1 Promoting South-South Cooperation on Child Rights in Asia-Pacific United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific High Level Meeting on Cooperation for Child Rights in the Asia-Pacific Region Beijing, 4-6 November 2010

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Promoting South-South Cooperation on Child Rights

in Asia-Pacific

United Nations Economic and Social Commissionfor Asia and the Pacific

High Level Meeting on Cooperation for Child Rights in the Asia-Pacific Region

Beijing, 4-6 November 2010


UN – global framework for South-South cooperation

ESCAP – Asia-Pacific platform for South-South cooperation

Opportunities to strengthen regional South-South cooperation on child rights

UN – global framework for SSC

Driven by developing countries – Group of 77

Key modality for UN, including for MDG achievement

Reflects increasing role of developing countries in UN

Based on principles of:

‘Partnership amongst equals, based on solidarity’

National sovereignty, ownership, leadership and freedom from conditionality

Complements other forms of international cooperation (e.g. North-South)

UN – global framework for SSC (Cont’d)

Underpinned by international commitments:

Buenos Aires Plan of Action & New Directions Strategy for Technical Cooperation among Development Countries (1978)

Nairobi Outcome Document from UN High Level Meeting on SSC (December 2009)

Supported by Special Unit for South-South Cooperation & SSC national focal points

Regional Commissions – regional platform for promoting SSC

ESCAP – regional arm of UN for Asia-Pacific

Part of UN Secretariat

62 member states – 58 are regional members

Most comprehensive UN regional platform dedicated to development

Covers world’s most populous region - two thirds of humanity

Members range from world’s largest to some of smallest

ESCAP – regional arm of UN for Asia-Pacific


regional cooperation to promote social and economic development

normative, analytical & technical cooperation work of regional nature

Exercises regional intergovernmental convening power

Mandated by ECOSOC to coordinate regional UN system work in economic and social sectors

Focuses on multi-disciplinary responses

Platform for South-South cooperation in Asia-Pacific

ESCAP member States called for:

Stronger leadership in ‘promoting South-South cooperation as a key instrument or enhancing development assistance in the region’

Almaty Declaration, May 2007

Platform for SSC in Asia-Pacific (Cont’d)

Annual Commission session (ministerial)

8 Committees on thematic areas

Ministerial Conferences/High-Level Meetings on specific themes & issues

ESCAP Intergovernmental Conference

Platform for SSC in Asia-Pacific (Cont’d)

Intergovernmental dialogue & consensus building on transnational issues

Development of shared priorities & regional solutions to common problems

Policy advocacy & options

Analysis of regional trends, issues, gaps & policy options (joint MDG Report with ADB and UNDP; Annual Statistical Survey)

Platform for SSC in Asia-Pacific (Cont’d)

Links with sub-regional processes – SAARC, ASEAN, PIF, SPC, ECO, SCO

Access to experience of other regions through 4 other Regional Commissions

Ability to link Asian & Pacific experience

Links with civil society & other stakeholders at regional level

Priority on LDCs, LLDCs & Pacific island developing countries

Platform for SSC in Asia-Pacific (Cont’d)

ESCAP work programme –focus on:

inclusive & sustainable development

addressing development gaps, including MDG achievement

regional connectivity

Capacity development through:

sharing of good practice, knowledge & lessons

technical cooperation

SSC in Asia-Pacific – regional context

Increasing momentum & dynamism for SSC

Reinforced by triple crises (economic, food and fuel)

Brings increased opportunities for scaling-up

Diversity of ESCAP members - rich opportunities for sharing good practices, experience, knowledge and skills

Rise of ‘pivotal counties’ within region – e.g. China, India, Malaysia, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Thailand

Potential for increased triangular cooperation

SSC for child rights in Asia-Pacific

Focus of SSC to date on trade, ICT, transport

Growing cooperation in other areas –disaster risk reduction, environment, gender, disability, migration, social protection

Potential for increased SSC on child rights at regional level

Conference offers opportunity

ESCAP as intergovernmental platform

SSC for child rights – foundations to build on

Existing sub-regional cooperation


transnational initiatives (e.g. migration, human trafficking, HIV/AIDS)

Important to building on existing momentum, including:

Foundations to build on

Recent ESCAP initiatives which mainstream child rights & protection:

Gender – Beijing + 15 review, November 2009

International migration – High Level Meeting, September 2010

Statistics capacity building – VAW statistics workshop, September 2010

Disability –Committee on Social Development , October 2010

Social protection – Stakeholder Consultation, October 2010

Way Forward on SCC for child rights

Governments prioritize child rights within ESCAP policy processes

Further mainstream into existing regional SSC initiatives

Build on existing sub-regional initiatives and role of pivotal countries

Increase triangular cooperation

Prioritise child rights within regional analysis, including on MDGs

Way Forward

Strengthen national statistical capacity to inform policy & programmes, including at regional level

Increase engagement of civil society in SCC for child rights at regional level

Document & disseminate good practices in regional SSC for application in other areas, including child rights

Strengthen focus on results

‘Now, more than ever, is the time to focus on innovative South-South cooperation, as the

challenges we face collectively can only be overcome together’

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moonMessage for UN Day for South-South cooperation, December 2007

Thank you