PROLOGUE With the fall of the classical Soviet Socialism along with socialist states of East Europe and the fading out Cold War, the world wide Marxism-Leninism comes to an end following the participation of in the ‘Market Socialism’ of the Chinese Communist party, under the leadership of Deng-Xiao ping. The victory of the Capitalist –Imperialist world system league at the last phase of the 1980’s.In order to plunder and profiteering under the free market system, the all-embracive imperialist policy expedited liberalization and globalization across the world .The collaboration of the capitalist states with the imperialist America, almost all states (with a few exception ) recognized this world system. Thus started the globalization with flying colors. The massive victims of the process have been the working class of the whole world. Its impact was largely felt by the toiling masses of the under developed and developing states of the globe. And the so called left of our country headed by the CPI(M) welcomed the shackle of the globalization. Bowing down to the obnoxious policy, the so called left of this state restrained themselves from strong opposition to imperialism in meetings and writing revolutionary articles in periodicals. Rather they began to preach for a great development through persuing the new economic reforms.Ironically, they once spoke against globalization, they were vocal against monopoly capital and multinational corporations and the ‘imperialist economic zones ---- Special Economic Zones (SEZ). Astonishingly, stepping in the 21 st , they turned into promoters of globalization-economy by holding the banner of development. As the biggest industrialist of India, TATA motors desired the multi- crop fertile land at Singur of the Hoogly district, the left government- wadded to the market economy did not hesitate to make a


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With the fall of the classical Soviet Socialism along with socialist states of East Europe and the fading out Cold War, the world wide Marxism-Leninism comes to an end following the participation of in the Market Socialism of the Chinese Communist party, under the leadership of Deng-Xiao ping.The victory of the Capitalist Imperialist world system league at the last phase of the 1980s.In order to plunder and profiteering under the free market system, the all-embracive imperialist policy expedited liberalization and globalization across the world .The collaboration of the capitalist states with the imperialist America, almost all states (with a few exception ) recognized this world system. Thus started the globalization with flying colors. The massive victims of the process have been the working class of the whole world. Its impact was largely felt by the toiling masses of the under developed and developing states of the globe. And the so called left of our country headed by the CPI(M) welcomed the shackle of the globalization. Bowing down to the obnoxious policy, the so called left of this state restrained themselves from strong opposition to imperialism in meetings and writing revolutionary articles in periodicals. Rather they began to preach for a great development through persuing the new economic reforms.Ironically, they once spoke against globalization, they were vocal against monopoly capital and multinational corporations and the imperialist economic zones ---- Special Economic Zones (SEZ).Astonishingly, stepping in the 21st , they turned into promoters of globalization-economy by holding the banner of development.As the biggest industrialist of India, TATA motors desired the multi-crop fertile land at Singur of the Hoogly district, the left government- wadded to the market economy did not hesitate to make a law to dedicate about 1000 acres of land to them. The soil of Singur got stained with blood followig the shooting of the security force and party workers and a girl, Tapasi Malik was raped and killed. This was broadcasted widely by the printing and electronic media and is used by the then oppositions. The matter is still under judiciary procedure. Following the rape and death of Tapasi Malik, the left parties under the CPI (M) raped and murdered the left ideology. In the name of development, they wanted to strangulate the hopes and aspirations of the farmers, and the toilling masses. It reminds us of the mythological story where the father being pressurized by the beautiful and heartless prince to extract the heart of his mother to offer the same to the sweetheart. The story goes that the extracted heart asks beloved son, have you got much pain, my boy?. Alas CPI(M) ! Alas its class sympathy!. The inner self of the leadership did not bother about the justification of its course of action.They were so much inclined towards bourgrois democracy that after putting down the resistence movement at Singur with the police and the administration, the planed acquisition of vast fertile land to set up chemical hub at Nandigram---- to serve the purpose of the developing SEZ for the benefit of the foreign investors. The victim will be farmers related with the Tebhaga movement and the long peasant movements of the left. The place has been the fort of the left.But the attempt to acquire the land with the help of the administration and victimize peasants for globalization did not work. Farmers, with long experience of peasant movements developed resistance movement without having any political leadership. They live for land and are ready to die for the same.The more the state repression against the resistance movement, the more the volume of the resistance of farmers. This resulted in the mass murder of the political cadre at the support of the state policy.Farmers of Nandigram instead of retreating back squarely faced the conspiracy of occupying the area and smashed the state terrorism by driving away the intruders.The left front government led by the CPI (M) withdraws the acquisition plan for the time being, but some leaders still believed that the chemical hub would be established in future. On the other hand, the top most leader of the left front government depicted the restoration of Rule of law as the rise of new sun at Nandigram. In a sense, he said aptly but the sun rise in reality was of the spontaneous resistance movement. The sun rise penetrating the network of dark conspiracy imperialist globalization and its promoter the left front government of West Bengal kissed the glowing rising sun.Power-wielders of the state ignored the interest of the toiling masses and gradually became the promoter of the capitalists and imperialists. Singur roared against this nefarious conspiracy. What the blood-bathed Singur failed to achieve, Nandigram succeeded in that front. Defying the repression of the cadres of the powerful CPI (M) and the state government led by the left front, the movement of Singur and Nandigram has opened a new horizon in the peasant movement of West Bengal, rather India.The movements show that peasants without having the guidance of sophisticated ideology can struggle against the state repression and imperialist conspiracy, and come out victorious.With the upheaval of peasants of Singur and Nandigram, the onward march of the left front government received a great jolt. The seventh left front government was dethroned along with the debacle in the Lok Sabha election. With the peoples mandate, the removal of the left front government, the regime of 34 years came to an end.Really, it is a grim reality that the CPI (M) party which started a few decades back with the bold pledge of liberation of working people, participated in the parliamentary democracy providing leadership to thousands of revolutionaries and held up the party sympathetic to toiling mass has now being isolated from the people, reduced to partners and promoters of Capitalism and Imperialism.Admittedly, we are to investigate the reasons of this downfall and find out alternative consciousness and alternative path to reach the goal of Socialism and Communism, guiding the working people through struggle and the path of revolution.We will try to understand in this chapter, why did the CPI (M) along with other left parties arrive at such an embarrassing situation? Whether this position was inevitable?The Indian National Congress provided leadership in the freedom move ment of India. It was basically an anti-imperialist platform in which there was co-existence of various shade of political groups and parties.Even the undivided CPI and other left groups also assembled in the said platform. And since 1940s, various groups and parties began to isolate themselves from the Congress front; gradually the Congress emerged as the biggest political party. Its class basis was Indian bourgeois having close alliance with the feudal class, By way of give and take and transfer of power the representatives of such classes under the influence of imperialists preferred the National Congress to serve their class interests. Constitution of India which has been developed in the capitalist system incorporated the right to property to give santity to the system of exploitation of the proletaeriate. The Indian bourgeois class born in the womb of colonial state with the feature of unequal development of capitalism was marked sick and less developed from the very beginning and remained compromising . Comparitively, the bourgeios of Japan developed at the same period was rather more dynamic and developing.The colonial character of the indian counterpart appears to be the prime factor which distinguished it from the Japanese one.The class collaboration of the Indian bourgeois with landed interest lies in this basic struture. The primary condition of the development of bourgeois condidtioned the policy of land reforms in totality. This mindset has been reflected in the vascilation of the land reforms by Congress government at the centre and states. Infact, land reforms has remained the back burner of the Congress led states. Limited attempts were made at West Bengal , Kerala through political movements of left parties and left government , inspite of the fact that the policy of land reforms adopted by Congress governments remained largely unimplemented. In the post-independence period , the semi-feudal and semi-bourgeois class persuing collaboration have been able to establish the legitimacy of the state to the common people as well as the recognition by the standard of democratic standards.There are different opinions in respect of participation in the parliamentary democracy among Marxist , not only of India but other states of the globe too.The opinions are as follows ;1. Democracy is a farce in the capitalist state system.To participate in such states is to betray the interests of the general mass .The parliamentary systems only looks after the interest of the bourgeoise. As such, the communist revolutionaries prefer the path of class struggle or mass movement to the goal of Socialism.Pathfinders of this line of approach attach importance to the process of capturing power through armed struggle. This line is dubbed s ultra-left deviation from the stand point of Marxism-Leninism. In reality, the advocates the ultra-left of putting more emphasis on armed insurrection than class-struggle or mass movements get alienated gradually from the people and they take the path of terrorism. In the present day INDIA, CPI (ML) rather the so-called Naxals belongs to this category of ultra-left.

2. That the Communist party will participate in the bourgeois democratic system. In the interest of development of class struggle will conduct political struggle inside and outside the parliament. This approach is approved by the official Marxist-Leninist school, Lenins famous book. Infantile contain detailed discussion relating to boycott or participation of comminist revolutionaries. Lenin seconded to he second line of thought. With the end of the World War II and the process of decolonisation across the world, freedom movements in different states tasted grand success and at the same time the neo-colonialism implying economic bondage of under developed states spreaded its tentacles.

Amidst such development the erstwhile colonies got freedom and barring socialist states , all states leaned towards the state system through bourgeois democracy.Some principles were accepted in the matter of participation of comminist revolutionary partiesin the bourgeois democracy. Firstly, to carry on political struggle along with participation in the parliamentary system till the capture of the state power by the development of mass movements and class struggle.In such situation, the Communist parties and left parties will refrain from the formation of government or participation in the government.

Secondly, the Communist party would participate in the bourgeois parliamentary systemin the interest of developmet of class struggle and if necessary it will form the government. On the other hand , adapting some populist policies of welfare, providing relief to the people and arranging the statutory provisions of these programmes in the ineterest of the working class and presantry strengthen its base among the people. On the other hand , exposing the hollowness of the capitalist system, it will conduct class struggle along the revolutionary path for the total change of the exploitative state system.

In the present dat india Communist parties and other fraternal left parties having belief in the aforesaid principle accepted the government in some provinces to apply the principles. We will come to the discussion later to study the result of such development.

Thirdly, communist parties and left parties participating in the bourgeois parliamentary systems and forming government to inroduce such changes and programmes to enlarge democratic rights of the toiling mass so that the later can practice collective and socialist style of living at the primary stage. As for example, participation of workers in the state-owned industrial units , small & large production unitsthrough cooperatives ,democracy at all stages of civic life , development of consciousness among the toiling people. The implementation of these tasks will go a log way in building up the base of socialist state. The execution of such tasks is noticed in Venezuala and some other states of Latin America where leftist parties have come to power by elections and have performed socialist and populist programmes.

The left leadership under the guidance of CPI (M) undertaking massive relief activities for the working class and the peasantry in some states of India participated in the government too.This role of leftists resulted in the negative impact . Why did they arrive at such situations ? On a logical exercise it is evident that this set back was inevitable. While the book was in the press , the mandate of the people of West Bengal n the legislative election 2011 went against the CPI (M) led left front government which ruled 34 years at a stretch and sadlt enough was reduced to a small opposition party in the state assembly . The government was fromed by Smt Mamata Banerjee with her party Trinamool Congress, a break-away party from the National Congress. In the said election of 2011, both the parties formed alliance and won the election. The performance of the new government over a year exhibit undemocrtic and intolerant attitude. On the other side, the CPI (M) and other left parties appear to be so much debilated that the capacity of coming back is not visible. In reality, it is not possible for the opposition party more than making some critism of the policy and programmes of the government , holding a few press meetings and party meetings. Added to this sign of weakness , it is found that neither the CPI (M) nor the left parties appears to ost initiatives to make self-assessment of the debacle ,evaluation of their political theory inconsistence with the changed time and adopt new policy . It appears that they are now immersed in deep crisis.

Let us now look at the question how afr relief was provided by the left government during its tenure at state-level and how much class struggle was accelerated .Further, we should see which class guided these left parties in the past and present. Like communist parties of other countries, Indian Communist party was founded with primarily intellectuals and low middle clas people leaving influenced by the communist ideology.This Bhadralok educated middle class provided the leadership in the class struggle and mass movement in Pre-independence and Post-independence period. It is undesirable that a small section of working class, farmers, prodeucers took part in the party activities. The middle class played the major role in the programmes of the Communist party of India.The reason for little participation of the working class and peasantry are as follows: The main reason is the very poor literacy rate of the producing class.It is a fact that many historic workers-peasants movements were organized with the blood and sweat of the working class and thereby the Communist party gradually took rot in the same provinces (e.g West Bengal & Kerala) and grew up: still the representation of the workers and peasants in the leadership was hardly pronounced .They remained as aggitators.Obviously, the class basis of the Communist Party has been the middle class character.The large midle class has its genesis in the necessity of colonial state of British India.In the 19th century, the growth of this class was proonged. Since the third decade of the 20th century, the middle class people appeared cherishing the fire of liberation along with the fraternity with other states of the world and the great influence of the Communist ideology.

In course of time the Communist Party and other like-minded left parties evolved. The colonial influence since the very birth of the middlers made them somewhat a dependent character. The majority of the intellectuals of india being inclined to the Congress under the influence of bourgeois culture , the mediocre persons preferred the communist leadership. As a resultthe communist party and other left parties were not able in many cases to study or evaluate the complex socio-economic characteristics of India and to frame the correct political progammes.this limitation resulted in the incapacity of the Communist Party and other left party to gain much popularity and acceptance among the general mass in india.Above all, the tendancy of immitation of either Russian model or Chinese model at different times , the Communist nursed the dream of democratic or socialist revolution and the dependence on the guidance of the British Communist Party in 1930s and the 1940s.Despite such faults, the steady leadership of the class struggle and mass movements made the communist party free from all deviation of the middle class.Looking back in the matter at West Bengal, we find that the Communist party and left parties jointly came to power twice for a short perid in the pre 1970s. These two left governments did not last for a long period amidst political debates and clashes. Thereafter, state terrorism and internal emergency bringing a gloomy period passed.

In 1977 the newly constituted left front government were formed with ahuge majority in West Bengal and Kerala.The thumping vistory of the CPI (M) led left front was not possible by any magic.The long history of mass movement can be credited with the success.In the post-independence period, left parties got only 18% vote in the first general election. With the increasing support of the people, the percentage of vote reached 49%.The percentage did not increase in the following years. But the left front was able to hold the popular support comfortably for the consecutive seven terms in the asembly elections. There might be cases of rigging, booth jamming in isolated cases but the peoples mandate remained with the left front.The left front led by CPI (M) with their experience of the mass movement came to power under the parliamentary democracy to provide relief to the people through some welfare programmes . The communist party participated in the bourgeoisie parliament along the second line of thought of Marxists as stated above .

Assuming the administrative power, they, with the limited capacity took some measures ------ land reforms, distribution of vested land among agricultural workers, providing semi permanenet ownership of agricultural land through Barga operation to share croppers, decentralization of power through reconstituion of Panchayats. Such measures helped the CPI (M) and other left parties to strenghten their organizations at he grass rot levels at rural areas and to develop vote banks with much stability. Admittedly, at urban areas, the left front could not go beyond lip sympathy to the problems of industrial workers and failed to mark much posititve stand in repsect of the resolution of disputes through administration and political movements. This inertia of the ruling party accelerated the closure of sick industries and the influence of the working leftists specially the CPI (M) on the working class found decreasing.The CPI(M) nad left enjoyed the popular support as before due to the existence of their vorte banks. In the first three eft front government (1977-1992), we saw more emphasis of the government on the implementation of the government policies rather than organizing mass movements and class struggle. The party has little plan and interest in the matter.In order to capture more power to serve personal interest , partisan spirit and mepolism began to vitiate different layers of admistration . So long , mass movements and class struggles neutralized some political mistakes resulting in the marginal deviation and erosion which were not visible.

From the very start of the left front government , the middle class leadership having tasted the bourgeois power gradually got changed ito the role of serving the interest of the bourgeoisie system. At the urban areas, the expanding influence of promoters of sky scrappers and contractors of construction works were getting more manifest. Deviated from class struggle, left parties having the support of oppertunist class lost their fighting character and assumed the image of the oppertunist and power-greedy character. In rural areas, the limited land reforms reduced old landlords powerless. A new rich class appeared after the era of land Pancreforms in West Bengal. This class taking the advantage of scientific cultivation and extra agricultural functions (e.g looking after the irrigation through shallow tube wells and acting as agents for manure,seeds, insecticide chemicals in rural areas) amassed a hand some profit.Members of this section came forward to take education and gained government service, teaching service. It is this new rich class that appeared as new elite in rural areas. They captued the decentralized power of Gram Panchayats , Panchayat Samities and Zilla Parishads.

In this way, both the rural and urban areas , the influence of oppertunists , self-centred, power-greedy middle class of the CPI (M) and other partners of the left front got focussed in course of time .Not to speak of mass movements, class struggle, revolution, , left parties shifted their focus to development-------- bourgeoisie development of course. To further the cuase of such development , the party led by the middle class suffered from deviation and distortion from the original ideological stand point . Taking advantage of the administration, party supporters and party members amassed huge wealth and built up luxurious party buildings exhibiting bourgeoisie culture . From the ethical point of view the party was reduced to a hollow organizaion.

The marching slogan of the left front government being power-development-power since the mid 90s was replaced by fanfare of all categories of the party by Agriculture is the basis and Industry our future. The basic tenets of socialism , revolution remains ignored. The most oppertunistic section of the middle class capturing left parties began to use the party and government in their interest . On the other hand, maintaining the partisan attitude atype of party dictatorship indulged in corruption, nepotism, extortion.

This resulted to the cagoling of big bourgeoisie , imperialist corporate sectors to get their favour pleading for industrialisation and employment inspite of their oposition to the principles of globalisation , liberalization, big monopoly capital and imperialist capital from the ethical stand point . During the 7th left front government, this approach found its manifestation in the acquisition of multicrop land forcibly at Singur to facilitate the endeavour of Tata , the highest capitalist of India to built up a factory of motor cars. The people and farmers jointly resisted and the rataliation of the security forces made the soil of Singur and Nandigram blood-stained. Mothers and daughters of those places were raped. With the commitment to the globalization the CPI (M) leadership went ahead to acquire vast land at two blocks of Nandigramto built up Special Economic Zone (SEZ) to facilitate the establishment of chemical hub of the foreign investors Baby Santosara of Indonesia. This person is alleged to have supported the mass killing of communists at indonesia. People of Nandigram did not submit to the coercion of government . Nandigram was a strong base of left movements. Ironically, people resisted the conspiracy of the CPI (M) and left parties to foil the government policy. Bereft of any leadership of revolutionary consciousness, farmers rejected the plan of the left front government . The government dropped the issue of the acquisition of land but took the revenge by commiting mass killing.They failed to subdue peasant of Nandigram but they did not refrain from the policy of promoting globalisation. Simmilar policies were being considered for Nayachar and other places. They could not understand how much they were objects of dislike and hatred of the people. Infact , being bureaucratic and regimented the party got completely aliconated from the people.Psychophants from the grass root to the highest level made them partners of the bourgeoisie and developed an anti-people image of the party. Instead of being the symbol of hopes , ambitions and dreams of the working people, as suggested by Antonio Gramsie, the comminist party distanced itself from mass movements, class struggle and interests of the working class and appeared as a villain .In the assembly election of 2011, people of west Bengal withmuch disdain rejected the left front government headed by CPI (M). the left front facing extinction and march of globalization receiving a jolt , a new field of political movement and class struggle is being created.In this critical period , it is necessary to come out of the old ideas and to search for new alternative path and to coordinate communist and socialist forces to develop a fighting platform of the people . We propose to dwell on the development of history from the primitive stage to present time and to search fro the revolutionary change in the future. Let us search , debate and take new programmes for new destination and the application of class struggle and develop fighting platform of communists.