they are popular with their customers.

The judges were also impressed with the kindness andconsideration that all four winners displayed towards theircustomers, whether this was keeping an eye out for theelderly or taking out and returning heavy rubbish wheelie bins.The work ethics of all four were seen as ‘outstanding’, with thejudges adding that all will shine when they go into the worldof full time employment.

Ilias Fisk collecting his awardLeo Bilton receiving his award at a later date as hewas unable to attend the presentation evening

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Camelot Retailer of the YearSponsored by CamelotWinners: Dipak & Jayshree Shah, H & RNews, Camberley, Surrey. Greg Deaconfrom Camelot presented the award.Finalists: Sameer and Rhanda Phillips,MacFarlane’s Newsagents, Brighton,Sussex.Lakshmi and Dheerup Patel, SmokersParadise, Wickford, Essex.The National Lottery is a priority in Mr and Mrs Shah’s store as they recogniseit attracts many customers. At everyCamelot audit they are found to have thelatest point of sale material on display, afully stocked play station and scratch cardsthat are laid out according to Camelotplanograms. Balloons, banners and buntingare used to their full effect to raiseawareness and staff gain additional salesby emphasising big rollovers and alwaysask customers if they would like a luckydip, irrespective of the day of the week.

Southern Region SpecialServices AwardSponsored by NFRNWinner: Alex Van Straubenzee, CEO, NewstrAid. Ralph Patel from theNFRN presented the award.The first ever recipient of this award MrVan Straubenzee has been involved withthe industry in more than one capacity formany years – in news wholesaling,publishing and, more latterly, by headingup industry charity NewstrAid.

As a result of his dedication andcommitment to helping people and raisingmuch needed funds for those who haveworked in the industry but are now inneed of support, he is held in high esteemby all in the news trade.

Local Member of the YearSponsored by the NFRNWinners: John and Anne Lowman. Mike Mitchelson National President fromthe NFRN presented the award.Fully committed to their branch anddistrict, Mr and Mrs Lowman give up theirtime and share their wealth of experienceand knowledge gained from years inindependent retailing.

Despite having sold their shop sometime ago, they are still heavily involvedwith the NFRN, supporting its ideals andvisiting past and current London memberswho are experiencing difficulties to offercomfort and assistance.

They certainly live up to the NFRNmotto: “Where’er one man can helpanother, thank God for such a birthright,brother”.

Local Service ProviderSponsored by Retail MutualWinner: Tony Lyles, Ritmeester Cigars.Kirsty Hampton from Retail Mutualpresented the award.Mr Lyles and Ritmeester Cigars epitomisethe meaning of going the extra mile forindependent retailers. Both are alwayswilling to attend NFRN events andmeetings where they positively engagewith our members and offer special dealsto enhance independent retailers’ sales.Their passion and knowledge about theirproduct shines through.

Confectionery Retailer of the YearSponsored by NestleWinners: Hiten & Ushma Amin, Londis,North Cheam, Surrey. Jason Stocker fromNestle presented the award.Finalists: Sudesh Patel, Londis, Coulsdon, Surrey.Ketanji Odedra, Cherilyn Ltd,Pulborough, West Sussex.Shoppers come from far and wide to takeadvantage of the Amins unique andextensive range of confectionery. Bright,clean and well stocked, this shopsuccessfully holds its own against thelarger retailers in the local vicinity.Our winners are also always eager to trynew ranges, promotions and products toincrease their confectionery sales.

Local Supplier of the YearSponsored by PepsiCo WalkersWinner: Youings Wholesale, Barnstaple,Devon. Rishi Madhani from PepsiCopresented the award.Youings has an outstanding reputation forsupporting retailers, and rightly so! Itscombination of competitive pricing,favourable trading terms, a high qualitydelivery service and stock availabilitymakes it the number one supplier andchoice of members in the south west.Every year it works in close partnershipwith the NFRN by hosting an immenselysuccessful trade show that introducesmembers to new products and sales opportunities.


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Another 12 NFRN members have receivedsome very important deliveries lately – inthe form of Newsagent of the Monthtrophies after being recognised forexcellence in news retailing.

Winners in July were Lucia Hughes ofTop News in Omagh who was successfulin the Northern Ireland and Scotlandregion; Chris Young of Steven’s in NewtonAycliffe (North); Praful Patel of Barry’sNews in Birmingham (Midlands andWales); and Ralph Patel of the Look In inWoodmansterne (South).

Successful in August were LiamDonaghy of Winnies in Portadown(Northern Ireland and Scotland);

Jean Emmott of Stubbins News inRamsbottom near Bury (North); BalrajCheema of Muxton Newsagents in Telford(Midlands and Wales); and Dipak Shah ofH&R News in Camberley, Surrey (South).

In September, William Donnelly of TheCave Newsagents in Belfast (NorthernIreland and Scotland); Sean Hudson ofWest Boldon Post Office and VillageStores in Sunderland (Northern); NarinderGakhal of MNG Newsmarket in SuttonColdfield (Midlands and Wales); andUshma Amin of Londis in North Cheam(South) were all named monthly winners.



Sean Hudson (Northern)


Balraj Cheema (Midlands and Wales)

COULD YOU BETHE NEXTNEWSAGENT OF THE MONTH?To enter, simply fill out theonline application form atwww.nfrnonline.com/mail-award and send in somephotographs that supportyour application.


Kin Heung (Midlands and Wales) Lucia Hughes (Scotland and Northern Ireland) Praful Patel (Midlands and Wales)

öItùs great that there are so many committed andinnovative news retailersthe length and breadth of the UK and we aredelighted to be able torecognise and rewardthem though our monthlyNewsagent of the Monthscheme.õ


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Total market sales double for the Christmas bumper issues, this combined with the massive increase in cover prices makes a real cash opportunity for retailers. During the month of December 2017 sales of the TV listings generated £18 million in revenue for retailers, grab your share of this with these three titles. All magazines will be on sale nationally from Tuesday 11th December 2018.

All you need to know about the Christmas TV Listings…

revenue for retailers, grab your share of this of the TV listings generated During the month of December 2017 sales

opportunity for retailers.increase in cover prices makes a real cash bumper issues, this combined with the massive Total market sales double for the Christmas

revenue for retailers, grab your share of this £18 millionof the TV listings generated

During the month of December 2017 sales

opportunity for retailers.increase in cover prices makes a real cash bumper issues, this combined with the massive Total market sales double for the Christmas

revenue for retailers, grab your share of this in £18 million

During the month of December 2017 sales

increase in cover prices makes a real cash bumper issues, this combined with the massive Total market sales double for the Christmas

Tuesday 11th December 2018.All magazines will be on sale nationally from

with these three titles.revenue for retailers, grab your share of this

Tuesday 11th December 2018.All magazines will be on sale nationally from

with these three titles.revenue for retailers, grab your share of this

All magazines will be on sale nationally from

revenue for retailers, grab your share of this



Liam Donaghy (Scotland and Northern Ireland)


Jean Emmott (North)Ralph Patel (Southern)


The Newsagent of the Month awardsare exclusive to NFRN members and areawarded to independent retailers who candemonstrate creativity in newspaperretailing and display and commitment to promotions.

Andy Law, Mail Newspapers seniornational account manager, said: “It’s greatthat there are so many committed andinnovative news retailers the length andbreadth of the UK and we are delightedto be able to recognise and reward them

though our monthly Newsagent of theMonth scheme.”

“All monthly winners are automaticallyshortlisted for the National Newsagent ofthe Year title which is also sponsored byMail Newspapers.”

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Lorna – I have been reading a lot about a court caseinvolving the Post Office. What is it about?

There has been a long running dispute – since 2008 in fact –between Post Office Limited and some subpostmasters over an allegedly faulty computer system. They argue that the Horizon system, which was developed by Fujitsu and introducedin 1999 for recording day to day branch transactions, causedaccounting discrepancies for which operators were wrongly held responsible.

There is a group action in the high court which has beenbrought by the Justice For Subpostmasters Alliance (JFSA). Fromthe week of November 5, the first month long trial Bates versusPost Office class action, began. Bates is Alan Bates, a formersubpostmaster from Llandudno, who was dismissed by the PostOffice in 2013 and formed the JFSA. There are around 560 plusclaimants. This first hearing will help establish the legalrelationship between Post Office Ltd and subpostmasters. As part of this, lawyers from both sides have identified a sample group of 12 lead claimants, out of which six are chosen, with 20 days set aside for hearing evidence. This is the first of three trials expected to take place over the next 12 months.

The combined legal costs so far have reached £10,000,000, with the JSFA being funded by Therium Capital. Therium will take a cut of any damages the subpostmasters are awarded and shoulder the costs if they lose.

I will keep you updated in future editions of The Fed.

Subpostmaster.com is an independent business offering 100 percent impartial, confidential support to existing subpostmastersand those wishing to apply for a Post Office franchise.It is available to address any major issues or concerns NFRN

members are experiencing with your Post Office branch with a30 minute free helpline per member, with exclusive NFRN pricesfor additional support.


Lesley – After recent fatal allergic reactions to foodbought in a major sandwich chain, what are the lawsregarding food allergen labelling?According to EU Regulations, there are 14 allergens (includingsesame, nuts, eggs, and fish) that consumers must be made awareof when it is used as an ingredient in pre-packed food products.Pre-packed food is any food that is put into packaging beforebeing put on sale and that cannot be altered without opening orchanging the packaging.

However, as far as non pre-packed foods are concerned, the UKFood Information Regulations 2014 state that foods packaged on-site before a firm sells them do not currently need a specificallergen label attached. This could well change, though, as thegovernment is considering changes to legislation following theserecent tragic cases. In the UK, about 10 people die every yearfrom food-induced anaphylaxis. There are also about 1,500 asthmadeaths, some of which might be triggered by food allergy.

In the meantime, best advice would be to be aware of anyallergens contained in food and bring these to the customers’attention in whatever ways are practical.

Lesley – I have been approached to provide a referencefor a staff member wishing to move on. Whatinformation should I provide?It is not a legal requirement to provide a reference, unless you have a contractual obligation (e.g. it says so in theiremployment contract or in a settlement agreement). However,failure to provide a reference could leave you open to allegationsof discrimination. You should therefore seriously considerproviding a reference when asked. References must be fair and accurate. Acas released new guidance on employmentreferences recently which covers a variety of topics, includingwhat information a reference may include. Acas also sets out the options open to both employers and job applicants if there is a problem with a reference. For more information visitwww.acas.org.uk/index.aspx?articleid=5072.



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Andrew Pegg Lorna Shord Lesley Attu

You can create a general-purpose employee reference letter byvisiting the employment section on the NFRN Legal Plus website.The website also provides guidance notes to help you.

ARAG works closely with the NFRN to understand your legalprotection insurance needs and to develop an insurance offeringthat includes helplines and access to NFRN Plus for digital legaldocuments. ARAG is committed to providing members withguidance, security and advice and has won numerous industryawards for excellent customer service. Lesley Attu is ARAG UK’s product development manager. She

has many years of experience working as a specialist in the legalexpenses insurance market, originally as an underwriter beforemoving into product development.


Andrew – I have been bailiffed without warning forunpaid service charges! What do I do?Well, this is naughty, both by the landlord and the bailiff and shouldnot have happened. It is unlawful.

A landlord cannot send in the bailiffs without giving you priorwarning and the sums claimed can only relate to rent plus VAT and interest, not service charges or other monies without a court judgement.

The 2014 Commercial Rent Arrears Recovery process can only be exercised in relation to premises that are wholly commercial. It is not lawful for mixed-use leases unless the use as a dwelling is unauthorised.

It can only be exercised by certified enforcement agentsfollowing the statutory procedure. A landlord must thereforeauthorise an enforcement agent to exercise CRAR on its behalf.

A notice of enforcement containing prescribed information mustbe given to the tenant at least seven clear days before goods aretaken. There must be a net unpaid rent equivalent to at least sevendays’ principal rent, both at the time that a notice of enforcementis given to the tenant and when goods are first taken.

CRAR can only be exercised at the premises (without courtauthorisation) and cannot be exercised over ‘exempt goods’, suchas stock.

This is another complex area which may need legal advice.However, if you have evidence that the bailiff has actedunlawfully, it is liable to you on an indemnity basis. You may have to take them to court to prove this, unfortunately, so takeformal advice.

Andrew – My landlord wants to put my buildingsinsurance up 25 per cent in a year! Please help.The landlord or their agents should explain this action. Onereason may be due to the risk profile changing – such as anincreased flood risk or change of use.

Ask for a copy of the insurance policy and schedule of coverfor the building, setting out the sums insured and premium. Checkthat it relates to all of the property that you occupy! Ask whenthe building sum insured was last assessed.

This should be the Building Reinstatement Cost, not the value.If this is ‘wrong’ you could find that the landlord is either overinsured or under and not able to fully reinstate the building in the event of a Total Loss. Best practice is that this is done by aCost Consultant or Building Surveyor every five years withindexation annually.

Check the Insured Risks match the lease obligations and whatother risks are insured, eg temporary accommodation. Is there apotentially ‘double’ insurance with your own business interruptionpolicy? Does the Loss of Rent cover match the rent you actuallypay and for the period required under the lease? Even if thepremises are a Total Loss, a tenant is liable for the rent.

Insurance is complex, and any specific queries should bereferred to your broker. Always let the landlord know of anychanges involving the property, even if it means a higherpremium. You could end up with inadequate or invalidated cover.

Business Property Advantage is an RICS regulated businessproperty consultancy providing businesses advice when dealingwith commercial property with the exception of valuation andconstruction advice.Director Andrew Pegg is a chartered surveyor and chartered

management consultancy surveyor specialising in commercialpractice. He has over 30 years lease advisory experience across the UK and 20 years’ experience representing tenantsfrom FTSE 100 and international businesses to small businessesand start-ups. Andrew has been working with the NFRN since 2015.

If you have a problem that you wouldlike to pose to any of our experts

please email [email protected].

öA landlord cannot send in the bailiffswithout giving you prior warning andthe sums claimed can only relate torent plus VAT and interest.õ


©andriano / Depositp


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It was fitting that around 100 captains of the industry were ableto join senior NFRN officials in London on November 7 to markthe NFRN’s centenary year.

Addressing the gathering on the 17th floor of News UK’sLondon Bridge headquarters, National President Mike Mitchelsonand national vice president Stuart Reddish explained how theNFRN could look back with justifiable pride at its contribution tomaintaining and developing the independent retail sector during a century of dramatic change.

“The NFRN was formed to look after members by members,”said Mr Mitchelson. “Retailers have suffered many challenges over the past 100 years but the NFRN has been there to help and guide members.”

During this time, trade partners had also provided muchneeded and welcome support, Mr Mitchelson said.




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Looking to its future, Mr Mitchelson explained that the NFRNwas changing to prepare it for its next 100 years. However, bothhe and Mr Reddish were confident that this would make theorganisation even more effective when it came to helpingindependent retailers meet and overcome the issues andchallenges the future would bring.

Finishing his speech with a rousing call to arms, Mr Mitchelsonadded: “With our trade partners we want to work together tohelp independent retailers survive. As suppliers you needindependent retailers and we need your help.”

To mark this auspicious occasion, News UK director of retailsales Neil Spencer presented Mr Mitchelson with a framed editionof a front cover of The Times that featured the launch of theNFRN 100 years ago.

This reported that, as part of the NFRN’s aims, it would seek

better trading terms, call for price rises on half penny newspapersand eliminate child labour – some issues that are still very relevant today!

Mr Spencer said News UK had been delighted to host thisspecial event at its head offices as it had enjoyed a successfultrading relationship with the organisation and he hoped thiswould continue for the next 100 years.


öThe NFRN was formed to look aftermembers by members, Retailers havesuffered many challenges over the past100 years but the NFRN has been thereto help and guide members.õ


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öThe NFRN could look back with justifiablepride at its contribution to maintaining anddeveloping the independent retail sectorduring a century of dramatic change.õ


Keep an eye on NFRNOnline.com for more details as we wouldlove to see you there.

On February 12, a Centenary Dinner and Awards Presentation

will take place at the Royal Lancaster Hotel in London, whileour Centenary Annual Conference will be held in Brighton from June 16 to 19 next year.

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The Retail Mutual specialises in providing business cover for newsagents and convenience store owners.For a free, no-obligation quote call us on 0333 2127 263 or visit www.TheRetailMutual.com to find outmore. We look forward to hearing from you.


Stock and contents cover – to help yourecover the cost of any stock that is lostas a result of fire.

Business interruption cover – to helpkeep your business afloat during the timeit takes to process your claim.

Buildings cover – to protect yourpremises against fire damage. You mayalso want to consider including cover foryour fixtures and fittings such as shelvingand display cabinets.

There are several types of insurance that could cover the cost of repair or replacement in the event of a fire. Insurance can varywidely from one provider to another. It is important to check your cover documents to understand what is included and that yourcover limits are sufficient.



Avoid wedging firedoors open. It may be

tempting to prop adoor open, for exampleif the weather is hot or

you are unloadingstock, but fire doorsexist for a reason: to

prevent the spread offire and smoke so thefire is easier to tackle,and so that people can

evacuate safely.

If you employ staffin your shop, make

sure they receive firesafety training andare aware of your

fire emergencyplans.

Make sure you haveeffective fire detection

systems in place.Depending on the sizeof your shop, you mayalso want to consider

fitting a sprinklersystem if appropriate.

Arson is one of thebiggest causes of fire

in commercialpremises. To help

discourage it, alwayskeep bins and skips

away from theproperty.

Carry out a fire riskassessment to identify

potential issues anddevelop an emergency

plan to determine whatshould happen in the

event that a fire breaksout in your store.

Good housekeepingis advisable in oraround your shop

to avoid theaccumulation of

rubbish, as this canalso contribute to

accidental fire.

With the move towards food to go and ready-to-

consume convenience retail,shop owners are needing to

install more heated and chilleddisplay units. Overloading

electrical sockets toaccommodate these may be

tempting, but can prove to be acostly mistake.

Ensure that yourelectrical system istested at least once

a year and any issues rectifiedimmediately.

Ensure fireevacuation routesare kept clear ofstock or rubbish.

With many firescaused by poormaintenance of

electrical items, it isvital to ensure thatany that you use onyour premises are

regularly tested andwell maintained.

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Between them, our team has 17 years worth ofexperience dealing with and resolving member issues.


The largest single amount that NFRN Connect hasreclaimed for a member following a news wholesaler erroris a whopping £9,951! In the past five years we haverecouped more than £600,000 of our members’ moneyfrom issues that range from missing newspaper or magazinecredit to disputed voucher credit.


The NFRN Connect team is available to discuss supplierissues with members 364 days per year. Like most NFRNmembers, the only day it closes is Christmas Day, when nonewspapers are printed.


We deal with a variety of different issues. Many membersbelieve we are there to help resolve the ‘traditional’ newsissues, but that’s not true and we do so much more! Outsideof news, we can look into problems with suppliers such asCamelot, Innzone, PayPoint or Payzone.


Most people imagine that the contact centre and team are big but, in fact, there are just five advisors and Connect manager Marie Fisher.


Although we work closely with the NFRN’s head of newsBrian Murphy and his team in London, NFRN Connect isbased at the Federation’s Durham office.


Celebrations were the order of the day recently whenConnect celebrated its fifth birthday as an in-house servicefor the NFRN. Previously, this all-important memberhelpline was operated by an external agency at the otherend of the country – in Hastings, East Sussex!


No two days are the same for the team and ourmembers still have a tendency to spring a surprise on us. At least once a month we take a query that we have nevercome across before, but we will always do our utmost toget it resolved!


Although we are based in Durham, you will probably find one of us in attendance at the popular NFRN tradedays. We try to send a member of the team to theseevents so we can meet our members and discuss theirissues face to face. You can also contact us via email [email protected].


In 2018, we introduced a new member benefit to Connectwhen we started to claim restitution from your newswholesaler on your behalf. Initially, this was just for Menzies’customers; however, we have since rolled the benefit out toall members, recouping more than£12,000 in the process.


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Freephone number:

0800 121 6376* Calling from a mobile:

020 7017 8880

The NFRN Connect team is there to assist inresolving many of the business issues thatyou may have.

The office is open from 7am to 5pm from Monday to Friday and from 7am to 11am at weekends and bank holidays for urgent matters.

If you have a problem that arises on a weekend that does notrequire an urgent response, we would be grateful if you coulddefer these calls to a weekday when we are better able to gainan answer from the relevant suppliers.

Alternatively, you could email [email protected].

How to contact NFRN Connect:

*Free from UK landlines. Charges may apply whencalling from abroad or from a mobile phone.

Calling from Republic of Ireland:

01 453 5822 Email: [email protected]

FINANCIAL SUPPORTWhen serious health issues forced both a husband and wife tocut back on their working hours, they realised they would have tohire some staff if the shop was to survive. Sadly, it was not longbefore the pair found themselves in financial difficulties.

Then, one of their chiller cabinets broke down so there was anunexpected repair bill to meet and, to add to their woes, becausethey had failed to pay their electricity bills and with £2,000outstanding, their supplier was threatening to cut them off.

In despair, they contacted NFRN Connect, which escalated theissue to the local retail support officer (RSO) and the Benefitscommittee. The latter agreed to provide some financial support inthe form of a £750 grant.

This case provides an excellent example of the work Connectcan do for you. Here was a member in dire need of supportwho reached out for help.

With just one phone call, Connect was able to be there forthis retailer and his wife when they needed us most. By liaisingwith their local RSO and the NFRN’s Benefits team bothpractical solutions and financial assistance were provided.

This case study also demonstrates how NFRN Connect is thegateway to your membership and the team are here to ensurethat you can make the most of the wide range of benefits youare entitled to. We were delighted to ensure this memberreceived support in their hour of need.

NFRN Connect says

DISASTER AVERTEDHaving moved to bigger and better premises, it was not surprisingthat Retailer C’s excitement was mounting as he counted down tothe grand opening.

But this delight quickly turned to dismay when his first day ofbusiness arrived but his expected supply of magazines wasmissing. On contacting his news wholesaler, he was told they hadno record that a news supply was required at that location.

After NFRN Connect got involved it was established there hadbeen some confusion over whether the new shop would bestocking newspapers and magazines so the retailer’s account hadbeen suspended.

However, as soon as the wholesaler discovered that this was farfrom the case, the suspension was lifted and the branch agreed tosend out as many of the missing magazines as it is could.

Just to be on the safe side, the newspaper wholesaler alsocalled the retailer to reassure him that, in future, he would besupplied as normal.

When delight turned to disaster for this member NFRNConnect was ready to help. Once we were able to establishthe cause of the confusion with the members’ wholesaler wewere able to work with them to ensure that the suspension on the account was lifted and get a supply sourced for theinterim period.

NFRN Connect was also able to ensure the news wholesalerkept in touch with this member to provide regular updates and assurances that the problem would be rectified as soon as possible.

Should you find yourself in a similar situation with yoursupplier, please don’t hesitate to contact the team on 0800 121 6376 or by emailing [email protected]

NFRN Connect says

RETAIL STANDARDS RESOURCEIn 15 years of trading, Retailer B had never had a safety inspectionfrom her local fire brigade and did not know what to expect. Sowhen she was told a visit was imminent she turned to NFRNConnect for advice.

The team were able to direct the retailer to the RetailStandards section of the NFRN’s website (nfrnonline.com/grow/retail-standards/) where the Health and Safety Checklist Guidecontains essential information on fire risk assessments to enablemembers to identify hazards and ensure that existing controlmeasures are adequate. Readers can also access a handy guide toPortable Electrical Appliance Testing.

The retail standards guides are a fantastic resource for anymember. They provide all the information independentretailers will need on a wide range of topics, including essentialhealth and safety advice, to guidance on store layout andproduct placement to ensure you comply with legislation, andalso make the most out of your business. This member founda real use for the Health and Safety Checklist to ensure shewas fully compliant for the fire brigade’s inspection.

There are some other useful hints and tips to help you withshop fire safety and to protect your business against theimpact of a fire from the Retail Mutual on page 43.

NFRN Connect says


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Sales may be declining but the news category is still worth ahighly impressive £1.8 billion a year and buying a newspaper is oneof the top three reasons for a customer visiting a store.

So said Neil Spencer, News UK’s director of retail sales, at a oneday seminar entitled ‘News Matters’ that the newspaper publisherheld at its London Bridge headquarters on October 5.

Among the 100 retailers in attendance were NFRN NationalPresident Mike Mitchelson, vice president Stuart Reddish, BhaveshPatel, who sits on both the NEC and news operations committee,and Scottish president Rory O’ Brien.

Reinforcing the importance of the category to bothindependent and multiple retailers, Mr Spencer said that 34 percent of the UK’s population visited a store to buy a newspaperevery day, which equated to two million daily transactions.

However, he warned that nearly four out of five customers (85per cent) would walk away if the paper they wanted was missing

on the display stand, while nearly half (48 per cent) would buy the publication elsewhere.

Buying a newspaper was the second most important shopping mission, after top ups and ahead of food to go, Mr Spencer explained.

In addition, newspaper purchasers visited a convenience storemore frequently – 4.1 times per week – than non buyers and 75per cent of them would buy at least one other item. In total, they would spend on average 4 per cent more per week inconvenience stores than a non newspaper customer, with anaverage weekly spend of £22.

Earlier, Robert Stevenson, commercial business partner fromNews UK’s insight and analytics department, had explained that “in turbulent times people return to the sources of newsthey trust.”

He added: “Newspapers are still a big deal,” advising that 14.1



900,000 – the number whosubscribe to a newspaper

1 million – homes that receivea delivered newspaper

83 per cent – readers who will

walk away if they can’t find the

newspaper they want in storeChris Hughes, head of retail marketing,

News UK

Neil Spencer, director of sales, News UK

£1.86 billion – the value of the news category


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million people read a physical copy every day, with 900,000getting their news via subscription copies. Worth £1.8 billion atretail, the news category was considerably bigger than bottledwater (£0.7 billion more) and crisps, Mr Stevenson said.

“There are misconceptions that people are moving from printto digital,” he continued, advising that 41 per cent of all newsprintreaders would also read content online and that after a majornews event, 34 per cent said they preferred to read a hard copy.

News UK’s head of retail marketing Chris Hughes stressed theimportance of giving newspapers good visibility in store, addingthat secondary sitings could lead to the sales of nearby productsgrowing by an average of 17 per cent.

He explained how News UK could help retailers grow theirnewspaper sales through a range of display solutions – fromspecial weekend units to digital screens – to be sited in prime andprominent positions in store.

For shop owners prepared to support in paper offers andpromotions, there would be a full range of POS materials toattract customers and bring them into the store.

Urging retailers to “display, promote and sell”, Mr Hughespromised: “By making an effort with news you will see benefits.Work with us to realise the true potential of sales and, in return,we will give advice and support via expert sales team.”

Expanding on the invitation, Mr Spencer encouraged retailpartners to invest in display kits and solutions “to sweat news andmake more of those sales.”

He continued: “Come to us, talk to us, demand from us andmake more of these assets. The stores we work with outperformthe market. News UK believes in making the most of the future ofretailing and we commit to working with retailers.”

In his opening address, News UK chief operating officer DavidDinsmore had stressed the important role that news retailersplayed in the supply chain.

“Thank you for the work you do everyday to engage withreaders. We would be nothing without you. There is a massiveamount of work that gets our products into our customers’hands. It really is the nightly miracle.”


14.1 million – people who read a

newspaper every day

5.3 million – daily transactions thatinclude a newspaper

SHOUT ABOUT ITWhen marketing your business digitally make sure you shoutabout all your product offering.

That was the advice of Ricardo Varela of Localistico, a UKcompany that aims to help businesses make the most of localand online to offline marketing.

Mr Varela said that with 85 per cent of all retail sales made in a store it was important for shops to have as high a profile as possible on social media.

“Fifty per cent of local searches end up in a visit in the following 24 hours and 18 per cent end up in a sale,” he revealed.

“Amplify the fact that customers can go to you fornewspapers, food to go and coffee,” Mr Varela said. “Usedigital marketing to help customers find you and tell themexactly what you do.”

öMr Spencer encouraged retail partnersto invest in display kits and solutions to sweat news and make more of those sales.õ

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With the NFRN entering itscentenary year it is befittingthat the Federation’s news

and magazine group, Newsprohas also reached a milestone –

by hitting its 100th store. Moremembers than ever are availing

from the seamless switch to thescheme as well as enjoying theadditional benefit of having thestrain of managing this complexcategory removed.

News and magazines are still astrong in-store category andNewspro stores are ahead ofthe game, with sales of 7 percent above otherindependents. As multipleretailers continue to cut backon their magazine displays andsubsequent ranges, they areopening the doors of

opportunity to the independentsector to pick up new customers.

Add into this mix the fact thatmore and more publishers arelooking to move copy andNewspro is well placed to ensuremembers are able to takeadvantage.

And with Christmas looming, Newsproretailers are already benefitting andcashing in on extra support from TVlistings titles and Match Attax AdventCalendars.

In his opening remarks to the NovemberNational Council meeting, NationalPresident Mike Mitchelson congratulatedNewspro on assisting its 100th store,before revealing that it has ambitiousplans to enlist a further 400 retailers byAnnual Conference next June. He added:“In every instance it has savedparticipating owners money by drivingefficiencies in their businesses.”

N ewspro in a nutshellThrough Newspro you can say goodbye tothose unwanted titles that currently drainyour resources and wallets!Benefits include:• An instant improvement in cash flow

of £500.• Access to a seven day helpline. • No unwanted titles – only you and the

Newspro team, with your agreement, can affect what titles you have on your shelves.

• Cost savings as less spent on thecategory.


öNews and magazines are still a strong in-store category andNewspro stores are ahead of the game, with sales of 7 per centabove other independents.õ


“Managing a fast selling product is tough but your NFRN membership gives

you access to all the help and support you need so you can leave behind the

everyday frustrations associated with the newspaper and magazine category

to focus on other parts of your overall customer offer.”NFRN head of news Brian Murphy


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On page 5 we advised how NFRN members perform in the magazine category and in addition to those, Newspro members:• Trade above the independent sector • Receive bespoke promotional campaigns• Have higher title availability • Send back less unwanted titles (early returns)


“Every time I have raised a query or sought

advice from the Newspro team it has been

answered promptly and efficiently providing a

first class service to me and my business.”

Chris Bridgett, Newark News, Newark


“The Newspro service provides the extra support

required to assist me in managing the category.”

Carl Pickering (pictured), Top Shop News, Preston

• Better display and customer experience.• Regular updates on the latest product

and promotions.• HND support.



Joining Newspro is simple: just callNFRN Connect on 0800 121 6376. All we require is your signature or verbal permission to act on your behalf.

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For many newsagents, home news delivery(HND) is the backbone of their business.It’s little wonder, as simply delivering theDaily Mail and Mail on Sunday to just 30customers – normally one delivery round– produces guaranteed sales of £9,216 peryear or a profit from the paper alone of £1,917.36. These figures are based on 48weeks’ delivery to allow for holidays, alongwith any additional profits you may raisethrough your delivery charge.

That’s why the NFRN supports memberswho offer a HND service and we do thisthrough our Store2Door initiative whichaims to help independent retailers toimprove their HND service or seriouslyconsider introducing one.

In the current economic climate, it isessential that you look at your business ina bid to squeeze every last penny ofprofitability out of it and, for many, HND

is a serious profit builder. In fact, anincreasing number of members with largerrounds and shops in highly competitiveareas are doing just that!

Jon Powell set up an HND business fromhis small CTN store in Newport in Wales in August 2015 and quickly found therewas a huge demand for this service. As overheads continued to squeeze the profitability of his city centre store he took the big decision to close the shop to enable him to concentrate solely on distributing newspapers.

“My store was a small CTN and Icouldn’t develop a convenience offer –HND was the answer,” he explained. “I nowhave more than 800 customers and thebusiness is going from strength tostrength,” he added.

NFRN news business developmentmanager Phil Williams said: “When it

comes to home news delivery it is clearthat members need different levels ofsupport. Store2Door can offer this with abreadth of knowledge that stretches fromsetting up from scratch through togrowing your business and, finally, toselling your HND rounds and how to valuethem. Businesses are evolving to match arapidly changing retail landscape and weare ready to help our members face thesechallenges head on and to adapt, wherenecessary, to maximise their HNDbusinesses and to ensure that they are really making the most of anyopportunities that are available to them.

Alongside other membership benefitssuch as Newspro and NFRN Connect,Store2Door shows the NFRN’scommitment to support its members with a fully rounded news managementand support offering.


To help keep your news deliverers safe during the dark mornings andafternoons, Store2Door is delighted to offer non branded high visibilityvests and bags at a special and terrific price of five for £10. All pricesexclude VAT and an additional delivery charge may apply.

These can be purchased via NFRN direct by calling 0800 028 7283,emailing [email protected] or visitingwww.nfrndirect.co.uk and clicking on the Store2Door section.



For helpful advice on how tostart or grow your home newsdelivery business, visit theStore2Door page atwww.nfrnonline.com.

For more information call theS2D team on 0800 917 8884 (freefrom UK landline phones) oremail [email protected].


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Daily Mail 70p 15.62

Daily Record 80p 16.64

Daily Record Scot 80p 16.60

Daily Star 40p 7.26

Express 60p 13.31

Express Scot 50p 12.10

FT £2.70 54.00

Guardian £2.00 44.00

Herald £1.45 32.00

i 60p 13.02

Mirror 75p 16.05

Mirror Scot 80p 17.12

Racing Post £2.40 55.00

Scotsman £1.60 36.00

Sun 50p 11.15

Telegraph £1.80 38.70

Times £1.60 34.44

Daily Mail £1.00 21.00

Daily Record £1.20 24.72

Daily Star 50p 12.09

Express 90p 18.00

Express Scot 90p 18.00

FT £4.00 88.00

Guardian £2.90 63.80

Herald £1.85 41.00

i £1.00 21.50

Mirror £1.20 24.72

Mirror Scot £1.20 24.72

Racing Post £2.70 62.00

Scotsman £1.95 43.80

Sun 70p 14.98

Telegraph £2.20 49.50

Times £1.90 39.90

Mail on Sunday £1.80 37.80

Star on Sunday £1.00 19.89

Sunday Express £1.50 29.65

Sunday Herald £1.90 39.90

Sunday Mirror £1.60 33.60

Observer £3.00 73.50

Sunday People £1.60 33.60

Racing Post £2.70 62.00

Scotland on Sunday £1.70 39.95

Sun on Sunday £1.20 25.20

Sunday Mail £1.80 37.80

Sunday Mail Scot £1.70 35.70

Sunday Sport £1.00 24.30

Sunday Telegraph £2.00 45.50

Sunday Times £2.70 56.70

Highest margin Lowest margin

Insert weight Original Scheme

Mail Mirror News UK Guardian Telegraph

Cumulative No Yes No No No No

0-69g n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

70-100g 1.50p 2.50p 2.57p 2.70p 2.75p 3.05p

101-200g 2.00p 3.00p 3.36p 3.30p 3.35p 3.80p

201-300g 4.00p 5.00p 6.09p 5.50p 5.75p 6.52p

301-400g 5.00p 7.00p 7.43p 6.70p 7.00p 7.35p

401-500g * 7.50p * * * *

Over 500g * 8.00p * * * *

* By negotiation


Insertion Payment 2p

Sold copies only

Copies supplied





Daily Record




Daily Star








Sunday Telegraph






Mail on Sunday




Monday to Friday editions

Price Margin per copy (pence)

Saturday newspapers

Price Margin per copy (pence)

Sunday newspapers

Price Margin per copy (pence)




You must be registered with your wholesaler to receive payments

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Prize puzzleThis month’s cash prize puzzle is brought to you by PuzzleLife Collection, the monthly mixed puzzle magazine that’s rejuvenating the puzzle market. Make sure you stock it today!

To be in with a chance of winning, just solve the puzzle and then email the answer (with the subject line ‘The Fed’) to: [email protected]

The fi rst two correct entries selected after the closing date of December 31st 2018 will win their senders £50 in cash!

All you have to do is cross out all the letters that appear more than once in this grid. When you’ve done that, the remaining letters – reading from top to bottom – will spell out a six-letter word. This word is your prize answer.

Two prizes of £50 cash must be won!







To include your event:

[email protected] DATES

DECEMBER 2018Monday 3 North West DCTuesday 4 South West DC, South

East DC, London DCTuesday 11 NECWednesday 12 NECTuesday 25 Christmas Day Wednesday 26 Boxing Day

JANUARY 2019Tuesday 1 New Year’s DayWednesday 2 Holiday, ScotlandTuesday 8 East Midlands DCTuesday 15 NECWednesday 16 NEC/Scotland DCMonday 21 West Midlands DC

Tuesday 22 Northern Ireland DC,Northern DE

Monday 28 Yorkshire NationalPresident dinner

Tuesday 29 North West DE,Yorkshire DC NationalPresident visit

Thursday 31 Closing date fornational nominations

FEBRUARY 2019Tuesday 5 ROI DCWednesday 6 NECThursday 7 NEC, NFC, joint

NEC/NFC, ScotlandDE

Monday 11 National Council

Tuesday 12 National Council,Centenary Dinner and Awards

Thursday 14 St Valentine’s DayTuesday 19 Northern DC and

AGM, Yorkshire DEWednesday 20 Eastern Counties DC

and AGMSunday 24 London District dinnerMonday 25 South East DC and

AGM, London DC –National President’svisit

Tuesday 26 Wales DC and AGM,South West DC andAGM