Protest or Perish 1 Part I Open Discussion: the Church’s Last Frontier One: Job Comforter Advice (God Called it Folly) Preparation: Imagine Job in the house praying for his sons and daughters that God would keep them safe from harm. Imagine God pleased with God. Imagine Job’s confident in his prayer life that God answers all his desires of his heart, and his children were his most prize and joy. Imagine his love for his children that he prays for them day and night, to be safe from harm. Imagine-- his children are killed in a storm. Imagine getting word that your children were just killed. Imagine, God telling you night and day you pleased him, and whatever you asked will be given unto you according to his promise, God asked you to trust him to protect your children. Charge One, God gave the accuser, Job’s children to kill. Job’s household was not saved. Job was perfect in the sight of God and pure hearted. Job was wealthy, giving, generous, and obedient and nothing in his life was destroyed before God allowed his accuser to roam in his life. Imagine Job perfect, pure, and trusting that the only request he asked to God was to save him and his household, and his first pain and suffering would be his children dead. Take your time to prepare your heart for the study. See yourself as Job first; see Job’s life, his anguish and his loss. See God’s point of view, his accuser’s point of view, and weigh out the cost of all of the point of views. Suggest to each other, how you would feel if you lost the greatest joy in your life. See yourself struggling to keep your faith in God after he told you he was approved of you and your life. See yourself speaking the word of God, as Rahab, you promised me that I and my household would be saved, exempt from death. See yourself, asking God what happened to my children? Where is your promise to keep them? Prepare your heart to enter into the first stage of the decision of God, “God’s will” according to God’s choice to move you.


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Part I Open Discussion: the Church’s Last Frontier One: Job Comforter Advice (God Called it Folly)

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Protest or Perish 1

Part I Open Discussion: the Church’s Last Frontier

One: Job Comforter Advice (God Called it Folly)

Preparation: Imagine Job in the house praying for his sons and daughters that God would keep

them safe from harm. Imagine God pleased with God. Imagine Job’s confident in his prayer life

that God answers all his desires of his heart, and his children were his most prize and joy.

Imagine his love for his children that he prays for them day and night, to be safe from harm.

Imagine-- his children are killed in a storm. Imagine getting word that your children were just

killed. Imagine, God telling you night and day you pleased him, and whatever you asked will be

given unto you according to his promise, God asked you to trust him to protect your children.

Charge One, God gave the accuser, Job’s children to kill. Job’s household was not saved. Job

was perfect in the sight of God and pure hearted. Job was wealthy, giving, generous, and

obedient and nothing in his life was destroyed before God allowed his accuser to roam in his

life. Imagine Job perfect, pure, and trusting that the only request he asked to God was to save

him and his household, and his first pain and suffering would be his children dead.

Take your time to prepare your heart for the study. See yourself as Job first; see Job’s life, his

anguish and his loss. See God’s point of view, his accuser’s point of view, and weigh out the

cost of all of the point of views. Suggest to each other, how you would feel if you lost the

greatest joy in your life. See yourself struggling to keep your faith in God after he told you he

was approved of you and your life. See yourself speaking the word of God, as Rahab, you

promised me that I and my household would be saved, exempt from death. See yourself,

asking God what happened to my children? Where is your promise to keep them? Prepare

your heart to enter into the first stage of the decision of God, “God’s will” according to God’s

choice to move you.

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Protest or Perish 2

Study to show thyself approved by God…

What is the protest?

Who will offer the sacrifice of self?

Why does God allow our enemies access into our lives as he did with Job?

Why must God use trials to heal us when He can just say the Word?

What is the climax for God?

Why must Job suffer when God knew all things?

If God said, he’ll never leave you or forsake you—then where is he when you leave him?

What interpretation can we trust to give us freedom and healing?

What happened to deliverance?

Why did God allow him to experience social stigmatization when he was upright and pure, a

man after God’s heart?

Why did God allow Job friends speak? Why God didn’t silenced Job’s friends from speaking?

Why did God allow Job’s friends speak harshly to Job?

Why did God leave Job without a role model, his friends, were they his mentor and why not?

Why Job chosen to be harassed by God’s accuser?

Why not Zophar, Bildad and Eliphaz? Why not God choose some and not others?

Why did God keep Job in mind and allow that conversation with Job’s accuser?

What is the point to Job’s healing after the death of his children?

What was Job’s trial?

What was the meaning behind the trials?

What happen to the Beef, the healing, when Job’s friends and his wife was complaining?

Why did they think of those solutions instead of the right solutions for Job?

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Protest or Perish 3

Why did Job have to defend himself when god promised to fight his causes?

So why are we vile? What is the point to this confession if we are only vile?

Why must we be free and revived if we are going to perish?

Why is God allowing the church to be disobedient?

Why is the church’s public service so powerless?

Why must God’s grace show powerless in the sick?

What is the poor and oppressed in God’s eyes? Are they disobedient, or upright as Job?

Is it enough to Confess our sins? What is the confession Job should have done with his friends

and God, or was that the right response?

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Protest or Perish 4

Reflections/Commentary & Analysis: Job was in folly not because he was an upright and pure

man in the sight of God, but because Satan, God allowed Job to have an accuser. Job was in

folly because of his accuser. His life was not perfect, but in God’s eyes his life was perfect

because of what God knew of Job was a secret from his accuser. Job was not making poor

decisions when he cried for help. His authority on earth was temporary, his riches, his family,

and his reputation, even his body was all temporary, but Job knew God was eternal. He knew

he was only created and not prepared for eternal things of God. Section one is designed to help

the students seek Christ for the permanent treasure, so students can live not by temporary

treasure alone, but by eternal treasures directed, given and kept by God for the student. In this

trial, Job learned the eternal treasure was to receive God’s approval.

Prayer: Lord, in our questions, our seeking should answer our most troubled heart, why would

you test your upright and pure in heart? We want your open doors to walk through life without

trouble, so what happens when you grant that prayer, and yet we still see trouble? Give us the

strength, courage and self control to ask for wisdom and understanding, so we can be thankful

with your approval because that is enough, your grace to be loved by you. It is enough to be

approved by you. This is our journey to be approved by you though we are chosen to live in

pain, suffering and accusation, we know you are approved by us, therefore, we should praise

with our words, mouths, and heart, and so we are favored by you. We are completely restored

by your approval. In your Loving Son, we thank you for this gift of “Revealing” that you are

approved by us through your Son.

Challenge: We protest because if we did not we would perish. Our ability to speak to the Lord

is the gift of healing. We are not allowed to be silent because we were called to speak. In this

revealing of the God of Salvation we are lead by the gift of protest, and so we are asking God to

stand in the gap, the death of our souls, to save us from our temporal position of humanity.

We look into the eyes of God, to find us, sitting in his heart, to save, love and teach. His

conversation, God loves words, touch our lives, so we can be approved by his working hands,

he will say, it is finished, I have completed the work in them. The protest is only to show God

where we are at in the process. “What do you see, human?” Our pain and suffering is

temporary, death is temporary, and what is the protest if all things are temporary, why must

we protest? Define Protest? What authority we have to come before God, with our protest as


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Protest or Perish 5

Who will hear our cry? Trusting God means silence or protest? And why was job allowed to

protest? Why did the accuser protest? And why didn’t God silenced the accuser? What was

the purpose of the protest and accusation?

Let us Pray:

Lord I ask you to bless us with your salvation, understanding and opportunity to share

with each other our journey, so we can heal. In these chapters, allow us to grow, mature and

begin the work of salvation in our communities and in our homes. In your Son’s Loving Grace,

thank you for your Spirit. Amen.

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Protest or Perish 6

Two: Think of It! (Needless Suffering!)

What does glory to God mean? In what way do we glorified God when we are sick? Going

through trials?

Did God break his promises of Healing? What is the problem?

Why were there only two people able to receive the promise land?

What was the folly of the church?

How do we confront folly when it covers the earth, sin moves, so what is his saving grace when

we are freed with trials?

What process must we all go through and why?

Why are our prayers powerless?

Why does God withdraw from us?

What is the doctrine of Salvation?

Why did the gifts of Healing and Tongues Die with the Apostles?

Why did God give that Black Man, Seymour the Spirit of God?

Why does the Holy Spirit interrupt sermons?

Why must we suffer if God promise us rest?

Why must a prophet speak?

What good is a prophet when people are sick dying?

How can you quench the Spirit?

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Protest or Perish 7

Why does it matter to make the Spirit happy?

Why is the church experiencing the same diseases as the world as though they were orphans of

their own father/system?

Who will or what will prove God’s healing in a dying soul?

Three: The Wittenburg Door (Let the Prophets Speak)

What is Forbidden and why?

Why did the Holy Spirit give the gifts of Tongues and Healing?

Define the expectations of a believer?

What is your Bible base/formula?

What are the Ranks of the Lord?

Why did Christ give authority to the Church? What is To Do with What?

What is the apostle’s creed?

Why is there a creed?

Explain the indwelling of the Holy Spirit?

What is the Holy Spirit’s role in your life?

Why discriminate?

Why Holy Spirit reveals?

Why evaluate the Word of God?

Why learn these teaching processes?

Why do people reject God, Christ and the Holy Spirit, the Father?

Explain the Trinity, and what is the significance to knowing this role in your life?

Why just we keep balance?

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Protest or Perish 8

What is so important about balance?

\What is God’s peace?

How do you live and Teach Peace?

What attitude must we have?

What is the purpose keep women silent?

Why did Paul say this, that women should remain silent when men are teaching?

Why did Paul make such harsh statements about women when Christ set women free from the


Why must we obey God keep commands?

What is the message to be corrected, what does God mean that he loves those who he


What is a true perspective? What is a church’s perspective, and which perspective should we

follow, and why?

Why did Moses feel oppress? What was his leadership role as God’s instrument? Why was the

burden so heavy when God give only light burdens?

What did Moses prophesy that brought him challenge?

Explain Why God would say challenging messages in visions, and yet spoke to Moses face to


Why does God send women n the place of men? Who is refusing women prophets and why?

Why God choose women when He could change the heart of men?

Who is Melchisedek?

What and why is he important?

Why judge and prophesy when Jesus was the last prophet? What is the purpose to prophesy

after Christ in the church?

Who is in control of the church and why when they fall into temptation and corruption?

What is so important about the Pentecost?

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Protest or Perish 9

Explain “I will Pour out my spirit on all flesh; your sons and daughters shall prophesy?” Why did

this verse touch the prophets?

Part II

Four: The Need for Open Discussion (A Case Study)

Why ask the Lord to be whole and then face death? What is the purpose for Christ to heal?

Why be healed if we just get sick again? Why ask for healing if Christ allows us to die?

Why did Jesus ask, “Do you want to be well,” when he knew we would get sick again after he

healed us?

Why does it matter to have a “desire” to be made whole, heal? Why did Jesus say go and heal

the sick, raise the dead and share the good news, so all can be set free from their errors?

Why did Jesus say “Get Up?” What is so important about that command?

Will God say, no to a man’s and woman’s/child’s cry? Why or why not?

Why is healing important to God? Who is important to God?

Why must people have visions? What is a vision?

What is its function and purpose in the believer?

Why did the paralytic say, I have no one to heal me? When he saw Jesus heal others?

Why did Jesus ask questions when he could have just healed him? What was the reason for the


Why did Jesus heal the man even when he blamed others for failing him?

What was the purpose of being whole with Jesus healed?

What would happen if the man did not walk when Jesus said Get up?

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Protest or Perish 10

What do you think Jesus would say to you, the disable, anyone today and why?

Why does wholeness matter to God?

Why did God allow Job friends to torment him?

Why did God allow Job to suffer?

Why does God teach people to recognize him? When God could just give them the desires of

their heart first without a lesion?

What would happen if Jesus did not speak into their lives, or our lives? Would we still be

healed? Why or why not?

What happens when we disobey God and sin?

Must we obey when we have grace to receive healing? Why is it important to obey God when

God knows we would never measure up to his Laws?

What was Jesus looking for in their conversation to the Canaanite’s family and daughter?

Why not heal them? He says, what is your need? Why would Jesus ask them what was their

need if he already knew?

Why heal when people are born in need or if disable, why does God allow us to be disabled or

born in need when he says, he gives us the desire of our heart?

Why did Jesus notice the unnoticed when he said to them your sins are forgiven or your faith

has made you whole?

What is the central focus to Jesus as a healer when his ministry was to rebuke, discipline and

die on the cross, what was the purpose to heal on his journey when he knew they would all


Five: Theological Surgery (Separating Natural Concepts from Spiritual Perceptions)

Why did God say they do not learn my teachings but their own? What are our own teachings?

What are God’s teachings?

Why do people have powerless prayers—how can you know the difference between a powerful

prayer, an unanswered prayer or a prayer that God said, no, yes, or wait not now?

Why do we need to have the healing of the Holy Spirit in our lives today? What is the point of

Divine Healing when we die, decay or experience destruction?

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Protest or Perish 11

Why must we need a physician when hospitals are filled with the sick? Why did we need Jesus

as a doctor when we have doctors; and we still die even after we have prayed the prayer of

faith? What happens?

What are the reasons for repentance associated with the sick and the sinners? Why was Job

not a sinner in this case or why did Job not have to repent for his sins?

What made Job righteous in the sight of God?

Why did God give people a revelation?

What is the purpose of scriptures and prophesy in Job’s life and our own life?

Why do God intervene sometimes and not all the time to the sick? What is the reason for

health to fall on some? (The path to life is narrow and few find it? Why is this statement part of

God’s healing process?)

What is the statement of faith that made Jesus say about the sick that they need a doctor but

the healthy did not? What made them healthy and not sick? Why would the sinners be

considered as sick? Why did Jesus call out the sinners as in need of a doctor? Does Christians

need a doctor?

Why did the woman with blood issues touch Jesus? Why did Jesus allow himself to die?

What was the purpose of the Jesus death? Why did he have to die a sinner’s death?

What is the point to face God in judgment? Why must people face two spheres in life, the life

on earth, today, and the life in judgment, after death?

Why is “the dominion of sin, evil and death and devil” in the presence of God and part of

revelation? Why does God use these mediums to test everyone?

Why must people die of sickness when Christ died to heal them? What is the point of Christ

death and ascension if people die in their sins?

Why is prayer important? Why must we trust prayer? What is the role of people?

Why must a believer go to the prison, weak and hurting when they are powerless themselves?

What is the point to be a Christian? Where is the difference between a Christian, the Church

and the believer, or righteous prayer?

Where are we going when the healing does not come? What is next in our chapters when God

does not answer the desires of our heart today?

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Protest or Perish 12

Six: Only Jesus Can Heal (Hiding Unbelief Behind the Truth)

What happened to Jesus healing in the 21st century? What happened to the Church in the 21st


Where is the glory and victory when the believers can’t heal? What happened to the Job’s

manna, the believer after the test? Did God speak? Or are we orphans?

Are we liars if we cannot heal or heal ourselves? Why or why not?

Why must some suffer when they spend their life praying, fasting, meditating and studying, is

that enough, calling on the name of Jesus, yet still in pain?

What proof do we have as believers if we still are suffering? What is a life of power when we

are suffering?

What happens when all is well? Does it mean we are righteous? How do we know if our hearts

are examined by God, and we are not in denial?

When we are not healed what is God trying to say? Or is God trying to say anything? Are we

being negative if we ask God for healing, to make us whole or to raise us from our sick beds?

Why must some be sick, weak and poor? What is God doing when he allowed the accuser to

strike Job?

Why did Roosevelt hide his disability? What happens when we hide our sickness or disabilities?

Are we living a healed life?

What happens when you know the Son and still not heal? Are you disobedient like Job’s friends

and Job’s wife tried to force Job to believe? And how do you know if you have not received a

conversation by God that your conversations are approved by God?

How can you know God when he won’t heal you? What did Job do in the meantime when he

was waiting for his health to return, how did Job know God loved him?

What happened to Job when his friends failed him? Did he give up or what did he do that is

different then what you do when your friends, your church and people fail you? When you feel

God has failed you? What did Job do? How can you use Job’s tools to help you find life,

salvation and the blessings in your sorrow?

Who’s in charge of your healing? And why are you confessing who’s in charge, what is the

point of importance to recognize who is your healer?

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Protest or Perish 13

Did God choose to heal Job to make a rebuke to his friends? Why or why not? What was God’s

purpose to use Job to pray for his friends, when he could have prayed for them himself?

Why is God’s ways higher than our own? What is the purpose of Job’s story? Why did God use

the devil, as the accuser and Job’s friends to torment and steal joy and stability, health from


Why did God have a conversation to Job instead of his friends or the Devil the accuser? What

was so important for God to speak to Job in his pain?

Why did God allow Job to live when he knew taking his family, make him suffer would be


Why did God forgive Job and his friends? What was the purpose for God to show us the scene

about the accuser, devil? What made the accusation a good reason to test Job? And Why?

Seven: Elder Responsibility (Role Denial The Universal Cop-Out)

What is a responsible prayer? What is the “work” of salvation in prayer?

What is failure in the midnight hour? What did Jesus teach about prayer?

What door is open when we do not prayer?

Who is hungry when Jesus said, if you have not fed me, when you have not fed these?

What do you do when someone is hungry and dangerous?

Why must we prepare our minds to serve and heal? Why is it important to follow instruction?

What is good about God the father and the list to what he does is good? Why must you know

this list?

Why must we serve our neighbors when our neighbors are killers, liars, cheaters and say all

wrong against us? Why must we heal our neighbors when they are trying to kill us? David said;

do not allow my enemy to hurt me? So, why must we put our lives in harms way, or is God

trying to say something different and we are not following the instructions correctly?

What made Job powerless?

Is it a responsibility to restore and to be persistent? And why or why not?

Who is ready to be healed? What is readiness? Who is embarrassed when they are not healed,

and why are they not healed when you pray?

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Protest or Perish 14

What is the desire of God the father? Why is that important to know the desires of God’s


What is the gift of the Son of God? Why is it important to know what the Gift of God in Christ

is? Explain?

How does the Holy Spirit indwell in the believer? What is the responsibility of the Holy Spirit?

What is the Holy Spirit accountable for in the believer?

Why is good gifts important and why does the Holy Spirit receive gifts by God the father and

son, and then give it to you? What is the importance to this process?

Eight: Maybe He Will and Maybe He Won’t (The Sovereignty of God Rationalization)

What is the difference between the prayer of the sick and the prayer of the healthy?

What does sovereign and sovereignty means when they say God is sovereign and god is

sovereignty over us?

What is the difference between the prayer of the blessed and the prayer of the cursed? Why is

there a difference? Deut. 28

Why is pain uncomfortable? Why does God use pain as a tool to rebuke? Yet, some of the

greatest evil is not in pain why does that matter to us right now?

What is the success of the believer who is in pain? What is the blessing in the pain?

How do you feel about the decision of God to test you like Job when you are upright and pure

in his eyes? Do you think you should be tested? Do you think you should have a say into God’s

plans for your life as Cain with his life? Why did Job differ from Cain?

What happened at the Garden of Gethsemane that made Jesus bleed?

Why that is important to question what happened at the moment Jesus wept in blood?

What happens when God choose not to heal and why would God say No, as he said to Jesus at

Gethsemane? What is the importance of death, pain and suffering? Why would God allow

Jesus to die a horrible death, and why would he ask you to live a painful life?

How do you find the joy in the storm? What did Jesus say about the storms? Why did Jesus

have a conversation with John, Peter and James?

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Protest or Perish 15

Does it make you mad that God would choose you to be accused by the devil sifted as Job and

Peter and Jesus? Why or Why not?

What is knowledge of God and knowing God, what is the difference?

What is the difference to trust God’s will or plans that you see when your prayers are not

answered? When is the moment Jesus saves different from God’s plans for you to suffer? What

is the revelation in thou shall not faint or grow weary of doing well?

What is the difference from a righteous prayer and an unrighteous prayer when we all sin and

come short to the glory of God?

Name Job’s statements to his friends, what is the difference between Job’s statements to his

friends and Jesus statements to the disciples at Gethsemane and the Cross?

Who will recover and why? How do you know if you will recover? Who touched and cleansed

the leprous? What is understood in healing? Why is some recovered and others are not?

What is a mystery in God’s will/plans for our lives when God says; I have plans to prosper you

and not to harm you? Why is it a secret when God allow us to be harmed? What is the

revelation to that mystery that God allows Satan to sift those who are harmed?

Why is the prayer of faith different from a prayer of doubt?

Why must sins be forgiven? Why must we recognize God’s majesty and why must believers

respect God’s thoughts and decisions in our pain and suffering first?

Why would God release the prisoners? What is the importance to the doctrine of salvation

when we are like Job, Peter and Jesus, chosen to suffer, be sifted, tested, and die? What is the

purpose for God to elect us to harm? What eliminates a double minded talk in this

conversation with God when we are not revealed another way?

Why did God point out and suggest was more important in his statement of healing to Job, you

are in dark counsel, let me speak? Why did God speak at the end of his suffering and not at the


Part III

Why did Job meditate? What was his meditation? Why is it important to meditate in the time

of pain and suffering? Who is defected, and why must they bow? What is bowing in the

majesty of God, what is the substance to yielding in the time of suffering and pain?

Who is in trouble? What is prayer useful when one is in trouble?

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Protest or Perish 16

What is anointing oil and what is it used for in the process of prayer?

Who endures and why must we endure if we are healed? What needs are taken care of if we

are rejected in the time of our Job’s trial?

Who receives wisdom? Who needs money and why? What is the purpose of reproach?

Who mediates for God and why? Who is baptized and why must we be baptized?

Why do people cry and what is the importance to cry to God when it is He who gave authority

to our pain and suffering? What is the purpose to turn to God? Why must we turn to God and

speak to God?

Who calls on the name of Jesus and why? What happens when they call during the time of

God’s sovereign plans to lead them into storms of Job?

What is salvation? What was Job’s salvation, and when did it kick into gear, at what moment

was Job able to receive salvation and why? When did his blessings and healing become part of

his life?

Who are Job’s friends as a symbol in the equation, and why were Job’s friends used to be part

of this trial? What did Job learn from this? What did you learn from this experience? How can

you apply it to your life?

What is the vision of God to Ananias? Why did Paul receive his sight back?

Why did God use symbols when he could speak plainly? Why did the church turn to

disobedience? Why did Jesus always say to his disciples you have little faith? Why does that

matter? What is the reason Jesus told his disciples that they had little faith?

Who is justified? Who is humbled and why? Who hears the voice of God? Why does that

matter if God speaks to us? Why does this matter that the Holy Spirit must reveal to us what

God’s spoken word?

Why did God save the soul? Why did God say you should be afraid the one who can destroy the

body and the soul? Why did he heal Saul though he was killing the church?

What is the grace that God provided to Saul who is Paul, when he said, you are killing my

church, and you are killing me?

Who is inadequate and why are they inadequate when God says, my grace is enough? Why did

Daniel fall to the ground and say I am inadequate? Yet Gabriel said, you are favored by God?

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Protest or Perish 17

Why is the body full of sickness? Who is responsible for the body in the 21st century? What is

the day of tribulation, why are some escaped and others in trials? What did Peter say about


What damage is done and why when god allows it to happen, sickness, death and all curses

against you? What was Job’s response, and why? What was Jesus and Peter’s response and

why? What is your response and why?

Who secures your healing? What is the role of healing and sickness? Why must God use them

both in our lives? Can we escape from sickness, and being needy to God?

Why is some rejected by god or some are approved of God, how can you explain the reason for

God to say, I have rejected some and loved some, as to Jacob was loved and Esau rejected, in

the inheritance of Isaac?

What is the important role God the father and the Son play in the life of a Christian when

leaders will not confess their sins and disobedience to the work of salvation?

Why must light be part of God’s plans, and darkness created by God in the beginning when he

separated the light and day from night and darkness? What was the purpose of their

existence? What was his reason for God to lead by day and by night?

What is substance in prayer? Why does that matter to the believer? Who overshadows you?

Why is that important that the Holy Spirit overshadows you to do what? Why must we have

the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and why must the Holy Spirit overshadow us? When does the

Holy Spirit overshadow us?

Who is resurrected and why is this part of the story of the believer? Why does this matter to

the believer, and the work of salvation? What strength do we receive in this faith and prayer of

the resurrection? Why must we pray for resurrection and believe in the resurrection of the


Who become flesh? What is the word? Who is the physical sick and why? Why is it so

important to resurrect the flesh when it has sinned against God, why must we pray for our

flesh? What is the importance to pray for our flesh?

Who is lost and why? Who is looking for them, and why are we lost if God know where they

are, the lost is what to God, and why does God call the Lost not found?

What is God’s work if it is done? Who gets glory in the resurrection of our bodies, flesh, soul

and why? Why do we walk and take our beds in our healing? Why can’t we leave our beds

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Protest or Perish 18

behind and lay down after we are commanded to get up and walk by Jesus? What is the

importance to walk after we are given instruction to walk?

Who raised Jesus from the dead? Where is that Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead? What

does it mean when it says that the Spirit dwell in you? Why is that important information to


Who teaches us salvation? Why must we be taught about salvation, what is important about

that conversation? Who will reveal truth in us and who will heal us if God’s church is

disobedient and wrong like Job’s friends? Who will help us as the man said, to Jesus, who will

heal us?

Who received Power? What did that power do? Why was it needed to heal? What cup is

removed? Or was a cup removed? What does it mean in Psalms 23 that our cup is filled and

over flow? What happened to Jesus cup?

Was Job upset if so why or why not? Was he disobedient with being upset if he was upset,

what made him upset, and why did God allow Job to not be cheerful? Did Job complain and

murmur, what made Job different then Aaron, Moses and those in the wilderness?

Who profited in Job’s response, who am I when God spoke to Job, why didn’t Job protest to

God, and only to his friends? What happened when Job spoke? Who rewards us? And what is

the reward? What was Job’s reward, and when did he receive his reward, and why did God give

him a reward?

What law of Moses is fulfilled? Why was that Law important for Jesus to fulfill? What was the

government of Jesus sitting on his shoulders? Who is sitting on Jesus shoulders? And why did

Moses say, I will not enter the promise land? What was Job’s trial different from Moses, and

the reward system was different?

Who must we remember why? Why did the thief tell Jesus to remember him? What was the

importance of Jesus remembering the thief, what did the thief do to cause Jesus to say, you will

be with me today in paradise? Why was Jesus able to take the thief when he was not able to

save him yet Judas could not be saved? What was the difference between Judas, the thief on

the cross and Job?

Ten: Fervent Prayer Avails Much (Focusing the Mind of the Elders)

Who must confess their sins, and to whom? What are we confessing, that will cleanse us, who

will cleanse us, and what confession will lead to cleansing?

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Protest or Perish 19

Who is the Lord raising from the dead? Why would he raise us from the dead? Who is the sick

and why would he heal? Why are they sick if God heals? Who is conformed to God’s mind and

why should that matter to our salvation?

Whose prayers are successful and who’s not? Who is not condemned and why or why not?

Who has error and who has not? Who suffers and why? Why does prayer matter if God says

No to heal someone or you? Why would he not heal?

Who did Elijah speak to God? Why is Elijah different from Job? What was Elijah’s will? What

was God’s willed for Elijah and how was that different from Job?

Why did Elijah knew the will of God? Who revealed God’s will to Elijah? Why did Elijah get

afraid of Jezebel when he had the power of God in his tongue and mind? Who revealed Elijah’s

departure and when? How was Elijah prepared for his tests?

What is effective prayer? What is the difference between a prayer and an effective prayer?

What was James talking about when he said the effective and fervent prayer of a righteous man


What is not taught here in the church of God when James 5: 13-16 said for lack of evidence be

employed to teach, when teaching God holds in higher regards to any authority on earth?

Who is saved and why will their soul never see death? What sins are covered and why? Who

will live forever under the promise of God, and who will not, and why should we know this and

what is the importance for us to know this certainty? What is a faith in prayer, and what is the

beneficial presence that is determined in the church when the church pray, or when we pray?

What is the judgment of God and what does that make over the body, flesh and soul? What is

the reason to save both the body and the soul? Who is sick, weak and asleep and why are they

not risen?

Who will reveal the mysteries of God, and why are the mysteries solved of God in those who

know the mind of God? What is the purpose for their knowledge and why did God employ

them to teach and not mind their own business?

What is better or what is worse, to die or to live, and why must we live then die, what is the

purpose and benefit of experiencing both and suffer?

What happens when the Bride fails the sick, who’s responsible of healing? When Jesus said,

raise the dead, heal the sick and forgive sins, set captives free, who was he talking to?

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Protest or Perish 20

Who corrects the Bride and why? What is the difference of the rebuke of God’s Bride and the

World? Who will rebuke them both, and what do we do when they are rebuked and not us?

Why will some be rebuked and some will not?

Who is the unbelieving? Can believers be doubtful and why or why not? What separates them

from the unbelievers or doubters? What information keeps them certain?

What is God’s decision when he made to Job and his friends? Did Job get his healing? Why or

why not? Who healed Job? Did his friends heal Job?

Who forgave the church? Who forgave Job’s friends? What was God’s instruction to Job and

Job’s friends, and why did God tell them to do each assignment, and what was the difference

between the instructions?

Why did God choose Job to be persecuted and tormented? When he was upright and pleasing

in God’s eyes? What was the importance of God choosing Job?

Who blesses the Lord? How do our souls bless the Lord?

Who heals us from diseases and iniquities, suffering and pain?

What did God intend and what was his purpose to heal the sick?

Why did God manifest sickness and suffering if He was just going to heal us—why or why not is

that part of his role as majesty and sovereignty over our lives?

Who is Job again? Did he bless God in his pain? How did Job bless God in his pain? Did God

bless Job in his pain? How did God bless Job in his pain? Why or why not?

Why does God command us to pray? Why does it matter to pray if God knows our hearts?

Part IV

Eleven: At the Crossroads (The Little Yellow Bus)

What is a hardened heart? Who is hardened and why?

Who understands the power to save and heal? Who seals up a person’s fate and why?

What must we speak? Why must we speak? Who hears us?

Who are we speaking to when we pray or protest? What are we listening to or expecting?

What are our confessions, and why must we confess in a conversation to God? Who is the sign

to our salvation? Why must there only be one sign to our healing?

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Protest or Perish 21

What does it mean to surrender to God and why? Who is kept alive and well? What is a

repentant heart? Why or why not must we be repentant?

What is the reason to be repentant when we are saved by God’s grace? Who is helpless who is

in need of healing if we fall in God’s grace? Why must we ask these questions?

Who is good and who knows this truth that we are not saved without God’s permission?

Who is the guilty and why does that matter when we all die?

Who has eternal life and what is hope if we do not die?

Who is cast out into outer darkness and why does that matter to us?

What does that information need to be exposed? Who is the little flock and who receives

pleasure and who receives pain?

Twelve: Jesus Is Looking for Faith (Will He Find It in His Church?)

Who was ready to die? Who plead to Jesus? Why did Jesus heal the dying servant? What did

Jesus say about that message and those messengers that asked for the soldier to live?

What was the message? Who sent his friends to Jesus and why did he not go? Why were they

sent instead?

Who was healed and why? What was the process or method of salvation in this statement

when Jesus says let it be done as you have said.

Who’s heart was rewarded and why? How did Jesus examine his heart and his soldier?

Whose faith was great? And Why?

Why did the soldier deserve? Why did this soldier actions made him approved by Christ?

What made this Roman caring for his soldier?

Who is unknown? Who revealed God? Who identified Himself in a peculiar way, and why?

Why did God choose Israel to be in bondage?

How did God work out great moments in Israel?

Why was the Gentile able to have equal access to God as Israel?

What word, scripture did they use to draw from to have confidence in their request to God?

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Protest or Perish 22

Who must be grounded in the word of God?

Why could God not find great faith in Israel?

Why did God “speak” and “reveal” why is it important?

Why does God’s son must come again to the earth?

What business did Jesus do on earth for his Father, and why?

What should we be doing when he arrives? What business should we have in Jesus?

What was the climax of Job’s story and why was this climax important to know?

Why did Job ask his friends to comfort him?

Why did God change Job’s life and ask Job to pray for his friends?

What was the purpose of God allowing Job to be tested, and then healed?

What can you walk away from this experience with Job and God?

Name your Job “tests,” and why do you think God chose you to have those “tests?”

What are you doing in the meantime while you have these tests?

What are you going to do when God speaks?

Can you think of any victories that God asked you to pray over your friends for failing you?

Who do you know need prayer for failing you? Can you pray for them, and why should you?

What is the work God is calling you to do?

What does it mean to be saved, sold to Jesus, and now God’s property; in your adoption as a

child of God, what are you expected to do with your life? Do you know, share with your group

who you serve, and what is your life work for God, what is your business, life service?

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Protest or Perish 23

Lord thank you for your witness Job, and we pray that our journey is filled with love, favor,

victory and obedience. We are very thankful for your forgiveness, grace and the opportunity to

be healed on whatever level you choose. We trust you, we are learning to trust you even more

because your ways are not our own. We have only you to know that our lives are in good

hands. We are thankful for this study. As we await for your government to shine and be loving

in our lives, we know that daily you are present in our lives. In the good, bad and ugly, we are

not oppressed or disable, because you have a ministry and work for our life. We accept your

assignment. In your loving Son’s grace, amen. We are thankful to be alive with you for all

eternity, and we do not want to take that for granted. Thank you for the revelation and
