Proteus 01

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  • 8/21/2019 Proteus 01


  • 8/21/2019 Proteus 01


    ICE and a pencil are all you need to begin this adventure – thenyou decide which route to take, which dangers to brave.D

    As you progress through the Tower of Terror, you are likely toencounter various traps, or face onsters. !ou will also getinforation, or find certain ites which will be of help to you inyour "uest. !ou should record these in your quest sheet as well askeeping an account of how any rations you have left, and which

    #otions you have. As you use up rations, or take #otions,reeber to cross the off in your quest sheet.

    It is iportant that you build up a ap of the way to the verytop of the Tower. !ou ay not succeed at your first attept,

     but each new $ourney will give you ore inforation –until you are at last successful in your "uest.

    If you try to read the aga%ine in nuerical order,it will ake no sense. !ou ust choose, when you aregiven the choice, which section to turn to, and whichtraps, pu%%les, or onsters to face. &ood luck '

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    I( T)I* AD+E(T-E, you are at theAcadey of the &rand i%ard Eleutheria.Although

    he has taught you a great deal about theartial arts, the use of agic, and the powerof reason, he tells you that you have not yetlearnt enough.

    /ut you long to be free of the stifling, safeAcadey0 to try out for yourself the skills youhave learned. !our restlessness increases0 youwish to ake your own way in the world. !outhink about leaving, walking the dark lanes,challenging anyone who threatens you. !ouwill be alone. There will be no1one to guide

    you.In this adventure, only your own De2terity,*trength, and Courage ay see you through./elow, you will discover – with a little luck –how swift, strong and brave you are.

    !ou will need two dice, a pencil, and severalsheets of paper. se the pencil and paper todraw a ap of your progress through theTower of Terror – you ay not succeed at yourfirst attept, and the ap will be useful infuture attepts.

     Dexterity, Strength, and Courage-oll one dice. Add 3 to this nuber, and akea note of it on your 4uest *heet. This is your

     Dexterity score5 a easure of your swordsan1ship and agility.

    -oll two dice. Add 67 to this nuber. This isyour Strength score. 8ake a note of it on your4uest *heet. This is a easure of your fitness,staina, and prowess in battle.

    -oll one dice. Add 9. This is your Couragescore – ake a record of it on your 4uest

    *heet. It is a easure, as the nae suggests,of your bravery in the face of danger.

    These  Initial   scores ay never be e2ceeded.They will change during the course of anadventure – soeties you will lose points,soeties win the – but the  Initial   levels,deterined by the dice rolls, are the a2iuallowed for any particular adventure.

     Rules for fighting As you progress in your "uest, you will often

    have to fight creatures of soe sort. Each

    creature will have its own De2terity and*trength score, given in the te2t. 8ake a noteof these when you eet the creature.

    To resolve a battle56. -oll two dice, and add the creature:s

    current De2terity score. This is its  Fighting Power.

    ;. -oll two dice, and add your own currentDe2terity score. This is your Fighting Power.

    or e2aple, you ay read, ?&ain ;*trength and ; Courage points.@ !ou addthese to your current *trength and Couragescores5 but reeber, these scores ay nevere2ceed their  Initial   values. hen you lose

     points =for e2aple, ?Bose 6 De2terity pointand ; Courage points.@, you siply deduct

    these fro your current scores.

     Replenishing your Strength!ou take with you enough food and drink for

     five eals. 8ake a note of these rations onyour 4uest *heet. !ou ay stop for a eal atany tie during your adventure, e2cept duringa battle. Eating a eal restores 7 *trength

     points.hen you stop for a eal, add 7 points to

    your current *trength score and deduct one

    fro the nuber of rations reaining to you.


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    In your fourth year at the Acadey of the

    &rand i%ard Eleutheria, you are becoing bored. !ou have learned a great deal of agic,of the power of reason, and the artial arts.

     (ow you yearn for a challenge. /ut Eleutheriawarns you that unless you stay for your fifthand final year, you will not be fully proficientin the arts of fighting, reason, and agic, andwill be vulnerable to evil forces.

    )owever, you are adaant5 you have spentalost four years learning your skills, and areacknowledged as the finest agician, best

    thinker, and toughest fighter.?This is true,@ says Eleutheria. ?/ut you still

    have uch to learn. Especially, you ustknow how to decide whether reason, agic,or force is the best course to take.@

    /ut the prospect of another year in theAcadey is too uch for you, and you decideto leave. That night, you pack your book ofspells, enough food and drink for five eals,and then look around the roo you have livedin for the past four years. It is ore like a cell

    than a roo. !ou have had a stone bed to lieon, and a i%ard:s duy to practise yoursword1skills and 8artial Arts against.

    !ou reconsider5 are you really going to leavethe security of the Acadey And wherewould you go !ou have heard stories of thetown of Darkblood, to the East, apparentlyruled over by a great but very evil i%ard.

    !ou recall that Eleutheria had spoken brieflyonly once about this i%ard, saying that hewas powerful and terrible, and alost the

    e"ual of Eleutheria hiself. >or the -uler ofDarkblood had once been one of the &randi%ards, but had been e2iled when he usedhis agic and power to plunder whole town1ships and steal treasure.

    !ou go into the cell opposite, where yourfriend Beofric is sitting on his bed, apparentlylost in thought. !ou know that he too has beenrestless, and tell hi that you are going toleave that night in search of adventure. !ouask if he will accopany you.

    At first he is enthusiastic, but then he has

    second thoughts5 ?e would be alone, instrange territory,@ he says. ?And as for Dark1

     blood – there are ruours of adventurers being buried alive or boiled in oil for evendaring to go there. e should at least waituntil Eleutheria has taught us all he can. neday perhaps,@ he says, ?but not yet.@

    !ou leave hi in his cell with his dreasand his fears, and walk back into your ownroo. !ou will have to leave alone.

    The idea in your ind becoes ore e2cit1

    ing – to $ourney to Darkblood. !ou wonderwhat you will find there. There are certainlystories of the -uler:s horrible vengeanceagainst those who have opposed hi, andyou are far fro sure that your own #owersare enough yet to be a atch for hi. !ou arestrong0 you have your /ook of *pells – but youknow that, because of your ine2perience, your*pells do not always work.

    )owever – the 8agical potions kept in the baseent do always work in your e2perience.

    !ou "uickly decide that if you are to have anychance against the -uler of Darkblood, youwill need soe #otions.

    !ou creep down into the baseent and lookat the bottles of 8agic neatly arranged in analcove at the back. At first, you try to put asany as you can into your backpack. /ut thenthere is no roo for your food and drink.After packing and repacking several ties,you realise that you will have to be selective.nly si2 #otions of 8agic will fit into your

     backpack. Choose any si2 different #otions.6. Truth1seeking5 !ou will know when

    soeone is lying to you.;. *earching5 ill take you in the right

    direction when you are faced with a choice.

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    you will lose no *trength points for the firstthree ties you are wounded in that battle.

    7. >lying5 !ou will float over any naturalobstacle.

    9. #ower5 Each blow in any one battle willcause four *trength points to be lost by theeney for the first two rounds of fighting =*ee-ules for >ighting.

    F. Cal5 ill restore your Courage points totheir Initial level.

    3. >ear5 Any eney will lose three De2terity points for that particular battle =*ee -ules for>ighting.

    G. Intuition5 !ou will know the answer to a"uestion, without necessarily knowing why.

    6H. Duality5 An eney will actually fightsoeone who only appears  to be you. The

     battle proceeds in the noral way =*ee -ulesfor >ighting, but only if the creature wins inthat battle will the real you have to fight hi.

    66. Elusiveness5 This akes you difficult foran eney to hit. !ou will lose only 6 *trength

     point for the first three rounds of that battle=*ee -ules for >ighting.

    6;. 8adness5 An eney:s actions becoecopletely wild and unpredictable.


    !ou choose si2 of the #otions. Each willwork only once ,  but you ay drink a potion atany tie, e2cept during a battle.

    ondering whether you have ade theright choices, you walk back up to your roo,and look round again.

    Certainly you will need your sword, andsoe kind of arour. !ou pick up your swordand practise a few strokes. !ou feel confident.!ou will go to the town of Darkblood and findout whether the stories are true. #erhaps, you

    ay even eet the -uler – and challenge hi'!ou buckle on your sword and shield and a

    leather breastplate, and prepare to leave. Eleu1theria:s words coe back to you as you closethe door behind you5 ?. . . you ust knowhow to decide which is the best course totake . . 5:

    >or a oent, you hesitate0 then resolute,you stride confidently along the corridor,down the stairs and out of the Acadey. !outake the road East, wondering briefly whether

    Eleutheria will use his 8agic to transport you

     back to the Acadey. /ut nothing happens,and you continue East until you reach thetown of Darkblood.

    !ou walk through the gates into the town5there sees to be a treendous party in

     progress. Creatures of all shapes and si%es areswilling ale, laughing, singing, fighting, andyou stop in the ain s"uare to watch thisspectacle.

    A strange, isshapen creature sidles up toyou. It is only about four feet high, andalthough its left leg and ar are green andwarty, the toes and fingers webbed, the righthalf of its body is perfect. The creature canspeak only with difficulty, the words slobber1ing fro his outh.

    ?*tranger,@ he pleads, ?we have not seensuch a warrior before in Darkblood for ore

    years than I can reeber. !ou ust take thetwo $ewels fro the i%ard /elenghast, andreplace the where they rightly belong, in theTeple of +aladon. Then will his hold bereleased, and our town ay once again returnto its forer state of peace and tran"uility.@

    As the creature speaks, a figure lurchestowards you. It is cased in chain1ail, andwears a helet. *uddenly, the strange figureswings a ace at you, but your four years oftraining have ore than prepared you for

    such an attack.!ou do not even draw your sword. Ducking

    under the wild swing with the ace, youstrike a straight1fisted blow to the heart, andas the figure falls to its knees, a double1fisted

     blow behind the head.The creature lies dead at your feet, and

    again the half1an, half1toad appears at yourside.

    ?Coe with e, *tranger,@ he asks, andyou feel yourself unable to refuse. !ou follow

    hi to a dily1lit but where sit a strangecollection of creatures. ne has the body of asnake, but the face of a an, another the bodyof a crawling insect.

    ?I a &olfreth,@ announces your copan1ion. ?nce I was a shield1aker, but now Ican no longer ply y trade. The sae is true ofthe rest of us. e have tried to enter the Towerabove, soe of us have  entered. >ew havereturned, and those that have are in the pitifulstate you see. ntil a warrior can be found

    who can reach /elenghast, and replace the

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    two $ewels in the Teple of +aladon, our citywill reain in chaos. ill you help us@

    !ou are e2cited and intrigued by the pros1 pect, but you need ore inforation. !oulearn that /elenghast is a great soldier whoalso knows soething of agic, and that helives in the tower beyond.

    ?!ou ust clib to the second storey,@intones the insect1an, ?before you reach theresidence of /elenghast. And without theAulet of *tone, you will not succeed.@

    !ou press the pitiful creatures for furtherinforation, but there is little else they know.nce you enter the Tower, there are anytraps and pitfalls. The route to /elenghast is

     protected by strange creatures, soe very powerful, soe cunning, and soe skilled in

    the use of /lack 8agic. (one has ever seen /elenghast, though he

    is ruoured to be able to change his appear1ance at will. nly the fabled Aulet of *tone,lost soewhere in the Tower, will reveal thetrue /elenghast.

    !ou leave the hut as the sun rises, and lookat the Tower ahead. It is a forbidding struc1ture, and reinds you of a volcano. /ut you

     press on, deterined, pushing your waythrough the cra%ed townsfolk, until you reachthe foot of the Tower. A stone archway isahead of you, and beyond that is darkness.!ou go back, push, your way into a Tavern,and take a torch fro the wall. Bighting it, youwalk back, through the archway, into theTower of Terror.


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    1!ou are in a tunnel leading (orth. !our

    torch flickers, and you feel a chilly wind onyour face. !ou see to hear voices – ?-eturn,*tranger,@ says one. As you wheel round,there is a voice behind you5 ?nly deathawaits you here5: !ou turn again, draw yoursword and stand resolute. The voices recede,fading into the black rock on either side ofyou. It is suddenly eerily silent, but you presson (orthwards. Turn to 162.

    2!ou realise that the tunnel is sloping down1

    wards. orse, the floor is covered with soesliy substance, and you feel yourself startingto lose your footing. -oll two dice. If the scoreis less than your De2terity score, turn to 27. If it

    is the sae or greater, turn to 81.

    3The passage is "uite wide, and you can see

    ahead fairly well. All is "uiet0 you pass a wayleading *outh, but press on. Turn to 170.

    4The passageway soon narrows, until you

    have to turn sideways to inch your way along.As you press on, your torch ahead of you,

    there is a sudden fearsoe pain in your rightleg. iping the sweat fro your eyes, you can

     $ust ake out that your leg is trapped in the $aws of a powerful etal mantrap.

    In your restricted position, it is difficult toove easily, and you put down the torch sothat you can take the $aws of the mantrap  in

     both hands and force the apart.ith great relief, you lip over the horrible

    trap and pick up your tore again to look atyour leg. !ou have lost soe blood, but the

    wounds will heal. Bose < *trength points. !ourtraining has taught you to overcoe pain, andyou ove steadily forwards, until you reach a

     $unction. &ain 6 Courage point. *outh, youcan $ust ake out a faint light fro theentrance to the Tower, and so you continueest. Turn to 180.

    5!ou walk Eastwards for a while, until your

    way is blocked by a door. It is a solid wooden

    door, covered in cobwebs, and does not look

    very inviting0 however, you push tentatively atit, and it opens. The light of your torch barely

     penetrates the thick, suffocating blacknessinside, but you can $ust ake out an archwayin the wall opposite.

    As you ove towards it, you stuble onsoething on the floor. !ou recoil – it lookslike a corpse that has been there for soetie, the flesh rotting away fro the bonesand aggots crawling out of its outh. Asyou instinctively ove away, its eyes sudden1ly flick open, and it oves towards you. Thedoor behind you slas shut. Bose ; Courage

     points as you back away in terror.!ou cut and slash at it with your sword, but

    it has no effect. The 8/IE is not vulnerableto ordinary weapons, and no #otion of 8agicis any use against this creature. Do you have asilver lance If so, turn to 29. therwise, turnto 165.

    6&oing wearily East, you coe to another

     $unction. There is a way *outh, or you couldcontinue East. As you consider, you hear ahollow grating sound behind you, and turn to

    see that a slab of rock has slid across andclosed off the passage behind you. ill younow go5

    East Turn to 31*outh Turn to 12

    7The passage goes *outh, and then turns

    East. /ut shortly you reach a $unction. ill younow go5 (orth Turn to 56

    *outh Turn to 37

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    8The silver key fits the lock and turns easily,

    and you push open the door. !ou are in a sallstone roo, and you "uickly realise that eventhe sparse furnishings – the table, chair, and

     bed – are also of stone.A snuffling, grunting sound fro your left

    akes you wheel round, and you are face toface with a T-BB. The T-BB is a sall,s"uat creature, saller than you, but as broadacross. )e is bald, and has an ugly, fearsoeface.

    )e oves towards you, wielding a short

    silver lance, which he suddenly thrusts at you.-oll ; dice. If the score is less than, or e"ual to,your Courage score, turn to 101. If it is greater,turn to 113.

    9!ou tell hi that you wish to reach the

    "uarters of /elenghast, and ask hi whichway to go ne2t. )e looks at you sidelong, andsays, ?The safest way is to go East out of here,take the first passage (orth, and then go

    East.@ /ut your intuition tells you that he is

    lying, at least partly. !ou leave the roo. !ouay now continue East – turn to 90 – or go

     back est – turn to 10.

    10&oing back, you "uite soon pass an opening

    on your left. !ou can see daylight that way,

    fro the entrance you originally caethrough. !ou are back at the $unction. ill younow go5

    est Turn to 196 (orth Turn to 167

    11The potion works alost at once, and you

    feel yourself floating into the air. A long way below you, you can see red1hot olten rock bubbling and spitting at the botto of the

    chas. /ut you float safely over, and landwith relief on the other side. Thankfully, you

     press on "uickly (orthwards, and soon the passage turns East. !ou continue. Turn to 30.

    12The passage goes *outh for soe way, then

    East for a while, before turning *outh again. Itis deathly "uiet.

    !ou arrive at a $unction. ill you5Continue *outh Turn to 41&o back (orth turn to 72Try the way est Turn to 183

    13!ou run, breathless, East, until you encoun1

    ter a wall. !ou stop to recover your breath. !ousee that you are at a $unction. ill you nowgo5 (orth Turn to 72

    *outh Turn to 41

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    14!ou overbalance, and fall into a pit. !ou are

    relieved at first, because you land on whatfeels like soft sand. /ut when you try to getout, you realise that soething is draggingyou down.

    !ou are in a pit of "uicksand, and the  oreyou struggle, the ore the "uicksand sucksyou under' !ou are soon alost up to yourwaist, and ust act "uickly.

    !ou can $ust reach the ri of the pit withone hand, and begin hauling yourself out. It isan e2hausting task, and takes all your trainingand concentration, as you slowly drag your1self nearer back to the ri. Then you can takehold of the ri with both hands, and, after ane2hausting struggle, pull your whole bodyfinally free. Bose F *trength points, and, if youare still alive, turn round and go back. Turn to95.

    15As you drink the potion, the &IA(T lets out

    a deafening shriek, sashes his fist into therock wall, then suddenly charges at you,roaring and screaing. !ou barely have tieto realise that the #otion was not a wise choice

     before you are locked in battle with theenraged &IA(T'

     Dexterity Strength&IA(T 6; 63

    If you survive, turn to 126.

    16!ou ove into a kind of alcove. It is

    e2treely dark, your torch barely penetratesthe blackness, and it sells dap and cold.!ou can $ust ake out, on the wall opposite,soe writing on a pla"ue. !ou are about to goover and read it when you notice a sallwooden chest, bound in brass, on the floor.will you5

    Try to open the chest Turn to 157&o over to the wall to read the

    inscription on the pla"ue Turn to 97

    17!our foot catches on a wire – and a hidden

    trap is sprung. The way behind you is closedoff by a wall of rock, and a rubling noiseakes you look up. !ou realise that the ceilingof the tiny roo you are trapped in is steadily

    descending. !ou push against it with all youright, but it continues its relentless descent,and you will finally be crushed like an insect,lost in the depths of the Tower of Terror.

    18The potion works – you are now very

    difficult to wound. !ou will lose only 6*trength point, instead of ;, for the first threesuccessful attacks against you. After that, the

     potion wears off, and each successful attackagainst you by the *C-A>E will cause theusual ; points of daage.

     Dexterity Strength*C-A>E 6H 6;

    If you win, turn to 152.

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    19!ou pull the levers. They do not ove easily,

    and it takes all your power to drag the out, but you are rewarded by the sight of the dooropening.

    !ou go into a large roo. *uddenly ree1 bering the i%ard, you clutch the Aulet andturn. The i%ard is furious. )e oves to1wards you, and as he does, so, his appearancechanges.

    )e is no longer an old an with a stoopingstature, but, as you watch, he grows tall,towering above you. !ou realise that this is/EBE(&)A*T.

    )is robes have re1fored into the finest,gleaing, chain1ail, and he wields a fear1soe double1headed a2e as he advances to1wards you, spitting hate. !ou ust "uicklychoose to try5 a #otion of 8agic, if you haveone – turn to 40, or else you ust fight hiunaided – turn to 141.

    20!ou travel East for what sees like a long

    tie. The passage narrows and becoescolder. !ou soon pass under a stone archway,and find yourself in a sall, s"uare roo. Asyou begin to walk across, the floor suddenlytilts, and you are thrown against the wall. !oustand up again, but now the floor is ovingfro side to side, as well as rocking and tiltinglike a ship in a stor. If you have a potion of>lying, and wish to use it here, turn to 160.

    therwise turn to 121.

    21!ou push at the door, gently at first, and

    then ore deterinedly, but it does not ovein the slightest. !ou e2aine the rock doorore carefully, and see that there is a brightsilver keyhole set in it. If you have a silver key,turn to 8. therwise, you will have to contin1ue (orth. Turn to 193 .

    22!ou open the door. It is pitch1black beyond,

    and you hold your torch high as you stepwarily forwards. !ou have taken only threesteps before you step off, and pluet into a

     pit of boiling sulphur. !our dying screasecho in the blackness, but there is no1one tohear the. !our adventure ends here.


    Ahead of you is a solid, brass1bound oakdoor. It looks very strong, but you notice asall, wedge1shaped slot on the left1handside. )ave you got an Aulet of *tone If so,turn to 99. If you have not, turn to 28.

    24The door is stout, and firly locked. )ave

    you got a crystal key If so, turn to 119.therwise, you ay try charging the door –turn to 1580 or else leave and continue East –

    turn to 86.

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    25!ou see that there is a figure in front of you.

    It is a wretched, filthy an, hung by hisankles by rope set in a hook in the wall.

    The awful sell akes you want to back outagain, but you notice soething in front of hisface – it is an Aulet of *tone, tied round hisneck. ill you5

    *natch the Aulet, andleave "uickly Turn to 105

    -isk cutting hi down Turn to 51Take a potion of truth1telling,

    and then talk to hi Turn to 155

    ;9!our double suddenly appears, and oves in

    for cobat. /ut /EBE(&)A*T erelysneers, utters a few words, and then slices it intwo with the great battlea2e.

    ?!our agic is too weak, *tranger,@ he says.!ou close in final cobat5

     Dexterity Strength/EBE(&)A*T 6 ;;

    If you defeat hi, turn to 198 .

    27*truggling wildly, you anage to regain

    your footing, and claber back to the ain passageway. !ou lean against the wall withrelief, and only now realise that your handsand ars are very painful. !ou pick up thetorch, still alight on the ground, and can see

    that the skin is peeling fro your hands andars – the unpleasant stuff on the tunnel floorust have been acidic, and it will take tie foryou to heal fully. Bose *trength points. If youare still alive, you take a deep breath, and go

     (orth again. Turn to 71.

    28ithout the Aulet, you can go no further.

    !ou ay charge the door, strike it with yoursword but it will not ove. !ou have failed in

    your "uest.

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    29The 8/IE backs away, eyeing your silver

    lance warily. !ou close for the attack. Eventhough you have the lance, the 8/IE is aforidable eney.

     Dexterity Strength8/IE 66 ;H

    After you have scored three blows with thelance, turn to 116.

    30As you walk East, you hear a faint fluttering

    in the darkness ahead of you. !ou press on,your sword and shield at the ready, until yourealise that do%ens of flying creatures areswooping and diving around you. /y the lightfro your torch, you see that each flyingcreature has the body of a huge bat, withra%or1sharp talons, but the face of a &houl.!ou swing your sword, and ost of theretreat into the darkness, but three continuethe attack. >ight each in turn. If you have a

     potion of Invincibility, Elusiveness, or #ower,you ay use it here if you wish – but onlyagainst the first DEAT)/AT.

     Dexterity Strength>I-*T

    DEAT)/AT 66 3*EC(D

    DEAT)/AT 6H 9T)I-D

    DEAT)/AT 3 3If you defeat all three, turn to 6.

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    31!ou continue for a short while, until you

    reach a passage going (orth. !ou decide totake it – turn to 42.

    32The tunnel goes *outh, then after a while

    turns est. !ou have gone est only a shortdistance when your foot catches on soethingand you stuble. -oll two dice. If the score isless than your current Courage score, turn to88. If the score is the sae or greater, turn to14.

    33The tunnel continues East for a while, and

    then turns sharply (orth. !ou follow this passage until you coe to a $unction. A new

    tunnel leads off East. ill you5Take the passage East Turn to 147Continue (orth Turn to 159

    34!ou put away your sword and tell hi that

    you are seeking the way to the "uarters of/elenghast. )e looks scared, and tells you thatit was /elenghast who ordered hi to belocked up, for daring to "uestion an order.?This is a dangerous place,@ he says, ?but if

    you really wish to find /elenghast, go Eastfro here, take the first passage (orth, andthen East again.@ )e looks shiftily around hi,then suddenly runs past you, out of the door.#u%%led, you go back out through the shat1tered doorway yourself, and continue East.Turn to 90.

    35The potion "uickly takes effect, and you go

    East. Turn to 5.

    36After a while, the passage turns *outh.

    4uite soon after that, you see a tunnel on yourleft. ill you now5Take the passage East Turn to 147Continue *outh Turn to 61

    37Continuing, you soon coe to a new pas1

    sage. ill you5Take this passage East Turn to 20Continue *outh Turn to 65

    38!ou go back, past the passage *outh, and

    continue est. Turn to 58.

    39The passage narrows, and the air starts to

    feel cold and dap against your skin. !ou

    ove on, and "uite soon coe to a crossroads.ill you now go5 (orth Turn to 167*outh Turn to 83East Turn to 62

    40ill you try a #otion of5>ear Turn to 1548adness Turn to 106Duality Turn to 26

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    41After a short while, the tunnel turns East.

    !ou keep going, but the tunnel stops after ashort tie at what sees to be a dead1end.!ou feel around the wall, looking for levers orsecret passages. There is a click – you usthave touched soething. !ou hear a gratingsound fro behind, and turn to see a slab ofsolid rock slide across. !ou will end your dayswalled up in this tob in the Tower of Terror.

    42!ou turn (orth, and after a short distance,

    your way is barred by a huge oak door. )aveyou a bron%e key If so, turn to 148. If not, turnto 96.

    43/ack on fir ground, you continue East, but

    "uite soon the passage turns (orth. !oufollow this for soe way. Turn to 164.

    44The passage continues (orth for a long

    way. After a while it becoes narrower, and begins sloping upwards, and it starts to be1coe uch hotter. !ou wipe the sweat out ofyour eyes and continue, but it feels as thoughthe whole tunnel is shaking around you, whilethe heat increases. After a few seconds, yourealise that this is no illusion – the ground andthe walls are indeed trebling and shaking.The shaking suddenly becoes violent, andyou are hurled against the wall of the tunnel.Bose ; *trength points.

    As the shaking continues, you can see thatahead of you, the ground has opened up –there is a huge chas. The shaking continues0if you have a #otion of >lying, and wish to useit now, turn to 11. therwise, you will have torun back *outh, and take the passage East.Turn to 5.

    45The passage widens, and you soon realise

    that the rock itself is giving off a kind of light, anatural, phosphorescent green. !ou continuewarily (orthwards. After a short tie, you seea new passage on your right. ill you5

    Take this new passage East Turn to 111Continue (orth Turn to 156

    46!ou swing your sword – and he is gone' !ou

    hear a voice behind you5 ?!ou are not swiftenough, stranger.@ !ou turn to see hi stand1ing behind you. !ou try again and again toland a blow, but every tie you do, he eltsaway, only to reappear soewhere else. Bose; De2terity points. >rustrated and angry, and

    with the laughter of the little an ringing inyour ears, you push back through the splin1tered door and continue East. Turn to 90.

    47The 8/IE:s ars reach for your neck as

    you run for the archway. They begin to closearound your neck, but with a last, desperateeffort, you wrench yourself away, and runthrough the archway, East. Bose 9 *trength

     points and, if you are still alive, turn to 13.

    48!ou will lose only one *trength point for the

    first three ties that the *T(E8A( scoresa blow on you in this battle. Thereafter, you willlose the usual ; *trength points when the*T(E8A( scores a blow against you.

     Dexterity Strength*T(E8A( 6; 6

    If you defeat hi, turn to 117.

    49!ou continue East until you get to a $unc1

    tion. *outh is a cold, dark, narrow passage,and you decide to go (orth. Turn to 178.

    50This tie the door splinters open, but the

    effort still costs you one further *trength point. If you have any *trength left, you kickthe shattered door away and go through. Turn

    to 25.

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    51!ou lean hi against the wall, and he

    thanks you. )e tells you that, like you, he wasonce an Adventurer, and that he got his nae*wiftfoot because of his great agility andstaina.

    )e, too, had been in search of /elenghast,and had found the fabled Aulet of *tone,when he was abushed by three >ACEBE**&A-D*, close to the "uarters of /elenghast.The >ACEBE** &A-D* then decided tohang hi like this, rather than kill hi at once,so that he ight die slowly. )e does not knowhow any days and nights he has been there.

    )e tells you that the passage goes *outh,then East and then (orth again, before finallyturning East. )e gives you the Aulet andwishes you well. If you have any left, you givehi one portion of your rations before leavingto continue East. Turn to 86.

    52!ou walk under the arch. Ahead of you is an

    ipenetrable blackness. If you would ratherleave, and go back (orth, turn to 129. If youwish to press on estwards, turn to 17.

    53!ou go est for what sees like a longtie, until you finally arrive at a $unction. illyou now go5 (orth Turn to 98*outh Turn to 65

    54!ou have gone only a short distance before

    you coe to another $unction. The passageruns (orth1*outh. ill you5

    &o (orth Turn to 127&o *outh Turn to 73

    55!ou ask hi which is the safest way to go.

    )e sees to fall into a trance, and then tellsyou that the best way is to go East, and then

     (orth. !ou are convinced that he is lying, butthank hi and leave. ill you now go5

    East Turn to 90

    est Turn to 10

    56!ou have been going (orth for a little while,

    when you suddenly cry out in pain. !ou twistyour head to see a poison dart in your neck.Bose < *trength points. If you are still alive,you wrench it out and press on warily (orth.!ou coe to a passage leading off to your left.ill you5

    Take this way est Turn to 79Continue (orth Turn to 145

    57alking *outh, the tunnel narrows, but

    then widens again. !ou ove forwards, butsuddenly, fro above you, you hear thesound of rushing air. A fierce pain beginsspreading fro your shoulder, and you turnyour head to see a poison dart in your neck.Bose < *trength points. !ou wrench it out and

     – if you are still alive – press on *outh.There is a passage on your right. ill you

    now5Take the new way est Turn to 131Continue *outh Turn to 37


    The passage turns (orth after a little while,and soon you see a new way off to the right.ill you take this new way East Turn to 142.r continue (orth Turn to 177 . If you haveone, you ay take a #otion of *earchinginstead, if you wish – turn to 103 .

    59!ou soon coe to a $unction. ill you go5

     (orth Turn to 77

    *outh Turn to 32

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    60Three blows fro your sword, and the door

    is splintered. !ou kick open the shattered doorand look inside. Turn to 114.

    61The way *outh turns est after a short

    tie, and you get to another $unction, with a passage running (orth1*outh. ill you5

    &o *outh Turn to 197Try the way (orth Turn to 179

    62!ou ove warily down the passage, but all

    is silent apart fro a faint echoing sound, aswater drops fro the roof of the tunnel.

    Continuing East, you hear an odd noise froyour right. ill you5

    Investigate Turn to 151Continue East Turn to 90

    63As the #otion begins working, the strange

    characters see to dissolve before your eyes,and re1for. !ou read5

    ?&o (orth fro here, and then go est – -elease the an enchained in fear.Do not attack or har hi lest!ou take his place above you here.@!ou eorise the words on the parchent.

    ill you now5Beave, and continue East Turn to 54Investigate the pla"ue Turn to 97

    64!ou try the door, and it swings easily open.

    !ou walk into a very sall roo. !our torch1light plays over the rock all around, but theroo is copletely epty. Disappointed, youleave, and go est. Turn to 59.

    65After a short tie, you see a passage to your

    left. ill you5Take this passage East Turn to 186Continue *outh Turn to 32

    66Continuing (orth, you find yourself at a

     $unction. ne way leads East, the other est,

    and both appear e"ually enacing. hich will

    you chooseEast Turn to 169est Turn to 180

    67!ou close the door behind you. !ou are in a

    narrow corridor going (orth, but it very"uickly turns left. After a few paces, you seethat it turns (orth again. There sees to be away est, but the light is blinding as youapproach. !ou turn your head away fro thefierce fight and heat and go (orth instead.Turn to 144.

    68!ou continue for soe way, until you find

    that you cannot go any further. In front of you

    is a stone wall0 the wall looks too sooth to benatural, and you search for hidden levers, butfind none. (othing you can do will ove thewall, and you are about to return to the last

     $unction, and go (orth, when you realise thatthere is a way *outh. If you wish to take thisnew way *outh, turn to 12. If you wouldrather go back and head (orth, turn to 42.

    69!ou take two steps back, raise your shield to

    your shoulder, and hurl yourself at the door. Itsplinters into fragents, and you stuble intoa tiny roo.

    !ou look about you. The floor is stone1flagged, the walls are solid, it sees that youare in an epty roo. /ut as you are about toleave, you becoe aware of a faint noise, likeglass gently tinkling. There is nothing to beseen, but as you stand there, the sounds forinto a faint, glittering voice inside your head.

    ?&o (orth, and then est,@ the voice seesto say.

    !ou shake your head, wondering at this,and leave the roo, going (orth. Turn to 66.

    70!ou walk warily along a short, well1lit

    corridor. !ou stop at an iposing door aheadof you5 but when you push, it swings open,and you ove through to find yourself in aspacious, airy roo, furnished with ornate

    wall1hangings, and row upon row of books.

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    !ou go over and look at the books – they areall /ooks of *pells, or Instructions in 8agick,and you are feeling pleased with this findwhen a oveent of the air akes you turnaround "uickly. *itting in a large, ornatelycarved chair is a fierce1looking old an, cladin long flowing robes. )e has very long hair

    and a long beard. !ou draw your sword – heglares, utters a few words – and your swordturns to rubber in your hand'

    ?#ut that away, Adventurer,@ he co1ands, ?it will return to noral, soon.@ !oudo as he tells you, realising that you are facinga powerful i%ard. Could this be /elenghast

    ?I know of your "uest, *tranger,@ says thei%ard, ?but I a not the one you seek.)owever,@ he siles, ?I may  allow you tocontinue.@

    >ro his flowing robes, he takes out aleather bag and shakes it. It akes a dullrattling sound.

    ?A sall test of reasoning,@ he e2plains. ?Ifyou are right, you will – perhaps – be fortu1nate. If you are wrong, less so.@ )e shakes the

     bag again.?I have in this bag,@ he tells you, ?soe

     black stones, and an e"ual nuber of whiteones. (ow, if you were to put your hand inand take soe, you could not know in

    advance how any would be white, and howany black.

    !ou can work out, I: sure,@ he continues,?what is the sallest nuber of stones youshould take fro the bag in order to be certainof getting two of the sae colour. )owever,y "uestion is this5 the sallest nuber ofstones you ust take fro the bag to becertain of getting two of the same colour is thesae as the nuber you ust take out to becertain of getting two of a different colour. )ow

    any stones are in the bag@!ou hesitate, and he continues5 ?!our

    #otions of 8agic will not work in this roo, sodo not waste the. There are three doors

     behind e. They have on the the nubers ,9, and 3. hen you have decided on theanswer to y little pu%%le, go out through thedoor with that nuber on it.@

    ill you take the door arked5 Turn to 1009 Turn to 80

    3 Turn to 67

    71After only a few paces, you see a tunnel on

    your right. It is narrow, and you will have tocrawl on all fours if you wish to investigate it.ill you5

    Try this tunnel East Turn to 137Continue (orth Turn to 163

    72!ou are in a tunnel that goes (orth for soe

    tie, then est for a while, then turns (orthagain. There are no other passages, and the airis deathly "uiet. Eventually, you arrive atanother turning5 on your left, is what lookslike a stone wall barring the way, and so yougo East, until you see a passage to the (orth.!ou try this new way (orth. Turn to 42.


    !ou go *outh for soe way, but then the passage turns est. +ery soon, you passunder a stone archway, and find yourself in asall, s"uare roo. !ou ove across, but asyou do, the floor suddenly tilts, throwing youagainst the wall. As you regain your footing,the floor begins oving fro side to side, andyou are thrown to the floor again. The wholeroo sees to be crashing about like a ship ina stor. If you have a #otion of >lying, andwish to use it here, turn to 184. therwise turn

    to 125.

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    !ou are in a sall, dark alcove, selling of

    dap and decay. !our torch can hardly pene1

    trate the deep blackness all around you. /ut

    you can see, on the wall opposite, soe words

    inscribed on a pla"ue set in the wall. !ou alsosee a sall wooden chest, bound in bron%e,

    alost at your feet. ill you5&o over to the wall to read the

    inscription Turn to 195

    Try to open the chest Turn to 94


    4uite soon, you reach a $unction. The

     passage runs (orth1*outh, and you go (orth.

    Turn to 91.


    The short silver lance is a fine weapon, and

    you decide to take it with you. There is

    nothing else of interest, so you leave and continue

     (orth. Turn to 193.


    !ou go (orth for a short tie, and then seethat there is a new passage on your right. ill

    you now5Take the new passage East Turn to 20

    &o (orth Turn to 98


    &oing est, you see an opening on your

    left. ill you5

    Investigate Turn to 74

    Continue est Turn to 89


    !ou go est, but "uite soon the passage

    turns *outh. !ou go *outh for a short tie,

    until you see a door on your left. ill you5

    Try the door Turn to 192

    Continue *outh Turn to 7


    !ou close the door behind you. !ou are in a

    narrow corridor going (orth, but i t very

    "uickly turns right. After a few paces, you see

    that it turns (orth again. There sees to be a

    way East, but there is a blinding light that way.

    !ou turn your face away and go (orth. Turn to



    Try as you ay, you cannot keep yourfooting, and you slide down the tunnel with

    increasing speed, until you finally roll to a stop

    on a bed of soe spongy, sliy substance. !ou

    have lost your torch in your headlong fall, but

    you can now ake out, by the dull1red glow

    fro the rocks, that you are in a pit. !ourealise, with ounting honor, that what you

    have landed on is a nest of do%ens of hugewors. Each is alost as long as you, and as

    thick as your thigh. They begin coiling round

    you, gripping as tight as snakes, and your

    leather arour dissolves. The slie that oo%es

    fro their bodies is acid, and is their way of

    digesting their prey. !ou swing your sword

    wildly, but to no avail – your adventure has

    ended here.


    The door is as well1built as it looks, and only

    after repeated blows fro your shoulder

    charges does it begin to splinter. Eventually,

    you are able to wrench it off its hinges, but itcosts you ; *trength points.

    /eyond the door, there is a sall, s"uare

    roo, and in the centre of the floor is a statue.!ou go closer, and see that the statue is of a

    large, broad1shouldered an with a low fore1head and a enacing e2pression. /ut then

    you notice, at the foot of the statue, a crystal

    key. Carefully, you reach for the key, and as

    you do so, the statue begins oving'

    !ou had half1e2pected this, and now leap

     back, your sword raised, as the *T(E8A(

    oves towards you. If you have any of the

    following #otions, and wish to use the here,

    turn to the appropriate section5

    Duality Turn to 124

    Elusiveness Turn to 48

    >ear Turn to 102

    If you have none of these, or do not wish to

    use the here, you ust fight the *T(E1

    8A( alone.

     Dexterity Strength

    *T(E8A( 6; 6

    If you win, turn to 117.

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    !ou have gone only a few paces before you

    realise that you are now heading back towards

    the entrance which you first cae through.

    Annoyed, you turn round and go back

     (orth. Turn to 1.


    !ou pull the lever, and feel a $arring blowthat travels to your shoulder, knocking you to

    the ground. Bose < *trength points. If you arestill alive, you get up and try the other lever –

    turn to 149.


    !ou feel treendously powerful. >or the

    first two  rounds of this battle, each blow youscore against the *C-A>E will cost it

    *trength points. After that, each blow will

    cause ; points of daage. Each successful

    attack by the *C-A>E against you will cost

    you the noral ; points of daage.

     Dexterity Strength

    *C-A>E 6H 6;If you win, turn to 152.

    86The passage East turns *outh "uite soon,

    and then goes Eastwards. !ou notice that theteperature is rising. !ou continue East, until

    the passage goes (orth. !ou follow the pas1sage (orth for soe while, and all the tie

    the heat is getting worse.

    *oon the sweat is running into your eyes,

    and you are beginning to feel e2hausted. A

    strange bu%%ing noise becoes louder as you

    continue, until soething flies into your face –

    it is a fly. !ou wave it away irritably, but withinseconds there are hundreds of the, eachnearly half an inch long, flying into your ears

    and nose and outh' Despite the heat andyour e2haustion, you run desperately (orth,

    until you are free of the horrible things.

    As you continue, you are relieved that the

    teperature sees to be dropping again, and

    continues to do so until it is "uite pleasantly


    !ou see a passage on your left, but ignore it.

    Turn to 178.


    !ou see that there is a keyhole set in the

    door, and try the key, but it does not fit. Turn

    to 109.


    !ou keep your balance, but one foot is

    caught by soething. !ou see that you nearly

    overbalanced into a huge pit of "uicksand,

    and that this is what is now dragging at your

    foot. !ou sit down, press the other foot againstthe ri of the pit, take your leg in both hands

    and heave. Bose ; *trength points.After a few seconds, your leg coes free of

    the treacherous "uicksand, and you pick up

    your torch with relief, and go back.

    Turn to 95.


    !ou go est, but "uite soon the passage

    turns (orth. After a short tie it turns est

    again, and then takes a sudden turning *outh.

    !ou go *outh for a short distance, until you

    see a new way on your right. ill you now5

    Take the new passage est Turn to 79

    Continue *outh Turn to 57


    !ou cannot see very far ahead by the light of

    your torch, and have to ove along the

     passageway using your hands against the

    walls to guide you. !our left hand suddenly

    encounters nothing at all, and you fall heavily,cutting your head. Bose 6 *trength point. /y

    the light of your torch you can ake out a newway (orth. ill you now5

    Continue East Turn to 120

    Try the way (orth Turn to 45


    !ou continue (orth, your sword at the

    ready, but all is silent. !ou notice a tunnel on

    your left. ill you5

    Try the tunnel est Turn to 2

    Continue (orth Turn to 71


    !ou fight the *C-A>E.

     Dexterity Strength

    *C-A>E 6H 6;

    If you win, turn to 152.

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    The door splinters and shatters, but you are

    shaken – it was tougher than you thought.

    Bose < *trength points, and turn to 114.

    94The chest opens easily. Inside is a single

     piece of old parchent. It is so old that it looks

    as though it would cruble to dust if you were

    to touch it, but by the light of your torch, you

    can $ust ake out the words written on it. !ouread5

    ?/i (etherig evelin en,rovath y )an to ther,

    8etheniken, baragrathen, J

    ty vathen elen pir.@

    If you have a potion of Intuition, and wish touse it now, you ay do so – turn to 108.

    therwise, you ay either go over to the wall

    to read the inscription on the pla"ue – turn to

    195  – or you ay leave and continue est5

    Turn to 89.


    !ou go East, and then (orth, until you

    coe to a passage off to your right. ill you


    Continue (orth Turn to FF

    Take the way East Turn to 639


    Do you possess a silver key If so, turn to 87.

    therwise turn to 109.


    As you ove over to the wall, you trigger atrap. The alcove suddenly fills with dense,

    choking black fues, and you stagger back out

    into the passage, gasping for air. Bose < *trength

     points. If you are still alive, you stop to regain

    your breath, and you go East again. Turn to 54.

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    After going (orth only a short tie, you see

    a new passage to your left. ill you5

    Continue (orth Turn to 56

    Try the passage est Turn to 131

    99!ou take the Aulet, and, using it as a key,

    fit it into the slot. There is a sound as of bolts

     being withdrawn, and then the door slowly

     begins to swing open.

    !ou keep hold of the Aulet, ove through

    the doorway, and look around you. Turn to176.


    !ou are in a narrow tunnel. It goes steadily

    upwards, heading (orth, and then turnsest. !ou realise that the roof of the tunnel is

    getting lower, and you are still clibing.

    The tunnel suddenly turns (orth again, still

    going upwards, and you are relieved whenthe roof becoes higher again and you can

    stand properly. !ou clib up, and after a fewinutes the floor levels off. !ou pass through a

    narrow archway, and find yourself in a wide

     passage, going (orth. Turn to 139.

    101!ou leap aside, dodging the lance1thrust,

    and close in battle5 Dexterity Strength

    T-BB 6H 6H

    If you win, turn to 76.


    The *T(E8A( cowers away, before re1

    turning to battle. /ut he is uch less fearsoenow. !ou fight5

     Dexterity Strength*T(E8A( G 6

    If you defeat hi, turn to117.


    The #otion takes effect, and you turn East.

    Turn to 142.


    !ou go (orth, along a short passage, and

    into a fairly large cavern. There is the sound of

    oveent, and you see a bony, four1legged

    creature, with a long tongue and fierce1

    looking claws, stalking you. !ou ay use a

    #otion of 8agic here, if you wish to, and you

    have one – turn to 189.

    therwise, turn to 92.

    105)olding your breath, you reach forwards

    and snatch the Aulet. !ou dash out of the

    filthy cell, and run East – but you are not

    looking' !ou trip and fall, and the Aulet

    shatters into a hundred pieces on the floor in

    front of you.

    Disconsolate, there is nothing to do but

    continue East without it – turn to 86.


    *lightly to your surprise, the #otion sees to be working' /EBE(&)A*T roars, sashingwildly with his a2e0 he sees blinded, and

    you "uickly close in battle. !ou get in three

    good blows with your sword, but his arour

    is good, and he is only slightly wounded.

    The #otion begins to wear off, and he

     becoes caler. )e turns to you with urder

    in his eyes, the great a2e whistling over his

    head. !ou have weakened hi, but now you

    ust fight to the death5

     Dexterity Strength/EBE(&)A*T 66 6F

    If you defeat hi, turn to 198.


    As you pull the levers, there is a sudden, terrible

    flash of pain. !ou drop to the ground. -oll   one

    dice5 the score is the nuber of

    *trength points you have lost. If you are still

    alive, you ay try again. ill you try5

    The left and iddle levers Turn to 19

    The left and right levers Turn to 140

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    The potion begins working, and the strange

    words change and re1for before you0 you


    ?-eturn, go (orth, and then go est

    -elease the an enchained in fear.Do not attack or har hi lest

    !ou take his place above you here.@ill you now5

    -eturn5 Turn to 54

    Continue est Turn to 89

    Book at the pla"ue set into

    the wall Turn to 195


    If you have a copper key, turn to 130.

    therwise, turn to 188.


    !ou go back est and take the passage

     (orth. Turn to 45.


    The tunnel narrows, and you notice that itsees to be getting colder. 4uite soon, it turns

    right, and it sees as though you are at a

    dead1end. !ou are about to turn back when an

    oinous rubling warns you of danger. /ut it

    is too late to do anything – the ground is

    opening beneath your feet. Do you possess a

    #otion of >lying If so, turn to 112. therwise,

    turn to 128.


    *wiftly, you swallow the potion, and only

     $ust in tie' As you float in the air, you can

    see, dily, at the botto of the great pit

     beneath you, row upon row of closely1spaced

    sharpened stakes.!ou float gently backwards until your feet

    are on fir ground again.iping the sweat fro your forehead, you

    go back est to the $unction and head (orth.

    Turn to 156.


    !ou do not ove "uickly enough, and the

    lance gashes your side. Bose ; *trength

     poi nts. Th e T-B B loo ks strong, and cun1

    ning, and he is "uick with his lance. )e akes

    another sudden lunge, and you parry it withyour shield $ust in tie.

    !ou fight the T-BB. Dexterity Strength

    T-BB 6H 6H

    If you defeat hi, turn to 76.


    In front of you is a very sall odd1looking

    an, who sees to be kneeling on a tattered

    rug. The roo is copletely bare as you look

    round5 there are no windows, there is no

    furniture. The an stops wailing and looks at

    you.?h stranger,@ he cries, ?I have waited so

    long for deliverance'@ /ut soething akesyou suspicious, and you raise your sword. )e

    cowers back. ill you5Attack hi Turn to 46

    Try to talk to hi Turn to 34

    se a #otion Turn to 168

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    !ou continue East, but soon the passage

    turns sharply (orth. After a short tie, you

    see a new way to your left. ill you now5

    Take the new passage est Turn to 78

    Continue (orth Turn to 127

    116As you drive in the lance for the third tie,

    the aniacal yellow eyes di, and the 81

    /IE falls suddenly to the ground.

    As you watch, it crubles away into dust,

    and fro nowhere, a fierce cold wind sudden1

    ly swirls round the roo, howling and shriek1

    ing. Kust as suddenly, it fades away, and you

    see on the ground a key, glinting in the

    torchlight. I t is ade of bron%e, and you"uickly pick it up and pocket it before hurry1

    ing out through the archway. Turn to 13.


    !ou pick up the crystal key and put it in

    your backpack before leaving the roo, and

    going est. Turn to 38.


    The potion takes effect iediately and the

    *C-A>E closes in cobat with your double.

    Throw for each of the5 your double has your

    current De2terity and *trength scores. nly ifthe *C-A>E defeats your double will youhave to fight it5 in that case, your De2terity and

    *trength scores will be at the level they were before this battle.

     Dexterity Strength

    *C-A>E 6H 6;

    If you win, turn to 152.


    The key fits in the lock and turns. !ou open

    the door and go through – turn to 25.


    !ou walk along the passage for soe in1

    utes without incident, until you find that your

    way onwards is barred. The tunnel appears to

     be a dead1end. *tanding back, you can see by

    the light of your torch that what bars your wayis in fact a large boulder. !ou can ake out a

    space between the top of the boulder and thetunnel roof, and you try at first to clib over.

    /ut the boulder is sooth, and you cannot get

    a hand1hold. After several failed attepts,

    you realise you will have to try soething

    else. )ave you got a #otion of >lying If so,

    turn to 133. therwise, turn to 138.


    !ou fight your way across the rocking,

    sliding floor, ignoring the pain as you are

    dashed repeatedly against the walls. Bose *trength points.

    If you are still alive, you grit your teeth and

    finally get to the other side. Turn to 115.


    !ou find no secret passages, but you kick

    soething over as you search. !ou look down

    to see that it was a sall casket, ade of stone,

    out of which has fallen a copper key. !ou put

    this in your pocket, claber back out of the

    tunnel, and continue (orth. Turn to 163.


    It is eerily silent as you head *outh. !ou can

    see nothing, but you have the feeling that

    invisible watchers are all around you. )ow1ever, nothing happens, and you coe to a

     $unction. ill you now go5East Turn to 39

    est Turn to 166


    The *T(E8A( closes with your look1alike. Throw for each of the5 your look1alike

    has your current *trength and De2terityscores. nly if the *T(E8A( defeats your

    look1alike will you then have to finish hi off,

    with your *trength and De2terity scores as

    they were before this battle.

     Dexterity Strength

    *T(E8A( 6; 6

    If you =or your look1alike win, turn to 117.

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    !ou drag yourself across the rocking, shift1

    ing floor, but you are hurled repeatedly into

    the walls. Bose *trength points.

    If you are still alive, you anage to drag

    yourself across to the other side. Turn to 53.


    At the dead &IA(T:s waist, you see a sallleather pouch. Inside is a silver key. >eeling

    that this ay be of use to you, you put it inyour pocket and continue (orth. *hortly, you

    realise you are at a $unction, and ay either

    continue (orth, or take a new passage that

    leads off to your right. ill you5

    Take the new passage East Turn to 3

    Continue (orth Turn to 182


    !ou go (orth for a short tie, but then the

     passage turns est. !ou follow the passage

    est for a long tie, until it eventually turns

     (orth. !ou pass under another stone archway,

    and continue (orth.Turn to 70.

    128ithout agic you are lost' !our screas

    echo for a long tie in the cold and dark, asyou fall headlong, to be finally ipaled on the

    rows of sharpened stakes at the botto of the#it of Death.

    !our "uest is over.


    The tunnel slopes upwards as you continue0

    as the slope becoes steeper, you are drag1ging yourself up on hands and knees. Bose <

    *trength points. Eventually you reach a shelf,

    and stop to get your breath. /ut you realise, as

    you look around, that this is a dead1end, and

    you will have to go back.

    !ou claber back *outh, ignoring the arch1

    way on your right, until the tunnel turns est,and you continue until you coe to a $unction.

    The passage goes (orth1*outh. ill you now5&o (orth Turn to 159

    &o *outh Turn to 61

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    !ou try the key in the keyhole set in the

    door, but it does not fit the lock. Turn to 188.


    The passage goes est for a short tie,

    then turns (orth. !ou walk (orth only a short

    distance before you see a door on your right.

    ill you5

    Try the door Turn to 190

    Continue (orth Turn to 173


    The door opens easily, but the roo beyond

    is copletely epty. !ou e2plore the bare rock

    walls and floor by the light fro your torch,

     but ther e is not hi ng to be found. Disap1

     pointed, you go back out and continue East.Turn to 36.


    !ou drink the #otion, and you rise agically

    into the air, floating over the boulder. There is

    very little roo between the top of the rock

    and the tunnel roof, but you get through andland, light1footed, on the other side. Turn to


    134The eerie light fro the rocks, together with

    your torch, allows you to see "uite well, and

    ahead you can see that the passage bears (orth. !ou continue for soe lit tle way,

    watching and listening carefully, but all is

    deathly silent. !ou turn (orth, still taking

    great care, until you see that a passage runs off

    to your right. ill you5

    Take the passage East Turn to 75

    Continue (orth Turn to 146


    !ou walk back fifteen paces, put up your

    shield, and charge the boulder with treen1

    dous force. !ou have learnt to sash through

    rock walls in your training, and e2pect the

    rock to shatter, but it sees to repel you as you

    hit it, and you land heavily on your back. Bose

    7 *trength points. The boulder is copletely

    unarked, and you realise that you will haveto walk back to the last $unction and go (orth

    instead. Turn to 110.


    !ou now feel iensely strong. /ut the

    little an does not actually look very danger1

    ous. ill you now5

    Attack hi Turn to 46

    Try talking to hi after all Turn to 34


    !ou claber awkwardly into the narrow

    tunnel, your sword in one hand and the torch

    in the other, and ove warily onwards, onlyto find, "uite soon, what sees to be a dead1

    end. ill you now5*earch for hidden passages Turn to 122

    &et out "uickly, and

    go (orth Turn to 163


    ill you5

    Try your sword against

    the boulder Turn to 153

    Charge it Turn to 135

    &o back to the $unction, and

    head (orth instead Turn to110


    !ou have gone only a short distance (orthwhen you coe to a $unction. ill you go5

    East Turn to 174

    est Turn to 58


    There is a flash of blinding bright pain as

    you pull the levers, and you drop, half1

    conscious, to the ground. -oll one  dice5 the

    score is the nuber of *trength points you

    have lost. If you are still alive, you ay tryagain. ill you now try5

    The left and iddle levers Turn to 19

    The iddle and right levers Turn to 107


    This will be a bitter and bloody battle to the


     Dexterity Strength/EBE(&)A*T 6 ;;

    If you defeat /elenghast, turn to 198.

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    &oing East, you coe to a door set in thewall on your left. There are faint oaning

    noises coing fro behind it. ill you5Investigate Turn to 24

    Continue East Turn to 86


    !ou go through the door. !ou are in a tunnelfacing (orth, but it at once turns East, and,after a short tie, goes *outh. !ou continue

    *outh, but the passage now turns East again,and you follow it until you reach a dead1end.

    Booking closer, you can see that what is in

    front of you is actually a slab or rock. There are

    two levers set in the wall, and it looks as

    though one of the ight open the rock1slab.

    ill you try5

    The left1hand lever Turn to 84

    The right1hand lever Turn to 149


    !ou very soon turn East, and, after a shorttie, (orth again. !ou walk along a well1lit

    corridor, under an arch and into a sall,circular arena, the floor covered with sand.

    !ou draw your sword, and as you do, the

    fast of a do%en >ACEBE** A--I-* enters

    fro under the arch behind you. !ou have

    tie to realise that you got the answer to the

    wi%ard:s "uestion wrong, as the >ACEBE**

    A--I-* surround you.

    Each is iensely strong and fast. They are

    the si%e of &iants, but ore de2trous. Their

    nae derives fro the fact that they are

    entirely featureless5 they have no eyes, noouth, no ears. As the first >ACEBE** A-1

    -I- closes for the kill, his ighty sword

     bu%%ing past your ear, the others ove in. !ou

    will die bravely against /elenghast:s elite

    troops, but your adventure ends here.

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    The passage goes (orth, then alost i1

    ediately, East. !ou go East for soe tie,

    until it turns *outh. *hortly it turns East

    again, and you go East until you see an

    opening on your right. It is dark beyond, andyou can ake out nothing by the fight fro

    your torch. ill you5Investigate further Turn to 16

    Ignore it and continue East Turn to 54


    +ery soon, the natural fight fro the rocks

    dies away, and you go forward ore slowly.

    !ou feel a chilly wind on your face, and as you

     press on, the wind becoes stronger and

    colder, until it is howling about your ears, andyou have to bend into it to ake any progress.

    !our torch is e2tinguished like a candle, andyou are fubling forwards in total blackness,

    your hands outstretched.

    Another hand takes yours5 but it is ice1cold.

    !ou try to release your grip but cannot. !ou cut

    and slash into the darkness, but ake no

    contact with anything, and you are dragged

    into the eternal cold darkness by the invisible

    )and of Death.

    !ou have failed in your "uest.


    !ou go East for a short distance, but then

    the tunnel turns (orth. !ou continue (orthfor soe tie, until you notice an archway on

    your left. ill you5

    Try the way est Turn to 52

    Continue (orth Turn to 129


    !ou see that there is a keyhole set in the

    door, and try the key. It turns, and the door

    opens. !ou open the door, ove through, and

    close it behind you. Turn to 150.


    !ou are pleased – the lever pulls easily, and

    the rock slab slides back. !ou go through, and

    it at once slides into place again behind you.

    !ou now have a choice of two ways to go. ill

    you go5East Turn to 49

     (orth Turn to 104


    !ou are in a tunnel leading (orth. !ou

    notice that the rocks give off a natural yellow1

    ish glow, which enables you to see "uite well.

    !ou go (orth, and after a short tie, see an

    opening to your right. ill you now5

    Take the new passage East Turn to 33

    Continue (orth Turn to 179


    The light fro the torch flickers and wavers, but

    you can ake out a wooden door set in the rock.The odd noise is now a definite wailing sound.

    ill you5

    *tep back, and charge

    the door Turn to 93

    8ove away, and continue

    East Turn to 90

    se your sword against

    the door Turn to 60

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    !ou look all around, but it sees your battle

    has been of little help to you – there is nothing

    to be found.

    !ou go back *outh and go East again5 turn

    to 49.

    153There is an echoing clang as your sword

    strikes the rock. /ut it $ust bounces straight

     back off the sooth surface, leaving not even

    a ark on it. /ut you see that this has blunted

    the edge of your sword. Bose < De2terity

     points. !ou will have to return to the last

     $unction, and go (orth instead. Turn to 110.


    )e laughs. he is copletely unaffected.

    ?!our agic is too weak against such a power1ful i%ard as I a,@ he bellows. !ou parry asudden blow fro the ighty a2e with your

    shield, but are knocked backwards. !ou realise

    that he is enorously strong. (ow it is a fight

    to the death5

     Dexterity Strength

    /EBE(&)A*T 6 ;;

    If you defeat hi, turn to 198.


    !ou take the #otion, then ask hi his nae.

    )e gasps that it is *wiftfoot, and you realise at

    once that he is telling the truth, and cut hi

    down. Turn to 51.


    &oing (orth, you shortly arrive at a $unc1

    tion. ill you now go5

    East Turn to 134

    est Turn to 4


    The chest is not locked, and opens easily.Inside is a piece of parchent, and you read5

    ?/i netherig evelin en,

    rovath y )an to ther,

    8etheniken,baragrathen, J

    ty vathen elen pir.@

    If you have a #otion of Intuition, and wish

    to use it now, you ay do so. Turn to 63.

    therwise, you ay either go over to the wall

    to read the inscription on the pla"ue – turn to97 – or you ay leave and continue East – turn

    to 54.


    !ou charge the door – it cracks, but does notgive copletely. Bose ; *trength points. If you

    are still alive, will you now5

    Charge it again Turn to 50

    Beave, and continue East Turn to 86


    !ou continue (orth, and "uite soon the

     passage turns est. !ou go this way, until younotice a door on your right. ill you5

    Investigate Turn to 64

    Continue est Turn to 59

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    !ou suddenly float away fro the rocking

    tilting floor, and land safely on the other sideTurn to 115.


    After going *outh for soe tie, the pas1

    sage turns est. !ou follow the passage, and

    see by the light of your torch a new way

    *outh0 however, you decide that going *outh

    will $ust take you back to the entrance, and so you

    continue est. Turn to 4.


    !ou reach a crossroads. ill you now go5

    East Turn to 62

    est Turn to 196

     (orth Turn to 167


    After a short tie, the passage turns to the

    est. !ou follow this passage for soe way,

    until you see a passage on your right. ill you5

    Take the passage (orth Turn to 42

    Continue est Turn to 68


    As you walk along the passage, your torch

    casts strange shadows all around you. Again,

    you hear voices, evil, high1pitched and cack1

    ling. !ou stop, but can see nothing. The

    terrible shrieking of the voices gets louder andlouder, until you have to cover your ears

    against the screas and laughter. >inally, thefrightening chorus begins to lessen, until at

    last it fades, echoing, into the rock.

    *haken, but still deterined, you press on,

    until you reach a new passage going est. ill


    Try the new passage est Turn to 187

    Continue (orth Turn to 91


    !ou run for the archway as the 8/IElurches towards you. -oll ; dice. If the score is

    less than your current Courage score, turn to

    47. If it is the sae or greater, turn to 171.

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    The passage continues est for a short

    tie, and then turns (orth. >ro the dark1

    ness ahead of you, you can hear the sound of

    heavy footsteps, and you stop, your sword at

    the ready.*oon, into the flickering light, lubers the

    ost enorous creature you have ever seen.8an1like, twelve feet tall, and dressed in

    skins, he carries a huge bone in his hand.

    *eeing you, he stops, growls, and raises the

     bone. !ou will have to fight the &IA(T, but

    you ay use agic to help if you wish. If you

    have any of these potions, you ay take one


    #ower Turn to 172

    Transparency Turn to 191

    8adness Turn to 15

    therwise, you will have to fight the&IA(T unaided.

     Dexterity Strength

    &IA(T 6; 6;

    If you defeat hi, turn to 126.

    167As you press on, it sees that the air is

     becoing colder. Above, below, and on either

    side of you there is only hard, black rock, and

    still the faint echoes of dripping water. /ut

    then you see, on your left, a door.

    !ou ove cautiously towards it, listening,

     but there is only silence fro the other side.

    ill you5

    Charge the door Turn to 69

    Try to open it Turn to 185

    Continue (orth Turn to 66


    ill you drink a potion of5

    Intuition Turn to 9

    Truth1seeking Turn to 55

    Invincibility Turn to 136


    !ou have gone soe way, and all is "uiet.

    /ut then the passage starts to narrow, and you

    have to ake your way sideways, holding

    your torch ahead of you. A sudden fierce pain

    in your leg stops you in your tracks, and you

    see by the fight of your torch that your leg is

    caught in the $aws of powerful etal mantrap .

    Dropping the torch, you force the $aws

    apart. Bose < *trength points but gain 6

    Courage point.Ignoring the pain, you pick up your torch

    and continue East, aware that you ust bedripping blood. There is a passage *outh, but

    it sees dark and oinous, and so you

    continue on your way. !ou realise that the

    rocks theselves are giving a shadowy, green1

    ish light, which allows you to see better ahead.

    Turn to 134.


    !ou follow the passage East for soe way.*oon you coe to a way leading *outh, and

    can $ust ake out daylight in the distance

    fro the entrance you originally cae

    through. !ou continue East. Turn to 169.

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    !ou are not "uick enough. >ear akes your

    feet leaden0 the 8/IE:s hands close around

    your neck, and your last eory is of its

    terrible face coing closer to yours, and its

    graveyard breath. !our adventure ends here.


    The potion takes effect5 you feel iensely

    strong, and for the first two rounds of cobat,

    each blow you land will cause  four   *trength

     points of daage to the &IA(T. After that,

    each blow will cause only ; *trength points ofdaage, as noral. Each blow to you will cost

    you ; *trength points throughout the battle.

     Dexterity Strength&IA(T 6; 6;

    If you win, turn to 126.


    The passage turns East, and ends at a

     $unction. The passage runs (orth1*outh0 will

    you go5

     (orth Turn to 145

    *outh Turn to 57


    A short way along, your passage is barred

     by a door. It looks sturdy, and there are no

    keyholes. !ou try it, but it is firly locked. ill


    Try to sash it down Turn to 82

    Beave, and go back est Turn to 38


    !ou go est. The passage becoes wider

    and higher, and you press on "uickly. Turn to



    !ou are in a corridor, still facing East. !ou

    ove cautiously along it, until you get to a

    siilar door. There is no slot for a key, but there

    are soe levers on the wall to your right.As you look at the, wondering which to try,

    you feel the air ove at your side. The i%ard

    reappears. ?Congratulations0@ he says, ?oncoing so far. I will tell you this – you ust pull

    not one, nor three, but two levers, in order to

    open this door.@ ill you choose5

    The left and iddle levers Turn to 19

    The iddle and right levers Turn to 107

    The left and right levers Turn to 140

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    177The passage goes (orth for a tie, but then

    turns East. !ou continue East, watching for

    traps, but all is "uiet, and soon the passage

    turns (orth again.

    The passage ends at a door, and as you

    consider what approach to take now, the doorswings open on its own. !ou go through, and

    at once the door closes behind you. Ahead of

    you there are two ore doors, one on the left1

    hand side of the wall opposite, and one on the

    right. /etween the doors, and above the, a piece of parchent bears the words5 ?On!oo" #$ !%t&' t& ot&"' (#).@

    As you watch, two *#-ITE* appear. The

    *#-ITE* look at you – they are elfin creatures,

     but you are wary. !ou have heard stories oftheir dangerous tricks, and you know that

    when they appear in pairs, one of thealways &es, and the other tells the truth. /ut

    there is no way, fro looking at the, that

    you can tell which is which.

    ne of the *#-ITE* takes up position in

    front of the left1hand door, and one stands infront of the right. They ay disappear into

    thin air at any second, so you "uickly ask the

    one before the right1hand door,

    ?Are you a &ar@

    ?ne of us,@ he says sugly, ?is certainly a

    liar. r perhaps we both are'@4uickly you ask,

    ?Is the door behind you the door to life@ As

    they shier and disappear, you can $ust

    ake out his answer – ?!es,@ floating in the

    air. (ow, will you take5

    The left1hand door Turn to 22

    The right1hand door Turn to 143


    !ou go (orth, and after a short tie the passage turns East. !ou follow this passage

    until you reach the foot of a stone staircase.arily, you begin clibing. The stairs take you

    upwards, in a wide circle, until you go for1

    wards into a short corridor. Turn to 23.

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    After twenty paces or so, you realise that

    this is a dead1end. !ou can find no secret

     passages, and the only thing to do is to go

     back. !ou go back *outh, until you reach the

     $unction again. ill you5&o East Turn to 33

    Continue *outh Turn to 197


    !ou begin to feel uncofortable as you

    walk, fearing everything but seeing nothing.

    There is a passage to the *outh. If you wish to

    go *outh, turn to 123. If you would rather

    continue est, turn to 175.


    It is eerily silent as you walk along, and you

    have the creepy feeling that you are being

    watched. !ou continue, warily, but nothing

    happens and you arrive at a $unction. ill you

    now go5

    est Turn to 194

    East Turn to 170


    *oe way along the passage, you see a

    door on your left. It is set back a little fro the passage wall, and sees to be ade of soe

    kind of rock itself. If you wish to try the door,

    turn to 21. If you would rather continue

     (orth, turn to 193.


    !ou continue est for a while, until you

    notice that you are passing under an archway

    of stone. The darkness feels heavier, even

    ore oppressing, but you can $ust ake out a

    heavy wooden door in the wall opposite. !ouove cautiously round the walls of the sall

    roo you find yourself in, and try the door, but it is firly shut.

    !ou ove back towards the archway, but as

    you do, your foot catches on soething. !ou

    stagger back – you have stepped on what

    looks like a corpse that has been there for

    soe tie5 the flesh is rotting away fro the

     bones, and aggots are crawling out of its

    outh.As you instinctively ove away, its eyes

    suddenly flick open, and it oves towards

    you. !ou back away in terror – lose ; Courage points.

    The yellow eyes glea as the 8/IE

    reaches out for you. !ou swing your sword,

     but to no avail. The 8/IE is not vulnerable

    to ordinary weapons, nor is any #otion of

    8agic any use against this terrible creature.

    Do you have a silver lance If so, turn to 29. If

    not, turn to 165.


    !ou float away fro the floor, watching ittilting and sliding cra%ily below you, and land

    safely on the other wise. Turn to 53.


    The door sees to be locked. !ou take a

     pace back and give the door a straight kick, as

    taught you by Eleutheria. It crashes away fro

    its hinges, and you brush it aside to findyourself in a very sall, seeingly epty,


    !ou are about to leave, since there is noth1ing of value, when you hear a strange sound,

    like glass tinkling. !ou stop, and look, but

    there is nothing to be seen. As you stand

    there, the sound becoes ore rhythic, and

    starts to for a pattern. It is, you feel, a voice,

    and as you strain to listen, the crystal sounds

    suddenly take shape in your ind5

    ?&o (orth, and then est,@ says the voice.

    !ou reeber this, wondering whether ornot to believe it, and leave the roo, going

     (orth. Turn to 66.

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    &oing East, you see a door on your left. ill


    Try it Turn to 132

    Continue Turn to 36


    !ou have gone along the tunnel for only ashort distance before it ends at a $unction. illyou now go5

     (orth Turn to 146

    *outh Turn to 161


    !ou charge the door, and hack at it with

    your sword, but all in vain. ithout the correct

    key you can go no further, and your adventure

    ends here.


    ill you take a #otion of5Duality Turn to 118

    #ower Turn to 85

    Elusiveness Turn to 18


    The door opens into a tiny roo. There is astone bed against the wall, and a brokenwooden chair, but nothing else. !ou are about

    to leave, when you notice soe writing carvedinto the wall opposite, and you go closer to see

    what it says. !ou read5

    ?There was another such as you,

    he holds the Aulet of *tone –

    and keeps it safe for others who

    will venture further – "uite alone.@

    !ou pu%%le over the eaning of this rhye,

     before leaving to go (orth again. Turn to 173.


    )e lets out a great roar of anger and

    confusion as you disappear before his eyes,

    and begins swinging wildly with the great

     bone. Although you are invisible, you are not

    invulnerable, and the narrow passage akesit difficult to slip past hi. And the effects of

    the #otion do not last for very long. !ou try torun past, but a ighty blow fro the huge

     bone catches you on the shoulder, nubing

    your ar. Bose < *trength points. !ou cry out,

    and the &IA(T swings again, catching you

     between the shoulder blades as you get past

    and run (orth away, fro hi. Bose < ore

    *trength points. )is roars fade into the dark1

    ness behind you, as the #otion wears off, and,if you are still alive, you lean against the rock

    wall to get your breath.

    hen you feel ready, you continue (orth,and shortly arrive at a $unction, where a new

     passage leads East. ill you5

    Take the way East Turn to 3

    Continue (orth Turn to 182


    The door opens easily. !ou are in a very

    sall roo, which contains nothing but a broken wooden chair and a stone bed. /ut

    soe writing carved into the wall opposite

    catches your eye, and you look to see what itsays. !ou read5

    ?There was another such as you,

    he holds the Aulet of *tone –

    and keeps it safe for others who

    will venture further – all alone.@

    !ou are not sure whether this is a warning,

    or useful inforation, but you eorise thewords before leaving to go *outh again. Turn

    to 7.


    >airly soon you arrive at another $unction – a

     passage leads off to your right. ill you5

    Take this new passage East Turn to 5

    Continue (orth Turn to 44

    Take a #otion of *earching Turn to 35 


    !ou soon coe to another $unction, where

    the passage runs (orth1*outh, and you turn

     (orth. Turn to 182.

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    As you approach the writing, you set off a

    hidden t rap, and you are iediate ly en1

    gulfed by choking, acrid soke. !ou stagger

     back out, gasping for air. Bose < *trength

     points. If you are sti ll alive, you get your breath back and continue est. Turn to 89.


    The passage narrows as you walk, and the

    air feels clay and cold. !our footsteps echo,

    and your torch flickers, and "uite soon you see

    a new way on your right. ill you5

    Take the new passage (orth Turn to 181

    Continue est Turn to 166


    !ou soon find yourself back at the door you

    first cae through. The only thing to do is toturn round and go back (orth again. Turn to



    !ou ove, e2hausted, to the great corpse,and find, around his neck, a diaond and

    sapphire. !ou realise that these ust be the

    two $ewels fro the Teple of +aladon, that

    &olfreth told you of. !ou go back out of theroo, your sword at the ready, but all is "uiet.

    !ou go back down the stone staircase, andcontinue, past the cell that held *wiftfoot, and

    on down. (o creature bars your way5 now

    that /EBE(&)A*T is dead, his power is lost,

    and his creatures have shrivelled back into the

    evil half1world they cae fro.

    !ou eventually get back to the entrance to

    the Tower of Terror, and are aa%ed to see that

    the sun is $ust setting. !ou hold up the

    diaond and sapphire, and shout, ?I have the

    two $ewels fro the Teple of +aladon'@The town gradually becoes "uiet. *oe1

    one oves towards you and you reach for

    your sword – but then you recognise hi as

    &olfreth, now refored as a whole an

    again. &olfreth takes the $ewels, thanking you

    "uietly, and walks into the rained Teple.

    Turn to 199.


    *uddenly the sky changes – it is the ost

    glorious sunset you have ever seen, and you

    realise that the dark clouds hurrying away are

    the shapes of evil spirits leaving Darkblood.

    &olfreth returns.?I have replaced the sacred Kewels,@ he tells

    you, ?in the Teple of +aladon. ill youstay@ Turn to 200.


    !ou decide that it would be a good idea to

    stay for a short while with &olfreth and the

    others, to rest fro your e2ertions . . . until

    you feel that the tie is right to venture forth

    again – on a new "uest.

    *ROTEUS  was an ancient &reek &od whocould change his for to avoid foretelling the

    future, so you can see our scope for adventures isendless.

    If you have any coents on the aga%ine, ideasfor adventures, or if you would Eke to contribute an

    adventure gae te2t =payent would be in the

    region of L7HH, please write to *"ot+$' I*C

    ,%-%.#n$ /t!' W$to" Ho+$' W$t +% Ro%!'

    *oo(' Do"$t BH151JG T( 0202 671191' t 261.

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