MARCH 18, 2009 KIDS IN THE KITCHEN Filed under: Online Features Tags: children, Cooking, kids admin @ 12:51 pm MINI CHEF DISHES UP 5 FUN IDEAS FOR COOKING WITH KIDS by Alyssa Volland Whether you order in or cook from scratch, eating has long been a favorite family pastime. Today, with budget and bulge at the top of everyone’s mind, home cooking never looked more appealing. Luckily, our kids are here to help! Children learn by doing, and in no place is that more evident than cooking. If you have ever tried to make pizza with your kids, you know it’s the process of measuring the ingredients, mixing and kneading the dough, waiting for it to rise, and then building your master-pizza that kids adore. What mini-me doesn’t know yet is that cooking together is your opportunity to naturally stir up conversation about nutrition and healthy eating habits while fostering life’s lessons of sharing, patience, and socialization. Cooking with your kids is like being at a party; the best conversation is always in the kitchen. To help you get started, here are our top 5 fun ideas for cooking with kids: 1. “What’s for dinner, Ma?” For the 3- to 5-year-old set, we like to sink our hands and arms into dough. Although messy, that’s what this age group does best. Make whole wheat dough from scratch—it’s fast, easy to make, inexpensive, and can be used for a variety of dishes, like ravioli, pizza, pasta, bread…the list is endless. Top any of these with vegetables, meats, or cheese, and dinner is served. Plus, you can save dough by freezing it and defrosting it when you want it. 2. “I like sushi.” Not surprisingly, 4- to 7-year-olds are little urbanites upon whom we have shed our preferences. Their palates are

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MARCH 18, 2009KIDS IN THE KITCHENFiled under: Online Features Tags: children, Cooking, kids admin @ 12:51 pm MINI CHEF DISHES UP 5 FUN IDEAS FOR COOKING WITH KIDSby Alyssa olland!hether you order in or cook "rom scratch, eating has long been a "a#orite "amily pastime$ Today, %ith budget and bulge at the top o" e#eryone&s mind, home cooking ne#er looked more appealing$ 'uckily, our kids are here to help( Children learn by doing, and in no place is that more e#ident than cooking$)" you ha#e e#er tried to make pi**a %ith your kids, you kno% it&s the process o" measuring the ingredients, mi+ing and kneading the dough, %aiting "or it to rise, and then building your master,pi**a that kids adore$ !hat mini,me doesn&t kno% yet is that cooking together is your opportunity to naturally stir up con#ersation about nutrition and healthy eating habits %hile "ostering li"e&s lessons o" sharing, patience, and sociali*ation$ Cooking %ith your kids is like being at a party- the best con#ersation is al%ays in the kitchen$To help you get started, here are our top 5 "un ideas "or cooking %ith kids:1$ .!hat&s "or dinner, /a01 For the 2, to 5,year,old set, %e like to sink our hands and arms intodough$ Although messy, that&s %hat this age group does best$ /ake %hole %heat dough "rom scratch3it&s "ast, easy to make, ine+pensi#e, and can be used "or a #ariety o" dishes, like ra#ioli, pi**a, pasta, bread4the list is endless$ Top any o" these %ith #egetables, meats, or cheese, and dinner is ser#ed$ 5lus, you can sa#e dough by "ree*ing it and de"rosting it %hen you %ant it$2$ .) like sushi$1 6ot surprisingly, 7, to 8,year,olds are little urbanites upon %hom %e ha#e shed our pre"erences$ Their palates are becoming as sophisticated as ours, i" not more$ /ini Che" says, gi#e them %hat they %ant, and teach them to make it too( !hat could be more "un than making your o%n sushi0 )" you don&t ha#e time to go shopping together, purchase ahead e#erything you&ll need to roll up your "a#orite rolls$ Add in a lesson on chopsticks, and your kids%ill be telling the entire school about your e#ening$2$ .9eriously, %here&s the bee"01 9e#en, to 1:,year,olds, or mini,adults, as ) like to call them, are ready to braise, boil, and steam %ith adult super#ision$ )" your kid idoli*es ;meril more than .2? and make your o%n dim sum$ Chop the #egetables, mi+ the ingredients, add the bee", stir "ry e#erything together, and then "ill, "old, and steam the %ontons$ This is a pro@ect you can do many times di""erently by adding di""erent ingredients and changing the "inal cooking techniAue "rom steaming to baking or "lash "rying$7$ .9nack Attack$1 Children need to eat o"ten, be"ore blood sugars get lo% and "rustration gets high$ !hile %e usually think about %ell,balanced meals, snacks count too$ ;#eryone lo#es 5irate Booty, but %hen and i" you e#er ha#e some do%ntime, here is an easy and healthy snack idea$ /ake your o%n ice pops3sAuee*e lemons and oranges %ith %ater into ice cube trays and add 5opsicle sticks$ Or make your o%n mu""ins$ Follo% a recipe but substitute the %hite sugar %ith apple sauce or bananas to cut do%n on sugar and keep up the taste$ Both are "un, "ast acti#ities you can do %ith the kids and en@oy "or days a"ter the "ood is made$5$ .) don&t %ant to try it, and ) don&t like it$1 5arents o" picky eaters3%e understand the "rustration and @ubilation %hen your picky eater so much as licks a #egetable$ ) hate to say it, but the only %ay you&re getting mini,me to cho% do%n on some broccoli rabe is by %ea#ing those lea#es into the meal rather than placing them on the side to be stared do%n$ )t&s true, andit %orks3gi#ing ne% "oods silly names, making it into a game, and sneaking in the good stu"" can go a long %ay to a healthier, more balanced, diet$)n the end, it&s not ho% good it tastes that&s most important$ )t&s the time together, con#ersations, and healthy eating habits learned that break the myth that "ood comes "rom the deli#ery man$Se voc despacho ou cozinhar a partir do zero, comendo sempre foi um passatempo favorito da famlia. Hoje, com oramento e protuberncia notopo da cabea de todos, nunca cozinhar em casa parecia mais atraente.Felizmente, os nossos filhos esto aui para ajudar! "s crianas aprendem fazendo, e em nenhum lu#ar isso $ mais evidente do ue cozinhar. Se voc j% tentou fazer a pizza com seus filhos, voc sabe ue $ o processo de medio dos in#redientes, misturar e amassar a massa, esperando por ele a se levantar, e em se#uida, construir o seu mestre&pizza ue as crianas adoram. ' mini&me ainda no sabe $ ue cozinhar juntos $ a sua oportunidade de, naturalmente, a#itar conversa sobre nutrio e h%bitos alimentares saud%veis, promovendo simultaneamente as li(es da vida de partilha, pacincia e socializao. )ozinhar com os seus filhos $ como estar numa festa, a melhor conversa $ sempre na cozinha. *ara ajudar voc a comear, aui est% nosso top + id$ias do divertimento para cozinhar com as crianas, -. .' ue $ para o jantar, me/. *ara a 0 & to +&1ear&old conjunto, n2s #ostamos de afundar as nossas mos e braos em massa. "pesar de confuso, isso $ o ue esta fai3a et%ria faz melhor. Faa a massa de tri#o inte#ral a partir do zero, $ r%pido, f%cil de fazer, barato e pode ser usado para uma variedade de pratos, como ravioli, pizza, macarro, po ... a lista $ intermin%vel. 4opo ualuer uma dessas comle#umes, carne ou ueijo, e jantar $ servido. "l$m disso, voc pode economizar #rana por con#elamento e descon#elamento $ uando voc uer. 5. Sushi .ue eu #osto.. 6o surpreendentemente, 7 & to 8&1ear&olds so urbanos pouco sobre os uais temos derramado nossas preferncias. Seus paladares esto se tornando to sofisticado como o nosso, se no mais. 9ini )hef diz, dar&lhes auilo ue eles uerem, e ensin%&los a faz&lo tamb$m! ' ue poderia ser mais divertido do ue fazer o seu pr2prio sushi/ Se voc no tem tempo para ir :s compras em conjunto, acompra : frente tudo ue voc precisa arre#aar as rolos favorito. "dicionar a uma aula sobre os pauzinhos, e seus filhos vo estar dizendo toda a escola sobre a sua noite. 0. .S$rio, onde est% a carne/. Seven&a -;&1ear&olds, ou mini&adultos, como #osto de cham%&los, esto prontos para assar, ferver e vapor com superviso de um adulto. Se o seu filho idolatra pac? de -;; para @ 5A efazer o seu pr2prio dim sum. *iue os le#umes, misture os in#redientes, adicione a carne, me3a fritar tudo junto, e em se#uida, preencher, dobra, e vapor a =ontons. sopaA de molho de tomate& -;; # de azeitonas verdes sem caroo picadas& 5 colheres >sopaA de cheiro verde picado& sal a #osto& - pacote de massa de pastel redonda >7;; #A& 5 ovos batidosMODO DE PREPARO-& 6uma panela coloue 5 colheres >sopaA de azeite, - cebolapicada, 5 dentes de alho amassados e me3a at$ dourar. "crescente+;; # de carne moda >ou +;; # de fran#o desfiadoA e refo#ue bempor + minutos. "dicione 5 tomates sem pele e sem semente cortadosem cubos, 5 colheres >sopaA de molho de tomate, -;; # deazeitonas verdes sem caroo picadas, 5 colheres >sopaA de cheiroverde picado, sal a #osto, misture bem e dei3e esfriar.5& 6uma superfcie lisa coloue - disco de massa de pastel, sobreeste disco coloue 5 colheres >sopaA do recheio de carne moda>ou fran#o desfiadoA, cubra com outro disco de massa e una bem asbordas com um #arfo, dando o formato de disco voador.0& 6uma assadeira untada com 2leo v% colocando os discos voadorese depois pincele&os com 5 ovos batidos. Ieve ao fornopr$&auecido a -J; #raus por -+ a 5; minutos. Ketire do forno edecore com rodelas de azeitonas. Sirva a se#uir.Baloes de ChocolateINGREDIENTES& -5 bal(es de #%s >be3i#aA nL;& 5;; # de chocolate meio amar#o fracionado derretido& - 3cara >ch%A de aBcar& - 3cara >ch%A de claras >de 7 a + clarasA& raspas de - limo& 5;; # de chocolate branco derretidoMODO DE PREPARO-& be3i#aA nL; at$ ficarem com M a 8 cmde dimetro. 9er#ulhe cada balo em 5;; # de chocolate meioamar#o fracionado derretido at$ a metade de cada balo >'DS, estechocolate deve estar morno. 6o pode estar uenteA. Ketire dochocolate e coloue numa fNrma forrada com papel mantei#a. Fei3eesfriar.5& 6uma panela fora do fo#o misture muito bem - 3cara >ch%A deaBcar com - 3cara >ch%A de claras>de 7 a + clarasA. Ieve aofo#o bai3o me3endo sempre por OP& 5 minutos para o aBcarderreter >ou at$ ue enfiando um dedo o calor no sejasuportadoA.0& 4ransfira esta mistura para uma batedeira, acrescente raspasde - limo e bata por OP& J minutos at$ obter um meren#ue bemfirme. Fesli#ue a batedeira e misture delicadamente 5;; # dechocolate branco derretido.7& retireas sobras de l%te3 dos bal(es ue ficarem #rudados no chocolateAe preencha as casuinhas de chocolate com o creme da batedeira.Ieve para #elar por apenas - hora. Sirva decorando com raspas delimo e folhas de hortel.