Prolog Converge 9.2 Administration Client User's Manual February 2012

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Prolog Converge 9.2

Administration Client User's Manual

February 2012

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual i

Table of Contents

Prolog Converge 9.2 ....................................................................................................... i 1 Overview of Prolog Converge Administration ............................................................ 1 2 Working with the Admin Client .................................................................................. 2 3 Module Overview ....................................................................................................... 5 4 System Modules ......................................................................................................... 8

4.1 Preferences .......................................................................................................... 8 4.1.1 System Preferences .......................................................................................... 8

4.2 Data Access - Servers .......................................................................................... 9 4.2.1 Database Servers ............................................................................................. 9 4.2.2 Table or View ................................................................................................. 10 4.2.3 View Primary Key ........................................................................................... 11 4.2.4 EMail (Outbound) Servers ............................................................................... 12

4.3 Data Access – Value Sources.............................................................................. 14 4.3.1 Value Source ................................................................................................. 14

4.4 DMS Preferences ................................................................................................ 16 4.4.1 DMS Preference ............................................................................................. 16

4.5 Logos ................................................................................................................. 17 4.5.1 Logo ............................................................................................................. 17

4.6 Lookup Lists ....................................................................................................... 18 4.6.1 Standard Lookup List ...................................................................................... 18 4.6.2 Standard Lookup List Item .............................................................................. 19 4.6.3 Image Lookup List .......................................................................................... 20 4.6.4 Image Lookup List Item .................................................................................. 21 4.6.5 Value Source Lookup List ................................................................................ 22

4.7 Portfolio Configuration....................................................................................... 24 4.7.1 Adding a Portfolio to Prolog Converge ............................................................... 24 4.7.2 Removing a Portfolio from Prolog Converge ....................................................... 24 4.7.3 Portfolio ........................................................................................................ 24 4.7.4 Record Config ................................................................................................ 27

4.8 Processing Servers – Index Servers ................................................................... 30 4.8.1 Index Server ................................................................................................. 30

4.9 Processing Servers – Notification Servers.......................................................... 31 4.9.1 Notification Server.......................................................................................... 31

4.10 Security ............................................................................................................. 33 4.10.1 Security Group ............................................................................................... 33 4.10.2 Security Group Item ....................................................................................... 34 4.10.3 Authority ....................................................................................................... 35

5 Web Modules ........................................................................................................... 37 5.1 Web Preferences ................................................................................................ 37

5.1.1 Preferences ................................................................................................... 37 5.2 Control ............................................................................................................... 40

5.2.1 Control ......................................................................................................... 40 5.3 Reports – Quick Print ......................................................................................... 41

5.3.1 Quick Print Report .......................................................................................... 41 5.4 Reports – Published ........................................................................................... 45

5.4.1 Published Report ............................................................................................ 45 5.5 Styles ................................................................................................................. 52

5.5.1 Style ............................................................................................................ 52

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual ii

5.6 Views ................................................................................................................. 53 5.6.1 Navigation Tree.............................................................................................. 53 5.6.2 View ............................................................................................................. 53

6 Notification Modules ................................................................................................ 69 6.1 Notification Preferences..................................................................................... 69

6.1.1 Preferences ................................................................................................... 69 6.1.2 Report Options ............................................................................................... 71

6.2 Monitor Data Changes ........................................................................................ 73 6.2.1 Monitor Data Changes..................................................................................... 73

6.3 User-Triggered ................................................................................................... 83 6.3.1 User-Triggered ............................................................................................... 83

6.4 Distribution Lists................................................................................................ 89 6.4.1 Distribution List.............................................................................................. 89 6.4.2 Contact ......................................................................................................... 89

7 Requesting Reconfiguration ..................................................................................... 91 7.1 Cached Configuration & Preferences .................................................................. 91 7.2 Methods of Reconfiguration ............................................................................... 91

7.2.1 Request Reconfiguration from the Prolog Converge® Admin Client ........................ 91

7.2.2 Automated Nightly Reconfiguration ................................................................... 91 7.2.3 Manual Restart of IIS or Server ........................................................................ 92 7.2.4 Manual Restart of the Prolog Converge

® Server Monitor Service ........................... 92

8 Contacting Support .................................................................................................. 93

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 1

1 Overview of Prolog Converge Administration

The Prolog Converge® application has been designed to be as flexible as possible, giving the administrator the ability to configure the system in a countless number of ways. To configure

Prolog Converge®, the administrator uses the Prolog Converge® Administration Client (commonly referred to as the “Admin Client”). This administration manual describes the features of the admin client and provides step-by-step configuration instructions to set up key functionality of Prolog Converge®.

Please note that this guide focuses on core functionality, and that further configuration beyond the scope of this manual may be required. Overall, this guide should provide the Prolog Converge® Administrator with an understanding of the admin client and its capabilities, enabling a site to

deploy more advanced configurations. Prior to beginning configuration, the Prolog Converge® application components must be installed in their entirety. For instructions on installing Prolog Converge®, please refer to the Prolog Converge® Installation Manual.

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 2

2 Working with the Admin Client The Admin Client can be accessed via the Start Menu, located by default at: Start All Programs

Prolog Converge Administration Admin.

When opening the Admin Client, you will be prompted to log in. Prolog Converge® leverages Prolog’s® Security Manager to determine user access rights and security settings. Any valid users

existing in the Prolog® database will be able to log in to the Admin Client once the proper username and password credentials have been verified by Prolog Converge®.

Note: Because all Prolog® users have the ability to log in to the Admin Client, access to

the Prolog Converge® Administrative application should be limited to Administrators only.

Upon logging in successfully, you will be presented with the main screen of the Admin Client. When first opened, the main window will be blank with a menu bar along the top of the screen. The menu bar provides access to the Admin Client’s many configuration modules which, when opened, will be

displayed within the main window.

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Prolog Converge® Admin Client Interface

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 4

To access a module, simply select the area that you would like to work with on the navigation bar and then select the module that you would like to open. After selecting the module that you would like to open, it will appear within the main window as shown below:

Prolog Converge® Admin Client Module Layout

Most modules are structured in a hierarchy. For instance, in the Portfolio Configuration module shown above, the top level of the hierarchy is the ‘Portfolio’ level. The next step is the “Record Config” level. Each “Record Config” applies to the Portfolio which it falls under. As records in the hierarchy are selected, their details are displayed at the bottom of the screen. In some cases, the details may be made up of multiple tabs. Configuration changes are made by

updating the fields in the Record Details area. Once complete the Save button may be used to save any changes.

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 5

3 Module Overview The Admin Client is made up of many different configuration modules, all accessible via the

navigation bar. In addition to the configuration modules, you will also find features such as the exit button, window layout options, help files, and the reconfigure options. Below is a configuration module summary. For details on each module, please see Sections 4, 5, and 6.

Navigation Bar Selections & Descriptions

Menu Selection Description / Function

File Exit Exit the Prolog Converge® Admin Client

Reconfigure Request Reconfiguration Refresh the business and web layers (apply configuration changes to the Prolog Converge® user interface)

Resend Notifications Resend any previously sent notifications

Update All Databases

Runs the Prolog Converge® SQL Scripts against the Prolog® Connect database and all configured


System Preferences

Data Access

Configure system preferences that apply to the overall Prolog Converge® application

Servers Configure Servers that Prolog Converge® may connect to

Value Sources Define value sources for use in other areas of the Admin Client

DMS Preferences Configure the Document Management System (DMS)

storage location

Logos Configure Logos for use in Reports & Notifications

Lookup Lists Define the values that appear in the Lookup Lists

Portfolio Configuration Configure Prolog® Portfolios and Projects.

Processing Servers Index Servers Notification Servers

Configure Processing Servers which will manage Indexing and Notifications

Security Define Security Groups and assign access rights to those groups

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 6

Web Preferences Configure the default preferences that apply to the Prolog Converge® user interface.

Control Configure Default Views for Security Groups


Quick Print Configure Quick Print Reports which appear in the Prolog Converge® user interface.

Published Configure Published Reports which may be scheduled and delivered via Email.

Styles Configure Styles which may be applied to View

Columns in the Prolog Converge® user interface. Views Web Insight Create and maintain Views for the Insight area of the

Prolog Converge® user interface.

Web Portfolio Create and maintain Views for the Portfolio area of

the Prolog Converge® user interface.

Web Project Create and maintain Views for the Project area of the

Prolog Converge® user interface.

Notifications Preferences Configure the default preferences that apply to


Monitor Data Changes Configure Notifications that are triggered based on monitored data changes.

User-Triggered Configure Notifications which are manually initiated

from the Prolog Converge® user interface Distribution Lists Configure Distribution Lists, which may be used in


Window Arrange Icons Line up any icons within the window

Cascade Arrange all windows in a cascade style

Close All Windows Close all windows

Tile Horizontally Arrange all windows horizontally

Tile Vertically Arrange all windows vertically

Minimize All Windows Minimize all windows

Help Contents (F1) Opens this Administration Manual (PDF).

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 7

About Display application version and build information about the Prolog Converge® Administrative Client

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 8

4 System Modules In this section you will find detailed descriptions of the modules located under the System menu

and their features.

4.1 Preferences

The Preferences module is used to configure system preferences which apply to the overall Prolog

Converge® application. The values which are configured in this module are set during the installation of Prolog Converge®, but may be modified here as necessary.

4.1.1 System Preferences

The following settings are available in the System Preferences module:

Field Name Description / Function

External Link Dir A local or UNC path to a folder which is used internally to store files internally by the Prolog Converge® application. This folder typically resides on the Business Layer (Application) server and must be accessible by the Business Layer.

Note: This folder is used to store temporary files only.

File Upload Share A local or UNC path to a folder which is used internally to process file

Uploads and Downloads by the Prolog Converge® application. This folder typically resides on the Web Client (Web) server and must be accessible by both the Web Client and the Business Layer.

Note: This folder is used to store temporary files only.

Excluded File Types A list of comma separated file extensions that may not be uploaded to the

Prolog Converge® DMS. For instance, “*.cmd, *.exe”

The System Preferences Module

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 9

4.2 Data Access - Servers

The Servers module lets the administrator define directories and databases on servers to be accessed by Prolog Converge®. Servers can be configured to be several types:

Server Type Description / Function

Database Database Servers are used by Views and Notifications as Data Sources

Email (Outbound) The Email (Outbound) Server Type is used to define the directory to which

outbound email notifications will be sent. This directory must be a

monitored Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Pickup folder.

4.2.1 Database Servers

Using the Database type, the administrator can define a database server to be accessed. A Database Server record is made up of three separate records: The Server, the Table or View, and the View Primary Key (when using a View).

The following settings are available for the Database Server record:

Field Name Description / Function

Record Name A unique name for the server.

Type The type of Server (in this case, Database).

Sub Type The type of Database Server (SQL Server).

SQL Server The server that the database resides on.

Database The name of the Database that Prolog Converge® will access.

Use Integrated Security?

When checked, Prolog Converge® will use integrated Windows® security to connect to the Database. The Database must be set to use integrated Windows® security or be in mixed mode.

Connection Params

Optional SQL database connection parameters.

User Name The User Name to be used when connecting to the database when

integrated Windows® security is not used.

Password The password associated with the user name when integrated Windows® security is not used.

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 10

The Database Server Record

4.2.2 Table or View

A Table or View Record may be added to a Database Server record to further define the data Prolog Converge® will be accessing. Using this record, the administrator may select a specific Table or View from a Database Server. This record is used in conjunction with the View Primary Key option

to define the Primary Key of a View, which may be required for the configuration of some types of Monitor Data Change Notifications. The following settings are available for the Table or View record:

Field Name Description / Function

Server The Database Server in which the Table or View resides.

Table or View The Table or View to be accessed.

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 11

The Table or View Record

4.2.3 View Primary Key

A View Primary Key Record may be added to a Table or View record. Using this record the administrator may define a Primary Key for a View. A Primary Key for a View must be defined if the view is to be monitored by a Monitor Data Change Notification.

Note: More than one ‘View Primary Key’ can be assigned to a view if needed. This allows the

administrator to configure a primary key in views where there may not be one unique identifier.

The following settings are available for the View Primary Key record:

Field Name Description / Function

Table or View The Table or View in which the Primary Key resides.

Field The Field which acts as the Primary Key for the Table or View.

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The View Primary Key Record

4.2.4 EMail (Outbound) Servers

The EMail (Outbound) Server Type is used to define the directory to which outbound email notifications will be sent. This directory must be a monitored SMTP Pickup folder.

The following settings are available for the EMail (Outbound) Server record:

Field Name Description / Function

Record Name A unique name for the server.

Type The type of Server (in this case, EMail (Outbound)).

Sub Type The sub type defines the type of outbound EMail server. In all cases, this will be

set to SMTP Pickup Folder.

Pickup Folder The directory to which outbound email notifications will be sent. This directory must be a monitored SMTP Pickup folder.

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The EMail (Outbound) Server

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 14

4.3 Data Access – Value Sources

The Value Source module is used to define database tables or views which can be used as data sources in other areas of the Prolog Converge® Administrative Client. Value Sources area used as data sources for Notifications, Views, and Lookup Lists.

4.3.1 Value Source

The Value Source record contains information about the Value Source, such as the type of Value

Source, the Database Server the Value Source resides in, and the specific Table or View which will act as the Value Source. The following settings are available for the Value Source record:

Field Name Description / Function

Name A unique name for the Value Source.

Type The type of Server (in all cases, Database).

Server The Database Server in which the Value Source resides.

Table or View The Table or View to be used for the Value Source record. The available

tables and views are based on the Database Server that has been selected.

Project ID Field The Project ID Field to be used for this Value Source Record. The values presented in this drop down are determined by the Table or View selected.


The Database to be used for this Value Source Record. The values presented in this drop down are determined by the Table or View selected.

Conv. Project ID The name of the Prolog® Portfolio identified with this value source

Condition An optional SQL statement for the Table or View selected. The SQL in this box

is added to the selected Table or View as a WHERE statement. For instance, typing ‘ProjectID = 1’ in the Condition box would add a ‘WHERE Project ID = 1’ clause when retrieving values from the table or view. Once the SQL has been defined, the Check Syntax button can be used to validate the SQL

syntax. Note the WHERE is implied and should not be added as part of the conditional statement.

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The Value Source Record

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4.4 DMS Preferences

The DMS Preferences module is used to define the storage location for the Prolog Converge® Document Management System physical files.

4.4.1 DMS Preference

The DMS Preference record defines the File Share which will house the Prolog Converge® DMS physical files.

The following settings are available for the DMS Preference record:

Field Name Description / Function

Record Name A unique name for the DMS Preference Record.

Converge DMS File Share The Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path of the directory which

will house the Prolog Converge® DMS physical files.

Note: Prolog Converge® can be configured to utilize Prolog® Website physical file location. Existing Prolog® Website users

can input the UNC path to Prolog® Website if desired.

The DMS Preference Record

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 17

4.5 Logos

The Logos module is used to manage the Logo(s) which will be used in Prolog Converge® Notifications and Reports. When Notifications and Reports are generated in Prolog Converge®, any IMAGE fields in the notification or report content with a TAG matching the Name of a Logo will use the image loaded to the Logo in this module.

Note: Logos are used only for Notifications and Reports that are not configured to use Prolog Manager® as the report content type. See Section 6 Notification Modules for additional details.

4.5.1 Logo

A Logo record is configured for each Logo which will be used in Notifications and Reports. An image may be loaded to each Logo record using the Load button, which will prompt the administrator to select an image file. Once selected, the image will be displayed at the bottom of the module. Alternatively, the Clear button may be used to remove a previously loaded image.

The following settings are available for the Logo record:

Field Name Description / Function

Name A unique name for the Logo Record.

Description A description of the Logo.

Load Opens a File Browsing window to allow the administrator to select an image file.

Clear Clears the previously loaded image.

The Logo Record

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 18

4.6 Lookup Lists

Lookup Lists are used to define and maintain the drop down list values presented to the end user in Prolog Converge®. Once a Lookup List record has been created, users can create Lookup List Items that appear under the Lookup List record.

Note: Prolog Converge® will honor all Prolog® Manager configured List Groups or Lookup List values. The Prolog Converge® lookup lists specified in this section are for use exclusively in the Prolog Converge® user interface.

Lookup Lists can be configured to be several types:

Lookup List Type Description / Function

Standard Standard Lookup Lists are typically used to modify how a database field is

displayed in Prolog Converge® Views. For instance, a database field may

contain a 0 or 1, representing ‘No’ or ‘Yes’ respectively, a Lookup List could be used to convert the 0’s to ‘No’ and 1’s to ‘Yes’. This allows the end-users to more easily understand the data that is being presented.


An Image Lookup List operates in the same manner as a Standard Lookup List, but will present an image to the end-user instead of text. For instance, a database field may contain a 0 or 1, representing ‘No’ or ‘Yes’ respectively. An Image Lookup List could display an empty/blank image for ‘No’, and a

Checkmark for ‘Yes’.

Value Source Value Source Lookup Lists are typically used to define the values which

should appear in a custom drop-down list, such as a Report Parameter. For instance, a Value Source Lookup List could be configured to use a Value Source based on the Prolog® Projects table. The display field would be configured to display the Project Name or Number, and the Value Field would pass the ProjectID to Prolog Converge® when a Project is selected. Because drop-down lists are refreshed each time a form is loaded, using a Value Source Lookup List allows for dynamic drop-down lists.

4.6.1 Standard Lookup List

The Standard Lookup List record is a container for Standard Lookup List Items which will appear in the Standard Lookup List.

The following settings are available for the Standard Lookup List record:

Field Name Description / Function

Type The Type of Lookup List, in this case, Standard.

Name A unique name for the Standard Lookup List Record.

Allow non-numeric DB Values in items?

When true, the administrator may enter non-numeric values in the Lookup List Item’s DB Value field.

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The Standard Lookup List Record

4.6.2 Standard Lookup List Item

A Standard Lookup List Item is associated with the Standard Lookup List. One Standard Lookup List Item will be created for each value in the Standard Lookup List. The following settings are available for the Standard Lookup List Item record:

Field Name Description / Function

Lookup List The Standard Lookup List which the Lookup List Item belongs to.

List Value The Display Value to be used when the DB Value is found.

DB Value The DB Value.

Tooltip If applicable, the Tooltip which will be displayed when the end-user mouses over

the Lookup List Item value.

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The Standard Lookup List Item Record

4.6.3 Image Lookup List

The Image Lookup List record is a container for Image Lookup List Items which will appear in the Image Lookup List. The following settings are available for the Image Lookup List record:

Field Name Description / Function

Type The Type of Lookup List, in this case, Image.

Name A unique name for the Image Lookup List Record.

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The Image Lookup List Record

4.6.4 Image Lookup List Item

An Image Lookup List Item is associated with the Image Lookup List. One Image Lookup List Item will be created for each value in the Image Lookup List. The following settings are available for the Image Lookup List Item record:

Field Name Description / Function

Lookup List The Image Lookup List which the Lookup List Item belongs to.

List Value The Image to be used when the DB Value is found.

Note: The Image path & file name should be entered as a path relative to the

Prolog Converge® Web Client folder. For instance, if the actual image is: C:\Program Files\Meridian Systems\Prolog Converge\Web Client\Images\checked.gif The following List Value would be used: images/checked.gif.

DB Value The DB Value.

Tooltip If applicable, the Tooltip which will be displayed when the end-user mouses over

the image.

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The Image Lookup List Item Record

4.6.5 Value Source Lookup List

The Value Source Lookup List record defines a dynamic Lookup List which is based on a Value Source. The following settings are available for the Value Source Lookup List record:

Field Name Description / Function

Type The Type of Lookup List, in this case, Value Source.

Name A unique name for the Standard Lookup List Record.

Value Source The Value Source which will be used to determine the list of values

in the Lookup List.

Display Field The field from the Value Source which should act as the Display Field (the value which is shown to the end-user).

Value Field The field from the Value Source which should act as the Value Field.

Add to Top of Lookup List A static value may be added to the top of the Value Source Lookup List for both the Display and Value fields. If the Value Source Lookup List is to be used as the source of a Report Parameter, a value of ‘All’ is commonly added to the top of the Value Source Lookup List.

Don’t Cache Items

When checked, the lookup list will not cache the value source’s items into memory. Instead, the value source will be accessed dynamically each time the lookup list is presented to the user.

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 23

Condition An optional SQL statement for the select Value Source. The SQL in this box is added to the selected Table or View as a WHERE statement. For instance, typing ‘ProjectID = 1’ in the Condition box would add a ‘WHERE Project ID = 1’ clause when retrieving values

from the value source. Note that the WHERE is implied and should not be added as part of the conditional statement.

The Value Source Lookup List Record

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 24

4.7 Portfolio Configuration

The Portfolio Configuration module is used to link Prolog Connect® Portfolios (Databases) to Prolog Converge®. Using this module the administrator may add or maintain Prolog Connect® Portfolios. The Portfolio Configuration module consists of Portfolio records and Record Config records. The Portfolio record defines the Prolog® Portfolio and its Projects, which will be linked to Prolog Converge®. The Record Config record defines settings for specific data group types.

4.7.1 Adding a Portfolio to Prolog Converge

To add a Prolog Connect® Portfolio to Prolog Converge®, please use the following procedure:

1. Select the ‘New Portfolio’ button on the toolbar. 2. In the Portfolio drop-down list, select the Prolog Connect® Portfolio that you would like to

add to Prolog Converge®.

Note: When you select a Portfolio, the Name and ID fields will automatically update based on the selected Portfolio.

3. Click the ‘Initialize’ button to initialize the Portfolio for use in Prolog Converge®.

4. A popup will be displayed containing an Update and Cancel button. To begin the initialization process, click the ‘Update’ button. Note: New Portfolios must be initialized before they may be used in Prolog Converge®.

5. The Initialization process will update the selected Portfolio. Once complete, you will be given the option to view the Log file.

6. To finalize your changes, select Reconfigure -> Request Reconfiguration from the Toolbar.

4.7.2 Removing a Portfolio from Prolog Converge

Once used, Portfolios may not be removed from Prolog Converge®. If you would like to disable a Portfolio, please use the ‘Disable’ checkbox on the Portfolio Settings tab.

4.7.3 Portfolio

The Portfolio record defines the Prolog® Portfolio(s) which will be linked to Prolog Converge®. This record consists of three tabs:

Tab Name Description / Function

Portfolio Settings Contains settings specific to the Prolog® Portfolio

Project Defaults Contains default settings which will apply to all projects on the Prolog®

Projects tab where the value is set to <Default>

Prolog Projects Contains a list of Prolog® Projects from the Prolog® Portfolio and their

individual settings.

The following settings are available for the Portfolio record:

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 25

Tab Field Name Description / Function

Portfolio Settings Name A unique name for the Portfolio Record.


A unique ID for the Portfolio Record.


Use Integrated


SQL User SQL Password

Prolog Manager® Portfolio

Note: Only Prolog Manager® Portfolios configured in Prolog Connect® will be displayed.

When checked, Prolog Converge will use the standard

Windows Integrated Security to communicate with the Prolog database(s). When un-checked, Prolog Converge will use a SQL Name and Password to communicate with the Prolog database(s).

Note: It is recommended that Prolog Converge

is configured to use Windows Integrated Security. If a SQL user is needed to

communicate with the Prolog database, please contact Meridian Technical Support for additional configuration steps.

An existing SQL user name. This field will become active once the Use Integrated Security field has been un-checked. The password that corresponds to the SQL User

Name field. This field will become active once the User Integrated Security field has been un-checked.

DMS Config

The Prolog Document Management System (DMS)

Config record to use.

Auto-add Projects

When checked, new Projects will automatically be added to the Portfolio Configuration – Prolog Projects

tab as they are added to the Prolog Manager® Portfolio.


When checked, the Portfolio will be unavailable in the

Prolog Converge® user interface.

Project Defaults


When checked, any Prolog® Projects with the Disabled column set to <Default> will be unavailable in the Prolog Converge® user interface.

Index documents for searching

When checked, any Prolog® Projects with the ‘Index?’ column set to <Default> will index files uploaded to

the Prolog Converge® Document Management System.

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 26

Note: The Indexing Server must be configured and running for Indexing to occur.

Show in web

When checked, any Prolog® Projects with the ‘Web?’

Column set to <Default> will be available in the Prolog Converge® user interface.

Doc Management UI The default type of Document Management System User Interface to be used in the Prolog Converge®

Web Client. The following options are available:

Standard: The standard DMS User Interface. This UI contains fewer features than the other

available options, but does not require Silverlight.

Enhanced: The enhanced DMS User Interface. This UI uses Silverlight 4.0 to

deliver a feature rich interface to the user. Version Control: The enhanced DMS User

Interface with Version Control. This UI uses Silverlight 4.0 to deliver a feature rich

interface to the user which also includes Version Control and Check-in/Check-out options.

Prolog Projects

Prolog Project

The Prolog® Project associated with the row. This column is a drop-down list, which may be used to select the Prolog® Project when manually adding a new Project using the Add New button.

Rec ID

A unique identifier for the Prolog® Project.

Note: This number is automatically generated and pertains to Prolog Converge® only.


The Name for the Prolog® Project as it will appear in Prolog Converge®.

Note: By Default this Name will match the Prolog Manager® Project Name. However, it may be overwritten here if the administrator would like the name to appear differently in

Prolog Converge®.


Defines if the Prolog® Project will be disabled in the Prolog Converge® user interface.


Defines if the Prolog® Project will be available in the Prolog Converge® user interface.


Defines if the Prolog® Project DMS Files will be

indexed by the Indexing Server.

Doc Mgmt UI Defines the type of Document Management System

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 27

User Interface to be used in the Prolog Converge® Web Client for the selected Project. The following options are available:

Standard: The standard DMS User Interface. This UI contains fewer features than the other available options, but does not require Silverlight.

Enhanced: The enhanced DMS User

Interface. This UI uses Silverlight 4.0 to deliver a feature rich interface to the user.

Version Control: The enhanced DMS User Interface with Version Control. This UI uses

Silverlight 4.0 to deliver a feature rich interface to the user which also includes Version Control and Check-in/Check-out options.

Project Picture

Defines a Project specific picture which will be used when reports or notifications are generated from Prolog Converge®.

The Portfolio Record

4.7.4 Record Config

The Record Config record may be added to an existing Portfolio to configure automatic document routing for documents uploaded to the Prolog Converge® Document Management System. Using the Record Config record, the administrator may define the folder path which will be used for uploaded

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 28

documents. The Record Config record is always associated with a specific Prolog® data group, but may also be configured to apply to a specific Prolog® Project.

Note: Documents are only ‘Automatically Routed’ in cases where the end-user utilizes the

Prolog Converge® Quick Upload feature. The following settings are available for the Record Config record:

Field Name Description / Function

Database The Prolog® Portfolio which the Record Config applies to.

Project The Prolog® Project which the Record Config applies to. This field is optional.

Record Type The Prolog® data group which the Record applies to.

Web Folder The Folder Path to use when automatically routing an uploaded document.

Unless the ‘Don’t Modify Web Folder’ checkbox is checked, the full folder path that uploaded documents are stored to will be based on the Web Folder

setting and the record number, resulting in the following folder path:

Project Documents\[Web Folder]\[Record Number]

Where [Web Folder] is replaced with the value in the Record Config Web Folder field and [Record Number] is replaced with the Prolog® Record Number that the document is being attached to. For example:

Project Documents\RFIs\041\

Note: If a Record Config is not present for a data group, the default

folder path will be [Data Group] Documents. For example, ‘RFI Documents’, or in the full folder path:

Project Documents\RFI Documents\041\

Dynamic Folder Paths may also be configured for specific Web Folder paths.

Any field from the Table of the Form may be used as part of the dynamic folder path. These fields should be entered within double brackets such as [[fieldname]]. For example:

Project Documents\RFI Documents\[[TypeID]]\[[Number]] Would result in:

Project Documents\RFI Documents\A\001 Any Company or Contact Field may use a suffix of Name to use the display name (Contacts.DisplayName or Company.Name) instead of the ID. For example:

Project Documents\RFI Documents\[[AuthorCompanyName]]\[[AuthorContactName]]\

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 29

[[Number]] Would result in:

Project Documents\RFI Documents\ABC Company\John Smith\001

Note: Any field entered in brackets that is not recognized will be ignored.

Don’t Modify Web Folder

When checked, the Record Number will not be automatically added to the Folder Path. This does not have to be checked in order to use dynamic folder paths; they may be used in conjunction. For example, if the "Don’t Modify

Web Folder box" is unchecked:

Project Documents\RFI Documents\[[TypeID]]

Would result in: Project Documents\RFI Documents\A\001

Note: When Prolog Converge® automatically adds a folder to the DMS, the folder permissions from the parent folder of the newly created sub folder will automatically be applied.

The Record Config Record

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 30

4.8 Processing Servers – Index Servers

The Index Servers module is used to define the server which will perform the indexing of Prolog Converge® DMS files.

4.8.1 Index Server

One Index Server record may be configured to perform the indexing of Prolog Converge® DMS files. This record defines the physical server on which the process will be run and the interval to index

files. The following settings are available for the Index Server record:

Field Name Description / Function

Name A unique name for the Index Server Record.

Run on Server The server machine which will perform the indexing. The server must have the Prolog Converge® Servers module installed.

Indexing Interval The interval, in minutes, to perform indexing.

Disabled A checkbox which may be used to disable the Index Server record. If all

Index Server records are disabled, indexing will not be performed.

The Index Server Record

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 31

4.9 Processing Servers – Notification Servers

The Notification Servers module is used to define the server which will perform the generation of Notifications.

4.9.1 Notification Server

Notification Server record(s) may be configured to generate email notifications. This record defines the server on which the process will be run and the EMail (Outbound) Server which will be used to

send notifications. For fault tolerance/redundancy or scalability/load balancing, multiple notification servers can also be configured. The Notification Server will monitor the notification_requests table in the database for new

requests. When a request is found, the notification server will pick it up, lock the request, process it, then get the next request. In the case of multiple notification servers, they would all constantly check the notification_requests table and the first server to find a request would proceed to process it.

The Notification subsystem was also designed with a recovery mechanism built in. If at any time the Notification Service stops running, notifications from the application will continue to generate. In this case, the notification requests would queue up in the notification_requests table

and remain until the Notification Server was brought back online. While notification delivery would be delayed, no notifications would be lost. In addition, if the point of failure is further downstream (i.e. outside the Prolog Converge® application) there is an option to regenerate notifications by requesting a Resend Notifications in the Admin client. The Resend Notifications option can be found under the Reconfigure menu item and will prompt you for a date/time range.

The following settings are available for the Notification Server record:

Field Name Description / Function

Name A unique name for the Notification Server Record.

Run on Server The server machine which will perform the generation of

notifications. The server must have the Prolog Converge® Servers module installed.

Is Primary Server For

Unassigned Automated Notifications?

Identifies the Notification Server Record as the primary Notification

Server that will process all Notifications that are not specifically tied to a secondary Notification Server Record.

EMail Server The EMail (Outbound) Server to use when sending email

notifications. The EMail (Outbound) Server must be configured in the Data Access – Servers module.

Disabled A checkbox which may be used to disable the Notification Server

record. If all Notification Server records are disabled, notifications will not be generated.

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 32

The Notification Server Record

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 33

4.10 Security

Once a user has been authenticated and access granted to Prolog Converge®, they must be assigned one or more Prolog Converge® Security Groups to determine their access to the Prolog Converge® areas. Each Security Group record consists of two sets of records: Security Group Items and Security Group Authorities. The Security Group Items define the users that are members of the Security Group. The Security Group Authorities define the access rights that the Security Group has. Note: Prolog Converge® utilizes Prolog Manager® Feature Permissions, Data Group Permissions,

and Record Set Permissions to determine user access rights. Prolog Converge® Security Group settings provide an additional layer of security specific to the features and functions of the

Prolog Converge® application.

4.10.1 Security Group

The Security Group record can contain one or more Security Group Items and Authorities.

The following settings are available for the Security Group record:

Field Name Description / Function

Name A unique name for the Security Group Record.

Description A description of the Security Group Record.

Web Control The Web Control record associated with the Security Group.

The Security Group Record

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 34

4.10.2 Security Group Item

The Security Group Item record defines who will be assigned to the Security Group. The Security Group Item record is associated with one Security Group. A combination of Type and Name are used to define who will be assigned to the Security Group. The following settings are available for the Security Group Item record:

Field Name Description / Function

Group The Security Group which the Security Group Item is associated with.

Type The Type of Security which will be checked when the user logs in to Prolog

Converge®. The following Types are available:

Email: The user will be assigned the Security Group if they have a matching email address.

Login: The user will be assigned the Security Group if they have a matching Login name.

CompanyID: The user will be assigned the Security Group if they match a

specific CompanyID. Type of Company: The user will be assigned the Security Group if their

Company matches a specific Type of Company. Global Prolog Security Group: The user will be assigned the Security Group

if they match a specific Prolog Manager Security Group in ANY of the Projects they have access to.

Project Prolog Security Group: The user will be assigned the Security Group if they match a specific Prolog Manager Security Group in the selected

Project. This feature is used exclusively in the Prolog Converge® Project area of the application.

Name The value must match for the user to be granted access to the associated Security

Group. Note: If the Security Group Item Type is set to Global or Project Prolog®

Security Group, the Name field will function as a drop-down list which will

contain a list of Security Groups from Prolog Manager®.

Description A description for the Security Group item.

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 35

The Security Group Item Record

4.10.3 Authority

The Authority record defines the rights that are granted to a Security Group. Authorities are unique areas of Prolog Converge® which are not defined in Prolog Manager® Security Manager. The following settings are available for the Authority record:

Field Name Description / Function

Security Group The Security Group which the Authority is associated with.

Authority The Authority which will be granted to users who are assigned to the Security

Group. The following Authorities are available:

Admin: Grants access to the Prolog Converge® Admin Client Can Add Record-To-Record Links: Users with this authority may add

record-to-record links on the Prolog Converge® Links tab. Can Approve Records: Users with this authority may Approve or Reject

records in the Prolog Converge® Staging Queue. Can Delete Record-To-Record Links: Users with this authority may

delete record-to-record links on the Prolog Converge® Links tab. Can Use Attach…: Grants access to the Attach… button on the Prolog

Converge® Forms Attachments tab. Can Use Quick Upload…: Grants access to the Quick Upload… button

on the Prolog Converge® Forms Attachments tab. Can View Record –To-Record Links: Users with this authority may

view the Prolog Converge® Links tab.

Deny Native Reports: Denies access to the Web Reports tab in the Web Reports Area.

Deny Prolog Reports: Denies access to the Prolog Manager Reports tab

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 36

in the Web Reports Area. Insight: Grants access to the Insight Area. Portfolio/Project: Grants access to the Portfolio and Project Areas. Reporting: Grants access to the Reports area.

The Authority Record

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5 Web Modules

In this section you will find detailed descriptions of the modules located under the Web menu and

their features.

5.1 Web Preferences

The Web Preferences module allows the administrator to set various configuration options which

apply to the Prolog Converge® user interface.

5.1.1 Preferences

One Preferences Record is always present. The settings on this record apply to all Portfolios in the Prolog Converge® user interface. The following settings are available for the Preferences record:

Field Name Description / Function

Session Timeout Warning Minutes

The number of minutes prior to session expiration to warn the user. By default this value is set to 5 minutes.

SSL Required When checked, the Prolog Converge® application must be accessed using a HTTPS (SSL) address.

Validate Required Fields on Save as


When checked, users will be prompted to populate required fields when saving a record as a draft.

When uploading files from web,

require description.

When checked, users will be required to enter a description for files being uploaded.

When uploading files from web,

require title.

When checked, users will be required to enter a title for files being uploaded.

Store files in flat directory on Get All

Files Contact Search Options

When checked, the contents of ZIP files delivered to end-users via the Get All Files feature will be stored in a flat directory without subfolders.

Limit to Project Checkbox

This field controls the operation of the ‘Limit to Project’ checkbox which appears on all Contact Search Screens in the Prolog Converge® user interface. The following options are available:

Not Checked, Editable: The Limit to Project checkbox will be unchecked by default. The user may check the box to limit the Contact search to Contacts linked to the selected Project.

Checked, Editable: The Limit to Project checkbox will be checked

by default. The user may check the box to limit the Contact search to Contacts linked to the selected Project.

Checked, Not Editable: The Limit to Project checkbox will be checked by default. The user may not uncheck the checkbox. Only

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 38

Contacts linked to the selected Project may be used.

Hide ‘Has EMail’ Option

When checked, the ‘Has Email’ option on all Contact Search Screens in the Prolog Converge® user interface will be hidden.

Auto Load Contacts If checked, when the Contact Search Window is opened the list of Contacts

will automatically be loaded with no filters applied.

Note: Depending on the number of Contacts in your Prolog®

Portfolio, checking this option may adversely affect performance.

Active Contacts Only If checked, the Contact Search Window will only display Contacts marked with the Is Active flag. The end-user may not toggle this feature on or off.

Company Search Options

Limit to Project Checkbox

This field controls the operation of the ‘Limit to Project’ checkbox which appears on all Company Search Screens in the Prolog Converge® user interface. The following options are available:

Not Checked, Editable: The Limit to Project checkbox will be unchecked by default. The user may check the box to limit the Company search to Contacts linked to the selected Project.

Checked, Editable: The Limit to Project checkbox will be checked by default. The user may check the box to limit the Company search to Contacts linked to the selected Project.

Checked, Not Editable: The Limit to Project checkbox will be checked by default. The user may not uncheck the checkbox. Only Contacts linked to the selected Project may be used.

Auto Load Companies

If checked, when the Company Search Window is opened the list of Contacts will automatically be loaded with no filters applied.

Note: Depending on the number of Companies in your Prolog Portfolio, checking this option may adversely affect performance.

Tracking The fields in this area control the Enhanced Tracking feature of the Prolog

Converge® user interface. When Enhanced Tracking is enabled, the user may not edit the field directly. Instead, an Add/Review Comments button may be used to Add or Review Comments. Comments which were previously logged may not be edited.

Punchlist Notes When checked, Enhanced Tracking will be enabled for the Punch List Notes

Field. RFI Answer

When checked, Enhanced Tracking will be enabled for the RFI Answer Field.

RFI Comments When checked, Enhanced Tracking will be enabled for the RFI Comments

Field. RFI Question When checked, Enhanced Tracking will be enabled for the RFI Question


Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 39

RFI Suggestion When checked, Enhanced Tracking will be enabled for the RFI Suggestion Field.

Safety Notices

Followup Notes

When checked, Enhanced Tracking will be enabled for the Safety Notice

Followup Notes Field.

Submittal Package Reviewer Notes

When checked, Enhanced Tracking will be enabled for the Submittal Package Reviewer Notes Field.

Submittal Register Notes Drawings and Specs

Actual Documents Notes Change Order

Request Notes Issue Cost Notes

When checked, Enhanced Tracking will be enabled for the Submittal Register Notes Field. When checked, Enhanced Tracking will be enabled for the Drawings and

Specs Actual Documents Notes. When checked, Enhanced Tracking will be enabled for the Change Order

Request Notes. When checked, Enhanced Tracking will be enabled for the Issue Cost Notes.

The Web Preferences Record

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 40

5.2 Control

Using the Control Module the administrator may define the default Portfolio, Project, and Insight Views for users.

5.2.1 Control

Control records define the default views for the Portfolio, Project, and Insight areas of the Prolog Converge® application. Security Groups are directly linked to one Control record, which then

controls the views that are loaded by default for that Security Group. The following settings are available for the Control record:

Field Name Description / Function

Description A unique name for the Control record.

Priority A priority for the Control record. Because a user may be granted more than one Security Group, and each Security group may be linked to different Web Control records, a Priority may be assigned to determine which Control record is used. The Web Control record with the highest

Priority will take precedence.

Default Portfolio View The default View which is displayed when the user selects the Portfolio area.

Default Project View The default View which is displayed when the user selects the Project


Default Insight View The default View which is displayed when the user selects the Insight


The Web Control Record

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 41

5.3 Reports – Quick Print

The Web Quick Print Reports Module allows the administrator to create Quick Print Reports for Prolog Converge® Records. These reports are accessed using the Print and Send menus of Prolog Converge® user interface and will typically print out a single of copy of the open record.

5.3.1 Quick Print Report

The Quick Print Report record contains the settings for the Quick Print Report. This record is

separated into three tabs:

Tab Name Description / Function

General Contains settings specific to the selected Quick Print Report

Security Contains a grid where Security Groups may be added to the Quick Print

Report with Execute or Denied Permissions.


Contains the content of the Quick Print Report. Using this tab the user may

define, update, import, and export the report content.


This tab is used to define the Portfolios and Projects in which the Quick Print

Reports will be available.

The following settings are available for the Quick Print record:

Tab Field Name Description / Function

General Name A unique name for the Quick Print Record.


When checked, the Quick Print Report will be disabled and will not be available in the Prolog Converge® user interface.


A caption for the Quick Print Report. The caption will be displayed in the Prolog Converge® Print & Send menus.

Record Type

The Prolog Manager® Data Group that the Quick Print Report will be associated with.

Custom Form

When applicable, a Quick Print Report may be

associated with a Custom Form by specifying the custom form name in this field.

Default Format

This field defines the format in which the Quick Print

will be generated. Available formats are:

Text: A basic text format HTML: HTML Formatting which includes CSS

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 42

positioning of content. HTML Table: HTML Formatting which uses

tables to position content instead of CSS. This format is most compatible with Microsoft

Outlook 2007. PDF: Standard Adobe Portable Document

Format (PDF) PDF Embedded Fonts: A PDF Format which

embeds the fonts in the content. For use when

the content contains non-standard Fonts, this option will allow all users to see the PDF’s Fonts as they were designed.

PDF Protected: A PDF Format which may not

be edited. RTF: A word processing format which may be

viewed in Microsoft Word and Microsoft WordPad.

Excel: A Microsoft Excel format. TIFF: An Image format.


Security Group

A drop-down list containing a list of the configured Prolog Converge® Security Groups.


A drop-down list containing three values:

Execute: Allows the Security Group to

execute the report. Denied: Disallows the Security Group from

executing the report.

Denied Override: Disallows the Security Group form executing the report, even if another Security Group they are a member of has Execute rights on the report.

Note: If no Security Group have been added

to the Report, all users will have access to execute the report. If at least one Security

Group has been added to the Report, only Security Groups with Execute rights will have access to execute the report.



This field controls the source of the Report Content and may be set to the following value:

C1 Report Crystal Reports

Import Report File

This button will import the report content from a report file (.xml for C1, .rpt for Crystal)

Edit Report

Available if the Report Source is set to C1 Report, this button will open the C1 Report Designer.

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 43

Export Report File

This button will export the report content into a report file (.xml for C1, .rpt for Crystal)

Report Name

Available if the Report Source is set to C1 Report, this field contains a list of Reports that are present in the imported C1 Report. Select the desired report to use as the master content.


A description of the Report Content.

Output Type

This field defines the format in which the content will be generated. Available formats are:

Text: A basic text format HTML: HTML Formatting which includes CSS

positioning of content.

HTML Table: HTML Formatting which uses tables to position content instead of CSS. This format is most compatible with Microsoft Outlook 2007.

PDF: Standard Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF)

PDF Embedded Fonts: A PDF Format which embeds the fonts in the content. For use when the content contains non-standard Fonts, this option will allow all users to see the PDF’s Fonts as they were designed.

PDF Protected: A PDF Format which may not be edited.

RTF: A word processing format which may be viewed in Microsoft Word and Microsoft WordPad.

Excel: A Microsoft Excel format.

TIFF: An Image format. Word: Available when the Output Type is set

to Crystal, a Microsoft Word format.

File name If the end-user saves the report after it has been generated from the Prolog Converge® user interface, this field will determine the default file name for the exported report.



Based on the configured Portfolios, one or more Portfolios may be listed on the Projects tab. Next to each Portfolio is a drop-down list which contains the

following options:

Don’t Use: The Quick Print report will not be available in the selected Portfolio.

Use All Projects: The Quick Print report will be available all Projects in the selected Portfolio.

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 44

ONLY Use Selected Projects: The Quick Print report will be available in only the selected (checked) Projects in the selected Portfolio.

Do NOT Use Selected Projects: The Quick Print report will be available in only the unselected (unchecked) Projects in the selected Portfolio.

The Web Quick Print Reports Record

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 45

5.4 Reports – Published

The Web Published Reports Module allows the administrator to create Published Reports. Published Reports are automatically generated on a scheduled basis and are delivered via EMail.

5.4.1 Published Report

The Published Report record contains the settings for the Published Report. This record is separated into five tabs:

Tab Name Description / Function

General Contains settings specific to the selected Published Report.

Content Contains the content of the Published Report. Using this tab the user may

define, update, import, and export the report content.


Contains the contact(s) who will receive the Published Report. The following types of contacts may be specified: To, CC, BCC, From, To and From, Reply-



Contains the schedule(s) for the Published Report. The Published Report will

be generated and delivered based on the configured schedule(s).


Available when the Prolog Execution Option on the General Tab is set to ‘One Per Portfolio’ or ‘One Per Project’, this tab is used to configure the Portfolios and Projects which will be included in the Published Report.

The following settings are available for the Published record:

Tab Field Name Description / Function

General Name A unique name for the Published Record.


When checked, the Published Report will be disabled and will not be generated or delivered.

Last Ran At / For

The last run time & date of the Published Report.

From EMail

The default From Email Address for the outgoing email notification. Note: If a From Contact is specified on the

Contacts tab of the Published report it will override this default setting.


The Subject Line for the outgoing email notification.

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 46

Prolog Execution Option The Prolog Execution Option setting may be used to configure the Published Report to generate one email per Portfolio or one email per Project, based on the selected Portfolios and Projects. The

following options are available:

<None>: When this option is selected, one email will be generated when the Published Report is generated. The Projects tab will

not be shown when this option is selected. Once Per Portfolio: When this option is

selected, one email will be generated for each selected Portfolio on the Projects tab.

In addition, the output will be filtered to only include data from the selected Projects.

Once Per Project: When this option is

selected, one email will be generated for each selected Project on the Projects tab. In addition, the output will be filtered to only include data from the Project for which the

email was generated. Run On Server Specifies the Notification Server the Published Report will be processed on. If

no server is specified, the primary Notification Server will be used to process the Published Report.

Don’t Send if no Data

When checked, the Published report will only be delivered if that is data in the generated report.



Specifies the Order in which the Content will appear in the outgoing email notification. A value of zero (0) will place the content in the Body of the email notification. Any value other than zero will

add the content as an attachment. A report can be configured with more than one piece of content.


This field controls the source of the Report Content

and may be set to one of three values:

C1 Report Crystal Report


Import Report File

This button will import the report content from a report file (.xml for C1, .rpt for Crystal)

Edit Report

Available if the Report Source is set to C1 Report, this button will open the C1 Report Designer.

Export Report File

This button will export the report content into a

report file (.xml for C1, .rpt for Crystal)

Report Name Available if the Report Source is set to C1 Report,

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 47

this field contains a list of Reports that are present in the C1 Report. Select the desired report to use as the master content.


A description of the Report Content.

Output Type

This field defines the format in which the content will be generated. Available formats are:

Text: A basic text format HTML: HTML Formatting which includes

CSS positioning of content. HTML Table: HTML Formatting which uses

tables to position content instead of CSS. This format is most compatible with Microsoft Outlook 2007.

PDF: Standard Adobe Portable Document

Format (PDF) PDF Embedded Fonts: A PDF Format

which embeds the fonts in the content. For use when the content contains non-

standard Fonts, this option will allow all users to see the PDF’s Fonts as they were designed.

PDF Protected: A PDF Format which may not be edited.

RTF: A word processing format which may be viewed in Microsoft Word and Microsoft WordPad.

Excel: A Microsoft Excel format.

TIFF: Available if the Content Source is set to C1 Reports, the TIFF format is an Image Format.

Word: Available if the Content Source is set

to Crystal Reports or Prolog, this setting will generate a Word (.doc) file.

Attachment name


Available if the order is set to a value other than

zero (0), this field determines the attachment name. The attachment name should be specified without the file extension.

Available when the Source is set to C1 Report or Crystal Reports. Specifies which server the report will pull data from.

Run Against All Portfolios Available if the Source is set to Prolog. When checked, the Prolog Report will run against all configured Portfolios. This option allows data from all Portfolios to be combined into one output file.

Portfolio Available if the Source is set to Prolog, this field defines the Default Portfolio. The Default Portfolio is used for two functions:

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 48

1. The reports shown in the Report drop-down

list will be based on the selected Portfolio. 2. The generated report content will be based

on the selected Portfolio, unless the Run Against All Portfolios checkbox is checked.

Report Available if the Source is set to Prolog and a Portfolio has been selected, this field defines the

Prolog Report which will be used as the report content.

Note: The generated report will include all

data from the selected Portfolio, unless the Run Against All Portfolios checkbox is checked, in which case the generated report will include all data from all enabled


Filter Available if the Source is set to Prolog, this field can be used to filter the Prolog Report. The filter

must be a valid SQL ‘WHERE’ statement without the WHERE. For instance: RFI.IsClosed = 0 Would filter a RFI Prolog Report to only open records. Note that only fields which are included in the Prolog Report’s Data Source may be used in the Filter field.



The Type of Contact for the Contact record. This field may be set to one of the following:

Distribution List: The Contact(s) used for

this record will be based on a Prolog Converge® Distribution List.

Value Source: The Contact(s) used for this record will be based on a Value Source.

How to Notify This field controls how the Contact(s) will be used

in the outgoing email notification. All Contacts in the specified Distribution List or Value Source will be included in the specified ‘How to Notify’. Available options are:

To CC BCC From

To and From Reply-To

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 49

Distribution List Available when the Type is set to Distribution List, this drop-down list is used to select the Distribution which will be used.

Value Source Available when the Type is set to Value Source, this drop-down list is used to select the Value Source which will be used.

Note: The common Value Source to use

when configuring a Value Source Contact is ‘Prolog Contacts’, which reads from the Prolog Manager® Contacts table.

Note: When using the Prolog Execution Option feature on the General Tab, the Value Source will be automatically updated to pull contacts from the correct Prolog

Portfolio, based on the Portfolio for which the Published Report is being generated.

Filter Available when the Type is set to Value Source,

this field is used to filter the value source to the desired contacts. The filter must be a valid SQL ‘WHERE’ statement without the WHERE. For instance: CompanyID = ‘ACME’ Would filter the Prolog Contacts Value Source to only include Contacts who’s CompanyID is set to

ACME. All Contacts matching that CompanyID would be used in the Contact record’s How to Notify.

EMail Field Available when the Type is set to Value Source, this field is used to define which Field from the selected Value Source contains the Contact’s EMail Address.

Name Field Available when the Type is set to Value Source,

this field is used to define which Field from the selected Value Source contains the Contact’s




A description for the Schedule record.

When to Run? This field defines the type of Schedule to use for

this record. The following options are available:

Daily Monthly


Daily Schedule (Mon – Available when the When to Run? field is set to

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 50

Sun) Daily, this field controls which days the notification will be sent on.

Monthly Available when the When to Run? field is set to

Monthly, this field controls which day of the month the notification will be sent on.

Start Date The first Date that the notification will be sent. If this date is in the future, the notification will not

attempt to send until the Start Date is met.

End Date The last Date that the notification will be sent. The notification will no longer send if the End Date has


Run Time The time to run the notification.

Repeat? Available when the When to Run? field is set to Daily, this field should be checked if the notification should be sent more than once a week.

Every (number) Available when the Repeat? checkbox is checked, this field is the number of seconds, minutes, or hours the notification should be repeated.

Every (seconds/minutes/hours)

Available when the Repeat? checkbox is checked, this field contains three options:

Seconds: The notification will repeat every XX seconds.

Minutes: The notification will repeat every XX minutes.

Hours: The notification will repeat every XX hours.



Based on the configured Portfolios, one or more Portfolios may be listed on the Projects tab. Next

to each Portfolio is a drop-down list which contains the following options:

Don’t Use: No Published Reports will be

generated for the Portfolio or its Projects. Use All Projects: Published Reports will be

generated for the Portfolio. All of the Portfolio’s Projects will be included in the generated Published Report(s).

ONLY Use Selected Projects: Published Reports will be generated for the Portfolio. Only the selected Projects will be included in the generated Published Report(s).

Do NOT Use Selected Projects: Published Reports will be generated for the Portfolio. Only the un-selected Projects will be

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 51

included in the generated Published Reports(s).

The Published Reports Record

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 52

5.5 Styles

The Styles Module is used to create Styles which may be used in View Columns.

5.5.1 Style

The Styles record contains the settings for the Style. Styles may be created to define custom fonts, colors, alignment, and text styling for use in View Columns.

The following settings are available in the Style record:

Field Name Description / Function

Name A unique name for the Style.

Font Name The Font to apply when the Style is used. This field is optional.

Font Size The Font Size to apply when the Style is used. This field is optional.

Bold When checked, the text will be bold when the Style is used.

Italic When checked, the text will be italic when the Style is used.

Text Color The Font Color to apply when the Style is used.

Back Color The Background Color to apply when the Style is used. If no change is desired to the Background Color, the value of Transparent may be used.

Alignment The Alignment to apply to the text when the Style is used. This field is optional.

The Styles Record

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 53


The Views modules allow the administrator to create and maintain Views which appear in the Prolog Converge® user interface areas Portfolio, Project, and Insight. These areas contain a navigation tree which lists the configured Views. When a View is selected in the navigation tree its details are displays on the right side of the screen.

5.6.1 Navigation Tree

Views in the navigation tree are broken down into three main categories: Views, Drilldown Only Views, and Templates:

Views are displayed to end-users as selectable items in the Prolog Converge® user

interface. When a user selects a View in the Prolog Converge® application, they will be presented with data based on the View’s settings. In particular, the View’s settings control:

o Which data is going to be displayed? o How will the data appear to the end user?

o What security access is needed to view the data? Drilldown Only Views are configured in the same manner as Views, but they do not

appear as selectable items in the Prolog Converge® user interface navigation tree. Drilldown only lists can only be accessed through another View which has been configured to link to it,

passing a “drilldown variable”. Drilldown Views allow a user to start with viewing high-level data, then drill down further to view more specific information.

Templates are Views that do not appear as selectable items, but may be used by other Lists to define their settings. View Templates can be quite useful when creating multiple Views that have slight filter variations.

5.6.2 View

The View record contains the settings for the View. This record is separated into four master tabs.

In some cases the tab may contain child tabs.

Tab Name Description / Function


General Security

Contains general settings for the View. Contains a grid where Security Groups may be added to the View with

View or Denied Permissions.


General Settings Advanced Settings Security

Contains general settings for the View’s columns. Contains advanced settings for the View’s columns, including hyperlink and drilldown settings. Contains a grid where Security Groups may be added to the View Columns with View or Denied Permissions.

Column Conditions

Contains Column Conditions settings for the View. Styles may be conditionally applied to the View’s columns using the Column Conditions

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 54




Contains a grid where advanced filters for the View may be created and

maintained. System-Set Parameters may be used to dynamically filter the View’s content based on information such as the Logged In User’s ContactID and CompanyID.

Projects This tab is used to configure the Portfolios and Projects the View is being

configured for.

The following settings are available for the configuration of Views under the Insight area of the

Prolog Converge® user interface:

Tab Field Name Description / Function

View – General Name A unique name for the View.


A caption for the View. The caption is displayed to end-users as the label for the view in the

navigation tree. If no caption has been specified the Name will be displayed.

Sort Order

The Sort Order is used to sort the View in the

navigation tree. Views are sorted within their Parent View, if any. This field must be unique within the Parent View. Alternatively, the Sort Order may be set to zero (0), in which case an

Alphabetical sort order will be used.


The Parent for the View, if any. The View will appear as a child of its Parent View in the navigation tree if one is selected.


The Template drop-down list may be used to select a Template to base the View on. If selected, the View’s Data Source, Columns, and Column

Conditions will be based on the selected Template.

Is Template When checked, the View will be a Template which other Views may be based on. Template Views are

not displayed in the Navigation Tree.

Data Type The Data Type field may be set to apply special logic to the Insight View. This field contains the

following options:

In Portfolio Views, this field is not used. In Project Views, the following options are

available: o Prolog Direct: The View will display

records from ALL Prolog Projects across all Prolog Portfolios which the

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 55

end-user has access to. o In addition, this field contains a list

of Prolog data groups which may be associated with the View.

In Insight Views, the following options are available:

o <None>: No special logic will be applied.

o Prolog Direct: The View will display

records from ALL Prolog Projects across all Prolog Portfolios which the end-user has access to.

o Prolog Forms: Used in conjunction

with the Sub Type field, setting the Data Type to Prolog Forms will cause the view to treat records as the specified Prolog Form. Edit, Read,

and Delete columns will be added to each row in the View. In addition, Prolog Record Security will be applied to the view.

If the Page Type is set to Admin, this field will contain an option labeled Change Password which may be used to configure a view which presents the user with the Change Password page.

If the Page Type is set to Create Menu, this field may be used to set the type of Create Menu which will be displayed. Typically this will be set to Create Specific Prolog

Record and the record type to be created will be selected in the Sub Type field.

Sub Type This field is used for Insight Views only. Available

when the Data Type is set to Prolog Direct or Prolog Forms, this field displays a list of available Prolog Data Groups. This field is required if the Data Type is set to Prolog Forms.

Page Type Defines the type of content that will be contained in

this View. The following options are available:

Create Menu: Available in the Project area, this page type is used to display a link in the navigation tree that is used to create a specific form type.

Document Management: used to configure a view to display DMS files

Search: used to configure a view to search DMS files

Report: used to link to a Web Report Standard View: A standard view for

displaying data from a Table, SQL View or SQL Function in a grid format

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 56

Drilldown Only: Same as a Standard View, but the only way to access a Drilldown Only list is through a drilldown field on another View.

Drilldown & View: Same as a Standard View, but also allows other View to drill down to it.

Label Only: Contains no content; typically used as a Parent View to help organize View

Lists logically. Specific Page: Only displays the website

specified in the Page URL field. Spacer: Contains no content or caption;

used as a spacer in between other items on the Navigation Tree.

Admin: A special Page Type which is used to display the Change Password page.

Use Default: Uses the page content type of the View’s Parent, if any.

Note: Based on the Page Type that is

selected, the other settings on the form may become enabled or disabled. For example, a View configured as a Standard View will display all settings, whereas a view configured as a Label Only will only have a small number of settings. Fields that are not applicable to the Page Type will not be available for selection.

Page URL When using the content type of ‘Specific Page’, the website specified in this field will appear as the content for the View.

Tree Expansion Controls how the View appears in the Navigation Tree on the left side of the screen. Available options are:

Default: Uses the View’s Parent’s setting, if any.

Not Expanded: If the View has child items, it will appear as ‘collapsed’

Visible: Will force the View to be visible to the end-user, expanding Parent items as necessary.

Expanded: If the View has child items, it will appear as ‘expanded’

Tooltip When the user hovers over the View in the

Navigation Tree, the text entered in this field will be used as the Tooltip.

Data Source The Data Source Type used to define how and where the data for the view will be acquired. This

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 57

field controls the overall data source type for the View. The following options are available:

Server: To use Tables and Views from a

Database Server defined in the Servers module.

Value Source: To use a specific value source defined in the Value Sources module.

Value Source Special: Placeholder for

future functionality.

Value Source If the Data Source Type is set to Value Source, this field will be enabled and will contain a list of Value

Sources defined in the Value Sources module.

Server If the Data Source Type is set to Server, this field will be enabled and will contain a list of Database

Servers defined in the Servers module.

SQL The SQL View which will be executed when the View is selected.

Function When checked, the list of SQL selections will be

limited to SQL Functions. This option may only be used when the Data Source Type is set to Server.

Filter The filter to apply to the SQL query. For example, if you wanted to build a View which only showed rows where the IsClosed Column is set to zero (0), enter ‘IsClosed = 0’ in the filter box.

Note: The WHERE statement implied and is

not required in the filter field

Page Display Controls the display method used when clicking on an icon, hyperlink, or image configured within a Views columns such as Read and Edit. Available options are:

In Same Window: Opens the link in the same window.

In New Window: Opens the link in a new window.

Use Default: Uses the Display setting of the View’s Parent, if any.

New Window Width When the Page Display type is set to “In New Window”, this field controls the width of the new window.

New Window Height When the Page Display type is set to “In New Window”, this field controls the height of the new window.

List Expansion Controls how rows appear in the View’s grid when

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 58

there are grouped items. Available options are:

Default: Uses the View’s Parent’s setting, if any.

Collapse All: Collapses all grouped rows Expand All: Expands all grouped rows Expand First: Expands the first grouped


Records Per Page If the View has grouped columns and this value is set to a number other than 0, only the set number of records will be retrieved from the database when the List is loaded. Afterwards, expanding a grouped

column will load the data for that column dynamically. This feature can improve performance when

working with data sources that have a large number of rows.

Fit columns to Window? When set to True, Prolog Converge® will attempt to

fit all columns within the window horizontally, expanding and shrinking columns as necessary.

No Group Totals? Set this to True to prevent the display of group totals for a grouped column.

Allow Column Filtering? When set to True the end-user may use the toggled Filter features.

Auto-load Filtered List? Used on Views which have Built-in Filters such as the Drawings & Specs Actual Documents View. If set to True, this feature will automatically load the data set when the View is selected.

Don’t show built-in

Filter? Used on Views which have Built-in Filters such as the Drawings & Specs Actual Documents View, if set to True, this feature will disable the Built-in


Auto-show Filter? When set to True the Filter controls will be toggled on by default.

Export File Name When specified, the text in this field will form the

beginning of exported file names. For instance, if the field is set to “Export”, an excel export from the View would result in a file named “Export.xls”.

View – Security Security Group A drop-down list containing a list of the configured

Prolog Converge® Security Groups.

Permissions A drop-down list containing three values:

View: Allows the Security Group to view the

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 59

View. Denied: Disallows the Security Group from

viewing the View. Denied Override: Disallows the Security

Group from viewing the View, even if another Security Group they are a member of has View rights on the View.

Note: If no Security Groups have been

added to the View, all users will have access to view the View. If at least one Security Group has been added to the View, only Security Groups with view rights will have

access to view the View.

Columns – General Settings


The name of the database field that will be displayed when the View is selected.

Column Order

The order that this column will be displayed, from

left to right, when the View is selected.


Enabled for Views based on specific Prolog Data Groups that read data from multiple Tables, this

field allows you to choose the Table to select a Field from.


The column name that will be presented to the user. If not caption is specified, the Field name will

be used.


The default width of the column.

Lookup List

If applicable, the Lookup List that describes values in the database. Some fields in the database may be referred to by a numbered ‘DB ID’. To associate the DB ID with a more descriptive value to be

presented to the user in the Prolog Converge® user interface, the Column can be linked to a Lookup List.

Sort Order

The sort order of the View Column.

Group By If this column is sorted, check this box to group the records.

Descending If the column is sorted, check this box to sort records in descending order.

Sort by DB Value When checked, the column sorting will be

performed on the DB Value instead of the applied Lookup List. This field has no affect if a Lookup List is not used.

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 60

Alignment The method used to justify the text within the

column. Values are Left, Center, and Right.

Format The format parameter can be used to override the default display of the specific database field in a list. If this field is left blank, the default attributes for the field as defined at the database level will be used. The following standard formats are available:

Currency ($0) Currency ($0.00) Date/Time (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

Number (0) Number (0.00) Percent (0%) Percent (0.00%)

Short Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Note: Additional formats may be added by adding Lookup List Items to the Column

Formats Lookup List. The List Value of the Lookup List Item contains the display value that is selected in the drop-down list, while the DB Value contains the VB Script formatting code which will be used to format the contents of the column.

Wrap Text Check this box to allow text wrapping in this


Footer Calc Applies a calculation to the column, displaying the

result in a row at the bottom of the column. Available options are:

Average: Returns the Average of the

column Count: Returns the total row count.

Max: Finds the Maximum value in the column

Min: Finds the Minimum value in the column

Sum: Returns the Sum of the column

Case Sensitive Check this box to make the sorting case sensitive.

Disable Column Filtering

When checked, user filtering may not be applied on the Column.

Cell Style The Style to use for the column contents.

Header Style The Style to use for the column header.

Header Image If specified, a Header Image may override the

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 61

Name/Caption of the Column in the Header row of the View.

Tooltip When the user hovers over the column, the text in

this field will be displayed as the Tooltip. Columns – Advanced Settings

Action Type

Associates the column contents with a desired action. Available Action Types are:

Drilldown View: Drills down to another View, based on one or two fields. The target View is specified in the Drilldown View field. The Drilldown fields are specified in the Field

1 and Field 2 fields. Hyperlink: Creates a Hyperlink, specified in

the Hyperlink field Image Only: Displays an Image, specified

in the Image field Image with Text: Displays an Image in

addition to the column’s contents. The image is specified in the Image field

Hyperlinked Image Only: Creates a Hyperlink, specified in the Hyperlink field. The Hyperlink is displayed as an Image only, as specified in the Image field.

Hyperlinked Image with Text: Creates a Hyperlink, specified in the Hyperlink field. The Hyperlink is displayed as an Image in addition to the column’s contents. The image is specified in the Image field.

Popup Window: Displays the data in a new popup window.

Link Navigation Method Controls the display method used when launching

Drilldowns or Hyperlinks. The following options are available:

In Same Window: Opens the link in the

same window. In New Window: Opens the link in a new

window. Use Default: Uses the Display setting of

the View’s Parent, if any.

New Window Width When the Link Navigation Method is set to “In New Window”, this field controls the width of the new window.

New Window Height When the Link Navigation Method is set to “In New Window”, this field controls the height of the new window.

Hyperlink Used with Hyperlink Action Types, this field specifies the full hyperlink address.

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 62

Note: Right-clicking in this field will display

a selection of Fields to include in the Hyperlink. Based on the rows contents, the

fields will populate dynamically.

Image Used with Image Action Types, this field specifies the Image to be displayed. Images may be entered with either the full HTTP:// address, or in a

directory relative to the Prolog Converge® Web Client folder (i.e. ‘images/image.jpg’).

Drilldown View When the Action Type is set to Drilldown View, this

field is the target View to link to. When a user ‘Drills down’ on the column, the View specified in this field will be displayed.

Include Parent Parameters

Used when drilling down multiple times, this field will send parameters from the previous drilldown to the next.

Field 1 When the Action Type is set to Drilldown View, this field controls the 1st parameter that will be sent to the Drilldown View. When the drilldown view is displayed, only records which match this field will be displayed.

Note: By default the Drilldown Field and Target Field will use the same field name. For instance, if a Drilldown is configured on

the ‘CompanyID’ field, the ‘CompanyID’ field must exist in both the parent View and the Drilldown View. If the Drilldown View’s Target Field is named differently, the Target

Field may be used.

Target 1 Based on Field 1, the Field to Drilldown on in the Target Drilldown View.

Field 2 When the Action Type is set to Drilldown View, this

field controls the 2nd parameter that will be sent to the Drilldown View. When the drilldown view is

displayed, only records which match both Field 1 and Field 2 will be displayed.

Target 2 Based on Field 2, the Field to Drilldown on in the Target Drilldown View.

Parameters Available when the Action Type is set to Popup Window, this field controls the variables that are sent to the Popup window.

Column Conditions

Sort Order

The Sort Order for the Column Condition.

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Description A description of the Column Condition.

Display Type The Type of Style which will be applied if the

Column Condition is met. The following options are available:

Image: An Image will be placed in the Column’s Cell when the Condition is met.

Style: A Style is applied to the Column’s Cell when the Condition is met.

Column The Column to apply the Image or Style to.

All When checked, the Image or Style will be applied

to all columns in the View. This is commonly used to highlight entire rows with a color.

Column Conditions – Criteria

Sort Order The Sort Order for the Column Condition’s Criteria.

Or With Next When checked, the Criteria will be combined with

the next Criteria using an OR statement. For instance: ‘AuthorContactID = [ContactID] OR AnswerContactID = [ContactID]’.

Begin Group When checked, the Criteria will begin a group, placing opening parentheses in front of the comparison.

End Group When checked, the Criteria will end a group,

placing closing parentheses after the comparison.

DB Column The Column to compare.

Test The Type of test to perform. The following options are available:

= (Equal To)

<> (Not Equals) > (Greater Than) >= (Greater Than or Equal To) < (Less Than)

<= (Less Than or Equal To) IN NOT IN IS NULL IS NOT NULL

Type The Type to Compare. The following options are


DB Column: Used to compare a column from the View’s SQL to another column.

Empty: Used to check if the selected

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 64

Column is empty. User Property: Used to compare the

selected column to a user variable. For instance, the column ResponsibleContactID

may be compared to the end-user’s ContactID.

Value: Used to compare a variable to a specific value.

Value The value to compare the column to. If the Type is set to Value, this field will be an editable text box.

If the Type is set to DB Column, this field will be a drop-down list containing a list of columns from the Views SQL.

If the Type is set to User Property, this field will be a drop-down list containing a list of variables specific to the user logged into the Prolog

Converge® user interface. The following options are available:

Current Login Time: The Date/Time when the end-user logged in to Prolog Converge®.

Database-Specific Address ID: The end-user’s Address ID in the row’s Prolog® Portfolio.

Database-Specific CompanyID: The end-

user’s Company ID in the row’s Prolog® Portfolio.

Database-Specific ContactID: The end-user’s Contact ID in the row’s Prolog

Portfolio. Database-Specific DatabaseRole: The

end-users Database Role in the row’s Prolog® Portfolio.

Database-Specific EMail: The end-user’s EMail Address in the selected Project’s Prolog® Portfolio.

Database-Specific ID: The end-user’s

User ID in the selected Project’s Prolog Portfolio.

Default Address ID: The end-user’s Address ID in the selected Project’s Prolog® Portfolio.

Default CompanyID: The end-user’s Company ID in the selected Project’s Prolog® Portfolio.

Default ContactID: The end-user’s Contact ID in the selected Project’s Prolog® Portfolio.

Default DatabaseRole: The end-users

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 65

Database Role in the selected Project’s Prolog® Portfolio.

Default EMail: The end-user’s EMail Address in the selected Project’s Prolog®

Portfolio. Default ID: The end-user’s User ID in the

selected Project’s Prolog® Portfolio. Previous Login Time: The last login time

(previous to the current session) for the

end-user. Previous Logout Time: The last logout

time (previous to the current session) for the end-user.

Project-Specific ProjectName: The selected Project’s Name.

Project-Specific ProjectNumber: The selected Project’s Number.

Project-Specific PrologProjectID: The selected Project’s ProjectID.

System-Set Parameters

Sort Order

The Sort Order for the System-Set Parameters.

Or With Next When checked, the System-Set Parameters will be

combined with the next System-Set Parameter using an OR statement. For instance: ‘AuthorContactID = [ContactID] OR AnswerContactID = [ContactID]’.

Begin Group When checked, the System-Set Parameters will begin a group, placing opening parentheses in front of the comparison.

End Group When checked, the System-Set Parameters will end a group, placing closing parentheses after the comparison.

Type The Type to Compare. The following options are available:

Column: Used to compare a column from

the View’s SQL to a Variable. For instance, the System-Set Parameters may compare the AuthorContactID of an RFI to ensure that it is equal to the end-user’s ContactID.

Value: Used to compare a variable to a

specific value. Rows will only be displayed in the view if the comparison is successful.

DB Column The Column to compare.

Test The Type of test to perform. The following options

are available:

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 66

= (Equal To) <> (Not Equals) > (Greater Than)

>= (Greater Than or Equal To) < (Less Than) <= (Less Than or Equal To) IN NOT IN


Name The Name of the Variable to compare the Column

to. The following variables are available:

Current Login Time: The Date/Time when the end-user logged in to Prolog Converge®.

Database-Specific Address ID: The end-user’s Address ID in the row’s Prolog® Portfolio.

Database-Specific CompanyID: The end-

user’s Company ID in the row’s Prolog® Portfolio.

Database-Specific ContactID: The end-user’s Contact ID in the row’s Prolog® Portfolio.

Database-Specific DatabaseRole: The end-users Database Role in the row’s Prolog® Portfolio.

Database-Specific EMail: The end-user’s

EMail Address in the selected Project’s Prolog® Portfolio.

Database-Specific ID: The end-user’s User ID in the selected Project’s Prolog®

Portfolio. Default Address ID: The end-user’s

Address ID in the selected Project’s Prolog® Portfolio.

Default CompanyID: The end-user’s Company ID in the selected Project’s Prolog® Portfolio.

Default ContactID: The end-user’s

Contact ID in the selected Project’s Prolog® Portfolio.

Default DatabaseRole: The end-users Database Role in the selected Project’s Prolog® Portfolio.

Default EMail: The end-user’s EMail Address in the selected Project’s Prolog® Portfolio.

Default ID: The end-user’s User ID in the selected Project’s Prolog® Portfolio.

Previous Login Time: The last login time (previous to the current session) for the

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 67

end-user. Previous Logout Time: The last logout

time (previous to the current session) for the end-user.

Project-Specific ProjectName: The selected Project’s Name.

Project-Specific ProjectNumber: The selected Project’s Number.

Project-Specific PrologProjectID: The

selected Project’s ProjectID.



Based on the configured Portfolios, one or more Portfolios may be listed on the Projects tab. Next to

each Portfolio is a drop-down list which contains the following options:

Don’t Monitor: The notification will not

monitor the selected Portfolio. Monitor All Projects: The notification will

monitor the selected Portfolio. Notifications will be delivered for all Projects in the

selected Portfolio. ONLY Monitor Selected Projects: The

notification will monitor the selected Portfolio. Notifications will be delivered for

only the selected (checked) Projects in the selected Portfolio.

Do NOT Monitor Selected Projects: The notification will monitor the selected Portfolio. Notifications will be delivered for

only the unselected (unchecked) Projects in the Portfolio.

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 68

The Web Views Record – General Tab

The Web Views Record – Columns Tab

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6 Notification Modules

In this section you will find detailed descriptions of the modules located under the Notifications

menu and their features.

6.1 Notification Preferences

The Notification Preferences module allows the administrator to set various configuration options

which apply to Prolog Converge® Notifications.

6.1.1 Preferences

One Preferences record is always present. The settings on this record apply to all Prolog Converge® Notifications, unless a Notification’s settings override the default Preferences. The following settings are available for the Preferences record:

Field Name Description / Function

From EMail The default From Email Address that will be included on outbound email


Note: The From Email Address is used in all Quick Print -> Send Report notifications sent from Prolog Converge® Web Client forms.

From Email Usage In

User-Sent Reports And Notifications

This field controls the From Email Address of email messages generated

using the Print -> Send Report notifications sent from Prolog Converge® Web Client forms:

From Email Address and User’s Name: Uses the From Email

as specified in the From Email Notification Preference. The From contact label will appear in the Email as the users name.

From Email Address and NO Name: Uses the From Email as specified in the From Email Notification Preference. The From

contact label will appear as the From Email address. User’s Email Address and Name: Uses the Email address

associated with the logged on user. The From contact label will appear in the Email as the logged on users name.

Default Time To Run Scheduled Notifications

The default Time to send Scheduled email notifications.

Interval (Seconds) For Monitor Data Change Notifications

The interval, in seconds, to run Monitor Data Change Notifications. At each internal Prolog Converge® will check the specified notifications for criteria changes.

Number Of Days To Keep Sent Notifications

This field controls the number of days Prolog Converge® will retain sent notifications. When using the Reconfigure -> Resend Notifications the notifications retained as per this setting will be available to resend.

Note: When this field is set to 0 sent notifications will be retained indefinitely.

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 70

Create Transmittals On Send From Web Forms

This field controls the operation of the ‘Create TC’ checkbox which appears on the Send Record feature of the Prolog Converge® user interface. The following options are available:

Optional, No: The checkbox will be editable and unchecked by default.

Optional, Yes: The checkbox will be editable and checked by default.

Always: The checkbox will be read-only and will always be

checked. Never: The checkbox will be read-only and will never be checked.

This option is the default option.

Report URL When Notifications are generated, Prolog Converge® will search the Notification content for any instance of ‘http://localhost’ and will replace any found with the URL in this field. This allows for notification content that includes a URL reference to be changed in one location, eliminating

the need to make changes to each notification’s content when the URL has changed.

Default Report

Nomenclature Source


Defines the Default Portfolio to user for Nomenclature. The Default Portfolio will be used for Report & Nomenclature if a specific Portfolio and/or Project is not selected.


Defines the Default Project to user for Nomenclature. The Default Project will be used for Report & Nomenclature if a specific Project is not selected.

The Notification Preferences Record

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 71

6.1.2 Report Options

The settings on this Report Options record apply to all Prolog Converge® Notifications, unless a Notification’s settings override the default Report Options. The following settings are available for the Report Options record:

Field Name Description / Function


Project Name Description

System Currency Symbol

Project Address Filter Statement

Currency Decimal System Footer

User-defined report footer

Margins Apply Margins

Format Format

Include total page count in footer

When selected the report will display the Project Name in the report. To show or hide the report description, select or clear the Description

checkbox. When selected, the report will use the computer’s default currency symbol. Clear the checkbox to not display a currency symbol.

When selected the report will display the Project Address in the report. To show or hide the record filter for a report, select or clear the Filter Statement checkbox.

Specify up to 4 decimal places to display in the report. Show or hide the pre-defined system footer for a report. It displays the name and path to the database from which the report was printed, the

date the report was printed, and the page number. Show or hide a user-defined footer for a report.

When selected, the user can define the margins for the report.

Prolog Converge® offers you the option of generating the notification reports in either an Enhanced, General or Plain format.

The Enhanced format produces reports that use graphics and

advanced formatting for a more visually appealing look to the report, including color bands and shading. Most laser, ink-jet and bubble-jet printers have few problems with quickly printing reports in the Enhanced format.

The General format shows all report data neatly ordered, but does not employ graphics or intensive formatting. Lines are used in place of color bands. The General format is ideal for rapid printing, printing on less sophisticated printers, and faxing


The Plain format generates reports using minimal formatting that can be easily exported to a Web site as HTML. No color is used

and no lines are used in place of color bands.

When selected enables you to display both the current number and the count in a report. If this option is selected, the number is displayed in

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 72

Logo Use Report Header

Logo Use Page Header Logo

the format "x of y." When selected, the report will display the project report logo on the first

page of the report. When selected the report will display the project report logo on each page of the report.

The Notification Report Options Record

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 73

6.2 Monitor Data Changes

The Notifications Monitor Data Changes Module allows the administrator to create Monitor Data Change notifications. Monitor Data Change notifications are automatically generated when their criteria is met and are delivered via EMail.

6.2.1 Monitor Data Changes

The Monitor Data Changes Notification record contains the settings for the Monitor Data Changes

notification. This record is separated into eight tabs:

Tab Name Description / Function

General Contains settings specific to the selected Monitor Data Changes Notification.

Content Contains the content of the Monitor Data Changes Notification. Using this tab

the user may define, update, import, and export the report content.


Contains the contact(s) who will receive the Monitor Data Changes

Notification. The following types of contacts may be specified: To, CC, BCC, From, To and From, Reply-To.


Contains the schedule(s) for the Monitor Data Changes Notification. Used when the ‘Real-time’ checkbox is not checked, the Monitor Data Changes notification will check for criteria changes and send any notifications based on the configured Schedule(s).


Contains the Criteria record(s) for the Monitor Data Changes Notification. The Criteria record(s) are conditional statements that must be met in order for the notification to be generated.

Send Criteria

Contains the Send Criteria record(s) for the Monitor Data Changes Notification. Once the Criteria have been met, the Send Criteria may be used

as a secondary check to determine if the notification should be delivered.


Contains the Grouping record(s) for the Monitor Data Changes Notification.

The Grouping tab can be used to group many records into one outbound email notification. For instance, if a Monitor Data Changes Notification is configured to deliver an email whenever a new Punch List Item is created, it is common to group the new records together into the email content.


Available when the Monitor field on the General Tab is set to ‘The Selected Prolog Projects’, this tab is used to define the Portfolios and Projects which

will be monitored.

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 74

The following settings are available for the Monitor Data Changes Notification record:

Tab Field Name Description / Function

General Name Real-Time

A unique name for the Monitor Data Changes notification Record. When checked, the Monitored Data Changes notification will run in real-time vs. scheduled

mode. The scheduled mode run time determined based on the Schedules tab. Note: The Schedules tab is displayed when

the Real-Time checkbox is unchecked.

Don’t Send Next Batch When checked, the Monitored Data Changes notification will not generate notifications for

records stored in the database that initially meet the criteria. This field will automatically un-check after the first pass and process any new record that meets the notification criteria.

Note: It is recommend this field be checked

when creating new notifications or starting a notification for the first time.


When checked, the Monitor Data Changes notification will be disabled and will not be generated or delivered.

Last Ran At / For Data Source Type


Value Source

The last run time & date of the Monitor Data Changes notification. List of different Data Source Types the notification

is to use. Available types are:

Server: Allows the use of a view, function or table for the notification.

Value Source: Allows the use of a value source for the notification.

Value Source Special: Place-holder field for future use.

Note: When monitoring a SQL View, the SQL

View must be added to the Data Access -> Servers module along with a Primary Key.

Available when Data Source Type is set to Server, this field lets you chose the server the notification is to be run against.

Available when the Data Source Type is set to Value Source, this field lets you chose the value source the notification will use to generate data.

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 75

SQL: Function


Available when the Data Source Type is set to Server, this field sets the SQL Table, View, or Function (when checked) the notification is to

monitor. Field used to apply a filter to the data the notification will use.

From EMail

The default From Email Address for the outgoing email notification. Note: If a From Contact is specified on the

Contacts tab of the Monitor Data Changes notification it will override this default setting.


The Subject Line for the outgoing email notification.

Monitor The Monitor drop-down list is used to define which

data source(s) the notification will monitor. The following options are available:

The Selected Data Source: When using this option, the notification will monitor the Data Source defined on the General Tab.

The Selected Prolog Projects: When using this option, the notification will monitor the

Portfolios and Projects selected on the Projects tab.

Note: The Projects Tab will be displayed

when the Monitor drop-down is set to ‘The Selected Prolog Projects’.

Run On Server Specifies the Notification Server the Monitored

Data Change Notification will be processed on. If no server is specified, the primary Notification Server will be used to process the Notification.



Specifies the Order in which the Content will appear in the outgoing email notification. A value of zero (0) will place the content in the Body of the email notification. Any value other than zero will add the content as an attachment.


This field controls the source of the Report Content and may be set to one of three values:

C1 Report Crystal Report Prolog

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 76


A description of the Report Content.

Import Report File

This button will import the report content from a

report file (.xml for C1, .rpt for Crystal)

Edit Report

Available if the Report Source is set to C1 Report, this button will open the C1 Report Designer.

Export Report File

This button will export the report content into a report file (.xml for C1, .rpt for Crystal)

Report Name


Available if the Report Source is set to C1 Report,

this field contains a list of Reports that are present in the C1 Report. Select the desired report to use as the master content.

Available if the Report Source is set to C1 Report, this field contains a list of Servers the notification is to run against. Select the appropriate server that corresponds with settings from System – Data

Access – Servers for the appropriate database. Output Type

This field defines the format in which the content will be generated. Available formats are:

Text: A basic text format HTML: HTML Formatting which includes

CSS positioning of content. HTML Table: HTML Formatting which uses

tables to position content instead of CSS. This format is most compatible with Microsoft Outlook 2007.

PDF: Standard Adobe Portable Document

Format (PDF) PDF Embedded Fonts: A PDF Format

which embeds the fonts in the content. For use when the content contains non-

standard Fonts, this option will allow all users to see the PDF’s Fonts as they were designed.

PDF Protected: A PDF Format which may

not be edited. RTF: A word processing format which may

be viewed in Microsoft Word and Microsoft WordPad.

Excel: A Microsoft Excel format. TIFF: Available if the Content Source is set

to C1 Reports, the TIFF format is an Image Format.

Word: Available if the Content Source is set to Crystal Reports or Prolog, this setting will generate a Word (.doc) file.

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 77

Attachment name Available if the order is set to a value other than zero (0), this field determines the attachment name. The attachment name should be specified without the file extension.

Portfolio Available if the Source is set to Prolog, this field

defines the Default Portfolio. The Default Portfolio is used for two functions:

1. The reports shown in the Report drop-down list will be based on the selected Portfolio.

2. The generated report content will be based on the selected Portfolio, unless the Run

Against All Portfolios checkbox is checked.

Report Available if the Source is set to Prolog and a Portfolio has been selected, this field defines the

Prolog Report which will be used as the report content.

Note: If possible, the generated Prolog

Report will automatically filter to only include the trigging record. For instance, if a “RFI” report is linked to a notification which is monitoring the RFI table, the RFI report will automatically filter to include only the RFI which triggered the notification.


Available if the Source is set to Prolog, this field

can be used to filter the Prolog Report. The filter must be a valid SQL ‘WHERE’ statement without the WHERE. For instance:

RFI.IsClosed = 0 Would filter a RFI Prolog Report to only open records. Note that only fields which are included in

the Prolog Report’s Data Source may be used in the Filter field.



The Type of Contact for the Contact record. This field may be set to one of the following:

Distribution List: The Contact(s) used for this record will be based on a Prolog

Converge® Distribution List. Value Source: The Contact(s) used for this

record will be based on a Value Source.

How to Notify This field controls how the Contact(s) will be used in the outgoing email notification. All Contacts in the specified Distribution List or Value Source will

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 78

be included in the specified ‘How to Notify’. Available options are:


CC BCC From To and From Reply-To

Distribution List

Available when the Type is set to Distribution List, this drop-down list is used to select the Distribution which will be used.

Value Source Available when the Type is set to Value Source,

this drop-down list is used to select the Value Source which will be used.

Note: The common Value Source to use

when configuring a Value Source Contact is ‘Prolog Contacts’, which reads from the

Prolog Manager® Contacts table.

Note: When using the Monitor: The Selected Prolog Projects feature on the General Tab, the Value Source will be automatically updated to pull contacts from the correct Prolog Portfolio, based on the Portfolio for which the notification is being triggered.

Filter Available when the Type is set to Value Source,

this field is used to filter the value source to the desired contacts. The filter must be a valid SQL

‘WHERE’ statement without the WHERE. For instance: CompanyID = ‘ACME’

Would filter the Prolog® Contacts Value Source to only include Contacts who’s CompanyID is set to ACME. All Contacts matching that CompanyID

would be used in the Contact record’s How to Notify.

EMail Field Available when the Type is set to Value Source, this field is used to define which Field from the selected Value Source contains the Contact’s EMail Address.

Name Field Available when the Type is set to Value Source, this field is used to define which Field from the selected Value Source contains the Contact’s Name.

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 79



A description for the Schedule record.

When to Run? This field defines the type of Schedule to use for this record. The following options are available:

Daily Monthly


Daily Schedule (Mon – Sun)

Available when the When to Run? field is set to Daily, this field controls which days the notification

will be sent on.

Monthly Available when the When to Run? field is set to Monthly, this field controls which day of the month

the notification will be sent on.

Start Date The first Date that the notification will be sent. If this date is in the future, the notification will not

attempt to send until the Start Date is met.

End Date The last Date that the notification will be sent. The notification will no longer send if the End Date has


Run Time The time to run the notification.

Repeat? Available when the When to Run? field is set to

Daily, this field should be checked if the notification should be sent more than once a week.

Every (number) Available when the Repeat? checkbox is checked,

this field is the number of seconds, minutes, or hours for which the notification should be repeated.

Every (seconds/minutes/hours)

Available when the Repeat? checkbox is checked, this field contains three options:

Seconds: The notification will repeat every

XX seconds. Minutes: The notification will repeat every

XX minutes. Hours: The notification will repeat every XX


Criteria Order The Order for the Criteria.

Or With Next When checked, the Criteria will be combined with

the next Criteria using an OR statement. For instance: ‘IsClosed = 1 OR Importance = Urgent’.

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 80

Begin Group When checked, the Criteria will begin a group, placing opening parentheses in front of the comparison.

End Group When checked, the Criteria will end a group, placing closing parentheses after the comparison.

Field The Field to compare.

Comparison The Type of comparison to perform. The following options are available:

Has Changed

= (Equal To) < (Less Than) <= (Less Than or Equal To) > (Greater Than)

>= (Greater Than or Equal To) <> (Not Equals) IN NOT IN


Value Type The Type of Value to compare the Field to. The

following options are available:

Value: An entered value. Field: Another Field. Empty: A check to determine if the field is

empty. SQL: A SQL condition. For example,

“GETDATE()” can be used to retrieve the current date/time.

Value If the Value Type is set to Value, this field will be

an editable text box in which the value can be entered.

Note: When entering a value, quotes are

not needed around the value.

If the Value Type is set to Field, this field will be a drop-down list of available Fields. If the Value Type is set to SQL, this field will be an editable text box in which the SQL syntax can be entered.

Send Criteria


The Order for the Send Criteria.

Or With Next When checked, the Send Criteria will be combined

with the next Send Criteria using an OR statement.

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 81

For instance: ‘IsClosed = 1 OR Importance = ‘Urgent’’.

Begin Group When checked, the Send Criteria will begin a

group, placing opening parentheses in front of the comparison.

End Group When checked, the Send Criteria will end a group, placing closing parentheses after the comparison.

Field The Field to compare.

Comparison The Type of comparison to perform. The following

options are available:

= (Equal To) < (Less Than)

<= (Less Than or Equal To) > (Greater Than) >= (Greater Than or Equal To) <> (Not Equals)


Value Type The Type of Value to compare the Field to. The

following options are available:

Value: An entered value.

Field: Another Field. Empty: A check to determine if the field is


Value If the Value Type is set to Value, this field will be an editable text box in which the value can be entered.

Note: When entering a value, quotes are not needed around the value.

If the Value Type is set to Field, this field will be a

drop-down list of available Fields. If the Value Type is set to SQL, this field will be an editable text box in which the SQL syntax can be entered.


Sort Order

A Sort Order for the Grouping.

Field The Field to Group on. All records meeting the criteria during the run interval where the specified Field matches will be grouped into one outgoing

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 82

email notification.



Based on the configured Portfolios, one or more

Portfolios may be listed on the Projects tab. Next to each Portfolio is a drop-down list which contains the following options:

Don’t Monitor: The notification will not

monitor the selected Portfolio. Monitor All Projects: The notification will

monitor the selected Portfolio. Notifications will be delivered for all Projects in the

selected Portfolio. ONLY Monitor Selected Projects: The

notification will monitor the selected Portfolio. Notifications will be delivered for

only the selected (checked) Projects in the selected Portfolio.

Do NOT Monitor Selected Projects: The notification will monitor the selected

Portfolio. Notifications will be delivered for only the unselected (unchecked) Projects in the Portfolio.

The Monitor Data Changes Notification Record

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 83

6.3 User-Triggered

The Notifications User-Triggered Module allows the administrator to create User-Triggered notifications. User-Triggered notifications are triggered by end-users in the Prolog Converge® user interface.

6.3.1 User-Triggered

The User-Triggered Notification record contains the settings for the User-Triggered notification.

This record is separated into four tabs:

Tab Name Description / Function

General Contains settings specific to the selected User-Triggered notification.

Security Contains a grid where Security Groups may be added to the User-Triggered

notification with Execute or Denied Permissions.


Contains the content of the User-Triggered notification. Using this tab the

user may define, update, import, and export the report content.


Contains the contact(s) who will receive the User-Triggered notification. The

following types of contacts may be specified: To, CC, BCC, From, To and From, Reply-To.


This tab is used to define the Portfolios and Projects in which the User-Triggered Notification will be available.

The following settings are available for the User-Triggered Notification record:

Tab Field Name Description / Function

General Name A unique name for the User-Triggered notification.


When checked, the User-Triggered notification will be disabled and will not be available in the Prolog Converge® user interface.


A caption for the User-Triggered notification. The caption will be displayed in the Data Group Notify Menu in the Prolog Converge® user interface.

Record Type

The Prolog Manager® Data Group that the User-Triggered notification will be associated with.

From EMail

The default From Email Address for the outgoing email notification. Note: If a From Contact is specified on the

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 84

Contacts tab of the User-Triggered notification it will override this default setting.


The Subject Line for the outgoing email notification.

Create Transmittals on Send

This field controls the automated creation of Transmittals when the User-Triggered notification

is sent. The following options are available:

Yes: A Transmittal will automatically be created when the User-Triggered

Notification is sent. No: A Transmittal will not be created. Default: The value from the Parent

Notification, if any, will be used.

Note: When set to Yes, Prolog Converge® will

automatically create a Transmittal and Correspondence record and store and link

the notification that was sent.

Don’t sent if No Data When checked, the notification will not be sent if the content cannot be generated. Checking this field will prevent a user from getting an email notification without any content.


Security Group

A drop-down list containing a list of the configured

Prolog Converge® Security Groups.


A drop-down list containing three values:

Execute: Allows the Security Group to execute the notification.

Denied: Disallows the Security Group from executing the notification.

Denied Override: Disallows the Security Group form executing the notification, even if another Security Group they are a member of has Execute rights on the notification.

Note: If no Security Groups have been added

to the notification, all users will have access to execute the notification. If at least one Security Group has been added to the

notification, only Security Groups with Execute rights will have access to execute the notification.



Specifies the Order in which the Content will appear in the outgoing email notification. A value

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 85

of zero (0) will place the content in the Body of the email notification. Any value other than zero will add the content as an attachment.


This field controls the source of the Report Content and may be set to one of three values:

C1 Report Crystal Report


Import Report File

This button will import the report content from a report file (.xml for C1, .rpt for Crystal)

Edit Report

Available if the Report Source is set to C1 Report, this button will open the C1 Report Designer.

Export Report File

This button will export the report content into a report file (.xml for C1, .rpt for Crystal)

Report Name

Available if the Report Source is set to C1 Report,

this field contains a list of Reports that are present in the C1 Report. Select the desired report to use as the master content.


A description of the Report Content.

Output Type

This field defines the format in which the content will be generated. Available formats are:

Text: A basic text format HTML: HTML Formatting which includes

CSS positioning of content. HTML Table: HTML Formatting which uses

tables to position content instead of CSS. This format is most compatible with Microsoft Outlook 2007.

PDF: Standard Adobe Portable Document

Format (PDF) PDF Embedded Fonts: A PDF Format

which embeds the fonts in the content. For use when the content contains non-

standard Fonts, this option will allow all users to see the PDF’s Fonts as they were designed.

PDF Protected: A PDF Format which may not be edited.

RTF: A word processing format which may be viewed in Microsoft Word and Microsoft WordPad.

Excel: A Microsoft Excel format.

TIFF: Available if the Content Source is set to C1 Reports, the TIFF format is an Image Format.

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 86

Word: Available if the Content Source is set to Crystal Reports or Prolog, this setting will generate a Word (.doc) file.

Attachment name Available if the order is set to a value other than zero (0), this field determines the attachment name. The attachment name should be specified without the file extension.

Portfolio Available if the Source is set to Prolog, this field defines the Default Portfolio. The Default Portfolio is used for two functions:

1. The reports shown in the Report drop-down list will be based on the selected Portfolio.

2. The generated report content will be based on the selected Portfolio, unless the Run

Against All Portfolios checkbox is checked.

Report Available if the Source is set to Prolog and a Portfolio has been selected, this field defines the

Prolog Report which will be used as the report content.

Note: If possible, the generated Prolog Report will automatically filter to only include the trigging record. For instance, if a “RFI” report is linked to an RFI User-Triggered Notification, the RFI report will automatically filter to include only the RFI

which triggered the notification.



The Type of Contact for the Contact record. This

field may be set to one of the following:

Distribution List: The Contact(s) used for this record will be based on a Prolog

Converge® Distribution List. Value Source: The Contact(s) used for this

record will be based on a Value Source.

How to Notify This field controls how the Contact(s) will be used in the outgoing email notification. All Contacts in the specified Distribution List or Value Source will be included in the specified ‘How to Notify’. Available options are:


From To and From Reply-To

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 87

Distribution List

Available when the Type is set to Distribution List, this drop-down list is used to select the Distribution which will be used.

Value Source Available when the Type is set to Value Source,

this drop-down list is used to select the Value Source which will be used.

Note: The common Value Source to use when configuring a Value Source Contact is ‘Prolog® Contacts’, which reads from the Prolog Manager® Contacts table.

Note: If the User-Triggered Notification is

accessible in multiple Portfolios based on the Projects Tab, the Value Source will be

automatically updated to pull contacts from the correct Prolog Portfolio, based on the Portfolio for which the notification is being triggered.

Filter Available when the Type is set to Value Source,

this field is used to filter the value source to the desired contacts. The filter must be a valid SQL ‘WHERE’ statement without the WHERE. For instance: CompanyID = ‘ACME’

Would filter the Prolog® Contacts Value Source to only include Contacts who’s CompanyID is set to ACME. All Contacts matching that CompanyID would be used in the Contact record’s How to


EMail Field Available when the Type is set to Value Source, this field is used to define which Field from the

selected Value Source contains the Contact’s EMail Address.

Name Field Available when the Type is set to Value Source,

this field is used to define which Field from the selected Value Source contains the Contact’s Name.



Based on the configured Portfolios, one or more Portfolios may be listed on the Projects tab. Next to each Portfolio is a drop-down list which contains the following options:

Don’t Use: The notification will not be

available in the selected Portfolio.

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 88

Use All Projects: The notification will be available all Projects in the selected Portfolio.

ONLY Use Selected Projects: The

notification will be available in only the selected (checked) Projects in the selected Portfolio.

Do NOT Use Selected Projects: The notification will be available in only the

unselected (unchecked) Projects in the selected Portfolio.

The User-Triggered Notification Record

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 89

6.4 Distribution Lists

The Distribution List Module is used to configure Prolog Converge® Distribution Lists. Prolog Converge® Distribution Lists may be associated to Prolog Manager® Distribution Lists or may be a manually configured list of users.

6.4.1 Distribution List

The Distribution List record contains the name for the Distribution List. This record is a container

for Distribution List Contacts.

Field Name Description / Function

Name A unique name for the Distribution List

6.4.2 Contact

The Contact record contains the settings for each Distribution List Contact. One or more Contact record may be added to a Distribution List.

Field Name Description / Function

Distribution List The Distribution List that the Contact is associated with.

Type The Type of Contact. The following Types are available:

Prolog Contact: Create a link to an existing Prolog Manager

Contact. Prolog Distribution List Name: Creates a link to an existing

Prolog Manager® Distribution List. If a Project is not selected, Prolog Converge will attempt to determine the Project based on the Record that triggered the Notification.

Specific Prolog Distribution List Name: Creates a link to an

existing Prolog Manager® Distribution List within a specific Project. User: A specific user. All details for this Contact will be manually

entered in the Contact record.

Type: Prolog Contact Portfolio Select the Portfolio to use when creating the Distribution List.

Name List of Prolog Manager contact from the configured Portfolio.

Type: Prolog Distribution List Name

Portfolio Select the Portfolio to use when creating the Distribution List.

Project Select the Project from the configured Portfolio.

Name Select the Distribution list from the configured Portfolio and Project.

Type: Specific Prolog Distribution List Name

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 90

Portfolio Select the Portfolio to use when creating the Distribution List.

Project Select the Project from the configured Portfolio.

Name Select the Distribution list from the configured Portfolio and Project. Type: User Name List of Prolog Manager Distribution List from the selected Project.

EMail Address Available when the Type is set to User, this field contains the contact’s EMail Address.

Fax Number Available when the Type is set to User, this field contains the contact’s

Fax Number.

Phone Number Available when the Type is set to User, this field contains the contact’s Phone Number.

Company Name Available when the Type is set to User, this field contains the contact’s

Company Name.

Address Available when the Type is set to User, this field contains the contact’s Address.

The Distribution List Contact Record

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 91

7 Requesting Reconfiguration

In order to optimize system performance and improve page load times in the Prolog Converge®

Web Client, many configuration settings a cached into memory when the Prolog Converge® application is first started. These settings include Prolog Converge® objects such as Views, Notifications, and Reports, as well as many Prolog Manager Security Settings and Preferences.

When changes to the configuration or preferences have changed, a Request Reconfiguration is preformed to instruct Prolog Converge® to re-read the settings.

Note: A brief delay will occur in the Prolog Converge® Web Client when a reconfiguration is performed. This delay is caused because the application is re-reading all of the necessary configuration and preferences. The length of the delay will vary based on the server hardware.

7.1 Cached Configuration & Preferences

When the Prolog Converge® application is first accessed, the following configuration & preferences are cached into system memory. These settings remain in memory and will be used until a reconfiguration is performed.

Prolog Converge® Configuration: Includes all configured settings from the Prolog

Converge® Admin Client.

Prolog Manager Group Security: Includes all security settings related to Prolog Manager

Security Roles, including Record Set Permissions, Feature Permissions, Data Group Permissions, and File Links Permissions. Note: User Security, including the configured users, the projects users have access

to, and the roles users are assigned in projects, is not cached. These settings are re-read each time a user logs into Prolog Converge®.

Prolog Manager Nomenclature: Includes all Field and Report Nomenclature.

7.2 Methods of Reconfiguration

Although the standard way to perform a reconfiguration is using the Request Reconfiguration button in the Prolog Converge® Admin Client, multiple methods are available.

7.2.1 Request Reconfiguration from the Prolog Converge® Admin Client

Within the Prolog Converge® Admin Client, the Request Reconfiguration button may be accessed

from the Reconfigure menu. Using this button will cause the Prolog Converge® application to reconfigure.

Note: The Prolog Converge® Web Client periodically checks to see if a Reconfiguration has been requested. If may take 10 to 20 seconds for the Prolog Converge® Web Client

to begin reconfiguring.

7.2.2 Automated Nightly Reconfiguration

When the Prolog Converge® application is installed, it creates a new Application Pool in IIS (Internet Information Services) labeled ConvergeAppPool. By default, this Application Pool is configured to automatically restart at 12:01 AM. After the Application Pool has restarted, the next time the Prolog Converge® Web Client is accessed it will re-read the configuration settings.

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 92

7.2.3 Manual Restart of IIS or Server

If IIS is restarted, or if the Server itself is restarted, the next time the Prolog Converge® Web Client is accessed it will re-read the configuration settings.

Note: The settings which are re-read after an IIS or Server restart are based on the components installed on the server. For instance, if the Prolog Converge® Web Client and Business Layer are installed on separate servers, and IIS is restated on the Business Layer server, the Web Client will not re-read the configuration settings.

7.2.4 Manual Restart of the Prolog Converge® Server Monitor Service

The Prolog Converge® Server Monitor is a Windows Service which handles the delivery of notifications and indexing of project files. This service may be manually restarted to force it to

re-read its settings.

Prolog Converge® Admin Client Request Reconfiguration Button

Prolog Converge® Administration Client User Manual 93

8 Contacting Support

Meridian Systems Support Services is committed to offering timely, thorough and efficient

resolutions to your installation and operation issues in accordance with your Meridian Support Contract. Our Technical staff is available to you during normal service hours of 5 am to 5 pm M-F PST. To receive the best support possible, be sure to review the Meridian Support Services Handbook.

Toll Free: (800) 565-9490 International: (916) 294-2100

Fax: (916) 294-2001

E-Mail: [email protected]