Promotion strategy

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Promotion strategy

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Elements of the Promotional Mix


Sales promotion

Store atmosphere

Web site


Personal selling

E-mail marketing



Word of mouth

Impersonal Personal

   U  n  p  a   i   d

   P  a   i   d

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Planning a Retail

Promotional Strategy

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• Paid, nonpersonal communication transmittedthrough out-of-store mass media by anidentified sponsor

• Key aspects

 – Paid form


Nonpersonal presentation – Out-of-store mass media

 – Identified sponsor

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• Attracts a large audience

• Gains pass along readership(for print)

• Low cost per contact

• Many alternatives available

• Control over message content;message can be standardized

• Message study possible

• Editorial content surrounds ad

• Self-service operationspossible


• Standardized messages lackflexibility

• Some media require large


• Geographic flexibility limited

• Some media require long leadtime

• Some media have high

throwaway rate• Some media limit the ability to

provide detailed information

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Advertising Media Comparison Chart

Medium Market Coverage Particular Suitability

Radio Regional, local and national Retailers focusing on

identifiable segments

TV Regional, local and national Retailers of goods and

services with wide appeal

World Wide Web Global All types of goods and

service-oriented retailers

Outdoor Entire metro area or single


 Amusement and tourist-

oriented retailers, well-known


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Advertising Media Comparison Chart

Medium Market Coverage Particular Suitability

National Magazines Nationwide National chains

Local Magazines Entire metro area or region,

zoned editions sometimes


Restaurants, entertainment-

oriented firms, specialty

shops, mail-order firms

Flyers/ Circulars Single neighborhood Restaurants, dry cleaners,

service stations, and other

neighborhood firms

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Advertising’s Role 

• Create awareness

• Create preferences for company, products, etc.

• Facilitate interactive marketing communications

• Increased sales efficiency

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Defining Advertising Objectives

• Marketing managers realize:

1.Advertising’s mission flows directly from the

overall marketing strategy.

2.Advertising’s job is to: 

a. Create awareness

b. Provide informationc. Influence attitudes

d. Remind buyers about product and company

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Advertising Objectives

1. Realistic

2. Measurable

3. Specific outcomes during specific times

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Defining the Target Market

• One objective of advertising is to reach influentials

who are often difficult to contact via personal selling.

• Influentials are interested in specific features and

attributes that solve certain problems. Advertising

needs to focus upon that issue.

• Marketers must understand who the target market is

and how to reach them for an advertising campaign

to be effective.

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Creative Strategy Statements

• Provide guidelines for the company andadvertising agency to position (or reposition)the product.

• All creative efforts should include:

1. Copy

2. Theme

3. Color, design, etc.

4. Media

5. Tactics

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Determining Advertising Expenditures

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Developing the Message

Three Considerations:


Benefits focus

Understanding buyer motivations

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Buying Motives

• Of all the challenges, this is one of the most difficult to


• Understanding the buyer is a very complex matter because

“the standard rules” change as the environment changes. 

• One way to address this problem is to employ marketing

research to delineate influencers’ criteria for buying in each


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Effective Ads

Effective ads should be:

A. Logical

B. Rational

C. Provide a clear description of the product

D. Present product benefits clearly

E. Details product quality

F. Provide performance measures

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Selecting Advertising Media

for Business Markets

• B2B media are selected by target audiences

• Should we use trade publications, direct mail,Internet or all of them?

• What is the best way to spend advertisingmoney to generate the desired response

(customer contacts)?

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Shifting of Advertising to Digital Form

• B2B marketers are always looking for ways tocommunicate better with customers & prospects.

• Use of Internet microsites (specialized web pages that

prospects jump to from an email or PR piece thatcontain videos) is providing excellent results.

• Use of online videos help customers and prospects from

around the world solve their business problems.

• Videos are particularly effective for telling the story and

producing serious leads.

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• Using proper key words or key phrases within the site is anabsolute necessity for driving leads to that site. Ideas for

successful Internet advertising include:

1. Make sure site is search-crawler friendly2. Good key words must tie into solutions sought

3. Create a relevant, targeted keyword list that reflects problem,

product, etc.

4. Write clear, compelling ads that use key words and isolate

your “value proposition” 

5. Track results and measure everything

Use of Search Engines

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• Include:

Cost/1000 contact is one consideration

Circulation based on the TARGET audience

Does the medium also have Internet viewing?

Frequency and scheduling is anothercomplicated issue

Advertising Considerations

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Interactive Marketing

•In order to successfully accomplish this, it is important tohave all the systems in place first.

• They include:

a. E-mail acknowledgements

b. Order entry

c. Order fulfillment

d. Money exchanges

e. Follow-up contact

f. Q&A service

g. Troubleshooting systems

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Measuring Effectiveness 

Rarely do ads result in immediate business.• But, it does create awareness hopefully

leading to preference.

Measurements can be direct or indirect.• Direct communication is measured by:

“percent awareness.” 

Indirect communications are measured by:“word-of-mouth” and “understood perceptions”.