European Unions Horizon 2020 Programme GA N° 773782 What is COASTAL about? COASTAL is an EU funded 4-year mul-actor Horizon 2020 research and innovaon acon. The goal of the COASTAL project is to formulate and evaluate business soluons and policy recommendaons aimed at improving the coastal-rural synergy to foster rural and coastal development while preserving the environment. Read more | Download the project flyer UPDATE ON NORRSTRÖM/BALTIC REGION (MAL3) Land-sea interacons in the MAL3 coastal region create various water-related problems from both quanty and quality perspecves. These problems are affected by inland, coastal and sea-based human acvies (i.e. sectoral interacons) and spaal and temporal scale transions in the MAL3 and the whole Balc Sea regions, and further exacerbated due to hydro-climac changes. Complex interacons and feedback structures in the MAL3 land-sea system are modelled in a system dynamics framework with great potenal for business and policy analysis in this region. Recent assessments on coastal water quality condions and its possible improvements has highlighted that cross-sectoral management and migaon measures at local (corresponding catchment) scale can improve inland and only local coastal water quality in MAL3. To improve coastal water quality in the whole Balc Sea region, such measures have to be extended across the regional scale and applied in all contribung catchments to the Balc Sea, since coastal water quality depends on inland water quality and nutrient management in each associated catchments, as well as on marine water quality in general due to the sea hydrodynamics and circulaons. As such, land-sea synergies are required not only in the MAL3 coastal catchment but also across the whole Balc Sea drainage basin to address regional coastal-marine water quality problems. Promoted synergies should include both the short and long-term measures temporally to manage the impacts of both current acve nutrient inputs and historical nutrient legacy sources that are slowly but dominantly contribung to water quality problems in the MAL3 coastal region. These insights will be integrated to and reflected on the MAL3 business roadmaps and policy recommendaons developed as part of WP3 in COASTAL. Author: Samaneh Seifollahi NEWSLETTER/ Edion 6/ June 2021 LATEST UPDATES FROM COASTAL Photo by Basaan Notebaert (VITO) PROJECT UPDATES FROM THE COORDINATOR In the spring of 2021 the six Mul-Actor Labs increased their effort on consolidang the design of their operaonal land-sea models, including the implementaon and tesng of their models. Furthermore, they worked towards consistent scenarios for drivers of change, and the formulaon of business road maps. This brings the project in a more praccal phase, with models being applied on real case examples to support policy decisions related to exisng problems and regulatory frameworks. A total of fourteen system models were developed for themes ranging from coastal tourism, eutrophicaon, eco farming and decommissioning of offshore wind parks to shellfish farming. The quanficaon of systemic interacons is based on peer-reviewed published and reported data and modelling approaches, expert judgement and field samples obtained as part of the project. All models address land-sea interacons and capture socio-environmental interacons which were idenfied earlier in the project by coastal and rural stakeholders. The model and data inventory were updated and aligned with the priories idenfied for the operaonal models. In a second round of workshops, during late 2020 and early 2021, stakeholders and local experts interacted to discuss the model validity in terms of model structure, dynamics and policy relevance, the policy implicaons of model simulaons. They were also asked to formulate concrete policy acons as part of integrated business road maps and policy guidelines towards land-sea synergy. The coming months will bring some new excing moments for our project. If the Covid-19 situaon permits this, the project partners will again hold a face-to-face General Assembly in the fall in France. Although the project and collaboraon between the MALs connued as much as possible over the last 1.5 year, such a face-to-face workshop is needed to bring the exchange of models, pracces and experiences to a next level, and to learn from each others experiences. During the next months we will also connect the models to scenarios and business road maps. Finally, Covid-19 has also prevented us to organize real-life networking exchanges between stakeholders from the different MALs. Depending on the sanitary situaon and Covid-19 measures in place, we set up such an event somewhere in 2022. This will be an important milestone for us, as it will allow us to strengthen collaboraon between MALs, while it will also allow stakeholders to exchange ideas directly and discuss opportunies for further exploitaon of the project outcomes bilaterally. Authors: Jean-Luc de Kok and Basaan Notebaert (VITO) SECOND ROUND OF MULTI ACTOR WORKSHOPS IN SOUTH WEST MESSINIA (MAL2) SW Messinia MAL is working towards idenfying the pathways to realizing stakeholders vision for Sustainable Messinia. To achieve this, the modelling team concentrated its efforts on quanfying the most important challenges of achieving this, according to the stakeholders. The three recognised submodels are a) conversion to sustainable agricultural pracces and the need for collaboraon among farmers, b) water demand and the salinizaon of Gialova Lagoon, and c) the current tourist development model which puts extra pressures on land and water resources, instead of capitalizing on the relave advantages of the region which could also enhance connecons with other economic acvies of the area (farming, olive oil making, fishing), as well as cultural heritage and the environment (bird watching, nature walking, diving etc). These models were discussed with the stakeholders and the local partners during the second round of mul-actor workshops, which was held online due to the pandemic. The discussions with the stakeholders lasted four and half hours and had three disncve secons although concentrated on validang the system dynamic models through discussions and online quesonnaires as well as clarifying the idenfied soluons and policy connecons to the presented challenges. Besides the soluons presented within the dynamic system models, the parcipants were asked to contribute the development of a business roadmap with specific business ideas and acons within a meline that could drive the modeled soluons. Finally the parcipants were provided with a quesonnaire focusing on climate change adaptaon mechanisms. However, the discussions on the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways were limited due to me constraints and all parcipants as well as organisers agreed that these very important issues will need to be further elaborated in a future meeng. Author: Erasmia Kastanidi (HCMR) SECOND ROUND OF MULTI ACTOR WORKSHOPS IN CHARENTE RIVER BASIN (MAL4) We had a core group of 20 stakeholders who had aended the sectorial workshops in line with their scope of experse, with some of them also having aended the previous workshop. They represented the main challenges of the Charente River territory. These included significant environmental pressure especially on water resources - from different economic acvies such as summer tourism, agriculture, and shellfish farming. Firstly, we performed a presentaon and engaged in a discussion relang to the business road map for the territory (with a reminder of the "desirable" scenarios* and previous work). We discussed the key acons needed to move towards the desirable scenario for the territory and which sectors and stakeholders should be involved in these acons. People were able to rank the acons using interacve tools. Main economic sectors, agriculture, shellfish farming and tourism should be involved in key acons, designed to reach a desirable future and to enhance land sea synergies. The move towards a collecve management of water, as a common good, should involve a large range of stakeholders, including local authories. In this desirable future, the territory as a whole should become more sustainable, consume less water and promote collecvely high quality land and sea products. Then, we made a presentaon and engaged in a discussion on the general structure of the land-sea model. We first presented the links between modelling and the real world, how models were developed in terms of the process itself, from sector workshops and mind mapping to Causal Loop Diagrams (CLDs) and Stock-flow models. We presented interacons between the submodels, the model's challenges, and the hypothesis on the dynamics of the systems. We asked for feedback from stakeholders and if anybody was interested in being more deeply involved in developing the models. Two stakeholders from the shellfish farming and the trade ports sectors express an interest in specific meengs for this purpose. We are currently engaging with stakeholders from several backgrounds (tourism, water sector, ports, agriculture, shellfish farming) to complete and discuss the outputs of the workshop, focusing on land sea synergies. Pandemic effect: There were many more people in the face-to-face meengs; apparently, some of them got fed up with zoom meengs and hence it was difficult to keep them movated. However, we tried to stay connected with them during the two periods of lockdown and restricons due to the covid pandemic. The first lockdown was very strict, and people were sll unfamiliar with Zoom and remote meengs. There were exchanges, but it was not the same as face-to -face exchanges. * The desirable scenario designed in collaboraon with stakeholders involves widespread societal change, wherein stakeholders across the territory work in synergy to achieve a sea-land connuum. By using a mosaic for the space and its associated acvies, as well as applying governance strategies at finer temporal and spaal scales, it is possible to make the territory more resilient in the face of economic and climate change. It also includes large-scale investment, along with support for local development. Other key aspect of the desirablescenario is the way in which shellfish farming and agriculture develop: locally focused, sustainable, creang jobs and providing quality product. Author: Françoise Vernier (INRAE) COASTAL KEY EXPLOITABLE RESULTS IN THE HORIZON RESULTS PLATFORM COASTAL is connuously uploading its Key Exploitable Results (KERs) on the Horizon Results Plaorm. Stockholm University, the lead partner for the Swedish MAL3 study area and the co-lead partner for WP2 on knowledge transion, has published a COASTAL-relevant result on the Horizon Results Plaorm on April 2021, highlighng the need for paradigm shiſts in policy and strategy for coastal eutrophicaon migaon in the Balc Sea coasts. Despite various policy frameworks developed and applied to improve coastal water quality and migate eutrophicaon, opposite change trends are sll seen in the Balc coastal waters. Recent data-driven invesgaon of Balc coastal condions has found and highlighted the coastal waters and their quality as melng pots of impacts from both the local land-catchment of each coast and the water quality condions over the open sea. These findings challenge simplified unidireconal source-to-sea paradigms for coastal water quality and eutrophicaon policy and management strategies. They point at a required shiſt in coastal policy and strategy, to account for the mixed local- catchment and whole-sea influences on coastal condions and the possibilies to improve coastal water quality and combat eutrophicaon. Read more Relevant open-access scienfic publicaon: hps://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.146367 The Spanish Naonal Research Council (CSIC) has also recently published their result on the plaorm on Connecng Research Infrastructures with stakeholder networks for integrated management of coastal and rural areas. Read more Relevant open-access scienfic publicaon: hps://iopscience.iop.org/arcle/10.1088/1748-9326/ab4b22 For further COASTAL KERs click on the tles below: Regional planning and urban development challenge the achievement of the net-zero emissions goal in Europe Urban planning and policy improvement requirements to achieve the carbon-neutrality goal by 2045 in Sweden Projecng the infrastructure impacts of decommissioning offshore wind parks in the Belgian North Sea Climate Change at the Land-Sea Interface BLUE CAREER DAYS AT BLUE BRIDGE The Belgian coastal region is trying to foresee how to tackle the mulfunconal use of space and the accompanying compeon. The COASTAL project's importance is to set up evidence-based business roadmaps and policy soluons, focusing on economic growth, marine spaal planning, and environmental protecon, including inland water quality. An important indicator for the current and future acvies will be their contribuon to the regional economic development and employment. The Blue growth could create opportunies for new jobs and strategic specialisaon of port acvies. Thanks to the Voka Welt project and subvenon from the Flemish Government, Blue Economy organisaons highlighted their acvies and jobs at Bluebridge, Ostend. Read more LATEST NEWS FROM COASTAL PRACTICE ABSTRACTS We are happy to announce that COASTAL has produced a total number of 75 pracce abstracts so far. You can read the first 53 on the EIP Agri website, or all 75 on our COASTAL website under Resources. Pracce abstracts are short summaries for praconers, describing a main result/outcome of an acvity or a praccal recommendaon to the end user. Read more COASTAL AT VIRTUAL EUROPEAN GEOSCIENCE UNION Stockholm University (SU) aended the internaonal conference of EGU General Assembly 2021 with several scienfic presentaons in different sessions. You can read the news item HERE. More informaon and the display materials are available at: hps://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-5210 COASTAL IN THE EU NETWORK FARNET COASTAL was presented by Stockholm University, the lead partner for MAL3 and the co-lead partner for WP2, in an online seminar organized by the EU network FARNET (Fisheries AReas NETwork) to address Beer local strategies around the Balc Sea and in inland FLAG areas”. More informaon about the seminar with its agenda and the presentaon are available at: hps:// webgate.ec.europa.eu/fpfis/cms/farnet2/news-events/ events/beer-local-strategies-around-balc-sea-and- inland-areas_en. You can read the news item HERE. COASTAL FUTURE VISIONS PRESENTED AT THE EU RURAL VISION WEEK The COASTAL project team hosted a virtual stall in the Marketplace (COASTAL Virtual Stall | The European Network for Rural Development (ENRD) (europa.eu)) of the EU Rural Vision Week. It showcased the generic coastal-rural visions developed within WP5, a task led by ICRE8, in collaboraon with local MALs leaders from the 6 cases study areas (Belgium, Sweden, Romania, Greece, Spain, France). Read more COASTAL IN THE PARTICIPATORY MODELING COMMUNITY OF PRACTICE NEWSLETTER COASTAL contributed to a coming newsleer of the Parcipatory Modeling Community of Pracce. This excing forum shares our interest in combining stakeholder engagement with modelling tools. You can download the COASTAL arcle HERE. Feel free to register here as a member of the PM CoP. Did you know you can read all the COASTAL project publicaons on our website? If you click on Resources on COASTALs website, you can view all the different materials the project produced, such as publicaons, pracce abstracts, deliverables, flipbooks, videos etc. List of publicaons and downloadable materials: Economic Instruments to Combat Eutrophicaon: A Survey By Jean-Philippe Terreaux and Jean-Marie Lescot Dominant Hydro-Climac Drivers of Water Temperature, Salinity, and Flow Variability for the Large-Scale System of the Balc Coastal Wetlands Scenarios of Nutrient-Related Solute Loading and Transport Fate from Different Land Catchments and Coasts into the Balc Sea, Water (MDPI), 11(7), 1407. Anthropogenic Changes in a Mediterranean Coastal Wetland during the Last Century—The Case of Gialova Lagoon, Messinia, Greece, Water (MDPI), 11(2), 350. Land-Sea Interacons in the Coastal.Marine System of the Balc Sea Under Hydro-Climac Variability Understanding interacons between urban development policies and GHG emissions: A case study in Stockholm Region Land-Sea Interacons in the Coastal Marine System of the Balc Sea Under Hydro-Climac Variability Can Nonlinear Water Pricing Help to Migate Drought Effects in Temperate Countries? Understanding coastal wetland condions and futures by closing their hydrologic balance: the case of the Gialova lagoon, Greece. Simulaon of nutrient management and hydroclimac effects on coastal water quality and ecological status - The Balc Himmerärden Bay case Coastal water quality interacons, changes and soluon pathways Coastal-marine solute spreading from different Balc coastlines Dominant Hydro Climac effects on eutrophicaon management efficiency in a Swedish coastal bay Stakeholder perspecves on sustainable coastal development: A Balc coast case study Connecng research infrastructures, scienfic and sectorial networks to support integrated management of Mediterraneam coastal and rural areas Scenarios of Nutrient-Related Solute Loading and Transport Fate from Different Land Catchments and Coasts into the Balc Sea Understanding the coupled land-sea system dynamics in coastal regions through a parcipatory approach: A Balc case study Use of co-created causal loop diagrams and fuzzy-cognive scenario analysis for water quality management Trend correlaons for coastal eutrophicaon and its main local and whole-sea drivers – Applicaon to the Balc Sea Tourism Impact Acvity Over the Labour Market in the Romania Danube Region County s Sustainability, compevity and future respecves for rural development towards bioeconomy-Tulcea county case study Drivers for Rural Development of Danubes Delta Region The dynamics of social mutaons in rural areas of Tulcea County, Romania Rural Development in the region of the Danube Delta - Strategies at European level and implementaon at the Naonal Level Determining Factors of the living level in rural communies in the southeast region A more complete accounng of greenhouse gas emissions and sequestraon in urban landscapes Mapping stakeholderspercepon of the main vulnerabilies, limitaons and opportunies generated by land-sea interacons in the Danube Delta - Black Sea coastal zone COASTAL - Collaborave Land-Sea Integraon Plaorm at the Black Sea Pilot System Dynamic Model for Coastal Rural Interacons - Danube's Mouths - Black Sea Case Study 3 rd Internaonal Balc Earth Conference proceedings Understanding the coupled land-sea system dynamics in coastal regions through a parcipatory approach: A Balc case study Mulple drivers of change in coastal water quality and ecosystem status: From parcipatory mental mapping to systems modelling Land-Sea Interacons in the Coastal Marine System of the Balc Sea Under Hydro-Climac Variability Understanding interacons between urban development policies and GHG emissions: A case study in Stockholm Region RESOURCES COASTAL cooperaon with fellow project ROBUST COASTAL and ROBUST had an online meeng in November 2020 to discuss the methodological challenges of coastal-rural and rural-urban transion, and the complementarity of the tools and approaches used in the two projects in more detail. COASTAL is looking forward to parcipate at the final conference of ROBUST on 21-22 September. ROBUST Fellow project highlights Many excing new publicaons have been released on the Rural- Urban EU website, including a closer look into how we can transion towards a well-being economy , and approaches for spaal planning with the aim of balancing territorial relaons. Meanwhile, updates from ROBUST Living Labs include case studies on cycling paths in Ljubljana, local newspapers in Mid Wales, and many more. In addion, brand-new Live Cases are available on the website! Finally, ROBUST will host its (virtual) Final Conference this September 21 and 22 -- stay tuned for details on registraon! Read more on these updates and publicaons here: Transioning towards a Sustainable Wellbeing Economy Towards More Balanced Territorial Relaons—The Role (and Limitaons) of Spaal Planning as a Governance Approach Coming up in September: ROBUST Virtual Final Conference For more informaon visit the ROBUST project website COASTAL—ROBUST COOPERATION This project has received funding from the European Union s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovaon Programme under Grant Agreement No 773782. JOIN US Your acve engagement is important to ensure that the innovave tools, approaches and policy recommendaons we develop reflect the views of those who are directly concerned with improving the coastal-rural synergy to foster rural and coastal development while preserving the environment. GET INVOLVED IN COASTAL Parcipate in naonal workshops; Take part in the Mul Actor Labs; SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTER Copyright © 2019 COASTAL H2020 Project, all rights reserved WATCH THE LATEST VIDEOS OF COASTAL A SHORT SUMMARY ON MAL3 Key problems addressed in system dynamics (SD) modelling for MAL3 were idenfied. These were the followings: Urban expansion, populaon and tourism growth and associated water supply and wastewater handling issues, water availability/water-logging for green sectors and terrestrial ecosystems, sectoral land compeon, acve and significant contribuon of past nutrient legacy sources to inland, coastal and marine waters, lack of water flow and nutrient monitoring, and policy implementaon. Potenal soluon pathways that may be driven by policy and/or market forces will be explored through model simulaon and tesng for various types of local/regional development/change scenarios. Read more 9TH ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT COASTAL will parcipate in the 9th Annual Internaonal Conference on Sustainable Development: Research for Impact: An Inclusive and Sustainable Planet (20-21 September 2021-virtual - #ICSD2021). Project results will be presented as part of the Systems Approaches for Sustainability session. If you need look for addional branding material for ICSD conference: hps://trello.com/b/DGqPlFdj/icsd-2021 ESTUARIES AND COASTAL SEAS IN THE ANTHROPOCENE CONFERENCE COASTAL will also presenng results at the ECSA 58 – EMECS 13 Estuaries and coastal seas in the Anthropocene Conference held online on the 6-9 September 2021. BLUE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SUMMER TRAINING 2021 (BLUE S&T) Don't miss out on the Blue Science and Technology Summer Training, organized by Marine@UGent and the Doctoral Schools of Ghent University between 30 August - 10 September 2021! Then don't hesitate to register for the event by clicking HERE. For further informaon, visit our partner, Blue Bridge's website by clicking HERE. UPCOMING EVENTS!


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European Union’s Horizon 2020 Programme GA N° 773782

What is COASTAL about?

COASTAL is an EU funded 4-year multi-actor Horizon 2020 research and innovation action. The goal of the COASTAL project

is to formulate and evaluate business solutions and policy recommendations aimed at improving the coastal-rural synergy

to foster rural and coastal development while preserving the environment.

Read more | Download the project flyer


Land-sea interactions in the MAL3 coastal region create various water-related problems from both quantity and quality

perspectives. These problems are affected by inland, coastal and sea-based human activities (i.e. sectoral interactions)

and spatial and temporal scale transitions in the MAL3 and the whole Baltic Sea regions, and further exacerbated due

to hydro-climatic changes. Complex interactions and feedback structures in the MAL3 land-sea system are modelled in

a system dynamics framework with great potential for business and policy analysis in this region. Recent assessments

on coastal water quality conditions and its possible improvements has highlighted that cross-sectoral management and

mitigation measures at local (corresponding catchment) scale can improve inland and only local coastal water quality in

MAL3. To improve coastal water quality in the whole Baltic Sea region, such measures have to be extended across the

regional scale and applied in all contributing catchments to the Baltic Sea, since coastal water quality depends on inland

water quality and nutrient management in each associated catchments, as well as on marine water quality in general

due to the sea hydrodynamics and circulations. As such, land-sea synergies are required not only in the MAL3 coastal

catchment but also across the whole Baltic Sea drainage basin to address regional coastal-marine water quality

problems. Promoted synergies should include both the short and long-term measures temporally to manage the

impacts of both current active nutrient inputs and historical nutrient legacy sources that are slowly but dominantly

contributing to water quality problems in the MAL3 coastal region. These insights will be integrated to and reflected on

the MAL3 business roadmaps and policy recommendations developed as part of WP3 in COASTAL.

Author: Samaneh Seifollahi

NEWSLETTER/ Edition 6/ June 2021


Photo by Bastiaan Notebaert (VITO)


In the spring of 2021 the six Multi-Actor Labs increased

their effort on consolidating the design of their

operational land-sea models, including the

implementation and testing of their models.

Furthermore, they worked towards consistent scenarios

for drivers of change, and the formulation of business

road maps. This brings the project in a more practical

phase, with models being applied on real case examples

to support policy decisions related to existing problems

and regulatory frameworks. A total of fourteen system

models were developed for themes ranging from coastal tourism, eutrophication, eco farming and decommissioning of

offshore wind parks to shellfish farming. The quantification of systemic interactions is based on peer-reviewed

published and reported data and modelling approaches, expert judgement and field samples obtained as part of the

project. All models address land-sea interactions and capture socio-environmental interactions which were identified

earlier in the project by coastal and rural stakeholders. The model and data inventory were updated and aligned with

the priorities identified for the operational models. In a second round of workshops, during late 2020 and early 2021,

stakeholders and local experts interacted to discuss the model validity in terms of model structure, dynamics and policy

relevance, the policy implications of model simulations. They were also asked to formulate concrete policy actions as

part of integrated business road maps and policy guidelines towards land-sea synergy.

The coming months will bring some new exciting moments for our project. If the Covid-19 situation permits this, the

project partners will again hold a face-to-face General Assembly in the fall in France. Although the project and

collaboration between the MALs continued as much as possible over the last 1.5 year, such a face-to-face workshop is

needed to bring the exchange of models, practices and experiences to a next level, and to learn from each other’s

experiences. During the next months we will also connect the models to scenarios and business road maps. Finally,

Covid-19 has also prevented us to organize real-life networking exchanges between stakeholders from the different

MALs. Depending on the sanitary situation and Covid-19 measures in place, we set up such an event somewhere in

2022. This will be an important milestone for us, as it will allow us to strengthen collaboration between MALs, while it

will also allow stakeholders to exchange ideas directly and discuss opportunities for further exploitation of the project

outcomes bilaterally.

Authors: Jean-Luc de Kok and Bastiaan Notebaert (VITO)


SW Messinia MAL is working towards identifying

the pathways to realizing stakeholder’s vision for

Sustainable Messinia. To achieve this, the

modelling team concentrated its efforts on

quantifying the most important challenges of

achieving this, according to the stakeholders. The

three recognised submodels are a) conversion to

sustainable agricultural practices and the need for

collaboration among farmers, b) water demand

and the salinization of Gialova Lagoon, and c) the

current tourist development model which puts

extra pressures on land and water resources, instead of capitalizing on the relative advantages of the region which

could also enhance connections with other economic activities of the area (farming, olive oil making, fishing), as well as

cultural heritage and the environment (bird watching, nature walking, diving etc).

These models were discussed with the stakeholders and the local partners during the second round of multi-actor

workshops, which was held online due to the pandemic. The discussions with the stakeholders lasted four and half

hours and had three distinctive sections although concentrated on validating the system dynamic models through

discussions and online questionnaires as well as clarifying the identified solutions and policy connections to the

presented challenges. Besides the solutions presented within the dynamic system models, the participants were asked

to contribute the development of a business roadmap with specific business ideas and actions within a timeline that

could drive the modeled solutions. Finally the participants were provided with a questionnaire focusing on climate

change adaptation mechanisms. However, the discussions on the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways were limited due to

time constraints and all participants as well as organisers agreed that these very important issues will need to be

further elaborated in a future meeting.

Author: Erasmia Kastanidi (HCMR)


We had a core group of 20 stakeholders who had

attended the sectorial workshops in line with their

scope of expertise, with some of them also having

attended the previous workshop.

They represented the main challenges of the Charente

River territory. These included significant

environmental pressure – especially on water

resources - from different economic activities such as

summer tourism, agriculture, and shellfish farming.

Firstly, we performed a presentation and engaged in a discussion relating to the business road map for the territory

(with a reminder of the "desirable" scenarios* and previous work). We discussed the key actions needed to move

towards the desirable scenario for the territory and which sectors and stakeholders should be involved in these actions.

People were able to rank the actions using interactive tools. Main economic sectors, agriculture, shellfish farming and

tourism should be involved in key actions, designed to reach a desirable future and to enhance land sea synergies. The

move towards a collective management of water, as a common good, should involve a large range of stakeholders,

including local authorities. In this desirable future, the territory as a whole should become more sustainable, consume

less water and promote collectively high quality land and sea products.

Then, we made a presentation and engaged in a discussion on the general structure of the land-sea model. We first

presented the links between modelling and the real world, how models were developed in terms of the process itself,

from sector workshops and mind mapping to Causal Loop Diagrams (CLDs) and Stock-flow models. We presented

interactions between the submodels, the model's challenges, and the hypothesis on the dynamics of the systems. We

asked for feedback from stakeholders and if anybody was interested in being more deeply involved in developing the

models. Two stakeholders from the shellfish farming and the trade ports sectors express an interest in specific meetings

for this purpose.

We are currently engaging with stakeholders from several backgrounds (tourism, water sector, ports, agriculture,

shellfish farming) to complete and discuss the outputs of the workshop, focusing on land sea synergies.

Pandemic effect: There were many more people in the face-to-face meetings; apparently, some of them got fed up with

zoom meetings and hence it was difficult to keep them motivated. However, we tried to stay connected with them

during the two periods of lockdown and restrictions due to the covid pandemic. The first lockdown was very strict, and

people were still unfamiliar with Zoom and remote meetings. There were exchanges, but it was not the same as face-to

-face exchanges.

* The desirable scenario designed in collaboration with stakeholders involves widespread societal change, wherein

stakeholders across the territory work in synergy to achieve a sea-land continuum. By using a mosaic for the space and

its associated activities, as well as applying governance strategies at finer temporal and spatial scales, it is possible to

make the territory more resilient in the face of economic and climate change. It also includes large-scale investment,

along with support for local development. Other key aspect of the “desirable” scenario is the way in which shellfish

farming and agriculture develop: locally focused, sustainable, creating jobs and providing quality product.

Author: Françoise Vernier (INRAE)


COASTAL is continuously uploading its Key Exploitable Results (KERs) on the Horizon Results Platform.

Stockholm University, the lead partner for the Swedish

MAL3 study area and the co-lead partner for WP2 on

knowledge transition, has published a COASTAL-relevant

result on the Horizon Results Platform on April 2021,

highlighting the need for paradigm shifts in policy and

strategy for coastal eutrophication mitigation in the Baltic

Sea coasts. Despite various policy frameworks developed

and applied to improve coastal water quality and mitigate

eutrophication, opposite change trends are still seen in the

Baltic coastal waters. Recent data-driven investigation of

Baltic coastal conditions has found and highlighted the coastal waters and their quality as melting pots of impacts from

both the local land-catchment of each coast and the water quality conditions over the open sea. These findings

challenge simplified unidirectional source-to-sea paradigms for coastal water quality and eutrophication policy and

management strategies. They point at a required shift in coastal policy and strategy, to account for the mixed local-

catchment and whole-sea influences on coastal conditions and the possibilities to improve coastal water quality and

combat eutrophication. Read more

Relevant open-access scientific publication: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.146367

The Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) has also recently published their result on the platform on Connecting

Research Infrastructures with stakeholder networks for integrated management of coastal and rural areas. Read more

Relevant open-access scientific publication: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/ab4b22

For further COASTAL KERs click on the titles below:

Regional planning and urban development challenge the achievement of the net-zero emissions goal in Europe

Urban planning and policy improvement requirements to achieve the carbon-neutrality goal by 2045 in Sweden

Projecting the infrastructure impacts of decommissioning offshore wind parks in the Belgian North Sea

Climate Change at the Land-Sea Interface


The Belgian coastal region is trying to foresee how to

tackle the multifunctional use of space and the

accompanying competition. The COASTAL project's

importance is to set up evidence-based business

roadmaps and policy solutions, focusing on economic

growth, marine spatial planning, and environmental

protection, including inland water quality. An important

indicator for the current and future activities will be their

contribution to the regional economic development and

employment. The Blue growth could create

opportunities for new jobs and strategic specialisation

of port activities. Thanks to the Voka Welt project and

subvention from the Flemish Government, Blue

Economy organisations highlighted their activities and

jobs at Bluebridge, Ostend.

Read more



We are happy to announce that

COASTAL has produced a total

number of 75 practice abstracts

so far. You can read the first 53 on

the EIP Agri website, or all 75 on

our COASTAL website under


Practice abstracts are short summaries for practitioners,

describing a main result/outcome of an activity or a

practical recommendation to the end user.

Read more


Stockholm University (SU) attended the international

conference of EGU General Assembly 2021 with several

scientific presentations in different sessions.

You can read the news item HERE.

More information and the display materials are available

at: https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-5210


COASTAL was presented by Stockholm University, the

lead partner for MAL3 and the co-lead partner for WP2,

in an online seminar organized by the EU network

FARNET (Fisheries AReas NETwork) to address “Better

local strategies around the Baltic Sea and in inland FLAG


More information about the seminar with its agenda and

the presentation are available at: https://




You can read the news item HERE.


The COASTAL project team hosted a virtual stall in the Marketplace (COASTAL Virtual Stall | The European Network for Rural Development (ENRD) (europa.eu)) of the EU Rural Vision Week.

It showcased the generic coastal-rural visions developed

within WP5, a task led by ICRE8, in collaboration with

local MALs leaders from the 6 cases study areas (Belgium,

Sweden, Romania, Greece, Spain, France).

Read more



COASTAL contributed to a coming newsletter of

the Participatory Modeling Community of Practice.

This exciting forum shares our interest in combining

stakeholder engagement with modelling tools.

You can download the COASTAL article HERE.

Feel free to register here as a member of the PM CoP.

Did you know you can read all the COASTAL project publications on our website?

If you click on Resources on COASTAL’s website, you can view all the different materials the project produced, such as

publications, practice abstracts, deliverables, flipbooks, videos etc.

List of publications and downloadable materials:

Economic Instruments to Combat Eutrophication: A Survey By Jean-Philippe Terreaux and Jean-Marie Lescot

Dominant Hydro-Climatic Drivers of Water Temperature, Salinity, and Flow Variability for the Large-Scale System of the Baltic Coastal


Scenarios of Nutrient-Related Solute Loading and Transport Fate from Different Land Catchments and Coasts into the Baltic Sea, Water

(MDPI), 11(7), 1407.

Anthropogenic Changes in a Mediterranean Coastal Wetland during the Last Century—The Case of Gialova Lagoon, Messinia, Greece, Water

(MDPI), 11(2), 350.

Land-Sea Interactions in the Coastal.Marine System of the Baltic Sea Under Hydro-Climatic Variability

Understanding interactions between urban development policies and GHG emissions: A case study in Stockholm Region

Land-Sea Interactions in the Coastal Marine System of the Baltic Sea Under Hydro-Climatic Variability

Can Nonlinear Water Pricing Help to Mitigate Drought Effects in Temperate Countries?

Understanding coastal wetland conditions and futures by closing their hydrologic balance: the case of the Gialova lagoon, Greece.

Simulation of nutrient management and hydroclimatic effects on coastal water quality and ecological status - The Baltic Himmerfjärden Bay


Coastal water quality interactions, changes and solution pathways

Coastal-marine solute spreading from different Baltic coastlines

Dominant Hydro Climatic effects on eutrophication management efficiency in a Swedish coastal bay

Stakeholder perspectives on sustainable coastal development: A Baltic coast case study

Connecting research infrastructures, scientific and sectorial networks to support integrated management of Mediterraneam coastal and

rural areas

Scenarios of Nutrient-Related Solute Loading and Transport Fate from Different Land Catchments and Coasts into the Baltic Sea

Understanding the coupled land-sea system dynamics in coastal regions through a participatory approach: A Baltic case study

Use of co-created causal loop diagrams and fuzzy-cognitive scenario analysis for water quality management

Trend correlations for coastal eutrophication and its main local and whole-sea drivers – Application to the Baltic Sea

Tourism Impact Activity Over the Labour Market in the Romania Danube Region County’s

Sustainability, competitivity and future respectives for rural development towards bioeconomy-Tulcea county case study

Drivers for Rural Development of Danube’s Delta Region

The dynamics of social mutations in rural areas of Tulcea County, Romania

Rural Development in the region of the Danube Delta - Strategies at European level and implementation at the National Level

Determining Factors of the living level in rural communities in the southeast region

A more complete accounting of greenhouse gas emissions and sequestration in urban landscapes

Mapping stakeholders’ perception of the main vulnerabilities, limitations and opportunities generated by land-sea interactions in the

Danube Delta - Black Sea coastal zone

COASTAL - Collaborative Land-Sea Integration Platform at the Black Sea

Pilot System Dynamic Model for Coastal Rural Interactions - Danube's Mouths - Black Sea Case Study

3rd International Baltic Earth Conference proceedings

Understanding the coupled land-sea system dynamics in coastal regions through a participatory approach: A Baltic case study

Multiple drivers of change in coastal water quality and ecosystem status: From participatory mental mapping to systems modelling

Land-Sea Interactions in the Coastal Marine System of the Baltic Sea Under Hydro-Climatic Variability

Understanding interactions between urban development policies and GHG emissions: A case study in Stockholm Region


COASTAL cooperation with fellow project ROBUST

COASTAL and ROBUST had an online meeting in

November 2020 to discuss the methodological challenges

of coastal-rural and rural-urban transition, and the

complementarity of the tools and approaches used in the

two projects in more detail.

COASTAL is looking forward to participate at the final

conference of ROBUST on 21-22 September.

ROBUST Fellow project highlights

Many exciting new

publications have been

released on the Rural-

Urban EU website,

including a closer look into how we can transition

towards a well-being economy, and approaches for

spatial planning with the aim of balancing territorial

relations. Meanwhile, updates from ROBUST Living Labs

include case studies on cycling paths in Ljubljana, local

newspapers in Mid Wales, and many more. In addition,

brand-new Live Cases are available on the website!

Finally, ROBUST will host its (virtual) Final Conference this

September 21 and 22 -- stay tuned for details on


Read more on these updates and publications here:

Transitioning towards a Sustainable Wellbeing Economy

Towards More Balanced Territorial Relations—The Role (and Limitations) of Spatial Planning as a Governance Approach

Coming up in September: ROBUST Virtual Final Conference

For more information visit the ROBUST project website


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and

Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No 773782.


Your active engagement is important to ensure that the innovative tools, approaches and policy recommendations we develop

reflect the views of those who are directly concerned with improving the coastal-rural synergy to foster rural and coastal

development while preserving the environment.


• Participate in national workshops;

• Take part in the Multi Actor Labs;


Copyright © 2019 COASTAL H2020 Project, all rights reserved



Key problems addressed in system dynamics (SD) modelling for MAL3 were identified. These were the

followings: Urban expansion, population and tourism growth and associated water supply and wastewater handling

issues, water availability/water-logging for green sectors and terrestrial ecosystems, sectoral land competition, active

and significant contribution of past nutrient legacy sources to inland, coastal and marine waters, lack of water flow and

nutrient monitoring, and policy implementation.

Potential solution pathways that may be driven by policy and/or market forces will be explored through model

simulation and testing for various types of local/regional development/change scenarios. Read more


COASTAL will participate in the 9th Annual International Conference on

Sustainable Development: Research for Impact: An Inclusive and Sustainable

Planet (20-21 September 2021-virtual - #ICSD2021). Project results will be

presented as part of the Systems Approaches for Sustainability session.

If you need look for additional branding material for ICSD conference: https://trello.com/b/DGqPlFdj/icsd-2021


COASTAL will also presenting results at the ECSA 58 – EMECS 13 Estuaries and coastal seas in the Anthropocene

Conference held online on the 6-9 September 2021.


Don't miss out on the Blue Science and Technology Summer Training, organized by Marine@UGent and the Doctoral

Schools of Ghent University between 30 August - 10 September 2021!

Then don't hesitate to register for the event by clicking HERE.

For further information, visit our partner, Blue Bridge's website by clicking HERE.