Maintaining the proLIGHT 2000 Maintaining the proLIGHT 2500 Lubricating the 4th Axis Rotary Positioner Maintaining the PC in a Shop Environment Section 7: proLIGHT Machining Center Maintenance

ProLIGHT 2000 Maintenance Manual

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Page 1: ProLIGHT 2000 Maintenance Manual

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Page 2: ProLIGHT 2000 Maintenance Manual


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Spindle HeadButton Head Cap Screw

Bellows Cover

Linear Rod

Ball Screw

Bellows Cover

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Page 3: ProLIGHT 2000 Maintenance Manual

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Page 4: ProLIGHT 2000 Maintenance Manual



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Set Screwspush on thebearing whentightened

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Page 5: ProLIGHT 2000 Maintenance Manual

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Axial Play

Radial Play

Page 6: ProLIGHT 2000 Maintenance Manual


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Page 7: ProLIGHT 2000 Maintenance Manual

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Be aware of theWashers under the cover.

Remove the screws.

Rotate the cover tothe left to expose thedrive belt.

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Page 8: ProLIGHT 2000 Maintenance Manual


Remove the screws.Pull back then lift left side up.

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Page 9: ProLIGHT 2000 Maintenance Manual

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Remove the front screws.

Lift up the cover.

Remove the back screws.

Loosen the back bottom screws.

Page 10: ProLIGHT 2000 Maintenance Manual


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Spindle HeadButton Head Cap Screw

Bellows Cover

Linear Rod

Ball Screw

Bellows Cover

Page 11: ProLIGHT 2000 Maintenance Manual

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Set Screws (Y Axis)

Set Screws (X Axis)


Oil Port

Oil PortSet Screws (Y Axis)

Set Screws (X Axis)


Linear Rod (X Axis)

Felt Pad� ��� �����������-���!!��'

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Page 12: ProLIGHT 2000 Maintenance Manual


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Set Screwspush on thebearing whentightened

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Page 13: ProLIGHT 2000 Maintenance Manual

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Be aware of theWashers under the cover.

Remove the screws.

Rotate the cover tothe left to expose thedrive belt.





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Page 14: ProLIGHT 2000 Maintenance Manual



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Remove the screws.Pull back then lift left side up.

Page 15: ProLIGHT 2000 Maintenance Manual

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Remove the front screws.

Lift up the cover.

Remove the back screws.

Loosen the back bottom screws.

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Page 16: ProLIGHT 2000 Maintenance Manual










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Page 17: ProLIGHT 2000 Maintenance Manual

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Page 18: ProLIGHT 2000 Maintenance Manual



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Page 19: ProLIGHT 2000 Maintenance Manual

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