Proposed S&I Public Health Reporting Initiative Challenge There is a lack of harmonized activities to enable electronic data exchange between clinical and population care. There is a lack of harmonized activities to enable electronic data exchange across public health (PH) agencies There is no consistent practice on reporting patient safety and PH events, which negatively affect care quality, care coordination, population health surveillance, preparedness and response. Further Health IT (HIT) standardization efforts may become redundant or deficient without an unified approach for harmonization of PH business processes and functional requirements for PH information systems; and inclusion of public health in the full array of activities under the S&I Framework (standards harmonization and testing; standards-based product certification and deployment Scope Statement -Define approach for unifying PH and patient safety reporting requirements with clinical workflow and dataflow -Define PH priorities (business cases) and a Roadmap for HIT standardization for PH reporting between clinical care and PH -Define a roadmap for HIT standardization for individual and population levels reporting across PH agencies -Define milestones and timeline for each priority including any relevant dependencies or sequencing -Select 3-5 specific use cases for HIT standards harmonization, testing, standards-based HIT product certification and deployment Target Outcomes Population Health, Business Process/(workflow/dataflow/architecture), Standards, HIT systems -Unified approach for PH and patient safety reporting between clinicians and PH; and across PH at all levels of government -List of PH priorities (business cases) and a roadmap for HIT standardization for PH reporting between clinical care and PH; and across PH agencies -List of PH programs for inclusion into S&I Framework Initiatives for Stage 2-3 -Harmonized requirements and standards for PH and patient safety reporting for selected PH use cases within MUStages 2-3 Meaningful Use Alignment Public Health Reporting Initiative is in alignment with ONC HIT Strategic Plan’s Goals (2011-2015) Goal 2: Improve Care, Improve Population Health, and Reduce Health Care Costs through the Use of Health IT Goal 5: Achieve Rapid Learning and Technological Advancement (Lead the creation of a learning health system to support quality, research, and public and population health)

Proposed S&I Public Health Reporting Initiative 1 Challenge There is a lack of harmonized activities to enable electronic data exchange between clinical

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Page 1: Proposed S&I Public Health Reporting Initiative 1 Challenge There is a lack of harmonized activities to enable electronic data exchange between clinical

Proposed S&I Public Health Reporting Initiative



There is a lack of harmonized activities to enable electronic data exchange between clinical and population care. There is a lack of harmonized activities to enable electronic data exchange across public health (PH) agenciesThere is no consistent practice on reporting patient safety and PH events, which negatively affect care quality, care coordination, population health surveillance, preparedness and response. Further Health IT (HIT) standardization efforts may become redundant or deficient without an unified approach for harmonization of PH business processes and functional requirements for PH information systems; and inclusion of public health in the full array of activities under the S&I Framework (standards harmonization and testing; standards-based product certification and deployment

Scope Statement

-Define approach for unifying PH and patient safety reporting requirements with clinical workflow and dataflow-Define PH priorities (business cases) and a Roadmap for HIT standardization for PH reporting between clinical care and PH -Define a roadmap for HIT standardization for individual and population levels reporting across PH agencies-Define milestones and timeline for each priority including any relevant dependencies or sequencing-Select 3-5 specific use cases for HIT standards harmonization, testing, standards-based HIT product certification and deployment

Target Outcomes

Population Health, Business Process/(workflow/dataflow/architecture), Standards, HIT systems-Unified approach for PH and patient safety reporting between clinicians and PH; and across PH at all levels of government-List of PH priorities (business cases) and a roadmap for HIT standardization for PH reporting between clinical care and PH; and

across PH agencies-List of PH programs for inclusion into S&I Framework Initiatives for Stage 2-3-Harmonized requirements and standards for PH and patient safety reporting for selected PH use cases within MUStages 2-3

Meaningful Use Alignment

Public Health Reporting Initiative is in alignment with ONC HIT Strategic Plan’s Goals (2011-2015)Goal 2: Improve Care, Improve Population Health, and Reduce Health Care Costs through the Use of Health ITGoal 5: Achieve Rapid Learning and Technological Advancement (Lead the creation of a learning health system to support quality, research, and public and population health)

Potential Use Cases &


Use Cases2011-20141. Individual/Patient level reporting

a. Reporting from EHR/consumer to local/state/fed agencies

In the Futureb. Reporting from local/state to federal agencies

2. Population (Aggregate) level reportingb. Reporting from EHR to local/state/fed agenciesc. Reporting from local/state to federal agencies

User Stories (Business Cases)-Communicable Diseases (notifiable and reportable conditions)-Chronic Diseases (eg, Cancer, Diabetes)-Maternal and Child Health (eg, Early Hearing Detection and

Intervention (EHDI))-Adverse Event Reporting (devices, drugs, tobacco, foods)-Vital Records-Immunizations-Syndromic Surveillance ,and others

Standards and Stakeholders

Standards (examples)Data Standards (Vocabularies & Terminologies, eg, LOINC,

X12, SNOMED, UCUM)Information Content Standards (HL7 Reference Information

Model (RIM))Information Exchange Standards (eg, HL7 V2.x; HL7 CDA)Privacy & Security StandardsIdentifier Standards (eg, NPI)Functional Standards (IHEBusiness Process Standards (eg, BPN, BPEL)Interoperability Standards (ONC S&I guides, HITSP

Interoperability specifications, IHE Profiles)