Moorhead Primary School Prospectus 2013 - 14 1 Moorhead Primary School Prospectus 2013 - 14

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Moorhead Primary School

Prospectus 2013 - 14


Moorhead Primary School

Prospectus 2013 - 14

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Moorhead Primary School

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Welcome to Moorhead Primary School

18 Glenstone Drive Headteacher: Mrs Paula Charles

Norwich, NO4 JK1 Deputy Headteachers: Ms Grace Nichols

Phone: 0276 3532 562 Mr Andrew Spiegel

Fax: 0276 3532 586 Inclusion Manager: Ms Laura Chilvers

Web: www.moorheadschool.tk

Email: [email protected]

Dear Parents/Carers

Hello and Welcome to Moorhead Primary School.

Our school prospectus is produced on a yearly basis – its aim is to answer any

questions you may have about the school. It’s also there to help your child get a

warm welcome into our friendly school community. As part of our commitment to

use as little paper as possible, we have decided to not print this Prospectus. It is

available at any time online at www.moorheadschool.tk under The School >

Prospectus. A paper copy is also located outside Reception (on the table in front of

the door).

We believe that our partnership with parents and carers is essential when

encouraging our students to attain the high of standards of effort, behaviour and

achievement. We believe we can make a difference with your help and allow your

child to develop and to feel great about their efforts during the academic year. We

will be celebrating their achievements every step of the way, giving recognition to

their hard work and dedication to learning. We take pride in being a positive place

to learn and be in, where everyone matters to us.

We hope your continued support and association with the school will be a long and

enjoyable one. I look forward to meeting you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Paula Charles


[email protected]

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A message from our Chair of Governors

Dear Parent/Carer,

My name is Sophie Bennman and I am the Chair of Governors here at Moorhead

Primary School.

Firstly, I’d like to say that Moorhead Primary School’s Governing Body has had an

influential role in the development of key areas within the school over the last

couple of days. We’ve aided teaching staff in developing a broad and balanced

curriculum with the help of our Key Stage Co-ordinators and Heads of Department.

We are continually making improvements to the school site, more are planned from

the coming year. We also regularly review the school’s policies which underpin

many parts of school life. Lots more is planned for the Governing Body and your

opinions on what we do are extremely valuable.

As a Parent or Carer of a child at Moorhead, you have the right to express your

views on any part of school life. Parent Governors are elected on a yearly basis and

are the best people to talk to about any ideas, suggestions or contributions you

may have to school life for your child. They usually around in the senior school

playground before and after school. They are also regularly attend our Friday Coffee

Morning in the Bungalow from 8:50am, so please do drop in and have a chat with


There will be various opportunities for you as Parents have an impact on the

Governing Body of the school – we hold various events throughout the year to help

raise funds for the school and enrich the local community, we also hold yearly

elections for Parent Governors and other key positions. There’s lots to get involved


Finally, I’d like to thank you for taking an interest in Moorhead Primary School and

hope you will consider this school as the place to continue your child’s education.

Sophie Bennman

Chair of Governors

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Our School


At Moorhead Primary School we aim to

encourage children to develop

intellectually, physically, socially,

emotionally, creatively, morally and

spiritually. To achieve this we aim to:

Motivate children to:

apply skills and knowledge to

investigations and real life


aspire to their highest potential

have a high self-esteem and

achieve work of high quality

respect the school and other

members of the community

Provide an environment which:

has high expectations of work

and behaviour and celebrates

children's achievements

is stimulating, challenging, happy

and safe

values co-operation and

collaboration between staff,

parents/carers and children

promotes equality of opportunity,

tolerance and respect for others

recognises potential talents in all

children and cultivates them

welcomes children with Special

Educational Needs and seeks to

include them in the life of the


Encourage children to:

speak confidently, discuss,

initiate, question and explore

be independent

be self-motivated and develop a

desire for learning

have high self-esteem and be


be open minded and sensitive to

the feelings of others

participate in activities within and

outside the curriculum

The aims of the school underpin all that

happens in school. This includes the

spiritual, moral, social and cultural

development of children as well as their

development as successful learners. We

set high expectations for children in

terms of behaviour, social development

and their learning targets, teaching them

to take responsibility for their own

learning and development.

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Our Vision Statement

Moorhead Primary School is an inclusive

community, committed to providing an

emotionally and physically safe

environment where all children enjoy

and achieve.

We ensure that all children experience a

broad and balanced curriculum,

nurturing and developing the whole


Children are at the centre of all that we

do and we listen carefully to their

opinions and perspectives to ensure that

learning has purpose and meaning.

We develop partnerships with parents,

valuing their views and support in order

to provide the very best opportunities

for all children.

Learning beyond the school provides

children with experiences that enhance

and enrich learning: we are committed

to children being involved in as many of

these opportunities as possible.

We strive to know our community as

best we can and use this knowledge to

plan for the needs of individuals.

We ensure that children have the levels

of literacy and numeracy to equip them

with the skills to continue their learning

journey and achieve economic and

personal fulfilment.

High self-esteem, confidence and

happiness and motivation characterise

learners at Moorhead to enable them to

be prepared for life in the 21st century.

(this Vision Statement has been

collaboratively worked on by current and

former students, staff and the Governing


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A Vision for Inclusion

Definition of Inclusion: Inclusion is the process of taking necessary steps to ensure

that every young person is given an equality of opportunity to develop socially, to

learn and to enjoy community life.

At Moorhead Primary School, we believe that an inclusive community creates a more

relaxed environment for our children to work in if they have a particular special


The school aims to deliver a broad and balanced curriculum to all of the children

with or without a special need – everyone is equal in our school.

Here is our Vision for Inclusion, developed with the thoughts of the children, staff,

parents/carers of our school and the local authority:

All SEN children should be treated equally and fairly

Every SEN student has an equal chance of success in the school.

Every Child Matters (www.everynorfolkchildmatters.org)

All children should get equal support and guidance from the staff of


Young children will actively belong to, be welcomed by and participate within

the life of the school and their community.

Enjoy and have fun with their learning and have the ability to develop as


All children and young people have the right to be healthy, happy and safe,

to be loved, valued and respected and to have high aspirations for their


Work in partnership with the children to ensure they are included

Actively challenge and dismantle any barriers to the child

Staff will actively be involved and will listen to the child

Inclusion is Moorhead’s way of ensuring that every child does matter.






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Achievements & Plans Our Curriculum

The school has had inspections from

OFSTED in the past and have rated the

school overall ‘good’. We are

continuously working hard to make it

Outstanding in future inspirations.

The school has also been awarded with:

Investors in People, Healthy Schools

award and we also hold accreditation for

Financial Management Standard in


The school recognises the needs of the

wider community and is committed to

providing opportunities for life long


We will continue to work hard to achieve

more awards and accreditations for

certain aspects of Moorhead.

The school believes in an inclusive

community where every child matters.

We aim to give the children a knowledge

and understanding of the world in which

we live. We want them to be sensitive to

others and understand individual

personal relationships. At Moorhead, we

encourage children to learn confidently

and to communicate what they have


We believe that children should have the

benefit of a broad and balanced

curriculum. We are particularly keen to

develop children's interest in music, art,

drama and dance and are able to offer

opportunities for individual instrumental

tuition during the school day. We also

have various specialist Music Teachers

who teaches every class once a

week. We ensure children receive a rich

curriculum by extending opportunities

through theatre visits, visiting

performers and musicians and school

trips to a range of places.

At Moorhead, we firmly believe that

children learn best when they are able to

make connections in their

learning. Each term we will be looking

at a theme which will encompass many

curriculum areas; the themes chosen are

those which we feel will captivate the

children’s interest and their enthusiasm

for learning.

We believe that children learn best when

they are actively involved. "Learning by

doing" makes the work more interesting,

more meaningful and more likely to

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make sense and be remembered.

Problem solving and investigations are

both important for primary school

children. This kind of learning helps

children to think more clearly, to raise

questions, try out ideas and to record

their findings.


Children spend seven years in primary school. Each of the age groups in classified

below in the table.

Age Year

4 – 5 years old Foundation Stage

5 – 6 years old Year 1

6 – 7 years old Year 2

7 – 8 years old Year 3

8 – 9 years old Year 4

9 – 10 years old Year 5

10 – 11 years old Year 6

Class sizes are kept as balanced as possible. Within the class, pupils are taught

individually, as a group or as a whole class but always according to their needs and


All of the children between the ages of 5 and 11 study the National Curriculum as

well as the school’s own curriculum. Reception class child study the Foundation

Stage Programme. This underpins all future learning by fostering, supporting and

promoting the children’s development.

Years 1 and 2 follow the Key Stage 1 programmes of study, and Years 3, 4, 5 and 6

follow the Key Stage 2 Programme of Study.

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Parent Partnership We believe that the parents and carers are the partners in our school to deliver your

child’s primary education.

There are many opportunities for parents to become involved in our school and

gain a greater understanding of how it works. All adults are CRB checked before

entering and working with us and the students. If you are able to help, please

contact your child’s class teacher in the first instance - details of how to do so are

available on our website at www.moorheadschool.tk

Communication with Parents/Carers

The school communicates with the Parents and Carers of our students in a variety

of ways including news letters, surveys, text messages, emails, open evenings, our

website and through Twitter at www.twitter.com/MoorheadSchool

Parents and Carers are invited to assemblies, Parents Evenings, Open Evenings,

sports days, exhibitions and other seasonal whole school events. We believe that

good home/school communication is key to assisting a child’s learning as extra

support can be given from home.

Become a Governor

The school governors at Moorhead are made up of lots of representatives including

staff, administration staff, SEN staff, local authority staff and people from the local

community. School governors work closely with the Headteacher and the Senior

Leadership Team for setting the strategic direction of the school’s future amongst

other things. Meetings are held often as well as an AGM and this year, we also run

an “Annual Parents Meeting” where the Governors’ annual report is discussed and

questions are raised.

If you are interested in getting involved with the Governors, please contact

Reception on 0276 3532 562 and leave a message for our Chair. Alternatively, you

can email Sophie Bennman at [email protected] to get further

information and to find out if there are any vacancies within the body.

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Admissions Full details are given in our Admissions Policy, available from Reception upon

request and on our website www.moorheadschool.tk

Parents wishing to admit their child to the school should contact the school office

on 0276 3532 562 and ask to speak to Jill Gregory, our School Admissions Co-

ordinator. If a place is available, or if you have moved into our catchment area, an

appointment will be made to meet with the Headteacher and/or the Deputy

Headteacher to discuss the possibility of your child’s admission. This will usually

include a short tour of the school. If there are no places, applications can still be

made, but it is likely that any such applications will go to an independent appeal

panel for consideration. If the Appeal is successful, then an appointment and tour

of the school will be arranged as part of the induction process for your child.

Admission Arrangements for Reception Pupils

By law, children have to be in full-time education at the beginning of the term

following their fifth birthday. However, Norfolk Schools can offer places to children

from the beginning of the autumn term (September) following their fourth birthday.

Although later entry to the school is possible, we would like to talk directly to any

parent who may be interested in this option as there are implications for the

successful induction of your child. This is called ‘Deferred Entry’.

When four-year-olds are admitted, admission will be staggered and attendance will

be part-time until it is felt that a child is ready to cope with a whole day in school.

Admission arrangements will be as follows:

There will be at least three opportunities for parents and children to visit the school

in the Summer Term.

The school would wish to admit all Reception year children by the end of


Children born between September and March inclusive will be attending for a

minimum of 5 sessions a week by the end of September, after which time they will

be full-time.

Late spring and summer born children (April to August) will be attending for 5

sessions a week by the end of September, and will be attending full-time after the

October half term.

Note: This may be subject to minor alterations depending on the number of

children with birthdays in particular months.

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Before we can admit a young child, the child will need to:

be independently toilet trained (and usually dry during the day).

have some independence in dressing and feeding themselves.

be able to communicate their needs.

be able to cope with the demands of a school setting.

These points may not apply to children with a Statement of Special Educational

Needs or those children with a recorded medical condition.

We will write to Reception parents with more information in April 2012. Parents

requiring further details before then can contact the school’s Reception to discuss

their requirements or access our induction information via our website.

Other Admissions

Application for places for older children and for new arrivals into the area may be

made at any time. Where there is space, places will be allocated according to the

school’s admission policy and offer letters will be sent directly to the parents from

Norfolk County Council.

When a child comes to us from another school, every effort is made to help the

child adjust. We will receive school records of any child coming to us so that we

know the stage they have reached and can plan work for them to continue with their



If you remain unsuccessful you have the right to appeal to an Independent Appeals

Panel. Appeals can be made to Jill Gregory.

We do not expect you to understand all this information in one go, so please pick

up the phone or send an email to Jill Gregory for more advice. Call 0276 3532 562

ex.008 or email [email protected]

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General Information

School Reception Hours 8:00am – 4:30pm

School Hours 8:40am – 3:15pm (Out of School Hours

activities usually commence at 3:30pm)

Pupils are asked to arrive at school from 8:30am – 8:40am and go straight into their

class to get registered by their class teacher. All pupils are registered in the

morning and afternoon, please make sure they arrive on time in the morning as it

disrupts the first lesson. This is important so the good habitats can begin now and

continue into the future.

Absences If your child is going to be absent through sickness or another cause, please

telephone Reception by 9:00am on the same day, or if it is planned, write and give a

note to the child’s class teacher. If no phone call or no note has been given in

advance, an automated phone call will be made on the first day of absence.

Holiday Requests

No authorisation will be given for any holidays booked during term time. However,

the Headteacher has the powers to grant leave on exceptional absences. Leave of

absence will be granted for another educational reason such as a graded music


School Uniform The students of Moorhead Primary School do not have to wear school uniform. The

children can wear their own clothes. However, please make sure they are

comfortable, appropriate and practical for learning.

PE It is important for pupils to wear the correct PE kit for the physical activities taking

place during the week.

The children require a white/yellow t-shirt and a dark coloured pair of shorts.

Trainers should also be worn or brought into school. Tracksuit bottoms and

sweatshirts can be worn in the winter months. For health and safety reasons,

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jewellery and watches may not be worn during the activities. Long hair should also

be tied back before departing the home.

Jewellery and other items The only items that are considered appropriate for school are watches and studs or

sleepers worn in pierced ears. The school does not approve of cosmetics and other

jewellery. Please note that staff are not allowed to remove or look after the jewellery

for pupils so please leave it all at home.

Lost property Please name all items of clothing that your child wears into school, this makes it

much easier for Reception to deal and hand back the item to the child. We do keep

lost property for at least one term but it is often that we find it difficult to return

items if they are not labelled. If your child has lost something, please check their

classroom, the lost property pile/box and

with their teacher. We try to display some in

assemblies but if it is not claimed, they will

be given to a local charity.

School meals & packed

lunches The school runs its own successful school

meals service with support from the local

council. Fresh produce is always used.

We rotate the menu on a three week basis. Payments for school meals should be

made on Mondays, weekly or half-termly. You may pay by cash or cheque (cheques

payable to ‘Moorhead Primary School Fund’) Please send the correct amount in a

sealed envelope with your child’s name and class teacher on the front to Reception.

If your child is absent, a credit will be made. If you think your child receives free

school meals, please collect a form from Reception or the local council.

Children who do not have a school meal should bring a packed lunch into school.

Please ensure they are packed into a sealed container labelled with your child’s

name. Water is available from us. We ask you bring water in plastic bottles or flasks,

in the interest of health and safety, no glass or cans please. Fizzy drinks and sweets

are not acceptable for a lunch. If your child forgets their packed lunch, we will

attempt to contact you. If we are unable to do so, we will provide a school meal and

ask for payment later. KS1 are provided with fruit daily.

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Head lice Head lice can cause a real problem in an environment such as a school. Cases of

head lice should be reported to the child’s class teacher as soon as possible. Advice

is available from the Reception staff. The school is not responsible for any

treatment. We will keep Parents/Carers informed if there is an outbreak.

Returning to school after illness We ask that when your child returns to school, they are free from infection and

ready to learn. Injury, asthma, respiratory complaints or circulation difficulties are

exceptions. The school is happy to talk to you and give relevant advice.

First Aid Moorhead ensures that we have staff who are trained to give first aid when

necessary. Simple first aid is given at the school. If an accident needs further

medical attention, we will contact you. Please ensure that all contact details are up-

to-date. See our Health & Safety Policy on our website for more details.

Medicines If your child has to take medication during the school day, you need to be available

to administer it. Staff or first aiders are not advised to give any medication to a

child. If your child is self-administering the medication, authorisation and any other

information needs to be in writing and passed on to the Headteacher.

Sun Protection Summer hats are advised during the hot summer months to protect your child when

playing outside. Those which cover the neck are ideal. Staff are not permitted to

apply sun cream to the children so please ensure they are wearing before leaving

home or have it with them.

Emergency Contact Information Please ensure that your contact details are correct and that Reception is informed of

any health issues especially allergies concerning your child.

Other information

Dogs Please do not bring dogs onto the premises, tie them to the fences or allow them to

obstruct the pavements around the school. Also, please do not allow your dog to

foul around the school or pavements, please clear it up straight away and put it in

the bin.

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Money Ensure that all money brought into school for whatever reasons are in a sealed

envelope with the child’s name, amount and purpose on it. Cheques should be

made payable to ‘Moorhead Primary School Fund’ with your child’s name on the


Smoking Moorhead Primary School is designated a ‘No Smoking Zone’. Please do not smoke

inside the school or anywhere else on the premises.

Road safety We encourage the children to either walk or cycle to school to keep fit and get into

good habits. For safety reasons we ask that cyclists do not ride through the school

property and motorists should not park on the yellow zig zag lines outside the

school. Bikes may be stored in the cycle store at your own risk. Moorhead will not

take any responsibility for stolen bikes. Make sure it is secured before leaving it.

Complaints We welcome improvements and complaints about our school. If you do have a

complaint, please look at the Complaints Policy available on the ‘Policies’ page of

the school website www.moorheadschool.tk or upon request from Reception to

taking the appropriate action.

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Pastoral care and pupil support

Special Educational Needs Department Moorhead has a SEN (Special Education Needs) department where lots of work gets

put in to supporting the needs of some of our students. Pupils are helped within the

majority of lessons or being withdrawn to work with less distractions with Learning

Support staff. Please feel free to take a look at our Special Education Needs policy

available from the school website and Reception. You may also contact our SENCo,

Alan Roberts on 0276 3532 562 ex. 019 or email [email protected] with any

general issues you may have that the class teacher cannot answer.

Accessibility The Governors are consistently working and planning improvements to our school

site, but currently, the school site is accessible to meeting the needs of all pupils

and visitors. We provide parking spaces, toilet facilities, wide corridors and easy

access to school rooms.

Child protection Our designated person for Child Protection is our Inclusion Manager, Laura Chilvers.

More detailed information about Child Protection is available from our Designated

person or in our Child Protection Policy which is available online at

www.moorheadschool.tk or upon request from Reception.

Discipline Matters of discipline are dealt initially by the class teacher, department teacher or

any other ‘on duty’ member of staff. When a situation demands it, the Headteacher

or Deputy Headteacher takes responsibility for disciplinary measures. We encourage

students to consider and be responsible for their own actions. Our aim is to also

make the pupil more aware of the necessity of self-discipline, self-awareness and

self-control. In the case of a serious breakdown of conduct, the Headteacher always

seeks to assess the situation with Parents/Carers. The school has a Behaviour Policy

which is reviewed by the Governors annually. All members of the school, including

Parents/Carers, are expected to read and follow the conduct on the Behaviour


Problems or Concerns about your child at school Events may take place in a child’s school life that are upsetting or affecting them in

some way. If you are able to share information about your child’s personal life with

us, we will listen and show our understanding and support in whatever way

possible. This will always be dealt with in the strictest confidence. If you think your

child is experiencing any kind of difficulty at school or any other concerns about

school life, you should talk to the class teacher in the first instance or a member of

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the Senior Leadership Team. Face to face conversation is best, but if that’s not

possible, email addresses and telephone numbers are available online.

Other Essential Information


Address: Moorhead Primary School

18 Glenstone Drive



Tel: 0276 3532 562

Fax: 0276 3532 586

E-mail: [email protected]

Website: www.moorheadschool.tk

LA Address: Norfolk County Council

County Hall

Martineau Lane




LA Phone: 0344 800 8020

LA E-mail: [email protected]

Headteacher: Paula Charles 0276 3532 562 ex. 001

Deputy Headteacher: Grace Nichols 0276 3532 562 ex. 002

Deputy Headteacher: Andrew Spiegel 0276 3532 562 ex. 003

Chair of Governors: Sophie Bennman 0276 3078 891

Please contact Reception if you need any other information about the school or

other contacts.

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School Staff 2013-14 Everyone who works at Moorhead Primary School has an important part to play and

is a valued member of the team. The emphasis at our school is team work.

Contact information for all staff is available online at our website. Please note some

of this will change during the course of the academic year.

Senior Leadership Team

Mrs P Charles - Headteacher

Ms G Nichols - Deputy Headteacher Learning & Teaching

Mr A Spigell - Deputy Headteacher Standards, Progress & Achievement (Pastoral


Ms L Chilvers – Inclusion Manager

Ms S Bennman - Chair of Governors

Key Stage Co-ordinators

Mr P Curtis – Foundation & KS1 Co-ordinator

Ms K Martin – KS2 Co-ordinator

Ms H Lewis - MFL Co-ordinator

Teaching Staff


Teacher – Ms S Shepherd

Assistant – Ms L Chilvers

Year 1/2

Mr M Freeman – Head of Year

Ms H Lewis

Mr O Tudor-Jones

Year 3/4

Ms S Quentin – Head of Year

Mr P Curtis

Ms K Martin

Year 5/6

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Ms J Barnes- Head of Year

Ms A Taiwo

Mr I Lyford


Music Department

Mr B Murray – Head of Department

Mr Z Whitbread

Physical Education Department

Mr R Rowland – Head of Department

Ms A Arlidge - Teacher

Mr B Geoffrey – Teacher

Special Education Needs (SEN) Department

Alan Roberts – SENCo

Leanne Turner - Deputy SENCo

Angela Harter - SEN Administrator

Special Needs Staff

Mrs Joanna Milburn

Mrs Caroline Bowden

Mrs Jenny Kecojevic

Miss Lulu Williams

Mrs Karen Rawlings


Cover Supervisors

Mr G Dennison

Ms C Nolan

Learning Support Staff

KS1 Support: Miss Amanda Bolton, Mrs Julie Walter, Mrs Patricia Oldham

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Moorhead Primary School

Prospectus 2013 - 14


KS2 Support: Mrs Margaret Jenn, Miss Sarah Rawlings, Mr Nigel Hardman,

Miss Carol Jones, Miss Adelle Drury


Janet Preston – Librarian

Henrietta Lansbury – Library Assistant


Mark White – ICT Technician


PA to Heads of Year & KS Co-ordinators – Ms Sandy Davis

PA to Senior Leadership Team – Miss Susan Hamer

Administration Officer – Ms Janet Porter

Senior Administration Officer (Finance) – Ms Isabel Sutcliffe

Senior Administration Officer (Attendance) – Ms Penny Lewis

School Admissions – Ms Jill Gregory

School Site Manager – Michael Kelly

Breakfast Club/Coffee Morning Co-ordinator – Paula Lambert

Meal Supervisors

Ms Roshan Milani – Senior Supervisor

Pamela Stephen, Mary O'Donoghue, Shirin Choudhury, Jyoti Sharma, Monira Arbi

Required statistics We are required by law to publish details of absence rates for 2012 -2013. These

were (figures were rounded):

Pupil Absence Rates Attendance Rate: 97.1%

(Sep 2012 – July 2013) Authorised absence: 1.7%

Unauthorised absence: 1.2%

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Moorhead Primary School

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Permanent exclusions: 3

Racist comments: 1

School term and holiday dates 2013 – 14

Autumn Term

Monday 2nd September, Pupil holiday,

Tuesday 3rd & Wednesday 4th September, INSET Days

Thursday 5th September 2013 – Friday 25th October 2013

October Half Term holiday Monday 28th October – Friday 1st November

Monday 4th November 2013 – Friday 20th December 2013

Christmas holiday Monday 23rd December 2012 – Friday 3rd January 2013

INSET Day (school closed to students) – Monday 6th January

Spring Term

Tuesday 7th January 2014 – Friday 14th February 2014

Half Term holiday Monday 17th February – Friday 21st February

Monday 24th February 2014 – Friday 4th April 2014

Easter Holiday – Monday 7th April – Monday 21st April

INSET Day (school closed to students) – Tuesday 22nd April

Summer Term

Wednesday 23rd April 2014 – Friday 23rd May 2014

May Day Bank Holiday – Monday 5th May, school closed

Half Term holiday – Monday 26th May – Friday 30th May

Monday 2nd June 2014 – Wednesday 23rd July 2014

INSET Day (school closed to students) – Wednesday 25th June

Thursday 26th June 2013 – school closed

Summer Holidays Thursday 24th July…

All events marked in red are INSET (Professional Development) days for school staff

or bank holidays.

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Moorhead Primary School

Prospectus 2013 - 14


The Governing Body This may also change throughout the year.

Chair of Governors

Sophie Bennman

Assistant Chair of Governors

Catherine Chambers

Local Authority appointed Members

- Ian Powell

- Liz Johnson

Parent Governors

Anne Laws

Kay Derbyshire

Kim Clarke

Lucy Rogers

Appointed Staff Members

Robert Rowland (PE)

Michael Kelly (Premises)

Julie Walter (Learning Support)

Community Governors

Kenneth Millington

Stephanie Hughes

Highlights of 2012-13

Events & Visitors

World Book Day

Safer Internet Day

Easter Fair

Book Fairs

Christmas Lunch

Comic Relief/Red Nose Day fundraising

Children in Need fundraising

Art Week & Art Week Exhibition

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Moorhead Primary School

Prospectus 2013 - 14


Sports Day



Art Week Exhibition


Open Days/Evenings

Black History Month celebrations

Extra curricular activities


Girls Netball




Homework Club

Calm Club




© Moorhead Primary School 2013