// 94 Porto Business School PROTECTING YOUR PROFITS AND REPUTATION AGAINST SUPPLIER FAILURE DOCENTE: NICK WILDGOOSE NOVO Many organisations are seeking to reduce costs and improve working capital management at the same time as relying increasingly on their suppliers. e context in which they are relying on their suppliers is likely to involve a combination of some of the following aspects: global sourcing, single sourcing and just-in-time operations. ese decisions are being taken against a background of increased market shortages and complexities within supply chains. Paradoxically, the actions taken to drive down costs are likely to drive risk into the supply chain. e impact supply chain disruptions can have on your company performance should be thought about. PricewaterhouseCoopers’ analysis of 600 US companies during the period 1998 to 2007 found that companies that had suffered a supply chain disruption suffered a 9 per cent fall in their share price compared with a benchmark group. Academic studies have also shown even more significant impacts, so it is clear that if a supply chain disruption is suffered, a very significant impact on profitability and shareholder value should be expected. is also does not fully factor in the potential reputational damage as evidenced by the 2013 European horsemeat scandal. How likely is it that your organisation will face a supply chain disruption? A major Business Continuity Institute study in October 2012 indicated that around 74 per cent of companies had had a supply chain disruption over the previous 12 months. With the increased globalisation of the world’s economy and ever-growing reliance on third parties, it is very likely every business will experience significant supply chain interruptions. It is important therefore to look at reducing the frequency and impact of these. APRESENTAçãO DOCENTE Nick Wildgoose is the Global Supply Chain Product Leader for Zurich Insurance. He brings a unique combination of skills and insights being a qualified accountant and supply chain professional who has held a variety of global financial, supply chain and commercial positions in a number of industry sectors, working for companies such as PriceWaterhouseCoopers, BOC Group, e Virgin Group, and currently Zurich Insurance Group. He also works with the World Economic Forum serving as a specialist advisor on the topic of systemic supply chain risk and on the Global Agenda Council on Catastrophic Risk. He is currently Chairman of the Supply Chain Risk Leadership Council a group of major corporates and top academics including Boeing, Cisco, Wal-Mart and Rolls Royce looking to advance best practice in supply chain risk management. He has spoken and written on a number of topics related to business intelligence and supply chain management. He has also served on the Board of the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply which if the biggest professional body in the world with around 70,000 members. He has spent the last 4 years developing and implementing innovative and award winning supply chain risk products for mid and large sized corporates across Europe and North America. Helping to provide risk insights into real issues they are facing in terms of their business performance.

Protecting Your Profits and Reputation Against Supplier Failure

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Brochura relativa à 1ª edição do seminário Protecting Your Profits and Reputation Against Supplier Failure (Formação para Executivos - Portfólio 2014)

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// 94Porto Business School



Many organisations are seeking to reduce costs and improve working capital management at the same time as relying increasingly on their suppliers. The context in which they are relying on their suppliers is likely to involve a combination of some of the following aspects: global sourcing, single sourcing and just-in-time operations. These decisions are being taken against a background of increased market shortages and complexities within supply chains. Paradoxically, the actions taken to drive down costs are likely to drive risk into the supply chain.

The impact supply chain disruptions can have on your company performance should be thought about. PricewaterhouseCoopers’ analysis of 600 US companies during the period 1998 to 2007 found that companies that had suffered a supply chain disruption suffered a 9 per cent fall in their share price compared with a benchmark group. Academic studies have also shown even more significant impacts, so it is clear that if a supply chain disruption is suffered, a very significant impact on profitability and shareholder value should be expected. This also does not fully factor in the potential reputational damage as evidenced by the 2013 European horsemeat scandal.

How likely is it that your organisation will face a supply chain disruption? A major Business Continuity Institute study in October 2012 indicated that around 74 per cent of companies had had a supply chain disruption over the previous 12 months. With the increased globalisation of the world’s economy and ever-growing reliance on third parties, it is very likely every business will experience significant supply chain interruptions. It is important therefore to look at reducing the frequency and impact of these.


Nick Wildgoose is the Global Supply Chain Product Leader for Zurich Insurance. he brings a unique combination of skills and insights being a qualified accountant and supply chain professional who has held a variety of global financial, supply chain and commercial positions in a number of industry sectors, working for companies such as PriceWaterhouseCoopers, BOC Group, The Virgin Group, and currently Zurich Insurance Group. he also works with the World Economic Forum serving as a specialist advisor on the topic of systemic supply chain risk and on the Global Agenda Council on Catastrophic Risk. he is currently Chairman of the Supply Chain Risk Leadership Council a group of major corporates and top academics including Boeing, Cisco, Wal-Mart and Rolls Royce looking to advance best practice in supply chain risk management.

he has spoken and written on a number of topics related to business intelligence and supply chain management. he has also served on the Board of the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply which if the biggest professional body in the world with around 70,000 members.

he has spent the last 4 years developing and implementing innovative and award winning supply chain risk products for mid and large sized corporates across Europe and North America. helping to provide risk insights into real issues they are facing in terms of their business performance.

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27 de maio


By attending this seminar, participants will:• Develop new risk insights into the supply chain threats that

exist in terms of their organisational performance;• Consider and explain the risk mitigation techniques and the

risk tools that can help them understand their supply chains and hence optimise performance and profitability;

• Have a clear understanding of the change management challenges of implementing supply chain improvements in their own organisation;

• Have the ability to communicate with C suite colleagues to ensure these key risks are managed appropriately within an overall Enterprise Risk Management approach;

• Work with other finance, risk and supply chain professionals on case studies designed to embed the key aspects of performance and business resilience improvement;

• Be provided with a number of hand outs that will help them implement improvements back at their own organisation.


Personnel who have responsibility for the risk management or profit protection, these can be from finance, supply chain, operational and risk areas. Personnel from all of these areas have benefited from similar seminars provided by Nick in the past. The seminar will assist any organisation that is dependent on suppliers to provide its service or product, so it can be of benefit to personnel with a public or private background and across many industry sectors.

Nível RecomendadoTop and senior executives


This seminar is a short guide to practical techniques and proven award winning innovative approaches to better manage supply chains in order optimise performance; providing participants with:• New insights into the supply chain risks their organisations

face in the context of an Enterprise Risk management approach

• An understanding of proven best practice approaches to supply chain risk assessment and supplier due diligence

• The key change management challenges and techniques to help overcome these such as how to make the business case

• Interactive case studies to help embed the learning process

• An awareness of a number of the supply chain risk tools the value that can be derived from them and the limitations

• How to integrate supply chain risk management measures into overall profit performance and organisational resilience approaches

// DURAçãO1 dia9h00-18h00

// INSCRIçõES22 615 32 [email protected][para informações, reservas ou inscrições]

// PREçO1000 euros[material de apoio às aulas, almoço e coffee-breaks incluídos]Os associados da Porto Business School e os antigos alunos beneficiam de condições especiais. Inscrições confirmadas até 29 de abril: 600 euros

// LOCALPorto Business School

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