Propellers in Yaw

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  • 8/9/2019 Propellers in Yaw


    REPORT No.





    It wws realized aa early m 1909 that a propeller in yawrelops a side force like that of a$m In IW7, R. Q. Harri8pressed fhiu force in term of the torguu co@+nt for theyawed propeller. Of wreral attempts to exprm the sidece directly in ternu of the 8hape of the bhI&8, howerer, ?Mn8

    been completely sati actoqi. An analysis that incorpeee induction e$ects not adequately corered in pnmiow workd that @es good agreement with ezperhent owr a m-denge of operating condition is pre8ented herein. The pre8entalysis 8howa that thejn analogy may be cztended to theformthe de-force expre88ion and that the e~ectire jin area maytaken a8 the projedd side area of the propeller. The ejfe~

    e apect ratio i8 of the order of 8 and the appropriate @urmicessure is roughly that at the propeller disk a8 awgmented bgte i@ow. The &tion of the injlow celocity, for a jied-tch propel?er, aceownti for most of the &ion of de forceth adrancediameter ratio T\nD.I%e propeller forces due to an anguikr cefooi~ of pitch are

    80 analyzed and are 8hown to be cqy mnd for the ptching

    mnti that may actually be r~alized in nuzneurer8, with theception of the 8pin.Further conclwona are: A duulhng propeller in yawrelop up to one-third more 8ide fome than a tingle-rotatingopeller: A yawed single-rotating propeller experience atching moment in addition to the aide force. The pitchingoment is of the order of the moment produced by a foroe equalthe aide force, ahng at the end of a fecer arm equal to the

    opeller mdim. 7Ms cross-coupling between pitch and WWsmall but possibly mot negligible.The formula for propeller8 in yaw derhed herein (mth the

    ce~on of the oompre88ibz~ity co~on) and a 8e4=esojarta of the m-de-forcedentire calculated therefrom hare been

    e8t?ntedmthout derivation in an earlier report.INTRODUCTION

    The effect of power on the stabfity and control of aircraftbecoming of greater importance with increase in engine

    utput and propeIIer solidity. An important part of thisfect is due to the aerodynamic forces experienced by theopeller under any deviation from uniform flight parallel

    the thrust axis. The remaining part is due to the introrence between the propeller slipstream and the other partsthe airphme structure.A number of workers have considered the forces experi-

    enced by thepropelIer. It was pointed out in 1909(reference 1)apparently by Manchester, that a propeller in yawdevelops a considerable aide force. The bmic analysis wsspubIished in 1918 by R. G. Harris (reference 2), who showedthat a pitching moment arises as well. Glauert (references 3and 4) extended the method to derive the other stabilityderivatives of a propeUer.

    Harris and Glauert e.xpreesed the forces and momentm

    in terms of the thrust and torque coefficientsfor the unyawedreaumably to be obtained qeri-ropeIIer, which w-em pmenttiy. The emdyeea did not take into account certaininduction eilecte analogous to the dowrmash associated witha tite wing. It is noteworthy that with a semiempiricalfactor the Harris eqpation for side force doea give goodagreement with experiment. (Sss reference 5.) Fiatoleai(reference 6) in 1928 considered the induction effects but histreatment was restricted to an idedized particular caseKhngemann and VTeinig (reference 7) in 193S published ananalysis neglecting the induction effects; the treatmentappears almost identical with the account given in 193k byG1auert in reference 4.

    There have been aeveraI notable attempts to express theaideforce directly in terms ofthe shape of thebladea. Baimtow(reference 8) prwmted a detailed amdysia in 1919 thatnegleeted the induction effects. Mid al (referenee 9)pub-lished an investigation in 1932 that did not have this limita-tion and that is probably the most accurate up to the present.Miszt.sls redt, however, is in a very complex form from thepoint of view of both practicaI computation and physicalinterpretation; there is, in addition, an inaccuracy in theomission of the effects of the additional apparent mass of theair disturbed by the sidewash of the slipstream.

    Tery recentIy Rumph,White,and Grumman (reference 10published an amdysis that reIates the side force directly to

    the plan form in a very aimple manner. Reference 10, how-ever, (1) does not include the ordinary inflow in the amdysiaand (2) applies mat eady-lift theory in an improper manneT toaccount for the induction effects. As a consequence of (l),the equations are badly m error at high slipstream velocities.A a consequence of (2), the equations fail to predict thesubstantial increase in aide foroe that experiment ahowe isprovided by dual rotation. The improper use of qnateady-lift theory consisted in using formulas that apply to the caseof a fite airfoiI with an essentially rectilinear wake. Thevortex 100PSshed by the finite airfoti, which produce theinterfermce flow, are distributed aIong this rectilinear wake.


  • 8/9/2019 Propellers in Yaw



    e corresponding vortex loops shed by a propeller blade inw, howevm, lie along the heli~ path traversed by thede. The interference flow iE quite d&rent from thew for the case of a rectilinear wake. In fact, it cm beown that the vortex loops shed during the unsteady liftne themselves in such a way as to produce an inflow anti-mmetry. Thie antieymmetry is one of the two induction

    ects that will be deduced in the present analysis fromomentum considerations,To sum up, there are available no analyses baaed on theade shape that are sufficiently accurate over the wholenge of propeller operating conditions and the analysis thatthe most accurate is not in a satisfactorily simple form.r this reason a new method of analysis is premmtd that isattempt at greater simplicity and acuuracy. The present

    alysis shows that the fin analogy may be extended to them of the side-force expression. The effective fin area

    ay be taken as the projected aide area 1o f the propellerd the effective aspect ratio is of the order of 8. Thisuivalent fin area may, with small error, be regarded as

    uated in the inflow at the propeller disk and subject to therresponding augmented dynamic pressure. The variationth V/nD of the dynamic pressure ~t we prop~er disk, forfixed-pitch propeller, therefore accounts for most of theriation of side force with V/nD.


    The formulas of the pr~nt report refer to a system ofdy axea. For single-rotating propellers, the origin is ate intersection of the axis of rotation and the plane ofation; for dual-rotating propellers, the origin is on theis of rohstion halfway beLweenthe planes of rotation of the

    ont and rear propellers. The X-axis is coincident with the

    is of rotation and directed forward; the Y-axis is directedthe right and the z-axis is directed downward. Thembols are defined aa folIowe:


    propeller diameterdisk area (d7/4)Wingareatip radiusradius to any blade element ,.minimum radius at which shank blade sections

    develop lift (taken as 0.22?)fraction of tip radius (r/l?) -value of z corresponding to r. (rJR)ratio of spinner radius to tip radiusnumber of bladcablade section chordti reference chord





    solidity at 0.75R (+c)

    of sound in free stream

    an normal acceleration9 acceleration of gravityT7a axial velocity at propeller disk (1(1+a)j~ 7 velocity component in direction of decreasing d

    of relative wind at Made clcrncnt(2xnr-Slipstream rotational velocity)

    ~7a slipstream velocity far behhd propeller (in pmc-tice, 1 diam. or more) (V(l+2a))

    I ()1 q ; aleo, angu-fre~tream dynamic pressure ~pl

    lar velocity of pitchingM ; function defied in equation (1)

    fu.pction defined in equation (2)

    f(a) - q-factor ((1+a)[(1+a)+(l+2a

    1+(1 +2fz)~ q)



    revolutions per secondadvance-diameter ratio (1/nD)blade angle ta reference chord

    blade angle to zerdift chord.-


    angle of- blade relative LOY-axis mmsured indirection of rotation

    effective helix anglo including inflow and rotnlion

    (tin-*)angle of yaw, radianseffective M@ of attack of Made clcmcnt (A- )angle of qidewcsh in slipstream far behhd

    propellernominal induced angle of eidcwaeb at.propeller diskeffectivo average induced angle of sidcwash at

    propeller diskeidewaah velocity far behind propcllwairplane lift coefEcicntblade section lift cocfiicicnt


    blade section profikhng coefficienteIope of blade section lift curve, pm radian (dk@x;

    average value t,nken as 0.95X2r)force component on a Mndo clcrncnt in directionF

    of decre-ming8 (&w fig. 1.)T thrustTe thrust coefficient (T/pVW)c= thrust ooticient (T/pns17)Q torqueQ tirque coefbient (Q/pPU)w weight of airplaneX, Y, Z forces directed along positive

    --, Y-, and ZLaxes,re~ti~elydirections of X-,..

  • 8/9/2019 Propellers in Yaw


    M, N


    , B,C, Db,

    0, d, 6s





    momente about X-, K, and Zkes, wpeotiveIy,in sense of right-handed screw; in appendix Band figure 9, Al refers to the freestream Machnumber

    effective Mach number for propeIIer side force (Seeappeudix B.)

    functions defied in equations (4]

    integrels defied by equations (21) and (30)

    integde defined by equations (31) and (32)

    ()sid~a index defked by equation (41) ~a

    integraI deilned by equation (42) ~~hl)

    inkgrel deilned by equation (43) ~~d)

    defied by equation (24) (zero for dud-rotatingpropellem)

    detied by equation (44) (zero for dud-rotating

    propeIIers)defid by equation (45)correction factor defuled by equation (34)eidewash faotor detied by equation (35)spinner factor defined by equation (36)constant in equation for k,


    M ~ 8Mpitohing-moment coefficient;PPDS r



    side-force derivative with respect to raw (bCr / b )

    pitahing-moment derivative with respect to yaw(ac./a*)

    side-force derivative with respect to pitibing

    (4%)) ~


    2pitchi~moment derivative with respect to


    (w) hprojected side area of propeIkr (See footnote I.)aspect ratio

    Ubscrilltxcmessured at 0.75R station (3=0.75}chided by pVW if a force, by pPD if a moment;

    designates quantities corrected for com~i-btity in appendix B and @JIW 9

    effectiveindex that takes the values 1 to 1? to designate a

    particular propelIer blademaximumat stall

    A bar over a symbol denotes effective average value.

    IN YAW 1



    The seotion shown in figure 1 is part of a right-hand pro-peller blade moving to the right and. advancing upward.The oomponente of the relative wind are V. md VAwhereV is th~ axial velocity inc.ludiqg the inflo~ and Ii is therotational veloaty includiqg tie slipstream rotaticm The

    force component in the direotion of decreasing 8 h:

    dF=dL sin +iD cos +

    =;~~=~b dr( )

    cl sin +cq 00s @am: ~

    =$% di~l(~)] (

    and the contribution. to the thrust ia

    dT=dL COS+dD ain

    =;V;b dftl(+)] (

    The equations may be divided by PPD to reduoe the termb nondimensional form. Inasmuch as J.= V(1+a), thereresults


    a -


  • 8/9/2019 Propellers in Yaw




    Foroe components on bhde eIement.In equations (1)nd (2) for dF and dfl, V. occurs explicitly in the factor V;nd implicitly in d and in tmns depending on ; Vooccurs

    only implicitly in and in terms depanding on . The

    elationship ie ~=tan-~, which can .be sem in @ure 1.

    By partial dilh.mntiation, therefore, the increments in dFnd dZdue to any small changes whatsoever in Vg mdre, for fied bIade angI~

    [ 1dfl= = ~ W,+ b(dn+ a(~ a+ dvex Tm

    nd tt similar expression for 6(dT). The substitution


    ofquations (I) and (2) gives, whm put in nondimensional

    The following abbreviations are helpful:


    -(6 O.nw



    where fl and tl are defined in equations (1) and (2), respec-ively. Equations (3) become

    where all the factors are nondimensional.Foroes and moments experienced by oomplete propeUer,

    Equations (5) give the component-force increments due toh%red flight conditions on an element of a single blade,ivided by pVW. The force and moment incrementsxperienced by the complete propehr of B bkulea, withespect to the body axea shown in figure 2, maybe written as








    ~f(=+d -//4

    =Y9 iiAhfomenta:




    where the subscript k refers to the M propdlcr M&. Inorder to obtain the nondimensional form X. 1.Z. and Taredivided by PI*D to give X., Y., Z,, and T, &nd L, M, Nand Qare divided by PVW to give L, dfc, Net md Q- In ihcequations (6) b (11), ~(dl)~becomes ~(dFJ~, t3(dT)Elxwomcs

    ~(dl,)~, and r becomes ~=~. The lim~ta of integration be-

    Stabiiity derivatives of propalhr,-Tho anal@s up to thhpoint has been of a genen-d nature in that Lhoformulas aroappkcable, for a &d-pitch propeller, to any type of dcvia~ionhorn steady axial advancethat is, f.ho formulas may boused tualculatedl the stability dcrivativee of a fixed-pitdtpropeller. In addition, the formulas arc applicable to theestabtity derivatives of a conetant-epcwl propeller that aronot aesmc.iatedwith .changcs in blade angle. This roslrictioncould he removed, however, by extending the analysis at theouteet to include a term in d & .

    A particular stabfity derivative can bo obtained bydetermining and substituting in cquatione (5) tlm values ofdVc/Va--lnd dlJV= appropriate to tho motion under con-sideration. For dual-rotating propellers equations (5) mustbe setup independently for both propeller sections with signsappropriate ta the respective dimctione of rotation. }alucsof dVt/V~ and dT~.V= that are average for both ecctione arused for each section. Note that dl~ is tho chango in thcomponent of the effective relative wind acting on a Madoin ita phme of rotation and d V~must therefore includo theeffect cdany changes induced by the motion in the rot~ltionalspeed of the propeller relative to the airplane.

  • 8/9/2019 Propellers in Yaw



    The posaible unaccelemted motions of a propeIIer compriselight (1) at a steady angIe of yaw, (2) at a steady angle ofitch, (3) with an anguhm vehcity of yaw, (4) tith LUIngularelocity of pitch, (5) with an angdar w40dy of roll, (6) withn incremeut in forward speed, and any combination of these.t is clear from thesyrnmetry of the propder that motions (1)nd (2) are similar and motions (3) and (4] are aimilsr.

    Accordingly, of t~e si.. possible dev@ions of a propeller fromgiven mode of stectdy @d advance, only four are distinct.

    Tke four maybe taken as angIe of yaw $, angular docityf pitch q, angular ~eloaty of rd, and increment in forwardelocity.

    G1auert has show in ref~e 3 that neither yawed fliitor flight with an angular veloci@ of pitch, when these &-urbances me and, changes the torque on the propelIer.

    Accordingly, neither mode wDI tend to change the rotationalelocity, and derivati~es with respect to ya~ or angdar

    velocity of pitch are independent of the rate of change ofngine torque with engine revolutions. Furthermore, remdtsor these derivatives obtained for ~ &d-pitch propelkr

    re equally appIicnble to a dcmstent+peed propelIer becausehe constant-speed mechanism is no-t brought into operation.Both angdar velocity of roII and increment in forward

    veIocity clearly affect the torque of the propeIIer. The enginewiUattempt to alter its revolutimw to attain an equilibriumvalue. If the propeller has fixed pitch, the adjustment willake pIace and its amount will depend upon the law of wria-ion of tmgine torque with engine revolutions for the particu-ar engine used. (See reference 3.) If the propeJler is of theonstant-peed type, the pitch-change mechanism wiII at-empt to alter the blade pitch; the resdting change in aero-ynamic torque opposea the change in revolutions. The fluc-uations in rotational speed and the associated variations in

    erodynamic torque and thrust of the propeller are then func-ionally rdated to the law of control of the pitcldmnge mech-nism and the dynamics of its operation. (See reference 11.]

    The present report wiUbe limited to a study of the effectsf yaw and of angular velocity of pitch. In the folIowingections dT;/T, and dTJ~= are ewdnated for yawed motion.

    PEOPELLERLVYAWkti d17JV. for yawed motion,-The increment d~t is

    he component parallel ta Ttof a side-wind velocity computedas foIIowa: The docity T=is regarded by analogy withwing theory as passing through the propeller disk at anngle -dtothe sxis, whwe iathem@e ofyavrandd

    may be termed the induced sidewash angle (@. 2). Theide-wind velocity, for small value of both and c, isccordiiy T=( e)

    The aidewaeh arises horn the am-wind forces. Theseorces are the cross-wind component of the thrust 2 sin

    anti of the side force Imown to be produced by yaw 1?cos .See @. 3.) The analysis is restricted to small ; theseomponents are then approximately ~ and K

    If the sidewash veloaty far behind the propeller is Unhe induced sidewssh at the propellm may be taken as uJ2

    by analogy with the relation between the induced down-wash at a finite wing and the downwash far behind the wing.Note that 1 diame~ may be consider@ far behind the

    ropeller es regards the axial dipstream velocity; 95 percent

    of the final inflow velocity is attained at this distance.M8107~14

    IN YAW 1

    AEa first approximation, thrust and side force are assumedto be uniformIy distributed over the propelIer dwk; cor-rections due to the actual distributions are investigated inappendix A. Under this assumption the momentum theory,supported qualitatively by vort- considerations, showsthat the slipstream is deflected sidewise as a rigid cylindThe sidewise motion induces a flow of air around the slip-stream as in @ure 4. The transverse momentum of thflow is, accordii to Mu& (refamce 12), equal to the trans-vasa momentum of another cyhder of air ha* the samediameter as the slipstream at aU pointe and moving sidewisewith the same velooity es the slipstrtim boundary. hotethat the air within the slipstream has a @water sidewiscomponent of vekiaty than does the slipstream lxwndary..Far back of the propeller the ratio is }=l+2a. The tim

    rate of dumge of the transverse momentum of the air flowingat f&-stream velocity through this second cylinder shouldbe included in setting up the momentum relat ions forsidewash.

  • 8/9/2019 Propellers in Yaw



    By equatting the cross-wind force to the total time rate ofange of rnomcmtum,

    the first order in ~, where the flret term on the right is thentribution of the dipstmam and the second term is the

    ntribution of the air displaced by the slipstream. Onviding by pTnLP and usiug the relations T7S=~7(1 +a) and,= T-(1+2U),

    V I 2 = : (T . +Y,)

    * =F i Ai I =d )

    here e is. the induced angle of eidewash at the propeIIm.auert (reference 4) deduom almost. twice this value atall vahes of a by ncghcting the reaction of the air dis-ced by tho slipstream.It waa shown earlier that the effeotive side wind in thene of the propeller is V,( - e) and .d~cs the oompcmntallel to Tt; that is,

    dT@= V=( -d) sin (l (13)

    e value of c from equation (12) may be introduced and

    reIation ~ T,=a(l +a), from simple momentum theory,

    y be used to eliminata T.. There results

    Eado d~a/~c for yawed motion.-k V.= ~7(1+a) for uh-wed motion, the changes produced by yaw are

    dla dV daT.=T+l+arnlYa



    dV/V, which is cos $ 1-$ is neglected as being of theond order in t.In order to evaluate da, Ilgure 2 i s fit considered. Themponent of the effective tide wind in the direction oppositethe blade rotation is d~r~= VJx-c) sin 6. This componenta to increase the relative wind at the blade, and therefore

    thrust, in quadrants 1 and 2; it acts to decrease the rela-e wind, and therefore the thrust, in quadrants 3 and 4.ore exactly, the change in thrust due to the side wind istributed shmeoidally in (?. It is C.lemthat thk incrementalust distribution by its antieymmetry produces a pitchingment.Momentum considerations require an increase in Mow in

    adranta 1 and 2, where the tbruet is increased, and a

    decrease. in inflow in quadrante 3 and 4, whrc k thrustk decreased. The variation should be sinusoidal in &and theassumption that the vmiation is directly proportional W lhcradius is mfliciently accurate for computing the cffcc~ onthe side force. Such a repreaentdion is illuetratcd in ligurc 5.



    Fmmx APa8swUvevimof Um admembmlr@oftbesmImed er6mudlnn0w.

    The analytical expression is

    =kr sine (1

    where k k a constant to bo dctcrmincd. Applying th[ mo-mentum theory to evaluate the pitching mornrnt M in termsof the Mow modifications producccl by (11cpitrhing monlcnLgiv$ s :.

    S SM= E *PIJ de dr r sin 8(2 dr)


    By substitution of the relation for dn,


    E ~ sin* o dfl dr00

    Upon inti$gration, ,k=(_R ,.

    but, by equations (16) and (17),

    dVa dar-m

    kr sin O

    -xor .

    ..- .-


    hmnation over blade index k.Tha compmcnt-vehmityincremaute due to yaw have bcm obtained in the preceding

    two Seotione as

  • 8/9/2019 Propellers in Yaw




    here the subscript k hqs been added to refer to conditionsthe Mh propelIer blade. These values of fl~/V= and

    ~~z may be substituted in equations (5) ta yield TMLIUW$(dF) end d (dT,). The values of 6M.F,) and 6(dT) thus

    und may be inserted in equationa (6) to (11), vrhichve the several forces and moments the propeller mightonceivably experience.The summations orer k indicated in equations (6) to (11)

    fect ody the factors inroking sin & and cos 8*. The eeveraIctors are, upon evahmtion,

    k-B kwB

    8 8ah ok= ein 8* Cos 8s=0

    l?23, - -k-B


    Btis 6k= - 1 2B=2 or 1,


    Fein~ L%=:(lcoe 28J


    ut the arerage over e isl?p.i-B

    The nonmmi.shg factorF-1 aid 8E occurs only in equa-

    on (7) for the aide force Y end in equation (10) for thetching moment M The other hypothetical forces. andoments that might be produced by yaw are, accordingly,l zero.

    When the relation

    used, equations (7) and (10} become in nondimeneiomdrm

    For simplicity the following additiomdtroduced:

    d=B ($)0 ~. .

    s: uidx=- ks

    ~,11=r r,

    p(w)z &


    11cf=~ ~ PC%dr


    J=~ 1

    % reP(D)& da


    abbreviations are


    where the signs have been chosen to make a, b, c, andpositive quantities.

    Solution for ~, and Ma for aingIe-rotating propellers,With the preceding substitutions, equations (19) and (20)become

    These are eimukaneoue linear algebraic equations in Y,and Ma. The solution for ~@is, after simplidcation,

    which may be written in the form

    vrhere dbc




    Numerioal ewduation ahowe that the denominator of equ~tion (23) does not difhr greatIy from unity; therefore, Y. isroughly proportiomd to a.

    Similarly, the solution for M, ie

    f(a) dtiv= & [8+ ufl(a)a~(l + tfd)-u%(a)bc

    which may be put in the form





    The relative magnitudw of the quantities are euoh that MeiBroughly proportioned to d.

    SohLtion for Y. and MC for dual-rotating propellera.The foregoing 6quatione apply only to single-rotatingpropellers. With dual-rotating propeIIem the asymmehy ofthe diakloading,which for a single-rotating propdler producesthe pitching moment due to yaw, is oppoeiteIy disposed overthe front and rear sections. The rdtant over-all diskloading, therefore, is almoet eyrnmetrictd and gives rise toa negligible pitching momenkthat. is,

    &fc=o (

    The induction effects asmciated with the respective disk-loading ssymmetriw of the front and rear propeller sectionsvery needy cancel even though there is a finite separationbetween the two sections. This fact, which may be regardedas a consequence of the reIation (27), is represented byputting ~Me=Oin eqy.ation ( @.. The result is

  • 8/9/2019 Propellers in Yaw


  • 8/9/2019 Propellers in Yaw









    0 .



    2 / .


    -.4 -.2 0 .2 .4 .6 a LoT=L2 L4 M 1.8 2{

    GCU~-n 0[=-- -?-l%ere


    an average due of 1+a owr the disk is used, l+a cantaken from under the integnd sign, and

    t, by the simp~e momentum theory,

    ~ T.=a(l+a)


    b*=; 2:

    gmph of the ~ariation of ti)r with T. is ghren in @ure 6.Approximate evaluation of d.The contribution of

    1. is small It is found, by using the largest ~alue which

    may have without caus ings ta l lingof the blades (about


    % radian) ,hat the secm d integd can be neglected, with thresult that

    Note that invohs the inflow vehcity and the dipstreamrotational velocity. These docities, if assumed to beconstant o~er the propeIIer disk, may easily be reheal toT, and Q., respectively, from momentum considemtiorm

    Curree of d have been computed for a typical phm form(Hamilton Standard propeIler 3155-6) and are presented infigure 7. This chart makes use of an shred notation intro-

    duced later iR the report; the ordinate is the quantity


    and a pmameter is the solidity at 0.i5R,

    413b()F r D ~.~

    The abscissa is l-/nD. The error in-computed side force dueto using this chart for plan forma other than the HamiltonStandard 3155-6 shotid be negligible. The duirt is notsnflioiently accurate, however, for precise computation of the

    pitching moment due to yaw.

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  • 8/9/2019 Propellers in Yaw



    The effective awrage yaw over the&k , is obtained fromthe consideration that d~c is nearly proportional to theintegrand Ksin I?of the dominant term a. Approsimately,therefore.

    I-c=k JJ+K(y&n &i

    sk+, ;PsinA where k is a constant. &cmdii,lz, iso; /lain&&:=1+ ,


    =k, (36)~ainhdr


    According to this result, if the propeller is equipped witha spinner, the previously given expressions for side forceand pitching moment should be multiplied by the constant.k,, which may be termed the spinner factor. The value of

    k, is of the order of 1.14 and varies aligh,~ with blade [email protected] detnftions.-It is worth while to introduce certain

    new deflnitione at this point. to put the fial equations inbetter form. The original dehitione were chosen solely witha view toward clarity in presenting the derivation. Theprincipal change is the replacement of

    =B ($)o.m

    which is proportional to the solidity at 0.75R, by the actualsolidity at 0.75R


    This change entails replacing all the integrals occurring inthe equation by 3m/4 times the former values. Thus ais replaced bv 11,&by 1*, d by la, and Aby A, where

    ~ _~r ~, 4

    In additiom the foIIowing de6nitions are introduced:



    where the propeller disk area

    The symbols c= and~- have been so chosen in relation to theconventional side-force md pitching-moment coefficients ofan airplane Crt and ~% that conversion is obtaiml throughthe rdationa

    where S is the v@ area nnd c is the wing reference chord.l~ote that in d the foregoing is measured in rachne.

    Correction of aide foroe for aompressibiIi~.-It is shownin appendis B that a tit-order correction for compressibilityis obtained by dividing the side force by i~, whereAU,is reIated to the stream lIqch number .J1 and I~nD bythe curve of figure 9. The correction is valid only below thecritical Jlach number for the propeller.

    su~ ed effcots of ~w.~Ith the new defitiom,t h e sicbforce derivative for a singl-rotating propeIIer is

    a l?/ 2)c+-@F

    ;%l, ~l

    and the side-force derivative for a dual-rotating propeIIer is

    For a single-rotating propeller thederivative is


    and for a dual-rotating propeller thederivative is nt@igibly small.






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    /.4 ) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    FICCEI-VulMbnftk ratb(Hfecth31dI numhrJ/(StrmmfdI number)th F?n.Dhw LWlUehtionG

    The sid~force derivative may be corrected for com- g-factorremibfity by dividing by ~h Jf,f. The same correction ~(a)=(l+a)[(l+a)+(l+2a)qmy be applied to the pitching-moment derivative but with l+(l+2a)* (1

    ees accuracy.The quantities involved are: Solidity at 0.75R

    Spinner factor B b

    H ) pt ih dz ()% D ~.~





    31Il=z cl= ~ pain~dz (4

    Si(lmmsh factor




    lp2 p~ I ,=; ct . ~p coshzdx (4



    J1 Cos ph

    1s=; cl= -P ~ ~ (4


    2 l+2a]ifl(4=j&q@ *=(-Jw+@

    U(I+ tTIJ (4Mow factor

    ._l/q I2aUIS+2J ;

    o= ~(I+=~J


  • 8/9/2019 Propellers in Yaw



    nd in equation (36), for a nacelle fienese ratio of 6, K = 0.90nd , for a naceIIe fienese ratio of a, K= 1.00.The charts of &uree 6, 7, 10, and 11 are provided for

    etermining 2a/T, la, f(a), and J(a), reepectiveIy.Eeqnired acouracy of k,, kc, and A.To the degree in

    which comparison with esisting experiments establiehee theccuracy of the side-force formulaeabout +10 percentverage errokit is sufficiently accurate to use the meanalues 0.4 for kc and, for the ueuehhze epinnm (2,=0.16),.14 for k,. To the same accuracy, the terms in J may bemitted from A, and 1~ may be set equal to the averageahw 3. vi-iththe result that


    AvaiIabiIity of ohsrts of aide-form derivative.-In refer-e 13 is presented an extensive series of charts computedmm equations (38) to (44) for tvio conventionfd propellers.he derivative CY*is given as a function of V/nD for bladengles from 15 to 00 and for eoliditiee from two bladee toix blad=, with single rotation and dual rotation. In, r&r-nce 14 is presented n method of extmpcdation whereby thiset of charts may be used for determhing C=Kfor illonventiomd propellem without. resort to the originalquations (38) to (44).

    Pitohing-moment derivative,-By numencaI evaluation ofquation (40) the pitching moment of a single-rotatingropeller in yaw is found to be of the order of the momentroduced by a force equal to the side force acting at the endf a lever arm equal to the propeIIer mdius. This moments small and has heretofore been neglected in aircraft stabilitytudies. Note that the effect is a cross-coupling betweenaw and pitch.

    The dual-rotating propeller denlops no pit thing moment.


    Eatio dV~~ for angnlar velocity of pitoh.-The angularveIocity of pitch makes no direct contribution to the rota-tional vehcity in the plane of the propeller disk T;. It isknown from GIauerts work (reference 3), however, thatpitching gives rise to a side force and to a pitching moment.This side force induces a sidmvssh that affects ~t, as in the

    case of the yawed propek. The change in l~ is accordiiythe same as the induced part of the total change for yawedmotion. This change is obtained by setting =0 in equa-tion (13a):

    where2(1 +2(Z s




    Ratio dVdV= for angular velooity of pit&-The directincrement, due to pitching in the axial velocity V. isqr sin 0.

    The induced increment due to the aforementioned pitchingmoment is, by equation (18),

    The total increment dV= is the sum of the direct ~d theinduced increments. Therefore

    Expressions for 2?6d ~AfG.-Uponintroducing the equstione (46) and (47), the equations that resdt here in placeof equations (19) and (20) for the propeIkr in yaw are:


    Solution for ~c and JIe-By using the abbreviations ofquations (21), equations (48) become

    which are simultaneous linear algebraic equations in T. andl~ The edution for ~d and J& is, after simplidcation,


    Side-force derivative OrKand pitohing-moment derivativeC=*.Side-force and pitching-moment derivatives may beefined s ollom

    ()+-f*uIlC18 +.A_ l+a 1+ uIa2 l u(&A)


  • 8/9/2019 Propellers in Yaw



    20 ,




    ~ a ]/ 1 I I



    .8 / {

  • 8/9/2019 Propellers in Yaw


    Rough approximations may be obtained by omitting thenduction terms-tlmt is, the terms due to sidewash and tonflow asymmet~. There remdt

    1.clm -(l+a) * . (49)Comparison of angle of yew with angular velooity of pitoh

    o produce same side foroe.To the same rough approxima-on as equation (49),

    C., -f (a)k@I ,

    TIM r atio of x to @21 to produce the same side force isherefore



    This ratio is of the order of unity.Maximum obtehmble aide foroe due to pit&ing.-The

    maximum side-force co~cient due to pitcbhg Occursl for aiven blade-angle setting, when @/2Vis a maximum. Wmi-

    mum qD/2Vin Unstakl flight is determined by the maximumormal acceleration that the airplane can denlop, which isetermined by the maximum lift coefficient. TIM normalcceleration is .


    rom which

    -+-D$ (51)At a given speed the mnximum nonmd acceleration ~-emdd be realized at the top of an tilde loop. T h e relations

    n-~%ti=Downward Iift+Weight

    (52)The due of a~~ i s greatmt when V is Ieast. If thed-ion is limited for the present to the minimum speedor Ievel @ht V,wll,

    From equation (52),

    %=v?%fand therefore, from equation (51),

    (Kin%A practi&I upper tit to (@/2 V)_ at the stalling sped

    would be tiorded by a hypothetical fighter airplane havingthe following chamcterietice:

    =110 fps

    L7=12 ftThen



    By equation (50) the angle of yaw, in radmns,provide the same side force is approximately..

    that wo

    If a miniium bIade angle of 15 at stalling speed is assumedthe ratio I J kJ l i s 1.13 for the representative HamiItoStandard propeller 3155-6. Therefore, (@/2T~W, woube equivalent in producing side force to an angle of yaw


    =0.036 radian or 2.1

    The resulting side force wouId be quite smell.llany times the preceding value of (@/2V)~= is obtain

    able during the spin, which invoIves wing staling. If thspin is excluded from consideration, therefore, the genemconclusion to be drawn from the examplp is that even in aextreme maneuver the side force due to rate of pitchingwry d and in aIl ordinary maneuvers this side forcenegligible.

    lbd.murn obtainable pitohing moment due to pitohing.The preceding data, when applied to the pitching momendue to pitching, indicate that the maximum obt.ainablpitching moment is of the order of the product of the propellediameter and the maximum obtainable aide force due tpitching. The general conclusion about the side force implkthat the pitching moment due to pitching is small even ian extreme maneuver, with the exception of the spin, and ian ordinary maneuvers is ne@gible.

    Foroes due to angnlar veloo.ityof yaw.-hguhm velocitieof yaw attain magnitudes of the same order as aq@arvelocities of pitch. The forces on a propeller due to yawinare, Iike those due to pitching, negligible WCSpt in the spin


    Conoept of projeoted aide area.-The area projectedpropeller blade on a plane through the axis of rotation anthe axis of the blade is

  • 8/9/2019 Propellers in Yaw



    he average area projected by au the blades of a rotatingopeller on any plane through the axis of rotation is theojected aide mea .- . . .

    here B is the number of bladea. From this relation, it canestablished that the product u1l may be expressed as


    here 8=?. M the propeller disk area. Thus u1l, which

    ures so prominently in the expressions for the side-forcerivative C=t, iE proportioned to the projected side areathe propeUer. In reference 13, 11is termed the side-area

    dex.~Meotive h mea and =peot rado.Inaemuch asSp is the aspect ratio A of tbe projected side area SF, it iseotrue that


    bstitution of equation (53) in the numerator and equa-n (64) in the denominator of equation (39) gives for a


    For comparison, the corresponding expression for an achudof the same area and aspect ratio, at which the local

    namic preaeure isf(a)q, is :

    en the lifting-lige form of aepechratio correction is used.omitting k,, which merely accounte for the favombleerference between spinner and propeUer, equation (65)n be tittan in the form of equation (56) by introducingei7ective .mpect ratio

    &g& --

    It foltowe that a ( propeller in yaw acts likoa fin of which the area is the projected side area of the propcl-ler, the effective aspect ratio is approximately two-thirds [Lcside-mea aspect ratio, and the local dynamic prwcwm ie~(a)times the free-stream value. A einglc-rotating propellw mnbe shown to act similar~y, but the dhwtivo uspcct m ti ommkdiy lees and is not so simply expressed. A mean dfLw-tive aspect ratio for both single- and dual-rotating propcIUwsis about 8.

    Effeotive dynamio pressure,-By the definition of a, Lhcexpression I(I +a) is tho axial wind velocity at the propellerdisk. Accordingly, (l+a):q is the dyxmmic pressure at thpropeller disk. The pressure (1+a)~ is or.dyslightly greaterthanj(a)g, the effective dynamic pressure of oquntion (5GThus the equiwdent fi~ described in the preceding paragmphmay wi~ small error be regarded es situalcd in the inflowat the propeller disk. and subject LO t he correspondingaugmented dyna~c preeeurc.

    Comparison of side foroe of single- and dual-rotatingpropellers,-It has been pointed out in the discussion accom-

    panying the derivation of ~, and ~f, for dual-rotating pro-pellers in yaw that the dual-rotating proidler avmg~18 percent more side force than LI1Oingle-rotating propclhvand that the increase reachm 32 percent at low blado angles.The detailed csplanation is given in the eamc discussion.In brief, dual rotation eliminates certain induction cffdaassociated \tith single rotation; the dual-rotating propd.lcracts as if it has a considerably higher aspect ratio adtherefore develops more side force for tho same solidity.

    Magnitude of pitohing moment.-lt has lxwn shown thayaw gives rise to zero pitching moment for a dud-rot a(i@propeller and to a finite pitching mompntl given by equa-tion (4o), for a eingle-rotaling propeller. The numerical

    evaluation of equation (40) for typical caem shows tku~ thepitching moment is of the order of the moment produced bya force equal to the side force, acting at tho end of s leverarm equal ta the. propeUcr radius. This cross-coupling hc-tween pitch and yaw is smaU but possibly not ncgligil.h


    The remdta for propellem in yaw may be applied to propel-lers in pitch from considerations of symmetry. The nornml-force derivative of a propeller with rtepcct to pitch is equalto the side-force derivative of the samo propeller wilh respectto yaw, and the yawing-moment dcriwd ivc of a propdl~rwith ~pect to pitch is equal la the ucgnt ivc of the pitching-moment derivative of the same propeller with respect to yaw.These relations are invalid whou tic proprllcr is in the up-wash or downwaeh of a wing. (&wrefercnca 13.)


    Experiments of Brarnwell, Relf, and Bryant,-Tho oxpmi-ments of Bramw~ Relf, aml Bryant in 1014 wilh a fourblade model propeller in yaw (referenm 16) aro worth no[ingbecause the experimental mmmgement was designed for the problem. The balance was mmngcd la yaw

  • 8/9/2019 Propellers in Yaw



    mcM19.-c om~ d m k u M e d c a r v m dcYtiwIcl thaPedmmmvalMof e.mocs15.

    ith the propeller and to measure the aide force directlyith respect to body ems. Tare readings were inherentl~mall in comparison vrith the forma being measured. Tunneleed was calibrated by comparison of thrust curves for theme propeller in the wind tunnel and on a whirhg arm..~ calculated curve of (?r~, which is the same as 1%+for

    amaII vahes oft, is compared in figure 12 with the emperimenteJ vslues of reference 15. There is included for furthercomptin the theoretical curve csIcuIated by 2Jiszt-a(reference 9). The curve Calculated from the fornda of thepresent report appears to give somewhat better agreanentthan that of Jlisztal but the improvement is not concheive.The principaI objection to Jkztels formula remains the

    labor of its application rather than its defect in acouraq.Experiments of I&sky, Worley, and Moy.In the experiments of Lesley, WorIey, and Jloy reported in 1937 (referen16), the nacelIe was shielded from the air stream, with themmlt that onIy forces on the propeller blades were mm-municated to the bshnces. A 3-foot, tviwb]ade propellerwas used. lleaeurements were made of sis components ofthe air forces on the propeller.

    CaIcuIated curves of Cr~ are compared with the experi-mtmtsl values of reference 16 for x=lO in figure 13. ~Wotthat the origimd data of reference 16 were presented thereinwith rspect to wind axw, and the data have been convertdto the body a~w of this report in the presentation of figure 13.

    Experiments of Eunokel.-The most complete esperimentaon yawed propeIlem ~the only pubIished experiments onfull-scale propelle-are those of RunckeI (reference Ii

    bo .2 .4 .6 .8 ~, LO /2 I-4 46 /.(


  • 8/9/2019 Propellers in Yaw



    wn 14-c in- ofUhlMed cwvmdcfwwtholeb.tred~tdamwhm~ 17flx ILFg6w. rlsvc?kllld &mwIlhrmp&t tolMlc&wll wlndmhWetmY1amlvertedtodda WithK+ p@toyaw,Wlul kldy Ue9.

    unokel tested single-rotat~kg propeller. of two, three, four,d six blades and a six-blade dual-rotating propellqr. Theameter was 10 feet. An attempt was made to correct.fcre wind foreaa on the rather huge unabielded nacde bybtracting the forces and moments measured with zerow from the corresponding fores and momtmta .meaeuredth yaw at the same value of 77/n.D.Calculated curves of CY/r, including a spinner correction,

    e compared in figure 14 with the faired csrperimentsl curvesom reference 17 for 10yaw. In reference 17, as in reference, the original data were presented with respect to windes and the curves have been converted to the body axea

    of this report in the presentation of figure 14. In figure 15the unpuhliehcd mpcrimental points for t.hc single-rot.stingsix-blade propellw am presented for comparison with thefaired published curves aa converted to body awe.

    hcuraoy,-From these several comparisons of h lhwrywith experiment it appenm that the avcrago disngrcemmt isslightly 1,sss than +10 percent. This accuracy is of theorder of that obtainable by thu vortex theory for tho un-inclined propeller when thu number of bhdca is tacitiyassumed to be in13nito by the omission of the G&Wincorrection for finite number of blades. The snmc aseumpt ionis made in the present analyeis.

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  • 8/9/2019 Propellers in Yaw



    equation (A3) the f a ct that e,which dependa on 0,is smallmpared with P aUows tha approximate relation

    here k ia a constant. Ii@zration establiahea the value of

    y equation (A4),.




    Equations (A6) and (A7) establish the value of wJT-hich can be substituted for r sin 8 in equation (A6) asplied to Z?Yn place of il. This value is

    ~=-%eherefore, substitution in (A5) as applied to Z=gives

    he integration with respect ta 8 results in



    The part of edue to ~. in equation (12), which is based onthe assumption of uniform distribution of thrust and sideforce over the propeller disk, di.tiers from the expression forZr given by equation (A8) only in the absence of the factor


    kl=al z ,

    ( )psin&dz



    which is equation (34). An analysis for er similar to thatfor~r results in a value that does not appreciably differ frothe part of due to T. in equation (12); that is,



    Acmrdingly, the effective average induced angle ofsidewash;, which equals ;AZr, ia given by

    ; (T.x+kJ?J


    which is equation (33). If ~is inserted for ein equation (12),the factor jl(a)/8 in equationa (23) and (25) is replaced by

    ~~ k,. This is the quantity that has been caIIed the side

    wash factor k-. With the vahe of kl inserted,



    k==j l (a) * , z

    ( )

    (8 psinpodz


  • 8/9/2019 Propellers in Yaw


  • 8/9/2019 Propellers in Yaw



    e that, in spite of the rapid rice of [email protected] with deoreaeingnD, for eonetsnkpeed propekr operation M, deoreaees.t may be noted that equations (W) and ~(B6} me psra-ic approximation to the Glauert compr&iiMlity factor~. Equationa @6) to @9) are, howevar, inde-dent of the conetants of the pambolic representation.

    us the validity of these equations ie not restricted to thee of a variation of Ck with Mach number that follows theuert relation; the equations me valid for any imriationt may be approximated in the region of intereat by aboIa, such M

    c~c= @+B~c&

    re ~ and B m e mnetants.The compressibility correction ceases to apply at Mach

    bers above the critical Mach number for the propeller.

    REFERENCESLancheatm, F. W.: The FIyfng-Macbinafrom M En@neer@

    Stand@nt. ConetabIe& Co., Ltd. (M.W@, 1917.Harrfs, R. G.: Forces o n a Pro Uer Due to Sided@ R. & 31.

    No. 427, BritfshA. C. A., 191~Glauert,H.: The Stsbilfty Derivatives of an Mmcrew. R. & M.

    NO.642, BritishL C. L, 1919.Glauert,H.: Airplane Propehm. MiaceUaneousAfmmwv l?mb-

    kens. VoL IV o f A er od yn am fo T heo ry d fv ~ o h SI I m w e 5and 6, W. F. Durandr d, Juliue Springer (Berltn), 1966,pp.851-359.

    Goett,Harry J., and ~, H. R.: HRectof Pro@er Operationonthe PltchSngMomentaofSin@+Eu@e3fonoplanee. NACAACR,3fay 1941.

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    7. Kltngemann,G., and 17~ F.: Dfe Kr5fte und 310mente derLuftachraube bei &Mganblaeung und Flugxeugdrehung.Luftfkhrtforschung,B& 15, I@. 4, April6, 186~ Pp. 206-213.

    S. Bdratow, Leonard:Applfad Aerodynadm.. Sewmd ad., Longmans, Greenand Co., 1969.

    9. Misztd, Franz: The ProbIemof the PropeIIern Yaw withSpeCMReference to AirplaneStabUty. NACA T.U No. 696, 1936.

    10. Rump~ L. B., White, R. J., and Gmmmann, H. IL: PropeUerForcaa Due to Yaw end Their Effect on Airplane Stabflity.Jour.Aero.ScL,VOL9, no. 12, Oct. l M~ pp. H70.

    lL W&se, Herl.wrt K.: Dynamlca of Constant4@ PropelIeM.Jour. Aero.Scf.,voL10,no.2, Feb. 1W6,p. 6S.

    12. Munk, 31&xM.: FundementaIeof Fluid Dyruunimfor Aircraft-m The *MM Pms Com1929,Pp. 16-28.

    18. Rfbner, Hdsrt S.: Formulaafor Propellersin Yaw and Cherbof t he SidsForce Derivatke. NACA Rep. No. 819, 1945.

    14. Ribner Herbert S: Propcal for a Prc@ler Side-Force Factor.NAC.4 RB No. 8LO~ 1W6.

    M. BramweIl,F. H., ReIf, E. F., and Brymt, L. W.:Ex@ments onModelPropeUerEt the NationalPhyatcalLabomtory. (U) Es-_nta to Determine the Let&al Fore on h Pm@ler in aSide W5id. R. & M. No. 123, Britieh& C. A, 1914.

    16. Lesley, E. P., Worley.GeorgeF., and Moy, Stanley: Ah propellersin law. NACA Rep. No. 697, 1~.

    17. Runcke4 Jack F.: The Meet of Pitch on Force and MomentOharaoterfeticaf FuU4kale Propellersof Five SoMtties. NACAMtR, Jnne 1942.

    .mulcIstbn WnJ.labk m&efereyE,m-wtia-~o.x Eermrck Inkmathl lmblua
