Projectile Motion YouTube - Baxter NOOOOOOOOOO

Projectile Motion

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Projectile Motion. YouTube - Baxter NOOOOOOOOOO. Amazing facts!. If a gun is fired horizontally, and at the same time a bullet is dropped from the same height. They both hit the ground at the same time. Amazing facts!. Amazing facts!. Amazing facts!. Amazing facts!. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 2: Projectile Motion

Amazing facts!

If a gun is fired horizontally, and at the same time a bullet is dropped from the same height. They both hit the ground at the same time.

Page 3: Projectile Motion

Amazing facts!

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Amazing facts!

Page 5: Projectile Motion

Amazing facts!

Page 6: Projectile Motion

Amazing facts!

Mr Porter can demonstrate this for you.

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Amazing facts!


Page 8: Projectile Motion

Vertical and horizontal

Their vertical motion can be considered separate from their horizontal motion.

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Vertical and horizontal

Vertically, they both have zero initial velocity and accelerate downwards at 9.8 m.s-2. The time to fall the same vertical distance is therefore the same.

Page 10: Projectile Motion

Watch that dog!

Imagine a dog being kicked horizontally off the top of a cliff (with an initial velocity vh).


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Assuming that there is negligible air resistance, he falls in the path of a parabola.

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Why a parabola?

We can consider his motion to be the sum of his horizontal motion and vertical motion.

We can treat these separately


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Horizontal motion

Assuming no air resistance, there are no horizontal forces.

This means horizontally

the dog moves with

constant speed vh


Horizontal distance travelled (x) = vht

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Vertical motion

Assuming no air resistance, there is constant force downwards (=mg).

This means vertically the

dog moves with constant

acceleration g = 9.8 m.s-2

Vertical distance travelled (y) = uvt + ½gt2

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Parabolic motion

Since y = ½gt2 (if u = 0) and x = vht,

y = ½gx2/vh2 which you may (!) recognise as

the formula of a parabola.

Another piece of ultra cool physics!

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A dog is kicked off the top of a cliff with an initial horizontal velocity of 5 m.s-1. If the cliff is 30 m high, how far from the cliff bottom will the dog hit the ground?

5 m.s-1

30 m

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Looking at vertical motion first:

u = 0, a = 9.8 m.s-2, s = 30 m, t = ?

s = ut + ½at2

30 = ½ x 9.8 x t2

t2 = 6.1

t = 2.47 s

The dog hits the ground after 2.47 seconds (yes!)

5 m.s-1

30 m

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Now look at horizontal motion:

Constant speed (horizontally) = 5 m.s-1

Time of fall = 2.47 seconds

Horizontal distance travelled = speed x time

Horizontal distance travelled = 5 x 2.47

= 12.4

m The dog hits the ground 12.4 metres from the base of the cliff

5 m.s-1

30 m

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12.4 metres

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What is the dog’s speed as he hits the ground?

To answer this it is easier to think in terms of the dog’s total energy (kinetic and potential)

5 m.s-1

30 m

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What is the dog’s speed as he hits the ground?

Total energy at top = ½mv2 + mgh

Total energy = ½m(5)2 + mx9.8x30

Total energy = 12.5m + 294m = 306.5m

5 m.s-1

30 m

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What is the dog’s speed as he hits the ground?

At the bottom, all the potential energy has been converted to kinetic energy. All the dog’s energy is now kinetic.

V = ?

energy = ½mv2

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What is the dog’s speed as he hits the ground?

energy at top = energy at bottom306.5m = ½mv2

306.5 = ½v2

613 = v2

V = 24.8 m.s-1

(Note that this is the dog’s

speed as it hits the ground,

not its velocity.

v = 24.8 m.s-1

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Let’s try some questions.

Page 139 Questions 1, 2, 3 and 4.

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Starting with non-horizontal motion

Woof! (help)

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Starting with non-horizontal motion


25 m.s-1

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Starting with non-horizontal motion

1. Split the initial velocity into vertical and horizontal components

vh = 25cos30°

vv = 25sin30°


25 m.s-1

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Starting with non-horizontal motion

2. Looking at the vertical motion, when the dog hits the floor, displacement = 0

Initial vertical velocity = vv = 25sin30°

Acceleration = - 9.8 m.s-2


25 m.s-1

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Starting with non-horizontal motion

3. Using s = ut + ½at2

0 = 25sin30°t + ½(-9.8)t2

0 = 12.5t - 4.75t2

0 = 12.5 – 4.75t

4.75t = 12.5

t = 12.5/4.75 = 2.63 s


25 m.s-1

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Starting with non-horizontal motion

4. Looking at horizontal motion

Ball in flight for t = 2.63 s travelling with constant horizontal speed of

vh = 25cos30° = 21.7 m.s-1.

Distance travelled = vht = 21.7x2.63 = 57.1m

30° 57.1m

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Starting with non-horizontal motion

5. Finding maximum height? Vertically;

v = 0, u = 25sin30°, t = 2.63/2

s = (u + v)t = 12.5x1.315 = 8.2m

2 2


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Starting with non-horizontal motion

6. Don’t forget some problems can also be answered using energy.


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Starting with non-horizontal motion

6. Don’t forget some problems can also be answered using energy.

As dog is fired total energy = ½m(25)2


25 m.s-1

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Starting with non-horizontal motion

6. At the highest point,

total energy = KE + GPE =½m(25cos30°)2 + mgh

As dog is fired total energy = ½m(25)2


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Starting with non-horizontal motion

6. So ½m(25cos30°)2 + mgh = ½m(25)2

½(21.65)2 + 9.8h = ½(25)2

234.4 + 9.8h = 312.5

9.8h = 78.1

h = 8.0 m


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Let’s try some harder questions.

Page 140 Questions 10, 11,

12, 19.

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