Proposal for a Children’s Art Yurt Intuitive learning from natural phenomena

Proposal for aChildren’s Art Yurt Web view · 2016-10-06Proposal for aChildren’s Art Yurt. ... A dedicated centre for this with links to Foxhole Community gardens. Exploring correct

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Proposal for a

Children’s Art YurtIntuitive learning from natural phenomena

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Page 3: Proposal for aChildren’s Art Yurt Web view · 2016-10-06Proposal for aChildren’s Art Yurt. ... A dedicated centre for this with links to Foxhole Community gardens. Exploring correct
Page 4: Proposal for aChildren’s Art Yurt Web view · 2016-10-06Proposal for aChildren’s Art Yurt. ... A dedicated centre for this with links to Foxhole Community gardens. Exploring correct

Holding art sessions in nature with children

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How have we been relating with other animals in the past ? How could we relate with them now?

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Play and imagination

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Page 8: Proposal for aChildren’s Art Yurt Web view · 2016-10-06Proposal for aChildren’s Art Yurt. ... A dedicated centre for this with links to Foxhole Community gardens. Exploring correct

* Children’s Art Yurt – an interspecies eco-experiment *

Nurturing sensitivity and an awareness of the natural relationships that exist around us.

A creative centre in the form of the nurturing space of an 18 foot yurt made from steam-bent Ash, and the surrounding wild space, bordered by native woodland. Group sessions of art are held here in the interspecies art yurt.

Creativity as a means of exploring and expression. The interplay between the forces of meditative listening, and active making. Honouring the child as an artist, and valuing the child’s process over any outcome.

Interspecies art – introducing the idea of creating together with respect to the other species and our planet as a whole.

Nature as artist, and beauty as education. Arts and science overlap in the exploration of the natural world and appreciation of its beauty. Laughter, joy, dance and play as being fundamental to healthy human creativity!

Professional artist-quality art materials are provided, as well as natural materials consciously gathered from the surroundings. Materials for crafts and permaculture gardening are provided to care for the space too.

Honouring the inherent wisdom of the child. Holistic deep education: drawing out from within by following their motivation to learn freely. The value of awareness and understanding over knowledge. An emphasis on play and experimentation, with liberation from the ideas of right and wrong. Inspired by the school in Russia called Tekos, which the children built entirely themselves.

Different ages of children play and experiment together, and children learn from other children. Information flows naturally from those who know to those who don’t yet know. Eventually adults are invited to gently visit and receive from the space, once the children have established the space within the natural environment. There may be several small groups each week, some age-specific groups, and others with different ages together. Ages range from infants to school aged children, as well as home educated families.

Who else lives here, however small? Inspiring attention to the marvels of the smallest of our native interspecies neighbours who live around us and under our noses here in the UK.

Exploration of our unique place as humans in our environment. How to create while respecting the integrity of the wild ecosystem. A dedicated centre for this with links to Foxhole Community gardens.

Exploring correct relationship: the respect of realising that we are visitors to their home, and we are in their ancestral landscape. What can we learn from the resident wildlife by spending time near them? Being a good neighbour in the community.

Introducing the idea of together learning directly from the animals and plants who live there. Also the concept of relating on a respectful and equal basis with others around us, no matter how small we are or how many legs or wings we have!

Possible outcomes: journals, site-sensitive art and sculpture, investigations, projects and art in response to meeting resident wildlife, intergenerational art, interspecies art, movement, music, improvisation.

The yurt and the space around it will take shape sensitively with respect to all who live here, and is an evolving living interspecies art installation. There may be forms and structures made from willow, or other natural materials woven subtly into the space. Animal paths and tunnels will be honoured. The project will be harmonious with the wild natural surroundings and bring a feeling of care to the land.

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www.naturalartmovement.co.uk “Intuitive learning from natural phenomena”

The field behind High Cross House is a Sanctuary A space offering a clean atmosphere to receive from and deeply listen to the land, and to access and receive

the higher frequencies of thought and inspiration. A sanctuary, protecting the sensitive insects and plants, and one that is fit to offer to our children. To offer our children a space to create that is safe and healthy is a fundamental to the ethos of respect.

A centre to explore the harmonious balance of the natural world. The site enjoys being situated in a pristine electromagnetic environment, away from man-made electromagnetic fields, and especially the newest and most invasive frequencies of environmental pollution1”.

A centre to honour the child in the spirit of the saying attributed to Jesus that says to enter the Kingdom of heaven we must “become like the little children”.

Sacred Ecology – the immersion in the living world of Gaia, to facilitate the two-way reciprocal process of ecstatic Gnosis. Life lives in us, and we live within Life.

“The Living Law is present in the trees, the land, the birds, our bowels, our skin, and the sky. We can encounter the living law whenever we listen to our nature...”(Essene Gospel of Peace)

Powerfully transforming reality through attention to our natural environment, for example giving our attention to a sign from the natural world, and spontaneously renaming ourselves ‘on the wing’ using the phrase ‘I AM...’ eg. “I am the feather on the lake”, or “I am the one red leaf on a pear tree”.( The Art of Soaring). Similar techniques are used in mindfulness and Ecotherapy.

Those who enter here are part of this experiment, and are making a promise to tread carefully and follow the animal paths. We enter with the intention of causing least negative impact and most positive contribution. Also to be aware from the moment we enter the gate to stay centred in our heart when encountering any creature, however small, and to communicate with equal respect (this applies especially for horse flies with whom we have established an understanding so far, based on mutual respect and gentle reminding; that with respect we are not for eating because we are doing important spiritual work! It is mutually understood that although we appreciate they are hungry, we ask kindly that they go elsewhere. Since then we have not been bothered by them or their friends.)

I propose High Cross House is a dedicated low-EMF ‘White Zone’ – Dartington’s first ‘White Zone’, an area where one can experience a ‘digital detox’, where friendship and creativity can flourish, unaffected by the appurtancies of modern technology. This is particularly helpful for those who are more sensitive to these technologies.

An experimental approach – offer it as an experiential opportunity – as part of the greater ‘educational experiment’ taking place here.

1 There is now sound scientific evidence for the non-thermal effects of microwave radiation (such as that which is emitted by mobile and cordless phones and wi-fi) on humans and animals and plants, and especially on children. It is now scientifically proven to interfere with thinking, feeling and sleeping, as well as causing fundamental damage to the brain DNA and body systems.

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Dartington has a reputation for leading the way with courageous experiential educational thinking, and this could be a fundamental facet of the new direction it is taking.

High Cross HouseA Natural Frequencies Space


I was drawn to the land behind High Cross House in early 2016 to begin the Interspecies Art Yurt Project (see the attached brochure ‘Interspecies Art Yurt’.) I felt that the project related in some way to the purpose of High Cross House, so when a meeting was held in June I attended and I was inspired to write a proposal. However, after the

meeting I had a strong impulse to ‘listen’ rather than project my own ideas onto the place.

The first section is a summary of my time ‘listening’ to the land at High Cross House, and offers a ‘feeling sense’ of High Cross House and its purpose. Dorothy Elmhirst and others since have received impressions which were an

integral part of their relationship with the land. So in keeping with the traditions of the founders I am offering my impressions of the place by tuning in over several months with the ‘subtle senses’. In itself this may also be part of

the answer as to the purpose of the building.

The second section proposes a practical solution as to how the initial vision of the Elmhirsts as well as the architect’s idea behind High Cross House may be carried forward into the future. This shows how the manifestation of its

purpose might be assisted on a practical level, through the preservation of a low electromagnetic field environment in High Cross House and the conscious and safe use of modern technology.

A ‘Felt Sense’ of the Purpose of High Cross House

I think that some things have a purpose inherent within them, and with sensitivity this purpose can be revealed. I offer these results of listening in this first section that they might provide some suggestions for the future use of the

building, and that perhaps the listening itself is part of the answer.

A ‘felt sense’ from the placeBalconies, patio, flat roof, windows – trees/stars. Blue paint – sky. Queen sweet chestnut tree. What do we feel when we enter here? Peaceful, light and spacious? It is built to mirror and connect with the natural world in which it is situated. Windows that allow natural light and simplicity, with views of the green space and mature trees outside. There is a strong presence of Nature all around. To the rear, the Queen Sweet Chestnut tree stands in the centre of the patch of land within which the building lies. From the position of my project on the land behind High Cross House I have seen, on this giant tree, chestnuts appear, swell, and reach full size. I am writing this proposal to share the fruits of the time I have spent meditating on High Cross House , as well as listening to people’s experiences who have spent time in the building.

2 Photograph by Jon Stein, Artist in Residence at High Cross House in 2012

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Having spent time there, it feels like the land behind is part of the same natural space as High Cross House, the large Sweet Chestnut tree as the centre of the area.

Symbolism of the Cross in High Cross House The ‘Cross’ has reference to the four elements, seasons, directions of the natural world, as well as

suggested by the square nature of the form. The Spirit, the 5th element, is suggested by the ‘High’ in High Cross, and the spiritual qualities implicit here.

High Cross inspires us in balancing our creativity: the Cross shows the vertical axis of spirit, with the horizontal axis of the Earth Plane. Artists traditionally had the role of bringing Spirit to Earth. The other axis connects the yin/inward forces of receptivity and listening, and the yang/outward forces of action and creation. This can be seen as also the balance between masculine and feminine. The centre is a place of balance, in the dance of receptive listening and active creation.

Similarly, one axis can be seen as ‘space’ concentration: from local to international, crossing the other which is ‘time’: from past to future. In the centre is the here and now, or everywhere and always.

The name High Cross also had significance for the Interspecies Art Yurt in the field behind the house 3 – The animal cross sees the intersection of the vertical human axis and the horizontal axis of the animals, which is meaningful for a project which explores the relationship between us and the other species. As David Abram put it, we are only Human when in relationship to the forces of Nature and the other species around us.

If this ‘listening’ and tuning in with the subtle senses was also in keeping with the original vision, then maybe it is an important factor in maintaining the spirit of the place.

High Cross House: Local Spirit

Past Here / Now Future Yin /listening Centre of creativty Yang/action

International Earth / Matter

“Everywhere and always”

Impressions of its purpose suggested by the architecture High Cross House was years ahead of its time Light, Space Views of the green space and framing of the mature trees outside Nature: the Living Word The elements and the weather: the variety of spaces provided around the house included indoor spaces with

a view to the outside, outdoor garden spaces uncovered, outdoor garden spaces covered, balcony spaces uncovered, and balcony spaces roofed, and roof spaces.

3 See Appendix 4 or brochure entitled ‘The Children’s Art Yurt’

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The building seems to have been designed so as the inhabitants actively experience connection with nature. It seems to have an interactive and harmonious relationship with the environment. The balconies patio and flat roof are ideal for viewing the natural world, and to enjoy the possibility of sleeping under the stars. The square four walled spaces that offer a feeling of stability, also suggest a connection with the four elements (the fifth invisible yet ever present element, spirit, is undefined.) The blue paint that is chosen for the walls outside and the carpet inside mirrors the blue of the sky and is also a colour familiar in spiritual qualities.

The way that the rooms lead from one to another seem to suggest a feeling of collaboration. Likewise there is a physical connection with Aller Park – allowing a path from students to head master. It feels like the connection to educational experimentation, progressive thinking and collaboration is also within the building’s story.

Summary of felt sense of the purpose of High Cross House

Calm, peaceful, collaboration, far-reaching, globally significant ideas, space, natural light, interactive connection with Nature, balance of ‘masculine’ action and ‘feminine’ listening, clean and clear space so spirit can come through, Artists linking Spirit to Earth.

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The Interspecies Art Yurt behind High Cross House

Pleasant.... enjoy the Nature.... Queen Sweet Chestnut tree in the centre..... a peaceful place.

Why I chose this land: Nature, ecosystem intact.

Children and animals... we come here to listen, and create. Ideas,, listen, vision.

Explore our inherent sensitivity to our nature, and sensitivity to our natural surroundings. Create from this place.

Explore humans’ relationship with the other species.

Consciously reducing the use of technology that interferes with the pristine environment allows us to explore and develop our sensitivity to our natural surroundings. Develop our instincts, intuition and sensitivity.

In the spirit of the project that is birthed in the land behind the house, I’m extending the invitation to the adults.

I feel like I have been brought here to anchor this sensitivity to the land and protect the space. The wild pristine nature around the house will love to enjoy the clean and clear electromagnetic environment.

“...the stillness brings such peace. Day warm, no wind, soft...heavenly”

“Every tree can make its appropriate gesture to us. Nature needs from us a spring of suggestions and ideas that will never dry up.”

“Ecstasy swept over me as I heard my first blackbird singing”

Extracts from Dorothy Elmhirst’s Garden diaries

“It seemed over time to weave itself into the choreography of the garden, balancing and counterbalancing”

Dartington Garden Lovers’ response to the tree’s fall (‘Ghond’, the Tiltyard Montery Pine, in 2014)

“What a joyful place!

Children love it: natural frequencies!

Land celebrates

Rabbits Foxes Shrews Insects Bees

“Please preserve our pristine electromagnetic ecosystem””

(The Interspecies Art Yurt, 2016)

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Appendix 4: The Interspecies Art Yurt and the connection to High Cross House

The Interspecies Art Yurt as a centre where we can bring the future into the present

I was drawn to this particular piece of land on which to site the project, and over time I have felt that the artistic and educational experiment taking place here is inherently connected to the purpose of High Cross House.

Experimental education Project – gardening of souls – where... Each child is honoured as a unique individual Met on a deep level Allowed to grow into the Human being they are With a sensitive relationship with the natural environment around them And in relationship with the human community in the spirit of collaboration Assist them to keep and unfold their innate creativity Support their freedom of creativity – an experiential co-creation with the land Honour the child deeply in their innate wisdom to unfold their own education. Myself and assistants are

there to support their self directed unfoldment from their centre; like each flower they are unique. Facilitation- like a garden, we honour the pristine nature whilst assisting and tending when needed A creative experiential experiment: a ‘natural frequency’ environment for health clarity and respect - no

technology is used on site that will interfere with the electromagnetic integrity of the land and its inhabitants (e.g. Wi-fi/mobile phones/other microwave technology eg. Bluetooth).

A notable inspiration for visionary educational methods is the school in Russia called Tekos, that the children built themselves4. Tekos School model – “grow complete human beings”. Natural education – information flows freely from one who knows to one who doesn’t know yet.

“Some people come here and talk about being in the here and now. I teach my children to be everywhere and always” (Schetenin)

High Cross HouseLocal

Past Here / Now Future


“Everywhere and always”

4 A full length documentary on the Tekos school in Russia is available to view on You Tube. Tekos is not publicised or filmed much due to the emphasis placed there on being in the moment. In my opinion It cannot be grouped with other educational models that show gradual improvements in schooling methods commonly seen in the west today, it is something quite unique and appears more like it is downloaded from the ancient Flower of Life.

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A Sanctuary

This beautiful garden!

The trees, the flowers, the birds.

We love this space

To be clean and clear

To receive and listen

With open ears

We all welcome this idea!

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Recent Photos

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The Interspecies Art Yurt is an experimental educational project, from Natural Art Movement (www.naturalartmovement.co.uk), and is a supporter of ES UK, the country’s Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Charity

And is also generously supported by