Prophetic Study Attitudes Rev. 22:10 ASV And he saith unto me, Seal not up the words of the prophecy of this book; for the time is at hand.

Prophetic Study Attitudes

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Prophetic Study Attitudes . Rev. 22:10 ASV And he saith unto me, Seal not up the words of the prophecy of this book; for the time is at hand. . Charles T. Russell in 1911. rophetic Study Attitudes. `. Prophetic Study Attitudes. Quote from Daniel 12:8-9 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Prophetic Study Attitudes

Rev. 22:10 ASVAnd he saith unto me, Seal not up the words of the prophecy of this book; for the time is at hand.

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Charles T. Russell in 1911


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Prophetic Study Attitudes

Quote from Daniel 12:8-9 “And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my lord,

what shall be the issue of these things? And he said, Go thy way, Daniel; for the words are shut up

and sealed till the time of the end,” beginning after 1799 or the 1260 years.

– During the 19th Century, the book of Daniel was opened. – In a letter from 1704 which has gone on show in Jerusalem’s

Hebrew University, Isaac Newton uses the Bible’s Book of Daniel to calculate the date for the Apocalypse.

– He determined from the book of Daniel that the 1260 years from 800 A.D., the date of the Holy Roman Empire’s beginning, would be fulfilled in 2060 A.D.

– William Miller predicted 1844 A.D. as the end of the 1335 days.– Not till CTR would the true 1260, 1290 and 1335 days be


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Prophetic Study Attitudes

Quote from CTR about Revelation- R 3572:5 “At the time the features of the symbolical Revelation shall come to be understood and appreciated by the Lord's people, we may know that the time of the completion is near at hand.”

Rev. 22:7 Then the Master speaks to all of his Church who have ears to hear, saying, "Behold, I come quickly: Blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book." The intimation seems to be that the book being symbolical, none can understand it except as its seals are loosed, as its message opens before the Lord's people; and that when its sayings, its teachings come to be appreciated, it may be recognized by those who do understand it as an evidence that the Lord's second advent and the establishment of his Kingdom are close at hand.”


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Prophetic Study Attitudes

Quote from B19– “Take ye heed, watch and pray; for ye know not when the time

is....And what I say unto you, I say unto all, Watch." Mark 13:32,33,37. These words of our Lord cannot be understood to mean that none but the Father will ever know of his times and seasons; hence it no more proves that we cannot know those times and seasons now, than that our Lord cannot know them now. And the very fact that the entire outline of our Father's plan, and also his times and seasons, are now clearly discernible, is strong proof that we are now living in the time of the end of the present dominion of evil, and the dawn of the Millennial Day, when knowledge should be increased, and the wise should understand. (Dan. 12:4,10) If prophecy was never designed to be understood, there could have been no reasonable object in giving it.” Should we exclude Revelation from this quote? RKC


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Prophetic Study Attitudes Introduction

Our assignment: “Proper Attitude for Revelation Study” But first, a few words about deciding to Study

Revelation. Our Class spent four years from start to finish. It took a three hour business meeting for the Class to

approve. In the end, a compromise to study Volume 1 the first hour

on Sunday, and Revelation the second hour was the tie breaker.

Then, the second biggest decision was “How do we study Revelation?”



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Prophetic Study Attitudes

Definition of Attitude- Webster’s Dictionary– An attitude is a hypothetical construct that represents

an individual's degree of like or dislike for something. Attitudes are generally positive or negative views of a person, place, thing, or event— this is often referred to as the attitude object.

– “I feel much freer now that I am certain the pope is the Antichrist.” ~ Martin Luther

– A person will sometimes devote all his life to the development of one part of his body – the wishbone.” ~Robert Frost

– Tit 1:12 “One of themselves, a prophet of their own, said, Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, idle gluttons.” V 13 “This testimony is true”.



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Prophetic Study Attitudes

Some Considerations to Think About

Prerequisites should be considered by the Elders before voting on Revelation.

How many of the Class have studied ALL the volumes? How many have a good understanding of Volumes 2,3, and 4.

Many Bible Students refer to these three as “The Prophetic Package of the Bible Students”.

Volumes 2 and 3 should be studied as a whole before a Revelation Study. For sure, Volume 4 should be studied before Revelation 15-18 are studied.

Like studying calculus before algebra. Let’s say your Ecclesia has 15 regular attendees.

There are three Elders who have studied all the Volumes but not Revelation.

Five of the Fifteen attendees have been consecrated less than five years and not completed even one Volume Study.

Only two, besides the Elders, have studied all the Volumes. Class Revelation Study may not be a wise decision. 11

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Prophetic Study Attitudes

Question1- “How do Elders discourage Class Rev. Study, if the Class is ill prepared to undertake it?” Elders should not discourage but encourage the Brethren.

If after recommending to the Class that a better knowledge of the Volumes and the NT, like Matt. 13, 24-25, should come first and the Class disregards the advice, THEN do the Revelation Study.

Why? Elders are “servants” of the Class not “dictators”. Some learning will occur because God promised it, “Rev 1:3 “How

blessed is the one who reads aloud and those who hear the words of this prophecy and keep what is written in it, for the time is near!”

EBC “He that readeth -- The very reading of it will bring a blessing. A27; R2827:5; OV7:T; Even though they do not understand. R2827:5.”

“To keep means to observe and watch”- S 5083


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Prophetic Study Attitudes

Question 2- “How should Elders and participants prepare for the Rev. Study?” Elders should take the lead in preparing materials and informing

the Class their plan for covering the section of Revelation under study.

Elders should prepare questions ahead of time. Short biographies of the seven messengers- Redeker Elders should assign homework ahead of time. This could be available

CTR references, other authorities, charts and outlines. Handout examples will be on next two slides.

Participants will get out of the study what they put into it. So, they should seriously prepare before the meeting as indicated and ask their questions.

By the way, I only consider other authorities that I know recognize CTR as 1. “7th Messenger”, 2. “Wise and Faithful Servant of Matt. 24”, and 3. “The man with the Writer’s Inkhorn of Ezek 9.”


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Prophetic Study Attitudes

Question 3 “How is it best to keep a study on track and not constantly straying off the subject?”

Be diplomatic, kind and never embarrass anyone or show contempt. The Leader can just answer or address the point but then say “we must get back to the main subject.”

This is true for any type of study. Revelation is not diffferent. Stop the meeting and ask the Brethren if they want to divert discussion

to the variant topic. Question 4 “How should opposing thoughts be handled”.

With patient forbearance… Consider next slide. Never embarrass or chastise an individual for their ideas and points. It also depends on what the opposition is: For example are the 7 last plagues in the past, in progress, all future? Who are the “24 Elders?” Who is the “Angel” in Rev. 17:7? Is it CTR?


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Prophetic Study Attitudes Question 5 “How can Leaders make sure that Brethren with

differing degrees of knowledge or abilities be blessed and not become lost in details and complexity?” Ecclesias around the country are groups that usually include

newly consecrated, 50 years plus consecrated ones and all the ones in between. So, what do you do so that ALL are blessed?

Elders must know each member well enough to keep ALL interested.

Question 6 “How can we increase the comfort of changing our opinions of both self and others?” Romans 12:2 says “be ye transformed by the renewing of your

mind.” All our studies should be change experiences and that includes

changes of our opinions. If all our opinions have not changed since making our

consecration, spiritual growth isn’t happening. Our comfort zone should be expanding as we get older.


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Prophetic Study Attitudes

Question 7 “How can attitudes of respect for others be inculcated?” Webster- “To teach and impress by frequent repetitions or admonitions; to

urge on the mind; as, Christ inculcates on his followers humility.” Respect (to regard to consider) for others can be reached by being a good

listener and prove ALL things by Scripture. It is easy to see whether someones comments are human thoughts or

spiritual ones. We should always respect the latter.

Question 8 “If more than one leader will conduct the study, how should it be divided?”If more than one Leader will conduct the study, how should it be divided?

If possible, subject matters with natural chapter or topic breaks should be assigned each Leader for the sake of continuity.

For example, one Leader should cover Church, Trumpet, Seal by Period. So, rotate seven times when covering that material.

If studying Chapter 12, one Leader could cover whole Chapter or divide it into two logical parts- Part 1- verses 1-9; Part II- verses 10-17.


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Prophetic Study Attitudes

Different Attitudes About Prophetic Bible Study Because Revelation is mainly a prophetic book, expect different

attitudes about: Who are the seven messengers and what’s their authority. The length of the harvest which is covered in chapters 14-19. What are the seven last plagues and are they past, present, or

future? When does the Millenium of Revelation 20 begin? In 1874? Or,

when Church is Complete? Or, a hybrid of the two? And, more ,,,,,,,,,,

Given our differences our attitudes should be:Humble, First and ForemostTolerant or Patient with Each OtherPromote Christian Liberty On Prophetic Matters