A Washington Times Advertising Supplement Obama’s foreign policy promotes Russia – China political, economic, and military alliance Russia is the comprehensive strategic partner that China can most rely on. In the next two or three decades, no country will be able to replace Russia. Therefore, China should offer support to Russia. Diplomatically, China can stick to its neutral policy but slightly favor Russia, which can be accepted by many countries and will pave the way for China to play a mediating role. Meanwhile, China’s public opinion can condemn the West’s interference in the Ukraine crisis. The world should see Russia’s resistance as the dissatisfaction of many countries toward Western powers. We would like to see the West and Russia compromise. But if the West really sanctions Russia, Chinese society should provide more assistance to Russia, especially economic help. The West has underestimated Moscow’s endurance. Russia’s resistance against the West has global significance. Supporting Russia consolidates China’s major strategy. As long as this strategy is solid, China’s bilateral relations with other countries will not become troubled. We shouldn’t disappoint Russia when it finds itself in a time of need. China should become a reliable strategic partner. This way, we will make more friends. The Global Times, China Obama claims he isolated Russia but see who is isolated UN General Assembly voted on November 17, 2014 in favor of the resolution introduced by Russia to “combat glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.” 115 countries voted “Yes”, including Afghanistan, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, China, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Mexico, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, and Vietnam. Only 3 countries voted “No”: USA, Canada and Ukraine. The rest, including all EU countries, abstained.

promotes Russia – China political, economic, and military ...media.washtimes.com/media/misc/2014/11/28/au_inmoscow-112814.pdfNov 28, 2014  · Russia and the United States have worked

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Page 1: promotes Russia – China political, economic, and military ...media.washtimes.com/media/misc/2014/11/28/au_inmoscow-112814.pdfNov 28, 2014  · Russia and the United States have worked

A Washington Times Advertising Supplement

Obama’s foreign policy promotes Russia – China political, economic, and

military alliance

Russia is the comprehensive strategic partner that China can most rely on. In the next two or three decades, no country will be able to replace Russia.

Therefore, China should offer support to Russia. Diplomatically, China can stick to its neutral policy but slightly favor Russia, which can be accepted by many countries and will pave the way for China to play a mediating role.

Meanwhile, China’s public opinion can condemn the West’s interference in the Ukraine crisis. The world should see Russia’s resistance as the dissatisfaction of many countries toward Western powers.

We would like to see the West and Russia compromise. But if the West really sanctions Russia, Chinese society should provide more assistance to Russia, especially economic help. The West has underestimated Moscow’s endurance.

Russia’s resistance against the West has global signifi cance. Supporting Russia consolidates China’s major strategy. As long as this strategy is solid, China’s bilateral relations with other countries will not become troubled.

We shouldn’t disappoint Russia when it fi nds itself in a time of need. China should become a reliable strategic partner. This way, we will make more friends.

The Global Times, China

Obama claims he isolated Russia but see

who is isolated

UN General Assembly voted on November 17, 2014 in favor of the resolution introduced by Russia to “combat glorifi cation of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.”

115 countries voted “Yes”, including Afghanistan, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, China, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Mexico, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, and Vietnam.

Only 3 countries voted “No”: USA, Canada and Ukraine. The rest, including all EU countries, abstained.

Page 2: promotes Russia – China political, economic, and military ...media.washtimes.com/media/misc/2014/11/28/au_inmoscow-112814.pdfNov 28, 2014  · Russia and the United States have worked

A Russia-China alliance would be an absolute disaster for

the United StatesA Russia-China alliance would, of course, be an

absolute disaster for the United States, pretty much the

only grouping of countries that would be genuinely

interested in and capable of challenging its position

of global leadership. Preventing the emergence of

a Russia-China alliance ought to be at the very top

of the list of US foreign policy priorities, but, as

the Times noted, no one seems to be paying any

attention. In Washington circles, Russia and China

are considered two totally different and mutually

exclusive issues studied by different groups of people

with different affi liations.


A Russia-China alliance would unite the second

and the third most powerful militaries in the world

and connect the enormous, dynamic economy of

1.3 billion Chinese with Russia’s colossal natural

resources. Pictured on the map of the world this

alliance would look formidable. Covering most of

Eurasia’s vast landmass, a Sino-Russian alliance would

emerge as a major regional actor in Europe, Central

Asia, East Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, and, to

lesser extent, the Middle East.

Eurasia Review

Driving the Russians and the Asians together will hurt

us in the end because the Asians have more money

than the West. America’s the largest debtor nation in

the history of the world. China has huge assets, as do

other Asian countries. So unfortunately, it’s causing

Russia to turn more toward Asia. That too will be

good for Russia in the long term. There are 3 billion

people in Asia. You see the Russians have made this

huge gas deal with the Chinese. The Chinese and the

Asians have recently started an Asian bank to compete

with The World Bank. This whole thing, which we

started, is only accelerating bad movements.

Business Insider

A specter is haunting Washington, an unnerving

vision of a Sino-Russian alliance wedded to an

expansive symbiosis of trade and commerce across

much of the Eurasian land mass -- at the expense

of the United States. And no wonder Washington

is anxious. That alliance is already a done deal in a

variety of ways: through the BRICS group of emerging

powers (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South

Africa); at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization,

the Asian counterweight to NATO; inside the G20;

and via the 120-member-nation Non-Aligned

Movement (NAM).

Huffi ngton Post

Russia and China will strengthen military

ties this spring with joint naval drills in the

Mediterranean and Pacifi c.

Washington Times

A Washington Times Advertising Supplement

Page 3: promotes Russia – China political, economic, and military ...media.washtimes.com/media/misc/2014/11/28/au_inmoscow-112814.pdfNov 28, 2014  · Russia and the United States have worked


A Washington Times Advertising Supplement

By Martin Sieff The real solution to the extremely dangerous global confrontation looming between Russia and the West

must come from Washington. But the prospects for this happening in the foreseeable future are negligible. Major European nations are much more susceptible to suffer unanticipated blowback from the economic

sanctions imposed by the United States and the European Union on Russia. This is likely to lead to intense pressure on the governments of Germany and France in particular to dial down their participation in the sanctions regime.

However, even if Berlin and Paris break ranks with the Brussels bureaucrats in seeking to improve relations with Russia, the most dangerous issues generating levels of hostility unseen since at least 1982-83 remain carved in stone.

First, the United States continues to funnel massive military support to the Kiev government of President Petro Poroshenko, even as it increases its military action against the civilian population of the two breakaway regions of Lugansk and Donetsk. Russia will certainly respond to the ever-rising civilian death tolls in those provinces – now around 5,000, with almost a million refugees fl eeing into Russia – stepping up its own military support for the regions and taking more active operations against Poroshenko’s ramshackle army.

Second, the United States continues to deploy its Ironhorse armored cavalry force in the three Baltic states of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia as protection for these three highly anti-Russian states. However, the Baltic states are the historic invasion route north to St. Petersburg, Russia’s second largest city, and well over a million people were starved to death their when the Nazi Wehrmacht took that very route to besiege the city in the fall and winter of 1941. The fact that NATO forces are now deployed on the outskirts of St. Petersburg would have been

inconceivable to any of the Reagan and George Herbert Walker Bush administration policymakers who negotiated the end of the Cold War on the U.S. side.

Third, U.S. warships and aircraft remain deployed in the Black Sea in support of the volatile and unpredictable successive governments of little Georgia in the Caucasus. As long as they are there, potential fl ash point incidents with Russian naval air force units will continue.

The United States cannot hope to restore reasonable relations with Russia or to revive the US-Russian dialogue that is essential to both nations unless and until it unilaterally tackles these three core issues.

Fourth, the Obama administration should also launch a serious dialogue to share early warning space-based strategic intelligence with Russia to reduce the dangers of accidental thermonuclear world war. Russia’s failure to successfully establish its own space-based early warning system means that the world’s most heavily armed nuclear superpower is reduced to “only as far as the horizon” radar alerts to alert it of any potential preemptive fi rst strike.

Serious fi gures ready to advocate such policies certainly exist in the United States. However, they are locked out of President Barack Obama’s National Security Council. His National Security Adviser Susan Rice has never shown the slightest indication that she even begins to understand any of these life or death issues.

Even worse, the results of the November 4 midterm congressional elections were a disaster for the President and his Democratic Party. The elections delivered the Senate into the hands of the Republicans who remain far more anti-Russian and a super-hawkish than the Democrats, and who seek to humiliate and pressure the president into a far more anti-Russian policy at every turn.

Rice’s ignorance and incompetence is replicated through the news producers and editors of the U.S. national broadcast and print media. No open debate and discussion on the different sides of the Ukrainian confl ict is almost ever permitted to see the light of day. The president of Russia is routinely demonized in the most simplistic, cartoonish and ridiculous ways.

U.S. policymakers, pundits and media executives will have to wake up and grow up before there can be any hope of restoring the U.S.-Russian bilateral relationship – the most important strategic relationship for the entire human race.--Martin Sieff was formerly Chief Foreign Correspondent for The Washington Times and Managing Editor,

International Affairs for United Press International. He is a Senior Fellow of the American University in Moscow.

U.S. Must Take Lead, Change Policies to End Crisis

Page 4: promotes Russia – China political, economic, and military ...media.washtimes.com/media/misc/2014/11/28/au_inmoscow-112814.pdfNov 28, 2014  · Russia and the United States have worked


A Washington Times Advertising Supplement

Ambassador John Te� t Presents Credentials to President Putin

Russia and the United States have worked together, suc-ceeded together, and suffered together in a long relationship lasting more than 200 years. Despite the ups-and-downs of the offi cial links over the years, the human connection between our peoples always has remained strong. As Ambas-sador, an important part of my role is helping to strengthen those people-to-people ties.

I will do my best to engage Russians from all parts of so-ciety. I will explain what the United States stands for and promote respect for the dignity of every citizen, democratic values, good governance, and rule of law. My wife Mariella and I welcome the opportunity to renew and deepen our knowledge of Russia’s rich history and cultural heritage. And we look forward to engaging with our many friends in Russia and promoting expanded cultural ties between the Russian and American people.

US Embassy Moscow

Sorry Dave Cameron, but Putin didn’t start

the Ukraine War; � e EU did

You do not have to be a fanatical admirer of Vladimir Putin to acknowledge that the West has constructed a false narrative around events in the Ukraine. What is the “moral” justifi cation for preventing the citizens of the Crimea from integrating with their Russian homeland when they were only separated from it by a whim of Nikita Khruschev in 1954? Would critics who claim voters were intimidated in the Crimean referendum care to enumerate those residents of the peninsula who are anti-Russian? They can use the fi ngers of both hands, if necessary.

Putin did not start the Ukraine war: the European Union did, through its insane ambition to expand beyond all geographical reason. Yet, when all the other fatuous pseudo-benefi ts of EU membership have been exploded, Europhiles fall back on the infantile claim that only the EU has prevented war in Europe. Now there is war in Europe and Brussels provoked it.

Gerard Warner - breitbart.com

Poroshenko: “� eir children will hole up in the basements - this is

how we win the war!”

Poroshenko, who was to meet Biden at the makeshift memorial near the scene of violent protests early this year, arrived ahead of time and was quickly surrounded by elderly women who said their sons were among the dead and by men chanting “Shame! Shame!”

When Biden’s motorcade arrived at the edge of the growing crowd, his U.S. Secret Service escort decided it was unsafe for him to leave his vehicle, and his motorcade turned back.

Washington Post

US top enemy (according to Obama) carries US and European astronauts to the International Space Station while Russian Rocket Supply for US Satellites Launches Continues

Russian Anton Shkaplerov, American Terry Virts and Ital-ian Samantha Cristoforetti of Italy aboard Soyuz capsule on the way to ISS.

The supply of Russian-made rocket engines used to send US military satellites into space has not experienced any disruptions despite tense relations between the two coun-tries. “United Launch Alliance (ULA) received all planned deliveries for the calendar year. All engines in inventory are able to be utilized for government, civil and commercial launch missions.”

Capt. Chris Hoyler, US Air Force spokesperson