
Proposals presentation

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Proposal One:Teenager moves onto a council estate, new to the area and doesn’t know anybody. Wants to make friends and get in with the ‘cool’ crowd, ends up meeting two people that introduce themselves to him and seem ok at first, invite him to a party. Teenager turns up at the party and upon arrival is immediately offers drugs and takes them due to the peer pressure. Shows him ‘tripping’ and then continuing to take them over a period of time. Ends up taking a bad batch and feeling the effects. Cliffhanger to entice people to watch – does he survive?

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Proposal Two: Teenage gang terrorise the area and are shocked when a new gang comes into the area. A big fight is organised in the woods, in which the two gangs compete with each other. A main theme of the trailer will be violence and gang violence and influences could be taken from British made, football hooligan film Green Street.

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