EM 8838 • October 2003 $4.00 P ROMOTING THE S AFETY OF N ORTHWEST F RESH AND P ROCESSED B ERRIES C.K. Bower, S. Stan, M. Daeschel, and Y. Zhao

Promoting Berry Safety

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EM 8838 • October 2003$4.00



Prepared by Yanyun Zhao, associate professor and Extension specialist; Mark Daeschel, professor and Extensionspecialist in fruit and vegetable safety; Cindy K. Bower, former assistant professor in food science and technology; andSilvia Stan, graduate student in food science and technology; all of Oregon State University.

Partial funding for this publication was provided by USDA Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension(Award # 2002-51110-01959).


Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 1Berries and the Northwest economy ........................................................................................................ 1Food-borne illnesses ................................................................................................................................ 2Providing safe berries ............................................................................................................................... 3

Preharvest ............................................................................................................................. 7Risks of contamination in the field ........................................................................................................... 7Producing safe berry crops ...................................................................................................................... 8

HarvestRisks during harvest ............................................................................................................................... 10Harvesting safe berries ............................................................................................................................11

PostharvestFood safety hazards in berry processing ............................................................................................... 16Keeping berries safe during processing ................................................................................................ 18Guidelines for preparing an HACCP plan for berry juice ....................................................................... 27

Resources............................................................................................................................ 31References .............................................................................................................................................. 31Glossary .................................................................................................................................................. 31Resources and useful Web sites ............................................................................................................ 33

Promoting the Safetyof Northwest Fresh andProcessed Berries

Berries and theNorthwest economy

Oregon and Washington are major U.S.producers of fresh-market and processedberries. Northwest raspberries, strawber-ries, grapes, blackberries, and blueberriesgenerated over $250 million in the year2000 (including processed and value-addedproducts). The figure below illustrates thepercentages of berries produced in a typi-cal year in Oregon and Washington.

Some berries are sold fresh, but most aredestined for processing. Berries can befrozen in the container (straight pack),individually quick frozen (IQF), canned,drum-dried, freeze-dried, prepared assingle strength or concentrated juices, orcrushed and pasteurized into purée. Therealso is a market for berry essence (flavor-ing), seeds, and seed oil. Popular value-added products for Northwest berriesinclude jams, jellies, syrups, candies, andpastries.

Berry production in the Pacific Northwest.


1%Other berries 6%

Blackberries 5%Blueberries



Fresh and processed berries are a favor-ite Northwest food. They contain manybeneficial compounds, including vitamins,minerals, phytochemicals, and antioxi-dants. They also are rich in dietary fiber.Berries of commercial importance forOregon and Washington include strawber-ries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries,and grapes. Less common berry varietiesare gaining in popularity (e.g., huckleber-ries, boysenberries, loganberries, blackraspberries, elderberries, chokecherries,gooseberries, lingonberries, salal, andnumerous blackberry hybrids).

Technically, a “berry” is a stoneless,pulpy fruit that contains one or moreembedded seeds. Using this botanicallycorrect definition, grapes and blueberrieswould be considered true berries, whilestrawberries, blackberries, and raspberries(all aggregate fruits consisting of clusters ofeither achenes or drupelets) would not.However, for the purpose of this publica-tion, the definition of a berry will be moreloosely interpreted and will include all ofthe above.


Food-borne illnessesAmerican consumers enjoy one of the

safest food supplies in the world, andberries and processed berry productsgenerally have been considered safe frompathogenic (disease-causing) bacteriabecause of their high acid content. How-ever, fresh fruits have occasionally beenimplicated in food-borne illnesses. Bacterialpathogens such as Salmonella and Listeriamonocytogenes have been isolated fromfresh strawberries and frozen blueberries,respectively.

Also, recent disease outbreaks caused byEscherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella spp.in apple and orange juices have challengedthe belief that high-acid foods cannotharbor viable pathogenic bacteria. Due tothe acidic similarity of berry juice (pH 3.0–4.5), apple juice (3.0–4.0), and orange juice

(3.0–4.0), there is concern that berry juicescould carry food-borne illness.

Laboratory studies have shown thatberry juices and purées can supportgrowth of bacteria such as E. coli O157:H7and Salmonella spp. These findings suggestthat berries and berry products, if contami-nated, might harbor pathogenic organismslong enough to cause food-borne illness.The issue of product contamination is ofspecial concern in the Northwest becausemanure fertilizers are being promoted foruse in berry production by Oregon andWashington farms.

Viruses also can contaminate raw agri-cultural produce through contaminatedwater and employees who do not observegood personal hygiene. Viruses can sur-vive in the soil for months and contami-nate raw produce such as raspberries andstrawberries. Examples of food-borneviruses are Hepatitis A and Norwalk virus.

Sourcesof contamination

• Irrigation water• Soil/plants• Compost/

manure• Sewage

• Bacterial• Protozoal• Viral• Fungal

Potential food-borneillnesses

• Animals (birds,insects, rodents)

• Humans(harvesting,handling, andprocessing)

Vectors for contamination

Contamination of raw fruit







0 1 2 3 4 5

Time (days)

Chardonnay Juice

Pinot Noir Juice

Raspberry Juice

Strawberry Juice

Raspberry Puree

Strawberry Puree

Survival of E. coli in berry fruit juice and purée.

Protozoan parasites such as Cyclospora,Giardia, and Cryptosporidium have beenfound as contaminants on raw fruits. Freshraspberries and blackberries were thesuspected source of two Cyclosporacayetanensis outbreaks (FDA, 2001b).

Most people eventually recover fromfood-borne illnesses. However, some indi-viduals (e.g., children, the elderly, and theimmunocompromised) may suffer severecomplications, sometimes resulting indeath.

Table 1 (page 4) summarizes the illnessesof most concern caused by microbial infec-tion in produce.

Fungi are typical postharvest spoilageagents of fruits. Yeast and molds can con-taminate fresh produce. Some yeast maystart a fermentation process and producealcohol, while molds can trigger humanallergies or produce mycotoxins that canlead to illness. Botrytis cinerea has beenisolated from soils of berry fields and isresponsible for “gray mold” andpostharvest damage in a wide range offruits (Samson and van Reenen-Hoekstra,1988; Williamson et al., 1992). Additionally,Botrytis has been classified as a human

allergen, since patients with sensitivities tomold display a high frequency of specificIgE antibodies to Botrytis (Karlsson-Borgaet al., 1989).

Table 2 (page 5) shows reported foodsafety hazards associated with fresh andprocessed berries as well as juice. Note thatnot all hazards are biological; contamina-tion by chemicals or other materials also ispossible. These hazards are discussedfurther under “Postharvest.”

Providing safe berriesA strategy that prevents the initial micro-

bial contamination of berries is safer thanrelying on corrective actions after contami-nation has occurred. Because it is notpractical to eliminate all potential hazardsassociated with fresh produce, berry pro-ducers and processors must rely on riskreduction rather than risk elimination. Thispublication contains recommendations forminimizing the risk of contaminationduring the three key stages of productionand processing—preharvest, harvest, andpostharvest.

The Food and Drug Administration(FDA) has taken a leadership role in





continues on page 5

Chardonnay juice

Pinot Noir juice

Raspberry juice

Strawberry juice

Raspberry puréeStrawberry purée



• First recognized as humanpathogen in 1982.

• Outbreaks often associated withundercooked ground beef.

• Outbreaks have involved lettuce,unpasteurized apple cider andjuice, radish sprouts, and alfalfasprouts.

• Naturally exists in animalswithout symptoms–cattle, sheep,deer, dogs, cats, other animals.

• Can contaminate/grow on freshproduce such as minimallyprocessed cantaloupe, water-melon cubes, shredded lettuce,sliced cucumbers, and mesclunlettuce.


• Wild or domesticanimals.

• Improperlycomposted animalmanure.

• Fruits and vegetablesdropped on theground and contami-nated by manure.

• Water may carry andspread organisms.

• Farm and packinghouse workers, anyfood handlers, maycontaminate produce.

Food-borne illness

• Severe cramps, bloodydiarrhea, vomiting,dehydration.

• Severe complications caninclude kidney failure,strokes, seizures, andsometimes painful death.

• Onset 3–9 days; lasts2–9 days, unless there arecomplications.


E. coli O157:H7(bacteria)

• Comes from intestinal tracts ofpoultry, pigs, birds, and insects.

• Can be carried by humans.• Infective dose—a few cells to

millions.• Isolated from many types of

raw fruits and vegetables—nota frequent event.

• Outbreaks linked to tomatoes,bean sprouts, melons, andunpasteurized orange juice andapple juice.

• Widely distributed in nature:– In soil, sewage, freshwater

sediments– In silage, decaying plant

matter– In animal intestinal tracts

• Animal carriers may not be sick.• Found in raw foods:

– Meats, unpasteurized milk– Vegetables

• Excreted in feces by infectedindividuals.

• Can be carried by raw produce,uncooked food.

• Persists for weeks or months oncrops or soils.

• Hepatitis A on lettuce, raspber-ries, and strawberries.

• Similar to E. coli

• Common environmen-tal contaminant.Unlike most microor-ganisms, it growsat refrigerationtemperatures. Floordrains and wheelcondensate collects arefrequent sources ofcontamination.

• Viruses can be trans-mitted to plants andfresh fruits andvegetables by people,tractors, equipment,clippers, and insects.

• Nausea, vomiting, abdomi-nal cramps, diarrhea, fever,and headache.

• Symptoms occur within12–48 hours and last2–6 days in healthy people.

• May last weeks inimmunocompromisedpeople.

• Secondary problems such asreactive arthritis or peri-carditis may result in somepatients.

• Flulike symptoms in healthypeople.

• May progress to meningitis,blood poisoning, abortion inpregnant women, or death.

• Symptoms appear within1 day to 3 weeks.

• Duration depends ontreatment.

• High fatality rate inimmunocompromisedindividuals.

• Causes fever, nausea,vomiting, abdominalcramps, extreme fatigue,jaundice.

• Onset 15–50 days afteringestion.

• Lasts 1–2 weeks to monthsin severe cases.



Hepatitis A(virus)

Table 1.—Illnesses of most concern from microbial infection in fresh produce.


reexamining how fresh fruits are grown,harvested, stored, and processed. Awarning label is now required for nonpas-teurized fruit juices, and a guidance docu-ment entitled “Guidelines to MinimizeMicrobial Food Safety Hazards for FreshFruits and Vegetables” has been released.Below is an overview of some of the guid-ance documents available for food produc-ers and processors.

Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs)These voluntary practices for fresh fruits

were published by FDA (volume 63 of theFederal Register, page 18029) to protectraw agricultural commodities. The USDAFederal–State Audit Program offers GAPsaudits, based on the Food and DrugAdministration’s “Guidelines to MinimizeMicrobial Food Safety Hazards for FreshFruits and Vegetables.” Issues addressedinclude:� Site selection and adjacent land use� Purity of water source� Fertilizer usage and pesticide


� Wildlife, pest, and vermin control� Worker hygiene and field sanitation

Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs)These guidelines describe practices for

the safe manufacture of foods. They arerequired by law (section 21 of Code ofFederal Regulations, part 110) and apply toall food manufacturing companies. GMPsare prescribed for four main areas of foodprocessing:� Personal hygiene to prevent the spread

of illness� Adequate buildings and facilities� Sanitary food-contact surfaces

(e.g., equipment and utensils)� Process controls to prevent cross-


Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures(SSOPs)

These are mandatory for all food pro-cessing plants (21 CFR 120.6) subject toHACCP (see page 23). Although specificprotocols may vary from facility to facility,SSOPs provide step-by-step procedures toensure sanitary handling of foods. These

Table 2.—Reported food safety hazards associated with fresh and processed berries.

TypeHazard of hazard Product Reference

Salmonella Biological Fresh strawberries Recall, 2000 (FDA Web site)

Listeria monocytogenes Biological Frozen blueberries Recall, 1998 (FDA Web site)

Hepatitis A Biological Frozen strawberries Recall, 2000 (FDA Web site)

Hepatitis A Biological Frozen raspberries FDA, 2001

Calicivirus Biological Frozen raspberries FDA, 2001

Mold contamination Biological Cranberry–raspberry drink Anderson, 2001Raspberry drink

Cyclospora Biological Fresh raspberries (likely) FDA, 2001cayetanensis Fresh blackberries (suspected)

Triadimefon (pesticide) Chemical Fresh blackberries Recall, 1998 (FDA Web site)

Cleaning solution Chemical Berry juice Anderson, 2001

Poisonous plant parts Chemical Elderberry juice Anderson, 2001


documents describe procedures for eightsanitation conditions:� Safety of water� Cleanliness of utensils and equipment� Prevention of cross-contamination� Hand-washing and toilet facilities� Protection of food from contaminants� Labeling, storage, and use of toxic

compounds� Monitoring employee health� Pest control

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points(HACCP)

These regulations are being developedby FDA to establish safety standardsthroughout the food industry. For berries,they are required for juice products. Theprogram focuses on preventing hazardsthat could cause food-borne illnesses. Itrelies on the application of science-basedcontrols at all steps, from raw material to

finished products. HACCP involves sevenprinciples:� Identify possible food safety hazards.� Determine critical control points.� Establish preventive measures.� Monitor the manufacturing process to

detect hazards.� Plan corrective actions.� Prepare a method to verify that the

HACCP plan is working.� Document the HACCP system by main-

taining records.

Good agricultural practices (GAPs) andgood manufacturing practices (GMPs)during growing, harvesting, washing,sorting, packing, and transporting of freshberries will minimize the microbial foodsafety hazards. Developing specific step-by-step SSOP protocols and implementingan HACCP program will further ensure thesafety of fresh and processed products,from farm to market.

The use of safe practices during growing, harvesting, transporting, and processing helps toensure the delivery of safe berries and berry products to consumers.


Risks of contamination in the fieldThe safety of our food supply begins

with grower practices on the farm. Beforeharvest, berries can become contaminatedwith chemicals (e.g., fertilizers, pesticides)and pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria,fungi, protozoa, and viruses).

Fecal coliforms can be spread to farm-land through compost, manure fertilizers,and unclean surface water used for irriga-tion. These microbial contaminants cansurvive in the soil for 3 months or more. Inone instance, Cyclospora contamination ofraspberries was linked to an unsanitarywater source.


Sourcesof contamination

• Irrigation water• Soil/plants• Compost/

manure• Sewage

• Animals (live-stock, rodents,insects, birds)

• Humans(handling andprocessing)

• Equipment

Vectors for contamination

� • Biologicalhazards– bacterial– fungal– protozoal– viral

• Chemicalhazards– pesticides– fertilizers– herbicides– nitrates– petroleum– metals

Potential food-borneillnesses

Preharvest contamination of berries

Berries that contact the ground can become contaminatedby soil-borne pathogens.


Improper worker hygiene can spreadSalmonella, Cryptosporidium, and otherpathogens through human fecal matter. Forexample, Hepatitis A outbreaks associatedwith strawberries have been linked toinfected workers who did not observebasic hygiene when harvesting, sorting,and packing the berries.

Improperly composted manure canbecome a direct source of pathogens for aberry crop. Or, contamination can occurwhen crops are irrigated with equipmentthat was used to apply liquid manure.

The presence of animals (both domesticand wild) can increase the risk of fieldcontamination. Cattle manure and the fecesof sheep and deer may harbor Escherichiacoli O157:H7, resulting in contamination offresh produce during harvesting. In oneinstance, E. coli O157:H7 was traced toapples collected from a field whereinfected livestock had grazed.

Northwest berry crops can flourish orfail based on environmental conditionssuch as weather. The risk of microbialcontamination also can vary from year toyear. When the fruiting season is especiallyrainy, berries are susceptible to fungaldiseases such as Botrytis fruit rot.

Another problem is flooding, which mayoccur in low-lying berry fields, resulting inBotrytis spores and bacteria being trans-ported from the soil to the fruit. Seasonsthat are especially hot during harvest willproduce rapid ripening. This leads to softberries that are at increased risk fromfungal contamination. Late spring frost,hail, insects, and nematodes also can dam-age berries, leaving them more susceptibleto microbial attack.

Producing safe berry cropsIt is easier to minimize microbial and

chemical food safety hazards during plantgrowth than to rely on corrective actionsafter contamination has occurred. To

prevent preharvest contamination of agri-cultural commodities, Good AgriculturalPractices (GAPs) have been developed.GAPs are voluntary practices for cropproduction that address potential foodsafety issues associated with farmland,irrigation water, and contaminants carriedby insects, birds, and mammals.

GAPs begin by reviewing the history ofthe farmland to ensure that no prior landuse has compromised the microbial orchemical safety of the site. The adjacentland is also evaluated to verify that nocontamination is being carried to producefields by water, wind, or vehicles. Thepurity of the water source is also importantsince streams, reservoirs, and wells canspread microbial contaminants.

Pesticide and fertilizer usage and moni-toring are important components of GAPs.Only authorized pesticides and herbicidesshould be applied.

GAPs encourage rigorous managementtechniques to ensure the proper applicationof organic fertilizers such as manure andcompost. Avoid applying organic fertilizerswithin 120 days of harvest. Do notsidedress with uncomposted manure.

Throughout the growing season, keeprecords of water testing, manure andcompost applications, pesticide

Animal manure and feces can be a source ofcontamination.


application, irrigation, and worker trainingprograms.

GAPs also stress field sanitation, includ-ing an effective pest control program.Wildlife and domestic animals should beexcluded from produce fields, and worker

health should be monitored to prevent illworkers from contacting raw produce. Tomaintain worker hygiene, toilet facilitieswith hand-washing stations must be pro-vided, as well as potable water for drink-ing and hand washing.

Preharvest GAPs1. Site selection and adjacent land use

� Test for microbial/chemical hazards from prior use of farmland.� Ensure that no contamination is carried by water, wind, or vehicles from adja-

cent land.� Avoid fields that are susceptible to flooding.� Use mulch to reduce contact between the soil and berries.

2. Purity of water source� Evaluate irrigation water. (Streams, reservoirs, wells, and public water

systems can spread contaminants.)� Periodically test water sources for microbes.� Do not irrigate crops with equipment that has been used to apply liquid


3. Fertilizer usage and pesticide monitoring� Be aware of the proper application of organic fertilizers.� Follow rigorous management techniques for treating manure.� Maintain careful records of all fertilizer applications.� Use only authorized pesticides and herbicides.� Apply all chemicals appropriately.

4. Wildlife, pest, and vermin control� Maintain an effective pest control program.� Exclude wildlife and domestic animals from fields.� Periodically verify that the pest control plan is working.

5. Worker hygiene and field sanitation� Do not allow ill workers to contact raw produce.� Supply potable water for drinking and hand washing.� Provide toilet facilities with hand-washing stations.� Follow local, state, and federal regulations for worker

health.� Establish a training program that covers worker sanitation.� Prevent harvest containers from contacting soil.

Proper hygiene isimportant for fieldworkers as well asU-pick customers.


Risks during harvestFood-borne illnesses have been linked to

improper practices during harvest. Berriescan become contaminated with bacteriafrom manure fertilizers in the soil, or fromfungi, protozoa, and viruses from unsani-tary conditions during harvest, transport,and storage.

Freshly picked berries are very perish-able. The principal causes of decreasedfruit quality after harvest include spoilageby microorganisms, bruising, water loss,chilling injury, and compositional changes.

Sourcesof contamination

• Irrigation water• Soil/plants• Compost/

manure• Sewage

• Animals (live-stock, rodents,insects, birds)

• Humans(handling andprocessing)

• Equipment

Vectors for contamination

� • Biologicalhazards– bacterial– fungal– protozoal– viral

• Chemicalhazards– pesticides– fertilizers– herbicides– nitrates– petroleum– metals

Potential food-borneillnesses

Contamination of berries during harvest


Harvest activities can spread contamination to berries ifproper practices are not observed.


These factors are important to food safetybecause they can increase the susceptibilityof berries to infection by pathogens. Insome cases, microorganisms that causefruit spoilage can directly affect humans.For example, Botrytis has been classified asa human allergen. Others can producetoxic substances within the fruit.

Spoilage by microorganisms such asbacteria and fungi are a major cause offood deterioration. Rodents, insects, andbirds can damage berries, leading toincreased microbial spoilage and thepotential transmission of pathogenicmicroorganisms.

Biochemical processes are another causeof fruit deterioration. All plants, includingberries, undergo respiration, a processthrough which they take in oxygen fromthe air, break down carbohydrates withinthe plant, and release carbon dioxide andwater. This process produces energy that isreleased as heat. Respiration continuesafter harvest and contributes to composi-tional changes within berries. Grapes havelow respiration rates, while strawberries,blackberries, and raspberries have highrespiration rates, making them moreperishable.

Enzymes play an important biochemicalrole in the ripening process. Enzyme-catalyzed reactions break down the softtissues of berries, leading to changes intexture and color, and increasing theirsusceptibility to microbial contamination.

Fruits have a high moisture content,which makes them susceptible to physicaldamage during harvest and transport.Injuries may result from poor harvestingpractices, sharp-edged storage containers,improper field packing, freezing, heating,and overall careless handling. Physicalinjuries accelerate deterioration of berriesby increasing water loss and providingsites for fungal and microbial invasion.

Harvesting safe berriesTo prevent contamination of agricultural

commodities during harvest, Good Agri-cultural Practices (GAPs) have been devel-oped. GAPs are voluntary practices thataddress potential food safety issues duringharvesting, sorting, and transport opera-tions for fresh berries. They are part of acomprehensive food safety system thatensures that domestically grown berries, aswell as those imported from other coun-tries, meet the highest health and safetystandards.

The three key parts of a safe harvestsystem are sanitary harvest conditions,cooling berries after harvest, and safehandling and storage practices. Each ofthese is discussed below.

Sanitary harvesting conditionsMost microbial contamination is on the

surface of fresh produce, necessitating awashing step to reduce the possibility offood-borne illness before sale. Washingalso helps to prevent the spread of microor-ganisms from one berry to the next.

To decrease the possibility of water-borne contaminants compromising thequality of the berries, it is essential to usepotable water whenever there is water-to-

The three keys to a safe harvest are sanitary harvestconditions, cooling berries after harvest, and safehandling and storage practices.


produce contact. Approved sanitizers suchas liquid chlorine, sodium hypochlorite, orcalcium hypochlorite can help controlcontamination when produce is immersedin wash water. If you add a sanitizer suchas chlorine to the wash water (pH 6.0–7.0)to control bacteria, test the concentration offree (residual) chlorine frequently. It shouldremain at 100–150 ppm.

Not all produce is cooled and washedafter harvest (e.g., grapes and strawber-ries), increasing the possibility of microbialcontamination. To minimize this risk, cleanpallets and sanitized containers should beavailable for freshly harvested berries. Takecare to ensure that the containers do notbecome exposed to soil and manure whenproduce is packed in the field.

Good workerhygiene and fieldsanitation practicesare essential. Allworkers who handlefresh produceshould receivetraining on theimportance of goodhygiene, includingthe necessity foreffective handwashing.

Good agriculturalpractices shouldalso be promoted forU-pick fields where

customers harvest their own produce.Convenient toilets should be available forcustomer use, together with hand-washingstations containing potable water, liquidsoap, and single-use paper towels.

Cooling berriesWhen possible, harvesting should be

done at night or in the early morning tominimize exposure to high temperatures.Whenever possible, hold freshly harvestedberries in the shade with adequate

Farm worker hygiene➔ Teach workers about food safety

and their role in preventing micro-bial contamination of fresh fruitsand vegetables.

➔ Provide clean restrooms withsoap, clean water, and single-usetowels.

➔ Enforce proper use of facilities.

Ensuring adequatehand washing

➔ Teach proper hand-washingtechniques to all food handlers.(Don’t assume that everyoneknows.)

➔ Provide warm water and soap.(Warm water is more effectivethan cold water.)

➔ Instruct workers how to scrubhands thoroughly (includingbetween fingers and under finger-nails) and provide scrub brushes.

➔ Supply single-use paper towelsfor drying hands (to preventcross-contamination).

ventilation. Furthermore, cover the con-tainers with clean, sanitized tarps to pro-tect the berries from contamination bybirds.

After harvesting, berries should beimmediately cooled to reduce the deterio-ration rate and retain high fruit quality.Water, ice, and forced air are among themethods used to remove field heat fromproduce after harvesting.

Systems that utilize air cooling have thelowest risk of contamination during the

Sanitary restroomfacilities should beprovided for workers andU-pick customers.

continues on page 14


Specific considerations during harvest➔ Pick fruits or vegetables when dry if possible.➔ Leave produce that has bird droppings on it.➔ Clean and sanitize totes daily.➔ Cool produce quickly.➔ Teach workers about proper hand washing and provide proper facilities.

Harvest GAPs1. Site selection and adjacent land use

� Minimize wind-borne/water-borne contaminants from adjacent land.

2. Purity of water source� Water for agriculture comes from streams, reservoirs, wells, and public water

systems.� Water can spread biological and chemical contaminants and

should be periodically tested for microbes.� Irrigating during harvest results in wet berries, which are more susceptible to

microbial degradation.

3. Fertilizer usage and pesticide monitoring� Maintain careful records of all fertilizer applications.� Use only authorized pesticides and herbicides.� Apply all chemicals appropriately.

4. Wildlife, pest, and vermin control� Maintain an effective pest control program.� Exclude wildlife and domestic animals from fields.� Periodically verify that the pest control plan is working.

5. Worker hygiene and field sanitation� Do not allow ill workers to handle raw produce.� Supply potable water for drinking and hand washing.� Provide toilet facilities with hand-washing stations.� Follow local, state, and federal regulations for worker health.� Establish a training program that covers worker sanitation.� Protect harvest containers from contacting soil.


cooling process. However, they can trans-fer microorganism-containing dust par-ticles and water droplets onto freshproduce.

Cooling systems based on water and icehave the greatest potential for contamina-tion, even when potable water is used. Theaddition of chlorine (50–200 ppm) can helpcontrol bacteria. However, chlorine reactswith organic compounds and can lose itseffectiveness rapidly. If water is used forcooling, the water temperature should begreater than that of the produce to preventthe temperature difference from pullingmicroorganisms from the surface of thefruit into the middle where they cannot beremoved.

Handling and storage of berriesBacteria can multiply rapidly in areas

where poor sanitation is practiced. Main-tain harvest storage areas in a clean, sani-tary condition. Clean and sanitize contain-ers prior to the arrival of fresh produce. Donot transport fresh produce in a truckrecently used to haul animals or animalproducts unless it first is thoroughlycleaned and sanitized.

Clean and sanitize all food-contactsurfaces, including washing, grading,sorting, and packing lines, as well asequipment, floors, and drains.

Prevent cross-contamination betweenraw and washed berries from sources suchas wash water, rinse water, ice, dust, equip-ment, utensils, and vehicles. The presenceof fecal coliforms can serve as an indicatorif contaminants are suspected.

Clean and sanitize harvest containers before use.

Make sure that workers practice good personal hygieneand that food-contact surfaces are cleaned and sanitized.


Retaining the high quality of berriesInhibit microbiological growth.➔ Inhibit spoilage microorganisms (by rapidly cooling the berries).➔ Prevent accidental contamination (by covering the containers).➔ Discard obviously contaminated fruit (e.g., moldy).

Slow down biochemical reactions.➔ Provide rapid transport (since fruits naturally deteriorate with time).➔ Decrease the rate of respiration (using adequate refrigeration).

Prevent physical damage.➔ Use good handling practices (to prevent bruising and microbial growth).➔ Supply cool temperatures (to decrease the rate of deterioration).➔ Avoid heating or freezing (which may result in tissue damage).


Food safety hazardsin berry processing

Processing raw agricultural productssuch as berries requires prevention ofbiological, physical, and chemical contami-nation. Food processors must be aware ofpotential food safety hazards, as well aspreventive measures for each. For example,microorganisms from soil and water can bebrought into a food processing plant byinsects, wild and domestic animals, trans-port containers and vehicles, equipmentand utensils, wash water, ice, air (dust),and food handlers.


Sourcesof contamination

• Process water/ice

• Dust• Crates soiled

with dirt andmanure

• Animals (rodents,insects, birds)

• Humans(handling andprocessing)

• Equipment/utensils

Vectors for contamination

�• Biological

hazards– bacterial– fungal– protozoal– viral

• Chemicalhazards– lubricants– additives

• Physicalhazards– hair– staples– stones– wood– glass

Potential food-borneillnesses

Postharvest contamination of berries

Salmonella colonies on an agar plate.


There are three types of hazards thatmust be considered during postharvestprocessing of berries—biological, chemical,and physical. Each is discussed below.

Biological hazardsBiological hazards are food-borne patho-

genic microorganisms, such as harmfulbacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi(mycotoxins). Sources of biological hazardsinclude raw materials, environment (air,water, equipment), and poor personalhygiene. Specific characteristics of somepathogenic organisms have importantimplications for processing operations.

Some bacteria can form spores that willprotect them from heat processing treat-ments (e.g., Clostridium botulinum,Clostridium perfringens, and Bacillus cereus).Others, such as Staphylococcus aureus, canform toxins. Even when the bacteria aredestroyed during heat processing, a heat-stable toxin may remain in the food andcause illness.

Fungi typically are postharvest spoilageagents of fruit. Yeast (unicellular organ-isms) and molds (filamentous growth) cancontaminate fresh produce and may formtoxic substances (mycotoxins) that can leadto illness. Some yeasts may start a fermen-tation process and produce alcohol, whileother yeasts and molds may trigger humanallergies.

Protozoan parasites such as Giardia,Cryptosporidium, and Cyclospora also havebeen found as contaminants on raw fruits.Protozoa can produce cysts that are notsusceptible to chlorine treatment.

Chemical hazardsChemical hazards can cause illness due

to immediate or long-term exposure.Examples of chemical hazards are plant

cleaning liquids, pest control materials,pesticides, and contaminated ingredients.These contaminants can be present in rawproduce or can be introduced duringprocessing when compounds GenerallyRecognized as Safe (e.g., antioxidants,sulfiting agents, preservatives) are not usedaccording to government regulatoryguidelines.

Cleaning solutions can contaminate theproduct if the rinsing step is inadequatelyperformed. This can be avoided if SSOPsand GMPs are in place. Processors mustensure that chemical compounds such assanitizers and lubricants are used withstrict adherence to regulations and productspecifications.

Pesticides are chemicals that are inten-tionally used on berries. However, regula-tory limits are set for the amount and typeof pesticides allowed to be used on berries.The Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) sets limits on how much pesticideresidue can remain on fresh produce.

Physical hazardsPhysical hazards are foreign objects that

can cause harm to consumers. They canenter the food supply through contami-nated raw materials, faulty processingequipment, improper packaging, or pooremployee hygiene practices. Examples ofphysical hazards are glass particles, metalfragments, stones, insect fragments, plastic,jewelry, etc. These hazards affect theproduct’s safety and must be addressed inthe processor’s HACCP plan (see page 23).Prevention methods can rely on visualexamination, frequent inspections of equip-ment, and the use of metal and glassdetectors.


Keeping berries safeduring processingGood Manufacturing Practices (GMPs)

Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) canserve as guidance for farmers throughoutthe growth, harvest, packing, and transpor-tation of berry crops. However, once thefruit has been transported from the field,other food safety protocols must be fol-lowed. Good Manufacturing Practices(GMPs) are described in the Code of Fed-eral Regulations (CFR) section 21, part 110,and are required by law for all food manu-facturing companies.

GMPs address the following four areasof food processing:� The design of buildings and facilities to

protect against product contamination� Sanitation of equipment and utensils to

prevent contaminants from being intro-duced into the food

� Personal hygiene to prevent adultera-tion of foods by food handlers

� Process controls that ensure adequatefood processing during production

SSOPs for postharvest food productionSanitation Standard Operating Proce-

dures (SSOPs) are specific step-by-stepprotocols to ensure sanitary handling offoods. The specific protocols may varyfrom facility to facility, but all SSOPsaddress the same eight sanitation condi-tions (see page 21).

These procedures are mandatory for allfood processing plants operated underHACCP guidelines (21 CFR Part 120.5 and120.6). SSOPs explain why and how often ajob is to be done. It designates who willperform the job and provides a step-by-step description of how the job is to bedone, as well as the corrective actions to betaken if the work is performed incorrectly.Each condition must be monitored during

processing to ensure conformance, andSSOP records must be maintained to docu-ment the monitoring process and anycorrective actions taken.

Food processing facilities must observestrict cleaning and sanitation regimens topromote an environment free from food-borne illness. Cleaning protocols are out-lined in the SSOPs. They typically includea physical cleaning step, followed byapplication of a sanitizer.

Only FDA-approved sanitizing agentsshould be used (21 CFR 178.1010), and allsanitizers and cleaning solutions should beused in the appropriate concentrations asrecommended by the manufacturer. Theefficacy of sanitized water is affected byorganic material and microbial load.

Common chemical sanitizers for fruitprocessing include halogen compoundssuch as sodium or calcium hypochlorite.The effectiveness of chlorinated waterdepends on chlorine concentration(50–200 ppm), pH (6.0–7.5), temperature,and contact time (1–2 minutes). Othersanitizing agents are used less frequentlyfor fruit processing due to high expense(e.g., quaternary ammonium compounds)or low solubility in water (e.g., phenoliccompounds).

Stainless steel sinks for washing fresh fruit.

continues on page 23


Postharvest GAPs1. Packing facility

� Design and maintain packing surfaces and equipment to maximize accessibil-ity by cleaning or sanitizing crews.

� Establish routine cleaning and sanitizing programs for all food-contactsurfaces.

� Remove as much dirt as practicable from harvest containers, trailers, or gondo-las between harvest uses.

� Establish and maintain a pest control program.� Prevent birds or other vectors from contaminating packing equipment sur-

faces, packing areas, and storage areas.� Store unformed or empty containers off the floor or bare soil surface to protect

them from contamination.

2. Postharvest water during packing� Follow Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) to ensure that all water is of

adequate quality throughout all packing operations.� Monitor levels of antimicrobial chemicals to ensure they are maintained at

appropriate levels.� Pay special attention to water quality for dump tank systems and recirculated

water.� Keep air-cooling and chilling equipment clean and sanitary.� Transport, store, and use ice under sanitary conditions.

3. Transportation� Inspect transportation vehicles for cleanliness, odors, obvious dirt, and debris

before loading.� Ensure transporters, distributors, and retailers maintain the integrity of the

positive lot identification and traceback systems.

4. Storage and distribution� Be aware of potential for cross-contamination.� Separate dry and wet product and place water-repellent shipping barriers

between mixed loads.


Postharvest GMPs1. Personnel

� Disease control (Exclude ill food handlers and those with open wounds.)� Cleanliness (Enforce personal hygiene, including thorough hand washing,

clean outer garments, gloves, hair nets, and beard covers; prohibit unsecuredobjects such as jewelry or pens that might fall into the food or equipment.)

� Education and training (Teach all personnel about proper food handling tech-niques and food protection principles.)

2. Buildings and facilities� Grounds must not provide a harborage for pests.� Cleaning compounds must be stored properly.� Effective pest control program must be in place.� Food-contact surfaces must be sanitized.� Water supply must be safe and have sufficient pressure.� Floor drainage must be adequate to prevent flooding.� Waste products must be properly conveyed from the plant.

3. Equipment and utensils� Food-contact surfaces must be easy to clean and sanitize.� Clean utensils must be protected from contamination.� Surfaces must be nontoxic and corrosion-resistant.� Lubricants and metal fragments must not adulterate food.� Seams on surfaces must not accumulate food particles.

4. Production and process control� Adequate sanitation must be in place during all operations (receiving, trans-

porting, processing, packaging, and storing of food).� Refrigerators and freezer temperatures must be monitored.� Lot-coded systems should be in place for rapid traceability.� Extraneous materials in food should be prevented (using magnets, electronic

metal detectors, or other effective methods).� Traffic control should minimize cross-contamination from raw materials to

cooked products.


SSOPs1. Safety of water

� Used on food contact surfaces� Used for washing food� Used in the manufacture of ice

2. Cleanliness of food-contact surfaces� Utensils and equipment� Gloves and outer garments

3. Prevention of cross-contamination� From unsanitary objects� From raw berries to processed product

4. Maintenance of hand-washing and toilet facilities

5. Protection of food from contaminants� Chemical (e.g., pesticides, detergents, sanitizers)� Physical (e.g., hair, dirt)� Biological (e.g., bacteria, viruses)

6. Proper labeling, storage, and use of toxic compounds� Cleaning solutions� Pesticides� Additives

7. Monitoring employee health� Exclude ill workers from food-contact operations

8. Pest control


Cleaning protocolsHot-water wash (60 to 80°C)➔ Inexpensive equipment investment➔ Effective for removal of soluble compounds such as sugars and other carbohydrates➔ High energy costs➔ High labor costs➔ Not effective for removing heavy soils➔ Above 80°C will destroy spoilage organisms so no sanitizing step is required after


High-pressure, low-volume cleaning➔ Good method for heavy soils➔ Effective for cleaning hard-to-reach areas➔ Requires lower temperatures (60°C)➔ Lower energy costs➔ Less labor is needed

Foam or gel cleaning➔ Adheres to surfaces for soil removal➔ Easy application for walls, ceilings, piping, belts, and storage containers➔ Cost is similar to high-pressure cleaning units

Slurry cleaning➔ Good penetrating power for uneven surfaces➔ Unable to adhere to surfaces as foams and gels do

Cleaning-in-place➔ Closed recirculating systems where cleaning solutions automatically wash, rinse, and

disinfect the equipment➔ Very expensive➔ Ineffective on heavy soils


For small processing facilities and road-side fruit stands, whole, raw fruits do notneed to be washed before being sold sinceit is assumed that the consumer will cleanthe fruit before consumption.

HACCP for juice and concentrateprocessing operations

Some strains of bacteria (e.g., E. coliO157:H7, Salmonella) can survive in acidicenvironments such as juice. The safety offruit juices has become a concern due tooutbreaks of food-borne illness associatedwith harmful bacteria in fruit juices. As aresult, processing of all juice products,including juice, concentrate, and purée,sold in the United States is subject to Haz-ard Analysis Critical Control Point(HACCP) requirements.

The HACCP program is a system forcreating an operating environment thatallows safe, wholesome food to be pro-duced. The HACCP system is structured toaddress food safety issues by monitoringcritical points of the manufacturing processto ensure that the final product is safe. Itconsists of specific guidelines for thefollowing:� Identifying possible food safety hazards

(chemical, physical, and biological)� Determining critical control points

� Establishing critical limits based onsound science

� Monitoring the manufacturing processto detect hazards

� Establishing corrective actions� Preparing a method for verifying the

HACCP plan� Maintaining records and documentation

GMPs and SSOPs are prerequisite pro-grams for HACCP, and they should bedocumented and regularly audited alongwith the HACCP plan. Consequently, it isnot necessary to include sanitation proto-cols within the HACCP plan. Factors thatlead to spoilage or quality loss of the fruit,but do not affect the product’s safety,should be addressed in the GMPs orSSOPs, not in the HACCP plan.

Specific juice hazards and control mea-sures addressed by HACCP are shown inTable 3.

Process controls and validationThe HACCP plan for every fruit juice

must contain a 5-log pathogen reductionstep (e.g., heat treatment, UV radiation,pulsed light) that is capable of preventing,reducing, or eliminating pathogenic micro-organisms by 100,000 fold. The process fordelivering the required 5-log pathogenreduction must be implemented prior to

Table 3.—Potential juice hazards and control measures.

Potential juice hazard Control measure

Biological • Apply a 5-log pertinent pathogen reduction treatment(viruses and enteric microbial pathogens (e.g., pulsed light, pasteurization, UV irradiation,such as E. coli O157:H7 and Salmonella spp.) or high-pressure processing).

Chemical • Obtain a supplier guarantee for each shipment of(mycotoxins such as patulin on apples, fruit.pesticide residues, and undeclared food • Remove moldy and bruised fruit before processing.allergens such as milk or eggs)

Physical • Use X-rays to monitor for glass, and install a screen(glass or metal) after any equipment that may introduce metal

fragments into the food.


7 HACCP principles1. Identify possible food safety hazards

� Chemical (pesticides, toxins, additives)� Physical (pebbles, dust, glass, metal)� Biological (microorganisms, parasites)

2. Determine critical control points� Heat treatments� Refrigerated storage� Aseptic packaging

3. Establish critical (measurable) limits based on sound science� Time/temperature for heating� Product pH

4. Monitor the manufacturing process to detect hazards� Temperature control charts checked twice per day� pH or microbiological tests routinely performed

5. Establish corrective actions� An insufficient heating temperature might require a second pass through the

cooking step

6. Prepare a method for verification of the HACCP plan� Calibrate instruments� Periodically test the end product� Review consumer complaints

7. Maintain records and documentation� Prepare a written HACCP plan� Document all sanitation procedures� Record lot numbers of all food ingredients� Retain all records for at least 1 year (for perishable juices) or else for the shelf life

of the product


the final fill and must be validated(21 CFR 120.24).

Mandatory warning labels are requiredfor juices (and beverages that contain fruitjuice) processed without a 5-log pathogenreduction step (21 CFR 101.17). The label isnot an alternative to complying with thenew juice HACCP regulations. Juice that isrequired to be produced under an HACCPsystem, but whose process does not meetHACCP requirements, will be consideredadulterated.

Microbial growth can be prevented bymaintaining refrigerated foods at 45°F(7.2°C) and hot foods at 140°F (60°C) orabove. Temperature recording devices canbe used to verify that the proper treatmentwas received.

The pH of a food can affect the ability ofa microorganism to survive and grow.When the safety of an acidified fooddepends on its pH for preventing microbialgrowth, rigorous process controls must befollowed. Berry juices and purées are acidic(pH 3.0–4.5) and generally have beenconsidered safe from pathogens. However,recent outbreaks of Escherichia coli O157:H7and Salmonella spp. in other high-acidfoods (apple and orange juices) suggestthat berry juices could act as a vector forfood-borne illness. To meet HACCPrequirements, a verification step may berequired (e.g., test for the presence ofnonpathogenic E. coli) as proof that the5-log pathogen reduction standard waseffective.

Special circumstancesBacteria cannot survive in high Brix

products such as juice concentrate. Produc-ers of high degree Brix juice concentrate areexempt from the 5-log pathogen reductionrequirement if the juice will be given therequired 5-log treatment at another pro-cessing location.

Imported juices must have been pro-cessed in accordance with all U.S.requirements using an approved HACCPplan, or the imported juice must be from acountry that has an active memorandum ofunderstanding with the United States FDA.

Beverages that contain less than100 percent juice are not regulated as“juice” and thus are exempt from the newjuice HACCP requirements. However,


This product has not beenpasteurized and therefore

may contain harmfulbacteria that can cause

serious illness in children,the elderly, and personswith weakened immune


A warning label is required for juices processed withouta 5-log pathogen reduction step.

Temperature recorder for verifying process parameters.


when juice is used as an ingredient in anon-juice beverage, the juice component isrequired to have been produced under anHACCP system.

Vendors that provide juice directly toconsumers are not required to process juiceunder an HACCP system, provided theydo not sell or distribute their product toother businesses.

Documents required for FDA inspections(to be in compliance with the new juiceHACCP regulations)

➔ Implementation of SSOPs➔ Written HACCP plan➔ Evaluation of 5-log reduction perfor-

mance standard➔ Documentation verifying adequacy

of critical limits➔ Records that document monitoring

procedures➔ Records of corrective actions taken➔ Documents for verification and

validation of HACCP plan


Guidelines for preparing anHACCP plan for berry juiceProcessing berries into juice

Juice production from berry fruitsinvolves operations such as juice extrac-tion, treatment with enzymes, and pasteur-ization. The type of juice (clear, cloudy, ornectar) determines the types of enzymesused in the process. For making clear juice,depectinization enzymes are used to desta-bilize and break down the colloid system.This treatment reduces viscosity and facili-tates filtration.

Describe the product and its distributionThe product description should include

characteristics of the product (pH, wateractivity, shelf life, etc.), type of packaging,and the method of distribution. Example:Berry juices are acid foods with a pH valuebelow 4.6. The product is shelf-stable,e.g., a 10-month shelf life at room tempera-ture (20°C). The product is labeled with theinstruction to be refrigerated after opening.

Identify intended use of the productExample: The product is a ready-to-drink

soft beverage. The target population is thegeneral public, which includes the popula-tion with a compromised immune system.

Develop and verify the flow diagramThe purpose of the flow diagram is to

provide a clear outline of all the stepsinvolved in the process. A typical flowdiagram for clear berry juice production isshown on page 28.

Once the flow diagram is verified, theseven HACCP principles are applied.

Principle 1. Identify food safetyhazards associated with freshand processed berries

When identifying food safety hazardsassociated with juice processing, biological,chemical, and physical hazards must beconsidered carefully (see page 17).

Physical contaminants that do not affectfood safety, such as the presence of hair inthe product, still have an impact on theoverall quality of the product and shouldbe addressed through SSOPs.

Principle 2. Determine Critical Control Points(CCPs)

Critical Control Points (CCPs) are thosesteps in the process at which it is essentialto apply controls in order to reduce oreliminate a hazard. Three critical controlpoints have been identified in clear berryjuice processing.

Receiving—CCP 1At this step, screening of incoming

ingredients and materials is necessary.Reception of berries from suppliers with-out valid specifications could result in theuse of product contaminated with pesti-cides. Quality assurance visually inspectseach lot of incoming berries and monitorschemical contamination by certificate ofanalysis.

Pasteurization—CCP 2At this step, the food safety hazard is

biological (survival of pathogenic bacteria).An appropriate temperature/time combi-nation should be used to pasteurize thejuice.

Determining whether safety hazards exist by microbialtesting.








Treatment with enzyme





Blending correction



Aseptic filling

Clear juice

Pectolytic enzymes

Concentrated flavor


Sugar, water, acids





Juice production flow diagram


Aseptic filling—CCP 3During aseptic filling, it is critical to keep

the equipment and environment clean toavoid contamination. Cross-contaminationat this step could result in the introductionof pathogenic microorganisms in the finalproduct. In accordance with currentGMPs, packaging material must be storedin conditions that will minimize the poten-tial for contamination and growth ofmicroorganisms.

Principle 3. Establish critical limits for CCPsCritical limits are the operational bound-

aries of the CCPs. Critical limits are setaccording to government regulations,experience with the product, research data,or in consultation with food safety authori-ties familiar with the product. The

Table 4.—Potential technologies for achieving a 5-log reduction in targeted pathogens in fruitjuice processing.

Technology Description

Thermal processing • Use of heat to inactivate harmful microorganisms• Pasteurization • HTST (high temperature–short time)• Microwave and radio frequency heating • Example (cranberry juice): 78–90°C for 15–30 seconds• Induction heating • UHT (ultrahigh temperature)• Ohmic heating • Heating with heat exchangers, holding in hold tubes

• Inactivates enzymes

High-pressure processing (HPP) • Inactivation of microorganisms using high pressure• High pressure causes denaturation of proteins• HPP is accepted as a method to meet the 5-log juice

HACCP rule• Batch or semicontinuous system• Bacterial spores are resistant to HPP

Dense phase carbon dioxide • Use of CO2 in the supercritical fluid state (dense phasepressure processing fluid) to inactivate the microorganisms

• The temperature required for supercritical CO2 steriliza-tion ranges from 35–45°C

• CO2 penetrates the cell wall and inactivates themicroorganism

UV processing of water • Use of UV radiation (200–280 nm) to inactivate bacteria,molds, and viruses

• The inactivation of microorganisms is based on theUV-induced mutation of DNA that prevents cellreplication

pasteurization temperature and timedepend on the process and type of juice.FDA recommends the use of a single con-trol measure that has been shown toprovide at least a 5-log reduction(100,000-fold) of the target organisms, or acombination of control measures with acumulative effect of a 5-log reduction(FDA, 2001a). Potential technologies forachieving a 5-log reduction in fruit juicesare shown in Table 4.

Principle 4. Establish monitoring proceduresMonitoring procedures are physical and

chemical measurements used to assesswhether a CCP is under control. TheHACCP plan should include informationon how to monitor the CCPs, the frequency


of monitoring, and the personnelresponsible for monitoring.

Principle 5. Establish corrective actionsIf the monitoring procedures show that a

CCP is outside the critical limits, correctiveactions must be taken. For instance, if thepasteurization temperature and time arenot met, a second pass through pasteuriza-tion is required.

Principle 6. Establish record-keepingprocedures

The HACCP system requires the prepa-ration and maintenance of a writtenHACCP plan; records of all monitoringprocedures, corrective actions, and verifica-tion procedures; and validation records.

Principle 7. Establish verificationprocedures

Example: Verification is done by in-houseexperts on a regular basis and by outsideauditing companies.


ReferencesAnderson, S. 2001. Recent FDA juice

HACCP regulations. Foodsafety 7 (2):18–25.

FDA, Center for Food Safety and AppliedNutrition. 2001a. Juice HACCP regula-tion, questions & answers. Available atwww.cfsan.fda.gov/~comm/juiceqa.html.Accessed 9/5/03.

FDA, Center for Food Safety and AppliedNutrition. 2001b. Outbreaks associatedwith fresh produce: Incidence, growth,and survival of pathogens in fresh-cutproduce. Available at www.cfsan.fda.gov/~comm/ift3-4a.html. Accessed 4/23/03.

Karlsson-Borga, A., P. Jonsson, andW. Rolfsen. 1989. Specific IgE antibodiesto widespread mold genera in patientswith suspected mold allergy. AnnAllergy 63: 521–526.

Nagy S., C.S. Chen, and P.E. Shaw. 1993.Fruit juice processing technology(Agscience Inc.).

National Advisory Committee on Micro-biological Criteria for Foods. 1999.Microbiological safety evaluations andrecommendations on fresh produce.Food Control 10: 117–143.

Samson, R.A. and E.S. van Reenen-Hoekstra. 1988. Introduction to Food-borne Fungi (Centraalbureau voorSchimmelcultures, Institute of the RoyalNetherlands Academy of Arts andSciences), 178–179.

Williamson, B., B.A. Goodman,J.A. Chudek, and D.J. Johnston. 1992.Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)microimaging of soft fruits infected byBotrytis cinerea. In: Recent Advances inBotrytis Research: Proceedings of the10th International Botrytis Symposium,

Heraklion, Crete, Greece, 5–10 April1992, K. Verhoeff, N.E. Malathrakis, andB. Williamson, editors (Wageningen:Pudoc Scientific Publishers), 140–144.

GlossaryAcid or acidified foods—foods that have

an equilibrium pH of 4.6 or below.Cleaned—washed with water of adequate

sanitary quality.Control measure—any action or activity

that is used to prevent, reduce to accept-able levels, or eliminate a hazard.

Critical control point (CCP)—a point, step,or procedure in a food productionprocess at which a control measure canbe applied and at which control is essen-tial to reduce an identified food hazardto an acceptable level.

Critical limit—the maximum or minimumvalue to which a physical, biological, orchemical parameter must be controlledat a critical control point to prevent,eliminate, or reduce to an acceptablelevel the occurrence of the identifiedfood hazard.

Culling—separation of damaged fruit fromundamaged fruit.

Deviation—failure to meet a critical limit.Fallen fruit—fruit that has fallen naturally

to the ground. It does not includemechanically harvested fruit that isobtained by shaking the plant andcollecting the fruit from the ground withmachinery.

Five-log pathogen reduction—a juiceprocessing requirement (21 CFR 120.24)that describes the minimum level ofpathogen “kill” that control measuresmust consistently achieve. A 5-logpathogen reduction requires the juice to



undergo a process capable of reducinglevels of the pertinent pathogen in thejuice by at least 100,000-fold (105).

Food-contact surfaces—surfaces thatcontact human food and those surfacesfrom which drainage onto the food oronto surfaces that contact the foodordinarily occurs during the normalcourse of operations. Includes utensilsand food-contact surfaces of equipment.

Food hazard—any biological, chemical, orphysical agent that is reasonably likelyto cause illness or injury in the absenceof its control.

GMPs—manufacturing procedures forsanitation, facilities, equipment, pro-cesses, and controls. Current GoodManufacturing Practices (GMPs) areincluded in FDA regulations for thefood industry (21 CFR 110), and anyfood processing facility under FDAregulation is required to adhere to theseGMPs.

HACCP (Hazard Analysis and CriticalControl Points)—a systematic approachto the identification, evaluation, andcontrol of food safety hazards.

HACCP plan—the written document thatis based upon the principles of HACCPand delineates the procedures to befollowed.

HACCP team—the group of people whoare responsible for developing, imple-menting, and maintaining the HACCPsystem.

Hazard analysis—the process of collectingand evaluating information on hazardsassociated with a specific food to decidewhich are significant and must beaddressed in the HACCP plan.

Juice concentrate—the aqueous liquidexpressed or extracted from one or morefruits or vegetables and reduced inweight and volume through the removalof water from the juice.

Microorganisms—yeasts, molds, bacteria,and viruses; includes, but is not limitedto, species having public healthsignificance.

Monitor—to conduct a planned sequenceof observations or measurements toassess whether a process, point, orprocedure is under control and to pro-duce an accurate record for future use inverification.

Pasteurization—a heat treatment sufficientto destroy pathogens.

Pests—any objectionable animals or insectsincluding, but not limited to, birds,rodents, flies, and larvae.

Prerequisite programs—procedures,including Good Manufacturing Prac-tices, that address operational condi-tions providing the foundation for theHACCP system.

Process authority—an expert in the pro-cesses for controlling pathogenic micro-organisms in food; qualified by trainingand experience to evaluate all of theaspects of an operation’s pathogencontrol measures and determinewhether control measures, if properlyimplemented, will control pathogenseffectively.

Quality control operation—a planned andsystematic procedure for taking allactions necessary to prevent food frombeing adulterated within the meaning ofthe act.

Retail establishment (juice)—an operationthat provides juice directly to consumersand does not sell or distribute juice toother businesses. The term “provides”includes storing, preparing, packaging,serving, and selling juice.

Sanitize—to adequately treat food-contactsurfaces by a process that is effective indestroying vegetative cells of microor-ganisms of public health significance,and in substantially reducing numbersof other undesirable microorganisms,


but without adversely affecting theproduct or its safety for the consumer.

SSOPs—Sanitation Standard OperatingProcedures. Specific step-by-step proce-dures needed for processes related tosanitation.

Validation—element of verificationfocused on collecting and evaluatingscientific and technical information todetermine whether the HACCP system,when properly implemented, will effec-tively control the identified foodhazards.

Verification—activities, other than moni-toring, that establish the validity of theHACCP plan and that the system isoperating according to the plan.Includes validation procedures.

Juice terms100% pure or 100% juice—only juice, not a

diluted juice beverage with added waterand sweeteners.

Canned juice—juice that has been pasteur-ized and sealed in cans providesextended shelf life of more than 1 year.Canned juice should be refrigeratedafter opening and used within 1 week.

Chilled, ready-to-serve—juice made fromfrozen concentrate or pasteurized juice.It is packaged in paper, plastic, or glasscontainers and usually is found in thedairy section.

Fresh frozen—fresh juice that is packagedand frozen without pasteurizing orfurther processing. Usually sold inplastic bottles in the frozen food sectionof the grocery store and ready to drinkafter thawing.

From concentrate—refers to juice manufac-tured as a frozen concentrate, thenreconstituted and pasteurized beforepackaging.

Frozen concentrate—fresh juice that hasbeen concentrated and frozen. It isreconstituted by adding back theamount of water originally removed.

Juice in aseptic containers—a shelf-stableproduct usually found with canned andbottled juices on a store’s dry-goodsshelf. It is pasteurized juice or juice fromconcentrate, packaged in sterilizedcontainers.

Not from concentrate—juice is flash-heated to pasteurize it immediately afterthe fruit is squeezed. It has never beenconcentrated.

Resources and useful Web sitesUSDA Food Safety Inspection Service

(FSIS) technical service center1-800-233-3935

Government agency Web sitesUnited States Department of Agriculture


Food Safety Inspection Service of USDAwww.usda.gov/agency/fsis/homepage.htm

National Food Safety Databasewww.foodsafety.org

U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)www.fda.gov

FDA Center For Food Safety and Nutrition(CFSAN)www.cfsan.fda.gov

Professional associationsNational Juice Products Association

www.njpa.com/The Juice & Smoothie Association


www.fruit2juice.comFlorida Citrus Processors Association


Other useful Web resourcesFDA Juice HACCP Training Curriculum,

first edition, August 2002www.ncfst.iit.edu/juice/JUICEHACCP.html


Cornell University Good AgriculturalPractices (GAPs)www.gaps.cornell.edu

FDA Juice HACCP Final Rulevm.cfsan.fda.gov/~comm/haccpjui.html

University of California–Davis CooperativeExtension Vegetable Research Center—Food Safety of Produce and GAPshttp://vric.ucdavis.edu

Fresh Juice Processing GMPsEdis.ifas.ufl.edu/BODY_FS078

FSIS SSOP Manualwww.fsis.usda.gov/OFO/hrds/PATHO-GEN/ssop/ssop.pdf

Model SSOPs for a seafood companySeafood.ucdavis.edu/haccp/ssop/ssop2.htm

© 2003 Oregon State University.

This publication was produced and distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8 and June 30, 1914.Extension work is a cooperative program of Oregon State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and Oregoncounties. Oregon State University Extension Service offers educational programs, activities, and materials—withoutdiscrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age, marital status, disability, or disabledveteran or Vietnam-era veteran status. Oregon State University Extension Service is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Published October 2003.