Proliferation of New Crude Oil Terminals Health and Community impacts Bay Area Air Quality management District, December 4, 2013 Diane Bailey Natural Resources Defense Council * Note that most images here are taken from the internet with gratitude.

Proliferation of New Crude Oil Terminals Health and Community impacts

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Proliferation of New Crude Oil Terminals Health and Community impacts Bay Area Air Quality management District, December 4, 2013 Diane Bailey Natural Resources Defense Council * Note that most images here are taken from the internet with gratitude. Crude By Rail Projects: How many? How big?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Proliferation of New Crude Oil Terminals Health and Community impacts

Proliferation of New Crude Oil Terminals Health and Community impactsBay Area Air Quality management District, December 4, 2013Diane BaileyNatural Resources Defense Council

* Note that most images here are taken from the internet with gratitude.

Page 2: Proliferation of New Crude Oil Terminals Health and Community impacts

• 3 or more large projects. Potential to replace ¼ - ⅓ regional crude supply.

• Experts conclude that the projects are likely to bring in tar sands.

• Recent changes at some refineries to be tar sands ready.

• Result: Impacts to air quality, health, quality of life, safety and the environment.

Crude By Rail Projects: How many? How big?

Page 3: Proliferation of New Crude Oil Terminals Health and Community impacts

• Increases in Air Pollution: Toxics like Benzene, Lead & Heavy Metals, and Smog and Soot

• More Noxious Odors• Increased Toxic Coke

Production• Higher Risk of

Accidents• Spills That Can

Damage the Environment

Crude By Rail: What are the implications of Tar Sands Dilbit?

A handful of Canadian oil sands. Source: Suncor / Inside climate news – A Primer on dilbithttp://insideclimatenews.org/news/20120626/dilbit-primer-diluted-bitumen-conventional-oil-tar-sands-Alberta-Kalamazoo-Keystone-XL-Enbridge?page=3

Page 4: Proliferation of New Crude Oil Terminals Health and Community impacts

Mayflower, Arkansas


· Called a Barbell crude, the light end including toxics like benzene quickly evaporates.

· That leaves the heavy end, loaded with toxic metals like lead.

Page 5: Proliferation of New Crude Oil Terminals Health and Community impacts

Average Crude Unit Emissions at U.S. Refineries

Heavy Crude (API 22° or below)†

All Facilities (All crude levels)

All Facilities,Weighted by Capacity(All crude levels)

Arsenic1.83 0.54 0.43

Cadmium0.90 0.26 0.24

Chromium1.67 0.57 0.43

Lead2.75 0.78 0.52

Manganese1.99 0.56 0.47

Mercury0.060 0.035 0.029

Nickel22.9 10.7 10.9

Sulfur19,296 10,390 11,873

all units in ppmw† EIA defines Heavy Crude as “all crudes with an API gravity of 22° or below.” http://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/TblDefs/pet_pri_wco_tbldef2.asp data source: EPA Comprehensive Data Collected from the Petroleum Refining Sector http://www.epa.gov/ttn/atw/petref/petrefpg.html

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Page 6: Proliferation of New Crude Oil Terminals Health and Community impacts

Increases in Air Pollution: Health Impacts

Page 7: Proliferation of New Crude Oil Terminals Health and Community impacts

• Dirty crudes have high levels of sulfur compounds with intense odors, like mercaptans.

• Mercaptans not only have an unpleasant odor, they are toxic.

• Mercaptans are also extremely flammable.

Bitumen from Christina Lake, CanadaSource: http://blogs.calgaryherald.com/2012/02/15/cenovus-rolls-out-christina-dilbit-blend-product/

More Noxious Odors

Page 8: Proliferation of New Crude Oil Terminals Health and Community impacts

Marathon Refinery and Coke Piles in Detroit, James Fassinger guardian.co.uk, 7 June 2013

More Pet Coke

Page 9: Proliferation of New Crude Oil Terminals Health and Community impacts

Alberta, Canada, October 2013

Lac Megantic, Quebec, July 2013

Higher Risk of Refinery & Rail Accidents

Chevron, Richmond, August 2012

Page 10: Proliferation of New Crude Oil Terminals Health and Community impacts

Residential Proximity Puts Our Children at Risk

• Dozens of homes, schools, playgrounds, churches and parks are within a stones through of these projects.

• Historical industrial use of the site does not make it a good idea to re-use for high-risk oil terminal activities.

Page 11: Proliferation of New Crude Oil Terminals Health and Community impacts

The very communities that this Air District already identifies as “Impacted” by Air Pollution & Vulnerability…

Page 12: Proliferation of New Crude Oil Terminals Health and Community impacts

…would be most impacted by the planned new oil terminals and refinery projects.

Page 13: Proliferation of New Crude Oil Terminals Health and Community impacts

Mayflower, Arkansas, April 2013

Is This What We Want in The Bay Area?

Page 14: Proliferation of New Crude Oil Terminals Health and Community impacts

We Need the Air District to Protect the Public

Mayflower, Arkansas

• Put projects on hold until a thorough study of impacts is done

• Investigate the potential for increases in dirtier, lower quality crude oil

• Consider local context of projects – residential proximity, vulnerability, etc.

• Disclose information to the public

Page 15: Proliferation of New Crude Oil Terminals Health and Community impacts

Priorities: Community Health

Allowing Bay Area sacrifice zones around oil terminals and refineries is not the price we should pay for oil independence.

Instead, we should declare fossil fuel independence.